January 1993 Vol. 3 No. 1 ISSN 1188-1100 Special Revenue Index Issue Happy New Year. May the New Year bring you that philatelic literature that you are looking for. We plan on bringing you more issues of Philiography this year, with more content, including some special Index to Revenue Articles ..... 1 issues. This special issue is'devoted to an index on BNA revenue articles which have appeared in serial publications.

------An Index to Articles about BNA and Canadian Revenue Stamps that Have Appeared in Serial Publications By Richard F. Riley

Note: The listing that follows is taken from a com- The third element is the authors name given as last puter data base authored by R. F. Riley of the American name, comma and initials. Revenue Association. This is only a small selected por- The fourth element consists of the abbreviated name tion of the over 7,200 entries that were published as "An of the serial publication, in italics, followed by the year Index to Revenue Articles which have appeared in Serial of publication, volume number, colon, page number(s) Publications" and was distributed as a supplement to The and short comments indicating such things as the length American Revenuer in June 1992. of the item or if it is illustrated. a checklist or ~riced. This listing was specialty prepared Eauhe British Abbreviations used under 'Serial" etc. North American Philatelic Society. Anyone interested in art.- article the entire publication can obtain one from the ARA for biblio. -bibliopphy $10.00 US postpaid through the editor, Kenneth Trettin, ill. - illustration Rockford, Iowa 50468-0056. The ARA publishes The P or PP -page(s) American Revenuer ten times per year and is included s. - short with membership. Free information about the ARA can - very this also be obtained from address. #-## - inclusive pagination This computerized data base is a continuing and -khsive but not all in growing project. A new edition is expected in 3 to 7 years. All interested persons are encouraged to participate so that articles about all revenue stamps British America: 101 embossed Paper. worldwide, in any publication, in any language, can be shilling embossed revenue stamp found after 192 indexed. If you would like to participate, contact the Sheldon, Theodore, Stamps 1957 101:98, ill. s. editor of the ARA at the address given above. art This listing @ lk2 The American British America: 1755 stamp act laa Lstory. Revenue Association. act of 1755. Powers, Leland, Embossed Revenue Description of the Listings Stamped Paper News 1942 448-53, art. The first element of each listing appears in bold face type. It consists of the abbreviated name of the issuing British America: general. Embossed revew authority or region followed by a colon. Following the Johnson, Ray, The American Revenuer 1976 30:36-7, colon are several kev words which describe the contents ill. of the article. British America: 1757 embossed stamped paper. The The second element is the title of the article as first American StamD, Vanderhoof, ER, Wee& printed with the article. , Philatelic Gossip 21,442,1935, s. ill. art.

Philiography Canada is the journal of the BNAPS Literature Study Group. Dues are $12.00, payable to the ed- itor. Subscribers must belong to BNAPS. Published 4 times per year by the editor, Paul M. Burega, 16 Aldgate Crescent, Nepean, Ontario, Canada K2J 2G4. January, 1993 Volume 3, Page 1 British America: 1765 41 embossed stamped paper. Brown,LothrOP Lee* 1951 76:56- 192 vear old revenue foud Sheldon, 7*ill.s-art. Theodore, Scott's Monthly Journal 1957 38:57, ill. British America: embossed stamped paper.- note finding in embossed revenue stamp p- Kingsley, British America: 1765 accounts, history. The 1765 Thomas C., American Philatelist 1984 98:148-9, ill. herican stamD accounk Samuel, Marcus, The biblio. American Revenuer 1965 19:46-52, art. British America: embossed stamped paper. Early British America: 1765 almanac. The first American gmbossed revenues 1755-1765, Ward Jr., Philip H., A remarkable find. pearce, A. Preston, Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1959 92:9,34, notes Morley 's Phil. J. 1900 1:2-3, s. art. British America: embossed stamped paper. Notes ~n British America: 1765 embossed stamped paper. pur embossed revenues of 1755-1817. Ward Jr., Philip very first U.S. revenue. Konwiser, H~TM., Weekly H., Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1960 95:18, 162, Philatelic Gossip 1930 14:1477, vs note 1961 96146 British America: 1765 embossed stamped paper tea. stamped paper Ih2 A BvAnon., Phil. Gaz. (NY) Anon., Am. J. Phil. Ser. 1910 1: 1,9, s. ill. note 1 1876 10:83-8, art. British America: 1765 genera] issue tea. The tea tax, British America: embossed stamped Paper 1765- st am^. Anon., Philadelphia Stamp Club Bulletin 1915 stamp act (of 1765 1 Konwiser, Harry M., American 2:No. 2,6-7, note Philatelist 1931 44505- 10, ill. art. ~ri~i~h~~~~i~~: 1765 issue. ne ~~~,.i~~~stamp British America: embossed stamped paper 1765. duties. Pearce, A. Preston, The American Revenuer JYhat became of the British tax stam~s?,Phelps, 2. 1959 1367, note Bennett, American Philatelist 1939 53:48-9, 1940 54:801-3, ill. art. British America: 1765 playing card tea. The sm . . . British America: embossed stamped paper 1765 tea ,---. fiat started somethinu mhe:chl\pte history. B Irion, Frederich, Wee& historvLScheer, George F., New.South. Phil. 1932 PWlareli,"G,S~!9~71, 8:105-7, ill. art. British America: embossed stamped paper forgery. British America: 1765 restrikes. British restrikes over tax stamps were faked in EnrrlanB, fie British American revenue stamDs of 1765 issue. Konwiser, Harry M., Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1938 Anon., Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1941 25:661,663 3:49,51-2, ill. British America: embossed stamped paper general. British America: 51 newspaper embossed stamped E b v n D Brown, Lothrop paper TN. ~ritishtax stamp fid. illso Tennessee fua art.- federal, Phelps, Z. Bennett, Embossed Revenue G,zzz8: 1Ui-t79z Stamped Paper News 1940 247-8 British America: embossed stamped paper history. The most bous tax stamp in Aag&& Sloane, British America: almanac. Taxation withm George B., Stamps 1933 1:227, ill. note re~resenwBarger, Arthur, Stamps 1935 11:298, ill.(cover) British America: embossed stamped paper law. Various stamped. .paper rates of tax and the kind of British America: chronicle. {Chronicle of new document reauirin~each rate, Makepeace, Colin discoverial Makepeace, Colin MacR.9 Embossed MacR., ~mboised~evenue Stamped Paper News 1939 Revenue Stamped Paper News 1938 1:6,32, notes 1:67,2:7-8, contd British America: customs Boston Tea Party indian British America: embossed stamped paper law. Melvill. Who was Thomas Melvill?, COX,Frank L., Various stam~edwmr rmof tax and the kind of Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1943 5:22-3, document reauirine each rate, Makepeace, Colin note MacR., Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1939 British America: die alteration 1783. The conversion 1:38,45,51,58-9 Pf America dies for use in Great Britain. Schonfeld, British America: embossed stamped paper law. Josef, The American Revenuer 1984 38:90-1, ill. s. art. Various stamped paper rates of tax and the kind of British America: embossed revenue tea playing document reauirin~each rate, Makepeace, Colin cards. The stamp which caused the American MacR., Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1938 1:22,30, contd. I

