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11-14-1968 Kabul Times (November 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 196) Bakhtar

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PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES NOVEM,BER 13,',1,9.~ ---..;.-'-"':""'"'-..:-_--~----,-....-~.:--:...:---~~ W;~ns .~ "-lEi'~~) Afghan-Soviet Communique ,Issued Alleged Nixon NATO CoItUitanfter ,~ ,"~l' th~lt pro~ound\ontlon :''tl:, (Continued from page I) both SIdes expressed to expand and develop theu Plotters Appear i.£1h I B' I Of P ... , AfghanIStan, S, P. Kiklov, head of sahsfacUon Ill. the SlgnJng bY,la ma-r mutua' cooPFraUo~ dudng the per- .!\..J .ES,: ange n a an,ce· owel. , , Eall( (Be~tet) the MIddle Department of the Jonty of states of the Treaty on the IOd of the fulfilment of the, Third B. fl I Co t ''', BRUSSELS Nov 13, ty"and thus out'titedible 4eterr- \ USSR Ministry of Fore,gn AlIa"s; NonproliferatIOn of Nuclear Wea- Afgban Flve'YeaT Plan ~s IS stated fIe y n ur . ',I..LGen Lyma~ Lcmnlt:zer, sUpre- rent pow depal'tllre "ThIS counlry has great future in toufJsm Wben seen certain articles of thiS law e§~ c;hall be submitted to the parhament then1ng of the world organisation Nations Both Sldes reiterated then deter- , med)atelv responsible florce far- people in for paris of the world learn of the marvellous scenery pcclally artldes II and 47, deal wlthm 30 days of Its first mcetU1g so that It could play Its part as an In exchangmg VIC:WS on questions mlnation to tonlmu~ to develop J ther to the west than at any tJ- fur Hincuku.h. and the ,:uJ1erb roads that cross your country or wlth subjects whIch are dealt WlthlO If rejected they becomes JOvalid effechve Instrument of malntalD,"" of the" Interest. both sides confirm these rela{;ons of fnendshlp lind Jlfl.hnson M'ay Go Ahead WIOth me in the recent past wnen they hcaT rumours of lhe magDJflcent horsemanshIp ihat other laws such as the pohtlcal par Arhdc 32 of th(" Constltullon pro- , penCe throulhout the world ('(f the position of prrndple set forth mutunl confidence between the twu" U 1'- _ ''''e wllnesse,1 ,n the game of buzkashl In Kunduz, I beheve the tics law and the law on aSSOcUltlons vldcs Ihat Afghan I.:ltlzens have The pahcy of poSitIve neulrnltt) In Jomt Afghan-Soviet documents countnes which corresponds 10 the Af h Di flow of t'J1Jrl~t.. to Afr;th.Hwilan wIll Increllse vel':! rapidly" ,Ind gathcnngs the right to .Isscmblc unarmed ,Ind nonallgnmem ID mllll",y blncs Ind statements published earher Inlerests of the peoples of the USSR Talks WIOthout SaI"gon g an ary Induslon or these topics In thE' withoul pnor permiSSIOn of thl' and groupings pursue<.! by Afghll In the course of the detailed ex and AfghoOistan und 10 the purpo Perhllps we at the World Bu­ Afghantstan olans lo bUild beltel cducallon law r.:aw;;es misunderstand State for the lchlcvl'ment of legl- IS (Cotltrnued from page 3) OIstan an Important contribution ... h Illgc of Vlews on the questIOns of SCs to strengthening peace WASHINGTON Nov 13.-U S blbty of proceedmg WJth the ta- nk can help somewhat In Your tWlels In l~ prOVlOces as well ngs as far as the application 01 1100:lte und peaceful purposes In nc- to the I.:ause of preserving peale Afghan-SovlN relations it was no 1 he VISit of the Prime Minister Defence SecretarY Clark Clifford lks." hind the whole deal, she dId not 10UTlst development," he added PrJOrtty IS beIng given to Bam­ dlOse IIWS are concerned cordnnce With Ihe prnvI<:;hlnli of the and eastng mlcrnatlonal tension Jn lC'd once again that these relalJons of Afghamstan, Noor Ahmad Ete- told newsmen Tuesday President At the same ume, lJ they cho- leave any word of praise unused 0 f{,"~ received Walter BlO3ghi. director of that lilts law In accordance WIth The ruling of the committee IS The two sides cxpressed their sa putes or outstandmg problems has offcred a new opportunity to sponslbIltty" to proceed With the he.ts tOe constll.utlOnal responSI- "Wise" to exalt the statton of thp eed up our programme to Afgha of KhaJu Azhdar. Istaltf and Ob­ the Inlernatlonal Clv,1 AViation Organlsalion yesterday afternoon the prOVISions of artIcle 77 of thp bascd on the fact that until the law tlsfactIon WIth the understandlDg Afghanistan and the Soviet Un l,;OntlOue the fruitful and construc- ParIs talks even If South Vlet- OlUI.Y 01 proceeding WJth the t8- cow but I could not grasp the OJstan, and I WIll seek means to Constitution muc;t be rejected governing associations and gather- eh These 1)lans were discussed \n Gulkh Oil P,d" 0 1', ""dcnl of the Arghlln Air Authllrlty Sultan reached in Pans concerning thc IOn were first states to establish to live exch.tnge of views between the nam does nm. agree to partIcl- lks' connectJOn enable our relatIOns to be out on In putflDg thiS propoSltlon befnr~ Ings 1<:; pr~mulriatcd dcmonSlratlOns ~lates wa~ With World Bank delegatIon", the Mahmoud Ghazl and head of the UN Development Programme in l.:essatlOn of aU air attacks and other spite of Ihe difference In their eco- statesmen or Ihe two countnes Will pate 1 he United hopes 5al- Anyhow the second cow a more intimate and efficlent ba sources SaId the houses the committee .llsn req .lte nol legitimate Afghanistan, Arsenne6hahbaz, were also present at this time Hi acts of war against the Democrallt nomic social and politIcal syslcms be of great Importance for the In explamlng why the presld- gon WIll deCIde SOOn to Jom the sent to the suburbs but We kept SIS so that we an give our help ConSiderable time was also de­ u~sls the house, Ihe resolutIOn said The two articles which Insl.:J1rcd where you need It and when VOll nagh,l went to Tape MaranJan later to lay a wreath In the mausol- .1 Republic of as well us on theIr relatIOns on the baSis of res- further development and strengthen- ent deCIded to proceed With the 1"'ans t:onierence, be saId, but he our fmgers crossed that she may voted In the diSCUSSions the sou­ !o l'isue declaratIOn recommend the House commIttee s resoluilon Afghanls~ wnnt It," he saId In In holdtng further mectmes With the peL! ror mdependence, terrltonal 109 of relatIOns bctwech expanded talks even after Sal- made It clear that Washmgton lead a healthy hfe m order to I c(S said to exololtatlOIl or mi­ eum of the late King His Majesty Mohammad Nader Shah In,4 to students and teachers that Stly s'udents call not parl1clp,lte ~outh In of I participation of representallvcs 01 InleRrlty and sovereignty, mutual tan and the SovIet Union gon raIsed last-mmute obJechons WIll proceed Wltbout the spare us some milk when 150 nes In A[ghanlstan and especlal­ Above His Majesty welcomes Blnaghl Icspeq of article 32 the canst partIsan ,Int! politIC.,} actIVities and the Democratic Republic ot Viet ~onfidence equahty and non-mte-r ro observe adequalely the 50th ClIfford saId VJetnamese If necessary La reach od mood Ltke all internatIOnal develop­ lutlon they permit the sllue lOll 10 demonstratlolls (arlld(> III and tea­ l Iv the Hallgak Iron ore mIIl('S nam the NatJonal Liberation Front ference 10 the mtcrnal affairs of dnnlvcrsary of the establishment of 'II thmk the oresldent owed t a milItary agreement wIth North Alas the two cows had coUu· ment agenCIes McNamara add­ return 10 normal and they cease chers (women and men) university of the SaJeon auth other along With benefiCial coope fnendly relatIOns between the u.nder hiS consltltutIonal duty~i Vletnam he added, however, ded to gIve us a flat no After ed lhe World Bank IS sulfcnng Ihclr dC'monstratlons amt resume professor.. s~ rules RadiO Pakistan announced CI­ ocher: major Pakistani Cities follOWing statements he made about under effective IOternahonal control, as soon as the network become,; Instrument of lpouldmg and for- 'Then there was Johnson's Iln- come: Guests fee: M. 100 ) om the World Bank soeclal loans Clark Chfford that three-SIded the NLF team was lficluded In lmg an On1clal sta ~mcnt Shulto who comes from a lead­ rediVIding Pakistan IOto seveml operatIve, 1t won't be long befo- mtng OpInIOn Its duty IS to In- age which was somewhat short extended to develoolng countTJes talks might be staged In the ab 'he Hanm delegatIOn, whIle re TV WIll take over to a great form but the prerogaltve of ma- of the one projected by Kenne_ by the bank which bear only a Amung the 13-who were arres­ 109 family III the Smd, holds a dip provinces Wah Khan IS tho son of sencc of SaIgon representahves Harnman \.... a5 stIli hOOIng to g~t extent the coverage of the spot klllg the Judgment stays WIth the dy's IllsplCabonal personahty minimum of mterest tp cover the led In VanuUs parts of the Pakls~ lorna In politIcal sCience from the Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan to reach a milItary settlement In a four-SIded diSCUSSIOn unl.1er news The newspapers then Will reader In every Instance' he and sophlstJcahon" Harr1s a de- IML Aman Fur Skin Industry adm10lstratlvc expenses of the t of observers ve IndIcated they dIe ready 1r~1 stern, noribwestem, western and ppened" he saId answered questIOns out to him but they lost hIm long term loans dcnylllg repolts frd01 Tehran thai When he returned to Pakislan he League on~ given by South Vlctnames£' govcrnment fin' wish to have made. In I ~lrcc fal had no cuntacts \\ Ith then 59F 34F 'There IS a relative freedom and the dIsruptIOns of the Dem~ . There the Democrats among tl)fj· USSI~ l Jill," 11 \ thl: ",v.t~lnn Iy dented yesterday that It had bro­ Ameucan countel oal ts or WIth Herat 20 C 5 C tn many natJOns and the respon- ocr.'tlc Party convention In Chi them Lyndon Johnson, hel- AddreSSing a press conreren... c tn were dlSllll blllg ken an agreement With th£' UnHed 68F 41 F Sible press has Its own mbuHt re- cago ped him The same sort of thmg Bulk orders for Mghan The lon!'>',tutlon l.:aJled a baSh.: IOtlugurale the NATO mlOlstcn.i1 I he NA I 0 ul~lenLe Ollnlsters wo lhe South Vll'tnamese observel Sta tes to JOIn the pe,tce negohatlons demorr.lcy IOstltuted .1 presldenltal te.lm 16 C 7 C stramts emanahng from SOCial re will orevall thiS time" he saId counCil meeting which open uld bl.: lll"lllSstng the sltu31l0n 011 In Pans 61 F 44 F and foreign exporters are regime WIth a partially elected na­ ed today, Broslo saId that the aCllon I hUI ... dJ\ Ilw 1llrelgn ministers on He accused the USaf delJ~ No such blanket. agreement ever ------llonal ,lssembly 24 C 6 C had been a severe blow to pre\ lOllS FratlY HI nStll 1oI1lt..l rately delaymg four Sided Ian· eXisted In(ormatlun Mlnlstc.:r lUll 1~ F 34 F Rhutto whc studied In the UOI­ confidence In Ihl" peal.:cful mtentlons On the MClh .... rrdl1l III sltuallon as the Amellcans hade estaol fhut Ihlen lnSI:;ted at d prc'iS lon also accepted. Our prices ted Slates and Ontain W.IS uppOln_ Ghaznl 55F 30F ,I thc USSR Bro.slo said thnt Ih(~ presence of d shed tht' SaIgon government In [erence UN Seeks Stepped / CORRECTED PROGRAMME ted f(lrcign minister and was m,t/nly KundD2 18 C g C However he said that NA I0 h,ld SOVIet f1cI.-'t lhcre of whatc.:vCI size POWCI are reasonable and quality respons,blc for Pukistun s rapprl) MF 40F bt::n well.lIIlotlllcd lIbnul thl' \Vlr \\ lS I nL'"\\ dt:vc.:lIIPI1Hllt Whl'SC po CuUIIlg fel

