4/9/2021 - -- and Haftara Readings, plus for Mincha | Sefaria

בס"ד Acharei Mot - Kedoshim -- Torah and Haftara Readings, plus Emor for Shabbat Mincha Edited from Sefaria by Joel Caplan

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ויקרא ט״ז:א׳-כ׳:כ״ז Leviticus 16:1-20:27 (א) ַו ְי ַד ֵ֤בּר ה' ֶאל־ ֹמ ֔ ֶשׁה ַא ֲח ֵ֣רי ֔מוֹת ְשׁ ֵ֖ני ְבּ ֵ֣ני The LORD spoke to after the (1) death of the two sons of who died ַא ֲה֑ ֹרן ְבּ ָק ְר ָב ָ ֥תם ִל ְפ ֵני־ה' ַו ָיּ ֻֽמתוּ׃ (ב) ַו֨יֹּא ֶמר when they drew too close to the presence ה' ֶאל־ ֹמ ֗ ֶשׁה ַדּ ֵבּ ֮ר ֶאל־ ַא ֲה֣ ֹרן ָא ִחי ֒ ְו ַאל־ ָי ֤בֹא of the LORD. (2) The LORD said to ְב ָכל ֵ־ﬠ ֙ת ֶאל ַ־ה ֹ֔קּ ֶדשׁ ִמ ֵ֖בּית ַל ָפּ֑ ֹר ֶכת ֶאל־ ְפּ ֵ֨ני Moses: Tell your brother Aaron that he is ַה ַכּ ֹ֜פּ ֶרת ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ַﬠל ָ־ה ָא ֹר֙ן ְו ֣לֹא ָי ֔מוּת ִ֚כּי ֶֽבּ ָﬠ ָ֔נן not to come at will into the Shrine behind the curtain, in front of the cover that is ֵא ָר ֶ ֖אה ַﬠל ַ־ה ַכּ ֹֽפּ ֶרת׃ (ג) ְבּ ֛זֹאת ָי ֥בֹא ַא ֲה֖ ֹרן upon the ark, lest he die; for I appear in the ֶאל ַ־ה ֑ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ ְבּ ַ ֧פר ֶבּן־ ָבּ ָ ֛קר ְל ַח ָ ֖טּאת ְו ַ ֥א ִיל over the cover. (3) Thus only shall ְל ֹע ָֽלה׃ (ד) ְכּ ֽ ֹת ֶנת־ ַ֨בּד ֹ֜ק ֶדשׁ ִי ְל ָ֗בּשׁ Aaron enter the Shrine: with a bull of the וּ ִֽמ ְכ ְנ ֵסי־ ַב ֮ד ִי ְה ֣יוּ ַﬠל־ ְבּ ָשׂר ֒וֹ וּ ְב ַא ְב ֵ֥נט ַבּ ֙ד herd for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering.— (4) He shall be dressed in ַי ְח֔ ֹגּר וּ ְב ִמ ְצ ֶ ֥נ ֶפת ַ ֖בּד ִי ְצ ֹ֑נף ִבּ ְג ֵדי ֣ ֹ־ק ֶדשׁ ֵ֔הם a sacral tunic, with linen breeches ְו ָר ַ ֥חץ ַבּ ַ ֛מּ ִים ֶאת־ ְבּ ָשׂ֖רוֹ וּ ְל ֵב ָֽשׁם׃ (ה) וּ ֵמ ֵ֗את next to his flesh, and be girt with a linen ֲﬠ ַד ֙ת ְבּ ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ִי ַ ֛קּח ְשׁ ֵֽני ְ־שׂ ִﬠ ֵ֥ירי ִﬠִ ֖זּים .sash, and he shall wear a linen ְל ַח ָ ֑טּאת ְו ַ ֥א ִיל ֶא ָ ֖חד ְל ֹע ָֽלה׃ (ו) ְו ִה ְקִ ֧ריב They are sacral vestments; he shall bathe his body in and then put them on.