Providing Culturally and Clinically Competent Care for 2SLGBTQ Seniors: Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Devan Nambiar, MSc. Acting Program Manger & Education & Training Facilitator E:
[email protected] October 22, 2019 2 LT outcomes Group Norms • Give yourself permission to make • Create practical steps to inclusive and safe spaces for SOGI mistakes & have a process to -Deconstruct your address mistakes • Understand 2SLGBTQ+ health disparities ideology, values, • Use “I” statements beliefs systems • Use correct pronouns (he, she, • Competencies in clinical, cultural safety, from religions, cultural humility attitude, morality and they….) implicit biases • Agree to disagree • Become an ally • Create safe space for all to learn -Being comfortable with not knowing • Respect confidentiality and questioning your • Share wisdom & Share airtime discomfort with SOGI 3 SOGI-sexual orientation and gender identity 4 Trans Mentorship Call biweekly -1st & 3rd week on Wednesday 12 noon -1 pm Must register 5 online 6 1 Does Discussions Myths on 2SLGBTQ heterosexuality end at senior • At school, either college and/ or university have you learnt about LGBT2SQ age? clients or in population health? • When did you decide you are heterosexual? How do you know you are 100% heterosexual? • You stop being 2SLGBTQ if you are older, a senior, • Are you familiar with gender neutral pronouns? retired, have an illness • Are there staff who are out at work as LGBT2SQ? • Do you know LGBT2SQ people outside work? • • Have you done an assessment for HRT?