Presentation Version - 26 October 2015

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Presentation Version - 26 October 2015 PRESENTATION VERSION - 26 OCTOBER 2015 World Judo Tour JUDO JEJU 4 5 The IJF World Judo Tour has arrived in Jeju, South Korea, for only the third time in its history. The Jeju Grand Prix was introduced in 2013 and was met with a very strong entry from top level countries from within and outside of Asia. South Korea’s premier judo competition is now an annual event which has a rapidly growing international and domestic interest. 7KH-HMX*UDQG3UL[LVWKH¿QDO*UDQG3UL[RIWKHVHDVRQZKLFKFXOPLQDWHV in Japan next week at the Tokyo Grand Slam. The South Korean team had an excellent World Championships and I am sure Marius L. VIZER their team will look forward to facing the world’s best international judoka in IJF President Jeju. Judoka have maintained their conditioning all year round during a rigorous Rio 2O\PSLFTXDOL¿FDWLRQFDPSDLJQDQG,VDOXWH\RXUHIIRUWVDQGFRQWLQXHG collaboration as the heroes of our sport. ,ZLVKJRRGOXFNWRDOOWKHSDUWLFLSDQWVRI¿FLDOVDQGRUJDQLVHUV,ZLVKDOORIRXU guests a very pleasant and enjoyable stay in Jeju and thank you for supporting the IJF World Judo Tour. 'HDU-XGRGHOHJDWLRQVDQGRI¿FLDOVSDUWLFLSDWLQJWR-HMX*UDQG3UL[ I would like to warmly welcome you all here in Jeju, a beautiful island tourist attraction, which has tremendous natural environment. The competition that has met its 17th year has been developed to world top level international tournament by virtue of the support from every participants and all the judo fans from home and abroad, and also established a solid foothold for Korean judo to be one of the world best. I would like to convey my great appreciation to Mr. Marius Vizer, the President ¢£M ¤ ¥¦§¨© M ¡ of International Judo Federation, and also to Mr. Obaid Al-Anzi, the President Jinqiang of Judo Union of Asia, Mr. WON Hee-Ryong, the Governor of Jeju Special Self President Governing Province, Mr. MOON Won-Bae, President of Jeju Judo Association, Korea Judo as well as the entire body of organization and all judo family. Association 2I¿FLDOVDQG-XGRNDV All interested parties including myself, did our very utmost to prepare this event in the past year. I would like you to do your best at the competition in your own nation’s honor and also yours with such a sense of fair play and sportsmanship And not to mention, enjoy gorgeous natural beauties of this wonderful island to leave lots of good memories behind during your comfortable stay here in Jeju. I wish all judo family of the world a fortune and good health and luck. Thank you. JUDO GRAND PRIX, JEJU 2015 1. PROGRAM DATE TIME ACTIVITY T 12:00 – 21:00 Accreditation Maison Glad Jeju November 09:00 -12:00 Accreditation 14:00 Draw after draw Referees’ meeting Wednesday 25 19:00-20:30 Judogi back number check November 19:30-20:00 8QRI¿FLDOZHLJKLQ Maison Glad Jeju 20:00-20:30 2I¿FLDOZHLJKLQ Women: -48kg, -52kg, -57kg / Men: -60kg, -66kg Women: -48kg, -52kg, -57kg / Men: -60kg, -66kg 10:00 Preliminaries on 3 tatami 16:00 Opening Ceremony Halla Gymnasium Thursday 26 17:00 Final block on 1 tatami November 19:00-20 :30 Judogi back number check Maison Glad Jeju 19:30-20:00 8QRI¿FLDOZHLJKLQ 20:00-20:30 2I¿FLDOZHLJKLQ Women: -63kg, -70kg / Men: -73kg, -81kg Women: -63kg, -70kg Men: -73kg, -81kg 10:00 Preliminaries on 3 tatami Halla Gymnasium Friday 27 17:00 Final block on 1 tatami November 19:00-20:30 Judogi back number check Maison Glad Jeju 19:30- 20:00 8QRI¿FLDOZHLJKLQ 20:00- 20:30 2I¿FLDOZHLJKLQ Women: -78kg, +78kg / Men: -90kg, -100kg, +100kg Women: -78kg, +78kg / Men: -90kg, -100kg, +100kg Saturday 28 10:00 Preliminaries on 3 tatami Halla Gymnasium November 17:00 Final block on 1 tatami Sunday 29 November 'HSDUWXUHRI,-)2I¿FLDOVDQGGHOHJDWLRQV *International Training Camp is scheduled to be from 29 November to 1 December. 