12, 1965 Every Ttiurgd 24 Page*—10 Cent* Pctscliow Resigns Post As YMCA Youth Aide Robert J
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DRIVE THEWESTFIELD LEADER SAFELY THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY J nd Class l uBlELge Paid • - Published at WMtneM N. j. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1965 Every Ttiurgd 24 Page*—10 Cent* Pctscliow Resigns Post As YMCA Youth Aide Robert J. Lincoln, president of the Weekly Clean Up Program Set Weslfield YMCA board of directors, announced this week that Kurt Pets- chow of 49 Michael Dr. had resigned as assistant youth director of the YMCA, effective Aug. 2 to take a position with the New Jersey State Under Pact With 21 Town Parole Board. As assistant to Fred F. Fuerst, YM youth director, Mr. Pctschow work- ed primarily with the building pro- gram and Junior lli-Y Club and "Y" Disposal Contractors Nights, Most Unwanted Items To Be Collected Council Approves Loitering Bans; On Second Pick Up Day at No Cost Council's answer to an annual "town-wide clean up campaign" has been resolved with the announcement Peaceful Assembly, Picketing OK Tuesdfiy night of an agreement with the town'a 21 private disposal contractors worked out in concert with council's •Firemen Hubert Schlerle, Jack Brennan and Robert Deiuuan are shown with the engine I An ordinance to provide punitive Sanitation and Trash Removal Committee headed by part of Uie Volunteer Fire Company membership drive information center at Broad and rcprlsah for those who loiter on the Concert Tonight Councilman James C. Moron. Monday evenings and Saturdays during the drive. public streets and in quasi-public places and public conveyances, or The Wcslfitld Concert Band Under the agreement householders may dispose of who utter loud or obscene language will eive Its final concert in the those items which would normally be saved for a "Clean 9 in public was adopted Tuesday night rurriMil summer gcuson of musi- Up Day" by putting them out for following a public hearing by Town cal evenings sponsored by Uie collection along with the usual 2 Fightin' Festival Council. ' Wrstfleld IU'creation Commis- household garbage on the second sion on the bundsUmd In Mimlii- Playfield pickup day of the week. The ordinance drew no objections The items for this special pick up from the audience except for a re wiisiiiu Park timlght at 8:15 quest from Ernest Tolbot of the o'clock. must be those that will readily fit. Westfield Area Committee for Hu- into the automatic conveyor opening lap Volunteer Drive The band under the baton of Season To of the disposal men's trucks and man Rights that a specific excep- Robert Banks, will play a variety tion be made to permit the right to would include toys, wood and metal Of Fire Department The membership drive swung into of selections ranging from the furniture, screens, boxes, radios, bi- * Figtitin' Festival" high gear this week. Posters an- peaceful assembly and picketing. He popular to classical numbers. In- asked that Council delay action on cycles, rolled mattresses, cushions, lured event capping nouncing the drive and festival are cluded will be Gershwin's "An End Soon rugs sleds, old grills, plastic pools, ambitious volun- being displayed by civic minded the measure unlit a discussion could American In Paris," "Dark With registration reaching the 3, Jet Noise be held with officials to provide such etc. The agreement provides that mbership drive. The merchants. An information center Eyes," ti medley ol tunes from GOO mark, Uie Westfield Recreation there will be no extra charge for . exception. the Revolutionary period entitled held on the last day was set up at Broad and Elm Sts. Commission's summer playground the items which am be handled on inday, Aug, 29, at 2 Monday evening and will be manned Mayor Robert 11. Mulreany as- "Spirit of '76," 'Dixieland Front program began its seventh week mid Center," played by a Dixie- a normal second pickup day each es Park. each Monday evening and all day Hearing sured Mr. Talbot lluil the ordinance Monday. week. Saturdays during the drive. was not intended to curb such activ land ensemble from the band, i-Chairman Captain This week's events weto highlight When Items are too large to be ;r said, "We're plan. Brochures explaining the role of Hies and that the right to peaceful and "Song of the Islands." ai by the Sailboat Races yesterday assembly and picketing had been handled in the typical conveyor >pe will be the most the Wostfield Volunteer Fire Com- R. It. BARRETT JR. at Mindowaskin Park. More than 100 truck the disposal men will arrange ho town has seen in pany are being handed out at the In- Sept, 21 crnntcti under a Supreme Court playgrounders sailed the boats they Named Director of Civil Defense