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 2 British America: embossed stamped paper laws. Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1938 1:2, ill. s. note Various stamped .Wper rates of tax and the kind of nt reaurnng. each rate, Makepeace, Colin British America: MA Colonial 1755 embossed MacR., Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1941 stamped paper. Massachusetts colonial revenues, 3:64, ill. art. 1755-1757, Ward Jr., Philip H., Mekeel's Weekly British America: embossed stamped paper news- Stamp News 1957 8858, s. art. paper 1765. wr44 9, smBritish America: MA colonial history. Who was 9f 1765 not onlv revenue but also postacre.... Aholiab Diamond', Cox, Frank L., Embossed Revenue Makepeace, Colin MacR., Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1943 5:40-1 Stamped Paper News 1943 5:45-6, s. art. British America: MA history usage embossed British America: embossed stamped paper Northwest stamped paper. When did the use of the MA cola Territory usage. Use of embossed revenugsiuhg mue... cease to be compulsory?, Powers, Leland, Northwest Temtory, Dorr, CE, Embossed Revenue Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1939 1:534. Stamped Paper News 1941 4:15,19-22, ill. British America: MA NY embossed stamped paper. British America: embossed stamped paper territorial ped rev-er issued bv the provence of usage. Emhassed revenues in territories other than the -.New York., Powers Leland, Stamp Northwest. Dorr, CE, Embossed Revenue Stamped Spec. 1947 No. 18 (mahogany book) 73-9, art. Paper News 1942 4:30-2, art. British America: tea embossed stamp paper 1765. British America: embossed stamped paper, Stamp wwedthe trouble, Anon., Act 1765. The smpact (of 1765). Konwiser, Harry Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1926 11:859, ill. nos M., American Philatelist 1931 44505-10, ill. art. British America: tea embossed stamped paper. British America: general. Mtish tax stamps (for use in revenue stam~s.Harned, HI-I,SPA. J. 1950 12391 America). Anon.. Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1943 British America: tea embossed stamped paper 1765. 61:186, s. note' . . The stamD that started a "ruction", Anon., Weekly British America: general. Philatelic Gossip 1925 9:1300-l., s. ari. for the American colonie~.Schoch, A., Reven. Phil. British America: US stamp Act 1755, colonial issues. 1898 1:18, s. note WDAct of 17SAPowers, Leland, American British America: history. The Sons of Liberty or "A Philatelist Congr. Bk. 1941 7:69,71-5, art. on a tree Harlow, Thomas R., : chronicle. value revenue Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1941 3:41-3, In similar desims but different colors issued bv BVI, art. Anon., Stamp Collector (OR) 4/23/88, p. 25 vvs ill. British America: history embossed stamped paper. note What ever ha~~enedto the "British" tax stamps, Canada-Alberta: 2nd issue law error. Phelps, 2. Bennett, Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper s In second Issue of Alberta law News 1939 1:63,65-6 stam~s.McCall, FJ, Canadian Philatelist (Can. Publ. British America: history embossed stamped paper. Co.) 1928 1: 182, note What ever ha~enedto the "British" tax stamp& Canada-Alberta: certificate wildlife. Alberta wildlife Phelps, 2. Bennett, Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper News 1939 1:5, 1940 218 cemficates Folinsbee, Jack, BNA. Topics 1967 24245-6, list British America: issues of 1765. Earlv revenue staq& Harned, HH, The American Revenuer 1948 1:No. 12, Canada-Alberta: hunting license duck. Alberta 2, note ack stamp, Schreiber, Michael, Linn's Stamp News 10/30/89, p. 16, ill. note British America: MA 112p. Earlv use of stamps h Mect a tax, Ward Jr., Philip H., Mekeel's Weekly Canada-Alberta: law. Alberta law stam= Calder, JA, Stamp News 98,18,1962 Collectors Club Philatelist 1922 1:13845, ill. art. British America: MA 1775 embossed stamped paper. Canada-Alberta: law. Alberta law stamps, Calder, JA, The first colonial fiscal stamps. Turner, Sydney R., Canadian Stamp Collector 1922 3:No. 4, 1-2,4 Cinderella Phil. 1964 4:70, s. note Canada-Alberta: law. Alberta law sta- Surry , FR, British America: MA codfish die 1757. A new die of Stamp Her. (IN) 1927 12:385-7, art. rheMakepeace, Colin MacR.,

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 3 Canada-Alberta: law. The Alberta law stanlp Canada-BC: law 1888. The 10 cent BC stamp ot Wntroversv, Levine, Jack. BNA. Topics 1945 252-6 1888-1891- A s- Lussey, Harry, B.N.A. 2 plates Topics 1985 42,39-41, ill. art. + . . Canada-Alberta: law. -€ Canada-BC: law catalogue. lhralorrue of BLUS!I Surry, FR, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1927 12:494-5, s. Columbia law stamp~,Surry, FR, Stamp Her. (IN) art. 1927 12:277, mill., unpriced Canada-Alberta: law checklist. 4lktil law stamDs. Canada-BC: law centennial. wish Coluu Kay, AB, Hobbyist (Can.) 1911 4:No. 3,43 vs ill. note centennial law stamps, Nairne, Reg., BNA. Topics checklist 1958 15:205-6, note . . Canada-Alberta: law-1910, proofs. 1910 Alberta law Canada-BC: law chronicle. A new series of Bratash revenue proofs, Atwood, Dudley, Essay-Proof J. 1970 Columbia law stamps, Cowan, Ian McTaggart, BNA. 27:102, s. note Topics 1982 39:No. 3,30-1, ill. s. art. Canada-Alberta: prosperity certificate. Alberta Canada-BC: law documentary bisect. Bisects ~n pros~eritvcertificate. Richardson, Ed, Canadian and British Colombia law documentary. Bakker, Mark, BNA. Revenue Yearbook 1962 pp 10-11, ill. BNA. Topics41,No. 1,13-15,1984, ill. art. Canada-Alberta: sales tax Br. Columbia Que. Sask. Canada-BC: law error 1958. 1958 British Columbia list. woupnews. (Sales tax ticketsl French, law stamD with missing backpround color, R. DeL. and Roy Wrigley, BNA. Topics 1954 11:311- Richardson, Ed, Stamps 1959 109: 174, ill. note 12, checklist Canada-BC: law part perforate. Part imperforate Canada-Alberta: wildlife certif~cate.Qnadian revenue stamDs in British C- law sehCowan, Ian studv moup news, La France, Leo J., B.NA. Topics McTaggart, Canadian Philatelist 1979 30:89,91,93, art. 1967 24245-6, S. ... 95, ill. art. Canada-Alberta: wildrite, 1967. ,Alberta wildhfe 1s+?&s Canada-BC: law, Sask. electric taxpaids. Canadian for 1967-8 season, Folinsbee, Jack, B.N.A. Topics revenue smQTOUD news, La France, Leo J., BAA. Q 1969 26: 104-5, note Topics 1969 26:177, note Canada-BC: 1948 error perforation law. ~anada-BC:real estate checklist. British Columbia perforated varieties of current B.C. law stamps. real estate license stames, Rockett, Wilmer, BNA. Pearce, Joseph A., BNA. Topics 1948 5: 124-5 Topics 1964 21:210-11, ill. s. art., checklist Canada-BC: conservation duck. British Columbia Canada-Manit.: British Columbia law. A&u&&dm k and conservation stam& Richardson, Ed, Pop. StamDs. British Columbia law saCourtney, Stamps 1957 2O:No. 3,5-7, s. art. HEA, American Philatelist 1893 75, s. notes Canada-BC: duck conservation semi-official. British Canada-Manit.: law. Flanitoba law stam-& Levine, Columbia duck and conservationRichardson, Jack and I. Pitblado, BNA. Topics 1946 3:58 Ed, BNA. Topics 1958 15203-5, ill. art. Canada-Manit.: law. Manitoba law staq& Calder, JA, Canada-BC: hospital. British hos~italaid tax stamg~, Bulletin of the Fiscal Philatelic Society 1922 2:No. 5, Richardson, Ed, Pop. Stamps 1956 19:No. 9,14-15 46-52, art. Canada-BC: hunting 1947 booklet. Getter. Canadian Canada-Manit: law. Manitoba law stamps (final a 1947 British Columbia duck stamp booklet). Calder, JA, Canadian Stamp Collector 1922 2:No. 7, Brandom, Lee, Booklet 1957 4:No. 3,7, s. note 3-7, 17-18, art. Canada-BC: law. A backeromder on BC law stamps, Canada-Manit.: law. Revised information on Manitoba Emery, Chuck, Stamp Collect. (OR) May 10, 1980, p. laws (stam~sl,Jarrett, Fred., Jarrett's B.NA. Rec. 34-5, ill. s. art. 1931 Mar. p 1 Canada-BC: law. The law stam~sof British Columbia, Canada-Manit.: law. The law stam~sof Manitoh Calder, JA, Collectors Club Philatelist 1924 3: 102-5, Calder, JA, Canadian Philatelist Yearbook 1925, 13- ill. art. 14 Canada-BC: law 1958. S- Canada-Manit.: law counterfeit. Counterfeit Manitoba Columbia law stamps, Walburn, HG, The American Thompson, Charles Sidney, Weekly Philatelic Revenuer 1978 3292-3, s. note Gossip 1942 33:514, note