2. ORGANIZERS K ¢ ¥ ¦ ¦ § Address: #504 Olympic Center, 424 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea T. +82 2 422 0581 / EMAIL: [email protected] 3. COMPETITION PLACE KJ K ¥ 1163-4, Ora1-dong, Jeju Special Self Governing Province 26-28 November 2015 4. HOTELS A KJ ¡ M ¦ § ¥ Address:80, Noyeon-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea T. +82 64 747 4900 Single: USD260 (Bed and Breakfast included/per person per night) Twin: USD 220(Bed and Breakfast included/per person per night) *Distance from Jeju Airport: 3.6km Distance from the Venue: 4 km B. Best Western Jeju Hotel Address: 27 Doryeong-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea T. +82 64 797 6000 Single: USD 240(Bed and Breakfast included/per person per night) Twin: USD 200(Bed and Breakfast included/per person per night) *Distance from Jeju Airport: 3.4km Distance from the Venue: 4km Hotel reservations can ONLY be made through the Organizer on D¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLV+RWHOUHVHUYDWLRQVPXVWEHPDGH before 9 November 2015. Full payment must be received before 13 November 2015. (Bank transfer account please refer to the below information). According to the new IJF rule enacted on the 2 December 2012 in Tokyo “the Organizing country should not request fee penalties for countries which cannot make bank transfers but can pay in cash money upon arrival. On the other hand, they should inform well in advance the organizing country and specify the number of participants before the deadline”. Possible reservations of extra rooms at the check-in will be surcharged with an additional 10%. NO exceptions will be made. All bank fees and bank transfer costs are to be paid by the participating federation. Cancellation fees: up to 30 days before the arrival, full refund. From 30-10 days before the arrival 50% of the payment. After the 13 November 2015, any cancellation of rooms or no- show will result in 100% of the charge of the hotel costs that must be paid by the National Federations. Cancellations of the rooms cannot be made at the check-in. Injuries, visa problems or sickness are not valid reasons for the cancellation of rooms. IMPORTANT : All damages to property of hotels or venues resulting from the stay of a national delegation will be charged to the National Federation and must be paid in full. Bank transfer account: (Please input below information correctly and completely on the transfer document, any procedure related to amendment for the bank transfer has to be done by the participation team before arrival to Jeju) %HQH¿FLDU\¶V1DPH.RUHD-XGR$VVRFLDWLRQ Bank Name: SUHYUPBANK Bank A/C No: 643-01-005102 Bank Address: 11-6 Sinchun-Dong, Songpa-Gu, Seoul, Korea SWIFT Code: NFFCKRSE IMPORTANT : Delegations are kindly requested not to leave judogi or have training sessions LQWKHFRUULGRUVRIWKHRI¿FLDOKRWHOV JUDO GRAND PRIX, JEJU 2015 5. IMPORTANT INFORMATION R!A "R" # $ £ £ 8QWLOGD\VEHIRUHGUDZWKHFRUUHFWQDPHVRIWKHFRPSOHWHGHOHJDWLRQ DWKOHWHVDQG RI¿FLDOV KDYHWREHUHJLVWHUHGRQOLQHDW,-)UHJLVWUDWLRQSDJH ZZZMXGREDVHRUJ 7KH QXPEHURIDWKOHWHVRI¿FLDOVFDQQRWEHLQFUHDVHGDIWHUWKLVGHDGOLQH 8QWLOGD\VEHIRUHGUDZ,QFDVHDGHOHJDWLRQKDVUHSODFHPHQWVDQGRUFDQFHOODWLRQV these changes must be entered online at IJF registration page ( )% Replacements must be like for like i.e. an athlete must be replaced with an athlete, a team RI¿FLDOZLWKDWHDPRI¿FLDO 8QWLOVWDUWRIDFFUHGLWDWLRQ$Q\ODVWPLQXWHUHSODFHPHQWVRUFDQFHOODWLRQVPXVWEHVHQWWR ' ( *+,-./0 1*+ 2 13 3 45 6 5+0 7-*. 