edict which would supersede any to make u special trip la pick up the its. It will be an OP- formation Center and by individual Mayor Mulreany at Tues- and Disaster Cvnlrol fur Town Red Cross Program had constructed across the pond. discarded objects. JIG whole (own to firemen. The brochure includes a local measure. Prizes were awarded to the win «their Fire Dcpart- day night's council session The Mayor pointed out that the ners, and ice cream was surved to These special trips will incur a coupon to bo filled out by anyone announced that the public separate charge tor the householder interested in becoming a volunteer measure was expressly designed to Draws Throng all who participated. will be given an opportunity 10 Local Children bring a halt to the complaints and with typical maximum costs ranging f the festival," said or obtaining further information. to hear and to question rep- As the summer draws to a close, from $4 for old refrigerators, wash- problems arising from teenage loit- The writer safety program held the activity on the grounds has , "is la help drama- Brochures and information may also resentatives of the Federal Aug. 4 at the lied Cross Chapter ing mnchinos and stoves lo $2 for sn more volunteer fire- be obtained at either the north Dr ering at three specific places in shuwn no signs ut letting up. Re Aviation Authority, Port Au- To Be Included In town, House in WestfleM proved to be a overstuffed chair, bed and box south side fire houses. thority and Noise Abate- huge success, Over lOU people at- cflntly held on all grounds were the spring, and $3 (or a sofa or water ment officers on jet aircraft Mr. Talbot said he appreciated tended including pool managers, life Everybody's Birthday parties ut heater, .- i Health Survey Ihe intent of the ordinance but that which games, refreshments," pony noise over Westfield, Sept. guards, students and many safety- In his report to council Mr, Morun Girl Scout at Encampment 21 at 8 p.m. in the senior be was concerned with what inter- conscious adults not directly con- rides and other entertainments were About 10 Wostfield children will pretation a future Council might enjoyed by all. said thai the effectiveness of the school. nected with the program. new plan will be closely studied and be included in a health survey of place on the broad restrictive clause. Several playgrounds have com- The public hearing will be at- 200 children from the Essex, Morris, Larry Tomas, water safety chair- the •committee will evaluate the re- dy the Locale Has Changed tended by members of Council and Mr. Tatbot was asked to provide man, welcomed the group and pre- bined with others to share the bena- sults of the arrangement after a Union County area, ages 6 through a sujJKested amendment to except riis of ideas. Picnics at Tamaques Congresswoman Florence P. Dwyer XI years, to be given by the U, S. peaceful assembly and picketing sided. A film on life saving tech- reasonable period of time. or of 313 Pork "ion n office of the Gir! Scouts of (R-NJ). Senators Clifford P. Case niques with underwater shots shown Park, games on the playgrounds, hdretvs, N, C, last the USA. Public Health Service beginning which could be enacted at u later and visits to get Lo know children The committee is hopeful that the and Harrison A. Williums Jr., have Sept. 13 date. in slow motion was of special inter- flow of discarded material will be tnior Girl Scout AH- When Dana was notified that she also been invited to attend but liavo est. The second film on water TDS- fram other grounds have been en- snt, a high point was Health Officer Joseph J. Mottley (ConLinucd on page 2) joyed by all. spaced so as to not overtax the fa- was one of the JO sslectecs from not as yet replied, the mayor said. has reported that the examination, cue covered "on the spot" mouth- ampins experiences the Region, she was thrilled because, to-mouth resuscitation as is prac- At Franklin playground Monday, cilities and working schedules of the d Senior CJirl Scout. During Tuesday night's session, fliven by the health examination sur- ticed in the rescue boat itself imme- disposal men, and suggested that if "the experience of living In the out- Mrs. Warren Barker, publications vey o( the Public Health Service, the "Mnke-Believe Players" of any difficulties are encountered tha of Mr. and Mrs. J. of-doors with girls from all over the Salc Days Hailed diately after the victim is taken from Weslfield, vompusbd of young giris chairman of Ilia league of Women are part of a nationwide sampling the water. householder so advise town officials. Dana described her country, will be a wonderful oppor- survey. Children will be selected and boys, entertained the play- tunity to make new friends, especial- Voters, accompanied by Mrs.