¦ ¦ i ' . - ¦> i . , ¦ I- ,- - : . . ;.; . :O i ^ :1J f m \.t i GJIil THS WATERFORD CHRONICLE AND KIUNSTER ADVERTISER-INCORPORATED WITH THIS JOURNAL IN 1849 Wlio Lo NO* 22 SATTOBAY, DECEMBER ' t& 1896i °sn^™™ FEicS°=oiria TEionr SHE T7ATEKPOED ITEVrn." ' . ;i < :^' ^ EBTABLIBIIED—1847. ! Purveyors to H.S.fl. the Prinos of Walo2. ia?(joot Circulation in Stmth of Irolon^ hiMutiiii ntry FBIVAY , an* B«o»d Edition on SATURD/ ; ; Zlomvnfi&t at Not. 49 and 50, Cr*Oonn«U-8trett , r-t I (OFTOSITI THE PSOVIXCUL B1BK). ,., iT \ AID Ep ij ij TO 5early (In Advance), 43.^. i& JQ)EICE—ODE PBJWY; SODA llffiWSTf 0C^ ' W k, ; By PoBt (Ye5rlj), G3. 6a. ; ^ OiX All Cheques and ?. Q. Orders, mado pay;"ilo iMOuO Ml Xto I COBK EMUB P. BKDMOHD, ot thia Office. ^ 0S THE BES T ; : Ton &aw8 circulates sxtaniitoly amongstr-tho 31 Gold - ami Prize Medals Awarded. »»eliant»i traders and nobility,' gentry,, Far?~Sig lucea i S Q ., in Watorfotd, Kilkenny, Tipper " ry, (Scliai)© ni the iouth of Ireland generally. Tbo K TTC , u attained a circulation never eqnalled by any ^~V BT SEBCIALITIB8: dafHthai In Waterford , and is admittedlytho .; -id- ^mppniB. s ¦ ?? ig Joumallin thiB important city, with which the o T /rh " ' * in? inr n^T? r Q> O.LUB SpD,4 THD BE.V.ER AGE OF H33ALTH. ;,/., r«ot dailj* communication from London. Clyde Shipping TF^T ni ii-.' i TT' T C ?arti ¦ I \ —• ¦ DECEMBER, 1&98. ^ all 1 - idT8rti»<)nient8 rocoivedlortho NEW a by ree^-ot. Bojuior Steam Communication between SP^JSKI JING" BIOrJTSBRRAT, TRT-l DRINK FOR THE GOUTY & RHEULIATIG •& Newspaper Agenta ii\ tho United Kingdom, i^re. T7ATEBFOE,D and ¦yment rf Q.uisito from parties not lcnowji at the oi^Jo. fcOHDOn aoyal Seltzer, Potano, ; -Lithin W?-t?r3, 7jcti7prax\o, &d.< , -^ - .- .PLtMOUTH Ajrn EOUTHAUPTOlJ. NEWlUVEtJ, > 71" D0?3tt. ii» 60UTH o» ' niI0LAMD. 1 &3cat3 Bor Calo of TEE HET7S on*! *> COBE. DtTBLip. BEti'AST 411b GLLSOOW. MaUen'6 Call Food , linseed Meal , Flax Seed , ° i Advortlsoment a ; - .. , M -1 Tv. TinHE New and powerful.! • SJk JL Bcrow CRUSHED OIL CAKE, fVATERFQB'D—Miss KILL-*, Gladstone 8trcot A C-^^S^p y Btoa^ors ^.BANMOEE. | fi ^ Mtoa POWEB, Barxonatfand Btroet. ¦cT ""a^Tinii nir^ EDDT8T0NE, Itotew Ill, HTTOHEB, Mayor's Wlli- .- FASTNET, LIZAED., PLADDA. POBTILANB. EATHLIM, ¦ OP Ht8. QTni.Ti, John Street. / SAUDA, . SEEBBTVOBE, TOW/ ED , TU8KAB, Best Cattle and LiEisssd OilSo I? 1 ^ VALENTIA, aro intondod to | ' eall u under, Qiby Miimtoh&R- Se^itaiT ^7. S Hiis KAVAHAQH, O'ConnoUStroou weather permitting (mjlcss Alao in STXJUT. - . , & Mias CDOHNBLI 111, Quay **• prorentf d by. nnforeooeo» avoir ^ olrcumstAscctfJ. with, liberty to tow Ve ssbla, and to os31 at swat 2L" ' Mr. DOBBTH, Barraot dtrett. , any Port or Ports In ;&ny order, In or c at of tho customary I BOTEL AUD RE 8 T £V B All 1 iTHEBIHE - GTEEET WATMRPORD Mr, WABDKLL, Quay. j ooane , to Booctvo and Diachflrgo Cars >, or for my other S'iV UttJKiiW BTBEt-T, Mrjj. JSBBITT, Ballybriclsoz>' purpose wbAU»o«Ter. Oils oi all iand? and of tli6 Finest Ouslity . tlri AHEAKN, Johu-atreok i ' Cvr.ivTXAfl HoLirATB—Sbippcj a rriii pi age noto aUcratlonH nillLK most Oi>Dtral , Modoraic. md Moaurn. is Sailings. . iD Hia FOWKE, Broad Streot.1 , - ^1 Note JL Electric Li^ht bt'droouB. diso leW-p hoao lira. BoTLI B, Peter Strait. niTgBronn 10 OLAtaC) Aaares" j aitn ooKlDi; o ETerj XUESDAy (Direct), ficoitffllh Cviiembcl ... 1 ^.C acootDmodatioD. Hot and ould ' Mr. NOLAK , Ballybrickon, • ' ; . MOKDAT. SibPwciiilcr (Direct) ;!..¦ . lp» is Burlington. E0SERT AWBOM ; WEDKESDATS (Via OOBTli Mrs. D , Quay. ; JPIjmouth 1. -' nd Dcj-epibcr. 4pm, t'th. COKLKSS. Proprietor. ^O, (ljU.ll y) T. , Mr. COUOLAB , Michael Strict. 11 am. , 16tb, 4 p.m , ^id, 10 A.m 1 Mia, 4 p L. "QegisUt - vS, Plumber &• Sanitary Mrs. WALSH , Lombard 8tr«t. 1 ousaon ro niimron^ Engineer fc, Ercry M0HDAT (Dlroot) riLMACXHOMAS—Mr. T. CHRISTOFETBO. .1. .. 3 p.n . General Merchants, 27 . O' uonvdl-Street \\ aterf ord iinESlGE—Tho GlontA7ortb t Cal BaU. lo Crfootjoe l. ...6.30 p.m P ROPRI ETOR HLKENNT—P. QOINLIVAN , Upper John Streoi. i^grcry THDESDAT (Direct, ... I ... .. a D.n> JTJUGABVAN—Mr. E. K EON , V.C, Main-Street. \ Cal. EB.U. to Hotol. ' • "* Grtionook .. 6.2i f— 1 d Firot-olrj3U Family and Commercial ATE OF MR. WILLIAM BAIRD'8 Mri Mathow WALSH . Mias-M. CvHNim. r WltTRTOaD TO BILfAtl , DCBLIN), [l^rerj SATURDAY (dlrMt u. nnHE " Qlontworth" IB the nuare.st Hotel in JoHK Wise, 25, L'auick street ' ...... i P "^) Ef.S HvLfilJ^ It) WlTIHFOHfr- BJXSTGEJJISHI-T KTE BEET ! Station , Banks; Steam- ' r«!3fH!ctfull y to thank the Nobility, Gentrj Mnnagors rEAMOEE—JUIBB CLAKCT , Kefreshment Booms , and |^^ Vti DUDLI. iL thoOtj io tho Ball way of Instituticna, and Public i HEfory 1UESDA1' («»»lili;iid Dccoinb cn*x (litrret) T® W UM ©I (fri TOT ' ©. COHHEK OP THOMAS-ST A .N :. /CUNNrtl I.-ST ILTOWN—Miss EOCHB. ; 'ery TU L'R.SDAY (except 2^b Dccombct; ?' BtSW^OM' rS VATK KFi'K:' . OLL— Hro. BoHATNK.and P. CoasTmk , Hi NESDAY . '.'3rd Dcconibor. 1 t 4>TJ Coax to W ATKBFOKD . Olteci^ ISn^Uoh LQVOI Ifloyloaa En[*Uph IsOxroi? Immediiii-o Vic:ijiiy ¦: M > ' :nnf,rvun , ¦A1LOW—T. Clancy. ' I in cho iEVf BOSS—Miss Di«ErK. : f. \H)AY&. 4Lh l>oc«mbcr. ri ji ro . lltli.] Gp.n lfett. " ?. m \dmorlcH und Kukenu) iim ^tiva .25tb, No ijilxng. 1 ATEEffQBD BA1LWA1 STATION—Mescrt "~* TIIl'HSUAY, Hth Doccmbef, r, p., , - . TEA , EABon & BONB Book Stand. WAOuLroao TO LoBDOa ^EEA.KFA8Tp. aJMCHEON S.DlNNKKo 6c, I E^'ERAL PLUMBING V^- try Saturday (»ia Sontbampton) „. J p.n- IN U«K ALL THE WOBLP ovsa WOBK ^ * In Sllrer Oase» SUT *t Bhurtebt tictico and Moderate Charuci. ^ lxiBDOB (at. Kctharine Dook), TOfWiTTiBfon 81 /[jf i \Tery of Goods sept to M'NiMiaA W Co. (limited), U, Cholco Wines , ijqnera, Gpints , Stou*, Alec , Ci gar; !umbin« and Sanitary Kngineoring Contracts in IrulaDei , lncluditij, 'B AgeDOv,'lS2 , Fleet Streot O- ftlo>Btroot, Fuubnrr ;ito Clyde Shipping Company, , ' S KIXH AdTertising ¦ ^23 '3c3t and Cor» Whinlacj, LaDoncnn! T. B. BBOWB, 163, Qacen Viftona gtroet , E-C. ! ¦- Idcnhsll streot, or Clyie ShlpplnjCompany, B waxui;po, DubiiL A, T. CHAMNIT, 2G, Beanm'nt Roait, N. Bi ^ISatharinD Dock, will reccWe prompt ittenuon. ?E&1I» llODBll«TE. Wan&rOKD TO PLraonTUJdiroo. EIU IT 5 Lcad«;ihaU Street, EX. abljp B . & Co., , W-DNESDAYS, and December, I p.n'; Oth . 11 i-a. ; 16th, IllDO HOWLETI (la 'e of Ship Hotol).Propnosroc: and Private Water VTorko, Temple, Mews Boom, 172, f leet Street. r ' 4p.ttl. 33rd, 10 a. m , 3ulli, U p.i. j'ot T?bJch ho holii tho Hirhui TcE'.imc.iial! ¦ -" ^ of He&r*. BTBOET & Co., Cora BilL ' PLVllt)i:Ta TO WiTEUTOBJJ (dirUCl F /* ' _, ^ai I Beleetions Watches o? 1 JNO ON , 10, 3dt Conrt, Fleet-Si. ;. budny, 7th December , 7 &.m;Suodcj, Hth , Midalgui. . CGOWII HOTEL. UeEiri. K 4 S 7/L-i (iS* yJvi ¦ Jewellery sent Iree ox 'TEE 'ftto rforrl and District alone ho can refer to tho 1 Mr. J. lotNO, Floet-Striet do. do. - -'. MoDdaj 2UU l) t.m , b&luiday, ^th , 9 a, -* | ** X *™^ 1^ H receipt of re!erenco. following, amonBJti other rtmaroiiD ro BouniAHPto. MONCK . 8TKEET, ^'EXPORD, xumplea - De Ln SaUe College, Waterford District CBAS. EAEO/I ji Sou, Abboycl Lunatic Asy lum (Now Buildinrs) Ursnlinn tTOIJN—llenn. _ Every 8AT0SDAY (direct), to 1 I-T=>_^->X^I— ' l IllnatrateA BOOB. P. B. O'KIIFF , 1, 8t. Aj.arow-Stroet. ^* 0 0 Railway, Imporkl HotJl, * - . 8ouTninpT05 T<) WirBuioau— Vi. P LTHOC" , rs V *—vl i Post Free rTPUlS Oid Hotel 1» famous for ^cxxl . purn WTj io k i;} "1 tho Good 8nepherd , Cftrnck -on-Suir? ^ &BSS UkBGOW—J. MoMcBTBit , V , Bothwoll 8troei. : rVTURDAYS . 5tb Dec«nibeT , 13 noon; 12tt. 11 a.a , ltn*. T^ Z^? rr ^' Convent of Mercy, Tallow Carmellite OonvoBt f ( I \ /f iei\ L 01 O1 BATCHES ANT) A. tnd lill otber Dtioho. ^ Kilm-c- i2 ndou ; J6lb, No Salii. ^ :omas Lonvont ol Mercy, and hw abo executed ControctJ in DttDT: * s il »A ft /A /V*/' JEWELLERY TASEK jlKS. KEL1.T , ?uopui£Tc:f8 ol lho mahsicns of tlu WATtJtfOtJJ 10 N EWHA'I&I. EXOHAh-OE. ^ding gentry of thu and the adjoimng Countiej. In TUSoutbjinpton , „. M . ID. nVc/ If / 1 S?/ ** o'M.I addition to Mi ho obtain-d Prixei^n EHty DATDEDAT. i 'V4 AD Oooda Not ApproTwJ 'lose tc tho Eailway Statloa. he At-tizans' Exhibition in Doblin for ¦ " : v ' JJiwpAVXB TO ¦WATEBFJr^. rV. 7 A /V I Excellence in Plumbing Work ! LINE. (Tin will bo ExehanseC AMERICAN Ererj^fUE3DAY London), \ VUilJ J\. n. o .• umll 1 PLUK3IBIR3© CJ mado TEBEE-QUARTEB PLATE erur »ou. low pr.ct Ri Lever Ltlr?ft, Chronometer ILuaDcb JoweUoC ia 6d to 2a ; Breakfas t. !¦ Ulo In 6d Second Vi iertord to 01££gOT< .... 17». 6d. a5eL lte, lit rnctor Balance. Patont Lorvf Banei. and Damp in Rubiei Tonff-Bpd , HlgliiBt Cla:3of ocoommoiiatlon for Saloon, • ;¦¦> „ U«liMt . .„ 17o. 6d. «J ICJ liv and Etrone Koylcss Action. Table d'Uot* . &• . tipucial MTHBRINE-8T., WA.TERFORD. Free. ¦^ Dnst Proof Ring Band. Price £5 o* rfaiho—Hoi and Cold. tbin and Ble«rogo PaBsengJirs. Stderago Ontfit „ Cork, ... in. Oc 14= h 7a. 63 An Emrt Timok«?riir. nnd better ralar '.nar nnr ttioodan cC3. *"* Keeps bett«r time thufc. and u doubls me Strength Eeyless Watc b »0id (or £10. Terms for Parties). No charge for 8lc«r»ge Pauengers forwirded .Free from Qnoens- „ Plymoatii an and Valne el. any £6 £>i Wawh madi lr Suirlino " { ttoatlKuupton 20a. Ot* 8O3, 1(N Its. I'nco Co in Queen 's ilotel , IDrJkoyl. wn or Liverpool to Southampton. * 6llver Coses, with Strong Crystal Olao ExttjiB:rcnirtb, BterUnc S!ivf: -v«» j. VAOii liAN tLsto ' _, „ London. Tii Boatj. M^d« in Fonr Sizes at one Price. &b 6a. :— No 1 PronrletfeBS PHILABETPHIA SESVICE. ampton A Bnli - ~| IZi ' 80"'8 ENOAOEUEHT EIIIGE, :. UTEBPOOL- ^: NewaaTta, 2tB. ut —I la. M^Va^Rln^^M,?^^'' H^.V^ B^ Ha.: Qotol Every WEDNESDAY . ' : Dover , ... -a*. r<* *J ll iSV jipcnal Ttnhttn . Iffc 0r\ I OF - WAR I PHILADELP HIA , i - I7~*~, '£» TU IVZRtOOL TO aod 12 dl - ¦ .O OF - WAE Qaccnetann every Tbaredsy. ' ^hlldnm nbovo » under yeir» t.-o, UiU Pare. OWES SACKV1LLE-6TUEET , JVBUN.I ° C&Uing at available for Two Montha— and goods ar< landed at Philadelphia on tti-^zn Ticket* Not 'Jranafermbls. 2K aDn ot m ri8k w ¦ '^J PnecftnG"" . r Noix.—The Clyde Shipping Ctmpany (Limited) A^ uS&Rta - G - OF - WAE t By Of - - of tho Pinnrylyanuv Kailroad. -»Jilrsraiift l.ioWJS. Batnari Imam lajr, Eut*r-Cmiiliij«, ®. Wo ' LSdici ' OoCoo-Ro'om, Dlntij.Xtooa SM OKERS QF PLUG gijothnmp'.OD or UTorpool W jb srnB»ii-«r Arthnr Suwt, Dtoamj FactoryMi BO3 ^oa/H, ^SI^i^^^g,' \J UojlQocht WBA0C 0 fj- -it, and at tha L, 4 8. W. Eailwa; Beoslving jfoua aook 1 Dook Road, IiTmariok 1 Towa Quay, Soathun*- gHELBOURNE iOISL k Dublin 1 Fatruk's Quay, uc AnBl0K-oa'8n»...Jttnif8 MoGraih, Maln-8t U3-' ~; S3. Edon Quay, - ¦ - (JLTDE 8E1PPIMO COMPANY (T.fMiTr,. M.Elohord Landj. - . Cnitoni HOCM Qna/, Watcni. DJ DUBLIN „ TEE BEST U ffl.llj .Ptttriok Nngent, 73 & 76 Ualn-Gv --. «dil (oral at Bllli of Ladinc rcioirsd by tbo Oir 1( HIU M._.., -iplnt Company (Limited) to be had ftrom tin Ajjraw. ulaamtpioi B. Tig 8qur>ro. ' ;-of-WaF The UBOABTAR John Cnlllnaii, ' ">kgr»plilo Adarooj—"Cra»R»x," Wlaajoti Elotol tufl Ecot--arr.at Hng : Tlio ^71olrloT7 Allen-Sl. ipptjQOTK W. Jonos Troy, 81, i IBK i . f . ind 0, WICKLOW OTBEET, ENNEDY'd TUG-Or-WAE PLUGU, BAiorK _....Jobn Morphy, Orooei. "Vaterlord SteamDiiipiCompaq jral toa-streot). Z) L"BL1N. the ori^nd ronnd Icbh ' PI™, BOE3 ,.Wm. llunro , 21, 8onth-8k. 1 . (LIMITED). D ICEK o ic, QDQ cannot bo beaten. ' OBDEa OF BAlLIHGHDECEMBEb. It. KOi'iBTOWK _.M. Weaterroaa, Churoa-SV • ITENDED Cen -rally SitEo 'ed. v^ifnrtnWc *"" STEAMEBa 1 M08T ¦/txroM>.. wiiiium Timpoon, 31, MaJn-«tre»t ilodoratfl. DiDrjcrii icod v oii duy. eor d licfhant D"N"BaODY. REGINALD, CUltSEAQii LAI»^ , John HintOD, Ancllon - ^ICHliED O'BUIEN , Vopncto i -- UENAPIA, CKEADEKT 4. j WHKP TH1H I.\£, If itMACTSoJiAB... W. O'Donobno. ¦¦ TICE.+- The Watorto: Patrick Haonon. • "- i_ V TVT C ma AN6 UA A^I Stoa bjp Company!Ijmitfti , cr-cr^iTlkv - gtook lor fan UATIOHAL ao *— j tCp^ AJA>l^i. rocoi'e Goods andiUTe Kh4- and South VTalos, and tho -f '^ ^-, meJt on the conditions mentioned a g ; WRllIh i BECOME A PIBASCRE .Ld.unUI.L.S' 1 ' 'liKET, ' SQland ^"-.- ~^ 6ailint Lists, £o.,[to U hu* at tbxli OUIU.IN, -J a7 iT°B ^ZZ/ mmnziLcdjynD ( Conth of Irel^.nA, "~ ' OScet. ^ ^ ^ " <& LMASSOJS ¦ AND m ' ,? WATEBF0T1 1' AND B^IBTO. WE8TEBN RAILWAY #!¦-« WJTI2T0ED TO niltT01_ nwu nBt«Tot TO ItiTiarOSD BEING nov.- Oppned in tho violnlty of tto Cattle orvice by GBEAT ' Tbui>ijy,jDco. t' mornlD- ' Steamboats, trio MJLFOBD ToSilay. Dec 1 ... 4 afi noou 3 . Market, tlnd quttt ran'«DK»t tc Kln .< B I Son pany'i Trains and FrT-Ay, ,, .. 1 lit 'noor. butorday, ,, 6 .. 5.30 alt tti the WATSBJOBD ^ ' DO Bridge and Brdidstonc Termini , will bo (onnd 3TEAD OP WEL3H SLATES AVEH , in connpction iritb. Xn^.iday, „ 8... 4 ait'noon. Wediieudi r, 6... iSO Dlght Z£T.i2c r Hid Irott c.1. StAtloncrn nud Ohomini. A5D ENGLISH IBON. TJI Cim'tLU, lss> 4 o/t'noon Saturday, ,, J2..ill nl|B> the molt Comfortable oombiocd mtb Moderate . tad LEUIBICK, WAnaroBD & Fr.} 17, ,. 11 .. s of iilSUOni! T^^ofly,. „ 16... 4 aft'noon' Tbursday ,, 17..J 3 mornl. bOLf MANUKArTCRERO- ^hargea. ^"isltoro to Dublin ctonl(3 cona and c-2 ^ floard Works ' Architect vrritca— " Wo ara mnoh LiSD Cxd WATZHrOEK, flUUQiBVAU, noonl Batnrday-, „ 19..I 6 aff 000 plcised . Tfith tbcro." Tbo tlirqal . Froi.iT, r 18.. 1 afl' for .bemcolvc:. '19-flm if Wnti rford v7ritoo— " 1 h^ve fonnd tbea very " ltro FCHUOT Lima. To-; Liy, .. 23 .. 3 itft'aooul Wednesa: ', ii .. 7.3unl«ht I. ' 1 ecod. Eord. Ji EiAl:, P.P., Kaal lur,CahSr, urito- ¦ ¦ Bailing Saturdir/, ,. 'JA .. Ho SoillPt ~1. A . ilEANV. ' could fecorntroD'l th.>uj b.yond any other Slates J know." Prl-41. „ as .. M B«»d. —First I> Ecpreu Trsiiw Pali Utdils for " «1roD|jtb , irralD. Ifiituio and colour ' rlr3 I3r~-~4V^ TJD S. ' (i£3Xa) ZTcij Sterner* Dotiy. >^. mise Set PUBg< 14 to 13 Hours. , Dublin. Li verpool & Londc ^te ,^ f " £i—Cabtn , Blnglo, 15s. j do Biugloi-ChUdren (•»* " SICEQ AND ^ ^ JTamilici) lOi., do Betnrn (armllabli11- , FULL I'AETICVLABS SENT IMHEDUTELY, ON APPUCATION varT' tmT.Uln? with W. BISHOP TO ton) at CIO pjn. rwturn trorq.OT to Livorpooi), «• | •dirVN^— LtATi LonrJOW (Podding Twt inonths, optlonsl to TE3 : and Chnatoitts Day excepted), and LotT^. Btajle, 7a. 6d. 1 do CiiiiJren. m. 1 Confectioner. Waterford, : IvIANAQIi^Cr ¦DlKE0rOi. , ' 1 (Sundays (weather and oir» u dim? Berth—Cnrnberlaud basin, Brlsto*. ¦ AT WAT»E»OIO> AsorrB 1 e »botit 9.55 a.m., in jbATEBKOED ,.ANb LITliBPOOL : ATEUS FOR ! cnofltoncefl permitting), ¦ . v» >TEBjoftn npu Livgurooi. ITL oncheWaterford, Limerick, . rcou P Provisions. Bu'cter . Bacon & Eggs ^IC TORB SLAT K QUAEEIES. iheTraias " Doc 2. -8 »(' noon Wedneeday , Dec. It... » ni^b> Oatrwi-oii-Snir ' timofor , and Liimort \Vcc' »y AT Th gaitioc, j o. ; tnd' Wertcra, Central, Ireland PrioT,, „ 4... 4 al fnoon ; Friday, 1 „ ft... 9 in- run., All Sports , 3f.!l3, Sio-i^io SanO ,. 6—' raornlng 1I llonday, „ [..1|»« , Wed;"»y ".. 4 ali' iioon Wtdnesdi; ', ,. D... 1 all DO " j iiMviPmjEJ?Eff Em HQWI UBIL olt'noon Friday, | ,, 1|... J' a/t Dec irniPiPE B& Fria^. ,. '- * ¦¦» ft Jk T have now ndded to my Buclnc:j : Sangt» {rea tho Frtd , ,. la— * ¦ " D0011 Prilar, ,. lb .. & moruiog "~ ,, Urinary Orjtms ia cither tsx (toqnirtdor conttita. 8ont '. ., W... • morning Mondoy, ^l..Jl morning t^ODTH UALI,L T/)AN AI7D DlrJCOUin , Wfyl" IT *£1 2 nlt' ntJOB -Wodneida r ,, &.. .12 noub tionil), Qn.nl, mi Pdu fci ti» lboi. QcaraatoeS " ' ¦ : High ^ BANK , 05> , SOUTH MALL, tJOEK. No om Friday, „ Ji... No 6a. Street - DINING • 25 . »8 APPOINTED Frii . . '" | ' A WELL ROOM , '° Lanjo and Staall Bnrra AtfTanMd °on tlis Shortest (rea tea Uimrj. Bold in Eorea, — ' - ¦ on their own hall, a ", anj dl-Uoco In Ireland1 to ' affnoon I'oday, n 1 ('87)... 8 monuni L Denny A ^ oi. Best <^na.. ' Mud Curod Sm.^cd Liniericli I3acoi . un. iun, - Loias « th3 TTcrid. cr c-nt asr tddna to frkl(' . Jan 1 (WJ 3 pi •ctia» p Sea Passage It to U iloars. | Miitlerson e First (J.nali'.v Hftinf and bacoi.. DH1NIJEB OFF JOiUT^ D 8HAW. MANAGER \ F«_IS—C»bln, 8togl«, lit. 1 it>. «1igla—Childrsn (am ynniif Speclnilv BCTT, U tr»TeUin» with UmlUw) IDI t do Eetarn (i/riL Y E barnes Waieriora. Firs t Selected Sinokod add Oree: baco L \f im0UT DELAY. I ID " IT WO optional to rotdr 1 (roa er to B:ly.o- ^ATcarouD, Lnirmorc A: ¦ wr¦ ^Trnu] T7ATE2U03D AOT) CntTCAL I3OUITD tbl« . T months, liarrii Firsl v^ualit • &. t Oook, single, 7« M 1 do, alujle. Cl ildren, 11 EAILWAY. UA1L\/At. La: -bif Bflrth—Tr»ialgar Book, LlTi ii ?poL Waterlord Heads anc buusiigea disposed oi ai Lowes'. J'liccx .' far "t-CabGi, 81D »1», 80s. 1 do. qLn;;l>-Chlldron (an<3 Best Danish Head? a? Lowest Market Priced. " - tl j well-lmowr4 Dllimg E20C13, Dicooatiauanoa of Dunday Er. choice, 7d per 1! 48, MICHAEL BETWEEN OLONMEL »n.l WATEUF02D. Tho " . vKUiKEinniV'&Q, | | Qoc- '» J»ook«d tfirpagji fopfn all pr ^ndpai Stations oa . STREET^ 10.45 a.ta. train ' . . and Torkibin , Olonmsl to ' XlC.er.ori, and Otta^orthern, Onat wwtorn. t^ncu Best Quality I-rest Print Butle. B?st Quality rresL 1! lb R OII R . tho 7.5 p.qi trai n, Waterford to Cloimsl "Vwdc -and North Wsstern 1 iosd»i)' i r, . AND : , will bo dli> JnithtrNott es, Etrjwtloa Tieieij (aT&QabU) (or too mont1i B) Mild Cure continued «ft;r Bnndaj, 4th Ortobor. STNTIL trill Is xruono let Class& 8alocn, 76s. Sanol -¦ iwr, BheEoltt, anoV Liaeolnsbirt, ana nMt&nJ &ii), Best Quality Firkin Butter ; Sopeifiot., alwcyD iu stod:, aud dinpucic uf I Usn«d oa SUI7OAVJ) »i RlKOLD FAEE3 : , ; 68i, ways ' ¦ -Wawrford. (Thronrh Bootdnzi 1 also with LuderfcL Oxiit'-ry C"rad Oia Vwt on tho Y7., h. t;d V, : - - 2n3 Class4Saloon T?.»>.vril i. ot Lowefll Oaan PriCf,. HoUwajr no«n all Etstionsfrom "Wtttrford to lljmbcrc:; i •' ' " Cbbin, 83a 6d. TlppoL-'qr, Thnr>s. Ennls, Tuaoi, Oorf, l u- ond' LXCENSP BSSTAUEAHT ar* BOW sntsUntlallj tednced. ' ' 8rd Olaosand VOTB N««ci^i»and Traloo, tc). I Fresh Epgs Daily at iJoweaKj?nc«' in the Trade ; aioo n. ouppl Dsily Sailln* now bj ti» Train ro&siag ti nndjr i— , " Tiolcota vrill b» y of the Finest batter. established 03 if STAB trjj to holding Third; Cl»oi Gooi Booked throtijthfrom all SUtlpi s on watsrford ind PAUL'D CGUAHE, connection trito ttj tralnj t» •VaUrford 4«p ^. m 12.0 eeoa t&Kenm™ tba boata;: on psynsnt ' J*>toA B«Uw»» .^7aUrtord Dai csitai. nadLlimri First Quality, selectoa frtHMha Beat Local Croamarla. I ts 3 fIC3 iidoric'i i&e ' Usrrborocjh uto of tho 8aloos of Ctota : , sir , 8.0 C.Q. ilLsoedt fio eJUwr diroction. Billw<< , and W»Urford and Llaariok& Ilway, 1 Tha Eotorn xrtis trill klr» Uarjhcrocsh ct 10 adiltionnlIts at 63., tn (rota ilr A « book*dUiTou«h at low Bates U all principalClo- IMP0KTAM MOTICr TO TABUER? AXD , CllEAMERIK' ¦7A N-$0 * BE EXCELLED. { l «o out b<3 obtained; fait r p.n i irrlilflj Id WiteiJcrd at 7.0 p-to. : hJormatioD Most, Mr „,-., ,—-Ixiniooand North Westara B< Uway. ' ' Jforthor TerrainojJLimodcktooi uo=" i AND BE ; STOL Bc3t Butter Boxoo & Danish Firlilno (handmade) kept in stock ot Lowest Cast Pneeo. ! i U.B.—F« i Ua«a -tn XfttsnwUftt* ' Btalteas ODD, B»Uw»y ThaBsovoro ffEXrOBD . c^ 3. i D hi \Vhuf, •Watorford. . j^ron Wxxroas- : I lf»o» lairrou, calUnje t Price pau to Creomeno!) Coopan/'s Tin* Tabls. Addp i Ttca Top Market and Partnero loit I lb Rolb Fccot Dutte; i , HienoUAi other Important. Stations, t n . * Twsdsis. I T«nby, '1 aud Tlotata »T»lUbl« Isr rctwa on tsta cf law m\j, fxsxs botrrco. Goodj, fco., csa tj '- ITESybEB AHD H Large Boi>.. TROTTER OIL VOB LTJXURIAKT HAIR iwal* 8ato» lor Cblldten under 11 asd over 3 jetri, ball fert t f»61es,«ad Ti Great VaUm BAU> l^Oif ;.|»w SoM-DaUjr, Candtyi »J(K jted, a Mi i±i. Bed Sheep Broad. All others an (pnrioB* Imitation). CbUdrtaud» 8 jstrs lit*. Ble/oUt nlll k« Ur. /, SUM, tW J - ftnucu-DaUy, Sundays «x< eptod, .tt 0.0 ia BEST ARTIOLB FOB THE LOWEST PRICE A TBULL iliEflPECl'i'OLljTi mzH*i .iteinedof Ad:lptJ \7ttstf, fftoa —— 60LI0ITED WOIIDDBFUL HAIB EE3T0BEE, lor Oraj ot Bed frc« at OWDST*! rlti tc tb» nt«al pi tb«nn»C533i 'a Pistilot A^est, ¦• ¦ • • ¦ - »t7 Ooapanr : . ©uradiE cjjgiRi i H&Jr, BCU i» » mci. IT IS NOT A DTE. Sa. 6i noditioath Trila. ' ' • • • :. • . Vttsitord. •w. '»-«w " »s 6l«S5n stetf «¦•?JID N OTI A DDECS> Fiea bj Pert, i:crctly pacird. £ J .) AH Oh«oUti. ¦ ynia ZiTliJOkO—Dally,B ondayae ic^p~-,a. —~ pJr _ B. A. KEAtE, Gae»l Utassu. . ^T^"J7.tf W«tcrl» pCocfaoy.ifcnlt^Itrjj Will cot Coil lines. . ! . ^ (iftjoOif-BtfPJod by tbsm Uses of btitrraTf U it. Cd/ pi ¦VZZZtiiJSa G2OIZCC Knt. tt-jSiurs ,t»»jat: Tearlr Ap» menu, and fa, p, J Ji.>., L ,to- -'ec»l«s»laWjpto, fa&# to> (tabnsd ., tisif ( N Uo ADvrsr.TiomG WATEDFOED, tJ3EH03 AOT T7E3TEPJ? ^» 1 *w »» JdlJ l i i i i i i HAY j DC OBTAnrCD 0J7 ZuUiiWATi ^f8* WorMttof-to U W K tSi ¦ SpiS:;-: 1 All : A w- rED¦ ^wnm ' ' and WorffliUoii jlwn by 4«atj it . • ; . -: . I- ¦ °^Siu ">s> ' DE3IEOTJ3 OP U»OE32ABlNO Ser KOVEUBEE, 1833, >ad cstU tarthcj tcll^. ^u^^effi^ ° LitMl~oV-Waterford sttamshlr Coapia/ CUaiKi), D I v Cstebaslica yai ljooriprttted 1874, Wator^vTet, and Cl^ronos Dock. ' T • ' Hcr.jf- actzrc73 t~— ¦ E5Z13Z2) TTOtJiD ¦ BtiKC" -WsWrfurd Btbuuhlp Compkny (Umltod), C3 Tlirni A tnllrd tralai' |tO(pUg "sro-axiA OuBhtrUad . at aU EUliast (tlt&rA QMCO &: Jlntn \ IKELAITD, Klllonao), will lnrs ttmertek T1pp«air r>5S* ;Wrxr u-WaUrjordBUaoKhir.Coc ttmy (Llmltod). DO \7J5LL TO CONBUW 'or I *»t W*'°ra i H-r-Waleriord BUoasMp Coap^ay- Oflo, ' SALT-Irish lianuiacturerb .«mrn : and b» 51, B?5«V. wiiddrcutor telemms t-" 3TE1U- ,t w»tof Iriah. QEinrlUt ADVEETIS- VTaUrford,»Ulk« pixed u aet t0- ;¦ ¦ ori. LI {pool, Unstol or Waiford. - : "««" DE1TAHT dettole»T0C»Hri^7-W p.m. L»i E«p°at03 at "4 j f . ; LlUEBIOtti TT7AH,'CLIiireatOBJUa the faWlngW, ' ¦! A Boeii . i/'OB 2£&tn IHQ AGZITT, iSD HJCHI DepodU^clvcd T^ - •> : j Malus pots and Hames DODGUS," ¦»-*>:- ' 'T" waterpji rta»ado ck' Civil Service , Appointments, Tfca Ma'a^Tr^;^BKW«fr t!rBaTlBibrd n ) s back Tho First TandiicD Hicyclo built lo Ireland v/u ncna- nnilK ioformKtlon coatalnpd in tbii book Dflit to ,«>a 1 ft as velvet. 1, Ct AndroT7'Utxcot tha 719 a.a train, BwWd to BBio, »1U /^>^>y Adds fcetared at TDE DOUOLU CTCLB W OBKO JL bo knout) bj< ever; married nom&D, ai [ It oill U dSm? r\IJ XM tbreo^tix.i es totbowcar ETenlotj end. CorrnipoDdecce ¦'". , " " ; l ¦' «?* II 3(:C#;ScsY ^^ und BAY, Cliscca. not c»cm the dbmanled to read. Ho tinned. ; j ,Ti. • '; ; Ushliiij, Uc:t cncocsafol Tuition ID Irclaoa. C31 Itl.h DtJDLIlr : ¦. Tb» 1 40, a.B trilat ; M J.D. pcrtonallj eupcrtetcidi dl rroik vrrltkn nhiob (root 10 thoroairhljr Into [mtit;n f*tm to Ckrwantifl,,W JTJ . . •nccetsea Firrt PlaOcl)during the rears done op bis tbroggh WUlljo tad M Iw ihftt ii 10SI«j| ;CO,.J> MEOttL : 1£( Exi 3iTioi^ HIGHEST (84 1801-CO- prcmitu, r.nd gcarantccj tbiS all relalliig to marrkS uomen. Gomo atj tLint tsa coLoinxo Clt 11 8er»lco Guide tod Propcctui (72 orders will bs •Th. t BO 4.WABD3. pages Free). executed nltb tis ntmort derpatchi mnoh ii told; inch can ccarcolj bs (bo ca::j f:; cM»!l »r3J,i «luJfiuttw«i f^/'OH/t-^till , 8addlers, AITD 815 a.a »nd b^ bTtMtlMfrllVlt ttStotti s ' I " Itrj monfferis. Ac FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES OF Dr. T. E. ALLINDON, 801, Box 4, Bpioltf WMJ Hi:COUUEl?DLD will fnro ft eonawtioa vttkibt ^raioM, [I j I Tho Y AW M^^seTfli lnlw BrunaTTick I Loan Company, KINDS IN liTOCIL MtDoheeter Bquore, London, L., in rotora t;z a 11, GEEAT DEDKSiVICK OTEEET, rn eo3 tpptoved / NoJo of lia&d to QcnUemtu ot podtloa ( r^otatlrcx ; fjim , «t jmfclbhOT 70 V alfco OoTcrdmeat OfilcJals, Cletfjmma . ctiect, Dnbiio. Eatablbhcd I£o0. ltd »bo ic Dink J3J ij ijlr, C«rrislre»i WBJOTJCJ let, CoTered Can >"«ns«» i in*k«« prir«t* oaBb »dt»nces ia toy p«rt 0 Jroland THE : TU-f : - Si£\ wuOfin 1 , Cleris, »i>a »D n«racsiH« Incut riUJ for tls , : «P.» irSSt^^Wj lwwMta^,' and Siils Can for Hir« on tbs Eb iikst Notlco. . l J Persem, Jm, ox FtnuJo, srlthoot delsy D0.UQLA8 BICYCLEW0RK8 , rritbont bail, from £1Q npwordl. to Cli rgTDOai ii|UMB¦ ¦ ' Proijoctb,; Prc« ot Chargo, witi ioU ' ¦t lO O i . • ij • - . . . .. ; - - . i ¦ J • 'B<«1» T ; W icxpTZzuuoa. Sbopbcepat$ vrishlng time. Eopstasot cun he »n«nped to nit b >rro«en T7OELD. p.a. .;, r . i . . • • TT7T-*:» io ILMfcD' «o4 Bt» 8pBj«o «l0f* ""*" BA^tACK .tsniooc | I t ' ' : to \hive tbelr trado an- itM i.m. nouncomeDts fropcrly- poiitcd coDTenlcpe*, »H oammnnlcitlom kepi itrlctly private. VEEBXY KEW8PAPBB,; ! ¦ ¦ tbronRboat tho cltj Half Expesocn retarasH It Lota to not maiii, Writs » w,ii.i6 P-f>' : ! ¦ ¦ OTistr now cojno to THE KCWB ; & A;KBAtB 6nato: led dwelling hotuo and ont-oQco, . DOLLS nailed In Gardoa sad Vlettato Gronpdt, with caw of catrtsee from 80: ta Parcdo, kcotro u "Park Vl:?," (SAf^ES overy \7otciford. BtAl under Lcas» dated 17rb Aujnat, Hiii I£o0, for a turn c ! 99 years, at tbe Aonaal Ground ^aa@g Sent of 416 (Pool Law V«lo:to. £2i). Tba premises ai 0 lot by Iicau to a solvent tooast {a a torsa of 21 j sari) from Dcesobor, 1826, at tbo MWDLMM VARIETY ; Low Annual Beat of ... £50 OJ. Od. fFOE Dcdcot Ground I /call ... £10 OJ. 01 Grc:D Aonaal Pi oat , ... £31 03 Od. 2 C7 ThiJ U 0 Qrit-c!a:3 IoTUtaest, acd rab- ! url!:c7a CSD olth cssG^cnca rcccanczi It to thdi HUM ! ras Cll33t3. OUT^BOOS, & Fo: forthc?forthc7 pDSiIttkobrD apply to EYEMINO WEAM JllMES LAWLOE, Sclicltor GI1EBT1AB ?- ©'11, &/11, 6/6, ©/i 3,110/G. . 23, TJpj:r 8sclr»llb Qtrcst, DaMI=. 0CITADLE FOG Y0U1IG AND OLD i Ork M '.B AT7ATT0 YOTm rHOMAB TVAXSH & SON, Acrt!o3Ki3 Albupo "v7o?l:-Eo3:ca Drecsing-Caceo, \7riting Desko ti M" s , cud Vslc;:ci3, , , , ;Feacy Hand'BaSf T.D Uoll, Wat3j?c;i Fancy Purcea, end a thousand other things. ; Blue' GfesteifleW 1 O?ereoafe DALLTHn 8 A. CO. V7ATE FOBD ¦' 9 OiJJc Hcndlicrchiofb, Silk MufHero, Umbrellas, Gloves, Fancy Aprbao, Fane; 16/Q, 17/6, 22 £ . 2©/e s FAC.LI Containing 109«. 3r. 13p. Btatoto. HeJd I D ID^fAE® BIil¥¥ Thsra h Erom Ho*oabor, 16DL Bedndblo coder tha ^j Lud Aot of 1896. pressing to b::y. ThcraUacomf irtablo Dcolllnn Hc=a, Ctibllnc, and Coo Houses Ircctcd oa tbe Fora. Tbo Land b in Qrcit heart, pell monnrcd, tc"zi cad drained. Inncdlately aft( ! will bo cold et=s CitUs, Hoi::3, Fata Ioplcmcat , ted Hcnsahold Foraituro. EiUjho^ U ci tnicd nlthb 4 nlleo cf Ell-:s- n\UibjdiiU DUM FBI " ti;c33i. and om niila of Carpoll'o C7o:3. bz:b IF YOU V7AK 8t3tlc;j oa W . D t h. Rslloay. I HEARME & 00 TCJO»- Cash. Chnstmaa Hama, Bacon, and Sausagec, THOMAS WALSH 4 SON. Acst!s=c?ie. (Bvoi-yoso hnoua tho Mfei) Tho Mntl, \7at(rfOTd. CatG3 and Umea, Dccsart Fruac und Nuto Crackera and StockingL Salc3 W, UP John Iliirpby. Q'.7cots and Chocolateo, Jnmo and Jellic3, SO. tS. T E QUAY, WATEEFOED Plum Puddings end Chesse. Valuoblo Grociry cad licenced L?nr3joc3 buc* •OU OAE.C- > and Pudding ingredionu, AL30 STOCK-tN-TaADB DTENSLLS AKD and Christmas l ea^ 2OD8EHOLD FORNITUHE. ^SML JLSJ Ai. at the Lowest Poc3ibie 03 UONDAY & Caei Prices TO BE 8OLD |BT AUCTION, ——:o:«—. GO Tt TTJEBDAy lttb & lEth Dao. 16SJ, by djrwt- Ioc3 of Ur E DW I CD UCALT nhs b rctirmj from bnrinczj throagb ill health, tho Commodious Leaca* hold DneUlas H — X ::zasas hampershamners c&cfi.rafulhirefull p acked b OtS^i iHth Couittero dhclres cad all other cppcinV y and p?omiptly decpatchsd cents nccc^iry for «a extennTe trzdo, them an tco WITH EXTRA SUPPLEMENT, WILL CONT/> Store) asd a loft B> tbe rc.