. ,- .... Enolfsb J>lalect Socfetp. 'SerIes C.-ORIGINAL GLOS-SARiES. No. 62. r r i ~ ~ - i '. I l' ~ ~ I ( • " ...... .> :"-;.. - 'SHEFFIELD .·GttJS5ARY :i I , . '- BY ..., \ SIDNEY OLDALLr;ADDY·.. , M.A. " Son~n: PUBLISHED FOR iTHE ENGUSH DIALECT SOCIBTY. BY KEGAN PAl'L, TRENCH. Ta\i9NER a' co. ' • - ISgI Prill 'iw S"", ." • . ~ .. (gommittee: Priuce LoUIS LUCIBN BoNAPARTE. Dr. J. A. H. MURRAY, Oxford. JAMBS BRlnBN, P.L.S. J. H. NODAL, Heaton Moor. Rev. J. W. CARTMELL, M.A., Cambridge W ILLIAM PAYNE, London. Col. H. FISRWICK. F.S.A., Rochdale. Rev. Prof. SKEAT, M.A., Cambridge. JOSEPH HALL, M.A., M~chester. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Manchester. THOMAS HALLAM, Mp.nchester. T. NORTHCOTE TOLLER, M.A. ROBBRT HOLLAND, Frodsham. Professor A. S. WILKINS, M.A. GBORGE MILNER, AltriDcham. BANKERS: MANCHESTER & COU~TY BANK, King Street, Manchester. • 0"" .. .. t· .- . The Subscription is One Pound per annum, which shoulJ be paid to the Treasurer, GEORGE MILNER, Esq., The MaDor House, Altrincham, Cheshire. either by cheque or post-office order (made payable at the Manchester Post Office); or to the _account of. t~ Socie~y~s ~aDkers, the MANCHESTER AND COUNTY BANK, King Street, Manchester. The subscriptions are due, in.- advance, on the first of January. ,~. All other communications should be addressed to > • J.. H. NODAL,- 1I0~OlU~Y ~Be~ARY~ - The Gvange. Heallm Mf1fW. flf(W S~~. , g • . II. •• .. ," A" ., .. \i,;. :1 ..' ~:''''''' SHEFFIELD GLOSSARY SUPPLEMENT. • A SUPPLEMENT TO THE SHEFFIELD GLOSSARY BY SIDNEY OLD~\LI.J l\DI)Y, ~I.I\. 1on~on: PVBLISHED Fan TilE E:\GLISII DIALECT SOCIETY BY I'EGAS 1'.\t'l.
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