.' I. .. ' : ' / , .' ., . .- 1 .. , . I ,. PAGES THE KABUL TIMES " :FAGE' 2 .,.. ,' ,('... '. . .. .-'" ., ' it ., .' . c, L.. ' .<.77, '. /.. . 'h . " ;' • ,~, I, ;, ..; ,Brazilians: . ,~., :. F~od' Foy' Thought ,. '. Tie mO$t··.Ii~~·1i·' '~:eotis \~ijity ..~ " ..~ ~. ~.:,]",.) , . .. ,.' , 'f ;.. ~ ~ The Brazilians are tlie most bete- siog' by 250,000 every year,.and Is tfo!;! with evc!ione having a share " 'S"." I to" Strange, wherl yOIl ('Onte 10 think . , ',:lii'J~'~~~ ,~untrY'~ ,I -\or· I rogeneous cO!"tnunity in the .Iworld expected to reach ten miUion ip ' !~" ... .' .!' l oj ,t, that 01 all the cOllnt/~ss folk -much more'SO than tJie Amerl- the 19809. :' .aIIilOot·, .. _ 'i \'1""" This ',1.'. cans. This land of clnse on a hun- The great towns suck the poor, belld ·ltrilfatll",~lIItuIe. "'~ed . ,I dred mUllan plOople bas vast com- landless labourer from the country-- in the existence of the world & Inost .. WilD have lived bt/ure ollr time 011 ." j . munilles cf Portuguese, . Gentian oIde in a way that makes havne of extl'ordinary eapItal.~, '-,.l.iUoMa_. abd Italian descent. There are a housing estimates and planning. A rUn Luiher King,'Juscelino Kilbit- t/UJ platlet II0t aile i,s kllo.wn in his 4 inC:l:~strial mIllion Japanese with occupations special teature of modem Brazilian chek bad a dream. .' "eloneen ,-il, ·dev·elopme...t Br~1llin ~ '~ tn rangiDg from truck-driviDif to gro- life are ,the. favelas. 1n beautiful 'This seemindy P{Oillic HOw··m'·.-R£AD·. .' ... '" " ",' tory Or Legend dS havtllU died 0/ wing pepper. There are a mlUlon and -excitln•.RJo .these favela.,. vast politician, Ptellident of IJrull ~ ~ . '1' '~G',.,". I •I• Arabs and mUllons Df mulattos, ci- ant-heaps'of slum.. strctch as ugly 1956.60, dreamed of a capital for ,\\ 1 ..~.'-:80".'" I OU'·;f".l""".i.... " A'''''I''M'''D'''''', 1. ' j , " • I' "!:i' ~ t', 'I tizens with mixed European and scars of humanity> up the moun-. all'people of.·his colinI,!:)'. ,He was ."1 ~', ) ,,' ,' , '~',1,t{,,~i,'\" ...... ' ,1.\, "JI,t ...... ,'/. ,t. .:. ,!"".,' ~,I "ir,,~ Sir MaR Beerbohm African blood. This variety has're- tain sides. No .Ulh! is ptovided,' tired of the p!lr'ennial' bickerlnl bet­ TtiE KABUL TIMES sulted in some of the world's;.most there are no sewsle' pipes, the po- ween Rio and Slc:i Paulo, betweco Pu~ ellery dJzy ~pt Friday and A.fghan pub exotic .names, sucb as Vladimir Ma. lice are not to bt: seen. In the minds Cariocas and the Paul!Jlu. So, rques Smith and Jose Maria W~- of the muaiqipal authorities the just .ten '~rs sllO,'jo the midst ·E"'jOY TH'EM , . tic ItoUday by ,h. Kabul Time. Pub lishing A.l1tncJi. shington.. favelas .don'.t~xist. . Y~ they collid of a vallt nowhere In, tb,e beart of "'111111111"111111111111111'"11111'1111111111111'1'11111I1111'11IUUIIl"'lfI'l'IIIIlIlII'lllll'IUlIIIIII",I.II,lI"I"",I""11"1111.",111'11111 •• "."."""." •••• ,.,•• ,1111""111111111.,1'.11,11111,1111 Brazil not only has variety but be worse. 1bere is a kind of dosP""c Brazil, be beian to bluld a new Most students have their va­ ry long. They think It is very,dif· Remnant Of Colonialism size. 'Brazilians .say that lbeIrs )s rate self-dil\cip)i,ne In them thai capital, Brazlna. ,- cation in the summet. The sum­ uClllt to Tead, a boi:lk that has.2DO tbe fourth largest country in the ma~es life bearable. Most of the In a cMc&de .it baa apruDI ,koDl mer Is a good time to play out­ or 300" pa;ies. They Sll)'. it/·takes tan has ',oiccd' this oo...,.,m of tbe peopl.. 01 Af­ Tbe loint Afghan,Sovlet com.mimlque is· world, firmly refusinll .tel admit that inbabltants have some sort of job, notbinll~ to become a metroilO1llo of dOOrs and go on picnics and take too much' time·and thatl1hOoks as sued sltnn".\nt'Ously In Kabul and Mosww ves· gbanistan ~ "very opportune moment III th.. co­ America bas. the rillht to Include part-time, poorly paid, but living half a mlllion people.. It repr_nls long trips. MallY students in Ai­ long as that are verY boring. . lerday a' the end of Prime MlnJster Etemadj's urse of Its bilatpral oontacts with friendly CODD· Alaska in its lerrill>ry. Th.· pllU),!- them a little share of the great opu- the most extraordinary, modem ghanistan have their vacations The reason wby, they 'saY .thls omcial visit to the Soviet UnJon touches on one lrles and more recenU, at the UnJted Nations ers In th~lr offices In Rio have lence down below, in the city str- planning phenom"'!on althoulh this in the wbUer: wheh it is too cold is that most stud~ts, doii~,knI$ • 01 Ihe important Issues of the world namely Ibe and has exlalned that it has no expansionJd des­ maps 'that show the InfinJta P!'a1bi" eels. miracle has produced its own ap- to ,play 'outside or take long tri­ how to read lonif bookS. HQW Before"many years the Cadbury Now, appaled at factory conges- As the busmess expanded throu- He loved children-he had to of remna.n.ts of colonJa.llsm. The coltllDunJqOe says: Igns of Its own. The question ot PashtooDlstlut. Is lities of develOpment In BraziI'a al- When an affluent visitor comes in paling problems. ps. shouls:! you read a 'lona bOok? . brot1siml . had _ncles· throughout tion and the workers' living condl- ghout the world and hi. wealth mo­ his awn by two wlves-and annua­ essentlalJy a Itroblem Illberlled from BritISh 001­ most empty weslern and Il0rth- to a favela, he may be so sbocked To begin with,' before the roads What should they <1..0 with During your vacatiOn (YOU 'abo, Europe" and the', ~ritish Cqmmon­ tions in Birmingham, the Oadburys unted~ George Cadbruys introdu::ed lly .entertained 25,000 lluests, most­ "The aides dedared their invariable desire to eo· w~ll n(.ribu!e In evuy possible way to the complete ."1· onialism In the Indian subeontlnent. We hope the western rei.ioDs. that he not notice one of the came, 'Concrete- had to ·be 'flown in their vaCation time? The beat uld read only the ·book's'that yOu wliallh;, The'y' ~'labilslled' plantaU.ons· built a ncw factory In open cotlntry many benefits for his workers. He ly children. in a -bam he built in .In the Amazon basin there are tbinls of 'whlch Brazil can riahtly by plane to build the skyscraper. re~d you will like: If. YOU liuI;·.a imlnatlon of the remnants of 0010n1allRD III acco­ resolvo of tbe two tlOUJltrles as expressed .Ita the thing tbat they can do is to think 'In Trinidad. and their name became four miles away. They also built started a pensions fund with a per­ Ihe grounds of his home. He would reputed to be minerai deposita of be proud. There Is no colour. bar, With \l(orkiDll people end ~ir fa­ good hooks. ReadJll/J can be ve­ book that. you, think YOU will-·lI· a 'Iiousehbld word tlIroUllhout the houses for Ihe foremen and· key sonal gift of £60,000. even provided rdance w'th the ehart:er and resolnUous of the joinl communiqoe to work tor th.. eomplete .ell­ stand sml""1 as they bathed in 'his untold· wealth. Now the pilosent DO separate slum for black and mllies fJood1nIl In from every part ry enjoyable and also very edu­ ke ask y,our ·hiends'.lf. a'Dy of world..:r.tiere were now hnndreds of wi>rkers and laid .0Ul playing fields snow shoes for the girl employees, pool or fi~hed 10 the s.lream running Uftll>ed Nations'·. . mlnation of the remnants ot eolonlausm 'W1I1 lead . ,relime Is cmbarklnl upon a .erles white. This ~quaUty between the of the .country to join in this.eltJllo­ cational. 'Students can learn. a lot resul~ them have read It. workers on the payroll of the i!fm . They called this bold experIment In so that they didn't have to work in' through the gardens. This is hlglily slgnUiea.nt In regard to the eli· tn practical In solving thJs and other p:o­ of pilot development schemes in races stretches out Of the favela Into mot bonanza, one .thlrd of ita I'D-; more than they do In school by H a friend of yours./las read which fotmorly employed only a workers' weJfare by the name of wet feet mlnatlon of rel1lJla\lls of colonfaUSm III thJs reg­ blenlS of tbis nature existing in thIs part 01 tbe Ibis empty Eldorado. Tho;y say that every comer of the country. The pulation are engaged In the simple reading bopks at home. the 'book ask hiM tQ .~ll yow ,wh­ :cw do", BournvtUe. . ton. Olle "' tbe pressing problems In this connec· world. ' thcy wlll. have 'no diffi- Copacabana beacb belongs to every- process of learning. In some ca/lCS But many students don't like at it is about. Aftl/l" be dieseribes throughout lion Is the quest'on of PashtoonJstan. When the in­ The So,'iet Government Is fully &'II'llI'e of culty In getting settiers from, (or body In Rro, there is no "while the local educational authorities ba- to read hecause the books are ve- It and you atill like_it.then. 1I4U NEW CR1OSSWORD PUZZLE dian subCOllUnent was divided Into Indiaand Pa­ Afghanistan's stand regarding the qnesUoa 01 Pa­ example, the drouaht-ridden area man's preserve", ve to administer school systems should read the hook. SOmll.,~ong bpo~s kistan the de,tiny of the eight m1Won people In sbtoomstan. It has been brougbt up and explained of the country's North",ast. CerIain_ Almost everyone In Brazil has with four shifts daily. h.. mal\lY . ., Iy It IS true that Brazil's history some mixed blood. It IS quite f8Sh~ Naturally. the more sophistica- ~u 1 the ~ed Northwest Frontier remained un­ on every occ"ion when leaders and prominent parts·' sholthfj. ,ell{l\olliy :140:" ..,',' '. agencies figures of lbe two countries bave met. Only last shows lhal people have been pre- onable to claim an Indian ancestor. ted Rio civil servants are parts that YOU tblnk you \v!1!"U- ..' delermlned and at the discretion of the pared to move. In waves Nprth. So- Basically, the black people of, a rear-guard action aeainst gover­ t~()jt:.~ ~·,$Q",":llad,., Year wben Ihe President at the PresIdium of 11110 ke. Aiter " Pakistao government. uth East, or Wes, in search of for- Brazil tend to be at the boltom of nment demands that tbe admlnis­ the other partB,. '.: r ... .. 41 ~" ••\ ' Supreme Soviet ofthe USSR, Nlknlal Podgomy tunes tbe social ladder, not because of tratioD mOVe completdy to BrasiUa. While you are readJng don't commonwealth Tbe people of Pashtoonlstan are a comp- visited Afghanistan In reaftinnlng the previous This moblity itself has caused thclr colour but because of theit oc- To leavc Ute Copacabana beach for Another ·year of the Kabul be afraid to skip paragraPhs that letely separate entity which has no resemblances joint statement on this question he expressed the great problems during the lalOt de- cupations and incomes. They stIli thIS Clty, a mixture of the WiJd 1'ime& Student Speefal haa 00· are borlOg. If you do,,'t underst­ ~..t./ ' to the majority of the people living III the subCo· hope that the problem wUl be solved by peaee- cade. Towns have exploded WIth retain their pnde and stlll have West and the 21st century, is bo­ rne to llQ end. ThIs was the and sDmething and there is no foorth year that .... have bad c' l:-JI .!l..r'-'-- ntin'lllt. Their history, culture and language Is ful means. people Sao Paulo J& reputed to be faith in Brazil. So far, there have und to be a wrench. But relent­ one at home to explain it, skip plantations dJlIerent. The Government of Pakistan since has The presel,t joint oom.munlque is a further the fastest growmg city In the wo- been no Detroit style race-riots, al- lessly thiS exciting monster of the a spelllaJ ·page tor stndents In that part. assumed sovereignty over pari of the territory affirmalion 01 tbe previous ones. II says both si· rid AI thc turn of the century it thougb people arc beginning to ask empty plains IS taking shape The our paper. If the paragtah doesn't 0$"" J)' W.. tbJnk that our special In belonging 10 Ibe PasbtoOl,istanl tribes while a des confirm the position of prlnelples set forth had a population of 100.000: At how long this can last day IS not too far off when Ibe sound interesting also skip it. the cnd of the Second World War. The optlm,sts hope that rac131 to- dream for this bJlh city In the dud... page has beoome be· this way you will finish the book t,)\J" part 01 them remaIn tree and ilve in Indepeodt"t 10 the joint Afghan-Soviet documents and state- payroll around two million. The present po- lerance may last long enough for heart of Brazil wiII come true tter and more eqjoyable. Thc much faster and you wlll enjDY Pashtoonistao. meots published earlier. We hope that this que· ~ pulatlon 15 about 5 million, IOcrea- them to make Brazil IOta a real na- (FWF) reason for this Is beeanse you what you read. If the author wr­ re helped pobUah It, You ,~s about many tbJngs in tlie bo­ akable blstorlc, cuJtural and ethnic ties with the ween Afghan;stan and Paldstan wtII be solved have sent In a1Jn(JR ..very we­ ok, oDly read what you like best. ..;-\a. J li...;;....1 J)..t people of Pashtoonlsta.n have been supon. by peaceful means between the Pakistan Gov- Soviet industry: ek atorles and artIoles for uS Look through the book for the appalled ing Iheir I..gltlmate demands for their rlgbt to enmenl and I"aden and IntelltoCtuala of the pen- to publlsb In the "SludentB" chapters which talk' about the ..,.....,..., "'" , .!l~ ""\ self·determinat:on. The government of Afghanis· pie of Pasbtoonistan. Own Co11llDJL" subject you are lOterested in Next year we want 10 make and only read them?' 