89:& the IJF registration e-mail: [email protected] & ACCREDITATION 'XULQJDFFUHGLWDWLRQUHJLVWHUHGDWKOHWHVFDQEHUHSODFHGE\RWKHUDWKOHWHVDQGUHJLVWHUHG RI¿FLDOVFDQEHUHSODFHGE\RWKHURI¿FLDOV $Q\FDQFHOODWLRQRIDQDWKOHWHRQWKHVSRWZLWKRXWUHSODFHPHQWZLOOUHVXOWLQDSHQDOW\ VHHEHORZ CANCELLATION ,QFDVHZKHUHUHJLVWHUHGDWKOHWHVDUHFDQFHOOHGRQWKHVSRWZLWKRXWSUHYLRXVQRWL¿FDWLRQWR the IJF, a penalty of 100 USD per athlete will apply. This penalty will be charged by the IJF to the National Federation. ,QFDVHDZKROHGHOHJDWLRQLVQRWSDUWLFLSDWLQJZLWKRXWSUHYLRXVQRWL¿FDWLRQDSHQDOW\RI USD per athlete will apply for all registered athletes. $GGLWLRQDOO\LQDOOWKHFDVHVWKH2UJDQL]HUVKDYHWKHULJKWWRGHPDQGWKHH[SHQVHVIRU accommodation and meals generated by any replacement, cancellation or non-participation from the cancelling Federation according to the deadlines indicated in the event outlines. ACCOMMODATION $OOGHOHJDWLRQVPXVWVWD\LQRQHRIWKHRI¿FLDOKRWHOV 6. LAND TRANSPORT T; <=>?@B = C@ D D E=FG@ H = FH I; => L =? EF=LL@F? HF= IFNEL@ ?> D>L@ F? L@?> DWWKHRI¿FLDOKRWHOV7UDQVIHUWRDQGIURP-HMX,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUWIURPWRKRWHODQGEXV service to and from competition venue. 7. INSURANCE O P Q S U V I; L @F? D =L@ F? @ = EF?@ D HF = @L IFNEL@ LF = L ; IF?L=F D FH ?F? E=>??I well as the gender control are placed under the responsibility of the National Federations) and must assume all responsibility for accident and health insurance as well as the civil OLDELOLWLHVIRUWKHLUFRPSHWLWRUVDQGRI¿FLDOVGXULQJWKH-HMX*UDQG3UL[ The organizer of the Jeju Grand Prix 2015 and the IJF will not be responsible for any insurance related to the above mentioned matters. Nevertheless the National Judo Federation staging the Jeju Grand Prix 2015 shall take all necessary actions to provide insurance coverage against civil liability for the entire duration. The organizer of the Jeju Grand Prix 2015 and the IJF has no liability for any claims of injury, illness or death arising out of the participation and traveling in connection with these events. 26-28 November 2015 8. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION W X Y FL D =GL @F? 9 November 2015 Z [ U \]^ S _ ` )Y @ = L T C@L ; EF=L F E@ 9 November 2015 W Y FL D EN ?L 13 November 2015 Y T=G D @ ? HF=NL@ F? 13 November 2015 Q O U S )Y S ab Q @? D ?L = ?L= ?N T; =>@ L=L@F? N L F? C@ L; L ; F? D@? =>@ L=L@F? c d e /0 1 *+6 .166 1+ system at ?L@ D 5 November 23:59 CET WKHUHJLVWUDWLRQGHDGOLQHZLOOQRWEHDOORZHGWRVWDUW1RH[FHSWLRQVZLOOEHPDGH$OO FRPSHWLWRUVFRDFKHVDQGRI¿FLDOVPXVWEHHQWHUHGLQWLPH$IWHUWKHGHDGOLQHQRDGGLWLRQDO persons can be added. 127(,WZLOOEHDOORZHGWRUHSODFHDOUHDG\UHJLVWHUHGFRDFKHVRURI¿FLDOVFRPSHWLWRUVRQO\ S L; ? FH in the case of an injury. For any support please contact [email protected] HF = the deadline. 9. CONTROL OF ENTRIES & ACCREDITATION f \ g b h T; IF?L=FD FH ?L=@ ? @@?> FH II=@LL@F? I= C@DD L EDI L @F? D Amethyst Hall on 24 November from 12:00 to 21:00 on 25 November from 09:00 to 12:00 i j k 35/60 *+5 05/.
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