Connecticut Daily Campus | Sewing Storrs Since 1896
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Connecticut Daily Campus | Sewing Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CXVI NO. 101 STORRS, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1963 Resolution Under Fire Babbidge Requests More $ In School Controversy At Budget Hearing In Htfd. This ai lid.- written by Irvine leaders, they contended, that the By Dianne Rader and million dollars between the bien- I between his request and that of the Kravsow is special to tli« Daily matter would be resolved by hav- Andy McKurdy nial request of the Board of Trus- ■ Governor. Campus from the Hartford ing the General Assembly, by President Homer D. Babbidge tees and that of the Governor. I Babbidge stated thai the restora- resolution, appoint three im- believe that the original request of ] tion of the items to the Governor's I "in:.ill. It deals with the pres- presented the budget request of : partial referees to make a find- the Board of Trustees of the Uni- the Board is in all respects justi- budget would make a profound dit- ent hassle in the General As- ing of facts in the case. In effect versity before the Appropriations fiable." I ference in the ability of the UiuV sembly over the proposed medi- both sides wanted the Legislature Committee at the State Capital in "I would like, of course, to ask versity of Connecticut to make cal dental school. This is the to do by resolution, what Justice Hartford at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, you to restore the full differential progress toward the goal of quali- Boldwin refused to do by direc- March 26. of $2.6 million dollars. But I rec- ty in the University. Failure to Second part of a two part series. tive. Justice Baldwin had no ob- In explaining the position of ognize the stringent financial con- restore these items to the budget By Irvine Kravsow jections to this procedure, it was ditions under which you are work- would seriously impair the Univer- Wednesday morning, while the understood. the Board of Trustees, Dr. Bab- sity's progress. bidge stated, "The. Board of Trus- ing, and I am prepared, therefore, House members sat around wait- Now, with the Noyes resolution to indicate for your guidance five In the questioning period which ing for the ddMte on the Noyes tees of the University has pre- apparently all set to be approved pared a budget request for the items, the restoration of which is followed Dr. Babbidge's presenta- resolution to begin and wonder- next week, the Democrats of most critical importance to the tion of his intial statement, Rep. inc where their leaders were, the coming biennium that is intended resentative Noyes of Farmingion jumped in and requested that to rectify some of the conditions University, and the aggregate cost GOP leaders were meeting with any legislative probe be made of which represents only about one- questioned him concerning the ad- Cov. Dempsey and Sheehan in jointly. This would give the within the University that tend to third of that $2.6 million differ- dition to the library. In response the Governor's office. impair tlie quality of academic | to his question. Dr. Babbidge s>it- Democrats a strong voice in any work offered at all levels." ential. At that meeting, both political probe. These items are as follows: ' ed that the three additional library parties agreed, with the approval "The Governor's Budget request, Democrats Want Part For equipment, including li- Staff members for which the Gov- of the Governor, to ask Chief though it is smaller than the re- brary acquisition-—tSM.Mt. ernor had provided would no! be Justice Raymond E. Baldwin to The Democrats felt that as quest of the Board of Trustees, long as a legislative probe was For an additional one-step in- sufficient. That is why Babbidge appoint a fact-finding panel to would provide the University with crease in fatuity salaries (in I lie presented the request for an addi- probe the matter of the medical- apparently inevitable, it should significant help in critical areas. be bipartisan and not lopsided. second year of the hieiiniuni— tional $170,250 for library staff. denial school. They also asked I am going to ask you. frankly, to $250,000. This amount would provide for the Chief Justice to have the The Republican House leaders restore certain items that are not For additional stall in the Uni- twenty-one staff members, in ad- panel look into six questions that replied the next day. They turned included in Ihe Governor's pro- versity Library—$171,250. dition to the three provided for had been raised by Noyes and down the Democratic request posed budget; but I would not the COP leaders