31 Oct. 04 Nov. Porte De Versailles Salon Du Chocolat.Com
NATURES OFFERS SOMETHING TO SUIT ALL TASTES ! MONDIAL DU CHOCOLAT & DU CACAO 31 OCT. 04 NOV. PORTE DE VERSAILLES SALONDUCHOCOLAT.COM PRESS KIT SEPTEMBER 2018 LESLIE LEVY : 01 45 03 80 46 / LLEVYEVENTINTERNATIONAL.COM ROBIN BEAU : 01 45 03 21 26 / RBEAUEVENTINTERNATIONAL.COM NATURES OFFERS SOMETHING TO SUIT ALL TASTES! - 31 OCTOBER - 4 NOVEMBER, 2018 24th Edition PARIS – PORTE DE VERSAILLES, HALL 4 A treat?… PRESS RELEASE P.2 Find all the highlights of the 2018 Salon du Chocolat A foodie?… PRESS KIT P.4 A subject, a thematic, a spread, a special show about chocolate? Discover the Salon du Chocolat program, speakers, spokesperson and all the trends of the chocolate world 1/ Nature offers something to suit all tastes! P.5 2/ Salon du Chocolat de Paris: 2018 Highlights P.7 3/ The Must see of 24th Edition of the Salon du Chocolat P.12 4/ Exhibitors and Participants P.16 5/ Infographics P.17 The Salon du Chocolat in numbers and around the world 6/ Practical Information P.19 Simple… as a chocolate ! Please contact Leslie Levy or Robin Beau at +33 1 45 03 21 26 for further information: they will nourrish you with pictures, videos, practical information, insights. If you need tailored interviews (spokesperson of the Salon du Chocolat, chocolatiers, artists, designers, celebrities..) they will be at your service. Press release September 2018 Salon du Chocolat 2018: NATURE OFFERS SOMETHING TO SUIT ALL TASTES ! 31 October - 4 November, 2018- Hall 4, VIPARIS Porte de Versailles - Updated theme and programme, festive and educational entertainment for old and young alike, indulge the senses and feast the eyes: the 2018 edition of the Salon du Chocolat offers you the opportunity to explore the infinite world of Cocoa in a single location! The 24th edition of the event will once again be held at the Porte de Versailles, Paris, but this year is moving into Hall 4 in order to offer visitors the benefit of an event extending over a single floor and even more enjoyment just a few weeks before the festive season commences.
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