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Wonder Wom an 5 minutes ago

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I was asked recently, “What can a weak girl do?” My response is GET STRONG! Join WAAC’s or WAVES and fight for your country, ladies!

500 likes Diana View photos of me (34) Prince

Wonder Woman has fought for our rights for years. We are so thankful for all that she has done. She has fought for women’s working right in the Bullfinch department store. She has fought for women’s rights in the domestic realm. She never lets a man define Feminists her or wield power over her. We are so grateful for her hard work Unite and will be awarding her with the “Feminist Icon of the Year” award. 1,346 likes

I love this rendition of my propaganda. is the real woman ripping the bonds placed on us by society. She Information Lou inspires young women more than a simple Relationship Status: Single Rogers drawing ever could.

Current City: Washington DC 54 likes

Birthday: December 1941 Your place is at home cooking! All you are good for is being a wife for Friends the ! 135 likes Anti- View all comments… Feminists I must disagree! Women have every right to work outside the of USA home. The young people need to see the importance of strong women. With women, society is better off. Diana Margaret Steve Prince Sanger Trevor Check out my new book, “Women Will Rule in 1,000 Years Hence!” I

think you would really enjoy it. Women are superior to men because women have a stronger ability to love. Also, watch my press conference. www.press/WomenWillRule.com

William Thanks! I will check it out. I must agree that love makes women more Marston Athena Etta Candy Superman compassionate and better at keeping peace and saving democracy.