-e tritb eatreacs tbroujh ft - lass odjolabj. i- 3Mit, Jomo, JolKca. of C3* Alter Bale Pr—- -^ theca'Jra StockJn-trad» H-S the Chamber ^onime- ^ (UlS^TOOlf^ ^° 1 Utesxlli, cad Fun^itnro irlll ba disposed of, thsy vill (1 InM 1 1 BoiS n/y i ^he Pjigbuyera Associau Henry White Ci Ot Wnj taho Light-Weight comprirs : — ! FA1IIL7 GROCEUB AND u oi r= r=. i»> i5=.ni^n - /a, Th6 Flnning'S lnstlW ODO tod Six, One and "lei, ocd Tno 5 Qacy, Wctaasi, aid 1. Qac;2-C5,, S2cnc:3. Stillllnai per poacu Water Filter , C|ociB. cSTcidJ Copper WhlaUey Q L L RlPfc" The Temperance k. Ue^uorca, Pint, Qohrt **>^ othu Ueaoono, Truck CSJ , CNL V Bib Parcels ot all Tea >boro It 64 »ro Band Cat , QUUK»S fcorhing Machine, Syphon Bottliou TH*8 Clnb« •abject (a o Oiah Dlccoant a! Zd p:r Ib. Hill LROuUhy The^ Cdtholic' Men's Docie: WHEN 7OU CAN HAVI! Mcchine, Btlllons, Tuba, Jtn, Funcib, &c Soveral ^7—— Young A tdt trtaJ nlll pto»o ol one: tbc:o dO2sna of BrsndyJ SLerry, Port, and Ginger Wines. T^ JX J5) T^|Tlcpi'iC3 © In© Christian Young &, en's Associatiojn, The Waterford Uorpoi Teai are SlerliDrj Tolof , and bjttcr Cloitt Alo, Ac "id t great miety of tha goods acd : bayiaff thca aaob o! tbi Tea ahlch li Breac iiways Full cxticlea of trade of', e»fTj klcd uuaUy found in a chop MOTSO JI TO tion, The Board c :" Guardians, a(id other Local Bocu~ oGered ic t^o pnblu tbroo[ft lis height of thii description. mcdlom cf cpocicu cdTcrtlrcsoatt, I H BITTIMO IHD oituuu BOOUB I;IO nitb^AjiUqcj AKD OF iCOOIEPAHIEB I nblcc UD oftc3 mtlc^dlcj ocd aatiue. Chipveodale Sideboard , 6 tztl lo=j, beautifully Inliid ccd Brcra tlounted:; 12 llchojany Chiin in Heirclcta, ftHfi E zro pleased to bo ablo to inform you that a eufficiont uurjiso'h 1 Q Qjva&win? A Euj Chairs, 2 CORUI Chain, atber cbUra, Turbrr 3?oj?taits prodikcsd by tp MoW, Brty Feada, kill £ny Fcxmgra ' TEA ^7AEEII0Ua eaveral Pictara, \7|iuloa Curtalcj and Poles, Feldlaj Pigs. V/e have tbereforo Bo-Opaned our Buoneas, The Catholic Bishop, This Protestant Bishop, Mr P J Power , L . Screu, Uinjinij and other La^np,s Bcttca, Uahogaoj Dialnj T»b!o to cnl nboot -J0,. Pica, Trayo. ICca and ero prepared to tn!:o cay E:rmoro' Figa thit are o2crcd. Mr. Edmund Lea.iny, B.L., ReV. W. E. O'DonneL aa.. 5C c5c 51, GXU^T. Ctoul, &c : Ul BEDCOoua—Irca acd Albert Bedatcada, Feather Rev. T. F. Furlong;, C.C., Aid. Khox Mayor-Elect , Antn<~ Bei) « (Vt^;. , UtQPLAn DELIVERY SVEI1 Y DAY , llatirc=<3, if"Wi=3- Looiisj Okr^a, : etmds tad Ware. l ToiM Toblcj, W^rdrobrj, Chain, Owing to our chort eupply, our Pricc3 for Bacon in London Csdogan, T.C, HigJj Sheriff-Elect I ; Mr John Maher . Mr Cypstj, CurUicj, BlindN etc Forde, Mr P J Lecj. Aid L A Ryin, J.P , and Dr AIK . ¦ff * III KncURN—Tables , Chain, Boilen, Pots, Co7tJ , hevo ,» o AiAI AA vTVv/ YAjiTr^i©©Q Dbhei, Dell, and n^ual Culinary Uteaiila. cgain cdvanced, end wo r,re able to offer you ' very ACCOMPANYING OUOEO OF BALSJ—OB Monday, 14th Dtctabcj, ths Beg» K rerainc his FrieDdo anc the l'ub'.ic HOVIfc A SPSClALFffl Int:rc3t in the Hoiio tad Prcoliij at la, tha Quay , at advimtrrreouo torma. 12 o'clock , to be Sollo^^cd immediatel b btock-ia- . . A 8FI1KNDID VXBW OF Will ba gfiven a Specially writiei H IGU> Kenarcll' tnat oe has toU6L ovor the j y y ¦ Tiedr, and fjtenri!- . . ' of the v. old-establlam On lollowlnu dij, Tucolay , loth Dtccabtr , t!u TO-DAY'S PRICES :— with I'EH cvrr. "Wtth yeis of its Mutena, ouaiu EntUo Furniture, ^omiccacini; Situcj Coon, c$ 1 r nlr f /loll Anul t, 11 o'Cloca precisely. and hope^ constant nnd earnes'. Qliention ;OHN MUEt'H Y, Auctions, te business, to bs cble to secure a tar Liquid Hair Bye. TCcanell U'.rcct, Wtterfcrd. With a full of the Graphic Incidents in c SSo. for Over-woight Pig3 from 14 to 15 Stono account Bnorc of patrooai Oua precarttloa. Glvca nntnral Stirring Carj ssr coloun. Reliable, Permanent, JEAU JtHEKT, V/ATERJ7OI1D. I Harmless. CC3. fo? Unfinished Pigs- PLCAiJZl Ji'OTB vVODBI>.-- AUCTIO U F ISOILLIVa MATERIALS} I?rtC3. 2o. Foot PPCO. CO. CO- IAMI . arc. ISofcosy of tl i© Faitfolegg Moiato, spedai.y wmi. P. S. lLAW7JLI2m\ Pcclied free from ofcorvotlon. Other corto cccordiojj to vdnc by Mr Harry R Sorger ,, lato of Waterford, wit 1 a otrikinp Likens^) of tne Aotn; yOHN JJURPQY, by dirtctiocs cf Hoprc:eatatWcj 2^ GREAT GEORGE'8 8TREET IP o( the l»u Mn G BOCQO M CCDLLIUD V71IItell by LADIES COMBINGS Auctloa , at the Duildbj Yard, Beiu titrratWaterfor X ^F. Articla OD thoir In ) Dlcsntoonlcd by 0 New Proccaa, b)Ui.Nj© 'j CUBBAe>HIIORI!l HOUIJDG—Interesting (Late Ml. 1 I. BRKEN- end On WEDNESDAY, tho 16th DECEMBER , 1823. M1MBY BEMEJY <&3 8 Jj iJ end Fall: Graphic/-Descriptions of the roost Memorable Rons. Thoco ? mado ID to Plaits, Svrltchcn, &c tie Qndcnacnlioaed| property b lots to 1011 purchasers, Beet WorS Gcarantccd. viz :— Wttcrfcrd, DcssabirlSth, 1096. Tshiterfojr folloT7ed the Ch=3e/ Portrait of Lord • vtopaitl Afluoctlc^iiata. PDSCD, 1c. 00. PDD OC 3 Nan Penciled Doora. lot of Neo Buhu. tiriouad us tne Ocioi Pine A ¦ Famona Pact Ptampl Attonthn fo Orion b/ Post- (Uahogoay , ) auJ Kittiog* for WM ; » - - C4. ADDniax : , , district, desire to express oar Bytnpstby with tho I sen*C r-uciioun&x. s' n. ^*J W&*m».a Witerford CreV ) of the Local Cyclists aJ d their "a JOUN COUU1N. coai'> Deo a gozi bolt prc:crT0tivs ccch Sale ct 12 o'Cloo! I prwUily. Waterfori ballE'1 y Lower asd^ lataka, Crobany T/fpcTfaa< at •> i epeclal Lotion " O'G OADT, IVrnis— Crj^h and eto. Ffecriptive deeds. Stnking LikeDeoaea The well-known Cnninnn: Uucoo' Afroat, l' iXYNlT BROS, 17, Broad Street, do. °Barrow Intake,Tramor* Ea at, Trawm Wmk • ^eir, with o Wotcrtcr* dlS,4t iflK 1I0BPHY. Auctloaetr, Kowtv own' and wbenaa tfcfc n«, wttfc tha Aiicount of jjieif psr- of the Principal Chaiapioos t NV1LUAU FITZGERALD, Tybroschsey Cutle, " i bal»» is ono ol the very fen c°oJ , relhttj baf» C'Coanall street, Wctcrford. Carriclc-on-Sbb benefit (Too Its Dot. AffODt, 0'<5 C»DT, SPECIAL V/ithio O=a Mlla o( Waterford City. Xmroitont Ilotico to tho public Cbtcl Eoffin«aTiB« . The OldyDorner Bon^ H«Db«r lnoorpnr»ted OulWoT Qiirdrc^cw, Y7i;»- In*pt#tonOtu ntm P. C*rrc oaketa «od Ferfuoen, Lialtsd. d 12 lt . TTOllIJ MUBP1 IY ha»bj rcrolrcd lii'Juclasi toatUr. aad t* report to tbaaa Utrtoa,aad th LX, Specially compiled Dy \VL. A 83ISTANT WAKTED.—An IntaUl iftnl Yoonc y. "W.-1 fcrd, contcliiug 41a Or lip, itstuto racaisre, czd bcld ¦SS&^S?*^ P* aa IZ&ic? OAOUCT, J .P., D.L , Ballicsaoca Fbrb, oMnnimvmte U^iatoaaiaMBjaitoB. WANTED.—A jaun a Intelligent Girl, clha csa D COOK TOBKBYS IIEir TUEKEY8, OE23& Tramora after the Late Storm, wltM :— i f;r ctt'.atcr? t:n i cJ ta tsatJ ludbU rcsj ol , By Order«f »iiBoard , : ' -' ' .» . : - Portrait ofe bs etranglj rccomaend^, is eodou to tibo £50 10. Od. FOWL d an deacrfpWoas, DUCKS. Ao., ds 0 oitaatioo u an Aioislcnt " I bare used coaddcrsbla qccatltica cf At LOOCJI Prl«3, , ' TB08. A. KOOmi^ Saatatani, teel8lan . The Cole oughB of Tmtern. in a 8h;p. Apply Tb» Farm U con 1 1 b rrco. whioh will bt marted tbcrooa. ' > ¦ Tale3of th0 Bt^ Sketcheo ABC, WATturoBD N*m Ode:. Gl M«jrs Kelly and Co.'i ArtlflchJtlanurej n CT MM. P. efco kej» to Intits Attention and Local Goftrt/ , both White asd Greo Tha Boildias« cosis*« DucUbj-kju;! , Cow-houn, and IV^.down, Granrian( y€'astle a id Tory Hill The Speaking dnmt c:d Crop, end alto oa licpeotlca ej Ua atsoTe-catloaedOoodi for Sale, Dated lb> lOUi day ot D*e«ab*r,UK-' of Piltovm the OLD BUILDINGS b&O F-d <» ; old Qnu Lesdj, cad I can call to mfcJ-Boot- Barn, Cufcb, etc Btdmaj UtterUIa becahtc^lKi!! Wcrithoja Tbo well-known a ied quality cf tMa land, asd Its nhbh it) trtuu «Q| ba a toca w U» Pnblio »(ti Stone between D^Bg^rvan J Kilmacuibmaa. Drawing Log casioa b ubich tij result ma esjfcj bfcl rc;ir3 toQc4lity ¦ Diih.ttiett and itanot etKat. PO IBCS. BaIU«. ta la proiinlty to Watsrfc •&, rc~Jcr n a rery drirabla pxi« a2d Pri«- '¦ ' ¦'String in "Waterford , W Jlro S C Hall. The citbfectory. V7li tc^rd eoilt. dy cjid Pancake FOU SALE.—To ba cold et o=u o- Uhue ochian tMr p>lc« ooaiptres (oroarably with chi:a, , Tale of< 5»&/ Years?¦ ago- TheWaUa and SHARE IraocJlat* poKcul ia- OLD DUBLIN WHISKIE1 Ilismore Waiter ! £ Fortifica- lo tb« V/6t«r{orf Inttlnsrfca Iiitotj. V/tafe t£ow of well kcn teicdi I c:td to tipojt, ' c2en f Lattcn to ¦• A" tbb 0C2rc. " February IDS. IC93. " Ocla et tbo tltrt e! 12 o clock cocn. tiono of New RosC Tbo Tower of Hook. The Portlaw Factory. For fertber partietJrs ipply to I FOB Book* sad Statloscry at very cicip pricts, alto Photographic Tirol tad Apparetmi, go to tha IIESSBS DOEBTO, TAlfDY & UcCOY, Dmolsekca Po^cj/jj ^airtrldscs, BOOTLED IN . BOHD. f j ^mn^^Mf ^miP MM Co-Oro&iTITD Stones (cut door to Bc^lrj'-d'e OSicso-3, JOHIJ'O LAXIB. I ColHtcrs, Wttirfcrd ; cr Gsireotced u&dleg. rACIOnY-OKAOEDIEU. UTJUPtlY, Auctlosetr E.ae.S. WBtoTlto Iba attaBUUBol oat iaatoatan : the Towcrt. 18* Quay, Woieriorl JOmi , BobolW* ot AmVertts, tba dfsakr at tU DMte-SSitei Chaimiat^of Kilmacthomas B ard of Guord'iEDa. 28 O'Coaasll 8trert, \7ttjr!;rd. I>c»i^ - liuata'i Special Lotlsa" b canofcetored Bc?« C KJ»7 Gacyabt "Ouea aoa K!C«C3 Hltro 1 1 4 ' ten tha test obtilnablolnjpredlsnta. [joIs Actnt, C0!Tl^>9Sdt. " £2SiSB8- w'Ora SAtY at OO, 1« EOnODQU OF V7ATERFORD. - This Wonderful J.tymber, containi ig \84' CoUtvinSi will b E. O'GBABV, Qnoy. trtl,« 103. Ci.ps ? ICO- lS. Vettk lbto Wnatlaatia^ "U7100UR l» Imparted to weak hair by "Uozzn 'ti CUrlotmcQ IFIiotcsrcpio. it;p towrppryttateiiJia notca. EsllU'Jtaor SKot Tu&tlla Oartrfd^j, " ttMi Oiiaj! ist\ed>at the Low„ nice of V Special Lotion." A coa-Rrocsy, rcfrtohina " M WW ai ttw nwHa» (or bair In h:altb ted tzzzj.O *GtiAtiT, TXTOTICB 18 HI EEDY GIVEIJ lotion the . that tn pj, 103. 04. B2S 100. " aoABunsn* w i» W Wai Acent, Waterford. &21,U AM CCZ3 CO-3 to trrca» of Watar Eets af e hrJsbj RELIABLE 8M0KfiLi:88 | STOE3. -:r=— "OTJTE ero notr UJB I DJ C=7 K::*^>. P0WDEB -7| ! ; ¦ LADIES and Gtntlemotj who require 0! cood V rrqnlicd to pay taso at tbo BoraosnTrxsiattri CASTBIDO^S. «.wl|. ;- ; .; .l at' ' 'Af^ m ypiir ' * (jrapha, If dcsUed, olth OSco, 12, lWl, Watafced T f ; Order once A° gent rellsblo talr vtzh tro cdrfced to try , on cr bsfora .VBi)HE9- E.G. Bcbnltrs SJ3. cr Atnbeito. TbeM irdMraan Wklf^W aakM a|B r^T o avoid dicappointment. Qello V&xtus CHBIOTUA8 UOXTOE3 0TAUPED DAY ICtb lest. I egal Proceedlnga 0* 64. pet WO. Utusn'a Spaclal Lotion. Aconts : . XJliDEBim&XUIN irill bt bill* Ptris ; Kraut and Bnxs, Wetzlar, Gcrcunjr, &nd GOLD. toted for ths tceaT iry of Bate* ajjtlast «H psrti-j BLACK POWOES OARTBIDOES. u niT f^ii- TTinTiniai- ' " • ¦T >JHP!i O'QnAOT. WaterforA ' toQl/.t : CD* Blttlnca fo» PhoJosiaphi Trentcd obo tball tbeo bs It ¦rrear. Ben Blcs Eojal Prcato Powd*r,O J. 6d. par 10O cctoro QlAJilOH FI8HIHa-Td ta l«t fol B»iija 1EW Cbrbtaei cSoald ba cl»c3 u AND HOT10E IQ UEBEDY POT1THEB n B»»n „ „ U, «ra*Uf^r« *ly ; j CET Oil Pointing! froia Llfa and loaded. i i - ' Issue> on Or hef ore Wed nesdav, tlve 15th rtibcctfally eotldUd. WATEEFOBD, Dl rNaARVAN. HID U8U0BB . this 3pedal inst> j botoirtpbn, Opal Potnlta, and tba All Moemry ^ortisg reqoWU* kept is rtook at ; ' : /V Se»«h . Daj't Lteoosa for Sale. Apply , A 0, anD VEBUOY i L18U0BE BAILWAYS. [ -LI /[.:..: - I ' i" > ¦; Uew Aato-MeriotlDt» done at Uedoccd ad* IJ JJW i j . a*^^ ncUdlaathAt *— Boetw • -siow»jB. . i ; CcleArtaU (or Oty asd (Msnty oi Wattricul:— data. ^OjHfQDBAJK ¦MUIB IL . j T I'MALLEY ^ ' ', J.&B. PBBUN I BOB(« A. UkksT & Co. 1 , TiaEo Maaaijtr. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Head Office* Vf »\ 25, KINU 8TBEET, : ¦ -i v ¦ ¦ rford, Dessabot lOtb, I896. WATBBFORft jEjoxJB*j««- ;, : , - ! - . ' ii V< : M ; :

¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦/:: ¦ ¦ : ; l. 't . . i\ ? . ,v )^ The r ) r I . Christmas ' ' lumfeer ¦ ' ' * have ¦ ¦ i' ' ¦" ii6:Efiiali::: ' \" ¦ |ip !t: : I \ : . i -4 T7at(irfc"il WEDNEBPAY . ¦¦ ¦ 1 1 w 1 ¦ 1 1 ¦¦ 1 , XTniou— :BE HEW, BOHIUI ¦ ¦ . reason they wcr« not allowed ^hc referee whose; 6' ' "¦ -«-^ by , LBTTIB ITBOU DiNIiL . CONt4tI,t- :. I 'F« Clerk sajd hat in oliedi«nbs , ta the iutruclionj ¦ !-p Board, aiasion atran of limcwas:-. * ' '; A lettqr was road.lroifi the tocaljSoyornmont PBOVISION 8TOBE, O'COSNEtli '> 8TBE?r 5( be t id forqajded li'tne hen ecc nf each • THE 'JEW LAfeOtJIiERS COXIAQES *" {V 8 dispensary Hopcsr-2 Roals 3 \ioiats. . i : " Board, rpcoived }rora a . Mjr Daniel .q'Cormell, - i - 1 , | y - .^ I,,].. ! . . . JistrlcU ta the union/tho names ct , . Aoiisfi^_i ¦ ^. . SCHEME. . Jah: .ir»ra on whoiji ' point, r; , . ; . , » j " relatlvo to oortain cottigea brectoi In tho unioD beh|Jf rdprMentatlonswere reooivuj Mr 1} H. IIAHONY and I am to rcquert . : &^CO- . THI, PLUNDER OF «nd ploia, witi a requoat that the The , final for the co. championshi played "at " that ' ta iofona tholf ' IRELAND j>«,; > of the Con mItteeS ' ' j p mil be ., . t^« gnardlahs vrill ootaln a report Ifom thotf BEG iQHeaU ^nd , «be Pub!la | might bo ascertained, He Dunporeap oh nex t 'Suntfay week , "ipth insti between '•' Arobltoot ai to the statementa made therein." ' generally, that ih^hi»«' ilfOpen.(l thrit «»l:..'ed replies fa m eicb dJstricJ^Waterford excoptod, The Cbi . ir aaa taken by P J POWBB j •(he'first and second teams of iheiHopes, the latter , Tho Architect ordered 8AU8AOE-FACTOBY, »td JiUii- itoy ro haadi t , Eiq, M p, > *>t? .the result tha ¦ VVhito.!to«rnre comcaendet 28 oot to. report. ¦ and the otjter memb^ra of the Board present being tlie only team now entered for tne champipn* Ca'ppoqrjjn DBalKWg. lOppU of tbo >'- ' ' I were tagi'Jtb be built; : nd rejedted two ; Tramore recom« , , a* MeJfrj A i«aog»n, V C ; P Goff , D V 0 : ship. A long ropori was read from Mr Boary, engineer ¦PIBEBT ib* Hoo iner>d 9 ; reifcU 117 t Kilmtnden recommended 9 ; li ar/AIITY'8AU8AGEg, j Dudley Fi jrtqecaof D JU; C Foroi»at Boltoo, r»ierr:ed I LISMOBE V relativo to a lot of sanitary works—or drainage^—in FP'l J P ; D l2 ; TJUid recommended 7 and rejeoted 22. In . BALLYDUVK. ! trmnnfactnred from the ' Hyland, 1;C ; J Delahnoty. 'O Galtej, SrPower •11 A match took the town of Cappoqnln, ' Thii eoworago of thlB tdWn bett ingteAteain, from Ibil , P 6 ire were 76 r icommended, 65 rejected, " end 10 . plaoo on tiondny. between -pismoro day forward. ThoKaciorjr Irish, J floyne', P Grant, J Power, M Haddock , E?3ck«a^cjr, RimbIer8 has boeh complained of for years past, and tt is willboiuptrlotendod by J •jofrimarfcedupor . arid tbc Bnllj'daff men on the oa eipffieucoJ km ID . 11 DuBphy, B Donovan B- Phelao football hopod that it will bo mado all right. "or . • , , T C ; Hi D Fisher, Mg Fortescue ai d it was.a curious stats of things gronnds near Llnniore. It was too j.'ite whan T C ; H I. Ward to tne Ballyduff men I DIIBT eqaooL, COSK . Our Store; Bill alto bn found fully. itoeked With , and Edwaid Brennan. «*-:. representatlt as lodged by a number p( ratepayer? enterwl the field , and only one half Mr Jo an tlaokcj, clerk.ot the Union, nod Mr "no •. 'terwarfs hour's play wa5*accomplisho.l which brought l.point ' A letter jvas road from Mr Boomlab, 8eorotar> tho different e!am» of BOTl'KB.AND BAOON, kuo :ked "IJ, in oue district, 17 of 'be ¦ ap*cl»li y iclectf d to tnlt all Keidr, Master of tbe Uoueo. were In attendance eotUVJ ffiev thcS tq the Ramblers. J regret to Hay that two of the Dairy School, Cork, stating that li a Dairy Instruct. ptircb«ict3. 1 ! elves hud signed for. ' ress is- wanted Wo »r» now lellinu— Th.,' Clert Bald playera from BaUyctatT—y lz , Messrs:2i. McGr4th:and- : in Llemofo union, the mottor^hobld . ; . ' | | V1B IT I N oorr tfeelr Aseooy thought it »oi batter to take tbo ayeragca for tbe tho scl; nio oxn bo p oceedbd! with. By referring sucb ilr , K 0, o som of a mat. ir to DBATE OP LIB CO I?GR EVE BOGBR0 ' exponsbn jn ecrvln? Dotlrps to (jolt on dsfanltinff in BEST CEYLON TEAS of ODiurptnlog quality week , which in that way jnoood tbcro was an in- : tho Di ipensary Committees was only a waste i timia; and ' tenants of labourer-!, oottagos. al 3« 01 per lb, tori other Chnico Qaalltltu tt li 44 crease of 47 persons in the bouse over those of JB liing a .laugbieg-stock ot the Act ¦ last of Parl'i' ' ONE'OF THE ODDEST UEK IN lnELA.ND. JIlNISTny OP 4OBICDLTDHB. Mil and la. per lb. Glre It o trial and JQH will bn; no- menb. Oni coan wilt eay " don't put a cottage '¦ A RcBolotloo Onion rr-» ioz!s Brink mem 3aily. jeai. Tboto Tiete almost entirely in the able-bodied on myfiand was r-ad from tho tlallo" other slterircrds. - . .. roftloo of the bonse ae diitlo^ithed from those .Timd t ootber will say tha opposite—so ' cammondiafl tho appolotmcnt of a Ministry ol Agrlonl in betwee) '_ th. ji V/« ainccroly regret , t .bo demiwj ot Mr, Con^Ofe Uogori , It is computed that millions of people m ust daily be drinking and the infirmary—people wbo be wished to add, were Dot : gs and tho reels there »ill be no cottajej , lore,- end asking tbe Goioromenl to adopt tbe Kocess . ot all fi. many ' J.P., one cf Ih* oldest Ixflt known, tmd moat tcapoctcd entirely sick, that in, the olaas tbo crorkbotue naa of ti I labourert. • iCommlttca's Eeporta rolativo to Ireland. enjoy ing these delicic us Teas, fresh from the sweet-scented island of Ceylon. The C: linnia coat: jered tluit fcotleinen to this quarter of th* country, . Mr RofftJrs iied , And tbat a oopy of tbls Resolution bo sent lo tk e R. MAHONT k CO.- nas iotondod for. • , they fihoold adopt some OD O'CONNELL 81'EEET , ; reaolut^ii that wbul Tjj dar mornlny Uft at ht* prettyJIttlo residence, tljo iCbiif 8»orota:.v. Lipton is sole owner of some of the most famouo estates in Ceylon, whish . V/ATEBFOED.: ' Tho cost of provisions and neaesnriea consumed 1 put the act in motion as BOOB as ' pr » cUc» ; b. Core, Tmcort ot tne oitraordJoar/ ago of lO7 yeari : Mr Stafford, Chairman, Mr H««tln , Mr E AlInrpl.T. with £95 J cover thousands of a< res of tbe best tea-growing land, including such well- £100 13s dd at compared 18 lost Tear. Mr :u algey said i though 104 yeata wore cngixVed otf his r. *' MabHesy, J E ; D* W .\Uokenc. G W Wlthors. J P : P Bodd. Tbo Clorlc said that the oost of r>ntdo^r oases In LIPTOI Local GoTerntnent Board's Engineering Board / 1 S UPTOFS . present. - ¦ Wm Jodcn, Molllnnbro : A KoCoy «>lr Both contractors complained at the delay In settle- The, \ tt Kidgway. Me^a n Cappoqnin for tho past bal|-yonr was £7i : > 9d. And Olort then rei 4 a loug resolution which he had StlHOge, flolta , DrJT Whit* E W CUrapott. H E Uenn«r. pa Lismnro ment. r H .Brett, Elan.wr and Flank J J Marphy, for osme porlod, JC82 CLOUDS, prepaid in anticipat on of tbe Board's action. It waa Le>a*t«r W L k Mr M'Grath said— Whai wo ought to hovo io— Mr ffarnoy, contraotor for tbe PaBwge oewerafjo to thCTilleot that thia W EAiIway!i|J Tljrh^. C.E . J R Tobtr*, J Tofcln . J Altlogbasn,J Board having been specially som> Farrrill. John Utck«y Clerk of Union Mr K«nnedj, txl l union latino V7otks, also complained of bl» money being withheld. moae^; to consider 1 ; B1LIC1If BELIG10UB Pineal Tobacco {in the ijepreitBtationi.ol 168 labourers AwJsUni.d & , V iLanL D Ki»«h,. J Uaxvh*. W U&Jiy, K THI HOUSE RGI.IBV World. Tbe Clerk explained that Mr Duffla had oertiaed cotters, were of o pinion that the medical officers WaUb, / IloCoy. eolrr W' ItobertMv, -A RobcHaoo. If In hon=3, 1CJ persona—loot jear. 16'J. ^ul-dooi Ri3w I'IM Aid L A Ryan that tbe work was completed, but tbo guardians ahot.- v white, Major Uolanoy, t ¦TO desiral)le,.b?foro makiog any payment in number UIKT COLLECTOUH- VI? A thought It , , alleged to be unfit for habitation, and to Mr Dcla-'ar-, ' r ConDO'ly. V Howurd, lloapm Powtr. Power A S Tho Clerk said unions to eoud the account to WhiteBtowp Dispensary Com- omify aa to^heir unfi ness or otherwise ; that when the Broi , J Cnlbet ke» Mr QaaiL. J WiUon , J P ; J Sheridan. thai the Auditor in otb«r LMiJlb laininj at bia ceiUncates A proesor , Df Ambrf»<, A Dobbr", V S ; Meaara Panncssy, uaroharsod tbe gnardians for negluotins to collcot mlttep. Now Mr Harney wroto«oomp referred v > have been obtained the Clerk is ronts of tho and staling tbal to 'advertise M i . Murp tij ; T . E liawley. II Peoroeo, Rl»er View a i ^b» labourers' cotuges. Tti« boa»d bill being treated in such a manner, for a ( ompetent person to visit the nitej J Feeit. wt Clcrt . T° Copt»m Flanipno, E K Power1 , gavo orders to Mr Slatterj , solr , to prooood tijalnjt; ho was jurpriBtd at Its beine referred to the Dis- pnpused. and furnisr the requisite maps, &c ; tbat tbo Coroner , J bpeao*, K Wnll-M'-rn«, Tranjore ; J ffarty, JI LaitffC3t Bale in tho T7orM. B.)ard tlefanJtlni? i'oni-payer« pensary Committee after the County Surveyor will remunera « the Medical Officorn at the late Hsrtj, jaa vi V Morrm PJ Power M T; D Potrer. A'd • DOUBL INU CtBLIir iT ( UKISTU4S. of 6s and the Clerk of Knax, Marof-eloct . J P Knoi. i«lr . J H McQt»tb, -M«iri 1 certifying for It. Work. JEI per cottage , the lattor Peot ; St T Oet>>reui S ', Alltnirhaza The ChairduD thought ft ton Id be we ll to doable It is beyond Jou Dt that Lipton 0 Delicious Teas have no nviu 'for the nnder Instrnctiooa ho o/ficer to *i]t . H J Fordo. Tbo Clerk said tbat acting provide scri veaery holp at bis own expense ; Major Hobsan, J Lapftiu. T Power. J Walab. MRU;E O'S tbo ont-door iolitf for the poor at Obrietmas, sobjoct had written to Mr Meade, Seo. of the Committee, sud ttmt;the WctBa of tbe WvtSei; E p-jlt nO , JB O Sbeo, u 0 ; E V Droa. etc. to the sanction of tb« L (J Hoard. above title. All othe • competitors have lon£ since been out-distancetj, and ! J«cal Government Beard him to let ,him ba«o the certificate back in .e requested acrordio ly. l£r RcgQrn oriirinall/ It?*! «i Wawrpart when; bo waj Mr Ponrose, Hi » i Murpby, Mr M'Grath and asking born, ID tbts citr no* tbe College of tho Chriatian Brov . day by day the gap becomes greater, just as the tea-drinking public find time for tbe mee'lng of the Board that day week. Chainaab—On previous occaaioni have not the Other guardiano approved o( this suuge lion num- on tba margin o' tb^ river , *n6 aboct 4^ year* a^o he , d tu. This was considered satisfactory. Derxjf cottages been grtatly decreased after tho obAOgod hi*resldenoe u> where be died at tbe Coro Tramore. Ths doubling the relief «as therefore ojrci they are able to get c n ideal Tea blended specially to suit the water of the inquiry ' . subject to tea sanction o! the L Q Board. With rppiircl to the other two contractors—for Th« Clerk—Oh, y ». Uouall j you h»ro not got He *w foadl/ »ttachod to Tr*ra<>r «i. for , when A Tcry TOnnf more than as man, he w&d t< runout me U»dcr o/ the races whiCA tbom HASTBB'a iP)'LlC*T10K8. district in which thev reside, en vine at once a lovely cup of fragrant Tea. cottages—Mr Fortwouc euRgtoted . that their ac- one-third of thojnombcr rcptt^ated re- took place od thp Str».nii no<3 which were alw»yi kepk np for I ^ quired. That . The Mastor a applications for hocEa neoeflflarleo trero oounte should be sent to the Local Government shows tho tearcHnK nature of the inquir y i whole weei|, tbav i« - trom Fridar to Friday—and attended read , and agreed tc ¦ bj thf gflntj-r auc f&rmprf o' Soard with a request foe an early visit of the In/ which kheld. ' tbu tod oef^hboarln; - LITIOATIOK O?< -TT»sn Chairman—As far u I can coantle\ At; thi.< tim« Mr Kogen «rm faaoan |T>ortBtnaQ, with epector. " , gather, tho rates lor tns nod In fact j&ofonO of hnnwflest was he that hj frcQncntlj ' UrSlatterv, rolr , reported tha the littjfat.oQ Q TLo Clerk said the Local Government Board br/i cottages hsve been «o tar about 2d in tbo . QBod to ride to Dublin »t>d b»c Ho«nn naa doolded lie banded the narraut to Mr 1 IPTlTttl pnwRnii IMP TEA WWF» Y De tc often ue«v Her Majesty s Customs London. adoptcdJ ' Mr Grant old hs ci undti tho impreu'on thtt the OT ' , ThU course was eventually allotted to hip a t if artoolmir whioh they callo-l " « nsi flnlshod . majority of th« guaxdiJn« were 11. l^.our ol poitponin Con^' THE INVALID CB1LUKEN AT PA8SAOZ *A$- g liogcrr' ODQI; ' ht acircely CTO » mlnaod a tucstlog. Oc ' Mr Slaltery thif referroc1 ie-halt of the average weekl payments for duty paid nhioh me was appointed to tbe duty. name alter bin. h> tho lut ot a reap«cf ».bl« old VV» y Mr Grant—That wouldn't matter much as lai as **> Irt reloreoce to lha casa o( pig* I D tappoqutn. Tbe Chairman »ald she was appointed; under the terfonl race f ' irenllouiov HJ * itte ancle, Aldertato Adan: Ml Pflnrose slid thi maftc: oUK bt to be refflnod to the by the entire Tea tirade on the whole of the Tea imported into Great some of as are concerned, fiemember ftogora wai k (ADOU' member o, the old Corporation. Thp came circumstano"i a« the previous yeiK and thero we are payinir to ' we doctor, and tbat summonses t* tftien ont in tho-u* f««s», 2-Jd ID. tho £ at pro-c-nl ODly c^oooccjot i>e onftng ttie family tt, uidcrPtcno,, Ur UcAUa &i]il. be woo d allow everj one to loop ptT* Rrti:ur> was nothing about|it. ; a Mr Svoeka , ¦ who re»id«» >mewhero in Aoiortrt. Uat the ifMARKSora Chairman—That Is * thj placci be kept proporlyclean. tbat the Ly.'ial Govern, (levisiblo between landlord and «eT«rai other old aud rcapoctiblo Water Mr Forteeooe »ii ?Kest*d .he tAn.int. Roift'rsfamt lyi like Jlr M'Qratb w&a ot tb« e&m« opitilon informed tbaj^ children ford famine's. ba»e di-i\ppoar&v Ton macU}r WHS refarr«d to to* vmltA.j y ffic«i &ad the ment Board ebould bo Tbe Chairman thoicne o ' bl« lire, we tearo , hi .« ian-Ilmly—IJidy loyal Appointment Pasiage Cor ona benefit of the$ put tnt motloo whtc.t was DunDir ¦ doctor fov « further tepon A^ weia ill and wero eont to adopted. Donoroiic OIHit their health on thej reoommendatton <£. J.K.. BallymOaut*"- ^* atfujotJ»b Hr U'Qr&th ailed w hat w«r« tbe coll«ctorn doing ' UAST^S' B SJPOBT tc tha Die u. frrund ' he Clerk eild the collocton wore getting on "W' MJ inr 0 Tbe li-uter reportcd thalS some ol tte mlln con- AmoOf the b*auUtu wreath* aonl wcro from Mr* Pctv >!r Penrooe—I to- da y i»»(|l ; 11. BR0AD-8T;. i clerk-And that Miss Coghlan hac;:to go along . * paid tny poor rat* (ncur ' T 3p WATERFORD tractors supplied only half tno quantity o: milk nfisay aoO3rd woul-1 won fret trom ¦'Oro nt ^=B ^X O W pith them. I . -T ¦ ftemambr»noe ,' fri.ci Mws E Ktsirno' • Kr..B hi» (sJtbd: nwot tli : .. same contracted for on certa in daji which were specified. K)n»ohHC ' i Mr God—Was Mls» Cogblan paid ^- no last Borntnt , Hndgpi etc. tru « T BO bo&rd SOOQ flltei tow uter KCIUDK 'liro un h » tol ol He gave to the Inmatci brciid. butter, and lea in bea Tbe funeral fcrTaoj r^oj ent? wore u>ou mwfaotoril • c&mei r^:lc' HER the Clerk stated that th.-fjosl ofof send- Aifl&^W^itFS^rO MAJESTY ^LatoTon The Master further ijeported that the school oiw* Oloamo) end Cork BY Ing tbe chlldron to| Possago for five i^anths the (Mr Moss) in his SPECIAL ~ usnallinsobordtnatc manner reiim. . 7>^^^ m ^Si Tear «as £47 4s. : to occupy the same part of tbe chapol aa the scli~ . WBOLK HEARTE GKEETIh^ DanffarraD, Tueeday ' who had callod f tbe return . |Mr Delahunty, boys when instructed ito do BO by the Mastci At lnat APPonmiENT : nows tc tjfr^ ratepayers, i — ernninRS meeting ot tb« Town Commicriooerfl ^^a#\ ««id that would be great report went on to say Lhat Mr Mosa was perched ~ Hi LECTl'RE- T 3.00 PKOPLt Mr Tbomao O'Connor propoood reaolutiono con- &k afford lo se.-l tbeir own many of whom coold not tbe gallery whilst thc]boys were louneinK about ¦,..