Contact persons at Skanska

Contact person e-mail Skanska AB Axel Wenblad [email protected]

Skanska USA Mike Lacey [email protected] Beers Robert Wilhite [email protected] Koch Skanska Kristen Koch [email protected] SADE Skanska Eduardo Ropolo [email protected] Slattery Skanska Mike Okuniewicz [email protected] Sordoni Skanska Construction Dan Wurzburg [email protected] Spectrum Skanska Kimberly White [email protected] Tidewater Skanska Group Ed Keeter [email protected]

Skanska Johan Gerklev [email protected] Skanska Berg och Bro Mats U Andersson [email protected] Skanska Bostäder Bengt Wånggren [email protected] Skanska Hus Staffan Söderberg [email protected] Skanska Industri P-A Truedsson [email protected] Skanska Civil Int Anna Dahl [email protected] Skanska Väg Ronny Wahlström [email protected]

Skanska Skanska Jensen A/S Peter Gamst [email protected] Skanska East Europe Kyösti Kokki [email protected] Skanska AS Karen Cecile B Møller [email protected] Skanska Oy Toumas Särkilahti [email protected] Skanska International Staffan Söderberg [email protected] Skanska Central Europe Johan Prison [email protected]

Skanska Project Development and Real Estate Hans Wallström [email protected] Skanska Fastigheter Göteborg Gunnel Lundegren [email protected] Skanska Fastigheter Hans Wallström [email protected] Skanska Projektutveckling Europa Tommy Herrloff [email protected] Skanska Projektutveckling Sverige Martin Dahlgren [email protected] Skanska Øresund Sive Guldstrand [email protected]

Skanska Services Skanska Facilities Management Mattias de Woul [email protected]

Specialist companies Skanska Financial Services Annika Jernberg [email protected] Skanska IT Solutions Ronny Lavér [email protected] Skanska Teknik Lena Boge [email protected] Environmental Report 1999 Contents

Environmental policy 1

Statement of the President and CEO 2

This is Skanska 4

A holistic view 5

Environmental management 6

Öresunds Bridge 8

Environmental operations 10

Outlook for 2000 12

Glossary 13

Contact persons at Skanska 14

Cedar Grove Middle School, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

This project built by Beers Construction, a Skanska Group company, demonstrates how creative thinking and practical solu- tions can increase recycling of building ma- terials during the construction process. It proved possible to recycle both metal and concrete in an environmentally sound way and also to reduce costs. Policy Environmental P • • • • • • We shallalwaysfollow theseprinciplesinourworkatSkanska: and commitment. dialogue withothers.Inorder tobesuccessful,weneedknowledge nerating newbusinessopportunities. We mustbeopen-mindedinour verse environmental impactandimprove ouroperations, thereby ge- Our environmental awareness willhelpusprevent andminimizead- refore permeateallofourwork. This responsibility rests withallofus. ture generations. Caringaboutpeopleandtheenvironment mustthe- of ustake environmental issuesseriously. development. This requires, amongotherthings,thatall pany inconstruction-related servicesandinproject Our visionisthatSkanska shallbecometheworld’s leadingcom- Skanska’s EnvironmentalPolicy C Danderyd iapril1998 of others. meate ourday-to-daywork,wewillgaintheconfidenceand respect cember 31,1999andbecertifiednolaterthanDecember2000. have environmental managementsystemsinplacenolaterthanDe- endeavor tomake continuousimprovements. All opera foundation for ourenvironmental ambitions. Beyondthis,weshall Legislation andtheenvironmental demandsofourclientsprovide a mental policytoyieldresults inourdailywork. system andsetitsownenvironmental goalsinorder for ourenviron- Every EIETAND RESIDENT LAES Ask questions andobtainhelpifyouare unsure. Think aheadabouthowyourworkwillaffect theenviron- ment. Conserve natural resources. this makes sense. Choose orpropose environmentallywhen betteralternatives ronmental risks, weshouldnotparticipate. Bear inmindthatthere are circumstances where, duetoenvi- perly assesstheirenvironmental risks. Be cautiousandavoidmaterialsormethodsifyoucannotpro- Use commonsense. What wedotodayaffects theenvironment ofbothcurrent andfu- By lettingresponsibility for theenvironment andthefuture per- B operative unitmustbuildupanenvironmental management JÖRK CEO tions shall

