Recent Literature
194s t•ece•t'Literature .. •.•.: [7ß7 againrecaptured until December 14, 1942. Uponthis latter datethe twobii'ds were trapped together as simultaneousreturns. And • interestingnew obser- vation was made, also: 4•99263 had retu•ed in typical female plumage.-- G. H•raoov P•ss, 99 W•renton Avenue, H•tiord, Connecticut. An Eight Year Old SongSparrow.--0n April 5, 1943I tooka returnSong Sparow at my Station bandedby me on April 27, 1936. Since this bird could not have been hatchedl•ter than the summerof 1935, it is now in its eighth year.--KxT•r C. H•v•, Coh•set, M•chusetts. RECENT LITERATURE . " Reviewsby DonaldS. Fa•ner' BANDING STUDIES 1. Experiment on Transporting Alpine Swifts, Micropus melbameZ_ha L., from Solothurn, Switzerland to Lisbon, Portugal. (Verfrachtungsversuch reit Alpenseglern,Micropus vwlba melba L., Solothurn-Lissabon.) A. Schifferli. 1942. D•r OrniihologischeBeobachier, 39: 145-150. Twenty-eight birds were trapped and markedtwo weeksbefore the egg-layingtime and transportedby airplane to Lisbon,Portugal wherethey were released. Twelve returned to the nestingsites where they were trapped. The first three returnedwithin three days; the otherswithin the next few days. At least twenty of the twenty-eight were more than one year old (bandingdata). The birds were markedwith red ink and by glueinga white chickenfeather on the head. Of particularimportance is the fact that nine of the twenty-eight birds were trapped on nests. Of these nine, sevenreturned after bein• transportedto Portugal. It is unfortunatethat ßthe war hasinterrupted this interestingresearch. 2. Banding Studies on the Alpine Swift, Micropus melbamelbv, L., Age and Returns to Nesting Sites. (Beringungsergebnisseder Alpensegler, Micropus melba •dba L., Alter und Nistplatztreue.) YI.
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