— ַא ֲה֛ ֹרן ֶאת־ ַ ֥פּר ַה ַח ָ ֖טּאת ֲא ֶשׁר־ ֑לוֹ ְו ִכ ֶ ֥פּר ַבּ ֲﬠ ֖דוֹ And from the Israelite community he (5) וּ ְב ַ ֥ﬠד ֵבּי ֽתוֹ׃ (ז) ְו ָל ַ ֖קח ֶאת ְ־שׁ ֵ֣ני ַה ְשּׂ ִﬠ ִ ֑ירם shall take two he- for a sin offering ְו ֶה ֱﬠ ִ ֤מיד ֹא ָת ֙ם ִל ְפ ֵ֣ני ה' ֶ ֖פּ ַתח ֥ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵֽוֹﬠד׃ (ח) and a ram for a burnt offering. (6) Aaron is ְו ָנ ַ ֧תן ַא ֲה֛ ֹרן ַﬠל ְ־שׁ ֵ֥ני ַה ְשּׂ ִﬠ ִ ֖ירם גּ ָוֹר ֑לוֹת גּ ָ ֤וֹרל to offer his own bull of sin offering, to make expiation for himself and for his ֶא ָח ֙ד ַלה' ְוג ָ ֥וֹרל ֶא ָ ֖חד ַל ֲﬠ ָזא ֵֽזל׃ (ט) ְו ִה ְקִ ֤ריב -household. (7) Aaron shall take the two he ַא ֲה ֹר֙ן ֶאת ַ־ה ָשּׂ ִ֔ﬠיר ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ָﬠ ָ ֥לה ָﬠ ָ ֛ליו ַהגּ ָ ֖וֹרל goats and let them stand before the LORD ַלה' ְו ָﬠ ָ ֖שׂהוּ ַח ָֽטּאת׃ (י) ְו ַה ָשּׂ ִ֗ﬠיר ֲא ֶשׁ ֩ר ָﬠ ֨ ָלה (at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting; (8 ָﬠ ָ ֤ליו ַהגּ ָוֹר ֙ל ַל ֲﬠ ָזא ֵ֔זל ָֽי ֳﬠ ַמד־ ַ ֛חי ִל ְפ ֵ֥ני ה' ,and he shall place lots upon the two goats one marked for the LORD and the other ְל ַכ ֵ֣פּר ָﬠ ָ ֑ליו ְל ַשׁ ַ ֥לּח ֹא ֛תוֹ ַל ֲﬠ ָזא ֵז֖ל ַה ִמּ ְד ָֽבּ ָרה׃ marked for . (9) Aaron shall bring (יא) ְו ִה ְק ִ֨ריב ַא ֲה ֹ֜רן ֶאת־ ַ ֤פּר ַֽה ַח ָטּא ֙ת forward the designated by lot for the ֲא ֶשׁר־ ֔לוֹ ְו ִכ ֶ ֥פּר ַֽבּ ֲﬠ ֖דוֹ וּ ְב ַ ֣ﬠד ֵבּי ֑תוֹ ְו ָשׁ ַ ֛חט LORD, which he is to offer as a sin offering; (10) while the goat designated by ֶאת־ ַ ֥פּר ַֽה ַח ָ ֖טּאת ֲא ֶשׁר־ ֽלוֹ׃ (יב) ְו ָל ַ ֣קח lot for Azazel shall be left standing alive

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ְמ ֽלֹא ֠ ַ־ה ַמּ ְח ָתּה ַֽגּ ֲח ֵלי־ ֵ֞אשׁ ֵמ ַ ֤ﬠל ַה ִמּ ְז ֵ֙בּ ַ֙ח ִמ ִלּ ְפ ֵ֣ני before the LORD, to make expiation with ה' וּ ְמ ֣לֹא ָח ְפ ָ֔ניו ְק ֥ ֹט ֶרת ַס ִ ֖מּים ַדּ ָ ֑קּה ְו ֵה ִ ֖ביא it and to send it off to the wilderness for Azazel. (11) Aaron shall then offer his bull (יג) ִמ ֵ֥בּית ַל ָפּֽ ֹר ֶכת׃ ְו ָנ ַ ֧תן ֶֽאת ַ־ה ְקּ ֛ ֹט ֶרת of sin offering, to make expiation for ַﬠל ָ־ה ֵ֖אשׁ ִל ְפ ֵ֣ני ה' ְו ִכ ָ ֣סּה ׀ ֲﬠ ַ ֣נ ן ַה ְקּ ֹ֗ט ֶרת himself and his household. He shall ֶאת ַ־ה ַכּ ֹ֛פּ ֶרת ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ַﬠל ָ־ה ֵﬠ ֖דוּת ְו ֥לֹא ָי ֽמוּת׃ slaughter his bull of sin offering, (12) and (יד) ְו ָל ַק ֙ח ִמ ַ ֣דּם ַה ָ֔פּר ְו ִה ָ ֧זּה ְב ֶא ְצ ָבּ ֛ﬠוֹ ַﬠל־ ְפּ ֵ֥ני he shall take a panful of glowing coals scooped from the before the LORD, ַה ַכּ ֹ֖פּ ֶרת ֵ֑ק ְד ָמה ְו ִל ְפ ֵ֣ני ַה ַכּ ֹ֗פּ ֶרת ַי ֶ ֧זּה and two handfuls of finely