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 4 Canada-Manit.: law error. Man itoba law double prints* Canada-Newfound].: inland checklist. Checklist of the Richardson, Ed, BNA. Topics 1973 30: 117, 132, ill. bland revenue stamps of Newfoundland. Hiscock, note EH,Pop. Stamps 1945 8:No. 10,8-9, ill. Canada-Manit.: overprints. Canada- a studv in stop& Canada-Newfoundl.: money order. Monev order tax Vanderhoof, ER, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1949 Anon., Sentinel (AL) 1953 17:No. 11.4, vs 47:604, ill. note Canada-Manit.: search fee chronicle. Unlisted Canada-Newfoundl.: money order. T- Manitoba search fee find, Van Dam, ESJ, The @x stamps of Newfoundland. Richardson, Ed, Pop. American Revenuer 1987 41:52, ill. s. note Stamps 1956 19:No. 6-8.5-6, ill. art. Canada-Manit.: vacation. For the revenue fan- Canada-Newfound].: taxpaids, checklist. toba vacation stamps, Armstrong, Charles, Pop. Newfoundland taxpaid~Walker, Harold W., The Stamps 1957 20:No. 4,9 American Revenuer 1959 13:30-1, ill. s. checklist Canada-NB: law. New Brunswick law stamps, Canada-Newfoundl.: tobacco. BNA 'rovaltv heads' tax Donahoe, HR, Halifax Phil. 1888 2:42, vs note stamw.Piggott, EL, Hollow Tree 1954 14:No. 5, 12, Canada-Newfoundl.: caribou issue. The four Derf ill. note varieties of the Newfoundland caribou revenues, Canada-Northwest territ.: game hunting license 1978. Richardson, Ed, BNA. Topics 1973 30:59, 74, ill. Northwest territory game license stam~s-1979-80, note list Rubec, Clay, B.N.A. Topics 1981 38:No. 3,30, s. note Canada-Newfoundl.: catalogue essay proof. The E-P Canada-NS: bill. Nova Scotia bill stam% Lehr, James, Society & and proofs. ..Newfoundlan& BNA. Topics 43,20,1986, s. note Brazer, Clarence W., Essay-Proof J. 1956 13:43-52, Canada-NS: bill overprints. Nova Scotia overprints on (revenues, p 52) ill. Canada bill stamps, Rockett, Wilmer, Chambers Canada-Newfoundl.: cigarette code. Qgarettes and Stamp J. 1949 31:169, s. note crvDtopTaDhv. French, R. DeL., BNA. Topics 1954 Canada-NS: bill surcharge. The N.S. bill stamps, 11:2c13-5, ill. S. art. . . Anon., Halifax Phil. 1888 2:101, vsnate Canada-Newfoundl.: essay. -Newfoundland revenue Canada-NS: Cape Breton law. Canadian revenues. The Jephcott, CM, Essay-Proof J. 1955 1256, vs bw stam~sof Ca~eBreton, Oughtred, SN, Canaciian ill. note Philatelist (Can. Publ. Co.) 1928 1:229, s. note Canada-Newfoundl.: general checklist. Newfoundland Canada-NS: Cape Breton law. Cape Breton law revenuesa checklist Meyerson, Dan, BN.A. Topics stamps, Crawley, Frederick, Bulletin of the Canadian 1945 298-9 Revenue Society 1953 No. 133, p 419-20 Canada-Newfoundl.: inland. The Canada-NS: general, checklist. A descriptive list of all Newfoundland Geo. V inland revenue stamps, revenue starnDs known to the com~iler~,Anon., Am. J. Meyerson, Dan, B.NA. Topics 1945 2:(13) Phil., Ser. 1 1871 4:47-8 Canada-Newfoundl.: gutter pairs. Revenues, Canada-NS: law. Nova Scoha. I s law stamp, Anon., Newfoundland gutter pair& Richardson, Ed, BNA. Halifcuc Phil. 1888 222-3, note Topics 1973 30:34, ill. note Canada-NS: overprint. Leeitimate or forgery?- Canada-Newfound].: history Bradbury Wilkinson. Nova Scoua- I s revenue overprint MacDonald, JJ, Newfoundland revenue stamps. 1938-1970, Pratt, BNA. Topics 1972 29:168-9, ill. art. Robert H., BNA. Topics 1983 40:No. 2,23-6, No. 3, 46-7, ill. art. Canada-NS: overprints on bill. Nova Scotia overprints Canada-Newfound].: history Bradbury Wilkinson. on Canadian bill starnpL Anon., NM Phil. 1949 2No. Newfoundland revenue stamps, 1938-70. F'ratt, Robert 6,5-6, note H., BNA. Topics 1983 40:No. 4,22-5, No. 5,29-30, Canada-NS: third bill. The NS overprints on the third ill. art bill issue. Lussey, Harry, BNA. Topics 44, 24-5, Canada-Newfoundl.: inland caribou. Newfoundland 1987, ill. art. errata p. 47 Caribou inland revenue Meyerson, Dan, BNA. Topics Canada-Ont: vacation error. Some Canadian revenue 1945 242 errors. Ontano vacatlon tax stamDs with overprint missing, Richardson, Ed, Stamps 1959 107:130-1, ill. art.

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 5 Canada-Ontario: law 1870-1929. Utes on the 1870- Canada-Que.:. .. prohibition assurance. Ouebec 1929 On&& laws: Caws longest consecutive prohbihon stamps. Goodchild, Edward E., Stamp Her. dhesive issue, Walton, Bill, B.N.A. Topics 1977 (IN) 1927 12235,450, s. note 34:No. 5,6-9, art. Canada-Que.: registration. Quebec registrations. Canada-PEI: tobacco. Canadian revenues. New Denman, Robin, BNA. Topics 1977 34:No. 3,51, vs Brunswick and Prince Edward Islandcco stamm note Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1957 Canada-Sask.: electric checklist. &&atchewan 1l:No. 10,10,1958 1212-14,45-6 electrical inspection stam~s,Wrigley , Roy, BNA. Canada-provinces: general The revenue stamps of the Topics 1954 11:242, note, checklist provinces of Can& Go'odchild, Edward E., Stamp Canada-Sask.: law. hkatchewan law stamp~,Calder, Her. (IN) 1926 11:334-5,374-5,414-15,434-5 JA, Collectors Club Philatelist 1924 3:28-36, ill. art. Canada-provinces: general The revenue stamps of the Canada-Sask.: law. Saskatchewan scroll varieties, provinces of Can- Goodchild, Edward E., Stamp Ayre, C. Arthur, Pop. Stamps 1948 10:No. 12,111 Her. (IN) 1926 11:500-1,12:6, art. Canada-Sask.: law. The scroll mvstery in law stamps, Canada-provinces: general. The revenumDs of the Ayre, C. Arthur, Pop. Stamps 1947 10:No. 8,18 povinces of Can& Goodchild, Edward E., Stamp Canada-Sask.: law court document entire. Her. (IN) 1925 11: 137-9,1926 11: 187-8,289-90 S-stamps and d-. 1908- Canada-Que.: 10c 20c 1871 law. Pies of the 10c and 4l.L Rubec, Clay, BNA. Topics 42,28-34, 1985, ill. 20c 1871-1911 Ouebec law stalnp~,Pelletier, art Burroughs, Bulletin of the Canadian Revenue Society Canada-Sask.: Law remainders. Saskatchewan 1952 NO. 123. p 391-2 ses of law stamps. Scott, WG, LinnS Stamp News Canada-Que.: 1934 unemployment cancellation 03/16/87 p. 10, ill. note liquor. Revenue wup news, French, R. DeL., BN.A. Topics 1955 12: 178-9 Canada-Sask.: law remainders Cannington Manor. Canninnton Manor (advert.), Bileski, K., Stamp Canada-Que.: chronicle law. New Ouebec law stam~s, Collect. (OR) 06/27/87 p. 15 SA Linn's 06/29/87 ~uthonty,Hobbyist (Can.) 1912 5:No. I,13, s. note - - - - ~anada-~kk.:law stamp, proof. Saskatchewan law Canada-Que.: conservation semi-official. mew tam^ varietv. Atwood, Dudley W., Essay-Proof J. Consewahon stamp& Nadon, E., BNA. Topics 1956 1977 34: 147-8. ill. note 13:105, ill. note Canada-Sask.: law, chronicle. Saskatchewan law Canada-Que.: general. Revenue stamps of the Province The most recent nsues. Zaluski, Edward, The of Ouebec. French, R. DeL., Collectors Club American Revenuer 1979 33:92-5, ill. art. Philatelist 1944 23:57-67, 121-9, ill. art. Canada-Sask.: telephone. Saskatchewan government Canada-Que.: general, Pevenue stamps of the province lelephone franks, Wrigley, Roy, Mekeel's Weekly of Ouew Anon., Domin. Phil. (Ketcheson) 1893 5 Stamp News 1963 101:13, note NO. 51:48-9 Canada-Yukon: court. Canada-Que.: general. The revenue stamps of the Intermittent Correspondent; Weekly Philatelic Era province of Ouebec. Goodchild, Edward E., Stamp 1903 17: 188, note Her. (IN) 1926 12:47-8,81, s. art. Canada-Yukon: Dawson law. Dawson-Yukon lay Canada-Que.: law. Ouebec law stamg~,Schonfeld, stamDs. Richardson, Ed, Pop. Stamps 1957 20:No. 11, Joseph, BNA. Topics 1977 34:No. 3,36-7, ill. s. note 12-13 Canada-Que.: laws registration chronicle.. . BNA Canada-Yukon: Dawson mining court law. Xk revenues. New Ouebec laws and rernstr- Dawson minine court law stam~sof Yukon territory, Richardson, Ed, BNA. Topics 1966 23:13,16, note Cowan, Ian McTaggart, BNA. Topics 1979 36:No. 3, Canada-Que.: liquor chronicle. New Ouebec revenue 50-2, ill. art. stam~s.Thompson, Charles S., Mekeel's Weekly Stamp Canada-Yukon: general. Yukon revenue issues, News 1919 33:304, s. note Vanderhoof, ER, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1951 Canada-Que.: meters. Even revenues now on the meter 53:510, ill. machines, Anon., Hollow Tree 1954 14:No. 6, 15, ill. Canada-Yukon: law. New information on the Yukou note territorial law s- Cowan, Ian McTaggart, BNA. Topics 1979 36:No. 2,43-5, art.

