JOS Volume 14 Number 1 (2007)
JOURNAL OF OROMO STUDIES THE JOURNAL OF THE OROMO STUDIES ASSOCIATION EDITOR I'>ekiel (;ebissa, Kettering L' niversity AsSOCIATE EDITOR Harwood Schaffer, L'niversity of Tennessee-Knox\'ille CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Getahun Henri, Southern Illinois l 'niyersity Taddesse Beriso, ,\ddis ,\baba l'ni\Trsin ,\sbw Hl'Vcl1e, San Diego Statc L:nivcrsity Bahru Duguma, US,\JD, L'S,\ Demisscw I ':jcra, L1nivcrsit)' ot i\lassachusctts, L'S, \ i\lohaJT1lllcd Hasscn, (;corgia Starc L'nivcrsity, l'S,\ ,\sata Jalata, Univcrsity of TCl1nessee-Knox\'ille, l'S,\ I ,ahra Smith, Georgetown L;nivcrsit!, EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Scifudcin ,\dcl11, Binghal1lton Uni\'l'fsirr Mario ,\guilar, L'nivcrsity ot Sr.\nurcws, L'K 1.l'l1ll1lu Baissa, SL'NY Institute of Tcchnology, L'S,\ Paul Baxter, l'nivcrsit)' of Manchcster, l'K Mckuria Bulcha, Malardkn L'niversity, S\\Tllcn Bichaka Favsissa, Middle Tcnncssec Statc L' nivcrsitl, L' S, \ Hahru (;clllctchu, National Institutcs ot Hcalth, L'S,\ Bonnic Holcol1lb, (;corgc Washington l'nivcrsity, L'S.\ Jan Iluitin, University ot (;orhenburg, Sweden Tcscma Ta'a, .\ddis ,\baba L'niveristy, L'S.\ ADDRESS EDITORIAL CORRSPONDENCE TO: Dr. I :zckiel (;ebissa Department of Liberal Studies, Kcttcring L'ni\Trsity 170() \'{fest Third Avenue Flint, MJ 48840 THE JOURNAL OF OROMO STUDIES Volume 14, Number 1 February/March 2007 Publication of the Otomo Studies Association The Journa! oj Oromo 5tudies (105), is a leading scholarly publi cation of the Oromo Studies Association (OSA) Issued twice a year, the journal publishes articles pertaining
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