'Later, you ..;-~ ------:...... _--:..._------Siberia-a eoltstruction site the Student Special eveo be· can go hack and l'I!ad the others. -_: -- congestion The maID peculiarity of Siber­ en also found in the TomSk'Re­ The Korshunovo ore-concentr­ ~ and we want you to help After you read a book yoU sho- J -':! .;.G .s\.;. J'. ' ia's industrial development at pr­ gilln. Geologists believe that an­ ating combine with an annual es­ 118 In this too, Send US sug­ uld try to discuss it with a fri­ esent is the develomepnt of lar­ other mammoth deposit of gas is timated output of 6 mJllion tons gestions abont how to Impro· end who has also read ·It. Often o~ ~ ~-L...:o ~ Yesterday ls/ah earned a Ilettcr to AV1..3tlon Organisation Walter BIn­ With getting the nght kmd of as­ ge-scale industrial complexes. located in Yakutia. In 1980 the of lrOn concentrate, is one of its v.. the studeni pqe. talking about a book ''mnkes it foemen the edltor by Dr. Mohammad Aslf aghl are here m Kabul. Slslance These cover huge territones, cr­ eastern areas of tbe country will enterprises. The first section of Also we should be happy If more interesting. When 'You dis­ Ahmad, urling the Ministry of Pub­ Both thesc figures w,lI be holding The paper mentIOned that McNa· ossing the boundaries of indIvid­ accotmt for 115 Pl:r cent at the to­ the Bratsk timber industrY com­ you wold write ns leUeI'$ cuss a book you can "ee if the lic H6alth to ban the import of all talks with the Afghan authQT1,tJes In mara was to viSit some areas In ual regions, terrItories and natio­ tal gas yield in tbll country. plex has been commissioned. about what yon Uke and what author's ·Ideas are'goOd and if he medtcaments which can be manu­ an attempt to explore the poSSIbi­ northern AfghanIstan where great nal Republics, and comprising a The potential..Cl! Siberian power The Bratsk alumJnlum plapt, yon don't Uk.. In the Student is telling the' tru~b. • k~)' workers aclot'ed looal1 y. lities of furthermg cooperation bet­ posslbihtles for the promotion of variety of industries. generation Is tnily unJque: cbeap one of the biggest of its Speda1. fini~~cus$.ing ~exist. After yOll the ,/J..t § ..Ill" ? Hplf. - r' .:. JJ • .J..J It i. the duty of the minlsley to ty to see {or hunself what Afgha­ ch better quality than the oil of the total resources of the entire ps have been built. or-:relfd~iiil!.kirjg·abo.ut : . use of eCQnomLC ._i'T9wth and deve­ j WoilJ4 you Uke to read about the encourage people to Ill't into the ba­ nistan has achieved dunng the past the Volga baslD. Last year six European Part of the Soviet Un­ books you IIftd.· . '1''- ;...... :;; .r:- bit of using medicine produced do­ and what It can do In the future lopment in this country, million tons of oil was obtained ion, and are 17 times bigger th­ The capacity of the Krasnoy­ ~ other thlnp that we have not bO~ ,pubUsbed so taI'! If you start to re,ad a and welfare mestically. One way of dojng It to here. an In the Urals. arsk hydroelectric station wiJl you· find that-"~;&m't<"li e it, ~ Do.,'}'o.' ~ we ban the impart of items which can By 1980 Sibena will be yielding A series of large-scale thermal' be 6 million kilowatt. Three ge­ I like ...-Jes st;cip.:'m,eading it and tw·c find ",,"v.. 1Jt-~ ',plII'O' Are they be manufactured m the country, the approximately 50 per cent of all power plants to feed the industry nerators out of a total of ten are ail6Ui!l~ book. Many peopl -(don't the oil extracted in our country. Itoo hald tar you? letter stressed. of the Urals and the European pa­ already yielding commercial po­ like t9" read becaUlil! tbey: ~hink A whole range of industries, in_ rt of the country will be built in wer. We .w""".-.e~tp the introduce Yesterday's Ams carned an edi­ .... "'\\y" Iilive to' read hooks \ they· torial entitled The Fifty Year Old cluding non-ferron;; metals, ferto­ Eastern Siberia On the ternlorY The southern part of the Kras­ :answel-s -to·these qiles'tlon. Bot J~~ ..I) .QIlIlIt •. ,< untnes are named as the principal alloys, organic synthetic products of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal \We .CJ~' ~ Bond of Friendship between Af­ Tbe semi-official dally At Ahram noyarsk Territory is one of tbe u.e IUlIl:lW'rB 1'4aW, ,people :';f'''f,,"~."".iT""'t! Iik~ ~J"" ghaniStan and the Soviet Union bas denled reports that agreement had enemY"1 the VIce-Admiral writes and wood processing, is being es­ basin. most promising parts of Siberia, unless yoh Wt tIS, ,,;,'.J Dari~ vaca~on become further strengthened. been reached for Gunnar Jarring, In "KrCl.fnaya Zvez.da'·, the newspa­ tablished in the Angara and En­ Thanks to the availabIlity of with a happy balance of power .yon you to -real! beel'~'1lo!J,~ don t pensions per of the SOViet defence mlOlstry will have 'II1e-ty 'of ·tlllle to understand ,.\:*. ds hj. the As expected PrIme Minister Ete~ U Tban!'s spec,al Middle East re­ isei river basins. South Yakutta cheap local fuel, Siberian elect­ and minerai potential and fav­ book. Jilla:t "~ ,,~ou shOUld al­ maw's weeklong offiCial ViSIt to the presentatlve, to open a fresh round In these conditions, the Interests and the Chita Region will beco­ ricity is the cheapest in the ouarble climatic co.ndition" An think about tbesl' questions. of secunty bad made It Imperative W.e·.ans~ Ways use a .dllll' ary when I you SOvIet UnIOn and his talks WIth the of negotiations towards a Middle me the area of fuel and metall­ USSR, and its production cost is important factor is that are U you to ithem read. . ! for the Sovu:t Umon to strengthen urgIcal enterprises. since this te­ please seiu! US a letter and provide Soviet leaders on the further ex­ East settlement 10 Geneva. approximately one third of that considerable resources of manpo­ ff YOll' 'U'ld'l'"Stand everrlhlng The paper, clhcg qualified fore­ constantly Its defensive capacity. rritory is rich in q.~posits of co­ at electricIty generating stations wer. Iel1 what ;roo thlnk We can pansion of commerCial and cultural ~ you read ll0U"",iIl enjoy YPW re-· "The Soviet UDlDn which IS kno­ kmg coal, iron and copper ores. 10 the European part of the ao ,to .0.JIl'Il,lIDd our sp· ties ~tween the two countrIeS led Ign mmistry sources, descnbed ag­ a.dJqg ml;l~:,hJtter. . -; I ency reports that ForeIgn Mmster wn to be: a Black-Sea and hence Unique deposits of gas, the Za­ USSR. The southern part of the Kras­ eeild'dpage te.. ·stuiIeilts bett· ST·UDENTS OWN COLOUMN to the further strengthening of Af­ w. So remember.,-l1ead ..-be·,Dooks REVENGE ghan-SoYlet friendship and good Mahmoud Riad was currently dis­ Mediterranean power, could not re­ polyardnoYe and' the Uringoisko­ The higgest hyproelectic sta­ noyarsk Territory and the adja­ you think you will ·like. Don't re-. annually cussing the plan With members of main mdlfferent to the machina­ yeo have been prospected recently tions of our country have been cent Autonomous RepuWic of ID the mea!!tIme we Itope The 'Laziest Perso,n nCll'hbourliness In spite of their dif­ yon a.Il SDCCeed In your llnal ad the parts that are 'boring. Ta­ Young Kowalski w\!nts to mar­ ferent social and economiC systems the government as "Without foun­ tions of lovers of mIlitary ventures in the northern part of the Tyu­ built in Siberia. They include the Tuva possess huge deposits of co­ ry the daiJghter of tlie Malinow­ Girls Sports exams and that :tau all bave lk about the books after .YOU fi­ Nasrullah Khan had s son His The partlcipahon of the SOViet datIOn" which are staged in ImmedIate pro­ men Region Their reserves am­ 4.1 mIllion kilowatt Bratsk Sta­ al, salt. exceptionally clean li­ ~nds. skis. But the two families have ,. "..~ gOOd t~ duriJ!g you nish them witb, ypur -,on's nBme was Jamrou Khan, Recently there has appearE\d an Union in the Implementatlon of a "No one could be allowed 10 turn xImIty to the borders of tbe USSR ount to three trillion cubic met­ t ton Its concrete dam is 127 met­ mestone and iron tyrites and po­ haan at "'"ass purposes for a long winter v_Uo... Sec you n..xt And lastlyI use "11' dictionarY' to I.lrtl\:le on girls athletiCS 10 the the MedIterranean 1010 a breeding and other SOCialist countries" res. Thus far only four decos,ts r·.'" high. The high voltage trans­ le sulphur content. As a result, Jamroze Khan d.d not study hiS entertain number of useful projects under the help understand what you read. time. Mrs. Malnowski asks her Kabul TImes The prospect df Af­ ground of war thai could plunge "The presence of Soviet ShipS WIth an InitIal prospected amOUn! mISSIOn lines radiate from it for cheap electric power can provide year. 1 lessons in class. He Just Sat on thl:. country's FITst and Second Five hubby. ghan females competing in sports, J§ )..1 '_- ,I. Year Plans through economIc and mankmd IOto a holocaust of world there IS a certain guarantee of of natural gas exceeding one tr­ a dlslance of many thousands of the foundation for the establish­ -Are we going to let Zosia bench throughout the school-day One day hiS father SOld, "Do you in mternahonal level. IS very ~XCI1­ technical cooperation which have nuclear catastrophe peace and secunty In the area. it illion cubic metres have beerl fo­ kilometres. A big industrial cen­ ment of a diversified production marry that young Kowalski. ..;,,; ,,}y In 109 10 all of uS led to concrete and successful re­ ~'It is thiS lofty and noble aIm coocluded. und in the world tre IS coming into being at a sho­ complex with enterprises which 'Easy proverbs'for y.ou -Naturally, it's the best way know the laZJest boy your class­ room?" ,}lIS son answered: "No, I If thIs should become a reality, sulls elves rise to greater hopes and that IS beh'nd the preseoce of So­ The HanOI dally Nizan Dan ac­ Large reserves of gas have be- rt dIstance from the station. (Continued on paQ' 4! to revenge ourselves.' don'~. we all Wish MISs Zarahoona Tokhl expectations for this cooperation to v:et ships In the Mediterranean", cused the Saigon government of try­ Like father, like·lIen Wbo is ,t?" The ftither said, 'The laziest boy and her teammates the best of luck cont11lue for our mutual advantage. vice admiral Nikolai Smirnov Wri­ 109 to sabotage the four-sided Pa­ .