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 6 Canada: $2 3rd bill counterfeit. Revenue moup new& Canada: 1st issue bill error. The errors in the firs French, R. DeL., BNA. Topics 1955 1285-6, notes revenue issue of Can& Goodchild, Edward E., Canada: $2 bill. In search of an "inverted head", Stamp Her. ON) 1926 12154, ill. s. note Thompson, Charles Sidney, Weekly Philatelic Gossip Canada: 1st issue bill Ontario law 1870. Canam 1941 33:402, ill. note revenue studv FUD news, La France, Leo J., BNA. Canada: $2 bill error invert. Topics 1969 26122,124,150, s. notes $2 bill stamp. Bond, Nelson, BAA. Topics 1945 282- Canada: 3rd issue bill. The third issue of bill stamps. A 3 Canadian revenue article, Thompson, Charles S., Pac. Canada: $5 excise. Revenue find, Lussey, Harry, BNA. Phil. (Los Ang.) 1922 2No. 4, 1 p. Topics 1981 38:No. 2,29, ill. s. note Canada: 8c excise 1934. Bcise 8 cent re& Liggett, C. Canada: 14c 28c excise surcharge. Canadian revenue& Kirk, BNA. Topics 1981 38:No. 1,17, s. note A Canadian Revenue Societv release, Rockett, Canada: amusement. Revenues: wsement Wilmer, BNA. Topics 1949 6214, note French, R. DeL., BNA. Topics 1955 12359-61. art. Canada: 14c excise error. Varietv- suc harrre printa Canada: amusement tax. The tax tickets of Canada. through. Jarrett, Fred., Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1951 Richardson, Ed, The American Revenuer 1962 1694- 53:27-8, ill. note 101, ill. art. Canada: 1869 bill perforation. Perforations. Dom. of Canada: amusement tax ticket. Amusement tax on Can. bill stamps 1869, Jarrett, Fred., Jarrett's BN.A. Jheatre tickets, Armstrong, Charles, Bulletin of the Rec. 1931 May p 3 Canadian Revenue Society 1950 No. 106, p 325-6 Canada: 1883 tobacco. The1883 tobacco -Jean, Canada: amusement tax, checklist. The tax Wtsof Donald, BNA. Topics 1969 2648-9, s. note Canada. Richardson, Ed, The American Revenuer Canada: 1915 war tax. bada 1915 war tax stamp 1978 3251-2, ill. checklist wed widelv. Anon., Linn's Weekly Stamp News 1949 Canada: bibliography. Short biblipgraphv-Canadian 22No. 13,5 revenue stamDs and tax-paid&, Anon., Canadian Canada: 1915 war tax. 1915 war tax s- Revenue Sociery Publicaims 1940 No. 2,3 pp Keane, FWL, The American Revenuer 1949 2:No. 6, Canada: bibliography. Short bibliographv--Canadian 3, s. note revenue stamDs and tax-~ai&French, R. DeL., Canada: 1915 war tax. Canadian war tax stamDs of Canadian Revenue Society Publications 1940 No. 9,3 1915. Ward, Joseph, Can. Stamp. Collect. 1920 1:Dec. p, 1942 suppl. 2 p 3-9, art. Canada: bibliography of. A readine list for Canadian Canada: 1917 war tax. madian revenue war tax revenue collector& Emery, Chuck, Stamp Collect. ~DS~Rockett, Wilmer, Chambers Stamp J. 1950 (OR) Oct. 23,1976, p. ? 3274, note Canada: bill. wanrevenue news. Bill Canada: 1919 war savings. The 25c French issue of the stamDs.La France, Leo J., B.NA. Topics 1%8 25151- 1919 thrift stamp does not exist Richardson, Ed, 2, note BNA. Topics 1964 21: 130, ill. note Canada: bill. Revenue bill stamps of Caw& Adams, Canada: 1939 provisional overprints tobacco William R, Stamp (NJ)1895 3:165-7, s. art. checklist. Revenues: 1939-10 ~rovisiona1ove~~t.sCanada: bill 1864, 1865, 1869 checklist. Bill stamps, gn 'series C' pouch tobacco. Odell, RA, Pop. Stamps Anon., Perforator (CT) 1899 4:75-6, note 1941 4:No. 5,13, ill. checklist Canada: bill checklist. Canada's bill stamps, Anon., Canada: 1948 conservation. Revenue notes, Can. Stamp Sheet 1900 1:5-6, note, checklist Armstrong, Charles, Stamp Collect. Exch. Club Mag. Canada: bill electric light checklist. Bill stamp. The 1951 15:No. 6,18, ill. ~lectriclieht stamDs of 1900, Anon., Pop. Stamps Canada: 1949 consular. Revenue studv eroup. 1949 1943 &No. 4,20-1, note ~onsularfee stamm Turner, Thomas W., B.N.A. Canada: bill oddity. Some Canadian oddities. Era, Topics 1971 28:233, ill. note Reven. Phil.1898 1:24, s. note Canada: 1st 2nd 3rd issue bill checklist. Canada bill Canada: bill secret marks. Bill stamp. Revenue secret stamDs. Kay, AB, Bulletin of the Fiscal Philatelic marks-a datine code, Anon., Pop. Stamps 1948 Sociery 1924 2:No. 7,63-70, checklist 1l:No. 1,5-8