* gratulating tbe Corporations and people of Corb and cbildr-n for a day tio tbo seaaide. J" body of the chapel, running Mr JoOt. Hedmnoa M i accompanlcc hv Mr Cionmel on their eolectlors of Aid Mesdo and Aid ¦ pr in and out dunng '¦ " Mr ForteBcuo—What is your object,;.J t Divine Service, The Schoolmaster bad been Ednua Byrno. editor ol ICo Doilj Jmlepcndcut Btrso respectively lor tbe r.mco of Mavor (or tbo t- . nearly £50 spoken J ? Mr DeUbnnty—The objection i» x-;. to by other officers abejut the conduot of the boya lo oxrivtd OD Sabdar morninf io Boston Tbs] wcro re- ' easntng year. A> i' "« late bn did not iDtend to sat ratepayer.,' money has been ape£ , to give tho the chapel, but to no ceWed Dt the SlMor sne Corporation of Boston, and I mtiob in support of the resolution, hat ho woald L° ot tbo pnrpose Tbe Master added I obiorve thai bo accepted tho reaolt of tbrse elections rauper children!o Sve months' bolldi^at Passage. that tho fem»le teach ;rs always the member*, ot toe Ancient Order of Hibernians end ¦ - occupied the same u goioft to-' shot* tbai tn> spirit of Independent Liptoa children. . , s \ Mr Fortescue-For fifty part pf the chapol as tt e children under their care. Tsriout othet 1mb societie*. A procession wts formed must b» -lven out of and the memljcr for VVolerfonlr,nd Mr Byrnawero coo- ' nationality still lived amongst tie people of thoso -Toe OUrk siid tbat credit Tha C]erk was jrenluestw} to send a copy of tho o^ies , and like unto thu laud, It on l y required tbg the maint^nanco ot tb« oH^dran in tha report to Mr Mos^ njnd reqnfre him to tend io dnctod to thiiitotei, »lK,-aTJr rsdmoiid held a n- , that £V1 for ¦ . a matter to oot It sflimt.. The; all know Mr Meado to Workhouse. Uso ihe extra cost Would;. 2t be much written explanation. I • caption- In Itis e»enini( Mr Redmond d«li»ewd »| bsi a lofer of bis conotrj aod a tlat*r of alien poircr. lecture »t the Academy of Music M»yor Quincy in V' BsIidoHg riNA-^CIil.STiTB O>' TUB I7yiON, tho^ That TTOS tho poner tbat mado J a of some wbila ft Belieiois odd Tlfc fiShSSy J A he thongbt the L^7 wM Tho Clerk asnoaoced that tbo r»t« lodgments, during chair, Mr &odmood roceuea i magn>6cenk welcomf sends otbors into the max) boose and the prisons Hu lecture wu bocanco thny lovs Irsland aor? ei h to H the extra cost. j o >' . . ths week wcro as follows :—By Mr Fitzgerald, X'2O3 , from tht 3.000 penoni preaen, g » * Ireland a> tIr Clamp3tt, jeiO2 will on iti nn-tlon onco againlheai. bear. It w-n ber-iow of this The Clerk—Not at all- ,. . V» ,, ; lit H&llay , X2tt ; Mr Barro-, listened to wiA ths mort mirVe spend ol grist esthusitna too!s pUce. Teas. ¦ Teas. children dito »a» £6,481, abd tl 'ro waa outstanding .£10,383. : tLj eubscqueav elooted Aid Meade Mayor ol that " R.-h. -.it;, and he ment in improvinu the health of the schc. 1 BrdmoocJ wo wunnly congrctalitcd tiy very .sorry it^bo Board Tho (Jobtt balanoc uan £1,(X3, whereas on tba t da; flpKA^er* OD trw lotercntiDfj character, force , and elox aai'l thero that fiiffbt all bononr tf, t'.« Corporation of in that v.-ay ; and I jwo.uld be twelvemobth it C^rk aod all bonoor tr th«Chio Mscifllnit* ppop le was .£1 UOO. Ol oonrse a eroai dea l While in Boston llr RedmoDd ' and cTudccd payiDg it. i j depooded upo^ tbt pro,: 1 quence of hi« tddresw. , | of the southern cap ita- 'heat hnan. H-- could Bay S,sacoa Wliy. B go to a r«ss oc the rat** collection On and Mt Hvrno wi! bf to> ir>ic«t> of the city, and will he Mr John I'ower-Tbe ratcp-iycra Bhoul the whole; howover , theywor« betur off nuw tbaB al the samo t>f Mr Ednsond Briurlit. wh-i hail bt-fn elootpd > ^ ke unt<:rtained b» tnt Mayor And citv iroveromeu. 'The reason why ton s Tca.s have auch a hold on tho Public in easil seaside resort in thd summur time. , . IhU time last ?eim 7 Mayor of Clonmel (' heat . bear. Ho bail ' rilo Tones, '.ho explained \\\ t ;r\v vvorcjti. L-Thcy can t afford it. man Pursnaot to n'.tico Mltohells, and Parnells, aDd al. tboet> who recognised ' Mr John Powcr of motion, Mr Jobn Dolahnoiy " Muon Try.ana littl "1 W oo. A ivipv n! this book A Perfect Treat ^ movad— '* That, ioaamt >¦ the right of Irishmen tr. make their own ' BWB ood In purchasin g :'n)rrj (la b oh the important Committee will buv UUtECT from the GROWER at DelAhonty-Kot while they are pl ying for Appointed! to ioqalre ia tbe financial rcUtlom between govern thombolres oa Innt so' An ardent flapryirtt-r M? Great Brilain soil Irela PerffUbon & Ct. Ltt.. Waterte of the undyioit priociplt of Irtsr. nati"Dainy That rLANTiiRS in i< es, tl (u6 i\'int,r the best value that money can buy. 's children. id baTO broQght la thoir rtipor^ other people ^> showing tbat Ireland hi s boon exosRSivo rnvn tho character of Mr Edmoni! Borke i ht- .ir. hear) ^ matter then dropped. v £avjng taza* The . tion to tho enormous a mul sum of -C2.75O .0J0 for Mr Caaey—I oavo very groai pieaxare KI eeooading THE BANlTABTi CONDITION OY TUB *<> The tost Art Works of Wat erforc rcpolntioo. .y©|5JES TFIMM JPELEVJ38. Inspeotor , reported Jiat the over forty.years, this B< ard cill npoa tho Government tbo ])r Browne , Modiol to take scob stop, aa v A lodal Corrospondeoi nrltea :—At tlm« «d «Bnce» Ilr Knowles—Wbo ie Mr Bdmocd Horko . of Waterford nnion waf^ialrlT 111 relLovo IreUod from th>s 1^0 otjtz i ' nanitary condition uncqoal tdxatiota and to itore to thU ooantrjr tbo tbe ch&ritabla {o^titp'loijo iocreaee. b9 Hjr 1'owcr—Ho WM onBolmoooJ j elected Mfijor o( r .,ti«f«otoi» Kiloi'-idOh dl»triot had .e»t fo?o re- , larjo ; 189S ¦ma which luu been anj lttly abstraated from Ireland ' of echooli, cofl*eot» and coltep*0 *° 0Qf city ivre tat Clonmel vX the Into electlo rhe Finest Tea the World can ProdiiCB. Mr John Power seoosj tr.d resulutioo whlcb vie toffo lo , aoj yet tti i 5Jr U'Bnon—I suppose tbe< on- t«, HodmunditoJ oonsidewd: dcfectiTe, and that » man . »wer Jded soperlor to an? ot^«" lrolftod raow bo tbe town questioned at cossidei abl< length by Mr ForUscae populfttioo of Waterford is oontinaooflly decreasing (langbter) waTreqnir.d for tbo proper dr»inag«of ^, Chairman—Yoa hoard tho rotiolaUoo, people of Duamoro b .had wbo took exooption to t >o use of Ibe phrase " robber/ since tp« year of I84t> li » deplorakle to eee . and T Bay Mr G»l«ey said tbo j, by England," whiqh bo i aid was not jnotifiod. tAlre It as passed unanimous!) .«ral mcttings oomo year, ago .nd inthln thtjaat noWlthslttndlpg all Ibe f«cilih«i ite to»n possi^st/ B ' arrived at ira. hat The Ctalrtsotr pnt tbo motion , »ud in doing »" Mr J Hajes—T helioro I Know Mr Bourkn »s well on 12 month, and tho | oon laslon . pointed tb tho for Impartlofr > «ar>orto' educatioc to bntb sozei. member of had a proper ^ter laet that tbe financial relntions cooi- any the Board aad I objoot to politico being notWog eonU bo douo wtU W altajon was oomposed of men of all political pcr- tbe trade »od oorka of too city are eradually dr- lotrodaoed her*.' 1 would b« ooli u>o gUd that Ur notice ol» motion to rescind the timo In VVatrrlord aa veil as Cork, tn whlcb Tie Chairman ' attld be couli not tint with lit •WOEKEr/? Tho O«'k aatd ho bad received a 1 the rcaolntion adopted e arly tho cltj it is a credlv Quite recentlj tbe writer had an Hayes. He would not tor stifling the voica of a TH3 XASIEST them Tfltb a return of pub ^ in proceedinja to go b" Tr««r» to fnrniah on with another cottage* Boherno, oensiderins opportunity or baoflnfr sc areiOTt bell I D a church pnbllo body in majors pdlltU-al K uVro»peotof which they «»»« « contrlbntip tbo great Tia Sola AaniT for tho siiitb. of Ireland U t, h , to be contT dopreasion, high rates, high UiX», and also tbo low In tbe CoaDty o' Watertord bearing tbe foUowlnjj Ur Hajrea—I don'* want to n»?o pulitios Introductd nrTrJTTb*«jrt 'onnd ;¦ prices of farm prodnood. " 1. W oodk K»cil Wstetford, A.D., Hid brsthor , . Richard , has done more for Tlpporary that way would be £M- ;. inscriotlon— , feni«d in _ __ Tho Eoard tnon adjaclmcd. 173a" IfaPorlst Prien roqnlrcd'a bell cast for that anv landlotd in v ootmOEE BEWIBAOK. After some farther dlscasslot. tho insolation TO E. O^IiEAltYo inflaaatlft l rcildont bis obmeb he certMOly would DOI think ot ID nn iho recoomendaUCTi of «n ; K " S passed, Mr Usjts caylng be would not object. CoplsQ moil, PUBE . I his orders io Watcrford K the clergy of tbe city /y n.l Are yon In doubt as to wtust present you should nere ordered to bf eont to the Clonmel Corporation, \ are aDzlooa to Bee a superior pucs of ecoUslastical Corporation, and Mi J JXSSeewer at a remun^^Keration oftT 2i 1 ^give- your friend this Ibrletmu Seo tbe ondleas the Cork F Williams, tolr , my; £dX!u Sin the main nork let them call u >he ooprotfO'ioDj oorksbopj AbbstBldo , a connection of Mr Burke —CUD, PER IS. is.) M3C I i ' n \ £D Gco Dairy Goodo :— \ ^ variety of most appropr ate and serviacablo presents In 'i pet weot BOOSES. " ' of Jamet Power . NewRtM-streev For tbe nest 1 CHUBN8, 8TSKL MILK PAN$, COHOBBTB :- ¦ tbat HIIBNI & Co ard now displaying—suitable le Qf weeba tnej jvlll nave tt opcortooity ol ^ e»id h. hopod that th: coftjp AU nlebing to make a nice and yet ct vory coctl TVi« Chairman roso and for yonng and old—and yon cannot but make a vert neceBeltj of y . I BUCKETS, 6TBAI1IEE8, PBINT8, oeefng there i» no fniinu their orden Christmas presoat should cralk tnroajh tbe Waxe- : happy choice. t* either London or Dublin when socb art aood- DUUBHEB, TUEBUOLIETEES, &|. Jiftaaw^ «l oomc and ot mnob bou:o of Uti,n»i i Co. There aro tcsa of sS^vr-rK nork can b» e^eontod less thoutands of racit asoful and moat sultabla CocjLi dltcet (rota tho Uakcra et Caih T«D». XUA! Dublin or Londot It li a font prc:CCt< EOXE rr.sl tbsk elthor to bs seea on every udo and at every pooaiblo price. XMA BOXElj co'T roede tp »b» onlm o( tho Very Ee?d. T DELICI0D8 M ZAWATTKE TK A M CG'BII., P.P.. ol Oarticlt-or Suir It 1« mode lu UOWECa EOLLEB3, GATJDEHBEATO *? S¦ that for three years not a wor: ZAW'ATTEE TEA ArobUf^store WEW HOSS UHI0K-W« UN r3i)iv LAV7lf . WBwh¦ dlfforiTee DEIiICIOOS M tbe Romanesque ord^r o^ ; ft Is our- HffOI'B : LlfTOI'B l 1 <«»Jo« * j MfSr«m the two txMpt » ">• bo ^ - In beautifully. eoontgd 3-lb Boze> monnUd with fto orDameotsi terminal , cro^s of ar> FICQCCS TUEHIP AHD UAHGOLD ¦ 1 ¦ ^ j Sole Agents ipr City t d County of WatcrtOTu ironHof>e Oangsrvan) and AglUh, and tho cltjrj ecd shonld be 'ooppcrtcd ohcj yon-reqaire poundage of 'io'baccof Plpe» tnd -novelties^ of Eoor pence on all rate* collected and todgod Avliero some of the fin easy ^w B for tie'fonner. The match Cigar*, froto .... , and W«erf«rt lobteqnently, * sea le^ . . ' ' ¦¦ vrg ^rjtnctsioTby in raense crowds but the weather cddrMJ-i.TB, Qosy, ^900 feet nbove elel. . 1 . WATERFOBD. ie; • The Lbcii Government Board wrote stating that w«> finy$iiBg byt p iint, » the play. It ^ Wbefo to Porcbose yoar Christmts Present*, Officer of - .<^ was the New J!«» Dispensary distnc: being ¦hii doiiW "'Vi i^tS^Snltnn Board*hir.,»na«Jx .t believed tfiat^^isb wo ild mit.6 a tkfld bid for victory enitoblo ont( asofoi , ot I? Whelani. Jcwollpt , 10, supplied citb " : ; b..did hi. work me n BarrdDltrnDd Strco; Watertorc, All oorktd in 8 gloss " Pil Blsnd, " the pills in question arc contained [?©pislcaf ia Sn^a.. j {^iS^wthe po»if»^ •tSSBlf" tfndT give pungajvan pi :nty to do, and this belief was . ba bad j M, gur,, to bent. -i strengthpned wh :a ths plain fiqores. In the British. Phirmacopaiia undci the name of Pil E&E> score | Uams lined up, as tbs FeirL .' The enormous sa' 0 , of Lipton s fatnoua - leaw , all over Iudia and tbo 1 AgU^b men had-' a dec ded advantage-in point of sht WDOV?WELCa'? FEUA1B MM*,, TEA COHTBafft. ' J£ ¦ ¦ l aflcf physique^ .Howe et, tie splendid tnd scientific EcsC ifi a further proof of J Wall, was too 1 lUch far Aglish, who were not PIL ,iht faoTthimi te able to withstand the m ay ruhos of their well-trained chair. ' Also pteseni—Mr K A Mu/phy, IXr Thomas ori^nal sample! retained by him, and found than Tea (inrl Coffee Merc iantito Hifl Excelloncy tho Right IIou; tie Eavfo! M E "SSSfiSbI T*J ot.bomntr re.pect to .anyoi^ Mr James M'Orath , Mr JnmC3 every nty eq'iali iT^feoV WELC L ^i, ¦opponents;and the rctn t nil tlut 'pUy wa» practically Jtlorpby, O'Brien, of ¦1,0 t hit attoniilfdirfd trmtif J6i Ftmalo eonpUlottH^ ; Mr M'OfOorman, Mi K.tcnrcso, J P, ilr Booho, lit Ur» Ellen ^VUliams Quay street, New Ross, EkrihL Viceroy and Qo\ ernor-tireneral of India, ^ ¦of a one-sided tulute lr. « the start. i ;¦ Petails i— 1 ! Hwkln, air 0'OalIaghr.n; tender to supply ten chests of lea at la 6d per lb. duty Aleo ^reseiiti-Mr M Heoly, Clcrh, Ur O'Dca, paid, tru therefore accepted. j i. I WIDOW WBLOP^SMMALBPK,18 Play commenced at 3 o clocli. Dungarvafi won tbe » tteoltbj boa 16 th»bb*pl»tl^ia, pUo«[*f tou ind [played with the wind, which was blowing Assistant Clerk, Mr Flood, Mostoi, Dr Dennchy, MO, SURCIUROE BtUlTTlD. nctor* and Mr Sl&ttory, solicitor to tho board. The Local Government Bond wrote referring V n Tea, Cotteo and (Jocoa Planter, (Jloylon. tbodtathfy ptllof to dUtrctilaf tb vitww. { Sgieuootbii eatabluhment, ; almos| across the field , Agljsb had tbe best of the to in ¦ * ¦ ¦ ¦ ' Ur He&l Clerk, rood the lo'.lowiog entry on minutes ot ultimo ' t i m ; " ! . ' I '< first scnmmagt> and qi ickly gqt the ball dangerously j, — 25 , relative to the surchaf re ivj Tho Largcct Tea, Ooffoo and Frovisi ' ¦: ' «ajonrnm.nt !% : pli KEARfeLEY'S < ' „ \ I. fe ffiTJ% » liSK S?« mAnb.«- near their opponents'| ;6al posts, but.tie admirable BTtxa m c»Trogrin. of 10s made by ihe Auditor st his present audit of the \J 0 dealer in the World. ' to "L G Botrd, »ntUD( Docomb at^ , a^ain/andkite/ : • INDIAN OPPICES-D»lionBi» Baoar», TT^^WIDOW TJEMJM'8 MBALB PILU -Sls «ad poor hid laitainod waa nnanimoc -y tome :^cifing;pliy Agli ih got first blooiby scoring a I am directed By the. Local Govornmont Board to necessary to enforce the surcharge in question, CEYLON OFFICES—Prince 8 rctt•ctt Coloabj cnltt,. ,^, iKrd ; , . ; j | m- .- ¦! dr»v/ the! rjUontlon ot the guardians to tho provisions 1LLNES3 !OF Tin WOBKflOUSJ UiTBOH. ^ "•npted In 0 ' ¦ ' ' • r ' WHOLESALE TEA BLEND^NQSG ADD-DUTY COPfEB EOA8TrNG, BLENDING 8TOEES 0« T«n>¦N^t^^^ '•jf ^ ; irJllET^EW^IOS, 4i The -Hopei'toot ful advance of the kick.off and of eoction 107 bf tha Publio Health (Treland) Act Dr Hicler, Medical Officer of the Workhouse wrote -• KewiJiT «a W>» *• «ttjf« ¦j 'ScliioTMMageri ferjrarda;-* ruined the ball behind 1878.—1 aa, Sir, yoar otodioatu rvant, certif ing thtt Mrs Butler is suffering t>A!D BTOilE8-.I3e,tb resume her dutis* (or anothermek. Street, London, E.C. \i Htreo^ London, E,C. - 1 in ; ¦ "" r t? Sy^ Vouldt after the kicksiff, ^-r ttBr.BT i '"H : !' •^M SrV vrtik 1 - and an ekciting tussle]took place almost between " The Clerk Lismore union " The Local Gornament Board wrote expressing tkeir . I WHOLESALE AND EXPORT PROVISION i " ' the IXiiJES-PcorlKS I WABEHOOSES—N«lTon ¦ 'C . BL^^?1DOW WKttllaDa 'WlsHAXBVJU ^ Aglish goal posts. DJ farvun had the best of the The sanitary officer won directed again to report ¦andUon to tha moment ol remuneration at the ret© of BONDED AND EXPOET GT'< nt ouk under it, thus mikino ct tbe matron during the.Ulness of that officei. thr 'fi rstMgoal for Pm garvaa. , Dublin, ' iTbjr jyiiu«»a n mtmWeitkt ¥ *v**ff ¦ . On lhe )ufck-ofr ti? " L G Board 8th December. 1600. I I efPIOANNCATIOM. • 'Bt,teaseli—8, BR0AB ' *'W5*jkH.aW.,*fiB;¦ Hope continued to b ' Waterford STBEET t ¦ <£ : the aggressors, and soon " Bin—With reference to the rcsoluf Ion of the Board Tbo Local Oovernment Board foroardetl qncstions . * ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' " ¦ ¦ pat UndoD;' .t ' ; " ' a poict to their credit ' from this tb&phy was very of. finanjicas of Iilsrhore uriion pf tha 25th ultimo, 1 forhnroeri by tbo Clerk ud lit A F Btrden, .o ' -Alma Uousie, JJishop-<5treqt Beifiiafr-13, High-atrdt: Sewry—• htmt :* ; . tv ' U' Irish Branohea—Derry-l-Aii one-sided, : as ; Dungary n constantly, had the ball in relative to a' cottage In eourco ot-erection In the Eala Collector of no 2 district of tbo onion, whom the 78, Rill-strcet. Drogheda-a-^4, Shop-street. Limerick—12, Gcorgoitryet, Kingstown—' ,liSCWX0A» AMI? I Agltsh' territory,and sco ed ancther goaL They added townland Monataggart, I am 1 TUB At! P«W0flf¦ reCpt.f and of .directed by the gairdlatu propose to allow. £30 a ycij aaperonnuatlon. l Bessboron^h Boildinpi, 6 Gcorgo-stTCct DnbVm-~Oorner ¦ -. «^^ ^ S^ ^ aooihpr point lo theti cr idit ln short timc^ when Local Government Board to request that they bo ' ' , , tJpF\i ' : of D»mc dnd Eustace, . ¦ ,1, BX0JWJ0W. iliXF, ¦ ^ CLZBK S BEUVHtBATION CNDBU TUB tAEOCEEU Dundalic.—.3 * 1 : ^' tbe half lime whlstk¦ so inded the score stood • — funrfihrt with a report from iho guardians Arohitcct !¦ '¦ li ' ' ' streets ; 58 Heniy.BtrectL I , Clanbrnssil-atreet. Oork^-J73, Str P luick-street . . .. ($M «c ,WMiii« W«»*»*«tTBi» P"" ^! I ¦xuLtirr**.. --l» . sJ :¦ . • I . . *«I . - :. 1 , ! ? ¦ a l 'sPr^ftekes # i Hopek :; .,. . . ¦ ... j , 2 goals 2; points ' ¦ aa td'ttie prcctess maad ; with the building of thls Wexfonl—85 Slam-strcct.!it.! Onlway—2 Shop-strctt. Lisburw—1& •'-.'*¦ «. l > » i 'ij- ofs«Sl *« .' I --!* • 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ Tt3 Clerk applied for the usual smount 0! remuner- , , , liow^trWt, ' - • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ 1 ' ' -:.:¦.> ' •• . '' " TAgB4..; ;.,. ... ; , 1 ' jioint. cottage ?. ' ' - . .!. .1 .W , 1 ation (or his serriccs under the Laboured' AcU {rom ¦ ¦ On changingiidesAg lis 1 tpok|advahUge of the wind, " I am at the camo time to obserte that tho plssa 20th Sept 1E05 ifi 81st Deo 1897. ' and It resolved ' ' Chief Offices ...;• .. ' City Bmd> London- j ' and (or the.first tea m dates pressed their do v> j : opponents not tppcar to admitcl any tedvictioa being m-.r'.n uninimoiuly :—" That the Clerk )>e, allowed the'tuual .1 Brcochca everywhere-WE :. Agencies throughout tlio . \Vorlil. ' tSkTSSrSMi WM'^'* twm pre|ty; .hard and kept be ball in Uungarvanground. m th mm^mM height s=»sct ot remtctration. viz, pt tbs rets of £W oESrX apie flojgej^owcvtr :re not ko be desied ? oE tho cottugo in conrso of erection in £3 . *, , and after the union—I am, Sir, your obedion'ftsrvant, t23aa Irom Scdt 22th 1895 to 3Ut Deo 189>." ^ !' assiiJts!on the A^lish goal, , . ¦ : 2LO©OiOC?C5r~t OI 5'ldmbIy oVer Clh0 Mil!lon 'Pucketi ! LJptomi T<«4 J3w« PosrfocMi^ ^W^^^ they ney jjput' tiro ijoio, ¦ - ,_ ^,. . „" JiMacSmiHiN. Secretary. ' ' ' ¦ JLT^ t^. icflted- a repoint ; poiati to PTJip CUix clifcUfmorb onitj.'" T\ • ' ¦ I " ' Weekly in Great Bfitain aldue, I ' ' i . . »l»««PtoodBbirf « a«w»« tbttf «^ befo¦ time 'Is uxkA, but far tome ' This ycar't iCliHstmas Nurnbt? ot loe Nuws - tf mm* *VM •¦»Plli WTA^ JB}8Oile»npB* rtt «2!SS£»-1SSStu. • : ! itraogc . Ibis lc«;t wai Klctrca to ttia Etaiiicsr. V v.|U te*. ' : ¦ tffeferl^al ;.^^ to ;f^r^ftVi . i • > . : ! .UU records, j-:. : 1 ; -^ .. .. •• i>M.H'!|j?SB5.T*3BH ' ' ' ¦ ' ' i-. ii ' • • . i ' i - - i •, : ¦ ' r ' ; :' !¦ -l. ., ii>-^' ]':!¦;. . . ¦¦ ¦ < : '!:¦ :• !¦ 'M ; ! ;.;-¦: * ui \- - \L \:: . ! :\ ford and Limerick In their itrngglo against tbe ttlar* spootor, h»3 reported I tbat no Banitarj baaiDom olalmlng B oontribution of fM, the tcpnnt piac a In? monopo.y which tas helped to rain tbe Irish aas done by tbo Commisiioners for tome time p>Bt. preTloas ooondOM. I I Th i Bacon TradQ Dispute bacon trade, and ne rccomtnend tbo plg-feodora of He hat oondeiancd the ecavooria^ arrangemente, Tbo crditary canitary ronltoo bnflac:j fcivlaj tbe country to support them by all poaeiblo tneans." and pointed OD ( tbo want at aenora la tho lanes, &c. been gone through, tbe mootlog edjouafdl. of the reso- Tbo following rciolutloo waa proposed b Mr M Mr J ] Shoe, M P, icolDff nlth rogrit tbo folluro J AND TtE IE18S TtMEB Mr OalUoeo seoonded the adoption y REV i . F. FLYNN lution, QCd siid tbe ring that bad boon established J Coeey, «ad eeoonded by Mr Patiiok O'Brion :— of his leader to pnlveriso Mr T M HeUy, i M P, bu D^OlAMDlSOEMT ©AS LlQMT by tbo baenn merchants should bo & warning to the " RcBolved—Tbat we. lUie Dangnrvnn Town Com« taken nnto bimielf tbo task. On 8cHnri3ay lo tbo A PIOUEEIf nrVEHTIOIT. ; WELSBACH PATENTS- A K0I7HEE , lU \itM Vi0lt, Besistless X.ogi< of Piguroa. people of Ireland. mlesionori, st tnoetln? assembled, rcspsctfally bat columns of Thf Freeman' $ Journal hebctjnboat do- 7 10 INCANDESCENT GAS LXOHUKQ ; Tho Chairman eaid be did not like to interfere In earnestly appeal to b)3 XiOrdshipt the Moat Noble mollshlog the " pledge breaker " In tKla tabloa :— THE 7IEGT A17D 01ILY SY8TEU OP SCOBES ALL tbe coorchanti aod IB TH: ' EEvi GENTLEMAN tbia matter b^twoen pig buyers. tbo Marqaia ot Waterford, to favoorably consider " S —Perbopa tbo readers of your papct may cot THAT HA8 UET WITH ANT OtTCOESB. BOUND.] ; They all reosoaibercd the strike io tbe trade which and reinstate tbe eyicled teDantB on bis estate In be aware bow singularly appropriate [it I* that the ocourred some time ago at Limerick, Tho bacon io- the oountv Waterford. In ao doing, xia aro euro fund for obioh you are Inviting enbccrfpttoao ohonld last week in bis Lordshi the great have been Inaugurated by tho Bev tfatioo Eyan, Thf mo«t noteworthy eV( B,t 8iDCf do a try TTCS in tbe bands of a few people, find they p will wko into account ZT to CG Bacon section?, and provided tbst depression!nhl ob ha9 tttended tbe (arming class for C C, ot Solobheid. ; C tion with the existing crime in the divided the country into 69V. CcvC::n CZZ CD cc' O .J O n^Zo. Conner , tho Waterford buyers should not go boyoodfi certain some yeata past, abd tbat the evlotioo has been " At the ftcaetal election of Jaly, lpO5, Fcibc? U ur« c^>uld alte: are cui ;cim-d, DO comment of tho mcrcoan' s thev vili be rutotu tho bapptoeQB and prosperity of bis vast p&tateOt from tbe AGV M Byan'e point of v w, rightly re- C it i> „ bat wu tbink we The Burner, matt>" ¦ one way or the other ; Chairmao—The farmers bovo beoo very scrioaily I and accede ti oar appeal OD bebalf of tbo eviotcd garded as DO recommendation of bio landtdaturo as " C By-pasa 7o 6d mnjority oi t bf c p. „ 3-4 „ „ TO :inc the feeling9 ofkbc injured alri-ady bv toe nctioo of the buyer* dividing tenntl'9. " against hisjlandlord opponent, who Icokod npon tbe are pumu.d bj- The NEW ETJ : when we say th:it tbf course Ltit- couuWy up iimoo^t thotEsei*. I' r ie repolutioD wafl paeurd antinimoupl j, nnd pledge witb tbe oontempt na tarsi to t person of bis G Burner, 5a 6d citizcn Lfauiy ami 'I tbe pri aners' conr.Bel—Messrs K. Mr Dalion—Th* mnrr imotD tvtre a: toe bscb ol oopies ncro ordered to bo seoito Watertord , Oorrlok political ItoDiogo. It i', ihereforo qalto in tbo 'wisest t>uu cuuld h* - and Boards nl Hatriu ton, M P. ---noa tl c I I. . KlIm^o'homiiB Guardians , and to tbe order ot 1 tinge tbat Father M U yar ntould desire ( .mstliuriM. Tie tcncrii! ('•iiiriroo-bi 11 ?'»i prove thfl Corr:ok- 'ti-SuIr Town CommiB»ioDer». to (Btablith a fund nbicb mo tie Irarro (or tbe ftdpp'. .; iiTi ' 't Mi, uixM' a- »¦>. r \\< < -ui i DD'I M- ( . III D- .D-I 1 ¦;.* ar anecroccv did oot euit Wi' arc ijlad to loam tun ', thf muDaiffrB ol tbfi purpose of putting {ornard Parliamentary cindl- impre'i I i: . cxi'- t riv; no« >' . t x- > 'ii 1 - i c- n.nt- (• ¦ wnsii- flonJ'i-XDc ' . -*t buy^re Du:i(;ar»ao i3r««-ery h.ivo beoo lsr^e purobsters of dates who) may regard the Irish Pirty pled (cs , b.>- to por. TU-J fio^ru of o/ a^ ni \ "" V lit ! u n» r i we sUoulJ not intertt'i f nt)o, Th«t. i» my view , barter supplies In forei gn couDtiiot Lord Wator- Moore oe and ^ I'inie out ai\ -u preacDt a fit proper roprcscatitlTO wbea tho Hie most economical , \ rr' Half tlio Cont. D-'U LV wi'< » r-fu«rri to II. ItuRv&n—I ne dleputo ouchi u- D* Bettlod by fotd's aulion is noil corth recoidlo^ distinguished nod lmononlate Mr Iincdovlllo no \^:.^ -lcjitntcri inlividual— ' —to t jjr.iw from a Ci ! arbllraiir on the pretilscs I Peri3h the thonsh1! I " Tbat is t - my, tbe?- ITOW EoDk The moat healthy, if lv- ' " eoca i ;ped in the Hoa?" Mr Lul iinnr i - h a ' tior > ven pud ijff^'Piho jod Mark tb« pledge " so abl y drafted [by ttr Hcaly." j mTjrp \ W Troblo tlio Vtalb crDu- t h»-ir b»c ^ are bav bp tbeir tnouls in th- it \V .i - ,<: ' ora i . -. aturao * that v ffa» bcitu: aettled fileasra. Thoni03 Tulbol Power aod Jobn Talbnc Wnat bitlili; scronsm I If Mr Healy doca net djop Vf iM T f ijfrjiliv up. iikMu.1 , »;~ 1'oivir , who and tl ir curd-* , und , t_ I by am tut* represent tbo eminent firm ur distillerB. bis dimtnidipd head after tbio wo rray ovea espcsS The most brilliant, \, _j >i, an IL- ti'WKrd uf their havi ehowD , HL haviup lii^th nlj fnif i f Tne reaotmiot tvae Hdopie^ tut o^airojan di»- an example whlcc might well be tbat Fatbe? Mnthon Ryan will not Qpc-r In Clot- 'itt rj-is- pi .1 *- wtjrp r» • followed bj others of tbe leulloR metropolitan Half tho Cost- 11 nianb ' action A f*?«- f- ! BO' cloth and tjVca. I'ho cleanest Gao k but ih<. v were su ' [\ nap DO buyer* who boutei vibo havo dealings with tbe provinces. In . Q I).;uny i t' lR m| it ',he tnerchaDiJ nod I the We are asked to publish .be foiloWi;> hit:? r— Ctfivo i wus. bar -,l «-o'i^ coon. oiloB nitb tho Show wbloh was held thin woek . one wonld ima^inii y i difidCL t: c c 'uiur- ui IL IQI maono* roterred io " Lisadobber, Carr1i;!s-&n-6ntr , Troblo tho Lfclii few tbo IH >• ¦ io tin Royal Dnblln Sooiety > premise, Hall'a ' wbile to U TCD in bit bonds to bv tt, e C ^ iraart — \b Dcceabcr, 18!!3. Mei-ere Drnnya H>il gB , Messrs POE7OC and SOD, represented bv tbo defl! wi h such Bmall to^ -0 THE CIIITOU «»TEBFOnD |niV7P. tii i> n'. N,,.,. u'ootiomej whose Dames sir menu nud >t tbe an ba obtained from all Qcs Companies, Plumbers and Gaafittero throughout tho Country, or freni ; iCIiard sOD is we inifl'.'Stam, of ' 0 K 4R 8 IB —M y at'enli.ra bas besn called to c>n At L U»i KArvaL 1 aG»(la op. Dio ^ thlR paragrap' . have porformod an act cottj « out.. H_ .n , us :r. U- iu:y ¦ afticU n th e r/alerford Star of last TH of fmtn.r- P'^f ¦»i>mk < t -linwio fi WQI V L G, reooaoces i^cdaondiaai. JLA smalt ¦ cvctnt'ji . M- J"tir U'lrro t ;r < f- ujnoultutnl Clhlbltorp in this coo.nl) vV who li .H '!: I r., 1 in u 1 1 r '. l xo kindl y JI » O mo leave (to cay lo yosr ,, IfiSh lr.ini tl-.w iDdi> l'iuu :H v- rflad Irou: Itn » V t P.yni. . - ' A ( itf'T .i rf - i- is Koll known that Mc?8re Poner »rd S..n» 1*®^*®*** Liffht CO 9 <:. :i:& ,;in 1 JM I IUII inst nnnTmTQntlQ :>y: H I have ^ i i ^li.i ' 3 n ; , • bi Auti * A ! "• • iiirr . t/oiivB dV Hi. obiaic ¦ not'tr (Jooo any tsne b tbinfr. I Lj I ^ * H dniil WI h he ¦ a large Hmount of itn'ir b rley from county am no ir as I W l»Un I 10 OUlJ Uj U CAD O7Ficc-Ga GEAr-lON BTBEET, DUBLIN. FALK STADELMA IIH A CO wnj JJM '1 ...rc buf , Wextordj always have btm—B UDI beliavc? In dticem- .-nta iu the J \ the pnnoiple3 tauiiht by the ChlfS, and a 6rm 12 L 00, \ B HAUCII Onicc—75, ROY.VL AVENCB . BELFAST BUEOH QDJ.7. y r, been ftdthiu^' ^t u oontact tiith tbo forming pupolation r( Souib how* pie-Bute rrofeip of r.-goluLion f you To we. Coir adboroot to tho Pornollito Party .