● 1 Skanska Environmental Report 1999 ● 2 Skanska Environmental Report 99 einei h niomna il,Skanska perience intheenvironmental field, andex- developing itsexpertise By further Leadership is apositive development. anddesirable this In my opinion, and waste management. solutions energy materials, selectionof tems, matters asenvironmental managementsys- Thesestandards may concern such few years. over betightened will mental rules thenext nationalenviron- Meanwhile, requirements. standards thatgobeyond legalandregulatory includeenvironmentaltion projects will improvements. forachieving opportunities ject development we have good particularly In pro- ourown construction projects. tics of to buildings thelogis- from energy-efficient Thismay involve everything all thetime. more efficientsolutions canbedeveloped in ourenvironmental work impliesthat ambition to make continual improvements Ourown andproject development. services ent’s firstchoice –inconstruction-related ming theworld’s leadingcompany –thecli- beco- Skanska’s of vision is oneelementof andotherstructures. buildings of resources andenvironmental adaptation of are required whenitcomes to efficientuse far-reaching changes tainable development, sus- In order to of speakmeaningfully face. to make everyone realize whatchallenges we supply andenergy transportation workplaces, It suffices to mentionhousing, everyone. ronmental andresource affect issueswill envi- by thenext 50years, 2–4billionduring 6 billionpeopleandisexpected to increase where thepopulation isnow estimated at In aworld Skanska. of anditistrue general in society of Thisistrue the coming years. in become important issues will increasingly thatenvironmental itisself-evident To me, Future challenges President andCEO Statement ofthe noroiin more andmore construc- In ouropinion, Taking forthe environment responsibility ment or to society atlarge. ment orto society to resulttheenviron- risks inserious will aproject inourjudgment, projects when, inconstructionabstain from participating ThismeansthatSkanskawill minent role. ronmental aspectswere amore assigned pro- Envi- development. tems further underwent theGroup’s assessmentsys- risk 1999, During factors must always betaken into account. projects. assessment of andenvironmentalmental legislation impact onsuch programs issuesasenviron-training specialized andvarious programs training implemented bothbasicenvironmental leader mental effective environ- elementsof other important are programs outreach andtraining tional Informa- and inothermanagementcontexts. rent themeatGroup Management meetings recur- a moreover, Environmental issuesare, ourbusinessareas andcompanies. nagers of tal co schedule. beachieved aheadof 2000will of theSkanskaGroup by theend at allunitsof systemshaving ISO14001-certified inplace Thegoalof systems. ISO 14001-certified worked units which hadintroduced within Skanska’s employees 51percent of 1999, of By theend pace atarapid intheGroup. ced systems thathavemanagement beenintrodu- tool inthisprocess istheenvironmental Oneimportant ourday-to-day business. of mental issuesmust become element anatural environ- In order to accomplish this, ents. foritscli- inspiration andsourcepartner of andcredibleshall beanobvious discussion niomna dpain scuil We environmental adaptationsiscrucial. communication ourclientsonpossible with Early prerequisite outcome. forasatisfactory ourstakeholdersA dialoguewith is another Dialogue up thisdevelopment. and otherstructures. Skanska hastheresources andexpertisetospeed efficient useofresources andenvironmental adaptationofbuildings term development,far-reaching changesare required whenitcomesto Environmental issuesaffect usall.Inorder toachievesustainablelong- hnassigpoet,anme frisk anumber of When assessingprojects, theenvironmen- This isaconfirmation of mteto theemployees andma- of mmitment hp uig19,Skanska 1999, During ship. setters intheirenvironmental work. ternational companies pace- thatare global thein- Index andisthus regarded asoneof included intheDow Jones Sustainability Skanskaisalso invested inSkanskashares. environmental fundshave equity number of we are proud thata this, of In light holders. environmental work to ourfinancialstake- our mental ambitionsandtheoutcome of to improve theirenvironmental work. are convinced thatthisencourages allparties We agencies andorganizationsisimportant. major suppliers. environmental expectations clearto our by amongotherthings makingour Group, the of process parts hasbeguninvarious This oursuppliersandsubcontractors. with must alsopursueacontinuous dialogue etlfed Pride andpositive publicity mental field. distinguished themselves intheenviron- duals orproject teams atSkanskathathave goto indivi- will in2000, beginning which, standing Environmental – Contribution –theSkanska ternal prize Award forOut- jects around theworld. construction pro- ronmental adaptationof enablingitto helpspeeduptheenvi- years, expected to grow inthecoming rapidly is Thisproject database other stakeholders. clientsand tal dimensionto ouremployees, anenvironmen-mation aboutprojects with isto more disseminate infor- rapidly pose Its pur- on ourweb site ( we have introduced aproject database issues, To stimulate interest inenvironmental work. foreffective aplatform environmentalvide pro- will This place throughout theGroup. bein vironmental managementsystems will en- ISO14001-certified Within time, ashort Innovative businessclimate We alsoendeavor to convey ourenviron- An active environmental dialoguewith We have alsodecidedto establishanin- etdvlpetwr ftheGroup. ment development work of increasing attention inthefuture manage- positive environmental receive results will amalso convinced I that ronmental work. should bethereward forsuccessful envi- C togreat importance Skanska. andof Theseissuesare significant ment. provide thebasis forsustainabledevelop- environment andeconomic development, together with social andethicalissuesthat, to ensure alsoaddressports thatthey the such re- aimed atbroadening of therange It isaninitiative also ferent companies. ween environmental from information dif- nal initiative to increase bet- comparability aninternatio- Reporting Initiative (GRI), isbasedonguidelinesfrom theGlobal port site ( onSkanska’svironmental information web tion inSkanska’s Annual Report andby en- be supplemented by anenvironmental sec- will description This environmental work. Skanska’s Report of presents anoverview ThisEnvironmental Skanska. pectations of othersaboutpeople’sour dialoguewith ex- We mustalsocontinue to pursue clearly. way thatwe canmeasure progress more develop our follow-up methodsinsuch a continued development work isto further Therefore oneessentialelementof achieve. We are judgedby theresults we actually Results [email protected] LAES h tutr ftheEnvironmental Re- of The structure B JÖRK mental adaptation. which Skanskainitiated greater environ- 361majorconstruction projects in of true Thesameis requirements. and regulatory ronmental standards thatwent beyond legal inwhich theclient specifiedenvi- 1 million, each exceeding USD construction projects, Skanskaworked 165major with 1999, During environmental standards Construction projectswithhigh facts: Some environmental undergone environmental audittraining. 389peoplehave andatotal of programs, have insuch specialist been1,789participants There intheenvironmentalprograms field. outnumerous specialisttraining carried has Skanska In additionto basictraining, Environmental training SkanskaGroup netsales. of Theseunitsaccount for62percent systems. have environmental certified management employees now representing 51percent of Units gement systems throughout theGroup. Skanska isintroducing environmental mana- systems throughouttheGroup Environmental management