>~ , ~:oS..t,i IN THE MARKET PLACE 0$) <...;.i in the class 1S tbe one who does nul. Sirtce many other counlnes in The Jomt Afl:ban-Soviet comm­ tes In "Krasllaya Zvel.da". ns peace talks through Its new plan Balance of terra'r: ..;,~ ~ study and who SIts all day loog (·n Europe. ASia and the AmerJcas are unique, It saId, bears wJtness to the for JOining the d.scussions ,)1' ..I"" .s A housewife to a fruit vendor A 'commentary quoted by North the bench w.thow learnmg any­ playing volleyball, basketball and good-wiJI and understandIng eXIst­ . According to "Tass", he recalls Everyone pitc~ :n In place' the market thlDg. field horkey we feel that It is lIme '11g between the two counlnes both the role tbe U.S. Sixth Fleet had VIetnam news agency said the peace these strawberries U.S. Senate debates AMB question P--/' "J". -Why are The. answered. "Oh yes ror our country to begm sponsormg as regards thelf mutual rclallons as to play In the area Throughout the formula proposed by South Viet­ .:f..t so dear? sen last twenty years, the article says, nam PreSIdent Nguyen Van Thieu There 15 a growmg. crosscurr­ By George C. Wilson Certainly the tactical nuclear ~''; ~ know who you mean. It IS our such actiVities for Afghan girls well as on world affairs ent flow 109 agamst what has .::,.;-,\..0 -Because they're very scarce thiS f1eel had been used to suppress on November 8 had no value safe to vote againsl pobtically. missiles in the line in West teacher. 'He IS the laZiest. He SIts SU<.:h IDternauonal competition 'I11e S1mllarity of views held by been the mamstream of Ameri­ One techOical 'argument to be Geanany did not deter tbe Sov­ 1'0. sll played out. this year would stimulate young Afghan girls both governments for the solution the natlOnal hberalton movement whatsoever. all the day on the bench without can nuclear pullcy for the last -What do you mean scarce? 10 take more Interest In sports as Solutio·" ta In President Thleu, said the paper, raised IS the fallibility of compu­ iet Ullion fJ:om 'In"ading Czecho­ learningt anythlDg He Just teach- of some pf the most complicated of the peoples and to Intefere several years. . The papers said that this yesr:s the home affairs of South European proposed a two-side meetmg' com­ ters whIch woWd run the missile alovakia. And If the casualties es", : well as a sense of pride for their world Issues such' as eradicating the The new President Richard defence for mere bumans on the from firiDll tactical DJikes 10 Eu­ . trap was a bumper one. country MISS Tokhl feels that she lost week's consequ.eB~ of beaeH aggreSSIon states. posed on one side of the Saigon -That's why it doesn't pay lq .:Fi~ puzzle puppet administration includmg the Nixon will have to reckon WJth ground. The computers have to rope would be as pad lIS tbose Practice makes .perfl'ct Horns should do what she can to develop against the nelghbourine Arab co­ "The practIcal action of the U S. this new current as lle decides. pick them. representatIves of .the U.S. govern­ be tnld In advance of the possi­ from firing 'atrattlBlc I\~es in 0$,,> .).t1, J.' ..;,\....;\ , herself and her country_ untries. the long drawn and needless fleet and repealed statements by what to do about the nation's onc/~~n a time there was a man Amencan officials show that the ment and if necessary the other ble patterns of Ihe enemy attack the United ·S'-te&-.which Ita ·wh­ To her sports at this level, could war in Vietnam, disarmament mea­ nuclear arsenal. so they know how to respond. at Brown aald-tben w.bY :bave ,~ J '.):.'t l~)'~u,..;,,~ A GOOD TRAIT He kept talking all the time with­ achlew both Presently she compe­ sures such as the Nuclear Non­ Sixth Reet IS staying In the area allies and on the other of fhe De­ An Irrepresslble band of sen­ out giving others a l'hance to speak mocr~tic Republic Government and "The trouble with thot," said tactical nuclear mfssJies In fluro­ Practlce what you preach. A Scottish married couple IS tes at school In basketball as well proliferation Trealy, ~pport for thousand of mIles away from the ato!'s plans to push the question quarrelling Th~ wife shouts at One day hl~ I,llked abnul almosl the South Vietnam NatIonal Front one leading sClenUst who stands pe at all? us vulleyball the world peace and respect for the U.S. shores m order to control co­ out IntQ the allen early next him: everything under lht: sun. Without mmunicatIOn lines runnmg through for LiberatIon. rcady to testify against continu­ TbiB bel'l\tical ~PIl,__,­ Zarghoonu 'Iokhl enJoys sports UOited Nations reaffirm the lood­ year in the firs~ full-fledged he­ -There's .nbt a man in a mil­ sloppmg IOI a mOlllen! and feels that more emphaSIS should will. understanding and mutual res­ the Black Sea straits Dnd the Me­ "WhIle attempting to Ignore the ing wilh ABM construction, "IS en .1,IClJl(itm!d .at the .~ as ltis friends got Impallent and aring on the perils of President that a mechanical computer has lion no what am I saying, in be placed on them J hope that her pect between the two countries. diterranean and also In order to NLF which is the genume represen­ J9hnson's missile defence. the .t:USts 0" ."...b ·illtiCtU 'D1!Clear I. He's as sharp as a r070r. ten 'million, no once again, in a said In anger: "Please stop for a never beaten an expert human .'il~. '~ng Wishes come lrue In the near future In another editorial the paper be - prepared to strike: blows from tative of the South Vietnamese peo­ miJaila IIa :Luu!e I J is/i4JJ..n~ ;d~ moment. There may be some elsc' Sh~rman J hundred million, who ts such a I would Itke to Wish Zarghoona the sea apd air agalDst enemy tar­ ple. the Thleu-Ky-Huong clique Sen John Cooper, R, player in chess, far a war \ laetical .Jlukes ,out ,of '.E\u>liJle­ ~ho noted that two important world fi­ ~..r..,i)~ miser as you! here may Wish to speak a few Tokhl and all gals who share her gures namely the President of the gets by usmg nuclear and conven­ wants to arrogate to itself the lea­ Ky., a leader of this b Don't be angry Let me tell you (ABM) wrung a commitment out than one rol) call at a time, show 'Jl!l~lear ~ a victorious girls .athletic squad re­ Id,!s fuse. ..;,'Y...... I~st Pile ITlQfC. my last slory This IIIIIUIII1l1,llIlIIlIllfUllllUilllllIUII1l1I1IIIIII1l' •• 1I1111111ltlllllllllllll"0II1l11"111"'1111I11111111111' 11.1'1111I•• III1IIIIIII.,.III'IIIIIJIIIUIlIIIIII.III •• I,IIlIIIIIII.1I"'11I" •• ,11I',11I111I11, of such a bearing. The Georgia growmg support for halting the ~,witbout turning to Kabul from an interna­ nuclear missiles J .?,i r' \) JAl. hubby wl1l be Ilbout my trip. Clantfied: pe1' line, bold ,~ At. 20 § S. Khalil, Edt! Democrat is chairman of the Se­ AEM deployment. So the fight on tIonal competition. to rely on:,NA:1'O allies mlgbt ft­ &me wasn't built m a day.. 1Ralcently I made a trip. outside DUpIaIl: CoIum,. Inch, At. 100 Tel: 24047 nate Armed Services Commit­ ~his aspect 'of American nuclear . nally come through with tbe con­ Abdul, Ahad Sbahbaz 11 C, naturally ,Ihe celtlll!ro/. l,saw • {,sh. The fish (m'lmmum ,even line' peT fnae1"tlon) Residence. 423'5 tee and a backer of the ABM. policy is not over. ven~ional forces they have been o$~ ,~T 0$' .,; .(...t-' .-1'- "" r·lJ Naderla Hlghscl>ool Kabul. What Cooper and his colleagues •bad two )lorns." Another a'!P"cl which has been prOmising fllr years. •...... :; ,4T ,i-,) ~";...t) 'His friends could not sit qUiet aub.criptlon 'a,e. S SHAJ'IE RAHEL, EditOT plan to do is call in' nationally thought about a lot in the Pen­ Noone is ready to make sucb rev",e-:. KEEP YOURSELF BUSY ,Wbep '10 ,ftNllll, do as the Romans do. th. anymore. They asked very surpris­ I renowned scientisls to testify on lagon and elseV¥jere put discUs­ a proposal out lOUd in tbJs twi­ •J .... ~)fi;. '1 • ed: "A fish with two borns? He FIND THE REAL WORD ~-,\ , , ~ The lIrst correct solutiOl1& to YearlY . At. 1000 Tel: 23821 why the $ 5 billion Sentinel mis­ sed very little in public is tbe light of the Johnson administra­ 0$,:'; •r' ..t)y • sile delence makes no sense tecb, worth of all those tactical nucl­ .. ap'-$)1(~roJ. ':¥es" I. Daeha Ha1I Yead¥ A1. 600 tion..But .the thinking probably ~ 'His' friends asked Impatiently: mcally. The doves hope the bea­ ear weapons the United States .?~ &) ~ \"...;J 0$"";; .;I 2. Esool oor last week'. crossword puzzle Quartely A1. 300 will be passed on for the new 'IWhat were the fish's horns like? 3. Aera Edl,onlll Ex. 24, 58 ring will be an education for the has put In EW'ope. president to' P!l~der. ~heY'l'l! ~.fe a'!d sound. Congress and the J)ublic as scien­ He answered: 'lUke the horns of a 4. Ecnalubma were sent to us by Wajiha Sher­ § For other numbers drat dial swttch- Air Force SecretarY Harold Xhen there is MIRV-the 1e9h­ 0$' V\ ..II !:...t) came'I", 5. Norwc § FOR E IG N - board oumber 23043, 24028, 24026 tists-estranged from the White Brown, probably the most know­ niqUe of putting a ,huncb onit­ ~ Getling up, bls friends said 10 6. Locbos wan! from ZarghOODa HigbsdaooI, House in the J obnson yeal'S'----Gp­ ledgeable of the Penf

I '...",

.' I. .. ' : ' / , .' ., . .- 1 .. , . I ,. PAGES THE KABUL TIMES " :FAGE' 2 .,.. ,' ,('... '. . .. .-'" ., ' it ., .' . c, L.. ' .<.77, '. /.. . 'h . " ;' • ,~, I, ;, ..; ,Brazilians: . ,~., :. F~od' Foy' Thought ,. '. Tie mO$t··.Ii~~·1i·' '~:eotis \~ijity ..~ " ..~ ~. ~.:,]",.) , . .. ,.' , 'f ;.. ~ ~ The Brazilians are tlie most bete- siog' by 250,000 every year,.and Is tfo!;! with evc!ione having a share " 'S"." I to" Strange, wherl yOIl ('Onte 10 think . , ',:lii'J~'~~~ ,~untrY'~ ,I -\or· I rogeneous cO!"tnunity in the .Iworld expected to reach ten miUion ip ' !~" ... .' .!' l oj ,t, that 01 all the cOllnt/~ss folk -much more'SO than tJie Amerl- the 19809. :' .aIIilOot·, .. _ 'i \'1""" This ',1.'. cans. This land of clnse on a hun- The great towns suck the poor, belld ·ltrilfatll",~lIItuIe. "'~ed . ,I dred mUllan plOople bas vast com- landless labourer from the country-- in the existence of the world & Inost .. WilD have lived bt/ure ollr time 011 ." j . munilles cf Portuguese, . Gentian oIde in a way that makes havne of extl'ordinary eapItal.~, '-,.l.iUoMa_. abd Italian descent. There are a housing estimates and planning. A rUn Luiher King,'Juscelino Kilbit- t/UJ platlet II0t aile i,s kllo.wn in his 4 inC:l:~strial mIllion Japanese with occupations special teature of modem Brazilian chek bad a dream. .' "eloneen ,-il, ·dev·elopme...t Br~1llin ~ '~ tn rangiDg from truck-driviDif to gro- life are ,the. favelas. 1n beautiful 'This seemindy P{Oillic HOw··m'·.-R£AD·. .' ... '" " ",' tory Or Legend dS havtllU died 0/ wing pepper. There are a mlUlon and -excitln•.RJo .these favela.,. vast politician, Ptellident of IJrull ~ ~ . '1' '~G',.,". I •I• Arabs and mUllons Df mulattos, ci- ant-heaps'of slum.. strctch as ugly 1956.60, dreamed of a capital for ,\\ 1 ..~.'-:80".'" I OU'·;f".l""".i.... " A'''''I''M'''D'''''', 1. ' j , " • I' "!:i' ~ t', 'I tizens with mixed European and scars of humanity> up the moun-. all'people of.·his colinI,!:)'. ,He was ."1 ~', ) ,,' ,' , '~',1,t{,,~i,'\" ...... ' ,1.\, "JI,t ...... ,'/. ,t. .:. ,!"".,' ~,I "ir,,~ Sir MaR Beerbohm African blood. This variety has're- tain sides. No .Ulh! is ptovided,' tired of the p!lr'ennial' bickerlnl bet­ TtiE KABUL TIMES sulted in some of the world's;.most there are no sewsle' pipes, the po- ween Rio and Slc:i Paulo, betweco Pu~ ellery dJzy ~pt Friday and A.fghan pub exotic .names, sucb as Vladimir Ma. lice are not to bt: seen. In the minds Cariocas and the Paul!Jlu. So, rques Smith and Jose Maria W~- of the muaiqipal authorities the just .ten '~rs sllO,'jo the midst ·E"'jOY TH'EM , . tic ItoUday by ,h. Kabul Time. Pub lishing A.l1tncJi. shington.. favelas .don'.t~xist. . Y~ they collid of a vallt nowhere In, tb,e beart of "'111111111"111111111111111'"11111'1111111111111'1'11111I1111'11IUUIIl"'lfI'l'IIIIlIlII'lllll'IUlIIIIII",I.II,lI"I"",I""11"1111.",111'11111 •• "."