- Vpnrn fattbfnlly, ODBLnr. I GEOl'.OE'a STREET. COBIC. DUBLIN. turuit'l'a to walk . iut> ' tuc trap 1 W ex ford pattioulnrl yl Woll, I D order t<> show their the pi ft of tbe mlsaior.org forwarded torn' on tbe 2Gtn nil . and would " P ATBIOB CtXAHT." patr< 'Di> ( ;i > of Ctir n appreciation of tbeir a^rioaltoral friends tbe Meurs again Oo tbe contrary, tfhi'ir iia?i replied at ooou , D D WH abs«D '. from bocn on tmj 1. ll vee iha\ uea » ttir i»t« Biahop of Power madenrrnnaemente with tbe Dublin , Wioklow Mr Cleary need Dot worry tils b,;:d absnt tba Wed' PB<1ay lu^ruft t H pr' nttt-nding tho fanf.Ta! obpeaaieo n b'DdJyoonver tt> tbe chairman and Weiford KailvRy Company paper rofnraod to. A canca tbet hit to dc?:2d CD nhn\ . their sympatby 18 tpilj the Pi^ouvt-r. ttonv I will aak joa to fcr s. speolal tralo ^¦id OWD Commlepionerfl m» tbftnua fo- iboir timely oc 1 uesday from lying for support ond on suoh a dii/aputablo shee t MattersuiAs fubtory is c mr.crnet a T New Boca, oaMog at E ODIB- Af far as a.Dd intelligent advocac ? o at opot pig market—rea^ oortD), as an organ of tbe Press at a:ij niomeir. ' Kerns, Camolin, Gorey, and somo others <>f , must to In bopolc:J dev. opment may be ixp'jctod d'ni aa they axe in the oeotrt oc » great pig*f»«ding tbe difficulty , Indeed. The oondltlon Dllloaljci loyeC trere bave lntecmodiato station*, to currv 500 bona ndo of b ' thirty pork-butchers L-tup dintrioi , they have ample opportunltiei of forming a farmors now so onntomptlble that It Is Tbe pi«» t«c»,d dir«.-i to tho metropolis as ice guests ot the firm. bol trvtd by every ,folly refufod to kill correct opinion uf the SDBoka advantages ol an open oiaes to bo 00 Its last !o;js. Tbo idea mq f^ bf Necdlcts ta csy tbio generous and genial Invitation 'of a Pcraclllto " farmers, and wu^|ure infurmedu/ tbav »t market , wtmreiD alone oompetltiOL oac tonnd, and was tall having anything to do olth fr' n tbo tbat diolriot y availed of , and at Ball's Bridge tba guests ccoli a generally ¦ moment eoroelanimuls class 1 tt-oi ooofident tbe farmers or ibr UooffarTftn despised ac:l bcaton faction that t^ uresent will , In their own iatareitd endorfle tbe ivoUoo o! the were oot> only admitted free to tbo grounds, ba; , Is co ridlpolc^s Ur pens' alire aoc gront.nK. Cleary may 0, 1'i remaining.in tbe , CommiomoDoro- —i am mj aev BU, yoan Tory faliD- were also entortalned to breakfast by the caterers take it for granted thft eo ozo wes ait in print , , deceivod b T- oiuj be that before these hnea. Messrs Bamgon acd Co, Westaiorelaiid-strost—at y tho antrutho ID ito vilo piper mentioned. ^je rripin will bove beedrmohed, and that - •' I F. FLTN^ tbe expanse, of conrso, ot Mecsrc Power. T DOT we ** r 1 will come out, Ojhis cirpani«tanc<. '' HcC.trtn) . kro.. Towi O* were then porconally conducted tbrongh tbe ibon jkr,^a fas f ihzkkmsnf xczmi iandB of cCorotary of C^pCtjuln. wonld ^e inimenoe Bdrantaire to Tho followin g wfte nlgt read Irom tb* by come erprrto la tbo far were regalpd At the Potty Sessions hold on Tijnrtlday , b;loro HIS OWN .^tbe Bayers, woo are figbtinjj '¦ Waterrowi. Norombor M , ISSt to a ^VEKY SUOKER IUPO ER . cabotnotUl meat tea, after which tbo special Mr Marmion and Major Tannor , ih^as younj men ' tain their rights. '' lo toe Chairman and (ion tie met of ib« Dancarran train "" eoo- was in roadineu to Cirrj them to tbtir homes in tbe bailing from Llsmoro, woro fined 63 i:oh for poioh- < Barnes's fadtary , wbiah was clDtjed for ' 1 owa (Jommiiiionei Model County. Kvcryono nugave well pleruod witb tbe ing on Sir Riohard Mutjravo 's (lemiano. Mr ADV21J' DZCO!., Gaorocoy (caa ct Oilcio, Oc ^ this ncek lor the resumption or " D EIB 8l»»—Thanks for oopy oi recolotioo pofljed ' time, opened trip, and beforc^t.^araUn^ hearty expression Williams s olovor piloting in the 0&40 cot thorn out number o: pigo were pnrobased by your board oo beb< my asioclaUoi. I beg to a ay OUR P0BIT10V IB VtUQUE, -, trade. A large appeared in tDe prccBtbat the to thoir appraolation of tbo klndnccj aod of as dangorons a not tor thomzalT'rs 113 tha ones ' witb wbe rn, we understand, the that the otatament irbioh thon^ht- 1 from the Bavere, Baoon Cnters bad h rote preventing Cori and Limoriok falncca of tbalr host]. ' they set wero for robblto. ae pleaded gnilty on National autuoumy urt cle th*1 mombTi Dr-«enV 1. wan ai follow*- nero recognlfiod by tbe Brittub hand of the Ian. and set fmn —I D your fesne of Thbraday appcam at, electoral^. To-day j~ Sii' Rpsolveo — " 'I' IB.: wb'i» w« art* determined to give we arc A woman named Noonan summoijcd one Brojvto A COMPARISON : ' teln-UnR lkj the dispute I D the| Wat«rford imooD tnia^ despised, " &c. Tbeo ll appeals for political w cnoneb to glv- ID . a ever' reftflnnabi' nopDor to tb« Watorford pip* residing at Camphiro for sorioOB assijult and threat- BORNEO CIGARS. BRND3 SELECT03. r BID »'¦>« joo will be oonrtpons belc In tbis deplorable otato of affsirs io tbe Cardinal 8 repl y. 1 M B :ad to Be- t;.* !'¦> '¦ buyers it iher flgh. againat muoopoi> tre iCrooglr anc Archbishops enlDg lanfftingo. He hod a crosa-suiiiDonjj ft>r trc3- Ali TI tf DL03. PRWCper 100, WATHEFOaD PCI03 ; :r IOC" —icnal. ,pnc for ol the ¦ rocommend then u calmly and terloaaly ooaalder of tbls couotry—aa appeal wbteb | ¦' appeariDS I D th« role farmtre ¦« in f»»«ur some oonaidor the aflalr, that both nor and hb ciis V7oro mM |l70 under » paiernu) Goveramont , he ehonld ma'teri lor conulderatioi if toe aaTlsabilit? of pcroon had fallen in. Tbe nigbt was very ^, llowing bayers to dark and dlsmlsGod. Tha ocourronce took lac|) nhilo oho generations hate bean the alart and prey aboliobio; tb* o\. eyeien o a storm), oui by tho light ot & ;as ibe !ao p c^3 MARTm BEOSog ,oi iut attend o^rtaln fairs oulj. ai we b©li«T6, la Free Trade chat getting water from a noli In his lani ** unlecliDS and rap»iueiAu» Undlordiof sm, Trhioo appeared to be tbo body oi a man Boating down witb < »n out the .h»f* raok-renU ; all round and aoe nc reajoo nby tQe nig Cairo nhonld A doorea for pociosjlon of a iBbourJr' D oottsjo wea Oicar CpcciaJint3, ^rane bis very Tito!- tbe tide. She Immediately proceeded to tbe barrack uacUling 'hut he «hoald lire not b* attended o? &!) buyer* at their d&ocoUon ^J granted to tho Board of Guardians ojainat Gdmond ' A »hloh to-das even Is (am cod soqadntcd tbe polico ol the faot , but as the GUERNSEY. land of hi. birth Tho *,«* «' »•- irglJ a« the cattle Hogau, who was plocid therein a IJT; jeers e-o C3 r?d ThrWo tattrt Mr Scanlfto—Didn 't tho pigbuycra cay that thin mlo nijbl net oo stormy nothing oould bo done till tho '- . n»TEdticM'on ba» failed to do more than hail it. oarotaJcor. O ITM introdaoed DT the merohanU morning, On Wedn::day morning boats were -•' rk bfleanM ne Hte not nodbr a paternalo[ Qorernment prc- Two nevr lcmpa mo to bo erootel , ono ot caoh tbe Board AgHoaimre Clerk—^. onrcd, aad after a long search tbe body was (oojad, ^ i for tbe tsao reason bridgo, wtilnh will bo a groat boon, e , I voatnro to o»y> 000 ld tjjtst of o Dora ^2»S oppoid lu- * Wbea tho body of E ri li saperjlaioa thing., tnd one foot i», recois- gan was fonnd there were nlnr B in all respcoU tpan this. Tho «W F?oS »re .tnbbori pounat cot in bio breast docor»tlono obont tho of Gutrdianb thronchont the county Mr Ponot flald tba- tner* ma* m n< cud role tt poo&ol Tho Inqucit was Eaorcd Hefjrt eUtca end «It tho Board" bk»e pawed re,,lotlon. in tbe aajoclatioc aj tt bave curtail taJro cot Tiatted bdo oo Thnrcdny. " liamaouUt* Conception ohow auch t^jto end rcnfd In thf ooloihiDe unions iu i attention. bot ho bad ii froD ver 1 goot aathoiity tbat BO !^? f th«, cow market . Tbo:a boaxdi are ma.niy 1 t l no meiD. blind to iraa the DI> P5S e ^>ed of ?"mcri, who aro by aifflaottoncD. ! u.?th. ir^X i- ^ tb.ir kd«Ic u, tbur leiloit- is Mr Bntler—li wai meti ttonoc o- tb* Boaro o' Tb» P.'tty Sstaiona Court , which shnold ¦"? Ju n B ^nlcah.. DUtriScUiw^^^pccwJ "< !ft rSfSE inureit., and Gonrdiact an Thnraaat . kavo been 5 . mani He«a, ol c.p^ b.la t>*re on Tuo.day, did oot come ". m«J JoWni IIOIOTJ. -ho ap- t * °i * I Mr Po»»- off there bulns ~ ^"r^Ci. ^ '* '•" a e1«bborn thingc and .o are Bifnrc »,.¦,.« ' " ¦ |^cta of yoki a-jd ihrl.raor. irmoh Mr BcanlaO — It iroau D » bott*<- tbfti th^y onalc no -. in attonda nc. Mr Or, . H 5 SiS S^Sk "^a tet flgarosbefore , BallymiKiarbor y, and ™Z OOK D Z ^T^A ^^^ if not aoour n .i.m, bay ill roanf- bu' that i» a matUs? to* tbemcmvev , douitleos, toe loclemODCy of O1<""1»' UI , OD the 2 th Norjuber la)t. •^ ohalloDBCd .to , aedfrom » a n 1 I mcl1 T THE — anjo.o :an g» -hero iho pig Mr Keobei sair tha tti ^v r»* . in. rUnii.1 of tb* trie morning kept tbo local mombcri of the Great ,>, * '* ""Vf" . ">bln wueiaiEinca In misoitol ~? o^ of tho.« 6*urM ]nd Dnpaid w,tbin .K^ l S ' , \h. beat »d»«nl»go4-lnttte tn«robaofa cellar plg-bnyern tfaai foot irai' e xtptoi. it their ao-orifttmt , tbe .b.11.. .1 «b.i, hoo.^. Ho- ' .0' ^ ^ ! ^ -. .old^ to tb. 1 RISIIU TK tK ** Bally brictl. a . Wll80 th9 dil!pnlP and DOW too* hac t jotU Iroo in * ooryrp * evn iber. were less than t, d^teo oa^o on tbe """'I lniiln W*j 00 toe floor eovSciTwlth 1 sciU ¦ j ol 1 " te' w '¦• ° merobsnti ri.d the boyo,. tie priw Unc to the eflao . tba; nt BQOL rni» o* nrranffwrnem boost, otd of the number tour w^re for bres.-bee '^f.^f-s, ' i?° Ji? ? "abeoqaoxitlj takei lo tho Clonmel o. between ito nliUf. It woolc appeal , therefore, tbat neither ee# ira.Oe ai . rutinc meam flondloir th( ™£n "" °"— M-» •> v«» i• »feasi fll u« ' il« nriiw £1 IT conZ 'uUariaZ\* Ltsey. coorrth^^r.1 jbe Jto lh. .h.«w ulW -.1,. th. " 3qr. «l.ar pr,» UI., «, pig« to ib« o- kd not bcon Urtnj wiiS htr huataml lor 3? uf tail l*lb( ^ Mr SoanUo — r tho arrangement i« IO tra(l^ atj 1 Oo WIOPO of 4larr I'o o.cr' 'on tho i)thf * "I" ': " iU »nd nnt tUe O.IW .. in- be.r marl patients under the caro ol tof good 61,tors of M<^oy, NotfmUr. tt n.s stateil thit 4P r^Tut tho Mr WtUh— I" li not n#ocfl3arr u oban(T* tn« r«so Ua b.d bc:n OODTkttd of «l mil», uSeno*aC>L ihreo jroflons ^ thf "lln.b T.oi M , " tboagD LO and oscb aod everyooe oi teem were ns cbeerfal BJ BJ ODI Y/s * i' rt,« ri» .»o that 00 I within in i«jt P ad.tc- to th. ta»- Intiou XJ- i«di,t moDtfj Tho 8«a¦ i? iL« «e". b" iriMri bad tDoj could pocBibly bo under tDe clroumstaociu . »«e t ood ot>aiaotcr ol ih toouiat whoTwu Duel ilo er a of W.W»ord wb.n i, toil, tbec Tbo rcroiQiiot WOJ tnot put&ni paic^d Unonlmonalj Tbore ato como vtl'y old perioos ic tbe moot n e lroprl...nuiont I'l iroTthecitr feiocle side, i l«. end go to the, btta*' aoif . ate told tbal mor« that one trem oji caeo ncio aUo di.;-o:=a ir S:-le»». I be one , rlghtlto O«ll trhore be nl«- centenarian la 'Tow to the farmer' in it 1 bale aod hearty In tba house al pr.at.nt~ . " M to b^ » grtttdeal D . L18MOR: AN THI PfiiRrTFTt Or VVoJsb, §/- °JL «eems . f sinht there tbt kiou and skilful mtdio. olileo r of the OUR PURE 10 " i.n-a o: houeo! INDIAN TEA i.ot knb w Thatlo your At tba montbi> meflti'iF Town B D r rinJv.o I do o tho Luni-^r* Commi*. wo« aloag with your Corre.pjnd.-Didurlog fho N W t:ti tbo Caly bapor rer>rc;:at«l ct tho feosneoy aad Wofearfiiri not beH-v- Fth*t..f .he ,00 <7o 0 ld adwa- tiouan. he'A On Moanaj . the 7 tfi IDS. J OM: H IC V JD . EAQ, J ! the visit! tessioos 00 01! " C i l Sntl.hall CaalrniaJ* -u ond k nftj muob etcook with the Tu^cJay. • ' ' .niori act . evro -bho be m»ylog. have a nsM rroudnin Si* Tnotu. ' otf pro poaod ant *lodly greetings hs O«tn»; r Ik -be,, by 11r Joincs MH^ajthj •ej-onJoi tne followin g roso'utioi' reodved—partioutarly from tbe old poonle to the obsonoa of eouie of (an loco l fwca a " "r ^Tffr^tontiO " R«3ol*cd—That we when be fpn ^ioh, So&eGhing Invigorating " Oh, yea 1 I bay ray Cijpra b Quercay, , ta* umor- Town ComintneLonori. aDlnpartanl CSOJJ lllVi l Ur 0I1 U« u oalered any of tbo wards. stand »dJoa^Dtd aotil ?- '"' ,1 ' rt HO »» ofl»01 "' P°» ' °) T desire to ©xpr*a* oor gfneor* s/tilMth/ with ths 1'l^rbayer He oca a (rental and oor.i di. >y thi. act , M •"" ' pn0din, benefit or. • klndiT Way with him, ooart day. Vo fjlvo a Diicioont cr Prccsnt v^oith Gd. with every pound of Tea t« ud pay the duty myiDlf coocer thau buy cirr« "io tha • ' rui trht-rorw^rd ¦n-- m»olj •trouvU tb©7 *r« enpm- Bod bis patienU iomn to lik. • at! purcbnjjrc. ia " ID to mnin' att tt)« prmc p Tno Oarllnu " ban to iknnk »¦¦*¦ tni l 7 ¦ K *-d l«» o/ opct Competition In blm very boon. ltr, B C Alliojjhira Waterford. h» ; f el. * " i sefaerttion. m« '¦ ont of tbe prttidp&i indDa'rirr of tha conntry ; nnd tmsi la a grtat mcuuro for his " -foe. For ll At Tu£sd ny « meeting ol in« board ol Ciuardlane escapo OD Tocid.y, II ~ ^ " that tbe rt:uff«lfi *U t^rtaiutu tbei fftvoai , and , ice caw is agnln bioaj ¦• thereby pat a oneot to moaoi> Mr John W.lBb propeseo > »,,ic of sympathy itltb bt 00. ao Ur Marpby T/HAT A UISTAKB I - „¦ t.01 0 ' bonog («» - eTldeouy loteado, bf Is -Jd h.- fSo.ml5 o/lh, old tho Pu->>ujers and Pork botchors 10 io c ir strugg le aot liltrl y to ho to fo:tanato. pi We baliuve tho amount OTHER PRICE TB4S, I/a 1/10, 3/2, niti ib» i»ould-be monopollsis . and tbe motion, < I poaobjlnn dons tX tbc S/6. A rtqalstttot t( cn\ & *p«cia mectlnj o tfco Gopuaittw Bahb.i Burro" In oonsldcrable. V « nblut •»• eioonflod by Jir Doe. .as unaniaionsly Atjtb.t time of tbo &IM2D2I720—^e B' 0 everythinj? roquircd for Houcehold Use It is impvfsibto to ou. . -bould do. b. d»..rbed. ««ep|p Ol Cb6 ifOrk For mini-anc -MH?iety witD a »1e<* o; illflCOCallig tbo last gics,t ciorm, a ten ^SSVS and the reuooi «troo i"ew baooc tr.^do dUp«t^ BUtfK Kl tbo diQonlty nuioker (ban anvtblng eUe. here on Tjurtday, Dccca. Bolivar Cigars...... ~. 29/6 100 OI.hL-a ^-n In Uie ttgurc. . j Tnt KmiTi ' Mr ber 2god. t haTe >bono ^^ n CoOey le of opfn|6h Ijjut pigs ibauid by Ur Cbsi 1 P Cottoa rtlai(=3 to Ibo P. M. Doyle's price ... know., and it, be cold ip tho ¦ddiJuoai " . ~. 28/- 100 f h' XiSff «o i and all Wa^rford opct mirfect the &&me at batter , bsy.JjimB loan of CZOQ In cun^c'.lOD nlth tbo 081 ¦ - l gnantlT Th« rotnro o.' m« liU'mfi i.> Wtiertori- LJmerlcl , f a. Flor Do Cubsa Cigars. 80/2 100 •"&« j' Waurford "*K P""« 'nrif There ia a gocd deal in tbt aoggcauon from wotorworlio >a.e. th, food from tbo and Cork are BO» O> teouii»r mirreot it Tlorr of the iho Lstik at ow? Psiesa for Jams P. U. Doyle's price ...... 100 ft a .MtflB "bicb tarmero' point of vion, bnt I hardly and Ilaiiaal&do. 28/- B v , T nne hundrol piff bajer» ftnd tb«r compilations tba. bati an«r t in iDr trade. L&«t think tbe Duuciianoii. B.O o( Z« " buyers tooald fall In olth U Pedro llndro Cigar* 80/10 JoO V-!" °7"JZ del roj iDR the trado and week tba tntal kllliDji i . Limerim ncra U , 16i. a» Cooatablo Baldwin 2 lb. Jar Marmalade ... Bid fjur . les, and #» ' wbilrt „, „, against 6,592 for tn» oorrcapondln; wocl of 18fli has bsju ttlantJcrrcd Iron P. M. Doyle'a prico ...... 100 . ^^ Duoconnon to Non E 28/- bo ^ ^ la Ccr^ tbe kiUlcgi lajl week were .-. . »0*i , al n-j»lo«' EaUyanfi (Upgop). O: J , ConcU'bla OH TC? froa 2 , Plum and opplo Jam ... ^:.f ", °',i.VSirnal Go,tfttmdir^ctL» nt »bicb is to oomo Now ttoy to 6|d Borneo Cigars ... 22/- 100 ' jtimnlato tho farmor 3,489 In AO porregpoafllnf weot a uoi jrar. nbilo ojf Clonavon ; Coastabie Wbltj frea • i Zi mSi bo done «o Oul a private nogcr ai to tbo morlta of tbo too t-looo»ao to DuocaoDcn. 2 , Gooseberry nnd Apple Jnm ... 5M P. M. Doyle's price ...... 18/. 100 tb. « pi, breeding aod I D Wateifotc iu.U) tm re»er»o, t3 mlnnt ba horsei Vanboy and Vanity, tbe former o»ned Jo^^e^or^in Imagtced. ha* takec DiA«k £h < votabcrA 107 the by AfsUtani Llaht-keipc? H Jam ... Infantes Whiffs 100 f A „ »nS thkt «an be dono efteciuarw b; tbo mer- Mr P VVtlnb, Kllwortb , and tbe latter b Wlllaibas bMn treas- 2 , Qoocaborry ... QU 7/6 of eorreapoDdinu ncol of lift... 3.3ifO , h*ii^; dTTindlcd y Ui M ferrtd from Fort Llahthonco ' 'f "A »«~bant. U»o hoogniiJthii ti^ Biordao, son of an ovlcted tenant, tno other , Duncabnoa. to Skclly's ... P. M. Doyle price ...... 6/- 100 oW 'mpenaaUoa ai the rate dowo ta 1,87D lor last T>- ovents Book , Co. Kerry, and bra bec 2 , Plum Jam ... Gd * ine -fy.r.lyejo b, offering• tham cd came oft on bst Tuesday. The boitlnQ, D replaced by Arclatit Manilla Cigars ...... 11/6 100 to "i g| t|j_ to tho l.rmer a betterto wbioh cos Lig bt-kcapor Jomeo from ' O the can prfvate, Ceosie^ b(3 el'gbtly in favoor of Vanity, Klnffstoirp. 2 „ Applo Jolly ... Cd ' - • ' That m irobaDt afford do ^ P. M. Doylo o price ,~ ... 10/6 100 T , h ^ CbnstC3 (UJ Da,c(or : Come aod sep !ho tboucands but opinion nO3 eipn as to tha probable winner SUroaosaty. 3 „ Preserved Gtrav/berry Jam Id Toys, Oamet. DolU t« 6 Kobortsoi Ledlie'o. when ciarting. Tho oonrse ires bdyy and both A Conespondeat nrltea ( El^lori kn cc=:lcn c=- Wholo Strawberry "Sf?" r^tin Oefe:iroflt tb»roforo«-- on a W BIOU.. . bortea fell vrben going aver tbe same course at laot ot of tbe frnltjeu attompto 2 „ Jam ... Sido by ^Si >hil* baoon i. 52.-tbo m " m ido recently to 7*d eldo cad on comparison Wfeterfard i ¦ , U nol U very hanBiome. I am Informed rases, lit waa a moat dlaappolntlng evont, for , af'er CaJfaoisa tbo defunct EJIrosscaty Branch of ths 2 , Whole RaspbsiTy Jam ... ff ; of ho lull,, defray Tho Icrgaat rarlcty It Wawrford of cheap, ueo: Ql be czen at Vanltjr noborjed fcor rjdor, tl Cl«ary, brlnginff e ol tho Fcdoratlon Sqoabclera, and] nearly ell con 2 ... old Gucrmsy. . ; : K?!o» tb,. morohaDW There are O'l eary'o, Barrongtrand-i, li' baylDg jour frcs reins and going tbe oouree till stopped! r«-gr« t tbot thoy cotrd ( ^.;-iffiat ' Orcrj week ; that U co hastily 0 Ctio blddtaj of °'i= 3000 plR.Sl»» ed in Watirlord - preueDt CM«OD'5 rcqulrcmenu tborc tho cook is Biordas, himself rod) tbo now fumoiu the political lapo:tcro We gucrcntec the quality of all our Jams—they are quite equal Tho prices aro tafcea hm& JM lmodtai oboa ..J"0" PJR» d M j lh01rD , Vaoboy, and oho too z^uoaossulj ta " ^^ pleased cod tbe mistress saves time and money both came down at tho stone (eDoe , nbfro ^atlonal Lcitkra. ' 0'- ' . prifit on one pl2 ; «b.t a good to Ffomc-madc. , coat broadcast by Cigar MerchaUtain Qvmmj T T ^,ere band.o th. deal of wator bed lodged, Nooo nero hurt * "' ,J, Profit Ja 150,000 for the mor. No VfaiertoTi PercoD alive should bo vrltbout , and < K B 7nnSI funn.r. Vanity Soishod alo'tio. TaUow, Lunch ' p ' ^oy miffht etlaul^ a Copy of tbe Cbrlblmas ^i:^v» tc Dopubllohcd on BISCUITO—Butter, , Mixed, Ginger Snap;, tic ... All £$d per lb Tn sardj- and Mr Tbomai fiirry, Olenbeg, woa the I regret to record tbo death of U C3 Uary L7ona, £& *:¦ ¦ ! few thoa and.off of thla enorOOU profit December . backer 0 wboao fncsral ] they night allow ill Walib'a mare, and Mr Jobo Colemtn tooi placa on Tbarcdiy, tbf 3rd loci , Water ... being .o^eU tbemc&Te., , Wator and waa largoly BISCUITS—Arrowroot, , Family, Milk All Cmf«- a candidate for the stato. Tbo weather was r»ry ana akill wcro nnabls to capo with iha fatal illic-3 om y of tba JOB B girl, who wag oso of a larra ffrjt Q QQ •iooori' Board O&M ot more thin ordinary lmporUocp, rainy , Lho ooarto heavy, and after tho disappoint, 5 yi J2® & PGIO ; Carricjk. some of whoa aro In 1W Tcri, V L. tlr Jrcia A Peaad £k>ap i®mr ment ot tbe lost orcnt the spectatorslooked eagerl J3 Mfcral iDtezectlag oobjccti htrloj bc:s dl8cc::»l y Lyrea, h:i brothw. his KTZ$ fcj ;fc:=3 trc3 Tdlov/ 2id ^ J Dc^i Do^p, por lb, or 3 lb Bar for 7d. 3 lb , for come sport, end wcro not disappointed* Pcckot KATE or Tbo Ancrici, 1 PABAeuIi Eiohrid Landv , Tomi Work , oitb OD ooooail •noaot of hnimoDj ond good Wo ,Te to tbank Mr tbtcj horses kept well tsgother, ' i Jobo Carran Drake eometimu Wax Condles, lOd per Patkot. ocnoe. Z'f , 0 T 0, ecoapfed tbo chair, Icillajr. Oo tha lus round of tbo : '.! Town H.U. aod tbo othei perabtn preiont were i—tlesort E ostru Drake £?222230 £256. rrrtrt . | « J^'^n^te" pulled !UP bolog lut, and tbt too ohamptoni were bnt cot ta ALU OTHER GROOERIES EQUALLY OHBAP. i^: ^ CafblD, P O'BrleO. JcSn Wfllob, Uiabsel Foby, J ajjafn it tbclr beat, cartolnl r|| An cxtr;orClc^7 c=cij^cif3I oel2:3. .4 Bailer, John Scaolaa, TboroM Ponjr, J Hares, T *nd looked like what oeonrrcdla docs proximity of PacSra Es:t villsra «V "" Edr/o B«k., Md carried" ?cnld b) 6 dc:il hesk till tbo aacooaacnb!} Vubro r^ » o b^ O'Connor sad £ KtobtD. Mr V7«Ici Otao tbo 1 dorloff tbo olqht ef Thnreday, nbea, tn» bbatlUsti EJvGry Artiof o zoo cell so the beQt[ of (to hind , at tj ie ^^^- " nlth Blardtn n'cdi iv&Qt, train rased Ui Ksii yBI . nnanlO d>ly i"" I 1 .. dcaloriUonsod took his ijas , it tha C^^ cs o cso * vcro in aocci K ytr.\ liaoy ef ; 'oaf W*\atz:& OOTO lBdoaon ¦ a vlnzirnnmtilji "Eti iiTBD-Thst t»o, «i8 T Oonm cnooboTv - -- —" toarlit* Bait ban ectlccd tb« e!3 nil Jc3 «3 yC3 Lomot Poooible I f ico, «M tho beiofat d fca4Uile/c7 Ur J Dcoabo A third ;t«C9 cci ct oacs pat oD.Ur T7sj5bi' trafol la tho O?och aircrtto Jcrt !rca tba cl It tittle Nfd. nKb Elordso 03 bit tach lz? o £ro 4iMic«u(r' to naka ao atnok apoo Gt;tsta Cbbof^ Carran, , boot VsrJty tha first bill u 70a prcc^i tbo Is aa eU oill : » i «od QIIICD TomDy.! Tbli ooded a hd who, being wmpjrirlly deptUed i< bU e:a!» vn dart ipoit, rnnnloit csno dbteseSf atd tbe Azzp tiltf ba ' «od no doubt 10008 money obaagcl htadi o»er njTY.Jivs '' oo» preirct, »od tbe r.Dake "blob tho Obalroen Cndailly dplodlcd 8WB7I ant Into (ss nryntll vrLiram«f ito iMi^K/I; dalltorod to bim n«o PflUocnkd iadeid. , Vaobor and Vanliy. A fnrihot rcso It li tald nlll irblob foil do«e, csfrtlnj oi.h II thi dl3 (a cUjb fin We bad i3m» diroouloa tncnJ lbs ottluu1 bs held bttceia ttcfa too bones. Sistirabno' utsot tbal coma of tho bouat tn decci tav , Kblttb ba»e tU»;i lofmtd iMIllol boao Mr s rratono? ol iniponjloa bu tccn suttully DO tha broo of tola tilsp prtal lee. Tb« open marSell dnrlllort" fomlStca bj tbe itdnairla of iht p JB Jnd the ftrfflefi to « II In the contention btre eter tloce tbo foandatloa itpoe «g3 iBA.acd OUvtt ptoplo irU| now protiVly ban to Ua:i end M A. T liwatJ a troet tbst no ulll pfaSubly b« heaW of tjob &> t» T ¦ ir onmp'tltloo rtl.it, and n, laldi le appsan Ibat tbcte btllldfog* uo o»or ficao »calo. religions KI»!CCJ by tbi ctraadi or b/usetber Udloui ^ JJPH whefo HbtJlr in will arlie (n Thert traa • a mail eitra forco of Oinw fr> rUtjatbfaotion efl. . p in dobt tl present) «ltb »er» UttlsprOip'oot ol ol»«r. pollcs preoont, olroaironi root:. Tba psopla la tbo rlolaitycf tbia contlncet that If tho sierbhant* and wet a rtqntred at tbe irlnnloQ post, and snooesded fcturef- ju4 tre aro tool /»lr« and loir It off. Xo»t JfeSr th» Tona Olork io»B«t«d a perilous pltoe era Tory poor. It In armbci Cut If ', uulnl lb« d'.trooiio i of our; In keetdort U clear, Oso of tba crowd QOtJT, COHBIWATKW, BTO so that copies of thle rate of 4i ln tboil to llqlildite tbt dabt, but bit got keoaked a few of Iha " oopat Un" rcildedtb 'ta . ttajJ cesli Jrl^fi WODMI lo\low. Aid doan By Drake, but eocap^d uobart. (jome taarliis!- !tao Jouftiti of BOuree, Drrc:t3 ; . 1 ' ! . I W , a«st t? } £«e»n UattertOD, Donny and proposal *u not adopted. nor. lonj line* ha»n besn taken to obes! tbs crc^cr] c! - wawnoir FTBnni«3ii txSoJn!p bo bojer. AiiooUtion, and , •> Mr O'jHrlca poiaud oot, (Bat Bide, bat then no* 00 dUtarbaocSi this : 1 Eiohfl!" nn , "Watorford \ Vat Pig roait bo pud ; (If l Bayteno ll) d«ifattat!ea. | " taqkh fliilSdafis i- Wawrford ; tat tit I editor* of: th» tfoold aoouut to OD IJ Id lo tbe A Ono of theie BslljOiken, tni " : | ' sro ; . Kfc«i " WiUifndEWr.¦ lioatea li about toboepme tecant, icd iberu . I jeottiofei WAtr^TOuo : - I I : \ . . j ' aliendy t«o •ppIlOiUoni for tbn' teoaooy. ,' Oo tbo At tho TORS Commlsiloncra' mentldn n-v itnnAiiv. who KM oao A ; aotioa of Mr Koowl.it lUta iS&mj, a reference to whlobl U given in aoothor oolumn, lit Thanka to Hr- ^( hsrt?. A Bi3li-E^c;u. B jvi¦ Ai riE i ui tbe ipplloaoti, «»• dfolifed tha tennot ' ' Laody.jto.o oloik, hailng.read tbt nlantei ol tbe Umznmr i-J3, OA LOW-4, Oaatle-Stroct . ^'ffii bio ' -T^Tt MioaM cf ; ' ' of Mr Wall, tb* dsoat; fca(ter.|aiUrj Mat In pra»lo«u meotlcff, wblob W «M atpied bt the Ohalr- ' if l-hs Ji«t L«e't(o^ Ji. Tljiil««»y :Bc;rd little bUi tar £ 1$ lit, btj ag «tre« puDtb.' n>as fl»t»d tbat be lionnt VcrnoB, tttnjbivb, Dsu tlij Si. ao&a* . ^ bad Retired o comq>nnic«llon aalar/ wblch tw cJalms b<«ama dua to bio In 1895. addi,eeitd to him by tbt obalrnjan, Mr J E Ornbb, To to» KDttoa 0? tea Mrcit «oBt> »«iw. uxtdniim bllloata» b-tors tint ftaa London acting DliB EtB,—May I trouble yo« to | In tb* publicity I. will b» tem*mb«t *&lbuthi* , th»» ba ooold no» attend the of jrotir oircBlatlea to tbt fittreeitoa of ny laikmiMmrfm, IM former oooMioo,ac4 a usidotli m*i BcpUofc •« »• wonld Via* Boud •' wt bt ublt to be In Carriok* thankl aod Vtatltidt to Itr WUlla B BottltT. cf ^tiMd '-^Wa^i^aJl Tbo then pusi-dto tbe tff«c» that cwjoff W tba falllDK on-Snir;btfor« tbs> fpUowiog day pr Tyedneeosy. Tjotaooo**: fof hli tltnaa kiodact 1 \6 ai dOrlss »¦ L k«> li »»alltT tt« » FW « nljr ooe. tbt o.rket ttM OomolaitoBiri cotiW CQtCa The jaestlDgaileot(d aat deputatio 00 lo ~ ~ n to atiasd atd ilooaiay Mletfctoo from tb« HlUi1 art firm. ¦ t»»lt.»f ta re»ponilbUto a »al»ry *Djr longer. !: ! ; iha tdjonrnd aonferaneeto bs beld on Wtdnet, Wbe» fall^fforU • I-Vlgtwt vlf. iS Hnrfcr, s SS^JK XKb tfcr ••«"««• !*«• ' Wbtn tbt vttttl csni Op tvt diaootflcfl oo day t.HbtiWmarlflk/oDitlon|o tooDCOtloo with pl«»lDf t« kje, ww, h* tniw mt 1 nd boma to BAJ?EINaTON S pot ¦ ¦ Ibe Friday night, Mr Soudan liked U tbert M an tbt ptttapt JU\**J •iHDgemeDta on tbt Oroit rtBon ajt fffeoti and pn Q. hl| bgast at Bouni i ; • , and d^Woy ««-DI i* ^ adding Veraoo t»)Jt»lo. . ! thW l »rB«rtlriitSlr •»»• »gre#mfnt \o p»f ilt W«ll '^50 J«at, ib^ Soatbcid »»a Wtatero.Md Waterfgrd, i\la«rlc. tbtjr abit'dii ibs! claim. : Tbe and Wealern BallVay linti l lWnk wt wlll an«» with at lki t ihiM k»4 Ma »«»«^uei»oeof ; *b«lr tbat U 10 eni'«« , Uesm J £ Ombb, RJ,'J ia awkJuT A«eii« 0bwlfiM« must opinion thai Me Wail aboold hind chairman } Edwdj Rowley, J P 1 P CConior,1 him wl^bln * doApS In return of «a ftie? r»c«l»e4 by tbe Orrolli T XcQt*Vb)T Uothinj. & Bark*. > • Wieo'ib« E>9i>bM»pl< :«» • Bo older for ' St ol»eXSry «>ia put yaar. ; Tbt Oomtait¦t laDtJtmad* . Tbe lV>«« CUi H m dlnokd to writt toqtb* 1 ¦ ¦ " 2?a»l iU gott?*" »»«* 7 •<*J4 «"M* ! K ptymrnt. •:. i ; • I trtdffij In tbt to«n to know wonld tbty Job tbs almllaratMi.>lMi, a(f, ; ^Tvl : ;. ^ youoWd btt farraati ¦ E-»or.tb» tsglaMn yfco Iripa^ai| be • I I VMaian Taoa it Prwiat, ¦ ' tbavftn.f, j; [\-\ / _ i ¦' ' I . ; ' . wicatk of tbe Moruby and rtpat.fcd qppa . % .gotemii^toitlQaitWrto ti*«r}f ran tb* Tttum , ^ I •aotfo i, billjf flr . OUT*, opra tbta 4X4 (1 * Ulitv ol it* MDOTaJ, Hfailag^op./ oootribotlc- to Vo W««ft»rt iw»o»«Ufi ill IU b» witkotrt yy ll ^g| §£1i ^iPtSSK ^FSSSmm^ ' J( tbf Icil ntoi tm\Tacnam$m vnmbn .to tbi LQvuun ut j tnw wim a?Ttw««»i. .. tu n* M f»W> fi TM IvWI Pluli m *fTO!f4l. ffirl w pw»w? «! ¦ wm k umi ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' i t ; \ ; ¦ ' • : ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ,: ¦! I ,'\\ i- ¦ tn

¦ ¦ ¦ ~ DELICIOUS a 1 :rj r ^ .1 )| rn o ,'^,

M^@fE:f rd u S)t J k m ni ! \ LiJ U ^ U!\ \\m For tHe ikinas and Bj ew T ear SeasojL . tn©B6 Delioious Teas can b© o« Dtemec packed m higrhi^ -artistic Ohrfdtmas Sose BOSGS9 ©aofe eoiiM-iBisig Ma^awai&xe or m specially aoiBignea saadl feanolsDicaelF^deooj^atQci1 •lbo,34b o ,

!©k Aglssts for the Cit} of Watayfoz • Jc&y •SJ^Jo, 1 1, 1'ATS caches ?/o BuD^r.wc^ s ^ i i rie Sail lad I7ou SO:: J.

