[email protected] INTRODUCTION Louse-borne Typhus Fever is undoubtedly one of the oldest pestilential diseases of mankind. Called by many names and confused with other fevers, it is not until the late fifteenth century that it can be recognized with certainty as causing devastating epidemics. With Plague, Typhoid, and Dysentery, it was the scourge of armies and civilian populations throughout the Middle Ages and frequently played a decisive role in wars conducted in Europe from the 15th through the 20th centuries. The manner in which the course of European history has been affected by Typhus epidemics has been graphically portrayed by a number of authors. This paper will attempt a further analysis of the historical impact of Louse-borne Typhus and how its epidemic propagation has led many to regard Pediculus humanus corporis as having a more profound effect on human history than any other animal. EPIDEMIC TYPHUS FEVER (TABARILLO, CLASSIC OR EUROPEAN TYPHUS, JAIL FEVER, WAR FEVER) Causative Agent. Typhus fever is an acute specific infection caused by Rickettsia prowazeki as isolated and identified by DaRocha-Lima in 1916. Named in honor of H. T. Ricketts and L. von Prowazek, both of whom contracted typhus in the course of their investigations and died, R. prowazeki was originally believed to be a virus because of its minute size and difficulty of cultivation. R. prowazeki is now recognized as being morphologically and biochemically a type of bacterium. A rod-shaped microorganism, R. prowazeki is an obligate intracellular parasite whose cell wall contains muramic acid, diaminopimelic acid, and other components similar to those of the gram-negative bacteria.