● 3 Skanska Environmental Report 1999 ● 4 Skanska Environmental Report 99 This isSkanska aepaei h knk wdn Skanska take place intheSkanskaSweden, relatedvices to construction, buildingandcivil environment andpersonnel. communication, legalaffairs, technology, information tions, investor rela- finance, accounting, finance, unitsforcorporate The Group alsohasstaff areas specialistcompanies. andthree strategic fourbusiness with Skanska AB, Company, billion andemploys some45,000people. aboutSEK80 Skanska hasannual salesof FinlandandtheUnited States. , Group’s markets are Sweden, “domestic” regarded Thecountries asthe countries. andprojectvices development insome50 Skanska isactive inconstruction-related ser- Organizational structure otatn prtos which provide ser- operations, Contracting Its are operations organized into aParent development andRealEstate Skanska Project- Skanska USA Skanska Europe Skanska Sweden development andRealEstate Skanska Project- Skanska USA Skanska Europe Skanska Sweden Employees Net sales

30% 35% 34% 43% 26% 29% 1% 2%

prtoso allbusinessareas. of operations the thesecompanies supports in each of Thespecialized know-how tion technology). andSkanskaITSolutions (informa- Services SkanskaFinancial lized technical expertise), specia- are SkanskaTeknik (development of Project Development andReal Estate. andSkanska contractingoperations forms thebusinessareas thatper- between oneof collaboration of assumestheform normally Project development investment properties. theGroup’s management anddivestment of funds –isalsoresponsible fordevelopment, velopment where Skanskacommits itsown business area –which focusesonproject de- ject development know-how. specialistknowledgeoriented aswell aspro- These three business areas possessproduct- USA andSkanskaEurope businessareas. services andproject development. services client’s firstchoice –inconstruction-related Skanska’s isto beaworld vision leader–the andstrategiesVision and maintenance. offer global,comprehensive solutions, from conceptviaconstruction toservice for living,traveling andworking.Inpartnershipwithitsclients,Skanska shall Skanska’s missionistodevelop,buildandmaintainthephysicalenvironment The three strategic specialistcompaniesThe three strategic The Project Development andReal Estate Operation and maintenance SKANSKA’S VALUECIRCLE Construction Know how – Reliability – Competence – Commitment tions andbehavior: communica- Group’s businessdevelopment, the of asguidingprinciples values thatserves a consistent way anduniform inallmarkets. forSkanskato behave important it ishighly in abroad market with presence,mand partners de- clientsincreasingly Because this strategy. Skanska’s support identity nameandbrand thisbusinessstrategy. for thesuccess of itsbusinessconcept. thens environmental issuesalso streng- handling of Proper influence itsenvironmental aspects. ithasto thegreater opportunity a project, TheearlierSkanskacomes into value circle. allphasesinthe elementof is aself-evident Concern fortheenvironment small projects. thevaluecircle to both largeand all phasesof Skanskacanaddknowledge within breadth, bothdepthand of By virtue and maintenance. from concept to operation how inallphases, The valuecircle Skanska’s illustrates know- Skanska’s shallstandfor identity brand Client focusisafundamentalprecondition Concept Holistic view Structures benefit society and help improve the living conditions of many people by providing housing, workplaces and . At the same time, they generate an environmental impact and account for a sizable proportion of global resource utilization during their life cycle. A holistic view is therefore necessary.