r^irwjp*' -*"-^' C 3I J' ^ Q) 'iViP W©IUI fc.) I'R-jJj lXM3 TIUl JlIP_ /| J^^S 'i AJrTJ^© ^J.inJM r' ^ ^fc^

CYCLING , ROWING, RACING. 5 2iJ rBIitilDEHTlAL ELECTl U berion Dccum a in, IT T- TBE nDITOB 0/ TSC; vrATBHrOIlD : tjaco. IT - 8t. Stephen 's Day—Sweep Race* Harapaeti, a«— In the Christmas N EWS to be pnr> Nut iilsv i UENSiAEI DlSi' x.A.Ci- next week an crliamjtive A BETBOSPECT. llsbcd , D EI ! 8ni—in your iBsaoiof Novemoei n._ illn»tTaied retrospect will be given mentii ; on American Klectiont,. tat ediiorui. [jee Qii Dnoatlaroctor coc«. of cycling and rowing I in Ireland daring the past '¦ Trioi ph of Capital' 1 yon (iraw concmsionB v- il. Wtiierforn ocAson. The toavc dcedB of all ouj champions will facts ft U not warrant. You ^esert that " the »trngeir Jnsieac o: tryuaf u- oaot tnp piy*ouyen it ni be found ful ly recorded. was r( Jly a conflict between ciipitaa and laouu: creatf a giifinti; munoooit t u ureiv PIUL Lovers of the chase in Waterford bciwee.:, borrower nn'l lendef. beiween cooibln^tlon* bnnexec exiroci mai me inercDunta nuaic oc iai ut HOSTIKG. and all the adjoining counties wlU of gigi-itio rings and trusty, ano lor tLc rnoroent emi'loyec lr. crymf u educau tQf pijf rearer ^ be specially catered for in thia capital riomphed ' ueedi of the sltu&UUb 1 ac remariflf'ic aiinu:( m ^ aj-ieu an., t.'un.'t iii-ii.ii v : A/7?O magnificent itsne. Not only I B it my intention to give Had be etruggie really b .- \' This imm nse vote nece>isan)y cao: 1 *ai 3Lb .35-i oaici. me a D&mu. l&i)J/r un, :\l:i,i. I ' .- K - ..rk Mo^rs. I'UNS la 1S95 the Clab membership stood at 16343. e ' lrutn tho labour . and woratngman. Tho contact reni'> WJLS uiiethor 18SSi- . of Irt-h, 241,233 bales, and *.' Uoolnl. 4/1. all. Cotgreve Rogers, J.P., who ' ;v.^,,. ¦" :¦ »•• ¦ ,;¦!;; t ' ¦ tht free aiid unljmiLed coin;iyo nt i hi» u ail , Icr lu i ' where tl e wicked cea.se from troub. 0"i f-ur liOiu- fine 1 - - BroniasiAS. Uiriff of relenae only. ' which ii succeaulul would gi i/< pec i.t. -- NciK. iMS . - ul l ai.c- ,:. ¦: .; , - , . ling an< the weary are at rest last c*i 6 c»i us D dolhir ivhD6e rommerciallvalne to-cmv would uoi pric inAn itti 1 v uni uri.io ii tbt hnpliBi mu. ¦ age of 107 years, wag a grand all- r.nit:r Dowr. wuui- ai.i PiVrtsr.vj iss ' ¦ week at the great exceed tilt;! cents, and a continuance of trie pr^at-ui 1 Dt price'1 DDT til l &.U1U3 .CV, il If iruu w 'i. . :ii> . '\\\\>\\ t.-i, ., . niir-G sportsman in hi* youtL A favr weeks since on round deplorablL-)^iiditton of oar manufacturing indii5tnef papc' icuianK IL IIRUIDU !B!1UCI> Lav« Q«U IK U< an old WfatcMord paper published over !.i.ta.« looking orer cnased by :|, tariff law whose aperation.- have clo«d i)f eduaivioc I n*-: ply :;/ivr ht-ro h . bis nnlne figuring as the rider of U'ugDi a. a 75 years ago 1 saw the Amcricj o> mills and overtaxed toe capacltv of the rouoo price n* tn 'iu\t.n. wtm noic toett horaes at the races held in Tramorc ut the . t^ several English mij s to supply the American maritetk mercrunLs a; as ai roum prtcr oif too uiaavfl > ¦¦ ¦ " ¦ Rogers was alslo a groat hnnting man. ElPctro Plate V „ , „;,, , ,. "' ' time. Mr. The Kcp'jblicaD oi McKinlt ? pnm:>ptei> are a doiL-ir MnU:]il:v relusvi. u >J««. u i*uv Mtnrt' *-t \ i lie - M - " cM-t-Mfi \i, 'l : ;i;: "v .6!e.i When Vi ;l«x won in Cardiff Mr. Dya.» worth one -jundred cents the world nrer- A repeal of SeqiieUCr Ot thl0 II ttlA t lilt ianne- n llO IriMU CO :o hcac.r1. .;w ' ASTOTE. took onT tw0 iookey» with him— the present! iniqoitons tarltf the enactmeD*. of euvuibkr pigs u put fxacn* upoc tns sam. . ..a:: . An,1. J-fiini'S , etc. , cti - . ^aws^ ieve. ¦> namely, Terry Kavnnagh and Jack a law that rtll eicluiien largdportion of tho KnpllM ont wbu baj eithe; muec or bat- rjUAiitj L;nnr was to be the fut t6v no Walsh each of whom, nnkierstood he and other iorei ^r. (joodt. whith part c jean ^rcwu. *^t*;tD Uvj V,ft> KHo«U;Oee J' woa: u reo nilot of the good thing. But Mr . Dyua spoke Dover deluged ou marj eets, causing idiene.i? ann Qilsti r>' u r^u bl- iJftQKti c^OUJ b«tltC' Oat Aiwav, rm/>vp. for weighing ont approached 1 o word .until the hour , hundreds c thousands of opcrktivp ttouwirugi lo mu«tnit« tn, eriput u! tbe wornit.. he then commissioned I. Kiivanagb to don his The Kin .nciers of I^imbard-titrqe- may rejo c< '.n< uineiroi Fy»icai- i. may i.t ntilei r and being doubt ¦ umi w, ,. jacket. It is said that , tb^rc a about because o\ the probable hLabilltv ..: tin ArnuiJi ai portiot (,. f.igOeis pnett iii-D bucoi i> Rijpu', vii i ditch , J., Walsh was forth- ^ Velox's inmping the open investment i ; the manufactujers o' lir^dfonl u: ceii. o m. MrOott. whue uui o: lyaDlax rc^t^c^ ci' i with stationed at the obstacle to rAtch tbe horse if Leeds and? llanchester have ni ruuan lo be merry or, OU V the iBg-np, or. should he came down, ami give Terry account oj. thi Republican Victory u.' thu L UIU B. T0WI B «addlo himself is , get into the eOM hurt . i the latter become btates.—YiJry trnjy youri never put a foot astray, winning Funort. o: tm liaw n aianiiiio The aolmal. however, PATBICK E. ;YA " «er-3i cr;- t_ ;3 ^ - ' iiC3 13014 1 j(i=SK ^=t—=ri u '. i_ i in a canter, after starting at the remnnerative odds of4to l i ngalnst. ' . Fer Oi . Jtlemeo cnly.— f. if. UqiLt B Block nos Iht rem«im oi iun macB Mteemcn young ucrtlcaia- Jlr. J- JJ Parkinson a infringement paginated aiih P'USS J been great ' are|:or (be use oi mur>e death ic Uuom 0( typDold iov«: wo announccM XO BE5TKICTIOK8 of tbo Turf Club rules was so slight smetetB olv. Ser hit itaop Trindt)n that the and sole in> list w»ek. were inu-n M u, l0, jv,ew j emctcrj. John a imiovnD. thai »' ta not ?t"pri»'ng prices. '' Hil: ou Saturday \n: ^^ Btewafds hare signified their intea- 1ae atteaasjlo at the tunilal WM large »na repit^outive of all clu^a in th«t cit- LOANS LOAI^d I LOANS any dlsabillUe. which hara eMcd MOTKOE I Mon of removing Arthr The chief mourner, were—Mean Aioxinder TO FARMEBS of Carolina. ¦ r8town Petty Seooionc Neuu^ cinco tha diBqudlflcation WED ESD5V\ (f»ther); Harry NeiauL , (Drothcri from the ^ . Jidtrarc Nei». i ' A conference of delegates William Nekon, hamuei E Let tad Rcinara of the tC.A. and of i» rrrm TWO Central Council Bcioh Utsurrl "W J P»ul , KM , 11 Cuonoj E V (uocles) ; W A DobDVB anc William l/i f ko 0% aafl Conaty loss aad uilTbo held in Dahlia Blcoonat Soafe 3 O & *he branches Bowen, <1 H Bogin, M D , W J S^ice, U 1). D L Tnjiui H reatna were eent by tns tonowuiv ¦ Show weds. ' As 1 O'CONNELL STREET, WATEEFOED. daring »kUUBT fEOBECpTlOl Mn UoberooL, Mra Courtuoy, Mre J .' PheUm, 11: understand statsmento km® bssn imado It baa often been asserted that the The V/aterford Fishery Contirvstot! protecoted P »nd Mra Horn, Mr anc Mri Thomoa Jlorniae), Clon- Dnnphy for tettto ' EOC3B V. bicyclo ifl snperceding the home, g u net in a prohibited portion oi mel i ilr Michael Gram, Mr and JJrt John Kehoo, Jlr and ckculatsd that Tho Proprietora of tho nbnve Baal; deciro to intimato to the Publio that tlry snefi not tha fact, is the rivei. Serend witnesses wire this HOUEO tiad oaaedd fcj( era *^-c*p---rc*.*a *to BICZBLB.micTBhs. jeyet that i* by the examined for ths Andrew Famll lit H 81 i, Atkins, Mr and Mrii W te!x© AdvancaSama of Money demonstrated hard defence. Tho caie TO diEmiraed Me 8 C Allioghani Gouldbg and lamilj iJt aod Mrs V A Dobbjn, ^ numbers of borsea kept for •ppeare Pcrtonal Security, and without balL o-l B»to«r»W, and in 1898, M17. ila J0QJB«}iilocaU»tPettySeriiooi aj ijnatEllen McU»boD Mackeay, Mr and Hn Brown, tbo Mbrc« ;bc most Itoiooable Terms, oud without the ^ a the McDose. unnecesiuy delay T?hich Kny^imtr figure, .read 71.771 j % 774 i was withdrawn on tbe applicatio l of Head. Constable Mr sod Mrs Keoncasy, Capt Richard Wal«h Mm invariably occora in other offica. ^^ HiordaK tin Croon declining to j rosecntt Boss, Mr acd Mrs Cirnon Ely gcteo have not been dossil, . , At the Bansor Conning meeting ' , Mr J B Thoouu , Cardifl and X asfo Gfcill ' '" *(eek. Mr. S. i. Cosgrave, of ; SHiEtnstNc . All communicntiona aro regarded vrith the utmrxt cscrecjr, end ; MHBH this Janio Moron, EUluooe patrona mn r,i-, , m I charged bj Actlnj A NEEDFUL IMPRO VEMENT IN KILKENVV propped to receive, as usual, ouitablo ^i , having their comtDUflicntiorj s nnsvvcrcd by return pest. * ca . ^ ^ Strgti at White, Duncannon.'sriCi keoplnj a iteb«n ^o ea«l to ^SSSStSfftTbe^ i cMag tSergeaat lUted that he lurched Uortn'i engineer, 'on Mr J 0 Bncltloy, writes a very inMrcjtirjn pay tho Highest ¦ NO GENUINE APPLICATION EVER honsH serenl oocsslon« during NoTember, but found Iotior this week to the prens on tho taking Market Frico f ox &hom. REFU8ED. oo p'lnoa on tha piemUes down ol IntendlnR Borrowers will fiod It , won » fcreakJnjand cotarinjfthtdw eood Idea. I Wo oro now prominently b:foro thj people an n Uingtouss of Henry col oanbt BS adopUd, for tha crc:ut brcah-nccU Banking Institution anrf \**«-,At ijldsrem, Dangnlpb, on Toesda, taoralnj. Oeccmbti UorrovTcra dcslriuj; a Lp« under the 2S5T5lSSd. to which there mu «*«*<>* b, Heid Oonstkbla Blordan skia joa hive poiton thit defies all ibe remedies prtc^ co to - thft formerfnit wiping gads . T.gliaon ; Bt?g > HMEICE S£Lk SoWto «a Walsh, Solan,Veth«rd ?5\ you h»ie tried, which , it not exlroOted, you never ffLYl}u: atnoTLAir Jd» rAthoreaalpfdU- jActJsgSergeint WhUo andConatlu. Otgi to •BMoto*to bit FrinUto ^^ h ^ Jn tbY« "1 »»W O"Keef&, Duncimnon. "V ' can recover, but QO on nflMing till desth telcates ^^^^29, John -C.rcrt' Gqcxrc IB4 tk, h ^J^feredtoandnottbi^thMaiuipr^STTts : ¦ f dbllo gCB«rtDy ibtt * It msj bs Well to lematk "thit HBad you, PcrDapa your knees are •eolleo, the joints r.2- . Ci T7ttarfordi b*||i ConitstJle btinu aleertted tho lamo w ith Riordan has only tectnily t«cn traiifllmcd totbli i tho anklu, round MRS. ndD WES 'sr. \ Perilous tnfitrhj •bti h the ikin miy bo dlicolanred fERDINAt.D COTTULI i' 1 ' ' O^scd a VistuUlsc Sp ^ waniy from Watartj , , or tbers i ' SSSSg VSS^^ nl Ctty, j may ho B=s» to anncoasa that boa Stictnla t.t Kinil ¦ Hx ^iU^uaH wounds ; tha dlsirti* if nllo»ed tu conilnao Dill »l>o fjlvu Clio Hoiictar JPrivato Etll, BOTJ DIMU* Olaadaltf \ iis - ^ : lioca cmtl DI tossft Cirtlllnjti, Born, AtKocttef, as! ¦; oeptl»e yon of the- power to walk. You miy otro : I Interxslnbi match'bBtw^a . the Norobcrleas arUcles of the RI eattit Locaona on Piano oaes, Cousi Eciemi,Acte. Einprorn.sal ti, OBEAT ! : AB ntillty aid attended rarintu HoipltaJa and had medical sdvios ; and Violin, CO. QfiOfiOE'S ITlMT, ; Bta O»ripoqdB 0ers Proprlotor, Mr. OASRETT, BateO * ; »iH,cctif««box of i ted full fartlouhn appl opp Befcr< Road Eaa*. l •^¦ Choice. Acceptable and Ui :fol Present J ' GBAbsHumfc y at lylnir rItsvberc, ptcua iotpcot our Uoss», O»U«J OXNXilKNX AND PltLB. ' projccotoj, t \ai. A Mb, SalUa. AQEKT^ S t— . AT tiBASOitABtS tuiqggA DEtlCIOUel MAZ1WAT TtB TEA ' •b., u « » 3, Cooieiniog all D«tcj«ry : ¦ * ¦ i «'Uio nurd/D| for the core of Goath j 2?cra3o Infcips^iss, tlnpwa is40o.U% 0»5tl« . ¦ ' ' !" ¦ ¦ ¦¦ » - ' ' " ; DBWCI0P8 MAZAWAI TJOB W« Bsd Lcgi , T7ctorfosfi. «rll| bs fornorded . . . , . IEA ; «»••{ (0 JOo en application to ' In 8tlb %mv( toj » j ' i IM. J ST M ' J^ CilbOMW.: n J, ¦ ' ' ' '' ill &1 > (u«8'»«*te<» 3AENETT, Uaihjjffr. ^tfMSDBflSFabta. ¦ A TMiii -WJWtWJj, - ; **£• Aad niadson>«».deto^ted Mb., 8-U., t>lb& 10>J b Tiw riaht ) ' "" " 0''P;- Mstio FOOHB «* City and if shD BILL Hiicu^-At Tsa SoJ« 4«w¦ ^ County Watcrfard :— i 0CIi% ilecDO 1'oriEi and Ktr<7i V7AT«BfOM>-appliod ; ' ¦ ' ' . .• ' ': 9ofm\JL'Uitn t Co: •; b lb» belt lbs IT ¦ '! ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . I it>l» abd at pltciJ that Chrlatma* 3»2Ws wl'l be ins most intorcst- laDtUih, D»Uio, »«rtf UK-Xmt KtoMi ol S ftoiry, \ PlUia Ho»» AMaMft** ! - ' . ' # cp other house IDS p&per ever! who bsd tMB ssSnMy from VCMSSJot §¦•*»> »i«m, published In Wsterford. Trader* althoBt «taoL. who want their Chtlstmas csad tiriooarrowU sa . 'OMT,sM ao« aosx i This year's ChilotraM Ntiat:r read la every uBoooctmoDU to bs elstslj eorsd. •(!«* nUftr "Otffi» « fiW !' 'u>*iSort (»a tqMaet Urt tt to a (4«< 271 L 0/ Tnc A'swa Wntrind Jlas. I MB ntisBsd »i H H " ' '^^^^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ hsmj clioold odvorUsa - " * \t * * '' \- r ""V. " ^^Tr^^C^^BiaiBiinl ¦ fa ¦ ¦ r ¦ ' thii Grind i:tct), 1 r*»ia>."41« tWiff kirW »• ?»»» JwttwiiKWm ft ¦w Mltt M&• w; 'ifHr• : < f -lj - r . .!• ih ' -^'. . ;;. ;:«#K :|in : : - . 1 I :1-ii::k r.:. ¦1 i-ai? i 1 FA-rNINGS INSTITXTTB-j-TcESDir CILViiS UBDAL, EDINBURGH, ic:;i GOLD MEDAL, JAMAICA, 1C31. DO Y6O KNOW THAT . Moa- Rov Dr DAT, in the obair. I Also preson ! . GOLD MEDAL, DERBY, 1C91. \7at3TfordL Umoriok end. TOcstorn —Hotf Rov Dr Sheohan , 0 Walpolq, 0 Redmond, Agricultural EeonoMy Everywhere Bov MV—flrowno, Adm, Kev Mr Beechorl Rev Mr Lino, ALTOGETHER C GOLD MEDALS RECEIVED EfiUway. J 3 Pr -ilan , P J Lee, F Jacob, Rev W B O'Donnoll, less food, tbrivo be3t, or mili AIID Adm, "~H Hall, R G Ridgway, Rov P F Fljnn, P P, It is an admitted fact that beasts waste Is the pick of tho London Markets, purchased for cash, and Defies Competition. Time Tables on fcnd alter OCTOBEE, 1898, HIGHEST AWARD ATCHICAGOESHIEITICII Rav T' Tirlong, C C, H Denny. Dr Mapkeoy, J P. more on prepared Food, Turnips, Mangold, Hay or Straw : tad nntll further notioe. S ~ ' ! TBT A LB. SAilPLE AND NOTE RESULTS. ~ FREE (1DU188ION8. j The-" > were 12 applications handed in' for frco IKBLIEIPIZri SlEiJLflllS n=tracrci:!r.r7 TTc'.-o, I D . 3d. jrajr lb. I E=tra Ccod Vdno, Io. iCi. D 2a. E^lb- Up Treiru f nq-WaUfJ KO adtnisi. _tns to day—the election for vfhioh -will ta* Ohoica!it|Qlcnaa So. Od- por lb- I i»As ot irm z>m. ' Baj ' Thore oro vacanoies a- place r tt's day month. J. J. & 3. WHISKEY, guaranteed 5^ years old , 21M . per gallon- viTzuoao I ' W.n i Hafli "SUT only 4;- to ustuuex 12S 1 iilll\l t$ 1 iriltsta* IN TSE HOD3E. daai.'ciaai. ClaasJCJUss.CWc w lb. Finest V/aterford ©©[LiiaM's yji- claL At p" sent there are 51 inmates in Jhe nob BAC0m-A Sp eciality, at M , 4$d , and 5d per ' ¦ »• I ^-«- 1 1 *•». I r.«. | *.». ,.ai ~ Mr - 'al polo , in reply to Mr Redmbnd. £Jid ir Cured at 6d per lb. Wattrford te>. ._ 110 20 1 50 t 10 » 0 , ... (10 is TIT were \ .cant places. lor 40, if tho governors bar NOTE ADDEEB8 :— Cinick-cm^alr « 3 J M 9 S3 ... i n moans - ~> take them in. I3n§ ClonmeL Ill IS 3 0 4 20 (l0 JO ... ion ; UDd@aiS Tlppenr/ » M IU i 8 « 6 20 fll Si 4PPLJCAT1ON9 FOB NEW OOVEtlNo. ... n n " Jasctlos 9 40 12 15 8(3 5 30 il 40 ... 11 60 Mr I- dmond 6aid as funds were milch reouir ¦ JOHH HIGGIHS, OR Ool»..-.~.~ ~ WW i 16 II ... 169 take in- aore inmateB, ho would movq that tw<* Pallu „. 12 M i 24 8 10 11 ij 2 8 U 4J lied to, Dronkcsn 12 57 4 30 8 18 .. 2 14 woalthv gentlemen be app to beebmo eovort Bohar „.... 10 25 1 5 4 38 « 2S " ~~^^^' '>7 :r;A -;yr-t'--r,77jri THE MAIL BOUTE BETWEEN DTIBLIN sad men. by !3 OIDO means, they would l oov&r °* Uc:olici::d TestimonUb have beca tecuved governor „ PIERCE'S NEW PATENT. ¦\7ATEEF0BD tU liAB^EO: JUQH. _, torn Lledical tlen. The C ilrman suggested that ciriulare might tw net voi the everv other Maker , : have exarnme. Puir>er$, Slicere and Chaff Cutters of 6ent roi:i. containing tbe object nf toe rea:>n.. ^^ TitncTsble on and efter lit NOV :JIBEB, 1808. Howcv "• sod and judge for yourself/ , 6ceiug tho feeling of tliji meetini; tc . New Strcil, St Ncots, Isntury 28th , i?9+. in favor >¦ a nenoral circular to bo issued at a future flttod with Batant Boot A(jltitorD, rzoB wiKiroo Piorooo Hov Iltvchlnoa Cor Coocoa 1890, giving you ray experience time . M' I have much pkisurs in i::i«: 03 nr ; aai .71 stnsirs Redmond withdrew his rc&olutlor. for tn you present without whicf Uie ordiaarv Polpcr, Slicer, or Grater Lrja;? ba coiuldorcd )U9t nov/ C3 to ths " Meat ted Milt Wine " received from uselcs. testimony »s u> iu riiTiraJ. ll» llaalluJHi'.l uj : . TWO OOVFFtNnKN - C. nrncticallv High^oiass mlHEEAL WATESS tome time tince , snd in bearing Clacs, C3aa Claa.idanICla o Mr Ha (corn merchant: attended mo nrj^ . ¦: value as a recuperative and restorxlive agent. a.« ui. rji. I r.«. 1 A_ M. to-day tu a now Rovorco: The firtt ia - •. MI SAVKI ANE wonr I. IGHTBNEL. serioujly ire aij^hl y recorameiicled by r,he Medicai Profession , as may be In the early part of lut year ray wife >u hjn Mali' h. tcj _ MiBB J 1 li sh h.B. h. sa. v. Eng , iron. TramoroJ also loined tn> >ct io- vonrsL Hf wet ui'-U>-:' old-toshione« machine^ tojettir with menial and HnUlo*T»t - 7UJ1I t 3 5 .sonnJ. 10s.. ¦^TESSl^F ID). ^"~~ x nunye»«« this preparation lUOeaa Juno, airiv. 11 50 _ — _ _ J f - \ f ^ (raumo). ttls I fcil ccrUiai Uiitla Marykojo' if}. Aowa 10 43 Donnv. E; ' Charles K Iienny. Kso [Robort [)obl>vt. uranci.-s& nri nr KLANDRL I'AV W3Z E-D 30 G3I / ' \ ._ — J 47 a a _ ¦ D^A'i? 0£=&SJ \j. ii: i I'. , ,- \ ins'Bt on cavlDjf ¦ COJt Tiltubl: adjunct to medical treatmenL llountrxth.__jjriTal 167 _ _gj_ _ Esq . .losoj- ¦ II DobbvR . > sS b a ' WRIGHT , BalljbrephT _,„..... II 8 ... — 8 15 10 SS _ Hon D F- ortescuc , D .f P H O$llweT r , LAMP T. POYNTZ ftoscraa. _. ... II 35 ^.. . K^f . ¦' /^'•"tu^l \ &»noai : St. Neot'a. ,.. - 8 45 — _ William l;illwoy, K an .' I W (• '¦- ' h tlaliCil OfficCT of Health, PuxRutcira ..._,__ U 7 „ — » 17 _ "HE (,W ^^it ^ I raa! rjSt t H«=«(rt> .„,„„.„_.„„ U 17 _ ~ 3 V Orav J -. Kso. .) F . Francis Jacr_ SHIP HOTEL ,l]AY. \ r^3t ... — »27 II I ' \ \ ill 1»Dii««i, aid a bo rel^d . Tnaplamoi* I 2 ST _. — 8 S8 10 53 _ li Jacob , -_ Fr,, Kd-wtud Jacon . r.sc .i~ a y'\ D(K>0 Perfectly jife in !£iEAKFA8T8 , DINNER8. iUI{PKRS 4fl I /**' * **"**si th^ *" can 10 wmioB Ksq. Pat:, ck ,' Leo. t«. i< . s... (iWI t ' i \ \r\ I """r • 14 "' *" s'ron»ly oon v.ND LCNCHBONS ; 1 «nd U pnr J P . WfJiam [1 IM acKef\ ; iJf'l rs'L ^MT l 1 oha"ier*^l at HUM o» WMXX Bara. a tho Sbortcct Notice, of iho Hcot . I / ,)p*>= s£3nl\\ I 1 prior* to inn jli MalcomsAV.* . K.?o . Colone. fienrv UP.: Doaaiiptioo == ' ' : TOIieM. I»8 l*»|lSS|l»8|lJih»*3)l»J Nolsor, .' 11 . .* T R?v V 11 u IK;. and at ' . " MARV EL. ' WMOABWIS /- : t 1 Hi ii ' dais. Clus,]Cla— »M I ill I! u»de In throo tlies of «o 70 Class. Class IClan ICta J Prvul , ari I> T J . J ! l-.nwaro ODERATE CHAHUESI ~~ 10° »j«. A.a. I *.«. I rjc I »J I »-* I ¦ Ji°5 Csndle Po»"' Drn3|jirts, Wine Merchants, and P.iu:iii ". " Ilobert \^;. renrose K KC . 1 o ni ei=. AiII VF\l-'' "'vV\!^^ 7< s>/\^ i \I \ i A. nign-elau ontral dnaiht Is Sold bj ci - y IVUI8KIK3 etPD AND UELTJOW A(j ff 7^ ¦ ¦ Ump. B«.n.lfnl .. °!". 's -WINCARNIS . <• h o lira ho ha Pim. V.?n } ' Powei . liso L ornc::- intlT.- ( j 'fK ^ £<%. \ ' ~^? Vendon Adi for Colcmin ¦¦ET THEM Wine «u H Heyiidi , F.sa. H i i KKicwa». .. Liebifj's Extract of Mot snd Malt . Ealljbroph/ — — > 23 8 4ft .1 i 3<\ '-t livar, I'. SL \ en Arc. " it on the •l.ouidr Wcnagh • — —881)5 that the word '"WtNCARNlS Ham f barccut. l- .st. f. : r IHCH-ACS, ^7AiLACE. ?i-c^rictc^'. Farsoutowa — — 8 to 1 23 ¦ j L YOU BEQVIRE of tts bottle. Boscrca — — :St3 tit .Strangrrji '. K PO . 1' ij. r . onn ... WATERFOBD »2.Mt lloantrath — — » 85 % 13 Sair.uel t .rancmon. K SL .lohr, A ir. -DUPLEX 6d. everjTvhf. a: ' ^ i - LAW Sold in Botttw , s». Si and <*. ' U'yboro' ar. — — 8 49 4 lu Cani] Athloiia Jnus. — — 8 85 1 30 Walpolo hki t . Albert White, r>a- h rtOWATT'8 ." GORDON" I _ *> " Ll?ht. P White ) John N White DabUa des. 8 0 7D . S« 1 c , sq. , Kso.: J I PURE NOURISHING (PATEST) OrLiT-TTici • ABccirait' Vortarl'um 745 — 10 :: s:.' White . Sjq. William White. Kwi. Jan. 8 U'jboro' axr- II B 81 10 40 «13 J P. HevThomas Wiltshire; J LaTrODt Eu3piosE3 Z.'3ntcra. -^^ziHii2B -lodirnard K *ECTlOtl.~ Witb P.t«nt V. Hood . T. Ca}t%lil ? Km tlACTS. ffOOdl 'Uall 1 lf* B :"ov CRSORP . — J er, cuiuoafi t Tndortaker and Carrtiago tort P.rt«t (Satooor , - - - " ". °*L we >^P llirjboro' dep — 9 4! low is XSCA R OR ) imp made. ' " ATLAS " AbtxjjMi A - Govr > ^ - fuinwis E S P O P. " Proprietor, ~ — » 5 hi 10 4 50 > XOT USE ANY OTHKH.,¦ « » Cioille I'oan Lmp Attuafh — »IS 11 n J 2 1EE E8F0HD STREET . VATQHFORD cwtre of Imitations. Batai] (roro Ironmonijor9, &<; BalljTXtssti — i 21 U 80 5 1C j, CHRISTMAS- " IO11IC iTOUT Kilkenny arrt. — 8 45 11 U t 84 Why . ihnuld it not comhinf r Do. deputon 740 IK 11 1 540 nU'NERA LS COMPLETELY raKh'ISHED LNTY OF' WATEEFOEE EaasatjbzUf* 8 0 10 7 U 15 555 beauty 1 Tlie recipient it conRtilfEll v>. n 0: IT dnponor fity le witb every fioqaiiib^, mcludlDg PURE Tbomastown 8 20 If 17 VI 90 a 10 first to .-noose a usefo. articlt* S^>nn- ldeai (Jitu. IT. OAD BaUjbala 8 40 10 27 12 44 830 -t^ S 7CR 'ltb n CJ "GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY l'l .1 Kibaaoow S 14 IU W ISO 850 Hire Cairci. 1 - tnot rc[fa»d to ecoDoroy 10 ovpry letnll ino Road Contraotors, and thoao iatcrcjtcd ID Witerfordan. 985 11 0 140 7t plated Jeo- 1' otK , C'arDt*: .-iwet-Dersj o^r. . .. „ Joanty Prc^ntioGnts. Daya lar A: Holding iloumaxud DUMCE.— UlrjbCTv nth cU^Hure, 8.3 (irven tc select Iron Cal! i^r ~ >id Sessions, pravioas to Spring AisizoJ , 1K)7 ¦ eja •>: AKSES 4 aorB. ; - Can I; cbtcir.edof all Grocers ami ¦" ' a.m.,iJ0 i Uotmtaalllck arriral, 8JO a.m; 1.0 pja up-to- !aU lrontnonce: ano nave VL siS't O4' HES >r KUoollikoon, at lWepo«t, Thnradij, 7th ' UonatmaUiek daparttura, SJOaja, 8.13 pja.;Uu yboroa;!) jf nt onoarj, 1837 , at 11.0 o'Qook. en. the numberle-^.iartu- tt »ory superior di>corl piioo to r>e b^l tho a tx> ? and of the Manufactui arrinl, 9.49 a.m., 6X0 p.n. T.ot3bll,hmrol ' or Oooltior. at Callc^hana, C: D > day, 7tb Jf.naary, Groat Soathcxn isa VTestcrs urivili at KCleasy, atsxtord 3botinn£ . i il o'fTlook. Carlow Branch—OJUi a.m. 3.43 can, lUiu, tad »0 pxi. X:< A!- AM' NKV YKAE P" ^/ in» INSIST UP01S" -Oa EaiuJaya, ia.lpja. *^ GETTING 'ir Ulddlethird , at Tracaoro , Friday, 8th Jnnoarj, ItELICIOCS MA/.AlVAi.w. NE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA i 11.0 o'Clock. E. A. NEALE, Oeaeral llanifcr. 1 ' W' iTERSfL. V A TE T.. LTD OKLICiOfS MiZiWAi""!' 'or CO., / Dpporthird GOLEM! ft , «t Corriokboj, Saturday Dih In artistic j-ti- jnnaary, at II 80 o'Clook. TTntorford, Dunjrarvaa, O Limoro, cad ct NORWICH & LONDON . And h ndiom^ly-decorated 1-lb,, 3-lbi b-in . i. IU-ID. . ^or aieosbolry, CdlTc^ctrtrTj, Iloaiij llti ^craoy aa£:"r!TO:arj IlillwayB. Sol Al-enl* for Citv and Couniv ¦- I P \P Jannarr, at 12.45 odook. B 'B " KonEET r» a*. . j ^ or Cosbmoro and Co»hbrido , ct Linao:3, Tazzicj, nATEFui.-oor.iForrrt,\'Q. .2th January, at 12.0 o OlOSTUT I0T3 TO CCII, QCXIIS7OW>, TlUZX, XJT3 i-., hom O. CicoTRo'k Strct, ' 'Clook. Iiuum. r For Dedea ^?itbin Drom, at atsc^orc, Tharr'.iy, Ti«is TaiU on end alttr Ut June, ICO. PA ALITT IN THE COtTNT Dublin, 23rd Oci,., ltJo 11th January, U 12.'D, o'Clook. fvAir p'PfT iur c! BOU£ ¦© for Docica Withoat Dram, at Dnnjarvan, Pridaj, naa wixmoms © © i ouri o.nc :re^ tron au- ndultorotiov . Dnognrran tho butlne^ of tho Coanty at Lar£x 1. 1. i, 1, r. « £. K r z will be ontored WaterfortJ -. . CoJus . carctaior o.' tf)( Luu,,. ¦21th dsy of Pcoomber ia 415 — — anC ii full * ur tr tn, ^ne^ .V' Sv.u; browed ^ , 1B35 , and uo Applicllloa o31 trorrow and Btradtolly „ - 100 »u _ _ Oourthoui-e and ^rouocJ.- win* :, *n.il evt ::il U)ok 7. .. Alteration < ent«rod on the _ " of Trains—Commencing Preteotmuot 8heet coat i« uut pre- WtMM STOO Bmjunii _ „ — 11 0 5 8 _ rcearai STKKNGT: an . A :.!? I mo' under tri e mi umchoiv 1 f ".iin-u:wc3 uarrtiit- o :i th. 1st October. rod in acoordftnee with tho Ant of Parliament. Prieo 2/0 por dozon bottles, Cappwh _ „ -UU52O-- evidence , or. Tuesday : 1;¦:rr ^. aebcnDoc hi at fixrcDi u r-.a; - HLM > C sot ->t ';. rui ar, >f-.rjfa:r. i, cii THOESDAY . l et ICTOH&R . 1WIH , ihc IM I M «, 1893, nmxndod Samoer Aisicca, 1835, la a ipttialfy brerired Invalid Stont from Malt in-! I lut 10 u — ^ ur IL aicohrii. ON of tho 4ne« , JIC n> Tallow Boa4 ... .. Ill UU SM 1,2 - - n uciiai; .. rlloTTing chftujjes .o -hie x>t3r>iny o Traio Z£T< To 8OAD CouTRAtrroBs AND - had rharjy v! the uniui' Orasau .- — ayitea withcas learin; any iIgnf of heaviness or Jotne.- . L'olljdufl ... „ 7 80 IL SI 5 f« 10 « - r ¦ i- iprfioo will' be tn&de and Y ot latCT than A o'Clock. t-.m.. on tba djsr . . 'i . .. ' ' o:. ,. in-Mi; .. preriotu to each TJ;3TI::O:JIAIS HAVE CEEII niccivtD. 7ern«>y _ daj. 750 U80 8S5 10 54 - "he * ii i.m train , iJujfriolt V> Vat^rford will bo tf«siona and that n» Teaoen bo recclTOu uter that boar , t:--sc:30 that flhe lived in tho L-'urmouao ; Iiior ian :;.if. L ^ - ind in the rase c( Hallow „ an 8 27 1 5 7 Io 11 K - '.Hill Ana ' V6. YX'J .. r.xamir ; I- ;;ASK Ot BOTTLE tiacontinuod, tbe Barnnj of Olenabclrr. that Tendon ¦ age w .is V! years. Aboui twelve cj'cluct ;:.. j t lodgrd on tbe Sttnrdaf Medical Faculty iu Cork „ „ » H 3U 8 0 IJ S3 - Tho 7 io Q.tn trtiD, Watorford to wirbpnoh ml! t>o craTloiu, and tuat this l:c:olatlon // rj retomtntndtdby tke Q«««iiatowa „ 13 U 9 50 s 80 the 7th. i was m tin courthouse !<¦*<-'• v 'Or 1'rria*, .'" rfjleji- be Vri. i'harmacctitica. 30 r E ?¦ PAUr- Sccrctir/ to >h» Orand Izn ^ ^ nemihL.' i non .r»lD will Icavo Cloool ior Watofford Couutj socrcUn. ' i onice Traiaa .„ „ UD 4 11 DJI |, . GrandJurv room lot the rm.n.- »' , Conrt Uouii Vruatozi bo left in City Storea anc Oflicep— i-3"i a- ta »Bd will be dao 'n Watnrloi-d ut lu ;'O so Jtb fair, 1S!» .' went uoKair.- to noc: TO WATZX70XS Suciet\ Vh«- 10 '^ ft .Q train from ^iVat«rford will atop av room door f. ,r tbe mot. a;ia wnen 1 : jrnnrfe BTITIODB. ~ UIF US UJ JO •FO , TfxADaja. |3<, three minutes 1 l:ear: fi snorinu 3FL X S3 The .'J 1.*, p.ti train from Cloomnl to R THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. xT? , Watorforc , rrill " - B.6Tr%£anwar. i,». ki dorr , i irmkea ronnu ¦ ^ te dlaoonunned O. *.». , ?¦. ,,» at the kitclie:. Tralos ... ~ dsy, — — 10 JO 4 50 ; ;i-.i cutrance in- '.'bo 7 47 tt. rn train , Tipporary to LlmiTir.li I 6 thetj 1 wmL out V' T , will run KOIiTOtry ~ M — - U» IX til tnent, a;ic loun^: mv i;:i.Tbancl ivu. tnly on A i)dne.idaya and datnrdajs .! Oa the other Qoteastoira — n — 645 110 50 It oar veobjdaya tbe 0-5S a. in &latl mVAUD Cotk _ - 719 lia IM with his hciifl ot. tnu ttirnsiiuia. IIE; 7rom Lldericlx WORLD-FAMED " KffiCTU IL1PERIAL" - « iti b], H- WILL1AUS, • nnotinn will ot^p at Pallae and Bohor Mallow _ _ „ — 841 1 4J 7 SO 11 hlrr. nisi f^ iittie . IDUHII 1 v.. rermor _ _ anlT. Tbo J' 10 i.m train (rom Llmorioh will lravr Uacrici — 018 1 ffl 8 5 4 « him lurther . ,-u i m»uc r> PIIIOW o. W. D. i L. Etllwar. Manager at 9 0 a.m, dad dil l ctop at all station beacon Limoric!: upstairs o^ i;uick a^ cuulc an^ - rermoy „ ... ief . 7 0. »4i 1 »0 8 Id 4 I I> A :. KI : I ' S. -NATIONAL BAK. ind Limericli J (motion CkndtiLia* -. „ 7 C 13 0 2 84 8 It 4 U mat .01 inv WIL ' and tho otht-r Tbe 11 » a.a train, Limerick to Ttpp*^»ry, will ltQTO B*llxdpa«h „ 8 S 11M I25 _ - hl.-> tac c 1 ,->uw l.im an hour biriare L Bohor received (roci JKnfuna^. „ 820j]4S p.m For Bcrofulo , Ccurvyi Ecr03aGj Over 2,000 Tealimoniali havd been ,> 145 — - per:i,iof. papet , anc when 1 miisscu nirn. "ho 1 '^5 train , from Llrs«-ncb. to Watrrford, ' Dnrrow ft StndoaDy „ 8 is 1 6 43 _ - • ill not Ifato notj) ViiuploD, Ckia ind ' Medical Men. lie was gono; ho piuiit have come nr- - S 45 p.m and will bfl dop io Wctcr. Dlood Bicc^cs, KUmacthoss* _ n IR itt 4» — — ;ord at D 20 p. a and trill giro a throc;ih rorrica from -n » s — Tin _ _ winic 1 wab opening tho Or ana j ar., ... of oil lands, ito ciloctj are, £19, St. Ann • _ Bll go to Wat«rford In conorotion w)th tho 9 45 a.m August aSih, 189.). TlrmaiiTaii _ _ 111 iU itt — helped to open hu own collar : I i]rnt lor Pr ConDoL" ni.irvclUniB. WaUrford _ Iffil' tSi || _ train 'rom 6Hno dno in Limeriob at 5 10 p.ci leasure in testifying to arrival - It Cure* Ol.I Horr« . DEAR SIKJS—I hive great p who came at- T.nckl* a? he coUld corjit, ano vrm> ufrf eroou-d OD BaUybrlobon , and «vorf pig woirjbed u SOUTHERN LINE, i"nren UUersuW fvire- OQ tfc» uczz. tbs efficacy of your Invalid Champagne " tubmitud he came niv tiusbanu was Icanibc wiLf; hu hmxr r. Kiimactiioma VmaT> — i vzsn* , HD T- CiULLEY, Saerctan aad UtBastt. j Ibat 1T&4 brooght tbere for salt th* * afl In the T-ha a oi> P-Q3 tr&lo from Tbarlei will Dot leaTD ootll Curc;. Ulcratwl Suru Uk'-. I admlntstered it to Carf" nitvrkhc a. child ia a stitc of extreme coUipse from in attack give liur. a dose of taits and plenty 01 mn B . ¦__ the I or mo Jo evory confldoDOi. and lead to a bottcr otM° WVNE8 LINE ¦: WOT«-r>nT0. Ciir> f*»iiit f-ta- cr« V7atcrford cud Sraaoro JJailwaj. : | IH. * of Influenza and Pleurisy. The result wai marvellous. - " i beg your, pirdo^ D: .' havfr ho> THI filABP '.A.N .- A N Til I n. ,-HUYEES of Teeliof; lill aronod. The 1 j p-m train. U&llinfrrane to Fornui Cure* Bi'^-1 Ktnl Skm I>i»(;i<>cs. hiihbaiic ham , and tho Lure, (ilk'i-iiuar of life seemed at once to burst Bororal gorirdlaoa BM the; did DO . tbiak the x ^«elJ»n*v The smoulderingembsn Oi do^e nnisell . he wtnt U> bedluiiaK^stec . :.. pi?- ' 6 30 p.m train . Pojnca \o Bjlliuc^ane, will bo tr >.-\t «-l. Ul->Klfi 'tm ali irnrare Tlma Table from Oct. 1st, 189«. to April SOtb.lSTT n! < < bnyers woald bo njreeablo tria. Mstfcr. iato flame, sad »n uninterrupted recovery ensued. a ^lahs nnlK . 1 lound htm blcepma nicci? trr . KtSO. ITU' K -YMPATI" t*> . dlcoontlnned /rom c-. a/t-crr camo -.ming- or until fartherNotice . BvontoaM?, bonOTcr, Ur John Woloo rooted the (Wnok I have no hesitation in saying that your "Invalid tlnil until five. wrR-u he was mdanmt; heav.: LIMERICK & SLIGO LINE Days). ¦ \« -hl« an dun* if plc*»ant to t?r* ta KC follorriorr recolution t— " Tbftl we heartil » 'r:i nli^l fr<*- frivrjl , tn4 " pouejied powerful ttimulating and T7«sj U«j lVebu. . KHOI OVl HrfyBT. y araipathiM Tho 6 40< a.m train. Taam to 8H(fol mil bo dicoon- ¦ ' A'lTtb'nil tPJQf KlQ^ to tllb t&OS^ Champagne is ot _ put uuetk>\ I then hdit for Urj Connoiiv acar. It . - , .ir rnn-iiiutuiii ¦¦( "tli'r >m cannot fail to be appre- ~ ~ " with iho PI(j Bnyor8 end pork-butflbeo "' WaUrford tlnaed trctwe^o Tnao and Swlnfordf will I O« TO . ..I. -- l , ti5 7¦rc;Tl;:ari inriCoratiDj? qualities, and /" ? » came along with Dr daJIwey, arid ho said 1 am afrati. Tbe ohair wa« tAfcet h? fij ) ()'D<'nn*i. V C , and .oCerrr- i.> k-M|»taj»ajf« my poor woman ; Bend (or hiH|clcrgyanai. I sent Irif otbe- njPmbwr. DrreetA w^r* — Meoaro Jonc to tbem that de»irable to bare a ecali< ¦ It would be publlo ! 0 0 o-m, eamo ae at presont TH0USAKD3_ OF TE!^ir?aiIlJLL3 tuHnj. Mr Ucccher who cajjn c immediately be Walar. . Jamno b lir»\ Maurice C')tte> Jftmeo Coflej I h rt baalhv k s> hni.s»|km \* Jur tut Rev erectec Ib B&llTbrickon market for (reiffbiart pl us i A now train will leme Tnbboronrry. for Swinford at From all Ptrta of I in, yours falthlally, VTtTi 815 ' John D««i and J ua> - tho \7orld. . .- 10U11 t I 0 til IK TtO » I died av eight o clock tbe following morninj. Ho bought for tale there t> 10 a m and bo duo la Snln'ord tt 0 47 a-ta ^M m tv,ulc. •.. y\.. H. CLAYTON FOX , M.R.C.S, Tn'm 9 10 11 U . I 3ol t 0 | L' UcrifOB.mnotcr ol zV ,n ca5CI conumu, lU ' I 4 45 a O >w|t*l vms ordinaril y a healthy man Mr Ilnnt, Oerk of lot oion, M' Mr John Doo cacondod tba moUOD . nbioh nu an^nl ! Tho 7 50 . a.m train, Tnam to Athodrj, nod tho 8 45 Enr. ' ' " '" •I'""""'. i!«. ' ,w \ , . inmrlent .. L5.A., Load. tht Hoca^. aoi? D P Walat,. modlca oQiooi uelo ales aonsl y adopted, and to effect a gwtday gVojrMj ..;1 ;. , To tbe Coroner—M* beluf [i * that whrn Of iv t" a.m traio, Atbonr; to Toam, on Wcdncndayo nnd """"'" ' '" "' r ¦'" of loM-«uiniJirj Utzzn. Coteman & Co Ltd. the Hi- inri tDco J tn atumo The Bolrd shortly aflornards adignrnod. , ,.?., "" "«>'"' ^ CMUIH int.. dcKJl- rilppeil thill bj.- h(a- Saturdays, viill ron orjly on Sitnrdaya " ' '¦ ' s «¦» ' l » 1 e ¦» i f |T ^ TUB MJI8ANC ; A' KILU1CTHOUA ;w Mil.IIw „ . 