![Ma*Si Firs: I Tea, Coffeo, Chopa, Steaka, and I'rlta 01 Call Tot Psrticnlan Bwtlm Nr Clxt/ Eta=Ps by Tba Lisisr*, Taa Lntoola Iro ^ Veraels Load at Bortb](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
¦ ¦ i ' . - ¦> i . , ¦ I- ,- - : . ;.; . :O i ^ :1J f m \.t i GJIil THS WATERFORD CHRONICLE AND KIUNSTER ADVERTISER-INCORPORATED WITH THIS JOURNAL IN 1849 Wlio Lo NO* 22 SATTOBAY, DECEMBER ' t& 1896i °sn^™™ FEicS°=oiria TEionr SHE T7ATEKPOED ITEVrn." ' . ;i < :^' ^ EBTABLIBIIED—1847. ! Purveyors to H.S.fl. the Prinos of Walo2. ia?(joot Circulation in Stmth of Irolon^ hiMutiiii ntry FBIVAY , an* B«o»d Edition on SATURD/ ; ; Zlomvnfi&t at Not. 49 and 50, Cr*Oonn«U-8trett , r-t I (OFTOSITI THE PSOVIXCUL B1BK). ,., iT \ AID Ep ij ij TO 5early (In Advance), 43.^. i& JQ)EICE—ODE PBJWY; SODA llffiWSTf 0C^ ' W k, ; By PoBt (Ye5rlj), G3. 6a. ; ^ OiX All Cheques and ?. Q. Orders, mado pay;"ilo iMOuO Ml Xto I COBK EMUB P. BKDMOHD, ot thia Office. ^ 0S THE BES T ; : Ton &aw8 circulates sxtaniitoly amongstr-tho 31 Gold - ami Prize Medals Awarded. »»eliant»i traders and nobility,' gentry,, Far?~Sig lucea i S Q ., in Watorfotd, Kilkenny, Tipper " ry, (Scliai)© ni the iouth of Ireland generally. Tbo K TTC , u attained a circulation never eqnalled by any ^~V BT SEBCIALITIB8: dafHthai In Waterford , and is admittedlytho .; -id- ^mppniB. s ¦ ?? ig Joumallin thiB important city, with which the o T /rh " ' * in? inr n^T? r Q> O.LUB SpD,4 THD BE.V.ER AGE OF H33ALTH. ;,/., r«ot dailj* communication from London. Clyde Shipping TF^T ni ii-.' i TT' T C ?arti<raUr attention paid to commercialend Agi ul. Co pani? . Ltd ?. "¦ ^f i\ maltora. \ : IIL '[•' Automatic " TITE , ORIQIJ L , BRAW D . * ; ^HI&I MiE, , > ¦ I \ —• ¦ DECEMBER, 1&98. ^ all 1 - idT8rti»<)nient8 rocoivedlortho NEW a by ree^-ot. Bojuior Steam Communication between SP^JSKI JING" BIOrJTSBRRAT, TRT-l DRINK FOR THE GOUTY & RHEULIATIG •& Newspaper Agenta ii\ tho United Kingdom, i^re. T7ATEBFOE,D and ¦yment rf Q.uisito from parties not lcnowji at the oi^Jo. fcOHDOn aoyal Seltzer, Potano, ; -Lithin W?-t?r3, 7jcti7prax\o, &d.< , -^ - .- .PLtMOUTH Ajrn EOUTHAUPTOlJ. NEWlUVEtJ, > 71" D0?3tt. ii» 60UTH o» ' niI0LAMD. 1 &3cat3 Bor Calo of TEE HET7S on*! *> COBE. DtTBLip. BEti'AST 411b GLLSOOW. MaUen'6 Call Food , linseed Meal , Flax Seed , ° i Advortlsoment a ; - .. , M -1 Tv. TinHE New and powerful.! • SJk JL Bcrow CRUSHED OIL CAKE, fVATERFQB'D—Miss KILL-*, Gladstone 8trcot A C-^^S^p y Btoa^ors ^.BANMOEE. | fi ^ Mtoa POWEB, Barxonatfand Btroet. ¦cT ""a^Tinii nir^ EDDT8T0NE, Itotew Ill, HTTOHEB, Mayor's Wlli- .- FASTNET, LIZAED., PLADDA. POBTILANB. EATHLIM, ¦ OP Ht8. QTni.Ti, John Street. / SAUDA, . SEEBBTVOBE, TOW/ ED , TU8KAB, Best Cattle and LiEisssd OilSo I? 1 ^ VALENTIA, aro intondod to | ' eall u under, Qiby Miimtoh&R- Se^itaiT ^7. S Hiis KAVAHAQH, O'ConnoUStroou weather permitting (mjlcss Alao in STXJUT. - . , & Mias CDOHNBLI 111, Quay **• prorentf d by. nnforeooeo» avoir ^ olrcumstAscctfJ. with, liberty to tow Ve ssbla, and to os31 at swat 2L" ' Mr. DOBBTH, Barraot dtrett. , any Port or Ports In ;&ny order, In or c at of tho customary I BOTEL AUD RE 8 T £V B All 1 iTHEBIHE - GTEEET WATMRPORD Mr, WABDKLL, Quay. j ooane , to Booctvo and Diachflrgo Cars >, or for my other S'iV UttJKiiW BTBEt-T, Mrjj. JSBBITT, Ballybriclsoz>' purpose wbAU»o«Ter. Oils oi all iand? and of tli6 Finest Ouslity . tlri AHEAKN, Johu-atreok i ' Cvr.ivTXAfl HoLirATB—Sbippcj a rriii pi age noto aUcratlonH nillLK most Oi>Dtral , Modoraic. md Moaurn. is Sailings. iD Hia FOWKE, Broad Streot.1 , - ^1 Note JL Electric Li^ht bt'droouB. diso leW-p hoao lira. BoTLI B, Peter Strait. niTgBronn 10 OLAtaC) Aaares" j aitn ooKlDi; o ETerj XUESDAy (Direct), ficoitffllh Cviiembcl ... 1 ^.C acootDmodatioD. Hot and ould ' Mr. NOLAK , Ballybrickon, • ' ; . MOKDAT. SibPwciiilcr (Direct) ;!..¦ . lp» is Burlington. E0SERT AWBOM ; WEDKESDATS (Via OOBTli Mrs. D , Quay. ; JPIjmouth 1. -' nd Dcj-epibcr. 4pm, t'th. COKLKSS. Proprietor. ^O, (ljU.ll y) T. , Mr. COUOLAB , Michael Strict. 11 am. , 16tb, 4 p.m , ^id, 10 A.m 1 Mia, 4 p L. "QegisUt - vS, Plumber &• Sanitary Mrs. WALSH , Lombard 8tr«t. 1 ousaon ro niimron^ Engineer fc, Ercry M0HDAT (Dlroot) riLMACXHOMAS—Mr. T. CHRISTOFETBO. .1. .. 3 p.n . General Merchants, 27 . O' uonvdl-Street \\ aterf ord iinESlGE—Tho GlontA7ortb t Cal BaU. lo Crfootjoe l. ...6.30 p.m P ROPRI ETOR HLKENNT—P. QOINLIVAN , Upper John Streoi. i^grcry THDESDAT (Direct, ... I ... .. a D.n> JTJUGABVAN—Mr. E. K EON , V.C, Main-Street. \ Cal. EB.U. to Hotol. ' • "* Grtionook .. 