Skanska’s operations focus on the entire life The most obvious example is energy con- what areas these surveys have identified as the cycle, including everything from pre-construc- sumption. Various calculations for residential most important – and which will be prioritized tion engineering and construction to service buildings indicate that 80-90 percent of their in our continued work. The matrix illustrates and maintenance. One consequence is that total energy consumption is related to the what environmental aspects are important we are developing greater expertise and ex- service life phase. during different phases of the construction perience in environmental adaptation, from process, from land use planning via the long the concept and pre-construction engineering Significant service life phase to demolition and recycling. stage to construction, operation and main- environmental aspects It should be emphasized that the opera- tenance to final demolition and recycling of One important element in the task of devel- tions of Skanska units often deal with other a structure. We also actively try to influence oping environmental management systems is environmental aspects in addition to these. our clients, suppliers and subcontractors to to systematically survey the significant envir- It is in each individual project that significant take into account the long-term environmen- onmental aspects of operations as the basis environmental aspects are identified. The tal aspects of construction projects. Above all, for devising objectives as well as managing matrix is only meant to provide an overview it is the design solutions and materials selec- and following up operations. This was carried to illustrate the most important areas of ted that determine the total environmental out in virtually all units at Skanska during the Skanska’s environmental work today. impact of a structure during its life cycle. years 1998–99. The matrix below summarizes

Significant environmental aspects – an overview

Phases of the Energy Transport Soil construction process Material use Chemicals conservation services contamination Emissions Waste Land use planning •• • Concept/pre- construction engineering •••• ••• Construction •• • • • Service life •• •• Renovation ••• • Demolition/recycling •••• Skanska Environmental Report 1999 Environmental Skanska 5 ● Environmental Skanska has decided to introduce environmental management systems management throughout its operations. By the end of 2000, all units must also be en- vironmentally certified according to the ISO 14001 international standard. Skanska will therefore become the first international construction com- pany with carefully designed systems and procedures in place for working with environmental issues in all projects and operations worldwide.

Environmental management systems, December 31, 1999 Units representing 81 percent of employees now have environmental management sys- tems in operation. These units account for 86 percent of Skanska Group net sales.

Units representing 51 percent of employees now have certified environmental manage- ment systems. These units account for 62 percent of Skanska group net sales.

Business development ond legal and regulatory requirements. The cation of significant environmental aspects Environmental expertise and broad-based ex- same is true for the 361 major projects in – formulation of objectives and action pro- perience of environmental adaptation work which Skanska initiated greater environ- grams are increasingly important to Skanska. Our mental adaptation. See the table below. These – implementation of actions ability to assess project proposals from an environmental ambitions apply, for example, – internal follow-up (measurements, internal environmental standpoint, initiate greater to material selection and chemical substances, environmental audits, management reviews) environmental adaptation and live up to the energy solutions and waste management. – external verification by accredited certifica- environmental demands of our clients are tion bodies during ISO 14001 certification an essential element of Skanska’s business Environmental and registration development. management systems Our analysis of major projects during 1999 An environmental management system pre- The environmental management systems at reveals that environmental ambitions often supposes a continuous process in which Skanska’s various units vary in appearance, exceed legal and regulatory requirements. environmental activities are planned, imple- depending on the type of operations, size, This trend will become more pronounced in mented and followed up, with demands for management structure etc. Their general the next few years. Meanwhile national legal continuous improvements. Important ele- ambition is to coordinate environmental and regulatory requirements in the environ- ments of an environmental management management systems with other manage- mental field will become stricter. system are: ment systems. During 1999, we worked with more than – training programs and information for A system that is certified according to the 165 major projects in which the client speci- employees ISO 14001 international standard has thus fied environmental standards that went bey- – initial environmental reviews and identifi- been verified by an external organization that

Number of projects – larger than USD 1 million – that incorporate environmental standards beyond legal and regulatory requirements. Skanska Skanska Skanska Skanska Project Development Sweden Europe USA and Real Estate

