
Appendix A, Games Cited

Advance : Dual Strike. 2005. DS. Nintendo/ . (series) 1988. , NES, 360. . Breakout. 1976. 2600, 5200. Atari. : The Shadow of the Templars – Director’s Cut. 2009. Nintendo DS. . (series) 1986. NES, Super NES, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo DS, , Playstation,. . ChronoTrigger. 1995. SNES, Playstation, Nintedno DS. Square. Color TV Game. 1977. Nintendo. Computer Space. 1971. Arcade. Nutting Associates. Dance, . 1998. Arcade. Konami, Entertainment Tokyo. Disagree (series) 2003. Playstation 2, PSP, Nintendo DS. , System Prisma. DS: Fighter’s Battle. 2007. Nintendo DS. . . 2006. Nintendo DS. Inis, Nintendo. EverQuest. 1999. Windows, Mac. Online Entertainment. (series) 1987. , MSX, Nintendo DS, NES, Nintendo GameCube, Windows, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Super NES, , Wonderswan Color, . Square . Galactrix. 2009. Nintendo DS, Xbox 360, PS3. Infinite Interactive, . doi: 10.1057/9781137396594   Appendix

Gun Fight. 1975. Arcade. , Midway. (series) 2001. (Xbox) , Micosoft Game Studios. Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure. 2009. Nintendo DS. EA Tiburon, EA Games. Knights in the Nightmare. 2008. Nintendo DS. Sting, Sting Entertainment. Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass. 2007. Nintendo DS. Nintendo EAD. (series) 1987. NES, PC, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, PSP, Xbox, Xbox360. Konami. . 1980. Arcade. Atari. (series) 1992. Arcade, Super NES, Mega Drive/Genesis, Mega CD, Amiga, , Game Boy, Sega , , Nether Realms. (series) 1994.. Arcade, PlayStation, Wonder Swan, PlayStation 2, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Network, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. , Namco . :Dragon Sword. 2008. Nintendo DS. , . Pokémon (series) 1996. Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS. , Nintendo. . 1972. Arcade. Atari. Professor Layton. 2007. Nintendo DS. Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo. Puzzle Kingdoms. 2009. Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Windows. Infinite Interactive, Zoo Games. Retro Game Challenge. 2007. Nintendo DS. indieszero, . . 2008. Nintendo DS. Nintendo. (series). 2007. Music Systems, MTV Games. . 2009. Nintendo DS. , Warner Bros, Interactive. SSX 3. 2003. PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, . EA , EA Canada BIG. Super . 2005. Nintendo DS. Nintendo. : Spirit Tracks. 2009. Nintendo DS. Nintendo EAD The World Ends With You. 2007. Nintendo DS. . World Of Warcraft Mac. 2004. Windows. .

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doi: 10.1057/9781137396594 Index

addiction, 39, 46, 47, 116 Chan, Dean, 3, 18 Adorno, Theodor, 116 ChronoTrigger, 37 , 48 class consciousness, 107 Apperley, Thomas, 47 cocooning, footprints, and arcade camping, 87 video, 65, 66 Colomina, Beatriz, 92 arcade video, 93, 109 Color TV Game, 20 architecture as media, 97 consumption, 9, 25, 27, 31, 44 archive, 9, 109 context, 11, 25, 34, 42, 68, 93, , 22 103, 111, 115 attention, 72, 101, 102, 109 contingency, 4, 18, 25, 30, 45, 97 distraction as, 102 contingent Augé, Marc, 97 play as, 114 crack. See addiction Benjamin, Walter, 12, 86, 95, Crary 100, 111, 117 Jonathon, 101 Bionic Commando, 99 Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 102 bodies, 16 Cunningham, Helen, 67 body, 71, 87, 90 and excretion, 65 Darnton, Robert, 96 heat, 16 Dawn of Sorrow. See and mimesis, 54 Castelvania posture, 72, 90 de Certeau, Michel, sounds, 56 69, 92 body , 96 discourse, 19, 26 Bogost, Ian, 65, 110 , 29 boredom, 111, 112 domestic, 65, 67 Bowsers Inside Story, 85 need to disaggregate, Boyer, Steven, 17 67, 71 Buse, Peter, 47 vs home as term, 67 DS Caillois, Roger, 42, 43, 111 as ludic geiger counter, 115 care, 2, 105, 106 limitations of, 114 Castlevania, 40, 99 duration, 86 casual play, 4 Dynasty Warriors DS, 25 doi: 10.1057/9781137396594   Index engagement, 87, 90, 96, 101, 103, as sedentary, 70 109, 113 Harvey, Ross, 97 Ergodic, 65 Henry Hatsworth, 34, 86 everyday life, 42, 92, 105, 110 Herman, Leonard, 22 colonization of, 116 Herz, JC, 21 study of, 11 Hjorth, Larrisa, 90 excess, 109 Holkins, Jerry, 7 home console, 20, 29, 65, 112 Famicom, 20 Hosokawa, Shuei, 89 fans, 2 Huizinga, Johan, 42, 43 the problem of, 110 Fighters place City Battle, 25 imagined community, 28 Final Fantasy, 26 individualization, 6 flow, 92 innervation, 112 forum, 25 interface, 16, 20, 23, 96 limits of, 94 Ito, Mizuko; Okabe, Daisuke; forums, 7–9 Anderson, Ken, 87