."""." •••• ,.,•• ,1111""111111111.,1'.11,11111,1111 Brazil not only has variety but be worse. 1bere is a kind of dosP""c Brazil, be beian to bluld a new Most students have their va­ ry long. They think It is very,dif· Remnant Of Colonialism size. 'Brazilians .say that lbeIrs )s rate self-dil\cip)i,ne In them thai capital, Brazlna. ,- cation in the summet. The sum­ uClllt to Tead, a boi:lk that has.2DO tbe fourth largest country in the ma~es life bearable. Most of the In a cMc&de .it baa apruDI ,koDl mer Is a good time to play out­ or 300" pa;ies. They Sll)'. it/·takes tan has ',oiccd' this oo...,.,m of tbe peopl.. 01 Af­ Tbe loint Afghan,Sovlet com.mimlque is· world, firmly refusinll .tel admit that inbabltants have some sort of job, notbinll~ to become a metroilO1llo of dOOrs and go on picnics and take too much' time·and thatl1hOoks as sued sltnn".\nt'Ously In Kabul and Mosww ves· gbanistan ~ "very opportune moment III th.. co­ America bas. the rillht to Include part-time, poorly paid, but living half a mlllion people.. It repr_nls long trips. MallY students in Ai­ long as that are verY boring. . lerday a' the end of Prime MlnJster Etemadj's urse of Its bilatpral oontacts with friendly CODD· Alaska in its lerrill>ry. Th.· pllU),!- them a little share of the great opu- the most extraordinary, modem ghanistan have their vacations The reason wby, they 'saY .thls omcial visit to the Soviet UnJon touches on one lrles and more recenU, at the UnJted Nations ers In th~lr offices In Rio have lence down below, in the city str- planning phenom"'!on althoulh this in the wbUer: wheh it is too cold is that most stud~ts, doii~,knI$ • 01 Ihe important Issues of the world namely Ibe and has exlalned that it has no expansionJd des­ maps 'that show the InfinJta P!'a1bi" eels. miracle has produced its own ap- to ,play 'outside or take long tri­ how to read lonif bookS. HQW Before"many years the Cadbury Now, appaled at factory conges- As the busmess expanded throu- He loved children-he had to of remna.n.ts of colonJa.llsm. The coltllDunJqOe says: Igns of Its own. The question ot PashtooDlstlut. Is lities of develOpment In BraziI'a al- When an affluent visitor comes in paling problems. ps. shouls:! you read a 'lona bOok? . brot1siml . had _ncles· throughout tion and the workers' living condl- ghout the world and hi. wealth mo­ his awn by two wlves-and annua­ essentlalJy a Itroblem Illberlled from BritISh 001­ most empty weslern and Il0rth- to a favela, he may be so sbocked To begin with,' before the roads What should they <1..0 with During your vacatiOn (YOU 'abo, Europe" and the', ~ritish Cqmmon­ tions in Birmingham, the Oadburys unted~ George Cadbruys introdu::ed lly .entertained 25,000 lluests, most­ "The aides dedared their invariable desire to eo· w~ll n(.ribu!e In evuy possible way to the complete ."1· onialism In the Indian subeontlnent. We hope the western rei.ioDs. that he not notice one of the came, 'Concrete- had to ·be 'flown in their vaCation time? The beat uld read only the ·book's'that yOu wliallh;, The'y' ~'labilslled' plantaU.ons· built a ncw factory In open cotlntry many benefits for his workers. He ly children. in a -bam he built in .In the Amazon basin there are tbinls of 'whlch Brazil can riahtly by plane to build the skyscraper. re~d you will like: If. YOU liuI;·.a imlnatlon of the remnants of 0010n1allRD III acco­ resolvo of tbe two tlOUJltrles as expressed .Ita the thing tbat they can do is to think 'In Trinidad. and their name became four miles away. They also built started a pensions fund with a per­ Ihe grounds of his home. He would reputed to be minerai deposita of be proud. There Is no colour. bar, With \l(orkiDll people end ~ir fa­ good hooks. ReadJll/J can be ve­ book that. you, think YOU will-·lI· a 'Iiousehbld word tlIroUllhout the houses for Ihe foremen and· key sonal gift of £60,000. even provided rdance w'th the ehart:er and resolnUous of the joinl communiqoe to work tor th.. eomplete .ell­ stand sml""1 as they bathed in 'his untold· wealth. Now the pilosent DO separate slum for black and mllies fJood1nIl In from every part ry enjoyable and also very edu­ ke ask y,our ·hiends'.lf. a'Dy of world..:r.tiere were now hnndreds of wi>rkers and laid .0Ul playing fields snow shoes for the girl employees, pool or fi~hed 10 the s.lream running Uftll>ed Nations'·. . mlnation of the remnants ot eolonlausm 'W1I1 lead . ,relime Is cmbarklnl upon a .erles white. This ~quaUty between the of the .country to join in this.eltJllo­ cational. 'Students can learn. a lot resul~ them have read It. workers on the payroll of the i!fm . They called this bold experIment In so that they didn't have to work in' through the gardens. This is hlglily slgnUiea.nt In regard to the eli· tn practical In solving thJs and other p:o­ of pilot development schemes in races stretches out Of the favela Into mot bonanza, one .thlrd of ita I'D-; more than they do In school by H a friend of yours./las read which fotmorly employed only a workers' weJfare by the name of wet feet mlnatlon of rel1lJla\lls of colonfaUSm III thJs reg­ blenlS of tbis nature existing in thIs part 01 tbe Ibis empty Eldorado. Tho;y say that every comer of the country. The pulation are engaged In the simple reading bopks at home. the 'book ask hiM tQ .~ll yow ,wh­ :cw do", BournvtUe. . ton. Olle "' tbe pressing problems In this connec· world. ' thcy wlll. have 'no diffi- Copacabana beacb belongs to every- process of learning. In some ca/lCS But many students don't like at it is about. Aftl/l" be dieseribes throughout lion Is the quest'on of PashtoonJstan. When the in­ The So,'iet Government Is fully &'II'llI'e of culty In getting settiers from, (or body In Rro, there is no "while the local educational authorities ba- to read hecause the books are ve- It and you atill like_it.then. 1I4U NEW CR1OSSWORD PUZZLE dian subCOllUnent was divided Into Indiaand Pa­ Afghanistan's stand regarding the qnesUoa 01 Pa­ example, the drouaht-ridden area man's preserve", ve to administer school systems should read the hook. SOmll.,~ong bpo~s kistan the de,tiny of the eight m1Won people In sbtoomstan. It has been brougbt up and explained of the country's North",ast. CerIain_ Almost everyone In Brazil has with four shifts daily. h.. mal\lY . ., Iy It IS true that Brazil's history some mixed blood. It IS quite f8Sh~ Naturally. the more sophistica- ~u 1 the ~ed Northwest Frontier remained un­ on every occ"ion when leaders and prominent parts·' sholthfj. ,ell{l\olliy :140:" ..,',' '. agencies figures of lbe two countries bave met. Only last shows lhal people have been pre- onable to claim an Indian ancestor. ted Rio civil servants are parts that YOU tblnk you \v!1!"U- ..' delermlned and at the discretion of the pared to move. In waves Nprth. So- Basically, the black people of, a rear-guard action aeainst gover­ t~()jt:.~ ~·,$Q",":llad,., Year wben Ihe President at the PresIdium of 11110 ke. Aiter " Pakistao government. uth East, or Wes, in search of for- Brazil tend to be at the boltom of nment demands that tbe admlnis­ the other partB,. '.: r ... .. 41 ~" ••\ ' Supreme Soviet ofthe USSR, Nlknlal Podgomy tunes tbe social ladder, not because of tratioD mOVe completdy to BrasiUa. While you are readJng don't commonwealth Tbe people of Pashtoonlstan are a comp- visited Afghanistan In reaftinnlng the previous This moblity itself has caused thclr colour but because of theit oc- To leavc Ute Copacabana beach for Another ·year of the Kabul be afraid to skip paragraPhs that letely separate entity which has no resemblances joint statement on this question he expressed the great problems during the lalOt de- cupations and incomes. They stIli thIS Clty, a mixture of the WiJd 1'ime& Student Speefal haa 00· are borlOg. If you do,,'t underst­ ~..t./ ' to the majority of the people living III the subCo· hope that the problem wUl be solved by peaee- cade. Towns have exploded WIth retain their pnde and stlll have West and the 21st century, is bo­ rne to llQ end. ThIs was the and sDmething and there is no foorth year that .... have bad c' l:-JI .!l..r'-'-- ntin'lllt. Their history, culture and language Is ful means. people Sao Paulo J& reputed to be faith in Brazil. So far, there have und to be a wrench. But relent­ one at home to explain it, skip plantations dJlIerent. The Government of Pakistan since has The presel,t joint oom.munlque is a further the fastest growmg city In the wo- been no Detroit style race-riots, al- lessly thiS exciting monster of the a spelllaJ ·page tor stndents In that part. assumed sovereignty over pari of the territory affirmalion 01 tbe previous ones. II says both si· rid AI thc turn of the century it thougb people arc beginning to ask empty plains IS taking shape The our paper. If the paragtah doesn't 0$"" J)' W.. tbJnk that our special In belonging 10 Ibe PasbtoOl,istanl tribes while a des confirm the position of prlnelples set forth had a population of 100.000: At how long this can last day IS not too far off when Ibe sound interesting also skip it. the cnd of the Second World War. The optlm,sts hope that rac131 to- dream for this bJlh city In the dud... page has beoome be· this way you will finish the book t,)\J" part 01 them remaIn tree and ilve in Indepeodt"t 10 the joint Afghan-Soviet documents and state- payroll around two million. The present po- lerance may last long enough for heart of Brazil wiII come true tter and more eqjoyable. Thc much faster and you wlll enjDY Pashtoonistao. meots published earlier. We hope that this que· ~ pulatlon 15 about 5 million, IOcrea- them to make Brazil IOta a real na- (FWF) reason for this Is beeanse you what you read. If the author wr­ re helped pobUah It, You ,~s about many tbJngs in tlie bo­ akable blstorlc, cuJtural and ethnic ties with the ween Afghan;stan and Paldstan wtII be solved have sent In a1Jn(JR ..very we­ ok, oDly read what you like best. ..;-\a. J li...;;....1 J)..t people of Pashtoonlsta.n have been supon. by peaceful means between the Pakistan Gov- Soviet industry: ek atorles and artIoles for uS Look through the book for the appalled ing Iheir I..gltlmate demands for their rlgbt to enmenl and I"aden and IntelltoCtuala of the pen- to publlsb In the "SludentB" chapters which talk' about the ..,.....,..., "'" , .!l~ ""\ self·determinat:on. The government of Afghanis· pie of Pasbtoonistan. Own Co11llDJL" subject you are lOterested in Next year we want 10 make and only read them?' 