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 7 Canada: bill stamps, die proofs. Canada. Some notes Canada: catalogue Mex.:. &cal c- Lundy, on die proof& Boggs, Winthrop S., Essay-Proof J. FGC and RR Bogert, Fisc. Phil. Reven. Stamp Guide 1945 2:73-5 + front cover, ill. art. 1893 1:151-6, 165-8 Canada: bill stamps, die proofs-Mandel. lyg)!g& Canada: chit-chat. mevenue moup) News (and othex Droofs. Brazer, Clarence W., ed., utk& French, R. DeL. et al., BAA.Topics 1954 No. Essay-Proof J. 1945 215-17 + front cover, ill. art. 5 et seq. Canada: bills essays and proofs. Canadian revenue Canada: chit-chat. BNA revenues. Grou~news, ~vsand proofs, Anon., Essay-Proof J. 1973 30: 182, Richardson, Ed, BAA.Topics 1964 21:231,236, chit- vs ill. note chat Canada: bills,. .1864, varieties. Canadaan first bill Canada: chit-chat. Q&&m revenue ~DS:vaneaes, Bentham, Lome W., The American La France, Leo J., BAA.Topics 1968 25201 Revenuer 1976 30:305-8, art. Canada: chitlchat. Canadian revenue Wvgoup new Canada: Canadian Revenue Society Bulletins La France, Leo J., BNA. Topics 1966 23:90, 180, foliation. Foliation of the C.S.R. bulletins, Bond, 318, notes Nelson, Canadian Revenue Society Publications 1947 Canada: chit-chat. Canadian reve~u~news. No. 20 1 p. La France, Leo J., BNA.Topics 1976 33:No. 4,37-8 Canada: catalogue. A priced catalqeue of the revenue Canada. chit-chat. Canadian revenue study gmu~newg ~DSof Cd O&ll, RA, Canadian Revenue La France, Leo J., BNA.Topics 1970 27:72-3 Society Publications 1938 No. 1.86 pp 1940 add. 9 pp Canada: chit-chat. Canadian revenues mymou Canada: catalogue. A Driced catalonue of the revenue Cowan, Ian McTaggart, BNA.Topics 1983 40:No. 1, ,gmps of Canada. Oughtred, EW and SN Oughtred, 43, s. note Canadian Stamp Collector 1921 1:No. 12,18-21, ill. Canada: chit-chat. madian revelm Oughtred, SN, Canada: catalogue. A priced catal- of the revenue Canadian Philatelist (Can. Publ. Co.) 1928 1:144, Oughtred, EW and SN Oughtred, note Canadian..% Stamp Collector 1921 No. 8, 1-2, No. 9,l-2 Canada: chit-chat. Fiscal inklings, Mann, LA, Pop. Canada: catalogue. A priced ca-e of the revenue Stamps 1944 7:No. 2,8,10 NO. 4,10,12, NO. 6,5-6 WDS of Canada. Oughtred, EW and SN Oughtred, Canada: chit-chat. Revenue studv grow Emery, Canadian Stamp Collector 1921 1 No. 10, 15-17, No. Chuck, BNA. Topics 1979 36:No. 1,42, No. 2,31, 11,25-8 NO. 5,32-3 Canada: catalogue. Catalogue of Canadian revenue Canada: chit-chat. &venue studv prow Emery, stam~s.Anon., Canadian Philatelist Mag. 1900 5:No. Chuck and Wilmer Rockett, BN.A. Topics 1978 1,5-6, NO. 3,3-6 35:No. 1,23, No. 2,22, No. 3,26 Canada: catalogue. woeueof the adhesive revenue Canada: chit-chat. Revenue studv group. Emery, stamps of Canada Odell, RA, Canadian Revenue Chuck and Wilmer Rockett, B.N.A. Topics 1978 Society Publications 1942 No. 1,69 pp, ill. 35:No. 4,14-15, NO. 5,24, NO. 6 21-2 Canada: catalogue. of Canada. 1948-1950, Canada: chit-chat. Revenue sdy IXOUD. Revenue Bond, Nelson, Canadian Revenue Society Publications ramblings. Emery, Chuck, BNA.Topics 1977 34:No. 1953? No. 1,2nd ed. 74 pp 6,48-9, chit-chat Canada: catalogue. Fiscal catalow Lundy, FGC and Canada: chit-chat. Revenues, Bill Stamp, Pop. Stamps RR Bogert, Fisc. Phil. Reven. Stamp Guide 1893 1942 5:No. 11,lO- 1 1//1945 8:No. 8,7-8 1: 127-32,141-4, Canada: chit-chat. The hollow tree. Canadian rev- Canada: catalogue. fiscal catalwLundy, FGC and Richardson, Ed, Pop. Stamps 1953 16:No. 11,lO-11 RR Bogert, Fisc. Phil. Reven. Stamp Guide 1893 1:93- 100,111-16 Canada: chit-chat chronicle. Pevenue department Fielding, EL, Stamp Collect. Exch. Club Mag. 1937 Canada: catalogue. Revenue department. Complete 3:58,135,211 listing of Canadian revenue stamps. Part 1-3, Fielding, Canada: chronicle. A few revenue not= Armstrong, EL, Stamp Collect. Exch. Club Mag. 1938 4:45-6,73- 4,100 Charles, Stamp Collect. Exch. Club Mag. 1951 15:No. 5, 10 Canada: chronicle customs inland. New Canadian stamDs, Anon., Collect. J. (IL) 1915 5:325-6, ill. note

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 8 Canada: cigar code cancellation. The code on the Canada: electric light inspection. Canada electric li& small cinar stam= Armstrong, Charles, BNA. Topics mpection stamps, Cowan, Ian McTaggart, B.N.A. 1949 6 NO. 7: 166-7 Topics 42,556,1985. ill. note Canada: cigarette 1942 provisional. 1942 provisional Canada: entire. collect in^ Cans Revenues.. Whv not ette stamDs of Canad~French, R. DeL., dd franked legal Daper to vour collection, Davis, Collectors Club Philatelist 1943 222714, art. Jack, Stamp Collect. (OR) 09/26/87 p. 20, ill. note . . Canada: cigarette checklist. Canadm ups, Bond, RA, Canada: error invert bill. Canada's revenue rarity, Stamp Collect. Exch. Club Mag. 1936 292-4, ill. list Bond, Nelson, Philately (MO) 1947 4:79-80,82, 110, Canada: cigarette surcharged. Canadian surchar~d 112-14, art. mette starn~~,French, R. DeL., Collectors Club Canada: essays, proofs, catalog. The E-P Society Philatelist 1941 20:104-8, ill. art. on of ewvs and D&. Dominion of Canada. Canada: cigarette war excise precancel. Precancella EmBrazer, Clarence, ed., Essay-Proof J. 1952 excise tax and war tax stamps used on ci- 9:43-8, ill. Odell, RA, Canadian Revenue Society Publications Canada: essays, proofs, catalog of. Em 1942 No. 6 4 pp 1946 2nd ed 9 pp Catalop: of essays and proofs ...Dominion of Can* Canada: cigarette, laws. New Canadian ci~arettetax Brazer, Clarence W., ed., Essay-Proof J. 1948 5:157- 111- 111- Abrams, GM, The American Revenuer 1975 65, ill., priced 29:7, vs note Canada: excise. Excise stamps, Vaughn, GD, Mekeel's Canada: cigarettes codes. l&mlks and c- Weekly Stamp News 1974 123: 161, note French, R. DeL., BNA. Topics 1954 11:243-5, ill. s. Canada: excise. &hnv a rose is born to blush unseen, art. Vanderhoof, ER, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1949 Canada: Cinderella prosperity ceM~cate.A Canadian 49: 119, ill. -lines. Piggott, EL, Weekly Philatelic Canada: excise 14c. The 14c excise stamps, W.S.R., Gossip 1954 59: 186, ill. note Pop. Stamps 1950 13:No. 1,13 Canada: consular. Canada's consular fee Canada: excise cancellation checklist. Canadian excise Richardson, Ed, The ~me2canRevenuer 1959 13:2?- stamps. Armstrong, Charles, Stamp Collect. Exch. 6, ill. note Club Mag. 1944 9:No. 3,1+ p, ill Canada: consular. Canada's consular fee stamas. Canada: excise duty. Excise Uv stamps created Richardson, Ed, Stamps 1958 105:474, ill. s. art. government-industry conmversv, Anon., Can. Stamp Canada: consular. The cowand visa fee~sof News July 11,1977, p. 8 Canada. Richardson, Ed, Canadian and B.N.A. Canada: excise war tax Sissons chit-chat. Canadian Revenue Yearbook 1962, p 17, note revenue review. Jim Sissons: Canadian ~hilatelp Canada: court. Supreme court stamps of Canah loses a friend, Emery, Chuck, Stamp Collect. (OR) Kanuck, Domin. Phil. (Ketcheson) 1889 1:No. 3, p 5 03/29/80 p. 19, note Canada: custom tobacco. Canadian custom tobacc~ Canada: first issue 1865 bill. Varieties of Canada's fa stam~s.Hartman, Oscar T., Phil. West Camera News revenue stamp~,Bentham, Lome W., Stamp Collect. 1905 30:No. 3,2 pp (OR) 51 NO. 15,20-1,1977. Canada: customs. f Canad ian custom st am^ usage). Canada: gas inspection. The Canada pas inspection Wiedemam, Peter, The American Revenuer 1975 stamps. Cowan, Ian McTagggart, BNA. Topics 42, 29: 136-8, ill. note 50-1,1985, ill. s. art. Canada: customs. $,hada customs &v starnpS. Anon., Canada: general. About Canadian revenues, Dalton, J. Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1915 29:345, vs ill. note Sidney, Adhesive 1900 1:24, s. note Canada: customs. Customs dutv stamps. Cooper, DA, Canada: general. B.N.A. revenues and tax paid& B.N.A. Topics 1981 38:No. 5,13, ill. note Piggot%., EL, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1957 65: 178, ill. note Canada: customs duty. Postaee and customs duty ta Camd&Anon., Albermarle Stamp Collect. 1916 2:90, Canada: general. Ma'srevenues, Piggott, EL, 1920 6359, ill. Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1949 49: 124-5, ill. art. Canada: general. Canadian column. About revenua F. B., Stamp Collect. (GB) 1950 74:393, note