6.2i f— 1 d Firot-olrj3U Family and Commercial ATE OF MR. WILLIAM BAIRD'8 Mri Mathow WALSH . Mias-M. CvHNim. r WltTRTOaD TO BILfAtl , DCBLIN), [l^rerj SATURDAY (dlrMt u. nnHE " Qlontworth" IB the nuare.st Hotel in JoHK Wise, 25, L'auick street ' .. .. .. i P "^) Ef.S HvLfilJ^ It) WlTIHFOHfr- BJXSTGEJJISHI-T KTE BEET ! Station , Banks; Steam- ' r«!3fH!ctfull y to thank the Nobility, Gentrj Mnnagors rEAMOEE—JUIBB CLAKCT , Kefreshment Booms , and |^^ Vti DUDLI. iL thoOtj io tho Ball way of Instituticna, and Public i HEfory 1UESDA1' («»»lili;iid Dccoinb<jt). ilfjsOaj , ilJ" boat OiSoos , Toloirraph and Post Offlco , and to oil pub- ) loiiiea fur \hs larjo ch:ro of f;tron™ju th;y hava to ". Mr. WAEDKLL. ; , c-luDi^Z him sinco commencin.i lio pliou of amuscmcut. P Kenna, ProprloUit. Id, tioino:i:( - ; 'APPOQUTN—Mr. J ONES TBOT ,31, Allen-Street. WAXFPVOKI TC DCBLC Lane ; ^ 15 and lfl , Qlent^/orth-atroot. Ijniunca il8 ai -ov nj? nonobn1; tho most JABRICK-ON-SCIB—Miss HAflli Chapel t 'crj SATL'EDAY I via lioltaat ... »•¦»- campOv^bhr-nds, and h&ving all ardorn executed under hb Mm. J OHANNA HKABN.'YWIiam BU Mrs. DCDLIB fO VP*TKBFOIiD , DltXC^ \WiW lJ laj lnl lss) jursonui Btipurvision , ho is enabled to undnrtftku overy WEDNE8DAY8 2nd. 1 class oi Ml.¦ F. HOOAN J L. SIKIT, Kiokh»m Street. , Decembe r , S p.mt 9lh. I'- p.u. 1' truarantoca for Aocnracj Durability , Strangrth , and Valm ¦ i 6p T . ijfd, No Fo 'luiff ; SOtlf, 6 p.m. BABK ' : Tbonsantta JI Teaunoniau nave boon rcooivod. HOTEL. iKUOEB-Uis. M . , f M TfESDiY, U2ad Dct«ober,|8 p. u HOWLETT'S "11. ABTNATT Eailrciy .'Bookstall. • i» H , , w»Tzr^oai> cn*x (litrret) T® W UM ©I (fri TOT ' ©. COHHEK OP THOMAS-ST A .N :. /CUNNrtl I.-ST ILTOWN—Miss EOCHB. ; 'ery TU L'R.SDAY (except 2^b Dccombct; ?' BtSW^OM' rS VATK KFi'K:' . OLL— Hro. BoHATNK.and P. CoasTmk , Hi NESDAY . '.'3rd Dcconibor. 1 t 4>TJ Coax to W ATKBFOKD . Olteci^ ISn^Uoh LQVOI Ifloyloaa En[*Uph IsOxroi? Immediiii-o Vic:ijiiy ¦: M > ' :nnf,rvun , ¦A1LOW—T. Clancy. ' I in cho iEVf BOSS—Miss Di«ErK. : f. \H)AY&. 4Lh l>oc«mbcr. ri ji ro . lltli.] Gp.n lfett. " ?. m \dmorlcH und Kukenu) iim ^tiva .25tb, No ijilxng. 1 ATEEffQBD BA1LWA1 STATION—Mescrt "~* TIIl'HSUAY, Hth Doccmbef, r, p., , - . TEA , EABon & BONB Book Stand. WAOuLroao TO LoBDOa ^EEA.KFA8Tp. aJMCHEON S.DlNNKKo 6c, I E^'ERAL PLUMBING V^- try Saturday (»ia Sontbampton) „. J p.n- IN U«K ALL THE WOBLP ovsa WOBK ^ * In Sllrer Oase» SUT *t Bhurtebt tictico and Moderate Charuci. ^ lxiBDOB (at. Kctharine Dook), TOfWiTTiBfon 81 /[jf i<C\ " Cue TUE ;iOST ONDON— CX»ABKI , S ON , & PIATI 8S, Graexr ^i , In SHrer O»se« j t~ ^ "*'• ^°'* O* " ' IV SATI0FA. CTORY MA1INER. E.OUAY8, 4th December, 11 a.m. IHh, p o.m lHtu. I. »a \\ ^ ohnxah titreet. 