1 - ., I V -'' f VTCNT MEDICINE 1 1 * * I the niuu'- wmd.ik nil ol the kiicben at I- . Tho 6 15 a.m train, 8ligo to AUicary, will bs Ifio' , .,, O |ir THE WORLD, or 60j. raox 1 n 1 Q n B pts pa | pm yjnyj struck agsinel Mt ' D ^VaUb fpotie inmt nglt rcsardiDp tr> «ert Priii. C5i P3 Dorsn H«U-BotUej; pa Deceo i * diaeontlnoefi bstweon 81lgo aod Clumoirlj and will ' ' ' '" ' ' w . l.» m. I'roprliton, Toa LlICOLS *~~~" The newspaper ho hao with him w« uu ihe ivuidon at Kilmcctbomak. coocenitn^ nbiob av C UllIUTlfA S PVVLICATIONR I ¦ uii r -• Full-siie Bottles, * ' ooiaaDcc IOSTO Uittr:St ation nt 8 £0 a.m, and b:j dc» In Athonrj * - "'¦l RUO km hnlTm bai h¦ ka ;k ml »>i .r.Tiri O Co*r*sT, Lincobx. of the United Klngdora. _. O _ ledge amonoi ol corn •poDde&e«- ba* t»kcn r>lact Uo did The ever-vjolcom'. (jrano ChriBtmae Doable a( 10 ii a.m I CAt'i'tr Cifrij^ P'tld to ray part Wlrd 10 'M U It tii .1 _»J 1 ^ooil t*-raswitri I vj .-^, k (lir . -'nrkr- 5 Blood MJzturc ej :il Tm Coroner — Was hti "i . fvpryone it was their dot* ai ffoardlant U find oat xrbo me I rnre f s , 'ra ... ltt tf>18u|- 4 oUtoL.I-gJ Number of tbe "Sbamiocb" i» to bond , end it [ A not? trolq will learo Taam for Clarcnorrfs at T|irt u | 0SH m . • i)r» Cullc«—Oh, JDdccd he WM , sir , , am Butt there rrepontiblo for U or oj.oo vboaa prcmi&ca it orleinated- i itiulon«oTirabt;tilat«, ' SOLE PROPRIETORS H MANUFACTURERS QQIU maiotaino tho blfftt repulatlua of tbat I 7 40 a.D and bo dno in ClaromnnHi at 8 20 oa ; ' ASTBTO rxaw », Ssaststf] ! ysi no 'ice io Wntcrford would i ijure bio,. Tbn Bolonoce piuted onUide Mr P Waiah'a door ainot Tho l'i 16 p.Q traio, from Toam to ijlico, \-y A OF THE ABOVE. t'Dlf Irish journal. Oa. friend and fellorr- will l:ivo * To the He«d Oon-uUe— VYh;n h« ;wml oul in the AogDtt lut, apil allhoos'' tbu; bad ••niUrr of&cer> , ' Taam at V2 6 p.m and timoi will bcfiliahtly altered his btuioecs 1 o wa» i^rtt-ctl tober exconiive and t'therwia* . it ther «er*lo», that oooid cHizeri, £droond Loam;, B 1>, Contribntu a Tcap and CUremorris "^ morning to transact y or iraa betfrecn ¦ not 6nd ooi ^e caaro » oalsarco wbtcb dsn- patbetio little tolc the teen? of "hioh he lays In (Solomon & Co., Ltd., ^ - Margaret HiinmODd de[)O«ed tliat ibe h»ed io Water , Tho 1 55 p.o train, Atbenr* to 1 aam and Slljo, JAMES SUBLEI Keroot to bealt. M' Waist told him (tbe a peaker) NORWICH & LONDON. '"' called on her it aUiui stmu o ' clock Wicklow , and the date , at the Umo ot tbe will Dot lraro Atbcnry until 2 50 p.m tbas forming a street ; Mr« Cell" to go that tt any member of bit Uaiil; took ill iaoooauqaencQ Livery SUblM and Poatis( for a c ergymiu, ; 8be ran fur oonntctloa |tt Athcary nito tho 22U p.tl Ual l from -^n Monday e»eoiog of that oaiaance be voolc talco ao acUoo a^aioflt tbe Rebellion. Tho other contriboioro inclado Mrs. Wliat is DOLORFUGE? AOBBTTJ iron WATEBTOSD :— at ODCC ; tt ;tam Oaliray), and will leoro Intormidiatfl Stitior Ijlr Beechrr. wbu cimo remained by (or Ibrec noodr«ti poondfi ETI - M. T JPeod-r , D. J. Don lghoi-. Tbomao A. Extriflt fcf the CPEE c£ ,. SftteUishaiif&fc Koardlanfl two "• cooenbat l^'-cr thea at pruont , and b i duo in 81ic Vc^ctsblo T0OT1 CO., ? i», bedside until oext morning, fheo . 01 ei^ht 0 clnek dootly dtalnae' vert delicti*. Ho aaked tbo Mnrrny, Darid Culliann.J T. Doyle, end others. Bt TL A. nEREY & Tlio tftalL 'bo "•> ? IS p.o ACHE «xd NEDEALGU. 70, UATN-BTBEET GABBlCE-ON-fiU **» departed. 1 did not ico bitn oD Monday before tbe Clerk to read tbe r«Dor. »un. bj L>- Brotro*. tbe Thfi price of the itaae is hat two pencv Tho 10 5: a.m train from Sligo will I >avo at tt >vt:rnn)CD> 0 ; he DP*" upoke to'me cfl the fttrne or eay bow medical iotrjector of the l^ocal JBoarc tlf-rhtl nltcrod f Occident Tbe Cbriitmui saaibcr of the " Weekly aod lines inW bo j btfw«o ( nd O'CUSLXVAU'D UDD20AL nAlL accident occutrcd. - The Cl'rli ctnplieo.. aod tbe ropotv aUlod that tho Tnan. TUs train nill now bare a d roct r ' S TO NEBYOUS SDITVEBEE3. , , and lodopeDilonl " will, T/ O bove DO doabt , command npnU nn HOUSES snows rdf iixtitJtrt>ot w* ^ C0II1D8 depo«ed — I hbic charge of the Town drainage of KilmAOtbomai va» Terr difeotito with th. is* 5 li p m train Iron I- "& WATIBTOBD, TDAHODC AlfD Eltl! s. Jut PalUi ted, a irrataltons Edition of t nsw ind Vilcil^i : \ ** Mr JobD u very large sale tbio year The pre«ent»tlon 'J *l£ UedleaJ Work nUUad j gave mo 0 lotir for the Town Clerk alioold b« rcmodii- Watcrlord l . SAU&t^n:-- i4ta : dECeued (Jil)' diJJying OTor icts a otlrriorf eeenti of the butioeM ; I met him tJterwards in Hi Wtlth—Tberi H t« mum picture dep F<-nbn Tbo 3^-P'O teto IMO to Atbti. cn 11 went on bin tbo , r d etu 5 a HOW TO ENSITBE HEALTH; WATERJ0BD AJn)^liiiraiCK'BAn.WAT at ; he waa on thii nutter sltogetbe: It naa n vef eerioaa Otter auyp, and the explanatory tale, from tbo pea of ^ •^.poraliim yard half pant elcjen hii waj trap b« br«oU)d ( and Os THE CONFIDENTIALFillEKD. unobual in his appearacce ; and be would more that a eiaoch another of oar ftilloB-ciUEens and friends, Ur. Tho 4 0 jp.ta trrJn. 8US0 to Tr E,, cfu ,oaTO Bt "" \riie. »nd tbero wts nothing tbo occcei&ry coDnectton be mado wltb the moJo drcin. Q ^ •y f/HM- n DOES NOT BT 1IE8SB3BAENE3. Zmvrorad *Utf«glu *t Traia aanM ^ and paseeU on ; whenl eaw him II. A. Uanning, ia cxcltluR in tbe extreme. It 415 P ill bo sl.ghU» » tcrc# . bk.OBn Slljo and ' > eicb.oged grt-etings Mr Dee aoconded tbo wotiol Tnam, arrL-rinir »t latter Station ,t This E9O.V should b» raad fcy avtrr 00A yoast ct d T>Y tbeNs* Dlrewi^ositsH' tf. »ober a. 1 A. netr Iwn will bare T a.m for Athrarr at I ;| CORRODE J> «*« . Tnole, who is emplojc 1 ot Howard ! ilmlcal abate the noii »-ci v/ay worthy of each a notable publication. A ' rl I HOW TO AVOID 81lgo (Up ««7»(W. a; B*nj»jQ»im, «l*\« • Idomas 7 C5 p D id* wjw fn A»hr n?y at 8 w p a,?a tln. \ DI8BA8E. , depoatrd th»t he br ught a pUno to the Mr Wa'ah—II ao , objr wae it not done long ago ' Dumber of other taUo, und macn reading of an HOW TO REGAIN HEALTH. T r«hi>U"U naerdiann C' Jury Kooco on Moidaj i he lisard Mm Collea Mr M Cofloy aaid ba did oot tblnt tho approprjato obnructur, aro inoladod ID nhot io Ths 7 0|pn train, THESKIN HKA1TH1 A 8OCLU. 8CTEN0B. »nd mn Joailfled tn dolay tha.r aoiiio. bnt they fronted to AtKoorj to rnini. will Icara if 111 out , " Tom. 'J'cm, coit« d( y^n." Witneu corro- really n b cla« poblicatioD. l^Jo Ohriitmoo Athenry ci ; 0 60 pod t»d« In : 'cam at 7 25 D tn BEIHO a TREATISE 01 t&» £J#a OOVSRKTrTa LIT* cr^in" fix tho onna on tho proper p«rtlj». hitf ti» CAUSES, griinnpi bf aUd Mrs Collo' itatemrot s alter Air I>ofBa «^.h-d " lodependoat," with presentation plate , is call, A new iroln «ll loy ,B Athenry [or Tu.m at 8 50 KEEPS ind am -nznTimn or DO IT thanlifui tu j,,u /ill Th» ohairrann mid tb.it doubt Mr Walsh anflcred and be dno In Tny n n | i all dla s»« **f*g "t[ » g< X vTsattty. SS Ki tf -wound" deceased said - ." 1 ¦"? , deal of annoyance from tbe dofeclivo drainapilr«d Blrht a«d ' : '« tbot« Hrad-coa«'* ~"''" 'w aa' tbe matter, tnd «agK««trd that it iroold bo nell to hsro *emorr ladlsrasslab ^_ olevfn porfect XMA8. NOVELTY © KltLALOE LtNt. Froatntioa, X«sslta*>nat>aaJJ»cka»dUa»».n»»«UT «? /.ranee and. dsmeauonr , any work- 'lriTO ct 8 20 . ^ CMI-tlUtmK bluiiata, him upalalrs I D blrjhly trtuUo 3.1b Xnu Bo;c3 ond b3 dag la Limerick nt 0 IS a.m lot* at fciMtad* OitmaUaO - P MrJP»nnln»(*jnWr)—Wb ciboiBinu Mr Doe aald tbe job would bo only a trifling oao and fean, tsd aa iy other ailamts, «Wok, U*4$\mt»4, ~ h« • occorrai . Aod bandiiomely-decorated 1-lb, 3-lb., 0-lb fclO Ib. TIM F»r further psrrtonhroi tco tho Dsapany'a Tics krt* I L i not »ik him '' ahoold rtceite Immediata attention. scd Ftrs Tcfcka " "^ Itcl"8*> Burnln»' "«!» I/B)» 1(9 tbo toOntn t v an mly dmUi. TofV.bw with tdat* oa t t Of orga I llackeoj dopoioil (jhat oa tloodny nlKbt , dioooisiou tbe goardlast droldcd to Sola Agcata for City ;Bcd County of Wat;rford ;— nm.Vn ChrOTloRh roaiitl tm, Oont, Hmalsrla, Epalmr, Ujatada. ' AfUr farther F. VAU0HAN, "OV/DER OorR«lnM«.Roaihnm,«c.)f/- |/9 asd all dJccam tb» Kantou allBMntair tV 7tb inatext »t aboot nine o clock I was cajled to refer the matter to tbe D>epoo'ai°y Committee. BOD CUT A' MKBBT tc Co. TrJdo Uan:3sr. o< ayifaa. deceased:; when I go; tj tho gat« comlog B BXFOCT. : _o— LlaerioU, B3pt:mb:r, 183a Th* apneadlz to this valtubla work oootaias ssMy v( t tho MEDICA L INSPtCTOH etelol PEfecaiPi%J0B3 tor th* sJWrMioao TaWtatWu* frC.:a Catherine tlroet I mtt B.r Mr Beecber ud Bet Browne Medical Icapector of tfce Local QoTern- th« Dr , The ChristmEn Nnmber of THK N EWS will be the cur* o« ndaor oH»»nUrs. with Ml tMtnotiou lotttdr UIT" ris>sfi>ii»mn«*tiWi p%yy?yiNj Ej »nd fiom th»m:I leirned that * V0*^aaf^dVpAam^L.fJklp^^^ak*jaB ^HfJ^B&| 11 -LTne »nd othew , out Board sent in hia report on tho aeveral diopenrary pretwatloa sutdBM. Cootal«a «J*oaon* frttadly f^H^aaAM. sw>*«Bs«Js»' 4Dwjs*w«^k|V?i>laW o. most acceptable Christmas Gift to Waterford, A GUIDE - aivto*oa J l^^^^aT ^^ w^ ^^^ ^' D: Gonpollr b»d «i>en tha man 1 »rlior: In the day. I di'trlcta of the union. He sogacutod Bejora l UjrlffluLor tha . I ^ ' 'for. H I Kilkenny, Tlppcrary, and Wpxford friends, far to rai br*'Dr?iCpohoH7 tont »nd rUftod tho docoased •trucUral alterations of minor obsractcr , (a w i)mQE'D Ailmonto. WAY TO J'UESEBVE HEALTH. "ri hlo condltioa whoo s» n by UJ we oonddcred * TtO Inopiotor and nesr, See your ; Newsagent at once and giro to_tho ot tbe Kllmaotlioau Diiponaary roo3l. lUutiatcd br aBaManu tatHwontiTs froatt atafopl tOm/tr ht Hea t h» pr- tontedall tho ipjisornno^ • m»n alio called attention to the bot that the committee jonr ordoro. or you may be disappointed. A Lady, haTlog trlrf in tain OTCTT -caTcrUitd MEDICAL PROFESSION. MB bi ain; he moiiK 01- rcmedr, who Kara 1 n*toi«4 to batlUi thnuttli (ha tulMrfc eOrlntffroiDeilaisloooo the ' moetinga are not held regularly, and reqsnated (he hM at luUxuntueda slmpl.and fciSilei, , 8pcdaDT Written Ui Stndosti aid PuinU (whictt Instrnrnmtallt/. Soot tut lot » at*oj«i lr |r/ Mtsr : papil dia'id ;and t6B other cure whiei po * ei -UotuJ«norfog,[onfl guardians to-' ose their lrjflQBBCO with tbi inombera of nil! ooi la o fow honr», no matte;.- iow ttabborn tbo giTca aJl Informationreqalred b y thou cbont to oom- post 8 stamp*. co- reeled And *» hsd 00 oic ccttthn bot a fatal the commltMs to get them to meet monthly- c Ml loencs t&a st»dy o! Medldns, (nolodlsj?exp ouis anj Also a dwetrptir. jaunpl«tj. on tk* told mo tber« anggested would J Q°**bu> nnltorero am ojrtaimt rrco of ilaoRtanpsaUuto tlw (aiotk l* •«. »7 th*( a«s»a Aatfiar N Dr WaJih aaid that tbe alteratloni charge by terjding stamped addrra , Prollmlnariea). Can ba had on application to * ' |- i\¦ . .. ¦ , : » mall oot onlthe biok oft i» head ; th» cams of ¦ MORRXSSEY'S HOTEL 8d knTelopa, Don't tho enUU«d w oot.ooal a £i note. experiawnti i with BeaoTBAs, OATBOMO UsmcsrrTXJ KDICAI, SOKOOL i VI drib FBaeffn'foQ of blood 00 the brain 1 thrr<> oaj waa alto referredto the Dlspencary Coa- riib. I73xfarca Conca, HE FnuuE1 -s THraKo »» l*2 *laij'»** Xeatte. M. , :: af ied tomorrhagb ti»t WODH; asie jtbo pr*Mnra on ¦anctioo of the appolntmeot of llr Thomas Power a* knoTro hcr«cni«tof»ll. Tf unltniM r »»o been restored :F: cosTiDisr. WFCtRlin tO a»"VAtU)C ;! i .- ;- . brain : I am q.alt0 sme tbo ° D0 fiolmco in lalaxy of >p4AB3 and Portcra poet all Trains aod SteamPM to health and hspp tK "*° rellatlcg oEcor and inb-'aoiUry ofBoer, at a tsest bj it , and n red moch misery QOJT PI.HTIO» »T UrW» nsn 'i -•' -i '. : \j tinexcoptional j attendsDoa ; prltoto Coffeo, and ' JCSO per annum, i disappointment, thongti for »eekrf and weeks other JB UILDJBR and CON TRA CTOR AtL WHO HEI D ADVICE O* tUTTMRt O» BX1MB 'i.1i«joryromr'a<}d»T6raiofcJr|9«ordanc8 with jtho is b&VO Mr Ponor'a Sitting Jnd. Bmokiug Rooms ; end Cold Btlhi preparations , U unabl* JIT 1 .Clerk—Tbe ntxt thing to bo doso Hot |had prevloukr/ been tjken withont any to 1 * a penoaal lataKTby j*w, LShoaU M *»jsm Bif Jcal testimony; lamely—'-bit deo^aecd d^cd from bond completed. ' : tc ; Special Commercial Tariffi good results. ]A rnot nflVmr 87, THE HAH0B, •and (aU partlea'^n of ta» C*M UUkt, 4BdosW » blood, tha br»in. 1 I writes:- DIAS MJDIM— WATBEPOED. •iampod wjrmjo>j tot nftr ; thl» will ti jlpa .of . ?a | TH* JTJMD3. Your wonderful dlscovwrj Main* teiSBM&f* 1, ' : GREEDILY EAT HABBISON'8 will code as a boon and aumr. wtth adviM CK] (alf tetMottnu^w attttei Io reply to Mr John Walsh KATS. blowing to us poor fott11 who caa ill afford to pay for BDILDr^O WOBK AND T»rf«c»cn» Hi iadra«« ol lira* k»»« bsast ^f—it/»<| hfsai ¦ ' Tbe Cleric laid tbo guardians bad DO balaoci to ; BELIABLE EAT rOlSON. Dons and ^ . CONTRACTS ¦- ' , 1E0C ! ! A SjiatoKABLB ¦ after 1 ¦ ¦ ' • CHE18TMA8 recently paid jElM'to Cats will Dot touoh it. Vermin 6xj op, V»»»-q»lt- =" « h0 " f-i DECilOIOUS MAi AWA.TTKE their creditbalance. Aa he|h«d aaid before many » 2*. 8d,i, 8>. 8d. 1 Pojtsjs, Zd. 0. W. ^ ' : H AEEISON, Cheaitst;22 , Croja 8trttt, SdSS t« ^ *' ^^ • ' To »le g— Ml>TOr BUlLDINGi LONDON, BISTJU,BBT Oil, OAXB. Tfc*fla ^t*#>«4 ¦ - I BOBBtT A. MK» IT 4 ;CO. ; j TBX B1C0K »«*»» DtlPtTTa). I I 1 writes j-fTbe first bos of yonrpdaos S?^™ ' , Ra : /-Waterside. 1 deareri th» wbol* of the rats oa 0} f Mr Uisrtce Ooffey ssid k« waa aara they all re- BEETLES¦ . , WM I I . Lymt TVpod F»rm." . :, : : Tbe rim tanhtrtuw Knmberli f Tim NEWS wlil ba rrstted tbs dlapTito In tb* bacon trade wblcb I the . Chrl*tma» Nnmber of Tns NEWS staple of tbo city of Walarford. £(« ootfoed that ' WomeJa's Aiinents. tha most wills be Xul, GrW. ,, k-4*dr «t. B«J>i5^r-^Byen, bnt he Itiosgbt it EleBart- & ^li?ii < Art»tn««' Numb r of THB Nroe and ne»r, : 8«e yoor would b» poBlbl* to sattlo lb« natter it.po blio aoalca i GENEHAL MEECHAKTS, wiU beat all tt-coTds. i : New»«f5entat once and giro jroor order*, or you m»y be difappoisud, : prow K vwtoioui ^StpH ^PB ; ¦ ' '¦ ; ' ' ¦ ¦ ' : ' ' ' • ' ¦ >- B i ¦ :.• . ¦ : .;: ri! ¦ i - . ,: ! i i ¦ ¦ • ; ¦; : ! . ' ' ¦ - ¦ • ¦ ¦ " ¦!¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ . i -M^¦ ": - :' .i' ;ii- - . . " • ; ; i ; ' 1 : i . ! ! T ! .: i i I i • ¦ HATIOHAIi SOCIETY Rev Father Browne, who w&» leceliedwith (JUARAN"EED ! , help f B0i t reoogniee it «« the ni»t and most a deep pleasure io Latest Telegrams movement, j roil Tno applause, eald IB waa Indeed Local fressiris duty to uofeguwd the lriBh him to second tbe resolution proposed by tbs % Distjribt Gossip. Oonferenou beld at tbo PEEVENTION OF CBTJELTT TO CHILDBEN Stotik & Share Price List UNi TERBIBLE SHIPPING FATALHY. i At a Bishop of Oashel lor the adoption of tbeir anauftl. iQUALLED PCULATJON ¦¦ THE Minis Limerick Jnnotioi , on llondny Keport, which vru one, ho believed, that would The ship Eajah" of Bremen, which left. Cor. i In bur advertiBomend columns prejont— dlff, on Wednesday, butslioni the followlnp we e TOWN HALL. be read with deep interest, and would be the with coal for Hong Koi)R ( Ttin v?o givo tho full proapootus of ¦ Presideot Water- MEETING IN THE capsized during terrific i H J Fordr, means of promotlu? more zeal in the members gole off Lnhdy Island, PEoaEAtiiin. uoit weok's Ohristmiis NEWS. bam, jun., tho Interests ol Nen . Consols ...... Ill} and nineteen of the crew perished. Two survl. lord Chamber of Oommeico, J AllifaR The annual meeting of the, Waterford Branch of tor the further advancement of vora wero Mr! JI J Murphy, J P, having ! Landy, Town Olerk, | Cunok. A their {Society (boar, hear). They coold not but ! BANKS. landed at 8wanee» to-day, tbo in Hon 8ec, R tbe above Sooioty n»8 hi'ld la tho Counoll Chambor wore „ . ANOTHER AWFUL WE8TCU7F£ purc^ooed jntorort the bMiiiB addtosaid the meet- entertain, feelings of great pleasure at the National ...... DISASTER, ' aontsr ofuppokers of the Town Hill—kindly graotod by the Major that m " UOOeK. Gnjat Hctol, Tramorw/ h»s dia- H J Force , seconded for tho purpose jesterday alternoon. Tho At- which bad been performed during the year Mnukter & Loluster ...... 6t EI JC8T, 4KD ISiB ROT Llojda to-day received the following telegram ing, it waoproposed by Mr that ; ponod of h|a magnificent and UDanimftuoly pasoed tendance w»« fairl The chafr im tikeo b had passed away—work which would show Provincial—Old ...... 2«| from thoir agent at Coranca—The " Sailer" wta by Alderman O'Mara y ffoocl. y been residence , known as Wfatdifie ODBO , for a very against want of tbo : , X).L., P/feldont of not only have tho operations of the Society Hibernian ...... j 6} Freaked off Cape Corrnbodo on night of tho 7eb— JB tbat the meeting protest tjhe Ho» DuoiST i"OBrucDB of tbe S;S.; .TUEDAY , DECEMBER 12, 3896.[ largo sum. Tho uame of the purobasor is not yet tbo Waterford and amongst those ilto pre ventive bat that they have taken hold 381 bonds oil told. None were savod , oonneotion T/ith the Great Southern hae for Branch , Inspee IEI8H BAILS. disclosed pathoi Weat- present wero :—Lady Camellia Fortescue, Mn Goff, people-at large, w!iun the warnings of the Greit Northern ¦ ; but from what we can through travellers elong tbe Limerick line to effect ...... 173 TO DAY'S HACJNG. Mrs Sbortlo, Mis Kelly, Miis A Porde, Mrs at.d tor have been fraught with such good Great cliffe haa pussod into the possession of Mr H Cork, Dablin and other important placeo, and had alluded Sontborn ...... 143 Misa Clibborn Mils Skcitoi, Urt Btraogmorj, Mr> (.applause), As the Uiahop ot Caihftl Midland Gallney, Tramorc urgentl calling upon the Wajetford and , Intemperance ...... 112 1 LEICESTER MEETING. y Toppln, Mrs Morris, Mr« Fennmy, Mtss Lampbltr, to the greatest of all evils—that ot Dublin and Wieklow CITY ADBT On Tuesday Mciaro Thomss )oard to reBtore tbe train esrviue which They all knew ...... EDITION O DBDH ACK Limtridk l —he wished to say a few words. 27J H B PLATI •* 1 , —tfacoby (TorTltt). Miss Smith, dirt Day, Miss hint, Miia ModljooV , 1 ; Carridtn A THAMOKE Walsh and Son put up for last. Dr essentially of MISCELLANEOUS. v Mr Collen). J : MoUihon II (6wner), 3 existed prior to Ootober j Mlia Pool, MI BD C^oke. Tbe Most Eo» Sbeebtn , tbat tbe Irish characterwas one Also ' but Dublin Trams ...... rnn—Whorweli (Orrnor), Eustiaji rCollitB, fUKcaASEB. auction the interest in tho The otatement of acaounta of Hiabnp or Waterford ; the Kl ht &or Dr Day, good nature and good Intent (hear, hear) ; . ... 16} ; . ConaRh Hill (Biokl«yt, Grandie g Qainnesa Ordinary ... 55 *he Claims of WaterfordWaterford. (BroHn), Lsat Tryji ro^idonce, No. 6 Lady Lane, the tho Clonmol Corporation are Bishop of O.ibel Bev CnDon Toppln, Bev Wm, when led away by this terrible rite of intempe- (A Nightlngoll), KelUl (Lake), Knd«D er (Ilcj), ACCOONTB. 1 ' 6 properly of the eiecuturg of the published at an advertisement Browne, AJa,., bt John' ; Dr Kio^ro.e Atkioi, rance the Irishman lost those natural strongholds £>«<* „ ...... 62 laolfe (Capper), Benediotlne (Mr Hobaon), Aasuunii * and hla beat Interests and also tbe jutertaU ot Bristol Brewery ...... 39{ At/ he annual meetinj ' of the Waterlord (Mr Alletsoii/. latu Dr P Whilty. Arter 8>.pi8whftt brisk biddiw in the Olocmol papers...Xhe general body of K«v D Warke, Presbyterian Minister 1 Ber John E National Telephone ...... 7J Cban; «r of Bettini;—7 betweon Mr Myles Bailey, Mr P WaJDh , Qeorge'o poBitloa to ceo hop Green , Wealcyan Mlniit«r ; Mr E J Frlel, Fro. those whom Provldenco had placed dapendent Commerce held ou Motidny, a to 2 agst WhP.rwell ; 4 to 1 agst Lost tbe ratepaytw Me thus in a upou him for moral and physical sustenance Grand Canal ...... 10 Tryst ; 6 to 1 ogat Thn Eaaiisrj and MoMahon II 1 7 Bt, and MoSBrs Strange and Strdnge, Solicitors, vlnalal Bank ; Dr Jackmao, Mr Arthur Kelly, iolr, resoh ion was adopted expressing " apprficia. their money is expended- (hear, bear). Ue (Father Browne) also heartily Chartered Soatb Africa .. ... 2| to 1 Carridso ; iO to 1 Faoeby, and othora offered. the latter wore dt clarod purubauera for 550 boo seo ; J Htraogmon, Dr Morris, Mr John tion <~ . ihe valuable information contained in Winner made whole During tho week o( Tefal of tbo endorsed the observation* which bad fallen from Rietfontoln ...... 2* of the running, and won by guinoat in truot wo boliove , for Mrs Waters, Fanning, «olr ; Mr Bowman, Mr Gcotgo Whita, Mr the - .port " three lengths ; a bnd thtr. . FIBHIKO. steam trawlers of the Wutor- tho Binbop of Caahel regarding Gold Trnot ...... B* ' of the Recess Committee, *nd 'rramore. Mr D Duntord, Solicitor, had the E V Dren, and Mr Georgo Doacon. i T OWN PLATI—Portonoi Darlin* (Mr C Dekuey), ford FiBbing Con pany, the Till DUTIES OF TUB CITY liAO ISTBATES apprrHng of the proposal to establish a carriage of tho eale. ' 1 ' Mr Bodden, of Belfast, the Organising Secretary TYBES 1 1 8o»rborongh (Mr W P Colionj, 2 . Bridal Veil (W . dealt with a length a In regard to tho granting of licenses and be Dnntopa Deferred ...... " department of agricultire end industry. " Watcs), 3. formation of wbicb wo for Ireland, was in attendance ai a doputatloa. ai/3 A raomorial in favor of 8unday oinoe, have put into) oor quays Tbe minutes of tbo mectlD|j believed they would have a good effect. Them .'. EightB...... 24/- This ' as far as we Also ran—Bxxcomaiop (Banner), Uozzil T07 (Mr ooople of vreeko 1**' ' irere token tt did eonio , can gatl er from the mertgre TnilPEttAHCE. closing in tho live exempted permito the brmtDof read. was no use In tbeir talking unless they Componenta ...... 81/- Ferguson), Blarionbad (Mi A W Wood), Hrjither- for shelter. When weather detail > published, was tbi: only evidence of citioj and oarly closing on CXJ off the The Chairman then br iefly addreuod the tto«t- practical work; tud it vrasono of tbe tint carts Grapplcrs ...... 19/- bloom (Ownor\ Klppnr(B Hopklna), Ehyl (W Elllai this prosperono local company inter( it taken in the affnirs of the Bad (Owner), Saturday in every part of Ireland , tuts been I of their own good blahop. whim h« fiHt taok Osmoaao ...... , 27Jr_ counlry. Time* Qoetn Emma (A Nightingnll), Saltce iBlaodo. DS, and In doing eo referred to tbo rather un- cf Betting—5 to 1 arjat Formes Darlinj , exhibited tor signature in Waterford. Amongst propitlonB suto of tbe neither, nhich he feared charge ot his diocese to look aft advancing the society Theatre Boyal, 'Waterfoid (Mr Bcatty), Red Indian (H Krown , Ketting—2 to from 0 firoa in Guornaey Aod tboy would not have long to noit baforo a left,hem free of capital charges ; executed all Bitoverue t will writo to Mr O'Connor on : li« i>imlla ', nod he hoped as nolive a comtnlttee would which was bringing happiness and peoco to many 1 against Marcellui, 4 to ] Hedgehog, to 1 Sea- Jtbate nnder tii« IMPORTANT NOTICB I THRKE NIGHTS ONLY the public works for whic h loans have been 1 5 Bubject roterrod to in bia loito. A pnblio be formed at Carriok-jc-tinir , He tbenTOferrcd tc homes In which hitherto there had been nothing side, 8 to 1 Lore Lieutenant and Workei . 10 to 1 be uliristmu but misery squalorand discord (applausoj. advmeed by the Treasure to I reland other* Won by a necK ; 1 bad thiri Tho opoech whicr this gentlo- I'CDLIC DEUATE. auspieen 'f tbo fact tl at at tbit meotin i; they would bare tbo TUESDAY , paid ¦ Men ' s A SBO jiation will Tbe uiotlon waa passedunanimously. MONDAY. DEO. 14kb. , D£C. 16th, BKLVOIB 8TXX ? L«CHAS«—N O, ' Mr A Gordon") 1 tx&~ 1. man addrossod to tho judge Youn;; advarjtagt} of tho presence AU J the oeslstanoe of Mr offi tho whole pre-Union debt o< the country j evening, '-be ubject for Ihe Most Rev Dr Sheehafl , who was received with WEDNTJ3DA\\ DEC. 18th, Gadbrook(Mr Boatty], 5 , BnttorlsTMr J A Cheney], 3 HABHI N OTOH , wilh roferonoo to the Bally- be held on Monday Koddoo, tbe Organising i> ctetory for Ireland, trbc QD I still left nearly two hundred millions to LLords>>rds b-be bs applause, said—I have been naked to propose tbe By special arrangementwitn ME. WILSOB BABBETT, Also ran—E»dDiarloy [W Wood], Queente [Mr V ti.p, brioken casoj, was spoken of us dtEcuoBion being " Should the Hooso f voa \<} ep^jt more eflootlnl/ th»n (the chairman) se:,k BISBOUT, Parting Glaia [A ' 1 will t..>». hecond resolution, which reads ns followi :- " That Will be performed the World-Famous Play— employment in the industrial development Porterj, Eiatlotgh [J Dee . reall a masirrpiece of tact mid aboliehed.abolished. ' The official ppeolterupeolfers coo Id lw expected to do. Ho tben retorted to what Hugh Eobortii [G Wilson], Mathioli [Owner], Lidy 01 y ttevRev J H the meeting having beard of tbe establishmentof aa the success of the [Three Continents, 0! the country. The nation could, with the judgment. In the Bal l dufl caeo Mr Harrington Affirmative : Mr J J BelL NeNegativegative \ be oonaidertd to bo oatiafact. r/ e'ldencoof the valuo I tha Lake (Mr E«gtnald], Coot» Hauilv* WllUansom; y .alien fhcip K of tbrlr mode of operations and of the Interest and Aid Committee in Dungaxvan and of its successthere America, Australiak. Europe, n oney lost through tho financial union with Qocadon ul8o seoroiS heavily. His opeueh tor thu defence Leitlie Tbe chair will be ' »' during tbe pist, , desires to recotd Us [W Elli»] ¦ (ymp.ih/ aod f. llo« feeling of theT poorer nei,;b- twolve months (ireat Britain, in addition to executing Bcttlng-8 to i agsl No ; " to 2 Ladj of the Lake wua one of tbo most ckilful hoarri ic tho Courts ooloci by HevE L Tyner. uatiaf action at the vork .of the Dimgarvap Committee; the | bour. nkb suffering ebllilbond. He alluded psrtl- : f orks enumerated 5 to 1 Mathioli ; 6 to 1 Hugh Roberts ; 10 to 1 othera hoasti tor mnny a day. We arc Infi.ftnrd (hat Mr A and also at the immediateprospecfof further extend- , have brought out the Won In a eantor by four ,. j T .- . . ,,, ,„ ,.. , rt 1 oularlv 10 (be Dumber ul letters—lome of them longtht. Tbreo quarter" o! 7HECITT Cadogan 1 ' - oad ru;c iv.a ing tbe benegcent (Durations of tbo Society by the Henry Arthur Jones and Wilson Barrett iandlordo and made a present of the land to a length between aeoond and thlro. A truly eloquent and pathetic „ nJand not_ernt,D rcipe0,,n the |t,|0 f Bj 9UEIEVA1.TV. tbe Lord Lieutenant s rratruo , " " ,, apuolntoientof an Aid Committee in Carrlck on-Uulr," th6 tenants gratia. Irelatjd has lost by this LBIOEBTKR H ANDICAP HmiDLn—Kale (Mi Fergu- 111. t, LEAMV , nddroas woe that of this guntlu- 0£Mtra lQ ln6lr dlltrict > ,nd into who8 tno ' son), appotntins Jim Hhenff -' ^^ Continuing hia I/ordship said—Thcrt- are only two Eopragement of a. Celebrated Company from theltoyaf financial union nearl half cost to 1 ; Royal Double) f i Lake), : Phidon (/ B i> mon when pleading i>n tho part Society »ero con.eqoentlr «ntltlcd to Inquire Ooc great tests of the work being done by a Society of y |the Englund Nightingall), Waterfurd City for 189" BALMAIN. •¦ Cooler (h Nightmgal!). Whltcboy hi3 Inoiulft On tho wbolo our eloquent fellow- Mr U Hcalj. jot y dlrtctod to " The Crudfy Otlicor with which it doea its work in tho placo where it was to Waterloo. 'Comparis< ns o; this kind IL (H Tay lor), four uioujfco'S W«terford. " Thprc woro other Snclotlcii for tbe Tyrolean (Owner) ; bpecs (Mr O 8 eitlztiu wag so eucccsjiful dunng tho Aasizua that Fonn uwTiioa Union, has noo 80p» originally eatablUhed; and last year and this year we Davie; legal profosjioo m-Mr T I pr^veoiloo of oruelty In the city, bat tho postmaster It may bo noted that so j^reat a Buccess is this Pt- y enable one to realiso what 1 he figures wrapped wo al. wonder , evon uiorf than uvoi how it is of tbe Und tliat we arrived at a ttago wben we were able to BetUog-5 l0 2 a 31 Phiaor. , r to j agst Specs ficuiv, 5l|j', Mr TJ h«d no he»it»tioo 10 lending Ibe ajlS3lvo to I be that It "had a long and prosperous run under A-fr up in the blue book tvculd mearj if translated B anc 'fl voice ifl not oftoner hoiird in our 41 Hcalj. U P, Mr Mounos , congratulate ourselves, upou figures which tbero was Boyal Douglas tbat Mr Learuy «DO, Wilson Barrett'a managementat the Prjncess The- ,re , 5 to 1 apsi Kalt, 100 Io 12 othen Hcily, M P, and Mr C J Healv , »d meoiloned ntlicor of Ibis uranob, for nhoin It nss roilly in- no gainsaying, that thu Society for the Prevention of into gold, and if the gold v ere translated into Tyrolean made play Iron-, 1 CourU o' J uBtive 1 , bt , n&s a was recently revived by ttiis Company at the £" mo Kale. Specs, and Rova above, watj attorn io a eolicllur of Ibe iljgii C urt <-f tended (bear hoar). Tliat , he tboug very Cruelty to Children waa doing a great woik In our 1 ' work." The question of kow the eura taken Douglas with Phidon neii. and Whiteboy second U' A scrupulousi' iuir Cruwn last. miefaovoij atato c.f tblngn, and iho'ed that tbe Theatre, Is being played throughout the Contir nt9 J UBtioo on ttaturdnj midst (iipplausc). We all remember tbat this Society for half a mile , when Kale drew out with clear C BCKT Cherry, ier any stored is now attracting gija^t attention. Mr. who ,! it wili bo remembered by VOVS1.TU& ironmon..or« . Jarro^trand .. , K that nas goiojj on than anyone else who were most sanguioe, ¦ heell. After going half the joumey 8pecs became , his oily In tbeir own immediate circle , «er. perlonning this Celebrated I Drama. J Leugh, M.P, the great friend of Ireland, who nianj . is a BOn of tho lito Mr Cherrj, Solicitor of advertise a number of Oo'dliej for 1 I" WATOHED 1T6 ?IVOQnE23 second, but gave way at the last few hurdles tc Royal n ^°«« that the Society's Operations should be ¦What Devil was't that 'thus has Cozened ^Sn at William at. The Q C roww'. for (In WaUrford sale 10 tbo present Issuo of T.. B N«w». ' with a (jood deal of anxiety. Last year, however, wo " sits for one of the London tonstiluenaes. and Douglas, who failed to react Kale , wno won by five „. , . jrouRht to bear towards the amelioration of the AMUTC Boat Club in the oarly oigbticj omi noi;>ed ic .arjt to hod urn ted ut a po.nt when all anxiety bad ceased, HoodmanBlind. "—H . A lengths, the samt betweci seconc and thirc Coffee ShopLeepora »ho 5-' » . su,rer i of their immediate neighbours who is a well-known authont' en Irish scor<> many 11 win for the navy blue aijd w!nt« nK . He ;uid when wo were enabled truly to nay that tbo Cooler was fourv UI'ORTANT (rood sbaro of the Lhrji-ons trado 1 won | d ^^4,. h ^uing upon the Blahop of finance, is against any plan itiat woolc not iB.ue , j Society had settled down In Watcrford-that it bad Act 1, Scene 1—Room in Leizard's House jslceno ADniriONAi A RRIVALI— Horsepln; Kelharr color (01 u t. mu.t .dverti.e tn the r^!A< of Ca- he , , h ,, „, re9Oi ntlon. 2—Green Riddy Form. Act 2, Scene 1— Parl-ar of leave the money in the jpocket.* o[ actual Qnconio, Ondbrook. Lord Llentenai.. tho N BWB . Our papet R'HI I> P io settlml down there and taken root (bear, hear). And, Mr Joni W ylej Micbuel st , ?ho Hov Dr Day then said be had much plea- furthermore " The Crooked Billet "; Scene 3—Back of ; Farm taxpayers. He does not beliove it. schemes OPFICUl. ScBATCHiNUh—All tbo nande of overj oltlzen and everr »i»l^r just ae ;rj , that It was In every port of the dty eoRngemoDU-- THI Tin's sends ue copies of u very httDtl- Hure moving tbe adoption of tho resolution doing well the House ; 8cene 3—The Spinney ; Bcene 4—B-im in Golden Wand, deac BeatmcU Hnrdle Nottlna tfco Chrintaiui chopping vrill bo In full «i»lng. and which was greai work for which it was originally of state expenditure as means ct niaJung up to KAREIVBLL. sume almouaci which ho is :hat bad been put Into his hand, cdtablidbod lanted, and when Green Biddy Farm. Act 8, 8ccne 1—Nance^iodg. ham—PniQ.. Phonetic Jouru a,, Sir Ifl.o^ , Now when a tree la p '' ' the country for over taxfition Otters hold presenting to hu ciiBioawru , The to the followlm? effect—" That tho Report for tho 11 is tended ings ; Scene 2—The Rats Roost ; Scene 3— *ite s 'i ofDtial jotirna , aonnuuco 18»' carefully, as tho Society has been tended and we think with gredt totrt that the depicting & anilor bidding adieu U thennl of hm (uOBTUiNt ). Pilman year >-U of this Branch of the National Society In Wnterford, nnd when it takes firm root, tho first Cosy 1 Scene 4—Inspector Jermlne'B Office ; Lene 5 KE\7UABKE? 