SF COMMENTARY 84 November 2012 80 pages IN THIS ISSUE: Brian ALDISS Merv & Helena BINNS Russell BLACKFORD David BOUTLAND DITMAR (Dick JENSSEN) Bruce GILLESPIE Carol KEWLEY Tim MARION Mark PLUMMER Colin STEELE Ray WOOD Cover: Ditmar (Dick Jenssen) SF COMMENTARY 84 November 2012 80 pages SF COMMENTARY No. 84, November 2012, is edited and published by Bruce Gillespie, 5 Howard Street, Greensborough, VIC 3068, Australia. Phone: 61-3-9435 7786. Preferred means of distribution .PDF file from eFanzines.com at http://efanzines.com/SFC/SFC84P.PDF or from my email address:
[email protected]. Front and back covers: Ditmar (Dick Jenssen): ‘The Aliens’ A version of the back cover first appeared as the front cover of SFC 80A, which did not have a print edition, and was posted only as a PDF file on eFanzines.com. At that time, Dick Jenssen gave it the title ‘The Alien’. It was based on an idea by Vida Weiss (Yvonne Rousseau’s daughter). She set the following problem: ‘If you stood at the centre of a (regular) pentagonal room with mirrored walls, how would your reflection appear?’ Dick answered this by using Vue 8 graphic mod- elling software. The result reminded Dick of Murray Leinster’s classic SF tale ‘The Aliens’. A full explanation of both the process involved in producing the graphics and the stories they suggest can be found in SF Commentary 80A, pp. 5–6. Graphics Grant Gittus (p. 9); Robert Mizerek (p. 11); Anders Sandberg (p. 12); Sheila White (p. 14); Carol Kewley (p. 26); Jack Kirby (p.