2itb , 4 » m. V\LL- AIRED JED8 Court, Fleot-ot. Y "^vorticor has hsd long and «rido C UrrCHSLL 4 Co., Bed Liou .- H O trtnjhlpioont by this routu. Orders (or collection or ojperitinco, Viavinc carriocl out FUet Streot. como of tho larfjc;t B. P. WHITI 4 SON , 33, d> \Tery of Goods sept to M'NiMiaA W Co. (limited), U, Cholco Wines , ijqnera, Gpints , Stou*, Alec , Ci gar; !umbin« and Sanitary Kngineoring Contracts in IrulaDei , lncluditij, 'B AgeDOv,'lS2 , Fleet Streot O- ftlo>Btroot, Fuubnrr ;ito Clyde Shipping Company, , ' S KIXH AdTertising ¦ ^23 '3c3t and Cor» Whinlacj, LaDoncnn! T. B. BBOWB, 163, Qacen Viftona gtroet , E-C. ! ¦- Idcnhsll streot, or Clyie ShlpplnjCompany, B waxui;po, DubiiL A, T. CHAMNIT, 2G, Beanm'nt Roait, N. Bi ^ISatharinD Dock, will reccWe prompt ittenuon. ?E&1I» llODBll«TE. Wan&rOKD TO PLraonTUJdiroo. EIU IT 5 Lcad«;ihaU Street, EX. abljp B . & Co., , W-DNESDAYS, and December, I p.n'; Oth . 11 i-a. ; 16th, IllDO HOWLETI (la 'e of Ship Hotol).Propnosroc: and Private Water VTorko, Temple, Mews Boom, 172, f leet Street. r ' 4p.ttl. 33rd, 10 a. m , 3ulli, U p.i. j'ot T?bJch ho holii tho Hirhui TcE'.imc.iial! ¦ -" ^ of He&r*. BTBOET & Co., Cora BilL ' PLVllt)i:Ta TO WiTEUTOBJJ (dirUCl F /* ' _, ^ai I Beleetions Watches o? 1 JNO ON , 10, 3dt Conrt, Fleet-Si. ;. budny, 7th December , 7 &.m;Suodcj, Hth , Midalgui. CGOWII HOTEL. UeEiri. K 4 S 7/L-i (iS* yJvi ¦ Jewellery sent Iree ox 'TEE 'ftto rforrl and District alone ho can refer to tho 1 Mr. J. lotNO, Floet-Striet do. do. - -'. MoDdaj 2UU l) t.m , b&luiday, ^th , 9 a, -* | ** X *™^ 1^ H receipt of re!erenco. following, amonBJti other rtmaroiiD ro BouniAHPto. MONCK . 8TKEET, ^'EXPORD, xumplea - De Ln SaUe College, Waterford District CBAS. EAEO/I ji Sou, Abboycl Lunatic Asy lum (Now Buildinrs) Ursnlinn tTOIJN—llenn. _ Every 8AT0SDAY (direct), to 1 I-T=>_^->X^I— ' l IllnatrateA BOOB. P. B. O'KIIFF , 1, 8t. Aj.arow-Stroet. ^* 0 0 Railway, Imporkl HotJl, * - . 8ouTninpT05 T<) WirBuioau— Vi. P LTHOC" , rs V *—vl i Post Free rTPUlS Oid Hotel 1» famous for ^cxxl . purn WTj io k i;} "1 tho Good 8nepherd , Cftrnck -on-Suir? ^ &BSS UkBGOW—J.
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