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 9 Canada: general. Canadian revenue noteL Thompson, Canada: general miscellany. Canadian revenues, Charles Sidney, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1948 Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1959 47:145,155 13~129,133,135-8 Canada: general. Canadian revenue s- Burton, Canada: general miscellany. Canadian revenues, BL, NM Phil. 1967 ?&No. 1,1, note Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1958 Canada: general. Canadian revenue stamps, Rockett, 12:42,44-5,54-6,85-6,110-12,138-42 Wilmer, Stamps 1951 76:306-8, art. Canada: general miscellany. Canadian revenues, Canada: general. Canadian revenue stam~s.Sykes, ??, Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1958 Domin. Phil. (Ketcheson).1892 4 No. 47:144-5 12:161-3,155-8 Canada: general. Canadian revenue stam= Van Dam, Canada: general miscellany. Canadian revenues, ESJ, The American Revenuer 1976 30: 1614, ill. art. Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1957 1l:No. 7, 16-18, NO. 8,6-7 Canada: general. Canadian rev- Adams, William Canada: general miscellany. Canadian revenues, R., Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1897 9:No. 6,43, s. art. Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1957 1l:No. 3,1-4, NO. 5,s-7,No. 6,34 Canada: general. Qmdian revenues. Brunstrom, C., Canada: general review. Qnadian revenue re vie^ Atalaya 3 No. 2,1,3,1978, ill. note Canadian revenues revel in varietv. Emery, Chuck, Canada: general. Canadian revenues. Cornyn, John, Stamp Collect. (OR) 2/25/78 p. 38, ill. s. art. Northwest. Phil. (WA) 1914, 124, note Canada: general review. Canadian revenue stampg Canada: general. Qnadian revenues, Goodchild, Hooper, JR, Can. J. Phil. 1893 1:No. 1,23-5, s. art. Edward E., Maple Leaves 13 No. 1,lO-11,1969, note Canada: general review. Pevenue department Canada: general. Canadian revenue& Rankin, Carrol Fielding, EL, Stamp Collect. Exch. Club Mag. 1937 Watson, Mekeel's Stamp Collect. 1902 15:419-200, s. 2: 15 1,3:234, art. art. .. . Canada: general, early checklists descn~hvellst qf Canada: general. Canadian revenues, Rockett, Wilmer, gdlsknown to the com~ilers.Anon., - - BNA. Topics 1952 917,noE Am. J. Phil.. Ser. 1 1871 4:47-8 Canada: general. Canadian revenues, Williams, Adam, Canada: George V issues checklist. Revenue Canadian Philatelist Mag. 1895 2:No. 7,3-4, s. art. WtmenL Fielding, EL, Stamp Collect. Exch. Club Canada: general. Reminiscing with British North Mag. 1937-8 3: 171 America revenueL Piggott, EL, Weekly Philatelic Canada: history catalogue. A hist0~and catalqge of Gossip 1961 73: 158,164, ill. s. art. Anon., Her. Exchg. Canada: general. Revenue stam~sof Can- French, 1896 1:28,35,49 R. DeL., Stamps 1940 33:259-60,266, ill. art. Canada: history catalogue. A history and c- Canada: general. Pevenue stamps of Can- the revenue Wr>sof Can- Thompson, Charles S., Goodchild, Edward E., Canadian Philatelist (Can. Pac. Phil. (Los Ang.) 1921 No. 5111922 No. 2,7 pp, ill Publ. CO.) 1928 1:87-8, S. art. Canada: hunting license 1989. Canadian conservation Canada: general. some thin^ about the revenue stam@ stamp, Anon., Linn's Stamp News 8/14/89, p. 71, s. pf Can- Brown, W. Russell, Collect. Mag. (Can.) note 1934 1: 119, note Canada: hunting license duck. Bateman print on Canada: general checklist. Some Canadian revenue wildlife issue, Anon., Stamp Collect. (OR) 8/27/88, p. stamw.Anon., Halifkc Phil. 1888 220-3, checklist 3, ill. s. note Canada: general miscellany. wian revenues., Canada: hunting license duck. Qnadian duckW Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1960 sheets, Anon., Linn's Stamp News 5/2/88, p. 16, s. 14~11-2,196115:1,3-4 note Canada: general miscellany. Canadian revenues, Canada: inspection. Canadian ins~ectionstamps, Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1959 French, R. DeL., Collectors Club Philatelist 1942 13:45,47-8,55,77-9 21:123-32, ill. art. Canada: general miscellany. Canadian revenues, Canada: inspection stamps of 1875-1951, weight, gas, Walker, Harold W., The American Revenuer 1962 electric. A crown of light bum.:the C- 1 16:72-4,113 inspection stamps of 1875-1951, Wald, Kimber A.,