8ALE& —ThiD Daj that Mlci Uarj Kiore iy, Kilmac- (or the Invention ot Cruelty to Children be —The Silent Hi hway, Thames Enbankmen'.: Act amount of over-taxation v^hich this heart ere Betting sail on Wit ocean »¦«¦(. :le thing tout it docs Is to »ecd out brunches ; and g couutry Plotj. who fun well 11 Ccnarewitct waa spld , Mr Hutnuol LODJJ , Watorford, ha»e been adopted, printed and circulated ; and tbnt in y Farm ; Sc«~!e 2— to accompanied this ift with iej of th« tBvonte tbomoc accordingly this tree- of ours, having tnken root iu •i, 8cene 1—Boom in Green Rldd has to pay annually, close 11 x>n three millions, Mr Wongh for thirteen hundred: Kayi wont for g cop ? warded solnt which was put for- largest town ontEu.u Waterford in this county, and , 3s ; 6tall«, 2s ; PC; IS ; on improving our me; us c internal £600 and at eioai Mr at |th« Water- ' Pnicrs—Dress Circle Baoper bongbi 1 lol r ^ up.to-dat* oquipujjt pluctil at It nan asoertaiood ward In tbH resolution was that the report In to-morrow it U About to take a new departure ond'es- Booking at Mrs Campion's, Qua}:.) communication, on builaiug )iers and harbours, stallions oner Gu^rdlano jn question xbould bo primed and circulated and Gallery. 6d. the disposal of tho judgo. ronucteri much cr.dit MVALIP ford Board of , tablfrh itself In the neighbouring county of Tippcrary lait .hat ; .he .o »l he would hopo above all things read by those Into or other works necessary fc r the advancerre on tht City High ShoriU. Mr R Mornaouy, I '.' HiLUKir.'. Wednesday ' ' ' ' AT CAltmcK-OX-SOUl cost—iocludiog idlary—of sccp- whobo hands it might (all. The account which CHTJKCH, UATEBXpBD of the country. Some dec! ue in. favour 01 . All tb» arriinjjemtmta IU oon- (appb-u.se). Kow, wo are not without reason to PEBSBSTBBIAH Famt anc PasHic comparatively large oumbei of cbifdren in the the report gave of thn state of many of tho combination of both method! ; ofreadjustmen; , witi. tl»- Aflcizes wnre io{7 a rejoice at the establishment of the first branch nnd Amongst tho»t WDC ran Mr J E Bcdmond. Jl rt uection Passage lotorcep'ioir hospital for tl^e tB^ntbs I D ibo families In Waterford—the state In which they cl regularity ; thanke IO tht clost ntti-nuon ''O- Jobn Po»er and otbero oo tbe rura l Bide of loe >»FI.\ AWtX L \SI) APl'ALU.N'. . ON ' sreood branch will produce results equally pleasing j . When hunti Dg the KaithloRg HonndB 01 Monday Btowet upon them b tho onergotu Sub-She nil, L Waterford has reaton to fee\ deeply interested y hoose vent into a kmd of pious S at such n There w a1 one thing, of course which must be tlicar , hear). In DtiDgnrvan—as, no doubt, some nho EXCAVATIONS IN PALEST-NE, in tbo Sweep dlreouot,. the Master, tlr P M Poorr, p Wi believe the ht laioed to tbeui tbat " REGENT in the discussion of this question anc our Mr J0D1 Hanrahan. Hi^ travegaoor , btit vrbon it nos ezp Mid . and that was that there were no instances, bnvc been actively engaged in the work from the LACHISH. AND JERUSALEM." D L, came to toe grouoc wltboat , no are glad to Hori Mr J DS I ICO Gibson spoUt in ibt- hig hest way from this turn must bo doduoted tbe iDoot of the ^ claims upon the Govern nent sn-jul<] be Bay, suffering 007 Injur. Ho romonntfd 10 an !ar as he could s?e of actual violence toward* beginning will tell this meeting before it closes—tho ILLUSTRATED BV LIME-LIGHT VIEWS 1 mo- ot tn» manner in whici. al the i t >cn; details ordinary maintenance of tbe poor little ouildicn — or wilful Injury upon children by thoir parents ; Society ha* been doing the same work tliat h.13 been ^ constantl kept before the public gaze. ment and continued tn« coast Two brisk runs rrero oeok—they re« merc^J ir.iir ., Trill (u.v.) bs delivered in the {• " y connected with the Assizos won iitiondi'.il to. at 'It per band per but then: waw uhown by the rcpult "which had doin^ in W aterford. It hn** been doing thnt work in, .' todmsb. ! < lieD lue Already two special commissions have equillbrlom, nod breathed uioro Ireol y X16 been Dot Into their bandit on amount of neglect of the same way also—always aiming at reformation A N T HAL Lieutonant CJoD. IOD 0' M» V> O 1) Tho judfib die Dot leave ULti. tu be le^B that, P B 0 T S i3 T L^ Got. J P. Ip diff^rtnee "at discovered C>uo tiuo to Its title ' declared in favour of Water brd as a Harbour at homo on bis rjoiia JUD' "af"* ploee. Mr Harry S>no» . Mr T W Aoderaoc D L , ship stafe^ c xlorablo textile surface la requ red. Sole agents I D . t.. Ido^B of a oooteai poiar? onko JS caiea In which some of the parents Dad been during 1697 , we shall then be nblo to nay tbat tho TboTV . MallM«1i,M or7 «atf ?h«the Door.nborT atd Mr Oibbont bit mother eartt Tbe Icit name-' Tho extrii polio at present iUUbi s' | f^aterford-Kobertcon, LedlirJ, : rurgmson L Co ¦ mile. The ipleeu ez^ibit'd ay neverely punished , or punished, the speaker Society, both in ita gnrent home, and iu Dmgarvnn was badly ahaken , bm we wore g lad to eeo blm to- SPECIAL COT? stationed in W alerfmil are pmd "The Anti-Influenza " Flannel Thoroughly Shrunk the paper :« '; altogether uncalled for , , ntiilo toe hoped, with sufllclent severity by the law ; while find in Civrrlc.k-on.Suir, luis been doing tbat which it m TT T> Q TET T? t?lp H'R.&fAtiJiS.'R S lr* day on the yuay euftenog trom DothloJ none than addition to Uioir ¦ THE BWi!i ii Lf FKE3, 33 per day U IB other*- very happ il y the majority of cases—wblch »teadlnc>» with Natural and Fancy Colours, is ddperyard Bobert- b slight i'Qj jealousy n apparent to tbe pooiest iDtcjicct A U intended to do wilii tho saiucnuiet Ledlie, Ferguson & Co, , Waterlord . K ordinarv aalurs Out of this thrca yeiri oloce we. reiolutiooiscq pro-hcul while deplorable in themiwlves had been (treatly tltu siinc fin-ling for the cbiMrvn , for tliclr parents, To be held on O"> . Ltd Lord Waterford won banting nlth trie Kilkoonj 1 just Bum the* have to defray *nt co».\ o flood And publlBhlnj; sl^L-clap pIci• .il Improved hy the vlaita and by the warnlngu of for their homes, und for the c .umiuoilicn in which it L*di« please attend.—It Is m )it Important when BouDds on Tneflday. wbee tho run o ' toe season JoarnaJlsm bjf (a ETEPHBU'S DAY, 26th DeOOmbor, '83. .- lodgini Tho polico an no. particularl y lement. Wbo, ve nk . , 11 th.- r-.a i iho Society Inspector (hear , hear) . He could Ii,i9 been i- itnblWied, ant) that since Its earliest days 81. r 'lecting presents for gentlnmim tbet rbu pee P was had. An cntbualsntlo sportsman oc roturnlng Cbriotroou supp * ~~ enamourud of (his epeoial fore Jon ruit the Drapers. was at less' t»eoty-one mlK People nee(^ surpnuiKJ IHKMCK1KT Y OWED A'.HKAT UEHT OJ" liltATlTfllE 'oley, Edmond Raher, Michael Power, Win •¦ MiEsisvtt). O'DonDtll •.hli <«. (; >y thr proposing the resolution. Michatl r Sliamus O'Urler u n rji playec it New KOI U UUP IU 8 ED tbat U portlOI. o! Ilic eeu wall ' to ihe Inspector for the manner In which he dls- Gamble, John Power, John Doherty, George Gamble. HWttohei, Clocks, Jewellnry |and Silver Wsro, paper In lUvslico . tte tjubirnt. Mr Hodderj, Organising Secretary of the Society YorL O.' those wno sane wtien tn« optrr* wo at Trarooro pave way at a inW ^ -harged hl» duties (applnuse). Mr Small seemed Treasurer—Thomas O'Sullivan. Clerk cf Scales (or , undedurved I D Ireland, then spoke at considerable length, Hon (vlocted epeclsllj Xmas. trade at o« have been watchful and persevering Nolan. Starter—Michael Hickey. Judge- . -iota. To bo bad at B WhdlaD 't, Jenellei. iO, Wo had . 'ill o-daf fro m Hi and gave much Information , Iu an Interesting —T one who will appear IL AmerlCk Mr ('Sullivan , Brigbioi. waa nmnslisd by tho Ktonn nf lust wci-i. • «nd often very conragooos , In looking after cases Martin Kennedy. Hon Sees—William Hearae, irronitrand Street, Waterford. >S~e wiDdot IB «ho »nl i-rj n»e hu manner, regarding tho rlso, progress, and ulti- who Bang hcre recentlv W I IL Dr CollIson'sconcert the aea-eliori.1 ut Bnghton nccKLti! Bucklej that might bo reported to the Committee, but Adamstown, and Nicholas Kirby, Ballyduff. ^ Mtiti v of th© groyne3 on ovenlDj; at the ' 'ity liall .0 "¦ Ctu- mate success of the Society In England and Ire- partj wjll take tbe Dart o' • Snamni O'Urien ' the gui>. The " Uaiiy aftorwards had oxcrtert himself In the mo3t woro also damaged by Arts of Embrriidery and W,tt»io(; 18 t^bibrcj m laud. Ho seconded the resolution, which was ARHIEGO (:tte h" wholo of tin Brig hton I'mr earnest way, warning tlio parents with tho most 1ST RACB »t 11 o'clock sbarp. The F Bacon Merch4nt8 Deoiar Telegrap Bays " tbo 'ho Antique ^eotmeols of Wairrfrrd " cordially adopted. , 10s. A race for horses AV Detjn ou' oenc.'lslal eirect In the majority of cascu. The THANKS TO TUB UAYOIJ, PULTI of ^5 ; 2nd, £X ; 3rd ? War Citr Pottr Se88ionc—'iHis D . Has utterly wiped Farmera bive it lal^a rocci»*?d Parish of Ballydufl, Inspector had had , during tho year, to deal with On tho motion of tha Hov D Warke seconded the property of residents in the (Before Alderman W J 8mitb , 1 P . Mayor : one' A ahamoiul hbelloua and in- attention from thd mercbaota , their possession two months pre- IUDDKN tl'eat some 4"ll cases, which Included 1, 400 poor little by Mr BJ Ussher, J P, the latter of whom gave and must bo in Mr Ullck Borjrke. B Si BiiAMEHii. truthful lotte- a(>[var.ad be- C \ktv~There U ¦ rer» fair oujtply of both barley M: Christop and get him to enroll his name on thr Temper&nco about 2} Mil's OT« Hnrdlw. Chancellor , her J TUE TUCATU C "eelt was a sucoeca ai far ca a reavement. LATB (or an»ta coming into market at nrteont, for which cbe A witnesj namid Micboe Halligac nts alco Society 's books, was dolDg a good work. But for Sth Eaoe st a rtO. The PABEWELI. P . A ra» Heal;, son of Mr Huurico Heal; , of Lutmoro, was first olar.3 Company could muko Tha motion was po3:cd unanimously. lponl«s to eirry M 71ba ; onf nt priooo ere :—Oats, 0» 3d 1 er brl ; barlej . «» , callec He doposcc turn no waa ot board tho many a man wbo bad got Into the habit of drinking beaUn Poniss ocd Horees ; oworn IL a eolicitor of tho High Court of Justice: puullo did not pav Votes of thanks Io the Uon Dudley Fortcutts, ll«t. Distinos, 2 Mika orcr nhC i, not quoted. Tessd on 8atardaf, tbe 2&lh' tot aod caw It, bat 00 tcgrct to cay the for otronf; k«ie. to learry pnjsthojbcon tht Mr Bealy vraa apptoiticod to Mr H > Ftel late merit. We , trmt tboy or who had acquired the particular tasto and to the efllclent Hon gee Mr Kelly, were thea E "Xer : The supply, nhioh for so nolimn Walshe'aln tbe forecastle about the middle of (he y, proper oourt to undoubted drink — whother ho went to excess or cot—the BMdleS ¦ snuillei and beaotlfnllj lot!, " hu at hut apprcolatian Cor the most heartilyadopted , and ' CONDITtONS. grot ;ne " day j they remained there tor bait an bom of LiBmoro, tat now of Wotorfortt, anci concluded mil ihou next nceb moro only refuge was ! re«~ M rero. SIDOO aod Inclndinf Si'.nidaj last only apprenticeship rrith Mr M HeaJy, SI P, of t fforts of thcte nbo aro caterlog eo oxll at our Tho meeting concluded, r«serr« thamseirei t as oom[ and !with 129 last Sergeant Murphy deposed that he heo&d of the hi* Th« St«w«rdl *2Z2a fiK*tSiok 80 i, Ilna nere , handled , robbery on ' Cor. Tbeatro. Tbo Hoodman Blind Gompaoy who TOTAL AESIJSENCE. ^ yeai " The prle«s m«y be set down as followi:—8ator- Monday the 30rh ulu and visited tho house of James opoa 00 Monday night aro hlubly epeken of. Day) did not wish it to be understood litre w day"M5> to 103a per out ; Monday; 70s tor a small in- Walsh, In Henrletta-st, who wa. Distnct loapecto.' Wands- He (Dr It Is a pleuoro to walk through tse>V7arc&onta P7s 6d ; and yester- absent ; witnei found tne cap produce^ anything wrong in the temperate use of wine or nhitkey. dlffic tot lot"; Wednesday. 7Ui to A UTID S boroilg'8 face wua u study when of H SABKI & Co at tbl* traiy leaeoa. A» every day,, ^or oreamary, 98s to 101a ; >ha higher priced James Walsh here «ald that he fonnd the cop 4J 6d &.i 6d, tnd But he would say that if a mm acquired a testa for counter cost aUnrlnn displays, cf taitablo Cortitats on Saturday IL ihe Courhouce Our White Shirts at 2J 6d, 3i Cd, , guat -> being e&ld by Mr John O'C aUagbat.. Sergeant Mnrpnr oald the two prisoners were geed ocariarj alcoholic drinks, and U that taste were nouruhed. it presealt are to .be toes, and trrett many people KWI 6' Gd. are r 8TB4W—On amall carktta ihoro was a made for him Precjntrj.—Uobericon, l^dlle, KerfjuEoa olears iocs ensued st the in a vessel on which he had been him. As ho tore tbo paper to fragments u blush Cbrlatmes cM already tho TemperBnon Socioties were doing good rcad^-temaod, and smart working ero non shooing a choice ac:ort- foUof na ftuthontio prices :—H»J, 80s to 90s p«r ton ; at tho other side of the river, came end mounted his sharp features. We do not think i Co, Wsterfo d, <7ork bat after all they were only touching tha fringe ol r .Uowri.- thoConr.q Rave himself trado up In Fancy' Il&ica- Lcoturai Noxt T7GO1L %o*£lU?Z % 0. Aunt 8.1IJ. whea- n straw, 70s to 75s ; she»f- 80a to 00s. Oaton np. JohL , on being cautioned the D 1 will repeat bin performances wlmu next meet of Hacdl erobiefa tbe question. If tlu flotl«iberg avrtem were taiea atr«fl C0» to G5a. On a larger •< pply this morDinj nudo a statement In coarse language, which the ho visits our city. np in tkcra countries it would be the bcrt of all—nbtro witness We have pleasure In directing the attention of our the f< " -Ktoing prices were faffy ma ntalneo handed In In writin. On Friday and Batorduy laot tbe Government took the control ol the sale 0! drink Eo-' '—There is not snob a scarcity just now ail there In reply to the Mayoi . Sergeant Murphy Euntinc Fiaturoo. into iu own hands, the profits of such aalo being entirely readers to the advertisement In another column sala iMOTHKL. GKEAT the cale of THE N EWB in tbe nnnonnclnj a lecture in connection with the THE PlOjTRAJI^B. m (- >ork or a fortnight o(rb, and the prlco hu ho had not bcon able to dlBcover an? trace of iven o'er to tho municipality In which the tradeu tbe E.t-coaQ. city exosederi ih« combined AITULBOO OUHD Dec. g Palestine Exploration Society. Thb Society, we are •light ' lowered. Hen eggs are footed ihta daj tt coat* F H S carried on. In that way tbo vendor of tbe drink v&s Demand good. cakj of every other paper. Ballinamona ...... ¦¦ Monday, 14 Informed is established anil conducted oa tho fol- from ' -6d to 10s psr !20 obolc»ld The Mayor eald thn,t II the prisoners gave uot influenced to enconrago peoplo to freely indulge, , Farmers any aclu ... .. Ihurtd«y, 17 —]t Is not a society, l.o., Notice to Information It would tn a matter tor Since we enlarged oar journal to it« present sire Geneva B«n and the city municipality, or toon tottld bcacflt to the lowing principles. religion* Important tbo Bonch ¦¦ Monday, 21 to consider in awarding punisbmeu. tbe circulation hao bounded up over 1,500 put Mount Congi eve ... extent of the prottta made by the business. But the not pledged to advocate or attack any fora of creed TheV[risli in the De la Salle Train ...... Thurfday , 24 or doctrine ; it dooa not adopt or defend any tide In minbet lDflneatb Both prisoners deniec al. knowledge ol tho haw Kalthkpg psoplt of Waterford need not wait for that. Ttc're AT the ^qoMt .ofolaiEa of ¦ ^embrokesto « . - ilonday , 28 controversial matters ; nnd it It conducted ou strictly irg College. over-coaU At a opcoinl meeting of the new »CJ another remedy wbich If excrched eight go olorjri 1 Parkswood ... .. Tburidny, 31 scientiQo principles. It Is supported by mlnlttcrs of Jamta Walsh wea lentoucerl to three months Im- Boom Committee of way towards nrkonment cotlPUUCinABt fioadinff ; 11 o'clccU. religion of all denominations' Bccauao they Me iu tbo i thtmselTea for and John to one mooth eaot with card tbe New Roso Chamber of LECSEtlWO THE S011BC3 Or Till PUBLIC UOCQK. b8 FoCMccn atndeDts prtcente laboc KtmcmiT Uooaus. results of Its retoarches many confirmationsof the ' , " at tbo lest July emcaina- Commerce beld this ncelr. it was uoummoasly ol tho city truth of Holy Scripture. As we bavo a common from 18th Hovember ciaml- ition in Irish LlCEnSI TEANBP0S Oowrun ...... Monday, U oooDg us—that Is, il tho ma^Wtrates would 0n atid WATEavonD News, p inheritance In sacred writings, so we have a BKINGING PIGS ON tiona;. d all hsve sneceeded i 1 obtaining certi- Mr Daniel Dnnford applied for a dcoidtd tooubccrlba to THE Qlenmore ,.. ... Tuesday. IS do their duty in refoalng to Increase the lkeuea already th* THE HODB8 FOB trtutfer of tbo , common Interest in anything that will ettablbh tbeir CcatcrT TbfB reflects tbe bigbiegt credit on their Hotnca lately held In tbe name of ilisj No other Waterford paper V7o may cay, ever Kennola )...... Wedccrdty, 10 exiting (applause). He (Dr Day) wished it to bo BAliLYBEICKEN, ' Griffin for a truth against the attacks of atheism, materialism and ..I , THE j Hir-I* Profes r—J Abern, E«q, B I * Tbe following home in Yellow Eoad, to Miss Kirwca. finds its way into the County Wexford, Freshford t...... friday, 18 understood that ho did not want to make any attacks : BB who h-d Agnostidtm. Th« Society ha» done no Immense WIUi b tbe _;et of candidates, and from it we muy beaome the owner fc y purchase CT , , Sologbead, LurterUn I... .. 8aturi»y, 10 upon the magistrates of thn dtv of Waterford. ,tlt B M Ryan C O amount of work and rnnde many discoveries of great TTidel the Irish , |ton(ju« is known There was no objoctloD to tho Hilfera GtuL Monddy, 21 thanked God thnt thoy bad tvur>btmtc« who woald V&jJ Noon ti.a p-Qi ovosy judge m y application, whioh PiiorosED oco of tho leaders in the Aati- .- • importance. The gentlemanwho Is oumlng" to lecture JTsoa &3 :—Mtssrs P Barry. 0B8 granted. UiUA Turadi-y. 22 the peace ol tho cilj—which certainly wu Dccd It one of tbe official lecturersol the Botdcty, Clare i.^f F Coyne! Galnay ; Water- applied for a tranofer r?ilt co-operate rrith Dean ow f ' y kintern views we are Bore * : of a lioenso reconUy held in Uallytilly Cio Koida ... aatardsj, 23 would aay ; that il ilia oiacrUtutes—was» ol wb iMV lecture will bo ilUutratedb ford ; - DornBy, Waterford B Qalvin, Cork ; Ae name ol Au»atasi» Byrno and other Iriahmco, lay and oleno, tituatcd ts citcb tbe people cctarnlng to tbeir homtt >t .B .ilCIOU S MAZAWA CTEB TEA 01'00 gIpe The ca »«W OT» an bonrVna Qmoonta to £1,100, oherens tbo Bp&BBT tha 8p«da] WhUkov wa tapplj for ooeresipUoae« OBI ¦ Cbolcej acceptable an'i, useful. a't ball.. andf «u not' of " tho clow ol the market day. That was his general pabllo latcrc-t. TU D h in nirtenct-3 but premise*, and for wbtca we chargv firepeaospsr g Usa, _ £- iats for City and Count et •imestes Anti-Dillonlte Fond, althoug TO TBI CITT UAOlBTBiTII. R.L F. , 8ol» Walerford 1— examined were-the Ccnnty Survejor. Ur fonr weeks ', respectable figure of AFTUb t not a pnra a&d ctnuSneJobaJ amstos, entirttf ftu Green Cemetery. ' - ' BOBIBT A. UrEUt SL CO . J«mes FIJBD Te"bi3 tho j iy.uaiovsOVIIEUUMES AT uomr BION more to tnue licested hornet, and whoa a Kcisal , the contractor for tbo tozi ; John to odd co from mUtvn tcUk any offer dirtUUr' $ hub, a*S Folej, Whl.flold Laureuo. £l ,0>>8 7a. And yet we are told oil about tbe licensed nu dbcostmutd U any park ol Ibe dty sot to urn yron' pit. Ati A I loiee, Acceptable and Uaetul Preioit I k Donne, Mouni- The retreat cbich hu been conducted at Mount noi tut tha* hrthermc*!w*, " ¦ • BRIDGE AT LAST,' congreve ; Patrick MeC.ll , tb. " great national demonatrutiona" at Currick, renew it lot any, rtawn wbotavtr^ bear, kear), fcoplt thai!forfeit s like tnta for tbebrae ttotany etarltabl« -A' FREE D^LICIOU? MASAWAITED TEA driver of tbo Sion during the put week In connectlcja vrith the traction engine and the defendant DatlQarvan and other places I mlzbt uy that the public bouses could not be doso inttltoUon which tix ptitoa n'oo esa prom U» for«- Di>UCI0U8 MAZAWATTEE TEA Sodalityol Mary: ImacuUte, was roost sdccesifnl. It "'¦ Tto Jlrach »w«n!jd Kithoot, bat ho remindedIba meeting tbit la tbUcom- : \ Io 8; lb. XBK, BI ICS 1 10a and tho¦ ordicaj coib 0 In sending tbu modest eub- the Kev, Father goUg aUtementto ba uatrus may choot* to teUot, court. : was conducted by O'Cohnell, BJJ., pirstittly iniflll dty tbera rrtr»24S Uceoted honK« ol > Andh»nd- inely-decOrated Mb.', 2*. bM 8-li.tlO-lb-Tua to tbo Hcaly. .'. fc H.i.Dooi»ir1 a«irg.tStr»f», WsUrtord, Mr Archibald UcCo, - A MOUEST ocriptfon of 10« who at morning and evening service each day delivered 000 sort or another. Dr Day related that be ra once 8ol« A(j;Sto lor (Sty and Cotnt; o! Watertoid 1— appearta for tho County 8nrreyor, BUBSCBH'riOH, ite JFund Mr J Fielding, of lectures which, were marked by eloquence, religious populuus parish which Included tho thrlviag ; r ; EOBIET A. MSOBT & Co. and Ur L C 8trange for tbo defendant in a rather TUE GOVEKNOttBHtP OP WATSftVOKD Uooccoin, declares " It is now forvour, and spiritual attractiveness for thqte who had village ot BrookvUle, Co Fermanagh, in which tier. ; USCEK1E3. . mon;. A ltd named Chrirtophex twelve months since we held our lost meeting the advantageof his ministrations. On Sunday TO only one pnblio boom; and although be veat vtry rawoK. Flaherty, who eUted Ing Mass will be celebrated at eig We an Utomad that Mr sUddy,ihe OoMnor ot Vnotts;_ t SiLE—'hi advertUet In our columns last «at he was over eighteen year, ' here " and then proceed* to suggest tbut the ht r/clockJ when there often auiosgat the 1 poor tarmtia—andthey wen poor 1 of aje wu conrteted , will be a general Communion Wateiford Prboa bsi betat nnafcmd sa u owiUgu week lle^f» [Thomas Walsh k Son, Auctioneers, for stealing several oilcloth coata re should permit , and that evening at 7 —and tha labontera ho oevcr beard any of them tom- o» t«Uo«*it«g ' 'lhrt .pTendld ead a pair of lesinei Hcalyite aad Diltonits M 'clock the BIshi to Galwsy, by •hka be nodnt ^• •¦WMtU he * ^jS a aSit offered f pf.>alq on tho 30tb inst he luU;teat in No 6 tt« property, of Me-r. Graves 4 1' by the Federation o p will address tbe mciAbcra of the lain that they wcr« dlssatiiUcd attbe scarcityo f publio Co. Wre bring no themselves !to be " bosasd 8odality and bring the retreat to a close. p cremeat to bis pretesta alary W tie utsattf ttOOpsf LadyLant. - .tljQrcaidcrjcoofla lc l rWiitty. Amongst previous convictions against th» {On that oc- hou.sei in their mtdit. ila alto iniUsced tbs case of defendant ho va sent Council. Evidently Mr Fielding thinks Irish casion there will be the Rosary, asnam, Ho will bt noraededbee* by Mr D*f *j P..P J Butltr, a returned American, was acnt to studies to tbo distiui;ui«bod Civiu Delegates of in, conduilinc Govtrrjor of Bdtart to thai wM* b) t> nmtm ^hub were decUh; ;d the [mrchasen at! 50 guineas. Mr D Virg with solemn Benediction of the there were onl two puMlo houtei—or ratiwr an botd W*m, "'Sl^L "-u-wsi^s: the Moribund Federation. Blessed Sacrament. y to eomi'.y m Ihb city. : j ; . DoufoTd, »;->, had carriage of eali . Oa Jlonrtajrccit noKer s room of the Gaa end ¦ grocn'i tbop. tie rcrrr mr drunken man I D a) Oompaa/* premise*, : ' • MessrsW» ;h kill oiler tor salo exceptionally well Rev i Jooepb Alorpby, P P, of the village, which wu 10 otiltilythat thenvia no tuth »KM>1»tt/ W. secured Pf fit! rent of £34, : dc ivablo out of tbe r C8 Bullycallnne, dcolureo that The LsrRC;C Mcateit, and Cbeapcit Boloction police barrack; - He waa sor» The Marvel c! ik« O«> I b OM BtMnvnit*. ^ttrit *_SSSl«tttt«ettonr \: PreMBtl--^ e 1«i» A nABD intiKE. of thing required inol H > sabatontiai -i' built Residence ao< grounds known es Te« inl?1f|' . ^ " "> DK--3C3 suitable and QBI would with that «t«Bie. llaed fttfc <*A iWi . M*. • ¦ Present.. i " Dillonisni threatens tbe pnelnl X . prcieatti lo Wstetford, tto ma^Uate* Wttettotd tWr Oftro ^t, »• • "X'Mk Viot-v ! . j I . .1 . Svalue. K 'I" Uncomnonl, good B Whelan, RobcrrioD, £cdUt>. Forglwoa 4 Oo, ' Irish Cause." The rev gentleman concludes a Jatrellcr, 40, Bxnotattioi BUetl, good old dty i wa» aa ford Pereon jhon}a ecorebbg letter with tbcec TfordB—" Is it oot thtt (laBgbter) ; ftod P daefi RK . Q^HeBew Tk'j -^JJ ^; Albamii JTo Mlvo bo vrilhont o( aai todalbipvUM a SfigSfeSH K 1 U deplorable to be driven to find money to counter. Newest D«iilgn» In Aulomn afid to inutth to lead to lbitkUU peao* oiabe Cbrlttmu N ru to be published K COPT ¦ cwl/ift* *' DM'-fajb.. tfcb W,», frVlt Huitinjj »(v aa tb«y cosU th« dla on PecooV,>18>., • ' - j ' . . :¦ sot tbo van ond «t:)fish intrigues of th»oa men, Coatings, OvcrcoatinRi md Troiisaingi novr oavlew by •boliiblog or fodttdng > j , niUicnourthtrelapplaat.): H« wear.' Uin.u**t+ hm&m&iulW**,.' vthch oar feoplo stand in need of oar united at Robertioa, Udlie/*, Waterford. ! rraccfol nombtr ot *** hi great pfesrore la moviajtb « ad»pt4>«oltb«rwpc

do Bo sow. The eou'tenoo 1 wil l loll.ct 17111 OS u verj Joan Power was at tbo Fike, but) not in oar company. mild one—small, hn-rinf regard to tbe lnjarltn in- Tho Sergeant .' thon produced tho gun found In WEOLEBALE AND [ to three oaleodar monthB ; FOR ACHES MID P« METAIL of the Pig fliotod. .Ton arc eont^nood prisoneru' hoaso. j } The Tual with bard labour, aooompaoied with estsring ' Into His Lordshlp-~Oar old friend, the rusty single EUUINATEB 1 All-J msih, Oamo, Poultry, aajl Xco Btoroa I bars etatod, whloh 1 "^LlilMAU-B MOMMY. MOBBY, zeoognizinoea in the amonnt barrel (laughter). MONEY. and uhoold : I fiEAU-STKEET, WATEEFQBD. ¦ Buyers. trust yon will have no difficulty in getting, Witness said tho gun appeared to havo been re- not get these reoogoiianooByon will be impritonod yon cently discharged when be got It. ¦pLUMAN'8 I ELIUINATE0 1 'AHJ L1 for a further period nf eiz months. ¥D0I \7JAT[H^P© (S) (THUD attention of the Gentry aad Public THE PBCJEEDINGS AT THIj WINTER Bail was immediately forthcoming The Court then adjourned for luncheon, and on JL called to tidJ EaUblkWrJ. resuming the case was resumed. HAVE OPENED OFFICES AT 1* ? ASSIZES. MB BARBV '8 CASE. GOODS O# TB» CHOIOXS-T QUMOTT Prisoner's father, examined by Mr Harrington, . In this case Mr Rvon, Q C, said that the Crown Oountrj orden caretaUr sttondgd to. N ME ?<5ES CUN- swore tbat he used hie gun on Saturday morning, 55, JOHN STREET, WATEKFORD, THE SE TENCES AGAINST would enter a nolle proAegu*. Cross-examinod by Mr Cherry—Witness made con- • W. STBEEr.'FBorEHT.oa. ; AM ETAN AND FITZQEJRALD. His Losdshlp—Very well ; dlscharRe the prl ICB I Ici 11 Io» 111—A luxniy In hot NING , tradictory statements as to whether it was on ¦WTtLUMAlTS ""(VrOT » PENNY tho WOok JBE.BC " And are now from wtiCiJr, sonor. *, prepared to advance Sum3 of Money privately £2 eusrol/ packed (or oturreruioo bj nil, ta. Saturday or Sunday that tho gun was removed Tusi - "Tjin Bjiinot Ur Mr Barry was accordingly dlacharget. OTarnnrr w .» 03 tDDlicstlrm. : Tho . o mthdrawn upstairs to bis bedroom. TmMJMAN-O "¦J ^ upwards to all persons THE BALLYDUFF SHOOTING CAS}. - Samoa Berry. Helena Baldwin, sister to the prisoners, dopoaedao 0T nCOBE." Patrick sod Garrett Baldwin were indicted on " 1VT a PBNI>nr tbo <2> c3 Qhtttx ©303:3 cdppTQveC IPenrc&zzsaB GeczzrSQy. to tbo time hor brothers came home ; witness did not ELLHUN'S IM I A gi ,.t amount of interest was felt n this city on three, counts for shooting at and wounding know what timo her brother Patrick came in. "TVTOT a PENNY ths WCpan." Mr Daniel Murray, who was caretaker ot an ovtctod Cross-examined by Mr Ryan, Q.C—They might i The strictest privacy will be observed in all case3. No connection BAE.BY the tr"* Is of the above named Pigbny :rs before ¦^RLUMAU-miANN'S-8 IN JAMBS 9 at he on {arm at Kllbeg, near Tallow , ol which tho father ..•¦ ATOTOT oQ nwrFENVYt th. WcW- the Winter Assizes c baturday have gone out again after going to bed. ^ ^ with any other Loan Offices or eo-called Banks in this City. u Jusfici^ibson of the prisoners was the original reuair. By the Oonrt--I did not hear of GENERAL SEHTH, Murray s accident WcjnfiD. last, ai> a large crowd of persons were assembled in Mr Ryan, Q C, and Mr Cherry (Instructed by until 10 o'clock on Monday morning TraLUMAN'S •• TfyrOT a PKKHY tbs " For &» 8TBBET, VTA TEB of tho particulasfj apply ;— ^WWi? F0ED the C*. thon*c while thecaaes were pro ieedinj; Mr M H ijelnndro ; appeared on Dehal! His Lord.ihip—I thought tho whole country would ^ Crown ; and Mr T UarringtOL K P , Ii L , ' AN'8 "IwM calted lnaBwa berry THE MANACER. Mcr « Bryan Cunningham and Jcrcn ia)i >'itzgcrald bo ablaze with tho story by 5 o clock In tho. moroinfj. EIXTM to & family where thc tnotl: 3r bid r (instructed by MiHJarroh , Solr. Kermoj), defended 55, JOHN STREET were i'Jicteii for having on the 23rd o October last This closed the evidence for tbe defence. administered Elliman'a in e: rcrr (or , tbo accused, wbo pleaded not, guile;, Mr Harrington addressed the jury on behalf of the LIJllAN'S M omoUlon to fourhalf chllrir ra oj ALL KIND3 OF 8UITH WOEK D0K3 ^ricva assaulted , with intent 10 do bedil y harm Mr ono-anri-a, U seven OIT THE PBEinsE8 in-inufact- Mr Ujar, having nuited me tucls ol tne cast . ! prisoner*, nnd Mr Cherry replied for the Crown. E a^r-^ f mm Itich r. r^^n. ni;nu ;-cr of the lirm of b.T on «'»» called years oUJ , thn next tnominji; tho Diinic! Murray trn lumrec mat>. ' His Lortlshl summed np the evidence KrrMiUUAnnK uo thi «orei. In a norkmaoliko manncz, uicrs i h:i t •• ii i **- I p , and tbe jury Ei victims wero not o penny ^ and »»ori. He decosec tna; li« w&t » lurmer ti, lGSfl." Mi reiiii.il. k\.ir w . c .iKr li;«lin K-r. rli-f ,. Sl.i:,.i^c" of for about half ti hour, they returned tc r.mrt with a rL'UiruiberL'rtthe 2^(11 MaVlaHt wtieune bec.imo for M c- ls M JI . I -.- H ,i ( ... UN -I.I- .same ¦l.iu I verdict ol not guilty and the accused wero discharged' BEAM8 AND SCALE8 HECHAHICALL7 y^ Ciro-aker ot & farm Ixinmtrmi to Mm Outnblcion flu.- t;ettie. On leaving tbo dock tho Baldwins were greeted I" r,e/oro tbai lorn Bald w in . father of the prisoners, ADJUSTED. Mrw" i I\ l.i-inin . ;ij»l\ H.ir-iiij! on it >' . , instructs I most ef?D3lveJj J by a number o! iLyserabletl friends occupied this farn. bu; ue was evicted witness ¦ ' Blight hv M> i I AJ/'ii^'lnni i.ippc.tred forliit. |viMj.icri . .i[W who congratulated them on the result of the trial . Rhoumatio Pains, Lumbago, Bpraioa, Hrai^b, went to take cnur^t c lomt cattle which Mrs ! Patrick Baldwin nnved his cap and Caw In healthy perconj, 8ore Throat from Cold, Oherji \U«is, ' i.;m. ij L. ami C herry y C (inslructei; tn bwame otberwico Kcnralgia frcm Cold, Ohilblaliu twfoTe [bnftgn . GumoletOD out 01 tn, tarrr. pruvlou^ to the I demonatrRti vp. Colds , M cs^tN^J.ni u- H Delandrt . fruwn Solicitor j pio£e- Coma when painful. Tired Pcct, StUfncat from WTOTO eight bo was lliec n> tie pubnonioefieep oolooglug. prompt and culCil u. 1> L I U I( yl ilic Cruivi. THB WlrBLOW UaNSI-At'OHTEr. exercise, &c, are paln3 ail relieved by • to the Baldwin s utt' mis IUUC on tnat night also; frrc UBO nf Elllmnn'e Univer&al EffibrocoUon. I ^ i^ i t.tin PL is IN n PI . i" A >)i' [oiii.: . Ttio nUn Swcpny, whom a jur lonvlctpc'. nf tti < gaps were brokoo. iu teu^ Mr I >^> ITH- s.iu]—M y Lore. 1 appear ujih irn learned man.slauu'hte' of a woman at (jreystont c.jontj in ' Did you ever hear ac of tnt Baldwin s threa-, FOB ACHEB AND PAINS. fneml >-> llunn^ton tins i>t. u imt »t hav« Wicklow wa? sentenced to ten year 1- penal servitude (u ttD to at, an >lhin> f to i> CitreLatt er t — \ es . 1 tiead "C'LUM.'LN'S ONIVEBSAL EMBR0C4TI0N. j^iven llT n>> .it anxinUN LOruuJcnilion. O>., If). n^mi they would Uikehiui ano drowi* hlu. |r' the V ant leiuj '.h . t t^ a nutter of publ ic miioiictv that the ca.->e Juts tolil direct only lur P.O. t|xi^ tho uigbt tjetore j wan r-tioc gaps were brofcen I D i< -d;m uHl nut (jf Ilie ordinary, .liui tljeiclorc c.illec CHRISTMAS , 1696 ! A S IS * 8 ON » BI .« Prepared only by ' the leaceb . oc I bi UIK IK 0! iiic Wti. August wher CHRISTMAh. l«!0 . RESENT .LLtilAK 6ON 8 CO., BLOTJOn. RNOLAND. If .r Si. 1 H .ii v . . MI - U I L" ation "P (illr part as Counsel (or the ' P ' . . * I «(is ar SUDDC - ne;irc voice^ ou'Bide ; in* pii boxet. SHEEP' WI I L arjc Kileu .Murrti WCD ou and came la ol U ' to i lo^t ^au t cor- HOBCKT A. MSBR" iV (_ M have pi it^ .i i >. ^rAsn^oas A , ' <¦ iii-i. .'i.vriM< iii sir (i.le 1 . 1 hr tlclC . . KMU lilt iZiii ' an cA Oi * back tr tt>. Jilil in\ .,' K\\. >\ :\.r- : * aaa..»««u u u 'w' Aok jour Mo-chant for the Few Feeding Lleal. i-.,, ,. ,n in. ich of I he , .:i,.-;,. ! hrtt tiouse . 111 »i:e "u- n irvii. u! nit S H- wen; In The ChriNttaaH (ormmg|flpni;NO i.. !erc-.-^j . w: »u ¦ ' N EW. will botnf tiiowl HI I ITRH I- ^ ¦ >u> atSKWS. CWPHDHOCKS, OVKR-RKAC UKH . BROI8KS selves,selves, an.an; \l liiiiikliii iik iv\wi: mimivv i nk>i>niruc.irtM*ti.ii:;'!