'Later, you ..;-~ ------:...... _--:..._------Siberia-a eoltstruction site the Student Special eveo be· can go hack and l'I!ad the others. -_: -- congestion The maID peculiarity of Siber­ en also found in the TomSk'Re­ The Korshunovo ore-concentr­ ~ and we want you to help After you read a book yoU sho- J -':! .;.G .s\.;. J'. ' ia's industrial development at pr­ gilln. Geologists believe that an­ ating combine with an annual es­ 118 In this too, Send US sug­ uld try to discuss it with a fri­ esent is the develomepnt of lar­ other mammoth deposit of gas is timated output of 6 mJllion tons gestions abont how to Impro· end who has also read ·It. Often o~ ~ ~-L...:o ~ Yesterday ls/ah earned a Ilettcr to AV1..3tlon Organisation Walter BIn­ With getting the nght kmd of as­ ge-scale industrial complexes. located in Yakutia. In 1980 the of lrOn concentrate, is one of its v.. the studeni pqe. talking about a book ''mnkes it foemen the edltor by Dr. Mohammad Aslf aghl are here m Kabul. Slslance These cover huge territones, cr­ eastern areas of tbe country will enterprises. The first section of Also we should be happy If more interesting. When 'You dis­ Ahmad, urling the Ministry of Pub­ Both thesc figures w,lI be holding The paper mentIOned that McNa· ossing the boundaries of indIvid­ accotmt for 115 Pl:r cent at the to­ the Bratsk timber industrY com­ you wold write ns leUeI'$ cuss a book you can "ee if the lic H6alth to ban the import of all talks with the Afghan authQT1,tJes In mara was to viSit some areas In ual regions, terrItories and natio­ tal gas yield in tbll country. plex has been commissioned. about what yon Uke and what author's ·Ideas are'goOd and if he medtcaments which can be manu­ an attempt to explore the poSSIbi­ northern AfghanIstan where great nal Republics, and comprising a The potential..Cl! Siberian power The Bratsk alumJnlum plapt, yon don't Uk.. In the Student is telling the' tru~b. • k~)' workers aclot'ed looal1 y. lities of furthermg cooperation bet­ posslbihtles for the promotion of variety of industries. generation Is tnily unJque: cbeap one of the biggest of its Speda1. fini~~cus$.ing ~exist. After yOll the ,/J..t § ..Ill" ? Hplf. - r' .:. JJ • .J..J It i. the duty of the minlsley to ty to see {or hunself what Afgha­ ch better quality than the oil of the total resources of the entire ps have been built. or-:relfd~iiil!.kirjg·abo.ut : . use of eCQnomLC ._i'T9wth and deve­ j WoilJ4 you Uke to read about the encourage people to Ill't into the ba­ nistan has achieved dunng the past the Volga baslD. Last year six European Part of the Soviet Un­ books you IIftd.· . '1''- ;...... :;; .r:- bit of using medicine produced do­ and what It can do In the future lopment in this country, million tons of oil was obtained ion, and are 17 times bigger th­ The capacity of the Krasnoy­ ~ other thlnp that we have not bO~ ,pubUsbed so taI'! If you start to re,ad a and welfare mestically. One way of dojng It to here. an In the Urals. arsk hydroelectric station wiJl you· find that-"~;&m't<"li e it, ~ Do.,'}'o.' ~ we ban the impart of items which can By 1980 Sibena will be yielding A series of large-scale thermal' be 6 million kilowatt. Three ge­ I like ...-Jes st;cip.:'m,eading it and tw·c find ",,"v.. 1Jt-~ ',plII'O' Are they be manufactured m the country, the approximately 50 per cent of all power plants to feed the industry nerators out of a total of ten are ail6Ui!l~ book. Many peopl -(don't the oil extracted in our country. Itoo hald tar you? letter stressed. of the Urals and the European pa­ already yielding commercial po­ like t9" read becaUlil! tbey: ~hink A whole range of industries, in_ rt of the country will be built in wer. We .w""".-.e~tp the introduce Yesterday's Ams carned an edi­ .... "'\\y" Iilive to' read hooks \ they· torial entitled The Fifty Year Old cluding non-ferron;; metals, ferto­ Eastern Siberia On the ternlorY The southern part of the Kras­ :answel-s -to·these qiles'tlon. Bot J~~ ..I) .QIlIlIt •. ,< untnes are named as the principal alloys, organic synthetic products of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal \We .CJ~' ~ Bond of Friendship between Af­ Tbe semi-official dally At Ahram noyarsk Territory is one of tbe u.e IUlIl:lW'rB 1'4aW, ,people :';f'''f,,"~."".iT""'t! Iik~ ~J"" ghaniStan and the Soviet Union bas denled reports that agreement had enemY"1 the VIce-Admiral writes and wood processing, is being es­ basin. most promising parts of Siberia, unless yoh Wt tIS, ,,;,'.J Dari~ vaca~on become further strengthened. been reached for Gunnar Jarring, In "KrCl.fnaya Zvez.da'·, the newspa­ tablished in the Angara and En­ Thanks to the availabIlity of with a happy balance of power .yon you to -real! beel'~'1lo!J,~ don t pensions per of the SOViet defence mlOlstry will have 'II1e-ty 'of ·tlllle to understand ,.\:*. ds hj. the As expected PrIme Minister Ete~ U Tban!'s spec,al Middle East re­ isei river basins. South Yakutta cheap local fuel, Siberian elect­ and minerai potential and fav­ book. Jilla:t "~ ,,~ou shOUld al­ maw's weeklong offiCial ViSIt to the presentatlve, to open a fresh round In these conditions, the Interests and the Chita Region will beco­ ricity is the cheapest in the ouarble climatic co.ndition" An think about tbesl' questions. of secunty bad made It Imperative W.e·.ans~ Ways use a .dllll' ary when I you SOvIet UnIOn and his talks WIth the of negotiations towards a Middle me the area of fuel and metall­ USSR, and its production cost is important factor is that are U you to ithem read. . ! for the Sovu:t Umon to strengthen urgIcal enterprises. since this te­ please seiu! US a letter and provide Soviet leaders on the further ex­ East settlement 10 Geneva. approximately one third of that considerable resources of manpo­ ff YOll' 'U'ld'l'"Stand everrlhlng The paper, clhcg qualified fore­ constantly Its defensive capacity. rritory is rich in q.~posits of co­ at electricIty generating stations wer. Iel1 what ;roo thlnk We can pansion of commerCial and cultural ~ you read ll0U"",iIl enjoy YPW re-· "The Soviet UDlDn which IS kno­ kmg coal, iron and copper ores. 10 the European part of the ao ,to .0.JIl'Il,lIDd our sp· ties ~tween the two countrIeS led Ign mmistry sources, descnbed ag­ a.dJqg ml;l~:,hJtter. . -; I ency reports that ForeIgn Mmster wn to be: a Black-Sea and hence Unique deposits of gas, the Za­ USSR. The southern part of the Kras­ eeild'dpage te.. ·stuiIeilts bett· ST·UDENTS OWN COLOUMN to the further strengthening of Af­ w. So remember.,-l1ead ..-be·,Dooks REVENGE ghan-SoYlet friendship and good Mahmoud Riad was currently dis­ Mediterranean power, could not re­ polyardnoYe and' the Uringoisko­ The higgest hyproelectic sta­ noyarsk Territory and the adja­ you think you will ·like. Don't re-. annually cussing the plan With members of main mdlfferent to the machina­ yeo have been prospected recently tions of our country have been cent Autonomous RepuWic of ID the mea!!tIme we Itope The 'Laziest Perso,n nCll'hbourliness In spite of their dif­ yon a.Il SDCCeed In your llnal ad the parts that are 'boring. Ta­ Young Kowalski w\!nts to mar­ ferent social and economiC systems the government as "Without foun­ tions of lovers of mIlitary ventures in the northern part of the Tyu­ built in Siberia. They include the Tuva possess huge deposits of co­ ry the daiJghter of tlie Malinow­ Girls Sports exams and that :tau all bave lk about the books after .YOU fi­ Nasrullah Khan had s son His The partlcipahon of the SOViet datIOn" which are staged in ImmedIate pro­ men Region Their reserves am­ 4.1 mIllion kilowatt Bratsk Sta­ al, salt. exceptionally clean li­ ~nds. skis. But the two families have ,. "..~ gOOd t~ duriJ!g you nish them witb, ypur -,on's nBme was Jamrou Khan, Recently there has appearE\d an Union in the Implementatlon of a "No one could be allowed 10 turn xImIty to the borders of tbe USSR ount to three trillion cubic met­ t ton Its concrete dam is 127 met­ mestone and iron tyrites and po­ haan at "'"ass purposes for a long winter v_Uo... Sec you n..xt And lastlyI use "11' dictionarY' to I.lrtl\:le on girls athletiCS 10 the the MedIterranean 1010 a breeding and other SOCialist countries" res. Thus far only four decos,ts r·.'" high. The high voltage trans­ le sulphur content. As a result, Jamroze Khan d.d not study hiS entertain number of useful projects under the help understand what you read. time. Mrs. Malnowski asks her Kabul TImes The prospect df Af­ ground of war thai could plunge "The presence of Soviet ShipS WIth an InitIal prospected amOUn! mISSIOn lines radiate from it for cheap electric power can provide year. 1 lessons in class. He Just Sat on thl:. country's FITst and Second Five hubby. ghan females competing in sports, J§ )..1 '_- ,I. Year Plans through economIc and mankmd IOto a holocaust of world there IS a certain guarantee of of natural gas exceeding one tr­ a dlslance of many thousands of the foundation for the establish­ -Are we going to let Zosia bench throughout the school-day One day hiS father SOld, "Do you in mternahonal level. IS very ~XCI1­ technical cooperation which have nuclear catastrophe peace and secunty In the area. it illion cubic metres have beerl fo­ kilometres. A big industrial cen­ ment of a diversified production marry that young Kowalski. ..;,,; ,,}y In 109 10 all of uS led to concrete and successful re­ ~'It is thiS lofty and noble aIm coocluded. und in the world tre IS coming into being at a sho­ complex with enterprises which 'Easy proverbs'for y.ou -Naturally, it's the best way know the laZJest boy your class­ room?" ,}lIS son answered: "No, I If thIs should become a reality, sulls elves rise to greater hopes and that IS beh'nd the preseoce of So­ The HanOI dally Nizan Dan ac­ Large reserves of gas have be- rt dIstance from the station. (Continued on paQ' 4! to revenge ourselves.' don'~. we all Wish MISs Zarahoona Tokhl expectations for this cooperation to v:et ships In the Mediterranean", cused the Saigon government of try­ Like father, like·lIen Wbo is ,t?" The ftither said, 'The laziest boy and her teammates the best of luck cont11lue for our mutual advantage. vice admiral Nikolai Smirnov Wri­ 109 to sabotage the four-sided Pa­ .>~ , ~:oS..t,i IN THE MARKET PLACE 0$) <...;.i in the class 1S tbe one who does nul. Sirtce many other counlnes in The Jomt Afl:ban-Soviet comm­ tes In "Krasllaya Zvel.da". ns peace talks through Its new plan Balance of terra'r: ..;,~ ~ study and who SIts all day loog (·n Europe. ASia and the AmerJcas are unique, It saId, bears wJtness to the for JOining the d.scussions ,)1' ..I"" .s A housewife to a fruit vendor A 'commentary quoted by North the bench w.thow learnmg any­ playing volleyball, basketball and good-wiJI and understandIng eXIst­ . According to "Tass", he recalls Everyone pitc~ :n In place' the market thlDg. field horkey we feel that It is lIme '11g between the two counlnes both the role tbe U.S. Sixth Fleet had VIetnam news agency said the peace these strawberries U.S. Senate debates AMB question P--/' "J". -Why are The. answered. "Oh yes ror our country to begm sponsormg as regards thelf mutual rclallons as to play In the area Throughout the formula proposed by South Viet­ .:f..t so dear? sen last twenty years, the article says, nam PreSIdent Nguyen Van Thieu There 15 a growmg. crosscurr­ By George C. Wilson Certainly the tactical nuclear ~''; ~ know who you mean. It IS our such actiVities for Afghan girls well as on world affairs ent flow 109 agamst what has .::,.;-,\..0 -Because they're very scarce thiS f1eel had been used to suppress on November 8 had no value safe to vote againsl pobtically. missiles in the line in West teacher. 'He IS the laZiest. He SIts SU<.:h IDternauonal competition 'I11e S1mllarity of views held by been the mamstream of Ameri­ One techOical 'argument to be Geanany did not deter tbe Sov­ 1'0. sll played out. this year would stimulate young Afghan girls both governments for the solution the natlOnal hberalton movement whatsoever. all the day on the bench without can nuclear pullcy for the last -What do you mean scarce? 