State Holds Commonwealtfi Rate Hike to $15 Per Customer
'• .••••.£-.•. • Read the Herald Read fhe Herald For Local Ntws Serving Summit A*r 68 Fir Loca I News Servimp Summit fm $$ I mm 68rh Y««r—No. 51 J.. THURSDAY. MAY II, 1*87 mmwmwww mm vwa^maw *mmmm wmmm^wm 'mm *mm trvw* wow $6 A M uaak, X. i. VwUr tte act •» Hwck a, UT» U CENTS Youths and Adults Overtook Fund Join Hi Boosting Drive Passes State Holds Commonwealtfi Camp Fund to $480 $700,000 Mart Rate Hike to $15 per Customer Another $175 was added to The Herald- Family Service Camp A total In contributions of $741,- Coounonweiltfi Water Co. last week wa* granted per- Fund last week, bringing the to- •41 for Overlook Hospital Building by the Public Utilities Commission to increase iu tad to date to $480, Among the Fund has been reported up to last to bring in additional revenue of $654,500 per year. contributions was one for $50 from Tuesday, it was announced last Bight by Hugo B, Meyer, general new»t«i would mean an average boost of about $15 the Rotary dub, an annual gift, a, year for each of th«Tcompany's customers. ••*• and one for $25 from Cub Pack chairman. The amount has come *' 164 of Lincoln School. from 32 per cent of an estimated Commonwealth ierv«f iU «f 18,000 prospects in the institution's Summit, Nevr Providence aad The Lincoln School "Cub Pack service area. Kenneth Baldwin Berkeley Heights as weU a* Mitt- was able to contribute again this Included in the total are contri- burn, Short HiHi, diatoam tmn- season tor the fourth consecutive ship and other neighboring com- time because of its recent suc- butions from Overlook's Board of Trustees, with $180,000 from 40 of Beefed Hew munities, It has a total of 43,000 cessful sale of pansies, the Pack's rtisomers in 12 mvrucipalities in sole source of income for the en- its 42 members.
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