For additional staff in plant by the Governor, and offered, instead, a take it or want my remarks to be misinter- maintenance—$80,000. i Babbidge went on to say that Baldwin Said No leave it proposition. preted. The Governor's requests Justice Boldwin said he wanted For additional staff in purchas- the library had a "long way to The GOP leaders told the lend real substance to his an- ing, accounting anil personnel— go" before it measured up to li 21 hours to think it over. Mean- Democrats that if they wanted nounced desire to bring about a while, the GOP leaders shelved I $30,000. braries in Other institutions of the to join in the probe, it would be strengthening of the quality of the The sum of these requests then size of th" University of Connecti- the Noyes resolution. On Thurs- on the GOP's terms and invited University. day, however. Justice Baldwin represents a total of $S31.250. ap- cut. He further Stated thai any the Senators to take the Noyes In commenting ui>on the differ- qualitative advance required all turned down the request and j resolution. proximately one-third off what Dr. ence between the budget as pro- Babbidge died as the differential (( ontiniied on Page S. Col. 1) outlined some excellent reasons The Democratic leaders will posed by the University and as cut for doing so including the sep- give their answer by next Tues- by the Governor. Babbidge went aration of powers among the day when the Noyes resolution on to say, "I've discovered that executive, judiciary and legisla- is slated for action in the House. budge) figures are elusive, but I tive branches of government They probably will accept reluc- think it is fair to say that there Advance Fee Deposit and the possibility that the medi- tantly because they object to the is a differential of at least $2.G cal-dental school site could be- wording of the resolution. In come a matter for the courts in fact, they almost have to ac- Must Be In By May 15 the future and judicial action at cept it il they want to sit in on tliis time would be prejudicial. the investigation with an equal Bloodmobile Advance fee deposits must be be cancelled." This put, everyone back where received by May 15 if students An exception is for part-time voice to make sure the probe Those interested in donat- they started and the House mem- doesn't go off on a wild tangent. Students with less than 5 credits ing IIICH.,1 are reminded that advance registering for the fall bers, in closed caucus, demanded Meanwhile, the proposed build- semester hope to maintain regis- who must pay all fees in order that the Noyes resolution be re- ing of the medical-dental school they should cheek their ap- to register. pointments. If they are not trations and room reservations. vived and passed and that the is in serious trouble in the Gen- Advance registration will be Mr. Fingles urged students to House Appropriations Committee able to keep it. they should see their faculty counselors dur- eral Assembly and is in danger contact the Bloodmobile so held Tuesday. April 30, through Conduct a probe. of being lost. Friday. May 3 from 9 a.m. to ing the week of April 22-26 I * This caught the Democratic that their appointed time may advice on course selection. Iw used by others willing to 4 p.m. in the Library Annex— leaders off guard. They hadn"t Commuters Reading Room. "The counselors, however, expected such a reaction and had donate. should l>e asked advice only on State University Walk-in donalors are es- "No advance deposit is required been led to believe by the GOP to advance register," Mr. Fingles the courses suitable to meet the pecially welcome to give an students' educational and career hour of their time to save a explained, "but $50 deposits must Presidents Here life. 1M> paid by May 15 if registrations interests and University require- Back In History and room reservations are not to ments," he said. Mr. Fingles explained that this Friday, Saturday restriction is not intended to limit Is CCC Theme Friday and Saturday, March student-counselor contacts but is "CCC. Goes Back In History"; 29 and 30, the State Universities (Continued on Page «. Col. S) • is the winning theme for the 1963! Presidents Council will convene Carnival. Sulwnitted by John here at Uconn. The purpose of Hodska of Lambda Chi Alpha, the titis conference, which is spon- Last Semester's theme was chosen Monday night sored by the New England Re- by the CCC Executive Committee. gion of the National Students 40 q.p.r. Students Taken under consideration in the; Association, is to establish a The Registrar's Office has re- Choice was originality, clarity, tradition of close communication leased the names of thus.- stu- and adaptability.