10 take more Interest In sports as Solutio·" ta In President Thleu, said the paper, raised IS the fallibility of compu­ iet Ullion fJ:om 'In"ading Czecho­ learningt anythlDg He Just teach- of some pf the most complicated of the peoples and to Intefere several years. . The papers said that this yesr:s the home affairs of South European proposed a two-side meetmg' com­ ters whIch woWd run the missile alovakia. And If the casualties es", : well as a sense of pride for their world Issues such' as eradicating the The new President Richard defence for mere bumans on the from firiDll tactical DJikes 10 Eu­ . trap was a bumper one. country MISS Tokhl feels that she lost week's consequ.eB~ of beaeH aggreSSIon states. posed on one side of the Saigon -That's why it doesn't pay lq .:Fi~ puzzle puppet administration includmg the Nixon will have to reckon WJth ground. The computers have to rope would be as pad lIS tbose Practice makes .perfl'ct Horns should do what she can to develop against the nelghbourine Arab co­ "The practIcal action of the U S. this new current as lle decides. pick them. representatIves of .the U.S. govern­ be tnld In advance of the possi­ from firing 'atrattlBlc I\~es in 0$,,> .).t1, J.' ..;,\....;\ , herself and her country_ untries. the long drawn and needless fleet and repealed statements by what to do about the nation's onc/~~n a time there was a man Amencan officials show that the ment and if necessary the other ble patterns of Ihe enemy attack the United ·S'-te&-.which Ita ·wh­ To her sports at this level, could war in Vietnam, disarmament mea­ nuclear arsenal. so they know how to respond. at Brown aald-tben w.bY :bave ,~ J '.):.'t l~)'~u,..;,,~ A GOOD TRAIT He kept talking all the time with­ achlew both Presently she compe­ sures such as the Nuclear Non­ Sixth Reet IS staying In the area allies and on the other of fhe De­ An Irrepresslble band of sen­ out giving others a l'hance to speak mocr~tic Republic Government and "The trouble with thot," said tactical nuclear mfssJies In fluro­ Practlce what you preach. A Scottish married couple IS tes at school In basketball as well proliferation Trealy, ~pport for thousand of mIles away from the ato!'s plans to push the question quarrelling Th~ wife shouts at One day hl~ I,llked abnul almosl the South Vietnam NatIonal Front one leading sClenUst who stands pe at all? us vulleyball the world peace and respect for the U.S. shores m order to control co­ out IntQ the allen early next him: everything under lht: sun. Without mmunicatIOn lines runnmg through for LiberatIon. rcady to testify against continu­ TbiB bel'l\tical ~PIl,__,­ Zarghoonu 'Iokhl enJoys sports UOited Nations reaffirm the lood­ year in the firs~ full-fledged he­ -There's .nbt a man in a mil­ sloppmg IOI a mOlllen! and feels that more emphaSIS should will. understanding and mutual res­ the Black Sea straits Dnd the Me­ "WhIle attempting to Ignore the ing wilh ABM construction, "IS en .1,IClJl(itm!d .at the .~ as ltis friends got Impallent and aring on the perils of President that a mechanical computer has lion no what am I saying, in be placed on them J hope that her pect between the two countries. diterranean and also In order to NLF which is the genume represen­ J9hnson's missile defence. the .t:USts 0" ."...b ·illtiCtU 'D1!Clear I. He's as sharp as a r070r. ten 'million, no once again, in a said In anger: "Please stop for a never beaten an expert human .'il~. '~ng Wishes come lrue In the near future In another editorial the paper be - prepared to strike: blows from tative of the South Vietnamese peo­ miJaila IIa :Luu!e I J is/i4JJ..n~ ;d~ moment. There may be some elsc' Sh~rman J hundred million, who ts such a I would Itke to Wish Zarghoona the sea apd air agalDst enemy tar­ ple. the Thleu-Ky-Huong clique Sen John Cooper, R, player in chess, far a war \ laetical .Jlukes ,out ,of '.E\u>liJle­ ~ho noted that two important world fi­ ~..r..,i)~ miser as you! here may Wish to speak a few Tokhl and all gals who share her gures namely the President of the gets by usmg nuclear and conven­ wants to arrogate to itself the lea­ Ky., a leader of this b Don't be angry Let me tell you (ABM) wrung a commitment out than one rol) call at a time, show 'Jl!l~lear ~ a victorious girls .athletic squad re­ Id,!s fuse. ..;,'Y...... I~st Pile ITlQfC. my last slory This IIIIIUIII1l1,llIlIIlIllfUllllUilllllIUII1l1I1IIIIII1l' •• 1I1111111ltlllllllllllll"0II1l11"111"'1111I11111111111' 11.1'1111I•• III1IIIIIII.,.III'IIIIIJIIIUIlIIIIII.III •• I,IIlIIIIIII.1I"'11I" •• ,11I',11I111I11, of such a bearing. The Georgia growmg support for halting the ~,witbout turning to Kabul from an interna­ nuclear missiles J .?,i r' \) JAl. hubby wl1l be Ilbout my trip. Clantfied: pe1' line, bold ,~ At. 20 § S. Khalil, Edt! Democrat is chairman of the Se­ AEM deployment. So the fight on tIonal competition. to rely on:,NA:1'O allies mlgbt ft­ &me wasn't built m a day.. 1Ralcently I made a trip. outside DUpIaIl: CoIum,. Inch, At. 100 Tel: 24047 nate Armed Services Commit­ ~his aspect 'of American nuclear . nally come through with tbe con­ Abdul, Ahad Sbahbaz 11 C, naturally ,Ihe celtlll!ro/. l,saw • {,sh. The fish (m'lmmum ,even line' peT fnae1"tlon) Residence. 423'5 tee and a backer of the ABM. policy is not over. ven~ional forces they have been o$~ ,~T 0$' .,; .(...t-' .-1'- "" r·lJ Naderla Hlghscl>ool Kabul. What Cooper and his colleagues •bad two )lorns." Another a'!P"cl which has been prOmising fllr years. •...... :; ,4T ,i-,) ~";...t) 'His friends could not sit qUiet aub.criptlon 'a,e. S SHAJ'IE RAHEL, EditOT plan to do is call in' nationally thought about a lot in the Pen­ Noone is ready to make sucb rev",e-:. KEEP YOURSELF BUSY ,Wbep '10 ,ftNllll, do as the Romans do. th. anymore. They asked very surpris­ I renowned scientisls to testify on lagon and elseV¥jere put discUs­ a proposal out lOUd in tbJs twi­ •J .... ~)fi;. '1 • ed: "A fish with two borns? He FIND THE REAL WORD ~-,\ , , ~ The lIrst correct solutiOl1& to YearlY . At. 1000 Tel: 23821 why the $ 5 billion Sentinel mis­ sed very little in public is tbe light of the Johnson administra­ 0$,:'; •r' ..t)y • sile delence makes no sense tecb, worth of all those tactical nucl­ .. ap'-$)1(~roJ. ':¥es" I. Daeha Ha1I Yead¥ A1. 600 tion..But .the thinking probably ~ 'His' friends asked Impatiently: mcally. The doves hope the bea­ ear weapons the United States .?~ &) ~ \"...;J 0$"";; .;I 2. Esool oor last week'. crossword puzzle Quartely A1. 300 will be passed on for the new 'IWhat were the fish's horns like? 3. Aera Edl,onlll Ex. 24, 58 ring will be an education for the has put In EW'ope. president to' P!l~der. ~heY'l'l! ~.fe a'!d sound. Congress and the J)ublic as scien­ He answered: 'lUke the horns of a 4. Ecnalubma were sent to us by Wajiha Sher­ § For other numbers drat dial swttch- Air Force SecretarY Harold Xhen there is MIRV-the 1e9h­ 0$' V\ ..II !:...t) came'I", 5. Norwc § FOR E IG N - board oumber 23043, 24028, 24026 tists-estranged from the White Brown, probably the most know­ niqUe of putting a ,huncb onit­ ~ Getling up, bls friends said 10 6. Locbos wan! from ZarghOODa HigbsdaooI, House in the J obnson yeal'S'----Gp­ ledgeable of the Penf

I \ < .',- P" .\ PAGE 4 THE. KABUL;-.TfMES, • ,' Stra.uss Says Mark Won't Soviet Zond-6 Sifberia~C.:uction Site~: '-~;k~ • "(Co"""~'d. from ptlfJe 2) e ~ memlCal pl.AAtli. at Onl~1(. ufad£' gt'fudu.try Parllcular­ Beams sbcl( ~~ta .a~ ~ ~eaV}' l:on.sudi~ o~.lili!~ ~ ,Bamiu1';':l'Uso~;; ~~we!l-dfl'ielop~d ~ ~ Kec' aiiii" • -\lre power-en­ D~pite .( f Be RiftJidl#}tL ,RullJO«rs. ~ If ' l..1fc poY{er, stich as tHe chelDl#M ,en· Apltarak W111, be reconstructed '/lllneenng, tHe'ma!l.ufacture of BONN Nov 14, (AFJ1)-Fmanee ...fvaluatlon frdm some' quartets of On Way, To Moon ,u,rppses #J1d th~r,.?&~erro~ an4 t>R~W'1'9liiplex.~s :W11l~~ leqUIP"qlt;.nt. o~... tppllI!F.felhng, ce­ MIn,~ter Franz-Josef St~ yes- ihe econcmy, he added But farmers non-ferrous/llleUlIW1Iy ~ ", l' aeVelotli!riI"in a,l'iumlJE!r cl reg.ontJ ntres anli.' '1 .wopd-processmg torday categorically dehied nJfiiours -atld some sectors of export-ortented Sibena IS an old-estao shed of West and gas! Sibena the mmtng and metalIurglcal m- of a pOSS1ble revaluation of the Industry would face heavy losses In MOSCOW Nov 13, (Reuter)­ producer of ferrous metals and The,'" is a great potential 10 dustry, electrical engmeeTlng, one of the oldest plant;; IS the Sibena for die chemical mdu.try machinery plants, tractor and far­ West German mark the event of such a move Russ.a 5 new Zond-6 sDace probe I 1.t:C : The government had not decIded Strauss S8Jd there wa~ also uncer.. beamed baCK a ~tream of Infor­ Kuznetsk Work., which uses the traditIOnal raw mmg ,machmery, i>lan\iS,,,transp- ...... ~....., '" Iav9il~ of revaluation and had talnty m some sectors of world af- mation as It headed for the moon At present a new ,metallurgical materials Thus, (coiiimo~ S8;lt wi- ort- eugmee"!hg ang ~ns}rument lir~RrCE AF 4 not fixed the aa'e for such a movc fairs that had to be laken IOta ae- yesterday, on the latest stage of centre .5 under construction he- th depo.lts reaclilng IJlundri!dli of makIng , , , StraU.s -_t/:Irhament count. SOViet efTorts to land a man on •e The West Siberian MetsUur- thousan~~ 'of mllhon tons ~ave In future the engmeeTllfg sJl> CallIng fet an end to such wee- It was necessary to walt and see glcal Plant started In 1957, which been ~uli~~ East Slbet1a. I I~n .J ~1,!,lsatJon of Stbena, Ille al­ Royal Audience the lunar surface severar;;Il~ces'.t!li! ,'11 kcnd speculation rumours he said what attitude the administration to SCIentIsts reported that the un­ .s the second m Novokuznetsk, seams of eom- tered Plants. Wfll ?be fl hwlt to IKABUL, Nov 16, (Baklt,tJtrl­ Ihe government had weighed the be formed by Amencan President­ manned craft's eqUipment was wlll eaSIly surpass the veteran mon salt are many hundreds of manufactur.e chemIcal, mlOmg DUring the weel< endmg ~o\lt!m­ pros and cons" but had not dec.ded elect Richard Nixon would adopt tunctlonmg well and exoected It Kuznetsk Metallurglclll Works metres thick '.£ ;' and meta!Jurglc'h~eqiJ~~eht, OIl e1e~tr:il!ql ber 14 the foIlowmg were rece­ on any such measure In the present towards the .possibility of Import to be ID the VIcmltY of the moon In Its Dl'Oductlon capaclbl" Sibenan timber IS well kiloWn and gas ,aoparatus, ma- Ived 10 audience hy HIS MaJesty circumstances restrictIOns Ttie further course of today-the fourth day of .ts n,­ WhIle the latter prOduces metal In many coulltrles the famous chmes, equipment for th'e pulp the King Revaluation would cost the West developments in the Vietnam con· ght maInly for the building mdu.try Angara Pine-trees are .mported Rnd paDer Industry, the hmb!'r PreSident of the Meshrano Jlr­ III German federal government some filet, a chief factor m Amencan po The mOOn probe 5 Immed.ate and for transDort, the West Slb- bulk from the tImber Dorl of and ChemlOal IOdustrles bwldllig, gah (Sellate) Sen Ahdul Hadi :1 600 to 3 000 millton d-mark hcy was an additIonal factor of predecessol, Zond-5, new rounr cent n5e Tuesday pla~e Nov 14 (TassI-In nthellc fibres etc prominent m Siberta's ma- retah~tory also received a number of dlgnl­ Bankers here saw the deciSion as out the force of the 1968 Poland S nallunal lncC'me ex .. have-not natIoh In a first sh"ike t~ne~ from Kapl~a proVlnce and \"r(>orl! Ihe 11J38 n IllOn­ h~mmad ArT-'ll Anwan and MoJo ~ross ~grt,-ultur resignation the Idea of revaluatIon To U.S. To tI output ",cnt up Colony Becomes terforce strategy suicJdlil,' nut Department or AgrlcullU.... and hammad Afzal As,l graduates of 60 pcr cent 5.l.Id Wladyslaw Go many s.clentlsts sbll worry , Shah Mohammad, Director General C'lro Pohcp Academy who recen· mulka III hl~ r"pnrl at the FIfth j ilt II' III (II 1I111Ir(" ~Ild CIVIII Viet Rebuilding PreSIdent Johnson himself fall, from 30 to 60 seers per Jenb and ~ farrne~ OIsahon protectIOnIst uressures which ('(I II) d 250 were 0', hand to wltne.s the welgbing of tbe record satlUn ('1 l!lfln\ IlUltplld 11" One of the maIn Items 0;) tt.:e 10 the ellort would be tempted expects hiS corn yield on the same (wearJJjg ,·.