Nyodoj-= ---Hhb*'' ---*---- L ‘ 11/21/86 Page 2 Baptist Press The
I WOV* 2 4 1986 NATIONAL OFFICE SBC Executive Comm~ttee 901 Commerce 1750 Nashville. Tennessee 3720: (81 5) 244-2355 W~lrnerC Fields, D~rector Nowa &nice of the Southrm BaptlSl ComnUoII Dan Martin, News Ed~tol Maw Knox, Feature Ed~tor BUREAUS AflANTA Jim Newton, Chiel. 1350 Spring St. N.W.. Atlanta, On. 30387, Telephone (404) 873-4041 DALLAS Thomas J. Brannon, Chief. 103 Baptist Building, Dallaa Texas 75201, Telephone (214) 741-lgW NASHVILLE (Baptist Sunday School Board) Lloyd f. Householder, Chiel, 127 Ninth Awe., N.. Nashville, Tenn 37232, Telephone (615) 251-2300 RICHMOND (Foreign) Robert L Slanley. Chlel. 3806 Monument Ave.. Richmond, Va, 23230, Telaphone (804) 353-0151 WASHINGTON Stan L Hastey, Chlel, 2M) Maryland Ava, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002, Telephone (202) 544-4228 Nwember 21, 1986 86-174 'Very Best Baptists' Sought By President By Dan Martin MEMPHIS, Tan. (W)--Southern Baptist Cxwventim President Adrian Rogers has issued a call for reccxnmendations of the "very best Baptistsu to serve on amnittees at the 1987 annual meeting. In an "wn Letter to Southern Baptistsn issued through Baptist Press, Rogers said: "The imprtant task of chming the naninees for the 1987 Caranittee on Cdttees, Resolutions Cumnittee, CredentiaLs Camittee and Tellers Camittee is under way. "It is my desire to choose the very best Southern Raptists for these msitions. This will be accomplished most effectively with your ~ayerfulsupport.and prmnal recomnendations under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. "We welme rmendations fran every corner of Southern Baptist wrk." Under the constitution of the Southern Baptist Convention, the p-esident appoints the Ccdttee on Cdttees, Resolutions Cannittee and Credentials Cdttee "in conference with1' the two vice presidents and the Tellers Carunittee "in wnsultation with" the anvention's rqistration sezretary.
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