Skanska Environmental Report 99 Environmental Skanska Client’s initiative 125 24 10 6 Skanska’s initiative 238 81 26 16 6 ● nme fpriiat)226 1 2 56 118 537 67 276 202 920 (number ofparticipants) Environmental audittraining (number ofparticipants) Specialist training Specialist training, 1999–inaddition tobasicenvironmentaltraining maymental impactthatoperations leadto. n’s environmental policyandtheenviron- theorganizatio- ployees of shallbeinformed 95/95 The ISO14001standard requires thatallem- Environmental training years after acquisition. 95/95 w system management vironmental a cert of theintroduction is requiring Skanska In thelatter case, quired companies. ac- recently Group’s the panies andsomeof thestrategic spe are afewunitsof Among theexceptions unit. each particular 100/100 developing systems suited fortheneedsof to employeesding information/training and includedprovi- Theseefforts 1999. end of managementsystemsvironmental by the 100/100 0/0 Virtually allunitshadintroduced en- 2000. nolaterISO 14001-certified thantheendof shallbe tablishes thegoalthatalloperations 30/30 which Skanskaisasignatory. of (ICC), Commerce International Chamber of the 40/41 forsustainabledevelopmentcharter of Among thelatter isthebusiness example. for undertakings, policy andothervoluntary 97/96 thecompany’s environmental quirements, ronmental compared activities to legalre- aunit’s envi- of audit includesanevaluation Thecertification is accredited forthistask. Certified systems Systems inoperation Environmental managementsystems,December31,1999(percentageofemployeesandnetsales,respectively) Skanska hasalsoimplemented aprogram es- Skanska In itsEnvironmental Policy, cialist com- ithin two ified en- knk knk knk Skanska ProjectDevelopment Skanska Skanska Skanska Skanska ProjectDevelopment Skanska Skanska Skanska wdnErp S andRealEstate USA Europe Sweden andRealEstate USA Europe Sweden 525 environmental audits. outatotal of Skanskacarried 1999, During environmental asinternal training auditors. ronment issueshave beengiven further controlperience inquality orworking envi- many employees ex- with ment theseaudits, To enableSkanskato imple- next fewyears. increase projects inthe rapidly struction will con- environmental auditsof The number of theSkanskaGroup. begun inmany of parts environmental internal auditshasalready of environmental work by means Follow-up of Environmental audits upir,but alsoregular contactspu- with suppliers, clientsand includes notonlydialoguewith Skanska’s environmental others dialoguewith Environmental dialogue courses inenvironmental management. aswell asuniversity projects, assessments of andenvironmentalmental legislation impact forexample onenviron- programs, of trum Theseincludedabroad spec- 1999. the endof by beyond programs basictraining training employees whohadundergonespecialist had received such basictraining. employees more than50percent of 1999, of By theend people. ning to alargenumber of that hasprovided basicenvironmental trai- The second tableshows thenumber of connected sustainabledevelopment. with bal businessorganizationworking onissues aglo- Sustainable Development (WBCSD) the World Business Council for member of theGroup. environmental work of onthe September 1999tohimself orient Skanskain visited KjellLarsson, ment, M Sweden’s invitation, At Skanska’s on ouroperations. them briefed Skanskaand fundsto visit ethical equity lysts from Swedish environmental and Skanskahasalsoinvited ana- two occasions. Swedish forNature Society on Conservation the sions with World Wildlife Fund andthe courses andresearch programs. inenvironmentaland participation training Public Health inSweden, National Institute of Asthma and Allergy Association andthe theSwedish with inpartnership and allergies mational meetingsonindoor environment Otherexamples are infor- projects. particular media andenvironmental organizationson aswell asdiscussionswith other operations, projects and of connection start-ups with 1999 are to information residents nearby in implemented activities during Examples of curs locallyinconjunctionprojects. with thiswork oc- Much of residentsnearby etc. environmental organizations, blic agencies, tteitrainllvl Skanskaisa At theinternational level, Skanskahashaddiscus- At Group level, inister fortheEnviron-

● 7 Skanska Environmental Report 1999 ● 8 Skanska Miljöredovisning 99 and Sweden connects Denmark The ÖresundBridge SEK 7billion. rated for traffic onJuly1,2000. The totalconstruction costisabout well astheGerman-basedHochtief. two DanishcompaniesHøjgaard &SchultzandMonberg Thorsen as consortiumtors, aninternational ledbySkanska andalsoincludingthe Danish andSwedishgovernments. The contractor isSundlinkContrac- crete deckupperhighwayandalowerrailroad deck. in twolevelsandbuiltfrom steelandconcrete. Steelframes carryacon- between itspylons is490m. The superstructure ofthebridgeisdesigned and twoapproach bridges.Itstotallengthis7,845mandthefree span communications links.Itconsists ofthree mainparts:anelevatedbridge highway andrailroad traffic, aswellinformation technologyandtele- The Öresund Bridgeistheworld’s longestcable-stayedbridgefor both The project beganinNovember1995andthebridgewillbeinaugu- The clientisØresundsbroKonsortiet, aconsortium ownedbythe Environmental work during the project The environmental impact of the project has been the subject of numerous evaluations. In 1994 the client presented the environmental impact assessment (EIA) that provided the basis for implementing the project. Before civil construction began, during the period 1992–95 a number of environmental studies of the Öresund waterway between Sweden and Denmark were also carried out. In conjunction with procurement of materials and services, the client has paid especially close attention to the environmental management systems of each contractor. Sundlink’s environmental management system is part of its quality management system, along with working environment. The practical environmental work of the project has taken a number of factors into account. This applies, for example, to transport services, noise, air pollution, water pollution, spillage from dredging operations, soil pollution as well as fuels and chemical substances. In order for this environmental work to genuinely function, it has been important to create environmen- tal awareness throughout the organization. To achieve this, all employees of Sundlink underwent environ- mental training. In addition, the consortium carried out environmental competitions and campaigns.

Sundlink’s environmental work can be summarized in five key points: – A client with clear environmental demands – An extensive environmental impact assessment, which provides the basis for its environmental work – A commitment to environmental work by everyone: client, contractor and general public – A skilled and responsible contractor – Good follow-up and evaluation programs Skanska Environmental Report 1999 Environmental Skanska 9 ● Environmental Practical environmental work occurs in each of the thousands of projects operations undertaken by Skanska. This requires dedicated and knowledgeable environmental consideration when it comes to such activities as pur- chasing, handling of chemicals, transport services, energy and waste management. By means of numerous programs, Skanska is helping to shape changes.