-- - p~~- - ~ -- January, 1993 lanada Volume 3, Page 10 American Philatelist Congr. Bk. 1984 50:193-249, ill. canada: matches. canadian taxes an Patrick, The American Revenuer 1971 25:44-6, art. Canada: law. Unrewrted Canadian law stamp%Turner, Canada: medicine. m i in nomas w., ~/teAmerican ~evenuer1977 31:63, vs Kdbaeisch, GL, We~~a~h~ate~~~o~si~ta~ note 64538-9. ill. note Canada: law bill checklist. The revenue stamps of the Canada: world. Part 1. North America. a. Canah Speck, Charles P., Reven. Phil. 1906 1:34-5, checklist Stamp Collect. (OR) 3/25/78 p. 24, ill. note Canada: law bill checklist. The revenue stamps o Canada: medicine provisional. R . . a. world. Part 1. North Amenca. Can& L' "R" Perry, Gladstone, MekeeleSLz;E Memer, Reven. Phil. 1898 1:2-3,14-16, ill. checklist g529:398, SA 379 Canada: law entire. What's new in old Can& Canada: B.r "m r " Stulberg, Fred, Canadian Philatelist 1974 25:73, ill. s. Bowes Po~h~eo~~~rCoe~I,"ia',"St~~~~ note 1947 1a27.43.. . note Canada: law overprint in prize. Canada: meter. i v 8,. . It pvemmted m mze .Case No. 3 The Weser, au~* Piggott, EL, BN:Yo:i: l;gLR, nSEmps* Edward, The American Revenuer 1977 31:103,107-9, 2': ill. art. Canada: overprints world war 11. Canadian revenues. Rockea, Wilmer, BNA. Topics 1949 6231, note Canada: liquor. The liauor strip stamps of Can Korff, Serge A., The American Revenuer 1973 27:E Canada: part perf lst Part prforatesf can- S. art. first revenue stamp~,Richardson, Ed, Stamps 1957 100:236, ill. s. art. Canada: liquor counterfeit. Canadiania. Counterfeit . . F.W.C., Chambers Stamp J. 1946 Canada: periodical journal. Canada permhc- %:368, vs note u.Anon., Linn's Weekly Stamp News 12,687, 1940 Canada: liquor seals checklist. Provincial liauor vs note ~onaolboard seals- .- x-prel imirrarv -chaw Catida: pitrghg car&-mrprints. Having: card Richardson, Ed, Pop. Stamps 1955 18:No. 11,lO (manufacturer's) overprints, Armstrong, Charles, Pop. Canada: liquor, forgery. Cpllnterfeit Canada liauq Stamps 12, No. 5,21,23,1949, ill. note stamps. Fox, R. Maurice, The American Revenuer Canada: playing card precancels. Canada. Plava 1966 20:102, ill. s. note ~ardprecancels, Campbell, FW,Precan. Forum 1942 . . Canada: liquor, provinces, labels. wan~~-ov~n& 3:No. 1, 18, s. note liauor seals. Hines, Terry, The American Revenuer Canada: playing cards precancel. Precancelled 1972 26: 1434. ill. note Canam revenue stam~sused on la vine cz\rPs. Canada: literature society publication. Canadian Richardson, Ed, Canadian and BNA. Revenue Yearbook 1962 p. 5-6 e Societv, Stanford, Eidsel C., Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1949 48:242, s. note Canada: postage used as. Can- used FD, for revenue, Anon., Linn's Weekly Stamp News 1932 Canada: lock seals. Canadian lock seals, Rodgers, 4:374, vs note Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1953 56359, s. art. Canada: postage used as. Can- stamp^ Canada: match. Canadian match tax stamps, Garrett, & as revenw Norris, William T., The American CBD, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1944 37:4434 Revenuer 1948 1:No. 9,34, note Canada: match. Canada: postage used as. Canadian stamps can be used Garrett, CBD, Canadian Revenue Society Publications 1944 No. 13.35 pp. as revenues, Anon., Linn's WeeWy Stamp News 1949 22:No. 2,1, s. note Canada: match. &latch-box. match label. or match Canada: postal note script. The postal notes and DQS&~ Cover tax impression%Armstrong, Charles, Canadian Revenue Society Publications 1941 No. 4 1 p i34-i- Richardson, Ed, Stamps 1959 108:194-5 Canada: match tax. Fiscal fact and fancv. Vanderhoof Canada: precancels, playing cards, medicine. ER, Albermarle Stamp Collect. 1921 7:186-8,276-7, s. notes cancelled Canadian revenue stam~sused on plaviq cards and mouth wash. Richardson, Ed, The American Revenuer 1978 32:28,50, s. note

-- January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 11 Canada: printer of. Canada revenue stamps print= Bart H., Canadian Philatelist 1961 12:183, 185, 187, 189-91,210 unknown. New catabe of Canadian Revenue..* Anon., Linn's Weekly Stamp News 1942 15:No. 31, 1, Canada: series 1897 tobacco. :anadian tax pa 8, art. revenues. Tobacco stam~s--Seriesof 1897. Bartlett, Canada: prize court checklist. Revenue studv grow Bart H., Canadian Philatelist 1961 12:253-5, 257, The prize court revenueg Clarnpett, Hany A., BNA. 263,293-5,297-8, ill. Topics 1974 3 1: 154-5, note, checklist Canada: snuff.- Angus, Canada: proof essay. O~inionsdiffer on archivd Ronald M., Pop. Stumps 1948 1l:No. 10,8 material sale. Mueller, Barbara, Stamp Collect. (OR) Canada: society literature on general. Societies 12/15/90 p 15-16 Canadian revenue collector& Hoffman, Daniel, Linn's Canada: proofs. badian revenue ~roofs-a few Stamp News 6f27P7 p. ?, ill. s. art. remarks thereon, Piggott, EL, Pop. Stamps 1949 Canada: supreme court in prize. Canada. Holmes, L. 12N0. 3,lO-11 Searle, Linn's Weekly Stamp News 1959 32:No. 38,16. ill. note Canada: propaganda. Canadian revenue stamps, Anon., Pop. Stamps 1940 3:No. 2,ll, note Canada: supreme court law. Gmdian revenues-the supreme court law stamps, Rockett, Wilmer, BNA. Canada: propaganda. Collect Canadian revenues, Topics 1952 9: 156, ill. note Jarrett, Fred., Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1953 57:132-3, ill. s. art. Canada: supreme court law. The sunreme court law Canada: propaganda. Collecting. Cw.Try a wx stamps, Bond, Nelson, BNA. Topics 1956 13:86-7, s. field? Consider area of revenue collectin& Davis, art. list Jack, Stamp Collect. (OR) 2f4185 p. 26, note Canada: supreme court law. The suDreme court law Canada: propaganda. Fiscal collecting. Walters, RS, starnDs. Jean, Donald, BNA. Topics 1968 2599, s. Canadian Philatelist (Staebler) 1893 2: 103, note note Canada: propaganda. The revenue stam~sof Can* Canada: tax tickets. The tax tickets of Canada. Mildmay, Captain, Canadian Ph-iJa telist (S-wbler) Richardson, Ed, BNA. Topics 1961 18:143-6,178-81, 1893 2133, note ill. aii Canada: provincial conservation. The prairie Canada: tax tickets checklist. The tax tickets of provinces consewation stamps, Richardson, Ed, Pop. Can* Richardson, Ed, BNA. Topics 1963 20: 182- Stamps 1957 2O:No. 6-8,7-8 6, ill. checklist Canada: provisional excise. Canadian revenue Canada: ticket. Tickets in the Canadian revenue field. provisional issue& Rockett, Wilmer, Chambers Stamp Armstrong, Charles, Pop. Stamps 1950 12No. 12,8-9 J. 1950 3 1:250, note Canada: tobacco. E.L. Piegott's paPiggott, EL, Canada: secret marks. Secret marks on revenues, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1950 51:154 Fletcher, Thomas, Can. Reven. Soc. Bull. 1948 No. Canada: tobacco. Ex-periences in the search for the new 89~2624,NO. 90,267-9 Jobacco revenues, Armstrong, Charles, BNA. Topics Canada: secret marks. Secret marks on revenue& 1945 257 Fletcher, Thomas, Pop. Stamps 1947 1O:No. 10, 12- Canada: tobacco. Tobacco stamos, Vaughn, GD, 13,1948 10N0.12,5-7 Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1974 123:209, note Canada: secret marks date code. Secret marks-a Canada: tobacco bands. Canada tobacco ban& Anon., Ung: code, Bond, Nelson, Bulletin of the Canadian Phil. West Camera News 1905 31:no. 1,l p Revenue Society 1948 No. 92, p 275-80 Canada: tobacco history. Revenue issues: tobacc~ Canada: secret marks excise customs 1934. Secret stamps: end of an era, Authority, BNA. Topics 1974 marks on revenues, McNab, RS, Pop. Stamps 1942 31:204-5,224,227, ill. art. 5:No. 7,12, note Canada: tobacco labels. In lieu labels, Held, ER, The Canada: security of, reuse forgery. -dine the American Revenuer 1961 1556 s. note revenue stamp, Schonfeld, Joseph, BNA. Topics 1977 Canada: tobacco law. Her Maiesty. Oueen Victoria on 34:No. 1,38-9, art. Canadian revenu Piggott, EL, Weekly Philatelic Canada: series 1897 tobacco. Canadian tax paid Gossip 1950 49:7 18, ill. note revenues. Tobacco stam~s--Seriesof 1897, Bartlett,