Galactrix, 43 Jenkins, Henry, 115 Gambling, 19, 122 Jenkins, Henry; Fuller, Mary, 100 Game Boy, 4, 16, 20, 21, 65 Jørgensen, Kristine, 52 Gamefly, 31 Jull, Jesper, 3 Game Gear (Sega), 22 gamespace, 3, 90, 98, 116 Kent, Steven, 22 game studies, 11, 15 killing time, 6, 21, 25, 38, 47, 112, 113 failure to account for who plays queuing and, 104 games, 69 why we need to, 116 problem of the mundane, 110 Knights in the Nightmare, 43 Game & Watch, 4, 20 Kracauer, Siegfried, 102 gamification, 116 Krahulik, Mike, 7 Garcia, Angela, 10 gender, 68 la perruque, 69 genre, 30 Lefebvre, Henri, 47, 98 Goffman, Erving, 12, 116 Legend of Zelda, 17 Golumbia, David, 42 Locks Quest, 44 good enough, 2, 25, 39, 42, 46 ludic attitude, 95 as compromise with flawed ludic unconscious, 117 world, 118 in contrast to boosterism, 110 Madigan, Ruth, 67 : placeChinatown Malaby, Thomas, 19 Wars, 27 maps, 98, 100 Guins, Raiford, 60, 67, 68 McCarthy, Anna, 68 media Hanafuda, 20 new, 110 hardcore, 2, 5 media practices, 110 as male, 77 media studies and popular culture, 110

doi: 10.1057/9781137396594 Index 

Metal Gear, 99 public and private, 70, 113 method, 5, 7, 9, 11, 27, 68, 109 Puzzle Kingdoms, 43 ethnography, 109 System, 22 Racing the Beam, 65 Miyamoto, Shigeru, 20 renting games, 32 mobile, 11, 30, 95, 112 replay, 32, 36 music, 89 rhythm analysis, 47 and PDAs wane, 56 Rhythm Heaven, 87, 95 phone, 4, 17 Rockband, 66 mobile play, 4, 25 role playing game. See RPG mobile studies Roseler, Martha, 92, 94 problem of the mundane, 110 RPG, 85 Monfort, Nick, 65 Munro, Moira, 67 Salen, Katie; Zimmerman, Eric, 102 nations, 8 Salzani, Carlo, 95 Newman, James, 65 save, 93, 105 Nidzumi, 21, 22 Savigliano, Marta, 10 Ninja Gaiden, 16, 36 Schivelbusch, Wolfgang, 86, Nintendo, 4, 15, 20 95, 101 Nintendo DS Schwartz, Barry, 104 technical specifications of, 15 Scribblenauts, 39 Nintendo Entertainment Seppänen, Lasse, 113 System, 20 Sheff, David, 21, 22 Nomad, 22 Simmel, Georg, 86, 89, 101 non-places, 94 Situationist International, the, 99 Sony PSP, 17, 29 optical unconscious, 117 speed, 65, 97, 99 speilraum, 112 PA. See Penny Arcade sub rosa play, 69 Parikka, Jussi, 95 Sudnow, David, 48, 106 pause, 106 Suoimen, Jakko, 95 Penny Arcade, 7, 11, 66 Super Brothers, 26, 99 perception, 89, 94 Super Princess Peach, 98 DS as tool for revolutionary, 117 Sutton-Smith, Brian, 114 haptic, 90 training of, 101 tactics, 92, 97, 107 pharmakon, 116 television, 70 phenomenology, 49, 102, 112, 115 ambient, 68 Pilgrim in the Microworld, 109 as dedicated monitor, 70 playspace, 100 , 22 play studies, 11 The World Ends with You, 28, 38 Pokémon, 33 threshold, 68 and visibility, 110 time, 34, 37, 90, 111 portability. See mobile empty, 112 Professor Layton, 86, 91 Time-sink. See killing time

doi: 10.1057/9781137396594  Index transit, 37, 47, 66, 85, 88, waiting, 111 93, 97 Wark, McKenzie, 116 versus home, 67 wiki, 27 TV. See television withered technology, 10, 21, 56 Wolf, J.P., 23, 106 urban life, 2, 92, 94, 97, 103, 112 World of Warcraft, 4, 6, 60, 120 used games, 32 Wright, Lawrence , 18 value, 29, 31 Yokoi, Gunpei, 4, 19, 20, 22, 82, 111

doi: 10.1057/9781137396594