This section of the Environmental Report environmental solutions. Summaries of these Purchases of materials and services describes a number of environmental activi- projects are available on Skanska’s web site As previously stated, it is important to main- ties that were implemented during 1999. ( Their purpose is to more tain a continuous dialogue with suppliers Under the heading “Projects in focus,” the quickly disseminate the lessons of projects and subcontractors on environmental issues. application of environmental management with an environmental dimension to our As the various units of the Group introduce systems and dialogue with the client in a clients and other stakeholders. environmental management systems, this major construction project is described. The planning and construction of the new introduces a structured system of communi- Then we summarize Skanska’s internal headquarters of the appliance cation with suppliers and subcontractors, in follow-up of its environmental activities group in Stockholm during 1999 illustrates which they are informed of Skanska’s environ- in certain high-priority fields. in a practical way how environmental issues mental policy and the thrust of its environ- More detailed information on Skanska’s can influence the planning and construction mental activities. During 1999, more than environmental work is available on the web phases. After signing the project contract, 7,000 suppliers in all have been contacted in site, and this information is regularly updated. the two parties drafted a joint environmental this way by various units at Skanska. In addition, the financial aspects of this en- plan for planning and construction that re- Skanska Sweden has also evaluated the en- vironmental work are summarized in the gulated the entire construction process. vironmental activities of 100 of its 120 most 1999 Skanska Annual Report, which is also During the planning phase, guidelines were important suppliers. This evaluation resulted available on our web site ( approved for the selection of energy-conser- in classification of suppliers into four cate- ving systems and materials with reference to gories: not approved, approved, approved Projects in focus their overall environmental impact. During with distinction and approved with high dis- Practical environmental work occurs in all of the construction phase, the guidelines focused tinction. Suppliers have also been informed of the approximately 15,000 construction pro- on material handling, energy consumption, Skanska’s expectations concerning future jects that Skanska is engaged in at any one transport services, at-source waste separation development of their environmental work time. Many of these projects are small and and safeguarding the surrounding natural toward a higher category. To be placed in the of short duration, while infrastructure pro- habitats. highest category, for example, a company jects may be on a very large scale and last for Successful collaboration achieved signifi- must have a certified environmental manage- 7–8 years. This means, of course, that the cant environmental advantages. One example ment system, which 22 percent of the sup- environmental issues involved vary greatly. is the goal of minimizing energy consumption pliers that were evaluated already have in For example, a soil decontamination project, for both heating and air conditioning. The place. Examples of other areas considered which focuses on removing toxic chemicals, external energy utility and Skanska made a are the application of the guidelines from has very little in common with a residential major effort to adapt the building. The result the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or project where the important issues may be was that projected emissions of the green- equivalent requirements concerning wood selection of materials and energy. gas carbon dioxide in operating the and forest operations. Skanska is developing a database with building can be kept at a very low level – 50 About 20 percent of Skanska Sweden’s information about projects that involve percent lower than with a traditional solution. equipment fleet has either fulfilled stage 1 of special environmental demands or interesting the European Union (EU) emission directives msinsadrsada seseto each emission standards andanassessmentof engine fuel, clauses concern thechoice of Such ting standardized purchasing contracts. companiesrequirements inexis- fortransport Skanska Sweden hasintroduced environmental low-emission vehicles. andtheuseof logistics environmental impactrequires bothefficient Reducing their air andconsume fossil fuels. Transport emissionsinto generate the services Transport services out 380products. The businessarea hasalsobegunphasing seven products hasbeenprohibited. use of thefuture these, Of 1,400 chemical products. andprovides dataonmoreintranet than database thatisnow available ontheSkanska whatchemicals may beused. ment systems, itsenvironmental manage- hin thelimitsof wit- business area isresponsible fordeciding, each Otherwise, Group companies. of rations substances may notbeintroduced intheope- statingthatcertain guidelines onchemicals, Skanskaapproved Groupwide 1999, During Chemicals theirequipmentfleet. about 20percent of environmentally adapted hydraulic oilin of require theuse SkanskaEurope, are unitsof which inFinland, andSkanskaOy in Denmark SkanskaJensen Furthermore, ticulate filters. retrofitted converterswith catalytic andpar- orisequipped for newvehicles 1999, during which becamemandatory for dieselengines, Skanska Sweden hasbuiltupachemical a,theinventories have thatthese shown far, So te’s hadbeeninspected. holdings property Skanska Project Development andReal 56percent of 1999, By theendof ment. related bothto indoorandoutdoor environ- assessmentsincludefactors These continuing. Skanska’s real estate is holdings ventories of outenvironmental in- carrying The taskof tial 115 Environmental facts onresiden- 128 145 kWh/m Properties constructed in1999 Properties renovated in1999 Average, existingproperties Type ofproperty Skanska Real Estate Stockholm. use)managedby electricity than tenants’ other foroperations electricity conditioning, air (space properties heating, sumption of Thetablebelow shows con- total energy jects. andnewlydeveloped holdings pro- property inthisarea encompassgrams bothexisting Pro- in Skanska’s real own estate operations. especially area, issuesare aprioritized Energy Energy between 1998and1999. increased by 15percent purchasing contracts, asprovided intheirstandardized quirements, that metSkanskaSweden’s environmental re- by companies cargotransported of quantity The environmental managementactivities. haulage company’s environmental policyand and commercialproperties Energy consumption 2 , peryear Esta- to use outside sorting facilities. to useoutsidesorting SkanskaUSAcompanies are required calities, In New York other lo- andcertain City sible. localities where at-source ispos- separation in separation level of ahigh nies alsoreport SkanskaUSAcompa- Anumber of percent. usuallybetween 80and100 ishigh, ration sepa- thepercentage of Elsewhere inEurope, intoseparation atleastthree types. material struction wastes in Sweden undergo at-source allcon- more than70percent of quirements, systematic re- work andlocalregulatory of acombination Through be reused orrecycled. can sothey thosewastes thatarise and sort such materials is to reduce of thequantity Skanska’s ambition environmental impact. processstruction have andvisible anobvious Wastes andleftover from materials thecon- Waste the Residential Division. Construction clients inallprojects developed in-houseby logbookshave been presented to the mental such environ- in1999, Starting materials. foritsconstituentduct declarations building includingenvironmental pro- characteristics, thebuilding’s environmental of descriptions It contains ilding throughout itslifecycle. mental logbookintended to remain inabu- Skanska Sweden hasdeveloped anenviron- standard. maintainahigh holdings The Residential of Division Construction other open spaces. (150) acres for parksand reclamation of60hectares central city, allowing the into tunnelsunderthe to re-route freeway traffic working inamajorproject USA, SlatterySkanska is Boston,Massachusetts, In The BigDig