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 12 Canada: tobacco National collection. National revew Canadian and BNA. Revenue Yearbook 1962 pp 13- ~llectiongoes to ppstal museum. Tobacco stamps in 16, ill. checklist Canada. ~uthority,BNA. Topics 1977 34~~0.5 13- Canada: Victoria on. To the aueen-pod bless her,

16.-, ill. Vanderhoof, ER, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1948 47: 148, ill. Canada: tobacco series C. 'Series C' small stri~to JO~BCCQ. Morgan, Ian C., Canadian Revenue Socie; Canada: war* Canadawar~n.~ (CO) 1915 8:57,83-4,99, ill. notes Publications 1940 No. 3 4 -pp - Canada: tobacco stamps, discontinuance. Cmadian Canada: war* CanadaBeh* LA, Phil. jobacco stamps discontia. Abrams, GM, The WesfCollect. World 1915 66No.3,37, s. note American Revenuer 1974 28:294, note Canada: war. Canada's war tax stamps, Perry, Canada: tobacco strip provisional checklist. Tobacco Gladstone, Post- Stamp (GB) 1916 18:116-17, art. st* stamp provisional% Odell, RA, Pop. Stamps 1941 Canada: war. Dominion issues of Canada. War tax 4:No. 3, 12-13, checklist stamps, Hamilton, Patrick, Stamp Collect. (GB) 1937 Canada: unemployment. Canadian unem~lovment 47:520-1, 5559 1939 53:113-14 issues, Walker, Harold W., BNA. Topics 1957 1434 Canada: war. Revenues. Bill Stamp, Stamp Collect. Canada: unemployment checklist. Canadian Exch. Club Mag. 1943 8:No. 4,1+ p note ynem~lovmentissueg Walker, Harold W., B.N.A. Canada: war excise. WarmDuys, Louis Topics 1956 13:294-6, ill. a,checklist V., Stamp Her. 0 1916 1:25,27, ill. art. Canada: unemployment insurance. Canada: unem: Canada: war excise tobacco. B.N.A. revenues and plovment stam~s,Anon., Weekly Philatelic Gossip @i,p~b.Piggott, EL, B.N.A. Topics 1953 10:71-2, 1941 33:385, ill. note 239,241,325-6, ill. notes Canada: unemployment insurance. Canadian unem- Canada: war tax. Canada war tax nas. 301-303, Huber, plovment insurance stamDs, Kalbfleisch, GL, Weekly Harry E., Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1919 33:137- Philatelic Gossip 1957 64306-7 8, art. Canada: unemplsymeat iBsuraace.-tJnempbyme~- m:war k-Lwx -D% insurance st am^^ Armstrong, Charles, pop. Stamps Gladstone, Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1916 30: 165- 1957 19:No. 12,lO 7, SA p 305-6 Canada: unemployment insurance checklist. CmCanada: war tax* w~anwar Kile~,Doris C.* corner. Vaughn, GD, Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1940 55:374- s- note 1957 88:205, note Canada: war tax. Collectors after the war tax stamb Canada: unemployment insurance checklist. One inland revenue issue... sold ou. Anon., Collect. J. -ps -ps check list Wrigley, (IL) 1915 6:113-14, note Roy, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1959 68:402-3,69:312- Canada: war tax. War tax stamps. Rockett, Wilmer. 13 BNA. Topics 1981 38No. 4,33, ill. note Canada: unemployment insurance checklist. Canada: war tax 1915 1927. v Unemplovment ~~~llrilllcesfamps checklis Wigley9 S(BOIPS. Rockett, Wilmer, la^^ :yS$ Roy, Canadian Philatelist 1957 8:No. 4,6-7, checklist 1950 49554, ill. Canada: unlisted. Unlisted Canadian revenues, Canada: war tax 1915 chronicle. an war tax Oughtred, EW, Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1915 Anon., ~~t.phila 1915 21:3e 29:389, s. art. Canada: war tax chronicle. JCanadian war tax). Anon., Canada: use as postage. Revenues used postallv, hndon Phil. 1916 25:146 Garrett, CBD, Pop. Stamps 1943 6:No. 7,ll, s. note Canada: war tax chronicle. Wsnew war tax Canada: used for postage. stamp. Anon., Collect. J. (GB) 1915 9:238, s. note Howes, Victor E., BNA. Topics 1955 12:121, ill. note Canada: war tax chronicle. Canadian war tax. Anon., Canada: used for postage. Revenues used for porn Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1915 29:73, 133, s. Richardson, Ed, BAA. Topics 1960 17:221-3, 1961 notes 18:87-9, ill. art. , Canada: war tax chronicle. Wadian war tax stampg Canada: used for postage checklist. The 'pedid . . Davisdon, AJ, Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News 1915 lrsbn- lrsbn- Richardson* 29: 150, s. note

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 13 Canada: war tax overprint. Canadian war tax Canada: weights measures. Tmsof the ~verprint~,Piggott, EL, Weekly Philatelic Gossip 1950 'crown' weights and measures. Part 1. Blue and bl& 50:208,218, ill. art. Lussey, Harry, BNA. Topics 43, 16-19,1986, Canada: war tax postal use. War tax wasn'tmlicable ill. art. &I &I mail bound for UPU member counhie~.Willson, Canada: weights measures. Victor L., Stamp Collect. (OR) 11/28/87 p. 22, ill. s. aCowan, Ian McTaggart, BNA.Topics 41,48- note 9,1984, ill. note Canada: war tax two cent. The 2 cent brown war tax Canada: whiskey. Whiskv and ho ho and a bottle of perfow- Lussey, Harry, BNA.Topics 41, u Bileski, K., Mekeel's Weekly Dec. 14, 1990; 22-3,1984, ill. note Linn's Stamp News 12/17/90 p 28 Canada: war tax use of. Canada. Should tax Can: $2 bill error. wda's Q& inwed cem Jreated differentlv?. Gronbeck-Jones, David, Linn's variety. Richardson, Ed, Stamps 1957 100: 15, ill. s. Stamp News 6/25/84 p. 28, ill. note note Canada: war use as postage excise. "War tax" stamp^ US: coils, playing cards, Canada: coils, playing cards, ~f Can& Anon., Stamp Her. (IN) 1925 10: 132, s. excise. Revenue coil staq& Cadbury, Benjamin, The note American Revenuer 1949 3:No. 5,l-2, note Canada: weight measure. mvsteries of the 'crown' US: tobacco, -labels, Canada: tobacco, labels, weights and measures Part 2. Red no denomination, provisionals. In lieu labels, Held, ER, The American Lussey, Harry, B.N.A. Topics 43,37-9,1986, ill. art. Revenuer 1961 15:56, s. note Canada: weight measure. Weights and measures- mportant feedback. Lussey, Harry, BNA.Topics 44, 40-3,1987, ill. art. 4

An Index to Revenue Articles which have appeared index is "US: 1st issue photograph". This took me some in Serial Publications by Richard F. Riley, ARA. time to find, as I had looked under "US: photograph". Published as a supplement to The American Revenuer, Volume 46, Number 6, June 1992. Stiff cover, 192 The index contains reference to revenues fiom coun - pages, 8 1/2 x 11. Published by The American Revenue hies Afghanistan to Zaire. Serials consulted range from Association, Rockford, Iowa 50468-0056, $10.00 U.S. A. C. Roessler's Stamp News to Yankee Philatelist. A from the publisher. good number of the citations are from the United States, 96 pages out of 160 pages. The citations are formatted This book contains over seven thousand citations, in three columns to a page, and a small type face is used. over six hundred serial publications, to articles which Various information is catagorized by the use of bold contain information about revenues. The citations are and italic type faces which help. To save space, many sorted by country of revenue stamp, followed by key- abbreviations are used in the name of counhies, titles of word. In many cases, there are multiple keywords, but journals, and descriptions of publication. These are ex- the citation is only listed once. This requires the reader plained at the end of the publication, but does require a to check in several places when looking for revenue arti- bit of getting used to. However, once the reader is famil- cles of interest. For example, in looking for articles on iar with the format, the book is a joy to use. US stamps which were used to tax photographs, the -Paul Burega

January, 1993 Philiography Canada Volume 3, Page 14