>^, >J> wr >>u' i icli. lew m.-i.if the door when 1 wag In B011LE and aciii'l,' 'i' t^y i.' iic rests nf ii;e in IVMICIS . helnsi h o. n > ! 1: . wtio wau ttielr Christmas announcernentH to be T111UUTK . SOUS LACKS. SPRAINS, CUTB, OliniBES j< >.c lei- IK)i '.3 ac. ^ 's Sugai (Jattle Foad ntI uiiot n tjx othc o> : wa» bringing It II . I IN , Walker nnd 111 lh>'~ nse'esirj uf p e.u^ 1, hy .1 I VIKMC reac it I'vcr? Waterford bomi- nhoulc. advurtlxe cbct^ s to ¦ -end guilty u1 :hi-> dur^e 1 |iope. fn> lun. looKed rount anc H ;W 1'atnct rta/dwius head Ir. this dranj Issue Mr. Itak 1. Vnn bcl yon, _. A „ 1 ihan aDC ahouulerh ove: trn lenci o> was runnlr I>.olrecht . Koalli Africa, WTIM3: O(T L B AD THIS ! PLAIH PACTS t I will be , llowcil tti speak n . ^Mealer (length ! ¦T have t>»o which wero V1 \7\I \ II ^ be t<> do if *ere BO away at tht Unit . wa> auoai'QUenLI T attenat how.* Irn \k2' V i'dlL) miy lit ott, «i^e entitled thejea^ts : HUlic nur-k'Hft, trutftfu>rnsing only I 9 Mr. R. B. TATLOCK, P.B.3.E., P.LO-J F.CS o( suth j^aniour.t importance 1 >vi.sp in t/i t firs; bv tl)O Q(V. Portv-one Years a ihrvo uf vmir VMttles they havo now qutto rocovcreii.— Pnblic Vnalyn for the Cltr»f GU»gow, iad|ABil73 ^l' Harringtoc tb Exile. sopt. u, lion . " j place, to • / '.hat we considi-' it fortunate foroiir clients On cross-examioatiot br BteTp)Jh©La atidcr tbe Fertilisers tnd Faedlog 8tn2i Act (W 103. dii ton. it- Bottles, Is., Vs.. ti. Od., 33. ed. Jar», , to come " rfoa-ajudj;e whos= lon^ arjd honourabif witness nwore tha. I'atrlct lialdwln wore 0 cap TurcH.'Ni- LETTEK FROJ . WATEB- whoa a nmple wu lent), reporto ou bU taaljtij v career in i ^nneciiun with thm cirni n . IS I KO \veh and m o! a whittsr. colour tie f wttnessi did not see 1. FOIi D Mi. ID tba following termi i— we appreciire "* known id the iiuzen * of \Vaterford an() after the snooliru unt; tnt depooltloni " Tbli is AD excellent Caltlo Food. It la tith in ol o! who has L"^ htr cxperl.-nct wiur lordship thr being lalieL in bio our i houst il wa« noto very SIJE I-RIW E RESIDENTS APPEALED Tn Altaminons Compounds or fflnh -tvraen, «nJ ia r rcpired only by ELLIMAN, SONS t CO, Sto=3b. dispositu>t-ij. tht- people - irr«- i tif! iheir ch.iracte: .inuh sympithy ifit r> tnse* Ic Hie i.>r - Parric. Haidwi: wai not Tl! NFf.' - ' A WELC. >M VIVJOK r\/ 1 Tr^ir tsd Bean Meal clua, and it COD U(D« ona half coro of this ki.*; * —a sympathy ivimh iviU Be 0' I'tinienit more tn.it twenf yarn trutr. mt wDet 1 rer' IjiiDES in> i ir i, .s.. Oil tbno tbe Istter, The pteteooe of a coasldmbla benefit to. lr clients M y Lord, it is a| notorious (ac: nls*- _ of Sagar i« hl«Wy a tasc; 1 Ptrnoll Eomoobarct proportion adrasu^eoos, n d tha: itu- (^"^ um^tance* surrounding th^se hny t T( M' Cherrv — wa. attendee b? Dr Ket lles aa element which u Minting (o moat feed- 8 1J1LI.!* \11 "ho miter |rntr> jout napp excited a r~ eat deal of feeling nndilissati-tactiur. Am: for the injuries ti ni' les.. anc 1 was not aoi» ' i " EAI>f: ¦ no« Aetorti No-. . >cb , '«S. I jr Ilheama tllun , h o a 1 A WritoLEADING THE WAY AS leg mattrlali- It is io flrtt oUa mechtstfU my clients- J adopting the course they ^re jbou: leavr the i M .u»f uDti. i nic, HI iv ntteud the cour>. ox call fcx oomprobonciro OatalopaoUSUAL. forCHEAPEST tho Boason ,AHD jwst fire*BIST to HOUSE.any addzeu. il r c ." Kedoond, ^0, O'Conm-li-s . T7ADE-8 PILLS. inimedlnKl f ti»»i wounn txaditicn, bacdj to mix with other feeding ftu£s U L. I i^DE-g PILLS. . Hun to piir-uc - -innultr that '.here is hardl y $1 jun)r in this l- iHtue crow* •laroitin. Sergean' Sbannt Waterlort. Ireland. :o acd there oaa be BO doast to lta ' jr«dl of Testlmanlrihi bu-e ' tbat U deaired. a* court who .oei. not feel a certain personal concern 11 came cc the houst tm as- aftO' tri e shot was KAB PADE-.S JILLS. THE H0LC03C]." I frCOtDALL GHIRTO. I TI1E " REFEREE " DAU. D N IK . —! f or oard you anotoe' yeor 'i enb ¦^ *- been rccoWed Jfrom a I 1 tCQBT n UA B U IU> qnalltlet with regard Io lmproTini; the eontlltioa ot the prcsen ~ 'state of things in this city. I It would be 1 fired , 1 did not urnkt ac deposition that tl&T or A880CHT10S. | i5?D* c52gb&" ' BDGBI or «8OCU«0S. •eriptiot tor T HC W ATBBFOBD N IWV TO OO « who "PADE'S piLl£. «orto ami x>naitinu» >t *fiSS i I Stock of all kinds." ' 180G, J DBB 10th. " ¦ ¦ very grave mbarrobsmenf in place up4n the/r f cllnv Mr Cherr> sale ttierr wa» DO deposition made ha* beac «o " man toatltjing to h < ' exile tor tartj -one yearn, it l» impoa»ib)e thijo 38. 9d. 5B. 9d, 2g. To to hid trom aU Cattle Pood Mcrohzata, Ls. citizens i-?-)" would be called upon to] talic par: ir till Hie INti ,\. for m» tr AJDE'B TJII.I.S. nondortn l fo«r«r 6d. 2s. 9d. D 6d, 10s. 63 toll my feeliog« after I have read Tat Fj i in irlnc lct 10 . these easel and to give „ decision o(ie wav o- tnt Mr Harrini- r,oi. (n V I fills b»'i> f ^ ^ Sole Msnofactorcn i-JOEH WALKER & CO. tiv . xtr Augus. tec days Ntwt. r, cotneo rrtrular ooce \ we«li , it brinvB In thti TLTy woiK cujies Tba»e 1'ills »rw purely v'^jotable otber >¦ I my chen s Mt making the amende Srjgar Ecfioon. Qr k aftc ttu Hhot %o> flrei . diL voCLswea* a depoftl- haon tt mt*rrjory thooe happy daye 1 spent In Water- and rKj idiclly «ifo 10 their action. c-oooc . of' plea Iron a boy on tbo Qua\ And, Ilkoirlso, It They are^ i wha: Did TOU sa> one >»orr ;r ttis tli'pomtior about briofi* hnrt vtiiiR T FOH5! 01' OOCT. UHEUUaTlSM. ¦ ' c ruomory those mft now who were ItHEUMATlC GOt'T / ¦¦ , ' ¦* ' I. - Bixoj. / would unc ihtedl y have been a position of embarrass fteemg Pa. H( ^Tca ——HEN yon are tired of taklnj nanesots tad . His Lordi.lit rererr* ic me OeDonltioi. and and later Mount Sion, under M" H"ar<. ood Mr licdiclno ol iu> olua entiilfd . o' 'nurse , to go fil l v into the genera. urrurTi. sale thort was ni w t ,r. * W myitArloci prucriptlost aad ooapomda, abou 1' aLli haidwin In (. 'Vic i atn proud tn FCO tbe aoi!vt> B^epfl the men o( 1 SnoiTLT) NOW HE H.I. IN BED yoa no good, bst only rnln yoar stances ou- which these uss'.mlts art roott- or les- the Hra: o Waurt T7Mci do nc! a- said people. OCT OT. Jubiloe-Uirrlicu. book which describee a QUICK un> CISTATM Ctru (or notoriety (, ..1: these men imc stand there in tnc doi t> . Wltnesf «aic i; u a . .uifl tiac not a ries! '"olTerharaptbn-road. Msr ti» fuidntr oever gro n leo. Lately I have !X J r loat itreagth, nuting vtsknesi, &o., fro=i wtctrrc: and otliers- 'ke them, nwinj to some tr»de difhcultir- recoilentot. o ' wn» rv_- I'alnilL N OT. and. IKi <^/"\^* VSUlf;U^- VI fU. rleqMB orStrti»il - 3. 1 Bi'ov you at Orpgonlan uonapape' about tbo oon. )cat Sir -I wrltn to think |ii *J C^TWIlJJjUSI*??*-- cant* arising. arising in . '!•> city have been practically broupn tact- ilr HarruiKto. Rll ¥. U U 4 1 1 S II \ ' _ _ -~—"^^ ^^^ : ; ,i tor mil: ai ar. lionedt timpUtoa visit ¦ou or .be ry rTd' — ~ B*,t Qu»]ity (Shrunk) (Hxltei, ( _ ^¦ ' • ;r*' ^'i.. -^ll ; ¦ ¦ ^ NO 8T0BACH llBWOnrB. NO EtSCTMCTTT. ' -2 of the descendant* o^ the '9H men ' ' te ,, *+ Qurlui. or6tri J ^_ ¦ ~, ^ ** to f.ici wit stale of alHnlule poverty, ic ilia: thei' rti.it; did vuc ^» M - [' ,% ij.i.rM' .t : tiai OIK —i did, ', 5tml CCTtiU. <*WM. p«i| 71. 6d. *- *^ ' " " " ^ nno fouubi ol New Roas and Viaogar Hili. I bopo 'OUT unonnt of «iie(lti buTe re „ "" Boat in enTclopo on receipt of tm> itinpito £cz".' means w ]¦: . ((hood has l-een taien ait ii 'roix IJi ptr. P .oar mar- . CSTBONO BEBVtCKAIlIj: nALL. P.. « . n«t OowhMo. W«lt*l fatm.. P«<«» ta ' * sir I did no: $ K t tnt * rn^t. . t»u ! «ald It *i»od from obio^ C/tCIAL FOOTCUL w •»« lo ¦¦ C£ be ooo or (be oumber tihen il takoi placo. Io a <}oat and. [thcnmatlr C30TS. th»K- '» °€" "¦ " ¦ " «*«» "" hoving not "£ t>efore them but emigration n- the afu-rwuriu 0:c ui nu' i. becaust : was *ellotja A. } • LEI0H, 82 aod S3, Qi. Sa«4ll-etre:> ihei- late lrsue of T HE News I ootloe » piece of oem In DBEUaitlCH ?Ula . in gUd to think I tat No. «. M. No. 9 (M«I!D lU»(. C» M. yrrr^~-.f \ acirA brfortt»trn ¦"«•. Plic»r0l.4i woikhouHe' .I; H wtll known that these rnen ano otnets London, W.C. lu dreac . ii— " bon ill-kopt •*¦* im aWle to wrlu, U had tt . (jaiT!I)i 01 their cat ij.' have been lor months in j siaie t»rdei 81ioverne Cbapo burying gronnd ! 1 ou oiiid )ua mv (jarret; KaldwlD . - I die vrao ifpv, full of briam "OUT ->ot boen for jourifrand Pillo 1 , d " , and c'jctir jtii* irhtth wrtt-t and need; I' there is any ] should hove txan anable t« All fOQTDAU A UMKMU AT I ing upon pair gl ottic And ju^ you sa' yai were atrald cc spea k pf person |AU fOOTIAU AKIZtmt ATI wouid be ' terly rcpn-ii^nsible. and ofNvhKn uoihnii, cl' so to Slieverue wbo bai & llttlo time to ¦10 co. and am quit* certain tOVVE3T F3S£i:Lt P^fC£3. Pitnck Baldwin ,- . wiu aii- spare, by dropplog tap K TJ U a If 8 II 8UOU1.D j^OW BE ( j LOWEST P088I3U W1CJ8, ( couhi be s: i in thtir defence , were tht resul: ot ei a foo linf.&, aod teoding me Ril I it Nov>. oi thai occasioL ot whlcl yoc wero hia proper addrcso am ILL IN BED. ci'.emei't at .-a slate of leelin^ vrlnch WDS tuuud ai. , I will make i' »3rib bis obile to ^OUT I extreme); thankful. a> . PIANOS afraid, did you swear Garret; Baldwin came there do so , as all 1 bold OTKEQO. most nnpor 1)le to euppresi It n U"d*r t6e cJemeocy dear ate buried olose to SHoverue : can still keop at tny work 1 0l]|[] QUAHD8. one evening, and wot talking about JIr» QumblC- Cburcr traK cbal! me 0*^r7 tsdesroar t« of the [ make utis oppcal Yo>), mv lord, are If e.o reqolreti 'bo» oan got my cour/ ton , aayln-t thai she woulc not got anyone to RBECIlillSU iMake your Pills hiora uW-' t I D. -id. Io. 41 eddrecj Irom Tun N EWS Officf — Ynon trul y. v acquainted', lth all the circumstances cjl tae case, you ' inown nn m»T nae thi ¦ HARMONIUMS take care o. the tartr h> salt It sbo did p' Jour O'CoHNoa. kuow t!ic c J . and on bellalf of my cliepts i make the anyone they woult gather round him and drov ~<0UT bow yoo vhlnt nropor.—I in duing so mvseN ' J roaaln. rours falthfnll;. amencic by heading K 111 '1 ?' anc^ and him In the Vane »in AMERICAN ORGANS ¦ E Qrur. mysell and M learned friend are infuenced t)V ttie And ye: you sar ycu wort atrald to cpcall t '! A T I tl M Ur Ooorge Eaae. ' WATEEFOBD FAIU-M OKDIT RH E U . desire to sa- them from the consequences t>i their ven PatncE lialdwin . ¦' "2. Goaweli-road. 3 Tears' System. —Wh' wouldn t bo afrat "jondon. JitctTMTXD P»^» Lwi«l Vta> fan js»ttooI««,^SKi« , einbarrassif position, end. thetefore , $n the intereslb after 1 tiRinu . t»» I D the fair on Ball y brlakso ot Mooday tbo but- PI(.Us of tlieir fell '• citizens and of justice , iv|e olej- guiln iJo jou still swear you saw thehead of iADES GOUT AirD RHEUMATIC AB18TON OEGAUETTES Patrlcli lot* «ai poo i Tbo dii tnanc it Borland u 'ory ' o. Gd. or , wlta • InM P. ^1B HAER[N0T0N' » iDDRI- Aro »old b; all OhemtaU lu B-jttlen, .&. lljd. &bd L' _, TrW, sod /vtt I liildwin over tbe hedge afte' tho shot wn,i fired I sluegisri, *n Why didn 't you tell tool to tho pollco tno nott One c3d s belt year olds, from £6 to £' tno ood a x «ara 700 obUln. CiU(a*1llnjtr»ncD) us. lid " pleu with «nr»8«t of Buln«i, Sesta. »*, fis. LI ..aid We i. ve had to consider tht-tR c;asL& no: merely ULLB rhr\TC9 Wtt«rprrx>f t^»1h»r ¦ . ¦ Oi. lid. o SMUJ ?slue, da* or the DOXI weeb • - 1 afraid to cp&al: Df half olds Roi»rt tT"*'!*"^ £l 1; of view of ihe immediate Lxfr»nti. ycat . £7 to JS10 . tbr-» tenr old». £9 to ' (vamdnirn ll.ll., Z123 U-f A. Tb" ' R^frrr* C*Jf • M. tti QENUINB from i hc pr . 01 i. LS . I WUIJ or witbool Apkl*-Prtrtf ¦ ¦ U UtL. tit. HI. U. lid. L/Hhrr Hi. 11(L [J eoofUuia exM.MtltTator, fcc inttitM- .1 ' ir pcate n f 1 he t Wv 10 thellu'U' ! h( in ' imoll pirj« o Dlick C»If si. lid. T*n lMihtr ($tnpf +d tcrot) . - it. c4 . 3 ¦ neeloc !'a' Huldwlo -i told my v/ l) ' t»" btm 'he fa11 bu' t K <> ywet « »p»y BIO » PofUgv Lined Chusn U (do.) ¦ 3 MELODEON, 4 8wp«, < rotnpjn* Ha of _ : e n: I '¦: V"nit (11 'ini-i^nct In ra v. .,.¦ r uj. ' demtod , Cd. Lct*h«r • • It tA. 3 BMdi It u il. . ttli* nan . T»a LlDed CtujsoU (do.) , doabl* bsQoTi, sp^efvi tons, besoti- il ' ¦ «¦¦»« ftt» laCiton trma Cap*, 5*.H. raBrflaUluij, 10«. Hi ta« Waa mr chl'M- ' :.. . . v -» I*. ghln Ankle offMxd ' j '' ¦ These run 'v erc nu evictee out of the farrr •otlWU B«1U trvm fd. *ntj Goird (wati2ij> R to tts pobUo. ' U arir. u : ., •¦> ' ' r. ;..;ii' '> m . ¦ •.¦ >e Had |. II tin' 1 i- ' .!¦ »¦ ¦THE VEKDIC «At v^t«[l niadderi Ir . pu'ioteed. !».. 2a. *L N .3 the* were -* r r.- - UIVHIB It up to Mr» G'lmtl Zrferwi " WhJnlM, 9± ; Btn, U 3d. \ P08TA0E. 11 11 PICCOLOS ta D, Oooo* not.aa* t*sa. cif,7.Li ' :.r -ih.i:c-vf I. i;. ( ttiev nlai llav. hie tti «*(bt-T tUrCftpv ttv tOd . Oj *.l» Kd. It pUlsf kifi, torntsUda, ta potet lsi^ltan, tor, the) neve- iivee on the fu)-ni i my houco Ie . IIJ ft iv t .0 J-e rc^ COAI,NET8(BiT>4I,'.P»t«jt).£lrti3 01 HIM rivals In prlco or quality, OK n» mock! absolutely u[& F ~i STBINQS for ttrtagti ImuimsuH el snor MIC! «t',ite\ h: have tn-cn t:-e le^lult lr;ai wli\l lta lnj l£1 © ootbilJ Fuj - ( MIJ lomt), U. IX L) nn^ lat iier-iD law ti :iviui and on Rood pa dona. «:i» - - ji..j I il.ev leli tn.it v;*! tar Imrr pat' tbo vor' boit and chcapeet gooda 11 the market —-^ Brn tteta HrrtJ, f7«. ccajl^i before i \V:'. )nr> terms with me he lolc me he npant tho Sunday ntTTr.T.Tvrna I; nn >orfiirth«rt«rtleaUiS wrlJ* to ti 1 mi^hl pes-iblv injure ilieinselves ana Ask o' writo at onco for hi* boot o '. drawlu^s OVBB T3BXT clj ^TirtrAQ-m£> AXX] u (vin ; ' .^euf u In q ue-Hti Ti In Baldwin s bouso : outside tbts shot C2lLLTJ8TRATED CATALOGUE. U u*-r C'>ndit 1.in »;( mings mar) tha: wnitn Whatever \t novol lu tbo njarkti. 16 to be found in lead '" a <• i*ie th.it was Itrnd a( mt the prlsonqrs aevcr treated ¦ ¦ (f who k- .c>w >> t".« duv io weK ar. itJ^vnt Rtta, Ctulofaa m». is 11 ' on*- CHEST DISEASES, Ttn«NO -lii«t»iiosd 7mm rut aScwa et IA IUI kii.Av - ;' w ( .1 iu'w M' dtai «nn d^licaic ijii^M^ona i ta ^ ' By & Juror -.11 ' Moriznti u yourolfjht GtroniJ ' ar VUE rnoii TOE YEAB IC:: J of thi- lutut which I MVC su Itequenilj inset during OT.AI20DD P3TV7 DEDDIOU 0- JDO. 02G. 127, ISO, 820, HOLBORN. LONPOM, CrreiPUoos. CL W. extA , It l« no. ntrona Mnce . ao the eDot; I nevor h< IX OUII 07 Ga©a VuUcirtiSWioosrpaaaCa. >', yntii lonUhiL .1 lung careSi 1 wish no\v , or. Behall "( Sacaao ' comDlaineO o! oi» slab: before I Voi 6h« clicnti '. •Mums >i"vete icyrct lotj what n«s UKcn COUQHO. RECENT OR OHRONIO. ] & Iny ' A Jure Bild tni man a rlgbt oye ttPDC^rco {Fron Our ifepi'tei 1? JZL IL t5 lucc. [f »-i" *ctc able to enter on thfe case we wou.u AND BRONOHIAL AFFEOT ONQ. /to JK. &' ££ M O A £T M SC p be naturali' (ia ^ PIGOTT & Ca, be a 'jii " io tBi '-jve the Iniproilon which ifem« to exi^l (brfro Majsrr. V Borke, B Ji , ond .' E Wit>- er«), Fcttinn wtin thl> r:i1lflr» sail m csa hsnlly ta eti tlo J12 GRAPTON STREET tsd * Ills Lordablt> -Tha' i, en'.lrel* » mttttc 0! Cotua rt'Jiied.tad Ct bKrs:!i!il tjajKm * to iittnnt. ¦Ilitj iticiii; n»V"ults wtre prrmediiiled. foil worilc! l\- . &LLZ0 CD TOtcnitlO AT Til l flDDI' DrBnCW In thsl rerr Oliat^lij trenJafta r:I!3f. half past ten o clod tna. oigh; *»hen they (jot LADY O. DEOULET(No. nn ID Mr Omirmrl Oooio. lataeto SJnosal sate Exufcy » v We r-Or ' i want to ehtc> Into details o( Ti'fca Jorii'h' p har . s . Inside she ho&rc a noinb. aDt on looking ont 63<» morolott tbo S8tb Horom')i Alto not* CiitthU rawSiclnjiboald t» fcro* ts ihl hor-j br ell AND h: do is (o fiend guilty, tU>EAKS3». Tnr nriAttfliTTrt- 1 JTOUKDED 1£24. ati d peihaps tljC least we niig Onrreti Baldwin cornlne rrorr thf direction otthe The cocoead xito defeodHd br llr S C Alllngham. UIKu3TEB8ct:dPUBUD i^tubtless lead in our opihiot. to i better U la ISTctiuUd, sad u*bicn would PiKo Dubllchousi "hicr wa< down tht boreea a Walt? Baldwin deposed—Or to* aiorolos of JSOTTIJIWQ- BTOfe»S3S, . The pftronera are v C r;j soirv lor what tQr VO1OE ITho Patriotlo AcaufaQco general result bl'. . wheL sht heart tni noise ant closed the 8>tura>> 28th Novemboi i tmior, Jobn Wilab SPLENDID FOR THE guilty!and in acceding OLOS tpeatcn ffcpj cat la O lias token pla^' . aodin pleading door and In abou: » ouarte- of ati hour afterwards irfepan?IDK 10 pursuit of rail) U « tbf Ha'bit end u a Pi*vx:m.tXTn ov C to " them —and 1! wa» pressure—thei Toftthert, STR EET , WATEEFORD Company. to .'Ur prrssiir upon her ouKoatic talc n< wouif. go out and close the Burrow Hf vraa trespaeslot; t> bavln^ B irODOh 116H liave '.0 i gr it txicnt made amend}, and tne ^" co> ttirr* y&rda lonrj aod out vt't dc«p to trie WARM AND COMFORTING AHD In bla Bu8ln«5 bo ht» b«a obliged to EXTEND HIS PEEUlflEO leniency >'U -Joidthi p can deal wit(. Llie cate —tut heL nr burro. 11 nti rj half pa3t tnrer loot ID tbe morn- OWT!IG to Vbf girt. Irorc^a , CAWIAI, 41,1500 000 Hv Mr Kvan . ' . • > - \^ liustiar- .) was com|ng ' VERY PLEASANT. HIGH-8'tEEET, ho 1. no» in <> po3ltloa to , ***»> &r, ^118,035. merciful' /ay in whicl. you can (leal wnn it. til t two of rormr In iha WEY ot a to=£nr3. H»vtaK taken tit- «bolo of tho Old Meat Murkot in more in and mi aboui tnrec ire. I « JI lion tn. ! heard » ing sod ho bad tore- dorjs trite '" i> Taken on a fnull lamp or ¦ B41SAUI0 EUIUl m»j t> bjuj of (II and tbo fullest estlufcctlon. Ho Jof.ly ftttrlbntcj hij Woadcrful more . . t< * assure your lordslnp, crtfctuailf ou; M' Alno^bso— What I Hal' put: three .o 'Jie 0ONGBEVS8 ocot all Orders with doo piomptitudo shot, and n;v liusoanc wn tidnatm loomnt jbe tladldae Vtn&sn la boltlej st la litL. la. »dJ (a. cd. tzi tlPC cafl WCD. :uie to restore the gooo sCate ol feeling ¦UCCSZ3 D to tho wiii jou vontr , door ¦ ne reinainec stindinc looking out tne door after moro iDL tirc> - an>. . &a >. " Lxjror m, yoi lire tRDATIIKnT AIID OTIPERIOIl 0UA1IT7 OP H10 DEIUED, fTTIHE BECtJEITY cannot b« exoll*d. \V:' eriord . wt.ut represerjts tn« very fee; Mr AlliDgtam -Wh ihe, cit) nl itandint tueic :oi lon k i you ait »uo' , be said y tbe lortironi anya 8 CO ALE J. At last r&!a«lloti, S;>t December, 1CM, jf .he root the \yliole prospeniv of the ou tbt .od thPOiro ererol.ed tn Bottling notabl y 0UIN WE89'3 STOUT, BASS t hO'O , B. DI3HI;? (Hi.' that I ICB ot notinnt bu. remainev. iookm^ int- darj ; Mr Boutfce—Not tbo copr i Dav. tbe Lm FCJTD xUiln was t^nsl to Mr Alllngbam (banding up cop; u beaob)—11 L« ,cd OO'? ALE, HOP WTTKR8, cn>BB, Ac. £113 "> • , ttien lit came in ana dot*;. :n- hal Ooo. anti tlien SUtertab rjoed In the making of tbc::> 14*. Sd. for ertrf £100 ol LUbKJty. D In tbe MINERAL •WATEB?ACT0KY, tbo Uaehftjcty and i_ounscl thet". cnllev. tbe Urpe door ; m hopuei. aciosi :nt (too: »nc pat 8'SO I lummone eoivtd on defendaov bo uis tho -rj. V^ry Best Dpwrlptlon that can pojjibly bt. hnd. ThKrcfore, Pnblto r Examine the ?iraiono Jne Rev 1' I ITIynL P )', Ballybrtcuei. who was down, and 1 saw lit wii» sho u to« right leg . i put M- boufke (examinioi{ dot-uioeDt > — Yoa could 'hnoral W»tem uro of »,be Prcijcotca chdrjeters prisoners. hli M. W. nlth onj other moke nr Brand. end tzo tha tdTintAju bitaxe swnri to tpcaK'u 'o the ofjtli* him tc bee heart t appointee caretaketl of WitDrsi emmincd said— I KO > wilhio tea ynrdo of I ITiMwa *T. ITS OXJLCJ-Ep. fllo G INOIB Ani, LIHOWADS, O His towards ofthf general cannot ba excelled. Ho vonld call ipeclal attention to hla ECLITBI SODA. For Purity pariitularl)'10 Know M lomcthing i Gumbieton'ulam. . wen tc scnoo; with ''arm. dolendaai tind caid " all rlR bl. iJarllo^ " He bad coad ur. & ?. oonoturvira Dooit, Pnt TK » fa ol Fkvoar IIANAGEE—Eorafl. S. OTUlMj'. pnsonea Icljo, Pcsttioxi,urtzta. an. 0 character of tnr Cross-examinee D M hamngtoD — 1: wai ven nitb him s. iboep dog and me young bouodo. ! 1/-. trcn Occata ,cd A6 AOETZJ xi WATBEJOHO— , l-l — As far as I know of thfse men they could even distia^uisb the colour ol tbc ' to^o^LYTYocd PEI0E8, ha nould iotlto tho itt:atloa of tho Publlo to bin TEAB l- athbi )ii' dark when I went ou: tjrs. ov i: go: brighter after- do^s. 1 .' . 1 ^ ^ class ol people 1 _ i ° J 'j 7/n JOHN X are a very hasl-corking, industriou s . wards thi sutemen r. ra dcpositiot tnatl 1 Mr Alliag bam—Do you tear anyone tbat ro WIUEa. BPiaiTS io ' > 34UEPHT. Cunningham. ' BABE0N8TEAND STREET, > W ATERFORD Zi.FBEpEEICK eicli,oi tbem suliportiog a large fainil). fainted when I hearn the sho. i no trj: . du: ho: sembl09 Wklab > ^ ^^ BtrTLSra famih They 1 ia niXtfcular , hi\ a very Urge and you ig faint when 1 DUI my hu.soam: to bed n- tolc me* tr Witoe3>—No. soLoraons SPECTACLES Cwjrt-Hcraoo» expressed;, grcn; regrrt for the occurencet that i: tnr dttcr. . . uni' io Alliajbaci—Do C. P. BEDMOND, N»tir8 have Oas Pat Baldwin was aoov* H * yoo noi kOov younjj Klem- Kilmad\om tAG rx. ^aic jaw tulle \mpropeT.Atid badly'lnannfactaTtd QUoias and Pebbloi Barronstrand Street, Waterford als-j U the time underj the influents oi uepositior. 5atd at ftiuiallr sold, nhinh ire so hlthly dstrlohntal to VUloi EiP"h Street and fortunately Pat Baldwin bu it m' slid Mr llarphy—Tblo " Darllnr it (J I TIOJ UO S (rrosi 1 think his actiiz that numben bate aoriouily infforedf run toeti ,»nr1 trujti o Harble dnnk. Under , those orenmstanecs deal of trouble. oa tbo & Stona cobaidered. There- noioi- khmt It ia now imaeceasary to dwell st le&^tli ez&sl- Worko, was not so prenMitated as might be MrHarrln£iOD —Were vov wroni wtjen you ?iid Mr AlllDg hotn—I beg your pardon Tbio Io not esca ol hu Bnsotadcs fso dlflerent Irom piibblo or ''"'I- - 1IICHAEL whole dispute 13 CTEBET, WATBEF0BD fore my lord. I oould say thai as tfcti he made no answe- iv mad« mt ni answer! at the tleni nbstanoo, whloh bs neither oonstrnoU anprotea, cor Alt- ENCOUEAGE IEI3H ART to arburat.o, poses of), and co tbo adrmnUges dorirabUtraa iu aoenrrte dargeat pianufaclorcia o,. the point Of av Pa: Haldjvin Mr Bourko— Wo will hear • bat you have to in Ireland / will prgvtul ir. tlrbv «ay method of adapllnt Qlasus to DefectitsM riht (a mat tor if T,r» soon and I more pticeable fceitng above in the due. Anvonr coDiini; trom the P,ilte about tbo matter if «e convict tb« accmod. mnoh de«per itoportancs than Is f roquostlj sabposodj as sacn ' ^ke caen bang tbe OELTIG 7RO88E8. a Jbort time if the c.>. W* t^ public house to Baldwm ' i would tuv< n paa) you: Uri Wobb , mother of tbo Booueed, for (ba defence an admlr»Hru uonlated to prowrr* ths «jel a&lmpalred to '^^^ a d on lhc eve OXUeme 'old ssre. The? bars b*en lu*d bj* tto most li>- IRON & WIRE FENCING/ P. fathers and st ^porters o, 9 °' That is the wa- trjci usliali' gt . but they aaid sbe remembered tbe Saturday io house ' queatioa. A tisxaiabed perBOnm. All at Tarion« Eaudarmt ) prloea. ^j ?J EDWARD O'SHEA, O'EEEFFE&SONS Christmas— ., have other ways it e<- »D' W ' c»ulc preven: tljem wevl b«fore ber aoo bodooly come out ot gaol bat- 0B8EE VK —Penan*cut b« «Oltod by tnaUultta pull ol CiU ipcdal attsatfcn to th**l arg« 3ve sald tloanciontal Cl Architectural Coaljjts? Sto«k e! His Lordshi[ -Oh, now h at her Fly^rl. v'0« from going ilonu the Dorc. ing done lourttan daja and bt >» not at all apsoudes, Oil ons of tba QLllsca, In s let 0. lUling tbo f well dljtenc« (rom|tba ays they cas read cull pr nt vita It , and OATR0, could be said as Id the cha *^*^' ° Court— . wa> UDS« ant fnc'itened when from a pain in hit lidi Oo FICUD . . /^ WtTlt-XlLRENNT end GALLAU. Headstones, Tomto £c everything tbi By tbe sufloriog Friday nigbt khou wko har* sot employed spaotoolo br n{aatlonln( thair / / MontHaeatO the prisoners. I think you have sa|d uvcrything y T" DQlband wai mot . i eci wean, but did not f^ll ; he neol to bod at 8 o'clock tod waa Dot and d^oriblntsight. Coounnalcationi(tua Watuford Of the Beat MaUrUl tir up o< xt ax* not Water Heating / * AUD STONE SAWI170, TtJUH. procaraiU,and chieUsdnffej could tay. ¦ •>ol loo darn to let a person at a short distapce morning until V o'olock. Hf oould not bove udiu ridnitr to b* directed to 111 BOJOUO1T0 ZjUhUsb onliiiary power asdels i erery descripUoa of StOM His Lords! husband who ihot him wher vou but they not gruybouode, ej tbo contlomeo VUiou.inhlch sop«n«d« tiatj ottuji GRILLES. fipcciaUUtila BUek, Bed, and Grcca Ifbii Wofka Midi MstI* v'' excellent 1 haracters. th»i quMUOi. nua ol , kind for ths . AlsxiaUrgeteiectioa of intetased ' TOi 1 yon ba gjven them Baldwin f I do not undentan* coo Id Gee. (pup) cere boro produced). Walatsott Focuit, DecrBtalking, MIUtarT,8ci, an4 til oUis- /<^§y llortlca. • the iu,or that il tfaH 16 and ni (tit , ai J tom» j, Lordi"'*p. in sentencing thepr soner, said — You His Lordthm eii.lained to Mr Bourko—There in something of tbe grey booad nuvoaca, both by d»j (rta 4 lnoticj uli Cdtlo Creucs, Uoial Tsile' Altm, Foab, ttta. Ht» the :v»«. .Jitfrirtilr JutrtfAr' a r'stetlitca. me PrlnAAin. *.i Corn Stands. /(^y HAV Ooltio Ososscs for . in 'bis cane, acijng under tbe betweer th. luannr <>: tBc noise ind in then. injirest rarietj. Ocartsles, «^s, have plead! guil'y ™mirjute, th. woman LS ., HJ.. Bl*;, to. f to the ve y serious charge .ho, and u.n^uentlv m/ ht Patrick Walib , father to defendant, sild Four Gold i ad Priu LIcdib—DQULS, Csii advi.-e of >'" ur counsel, r,ng of the ? that hit NEW DAT AHD UT&JVOUlCil !TEtE8COPE3nu . tor in th* confusion (olMm E sohro — /(§P) /BARWS Eihlbltloai. 0EIUSBT ' ivhich has :xen brought against you. and 13 my not have connected tde- boy slept in the oentre belotou »itDea> and another PB1CE U COltPLtT -W'tb sm«B» W^oL Uo EoitOD, and London PIECSB UfAl UE!) iS»-'HIT SODB ' Object f lill, tno iraprored ars ptores *ndei KUU», poctabls opinion youiicounal gave yon good ridviccjn adopting ol bis . He did not luvo bed dnilog the more- PKIC C US TS . I ——- Eitimstca ucd Dcd^naoaApp tlcatiea. taken. Had ti i» cue been tried (Mr Crolter )—1 «a<» no oae flie ioQ ot ibo UStb aod could not bate done Bietfti pointed ,st3j;a» Tbis «xtr»ordiDaj/ |lnrtnuBent wi ,/~ ~ THE TfiADE SUPPLIED. the course Jotl have By another juror oo oltboat Clear]/ fbow tbe nost toportan* InaTti]/ bsdlsa. sad FRU. . . . I Government Leant {Jy8 Is tseir eztsadn it mi ht hai e sasumed a very house that ni?i altncrs's kDonledfjo. »hMp,catUo, to t z / FM&M ifi«y xsaft «ju rattle! that of t cnan ought to be bung, tbosa Klaseos astully sapplled at rtrr bixn I /^v / thould oncQ MedmU Twins. nresented in UIPBOTED ' DOUBLE 0PEIU, B10E AMD FIELD @> Beam. OTOBTrt and it night have Men necessary to who wa> " sprunr ' from drtr^. : Ellen Walsb, sister ta defendant , said her t K>B8 lurt tik# the deposit otra, brother OLAJBaKS-IWc*tb). «d,. lii 8U. | tons to oinaMla alts Spp '""1f or ' ths laiportant Lnseatoa^ QasniM <*«t dive impcrsi 1 opoo you » much gravjr sentence than I District Inspector H earc R. LO.. Cappoquln. do- trent to bod at ten o'clock:on Friday night ind did hat the; sUp Uto t Watoh rocket, J«t ntsX ln ertsnt cl is / ^^NT - aa«f ean «t RjtW* MCK OAST ol }he tarjestBad* also, Uiareseopca ol gscv ^/ DgRPDERTS' aaroplj- iyU«4id-> Bttttas r -j now aliout to awtfi Upon tl|i» indictment you at to distances, eu. It ?7=ptcjrt« ca Ut '/ otACH a BUBHICOTT a BRIDPORT***.«*. «* other «ldo ol tho fence. , J lit Ilutpby—Yoo will fco bcro yonc:olf bdoro v^y / * *" : i&> et CicUnapteaJJcIMla, Chasoftjj y OM fw.UUHiU-t.uHaj been t led ixtnetti weuf t bnJ Create* «fcf* *5«» «<» . X , Losdcs. 'Cl^k. b:ca flfflla tried hero: but would btve coald reckare ibetc co (ooo ijiale, tajSsuoa.Ilii otsnturrto net* n»as too tienii tzi to i 6M -fVD Ut. ii. COK sost, OjUclio TWaAmiVHALJ p«i OJMT. ISTimeSt and the tcinlt would hovt b«o not alone a "1 Mr liur'pby—7e9, aod I let blm oQ tbno tiaci, 0W:no-Oal| W f , IB CBP0BIT8 ^T** cltawbtyt, •hcmld tsy th« gnn nai fJred ato\t 12 v^. " ^f - nntesti.«ai4l| e^ilUiBcd inblfa Ur**t >¦) el!««4 os , »w»bl« oa dmaad. prolonf/.tion of th« itruggle, bat the punishment rTi Mr 4HlB(jb«Ci-I» Is tbe old, oJd it^tv i (im 0 W MMS a eg substantial one Sergeant Joh n Shannon, exantined by Mr c-. TWO Mr OEHT. OTTBBEBT AC0O0OTI would ''JO doubt li»vo|been & very *"> 0 ted oune, ciz, " "" ""¦ " ca ths t^tesa cw^lSUj U«M«MA(?iwr diirett. depoeed that about 7 o'oloci oajtbe morolog o^ the u . ?vpuiju'r. Wo purohaaa, at tho Iowc3t point inn OSI Him »<»M~— *—¦- indeetfA tntl crna that would Incur mt re!public after the ocenrrpnee ' ' la f 00"" to tb° beD8b » Uid b <> etrit CclOV sjTIOw " ¦ Cw-no kaijnot disagreed 10th Aogust, the morning , he said«io CntxBca b/ IM-Doef, Kiibin oIU test 0 UiOcon »woott nietwi ^^-*** W' &lr ly/aa, ccmntel for Jhe the injured; man, and earn the ' lt lb» «««« (la- of tho mhrkot, tho OTOOHfliad 9BABg3 yawtmtd tad mid, JUqo> *££?> Mr LeaWV, COQOtet for tbe Went to the honsc of .e, WaT,ndJ.tlno::; i- "»' '"» *** street. Thai U dau rut $Ut ths Frotiiuil 1 Ml M finest Qrwrtto oilhriio reraarKs made by tbo husband it^id B few wordejand nMlfsit vttka:jttksr hoauer wancf vmii\a.ilzrorcthir ' not wiih to takefari Unduly terete wosnd ID bis leg i moon. . Cri^ ieroo! , end I da of tha wife's abatement he went to nol u putlnn ant!! *%& if JOB (Tom Uquor cad appcarauco. wit'i you Woriinnry orimo«l«. or BI Barron and Robert Bafron wire wHb mo ; Mr Bourk* said they bad decided to do so. Al- THE GJiOBE LOAI? tbW&WZ c /' 'oil »l"l»nip. It naj h«rr '¦ ihoio f aDtf ot r^wrfy | Barrett came home with me that;night from the-^Pike though aa alibi oai al*«vi Itoked to si t doubtful A DVAKCKS from £2 upntrtl toM ill tcspt'owblo "z» 6 *i52iv-jBa»V* , i iim -- 4 ?' o'xoroosocrt, ' boar in the hoosjo ; ho then let! ; BO J BlaitMI MMM (^^£>2&,&^^BE ' < itaneei wblob lntk« th* ri^Vr Uooi to about half an tfitnetsosj against tbat ot ocr. Walsh bid better U BIEKBECK on jay flrtt rod eg < ,i t^f d*pu whllo Tom I irron vas in tbe ettcatipa FBKEH0U) UKD BOOTBTI. . ' :V I iDt»tu)*d •*>t*no» pcrion came in taken car* and cot go to ibo Barton audio, Al?'«ppIicaUoM tsoelw ioocdl fJ . / i bi»« loipotf d opon you a mttoh mote X ^'V1 publiobotuc Inst night; my brot i<-r Fat rotrjalnedat Ur Muipby-I would «i«h Dtnt KTjlit ntaUj, HOW t9 9«r«hMf ; » »l«t «f list! ¦ «boot^o pau, anjssfci^^^5t^^^^^^l ^BB^r?^»jiii gsst 1 or O'rii-n irh» tgraJ with yn In Joor- Vat « W« h«/i no f t Mr Boarke—V«y well, »o dlsmica u nithout AUCAsIorwiti fan (MtfnUn, .'. Oottempt yo^i ' ' , banel gtin j wo had aojptohunting— we 0, ffoha-efcrccS , ^Tct^rd ^ ¦ to further violtnio* or dfircftrd -ot ib* *«¦ ' V has R »iri"lfl prejudice, ' iSAfi Sitsa ^ s '¦-< »lew« Nmpnt- ' >ems drink at tl e Pike ( John Fooor MOK EY. tBAWCIB BAVgWatOW. - ¦ anttbln* loitb't ocaari to Wtt»tf(|rd br thl« bad doK» I b:4 ; . ! I COUEIOUD I V/ATESJOED AND CENTfiil) lEOiAiP Ifa—,. ami) tbonld enma to ba I th» Pilw wtl bacVeomodrink Jest without r>O01ahtr«|t. I am iliflljj'Dckd »«T al«o made a lUteme ut to the folldwlng Newtono. , He THATT} oa (SeJr fl»» WPWW 4 V»(»»» KW*•^SW»» «<« BJ Ui . Baldwin Friday ait was a iteij bad ctss and "'" At/PEBATlbnO »»ii»Kaogi entrrtnl nn «bont to' 'alif, ind of wdocrltn to account jft r hli mpTcmenU on ; ¦sit hcrwm' ponTwtoy t »«. rtdctfr •4.. th' I'niect th« tctwrki effect when aiked bid to fc lTO bio to KDotber peteoo to uk« blm borne. [| : o» i sot :. Uw aniteaea l|bad ii)|^i.d(d to**«rdi|by Hunday:—I wert to first Ma»i ; esterday at Ta How ; ;A priwU. HiUKipwtwrftwwJWJfn ir^Ud: Ls:; whtoh »»rj ebineteriwd by food nomaa «pp««rtd and uld It KM a- ieoDet aed AMt>i VBOU 1st KOVEUBEB, 16M- LAmlT lo : 0. HAHMIGAN, Jfuurte. i- pf jon» ooonwl, I made DO delay In Tallow;!I came home &|d got ithat WM U' «nod ttlW I bopd tba oiey of W*tnford not a borM attached io tba cat.. Mo one P; 1 I*tlim»»od about 12 noon ; I lom&itM d nt home until ono : tbo 11,0 «.ta Tr»iD ftjr iataboroMb cxrntAi. IBOLAHD RAILWAY SfflfiSft* fJilirrMmoot, borne borne ; 6UNk>AV8, iriH «ooobef*««fm* thli oofoi<#n»tii ^/1«__, . _«_ !# fnMA« TtaVXin KMui«t RTM r>Vlt>9 took tbe kooiued he walked himself. : OH WATBBFyav* jril ; or .whtther both pittlei o'clock p.m; myge^Jamw BjWon, JUchael Be. cher, jij!^>ygnsssjBa odJouroHl, bavlog to be postpoord Klla«oo#, 12,18 p,s» r ' rihrWtlooaof TioUaee.asd in adttitioa Keeehor, of Ballrcarn ; I wsa in tbe one oomcc ir all thetbaencoof JoctI WaUtforid! dap 12.0 DOOD l f ?'- - i 'byaaj rartbwr ofioir lo polloa!¦¦ oa inetUI¦ dat * MnUlM.atl 13 i2 ; B*U>b»U, UtT) TbMutiWs dar; I M 1 tBt »>iko publlchotua at 0 p:m ; « chael id W»U»rTjiiiii ,«^i lteJM^i|ttsS2 lnto >