● 11 Skanska Environmental Report 1999 ● 12 Skanska Environmental Report 1999 ments alsoincludeenvironmental issuesand assess- financialandlegalrisks, technical, In additionto ther refined 2000. during befur- planned projects will assessments of Skanska’s procedures forimplementingrisk Development work environment andworking environment. lity, managementthatincludesqua- operational Working,” system anintegrated for Way of thebusinessarea’s “Our sential elementof Environmental issuesare anes- this work. SkanskaSweden hascome alongway in ple, For exam- isthekeyoperations to success. environmental issuesinto all of tegration inwhich thein- It process, isaliving work. dailyenvironmental butinpractical only, environmental managementcertificates of Skanska. within experience of andefficienttransfer expertise standard ahigh of requiring rent projects, between diffe- sharply ronmental issuesvary theenvi- In contrast, apply to allprojects. environmental activities and follow-up of implementation planning, of and principles samebasicstructure The ronmental work. re aprerequisite forpursuingeffective envi- ronmental managementsystems are therefo- envi- Sensiblydesigned than 50countries. projectsstruction isabout15,000inmore ongoingcon- number The of centralized. Skanska’s are operations extensive andde- Operational management fields: the following includeinvestments thiswill in 2000, ring Du- Group’s environmental performance. vely incontinuous improvements inthe to invest aggressi- systems asafoundation, usingenvironmental management lenge is, Thechal- der intheenvironmental field. Skanska’s lea- ambitionisto betheindustry 2000 Outlook for Results are notmeasured inthenumber and information technology.and information velopment insuch fieldsasenvironment forinnovativede opportunities businessde- provi- will sing andcommercial operations, which encompasses bothhou- This project, mental Science Park 2000. during starting plans to develop theStockholm Environ- Skanska dish construction company JM, Together theSwe- with the next few years. andlandusein tual solutionsforbuildings environmentally concep- oriented ment of elds alsoatbusinessarea level. fi- butincertain applies mainlyto projects, This environmentalmonitoring activities. methodsandkey indicators for nement of elsewhere. plantsinEasterntreatment Europe and wastewater ting intheconstruction of improve theGroup’s potential forparticipa- will This Oy andelsewhere continue. will andresourcesexpertise begunatSkanska thestrengthening of wastewater treatment, water supplyand In thefieldof materials. of tools forenvironmentally adapted selection also conduct aninventory of andevaluation will Skanska lable throughout theGroup. andmadeavai- betranslated ness areas will Project Development andReal Estate busi- base usedby SkanskaSweden andSkanska Thechemical data- and chemical products. buildingmaterials tally adapted selectionof to develop tools fortheenvironmen-efforts residents. nearby lations with andre- human rights tical aspectsare ethics, Among sociopoli- clientsandsuppliers. with contaminated soilandrelations impact, environmentalsuch aspectsassignificant theseassessmentstake into account field, In theenvironmental sociopolitical issues. cess easier. Partnership anddialoguewithmanystakeholders willmake thispro- fresh thinkingandafocus oncontinuousenvironmental improvements. Skanska’s ambitiousapproach totheenvironmental fieldpresupposes Skanska will beinvestingSkanska will inthedevelop- refi- further Skanska isalsoprioritizing continue Skanskawill its 2000, During Skanska’s web 2000! site during ticipate inthe environmental discussionon on theseissues. otherleadingcompaniesexperience with activelySkanska will seekexchanges of 2000, During companies. responsibilities of thesocialandethicalrole and discussion of foranextended departure as thepointof dialogue onenvironmental issuescanserve Commission 2000. onDams during guidelines to bepublishedby the World discussionsabouttheproposed things, amongother tal organizationsto include, environmen- itsdialoguewith expansion of Oneexample isSkanska’s them. work with environmental share ourexperiences of can Skanska In return, mental organizations. environ- theknow-how andopinionsof of cedures theEuropean