Sustainable Luangwa: Securing Luangwa's Water Resources for Shared Socioeconomic and Environmental Bene Ts Through Integrated Catchment Management
11/17/2019 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations Project Identication Form (PIF) entry – Full Sized Project – GEF - 7 Sustainable Luangwa: Securing Luangwa's water resources for shared socioeconomic and environmental benets through integrated catchment management Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10412 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Sustainable Luangwa: Securing Luangwa's water resources for shared socioeconomic and environmental benets through integrated catchment management Countries Zambia Agency(ies) WWF-US Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type 1/52 11/17/2019 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection - Government Environmental Management Department GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Land Degradation, Focal Areas, Sustainable Land Management, Sustainable Livelihoods, Improved Soil and Water Management Techniques, Sustainable Forest, Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Terrestrial Protected Areas, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Productive Landscapes, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Inuencing models, Demonstrate innovative approache, Convene multi- stakeholder alliances, Type of Engagement, Stakeholders, Consultation, Information Dissemination, Participation, Partnership, Beneciaries, Local Communities, Private Sector, SMEs, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Communications, Awareness Raising,