~r t g asses. a.n •., S030lSh UK Loan For 10KYO 14 The fotmer colony wh­ uld hamper world trade I you cu nom pllleni It Nnv (Reuler)- agenda of the three-week sesSIon to negotiate a we won t If land to average 150 seers compared yield Ich became Independent on Octo t Pas\ Il~ ove tn In t l:l I~I 1 II rro J Ipan s ForeIgn MInistry said yes­ The appeal came In an epenini: Will be a New Zealand proposal won agreempnt With the Ru Ie 20 seers last year HI' best Jenb her 12 was adtnttted hy accla- re!'l~ Somm~r­ sSlans on MIRV hlC'ms (loOlulk I <;:lld (~. I., I r" lei d I) l pinIOn was groWing among add (rom Soeren for the complete abohtton of nil at corn y.elded 200 seers-the hIgh­ Baghlan Sugar Jop Inest' pnhhClans Ind diplomats matIon , felt of NorwaY chamna, o[ tI ade restnctlOns Just as PreSident Elsonhower silil f .. hangcs In the \\mld b I Cameroon UN representalive est yet recorded to Helmand Vaney Civil Liberties Delayed In West German KABUl. Nov 16 (Bakhtar)­ lons may be Pakistan Soldiers enjoyed by Greek monarchs went ndum held on Septembel 22 .... 1'11..1 KABUL Nov 16 lBakhtar)­ BaghlRD Sugar Factory The mlnlstry was commenting on nt of cooperation shown by Spam .d addIng It IS a respon.lbllltv some reclpro~aI action If It IS to In next year IOto effect yesterday followmg Its ~£cul. Claims Dr Werner Dollinger FRG ml Tn the comm,lte'e on Cultural a local press report that It had de over Equatanal Gumea can gI­ falling UOOn governments to pu end ItS imoort C'urbs covefln~ KABUL, Nov 16, (Bakhtar)­ publlcatlon in the offiCial gazette sa d that 92 I per cent of vahd vo about 20 Items Reports from southern OCCUPied ters had approved the constitution lilster o[ communicatIOns and hIS AffaIrS the PreSIdent and VIce clded Japan should cover a third of ve nse to nothIng but complete rsue polloles whIch made It pos­ FOR SALE But the constitutIOn s Vital clau­ Pashtoonlstan say that recently to the referendum With only 7 l.J wife arnved hcte at the Jnvlta preSident of Kabul Umverslty an­ 28 N. Korean the propcsed fund 5 mtended $ 200 s,t.sfactlOn I want to takethe SIble. for the mternatlonal trad­ The session WIll also dlSCl ss Cheverolet St:llion Wagon 10 ses dealing Wlth CIVIl llberbes and 10 the Dere Bagat, area m Kotkal per cent votmg against It tlOn of the Commumcabons Mm C'wef':~d the depuhes questtons In mIllion pool opportunIty to congratulate the 1'IDf~ommumty to Implement thlS non-tariff barflers to trade good running conditlnn, duty not tbe electiOn of parhament w111 not . ~,..;,;:.:;'1"-- _ Pashtoon and Baloochl freedom After three months of public de \ster Eng Mohammad AZIm Ger­ regald to a petJtlan submItted to Th~ report earned by the com­ Other ltems on the agenda cn paid To be sold on as Is and be lmplemented and Greeks Will Guerrillas fIghters beaded by Deen Bakhsh bate on a draft constltutaon last the house by the students of the men.: at news a~ency J IJI saJd the me under the broad head109 01 where IS basis against cash pay continue to be ruled by martlai an trade expanSIon, which cover:) all Bagalt attacked a group of Pak­ summer the army-backed govern He was received 31 the airport Cl"lll~l(C of A";f1culture SEOUl. Nov 14 (AFP) -Al- mlnlS ry was askmg ror an appro ment Sealed olfers may be deh law Imposed 10 AprIl 1967 for a' barriers to trade 1n mdustnal Istam soldIers SIX PakIstani sold­ ment prepared Its own draft" which bv Fug: AZlm Eng AZlzullan Z3 rhc Committee on Legal and together 2B North Korean gu pn iliOn eqUivalent 10 $13 million vered to Omee of WHO Repre long as tbe army·backed govern­ British Rift With RhodeSia and farm products as well as sold.ers were killed, ten !D' stnpped the monarchy of wtdc.ran­ vcr dpputy mml"'ter of commu I eg"latlve attended by for the first year In Japan s 1969 sentaUve, Mmlstry of Health ment sees fil ernlias have been killed In mo­ antt-dumpmg pracbces Jured and two taken Three free­ SlDg powers and made Greek ktngs olC'alion;, and Hamed Mahmoud Wolesl Jlr.t,:"ah PreSident Dr Ab­ pptng up ooeratlons In South ha tlonal budget Kabul ' The constitut.on, approved by an I dul Zaher contmued ItS dISCUSS· The foreign cffice spokesman dom fighters were also killed overwhelmmg ma}onty In a referen- lillie more than figureheads ,f the Protocol Departmenl o[ the Korea s eastern coastal orovlnce Rumo.ured Getting Smaller The reports add that the ar· The constitution mamtams the ForeIgn Mmt~lry Ions On the- UmversltIes' constl~ said there was growing opinIOn I" dum last September, replaces the according to an offiCIal a:1nounce­ LONDON,_Nov 14, (AFII)-The the RhodeSian cap.taI last llIghl am crowne~ Dolhnger IS accompamed on hIS tutlOn the ruling Liberal Democrate Party rested freedom £.ighters were sent artIcles or country's status as a par ment from the counter espIOnage nft between BritaIn and her break- Id mountmg specylation In same VIsit by Wolfgang Shaaf and The CommIttee on Pubhc Works and the (orelJn minIstry Itself that to l'lkar pnsoll- • when the llamentary democrac¥, but It curbs headquarters m Secul yesterday away colony Rhodes.., appears CIrcles that an lDdependence settle- Accordmg to other report!; an­ the kjJ1g's powers 10 appomt the WIlly Zlm Glbl from the Federal Thursday decIded that the pubhc The announcement saId that Japan should contnbute one third toppled _a parliamentary 1l0V­ closer. to bemg healed now than ment may be near. other group of .Pashtoon and Ba­ prIme mmlste~ of bls cbo.ce or to Reoubhc's Commumcatlons Mi­ works minIster should attend to· they were the 'l;lrt of some 60 ....-'------'----..j,o...;~-- The agency said Japan was likely during all prevIous negotiations The Bnt.lsb, and RhodeSlaIl nego- loochl keedom fighters attacked make key mIlitar)" appolntnltfnls DlStry day s meetIng to answer questIons Norfh Kore... n guernllas who ma- aret expected to call on the United States Aus with the Salisbury government but liatlOg teamS to re- a group of PakIstanI soldIers 10 The constitution Sll1d that ~ the on Pubhc Works M,oIStTy nageo to mfiltrate there from lral a Canada, Thailand and West the problem IS provokinJ deep diS sume talks at the polIce camp this Daft Peder area In which great North Korea th,s month event of any controversy over the European countnes such as Sweden senslOn WithIn the Labour Party mornJng loo¥s were Infhcted on the Pak­ INixon Ser,ds Message To. extellt of hi. powers, tbe klDg would The remaInders stili hiding In and France to JCIn the fund aimed Left wlOgers fear that Bntlsh Over the past few weeks there IstanIS mountainS are all exoected to be have to abide by the deCISions of at rebUilding cQuntnes damaged by Premier Harold Wilson may capl bav~ been persistent rumours of an In another contact between Ba· a constItutional court and the co Turtles Orbit Moor Aboard flushed cut w,thm a few days the war lDeludlng South Vietnam ttllate to the demands of Rhodesian Immment settlement, but 1t has been PocJgorny On Peace Steps lhe announcement said gall, Balaochl and .Pashtoon free· uncil of the natIOn. bolh mtroduced and nelghbounng natIOns Prime Mmlster Ian Smith despIte difficult to dtscover the baSIS for dom fighters and Pakistam sold­ MOSCOW, Nov 16, (AP) -Mo­ secuntl{ to which the people of for tbe first time as from yest~rday Soviet Union's Zond-Five DUring the ooeratwns fIve No- I Wilson S assurances to the country sucb optlmtsm During last week s Iers were killed, 10 senously m· scow Radlo FridaY Ieported a the entire world nsplfe rth Korea soldiers were killed A clause In the new conshtuuon MOSCOW Nov 16 (Tass)- lies Wine files mealworms, the Observers here estimate tha1 If Anglo.RhodC'Slan negotiations, ':h.e and Mohammad Khan Bagatl message from US PreSident-elect Nixon told a press con to cover a "tranSItional' penod and seven othel wounded Among the SCientific equipment on plant spiderwort With buds, seeds an agreement IS reached WI h Sahs- major diVISIons were agam highhgh. who headed the freedom fighters RIchard M NIXon to SovIet Pre­ ference Thursday that he had re­ FIVe South Korean Village 10­ prOVIdes that Lt Gen Gorge ZOI of variOUS hteher plants such as Maintaining Ties bury on the baSIS of new Bntish ted Three freedom fighters were ar­ SIdent Nikolai Podgomy express­ ceived an assurance fram PresI­ board lhe automatic statIon Zond-5 habItants were also massacred' takls, the regent appomted last Dc whu.:h I,ew round the moon con­ wheat, p nc, barley, cblQrella In va· conceSSIOns, lO(»-oad labour MPS The b,ggest stumbling block re- rested and Impnsoned by the Pa­ Ing hope for )010 US-SoVIet st­ dent Johnson that the outgoIng cember 3 when King ConstantlOe nous nulntive envIronments ilnd by guernllas the announcement admInistration would no take any tained bIological obejds Pr.nda might refuse to endorse II mamed the BrItish requirement that klstam army ePs to guarantee world peace staged his abortIve attempt to o ... er Iysogemc bactena of vanous types said Depends On sa dyes cnJay f he station desct:n --~ maJor foreIgn policy deCISions The party s left WlOg has already there should be an external guaran------DUling an afternoon broadcast tbrow the military rulers, Will con­ The bIOlogical objects were deh­ Without consultmg hIm ded 1010 the Indian Ocean on IniJtcated that It conSiders the Bn tee agamst ·raclal amendments to a SOVIet news announcer read tinue In thiS capacity untIl \ ~Iec vered to the laboratory In a good UNESCO ,Meeting N,xon saId that he had appo.· , tlsh proposals put to SmIth by WiI- the constitution \'(lthout comment the text of a tlons or ~mtll the government de St:ptl.:l1ber 21 ~Iate Malaysia: Ramos nted Robert Murphy a career di­ AnalyslS has started and son aboard Fearless at Gibraltar BrltalO wants to glve the London reply which he sa'd N,xon sent cldes to recall the 27 year-old mo The expenment conllucted by only some prehmlOaray results have MANILA Nov 14 (Reuter)­ lMl. Amon Fur Skin Industry to Podgorny after receivIng 8 plomat, as hIS. personal represen­ the ~lU umallC station Zond 5 mar.,. Weather last October loa favourablt to Rho PTivy CounCil the power to hear Condems Portugal's narch now m eXile In Rome been obl31ned Phillppmes Foreign Secretary i congratulatory telegram On N.x­ tatIve responSIble for llalson u 10 e Skies In the northern. north deslll s white m nonty appeals against such amendments-- fen of the constitutIon s 38 artl ked new step the blOlcIglcal On return to earth the turtles were NarCISO Ramos said yesterday If on's election With the Johnsun administratIOn In eastern northwestern southern, A new formula whIch should sol but thiS proposal has been publlt.: des which prOVide (or protection programme partlt.:ulal radIO blO \ c y actl ",e they moved ar:ouod a MalaYSIa wanted to contmue rna In foreign polIcy matters, espec­ alld central regIOns WID ve the RhodeSian constItUlIonal c.:1 ly rejected by Smith Colonial Policy The radIO quote Nixon as say­ agamst arbItrary atlrest mVlOlabl logical studies In spal-c through the lot and had good appetItes Dunng western In ,llnIng diplomatIc relations .ally on questIOns relatIng to the be cloudv and other parts of the SIS IS believed to have been reach Towards the end of the negoUa lIlg 'I recall With great satisfa­ IIty of them home the sanchty nf rl.ld atlOn bellS -and Its flight beyoTl J the experIment they lost about \en the Phlhpomes accented It PARIS Nov 16 (AFP) -UN­ negotiatIOns on Vietnam country clear Yesterday the war ed by the BTllJsh CablOet tt.:cordmg lions last week there seemed bttle chon my tnps to the Soviet Un· mail elections the funcuomng of the I.:

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