within Union. tal requirements inpublicprocurement pro- also involved inreforming theenvironmen- is Skanska which Skanskaisparticipating. in ecologically sustainableconstruction, initiative fordeveloping to study strategies forimprovementportunities proposals. theproject cancreate op- consequences of and and alocaldialogueonthepurpose theclientisessential, Early dialoguewith environmental performance initsprojects. othersinorder tohips with achieve good dependentonpartners- Skanska ishighly manyis anopendialoguewith stakeholders. Oneprerequisite success forachieving cess. isalong-term pro-construction operations project-based Environmental adaptationof Partnership anddialogue Welcome to: Follow theenvironmental news andpar- It isSkanska’s hopethataneffective Skanska alsoneedsto make greater use The Swedish government hastaken the ( gically sustainablemanagementofthe world’s forests aimed atpromoting environmentally responsible, sociallybeneficial andecolo- The Forest Stewardship organization Councilisanindependentinternational FSC. tal policy. for developing,introducing, fulfilling,revising andmaintaininganenvironmen- structure, planning,responsibility, practice, procedures, processes andresources The portionofanorganization’s managementsystemthatincludesorganizational Environmental managementsystems. in anenvironmental management system. at examiningwhetheranoperation isruninaccordance withthe commitments systematic,objectivereview ofanorganization’s environmental workaimed A Environmental audit. and sustainabledevelopment( that are pacesettersintheirrespective sectorsintermsof environmental activities nability Group. Itisthefirstglobalindexfor tracking andassessingcompanies An indexdevelopedbyDowJonesIndexesandtheSwisscompanySAMSustai- Dow JonesSustainabilityIndex. 1987 Montreal Protocol onSubstancesthatDepletetheOzone Layer. the greenhouse effect. Prohibitedrulesaccording underinternational tothe refrigerants. They break downthestratospheric ozonelayerandcontributeto Chlorofluorocarbons, syntheticallymanufactured substances usedprimarilyas CFCs. certain standards. An independentexaminationofanoperation andaconfirmationthatitmeets Certification. may leadtolungdamageandcancer. Prohibited andregulated inmanycountries. Mineral-based fiberusedfor fire-retardant insulation etc.Long-termexposure Asbestos. Exposure toacrylamidemayleadcancerandgeneticdamage. the skin oringested.Serioushealthhazards intheeventoflong-termexposure. substancethatistoxicwhenincontactwith Chemical label:2-propenamide. A Acrylamide. Official approval byacertificationagency. Accreditation. Glossary ICC. tionally prohibited substancesundertheMontreal Protocol. bute todepletionofthestratospheric ozonelayerandare amongtheinterna- Halogenated hydrocarbons primarilyusedfor extinguishingfires. Halons contri- Halon. includes abroad spectrumofstakeholders ( delines for reports bycompaniesontheirsustainabledevelopmentwork.GRI The GlobalReportingInitiativewasestablishedin1997toestablishglobalgui- GRI. A leading international nature leadinginternational conservation organization( A World Wildlife Fund (WWF). dams andpowerplantprojects ( organizations andbusiness,entrustedwithdevelopingguidelinesfor large commissionincludingrepresentativesAn international interest ofgovernments, World CommissiononDams. ble development( 125 membercompanieswithashared commitmenttotheprinciplesofsustaina- The World BusinessCouncilfor SustainableDevelopmentisan organizationwith WBCSD. with about160,000membersinSweden( nonprofit organizationfor nature conservation andenvironmental protection A Swedish SocietyforNatureConservation, substances inmanycountries. formers andfor insulating purposes,theyare amongprohibited andregulated break downandthataccumulateinlivingorganisms.Oncewidelyusedtrans- Polychlorinated biphenyls,atypeoftoxichydrocarbons thatare verydifficult to PCBs. standardAn international for environmental managementsystems. ISO 14001. ganization for Standardization, ISO( seriesofstandards for Or- environmental activitiesissuedbytheInternational A ISO 14000. development ( tion, whichamongotherthingshasdevisedabusinesscharterfor sustainable ChamberofCommercebusinessorganiza- The International isaninternational

● 13 Skanska Environmental Report 1999