1 the AURIC TIME SCALE and the MAYAN FACTOR Or Demography
1 THE AURIC TIME SCALE AND THE MAYAN FACTOR or Demography, Seismicity And History Of Great Revelations In The Light Of The Solar-Planetary Synchronism Sergey Smelyakov, Yuri Karpenko 2 Sergey V. Smelyakov, Professor, Ph.D., ISAR’s International Vice-President from Ukraine, Member of the Golden Fund of Cyclic Science of Russia and NIS Yuri Karpenko, M.E., Member of the Astrological Research Society “Hamburg School”, Member of Astrovita THE AURIC TIME SCALE AND THE MAYAN FACTOR: Demography, Seismicity and History of Great Revelations in the Light of the Solar-planetary Synchronism. - Kharkov, 1999 Corrections, 2004. The world is one and indivisible. But what can present its unity in num- ber, or specify the community (or synchronism) between such fundamental fea- tures of this Universe as periods of planetary revolutions and 11-year Solar ac- tivity cycle, trends in demography and the Mayan Calendar, the epochs of com- ing of Great Teachers of humanity, not speaking about geological, economical and other cycles in Nature and society? As it turns out, the historical structure of all these phenomena is syn- chronized by the Golden section number = 1.618 033 9… (or by Fibonacci series, as its integer presentation) and the average period T0 = 11.07 (years) of 11-year Solar activity cycles. This synchronism is described with the use of rather simple object – the Auric series, viz. a geometrical progression F = {… -2, -1, 0=1, 1, 2, …} being infinite to both ends, the unit 0=1 of which corresponds to the Earthy k k ¡ year, or to T0. For this series, the terms ¡ , 2· correspond [6] to most known basic periods in Nature and society (from biology to geology, including eco- nomical cycles), and in this sense the series F defines the Scale of the basic phenomena periods.
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