ground ֶֽשׁ ַבע־ ְפּ ָﬠ ִ ֛מים ִמן ַ־ה ָ ֖דּם ְבּ ֶא ְצ ָבּ ֽﬠוֹ׃ (טו) ְו ָשׁ ַ֞חט aromatic , and bring this behind the ֶאת ְ־שׂ ִ ֤ﬠיר ַֽה ַח ָטּא ֙ת ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ָל ָ֔ﬠם ְו ֵה ִבי ֙א curtain. (13) He shall put the incense on the ֶאת־ ָדּ ֔מוֹ ֶאל־ ִמ ֵ֖בּית ַל ָפּ֑ ֹר ֶכת ְו ָﬠ ָ ֣שׂה ֶאת־ ָדּ ֗מוֹ fire before the LORD, so that the cloud from the incense screens the cover that is ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ָﬠ ָשׂ ֙ה ְל ַ ֣דם ַה ָ֔פּר ְו ִה ָ ֥זּה ֹא ֛תוֹ (over [the Ark of] the Pact, lest he die. (14 ַﬠל ַ־ה ַכּ ֹ֖פּ ֶרת ְו ִל ְפ ֵ֥ני ַה ַכּ ֹֽפּ ֶרת׃ (טז) ְו ִכ ֶ ֣פּר He shall take some of the of the bull ַﬠל ַ־ה ֹ֗קּ ֶדשׁ ִמ ֻטּ ְמ ֹא ֙ת ְבּ ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל וּ ִמ ִפּ ְשׁ ֵﬠ ֶ ֖יהם and sprinkle it with his finger over the ְל ָכל־ ַחטֹּא ָ ֑תם ְו ֵ֤כן ַי ֲﬠ ֶשׂ ֙ה ְל ֣ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֔וֹﬠד ַה ֹשּׁ ֵ֣כן cover on the east side; and in front of the cover he shall sprinkle some of the blood ִא ָ֔תּם ְבּ ֖תוֹ ֻט ְמ ֹא ָֽתם׃ (יז) ְו ָכל־ ָא ָ֞דם with his finger seven times. (15) He shall לֹא־ ִי ְה ֶי֣ה ׀ ְבּ ֣ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֗וֹﬠד ְבּ ֹב ֛אוֹ ְל ַכ ֵ֥פּר ַבּ ֖ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ then slaughter the people’s goat of sin ַﬠד־ ֵצא ֑תוֹ ְו ִכ ֶ ֤פּר ַבּ ֲﬠד ֙וֹ וּ ְב ַ ֣ﬠד ֵבּי ֔תוֹ וּ ְב ַ ֖ﬠד ,offering, bring its blood behind the curtain and do with its blood as he has done with ָכּל ְ־ק ַ ֥הל ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵֽאל׃ (יח) ְו ָי ָ֗צא ֶאל ַ־ה ִמּ ְז ֵ֛בּ ַח the blood of the bull: he shall sprinkle it ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִל ְפ ֵֽני־ה' ְו ִכ ֶ ֣פּר ָﬠ ָ ֑ליו ְו ָל ַ֞קח ִמ ַ ֤דּם ַה ָפּ ֙ר .over the cover and in front of the cover וּ ִמ ַ ֣דּם ַה ָשּׂ ִ֔ﬠיר ְו ָנ ַ ֛תן ַﬠל ַ־ק ְר ֥נוֹת ַה ִמּ ְז ֵ֖בּ ַח Thus he shall purge the Shrine of the (16) ָס ִֽביב׃ (יט) ְו ִה ָ֨זּה ָﬠ ָ ֧ליו ִמן ַ־ה ָ ֛דּם ְבּ ֶא ְצ ָבּ ֖ﬠוֹ uncleanness and transgression of the , whatever their sins; and he shall ֶ ֣שׁ ַבע ְפּ ָﬠ ִ ֑מים ְו ִט ֲה֣רוֹ ְו ִק ְדּ ֔שׁוֹ ִמ ֻטּ ְמ ֖ ֹאת ְבּ ֵ֥ני ,do the same for the Tent of Meeting ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵֽאל׃ (כ) ְו ִכ ָלּ ֙ה ִמ ַכּ ֵ֣פּר ֶאת ַ־ה ֹ֔קּ ֶדשׁ which abides with them in the midst of ְו ֶאת־ ֥ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֖וֹﬠד ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ִמּ ְז ֵ֑בּ ַח ְו ִה ְקִ ֖ריב their uncleanness. (17) When he goes in to ֶאת ַ־ה ָשּׂ ִ ֥ﬠיר ֶה ָֽחי׃ (כא) ְו ָס ַ֨מ ַא ֲה ֹ֜רן make expiation in the Shrine, nobody else shall be in the Tent of Meeting until he ֶאת ְ־שׁ ֵ֣תּי ידו [ ָי ָ֗דיו] ַ֨ﬠל ֣רֹאשׁ ַה ָשּׂ ִﬠ ֮יר ַה ַח ֒י comes out. When he has made expiation ְו ִה ְת ַו ָ ֣דּה ָﬠ ֗ ָליו ֶאת־ ָכּל ֲ־ﬠ ֹו ֹנ ֙ת ְבּ ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל for himself and his household, and for the ְו ֶאת־ ָכּל־ ִפּ ְשׁ ֵﬠ ֶ ֖יהם ְל ָכל־ ַחטֹּא ָ ֑תם ְו ָנ ַ ֤תן ֹא ָת ֙ם whole congregation of Israel, (18) he shall ַﬠל ֣־רֹאשׁ ַה ָשּׂ ִ֔ﬠיר ְו ִשׁ ַ ֛לּח ְבּ ַיד־ ִ ֥אישׁ ִﬠ ִ ֖תּי go out to the altar that is before the LORD and purge it: he shall take some of the ַה ִמּ ְד ָֽבּ ָרה׃ (כב) ְו ָנ ֨ ָשׂא ַה ָשּׂ ִ ֥ﬠיר ָﬠ ָ ֛ליו blood of the bull and of the goat and apply ֶאת־ ָכּל ֲ־ﬠ ֹו ֹנ ָ ֖תם ֶאל־ ֶ ֣א ֶרץ ְגּ ֵז ָ ֑רה ְו ִשׁ ַ ֥לּח it to each of the horns of the altar; (19) and ֶאת ַ־ה ָשּׂ ִ ֖ﬠיר ַבּ ִמּ ְד ָֽבּר׃ (כג) וּ ָ ֤בא ַא ֲה ֹר֙ן the rest of the blood he shall sprinkle on it ֶאל־ ֣ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֔וֹﬠד וּ ָפ ַשׁ ֙ט ֶאת־ ִבּ ְג ֵ֣די ַה ָ֔בּד ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר with his finger seven times. Thus he shall cleanse it of the uncleanness of the ָל ַ ֖בשׁ ְבּ ֹב ֣אוֹ ֶאל ַ־ה ֑ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ ְו ִה ִנּי ָ ֖חם ָֽשׁם׃ (כד) Israelites and consecrate it. (20) When he ְו ָר ַ֨חץ ֶאת־ ְבּ ָשׂ֤רוֹ ַב ַ֙מּ ִי ֙ם ְבּ ָמ ֣קוֹם ָק ֔דוֹשׁ ְו ָל ַ ֖בשׁ has finished purging the Shrine, the Tent ֶאת־ ְבּ ָג ָ ֑דיו ְו ָי ָ֗צא ְו ָﬠ ָ ֤שׂה ֶאת ֹֽ־ﬠ ָלת ֙וֹ ְו ֶאת ֹ־ע ַ ֣לת of Meeting, and the altar, the live goat shall be brought forward. (21) Aaron shall ָה ָ֔ﬠם ְו ִכ ֶ ֥פּר ַבּ ֲﬠ ֖דוֹ וּ ְב ַ ֥ﬠד ָה ָֽﬠם׃ (כה) ְו ֵ֛את ֵ֥ח ֶלב lay both his hands upon the head of the ַֽה ַח ָ ֖טּאת ַי ְק ִ ֥טיר ַה ִמּ ְז ֵֽבּ ָחה׃ (כו) ְו ַֽה ְמ ַשׁ ֵ֤לּ ַח live goat and confess over it all the

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ֶאת ַ־ה ָשּׂ ִﬠ ֙יר ַֽל ֲﬠ ָזא ֵ֔זל ְי ַכ ֵ֣בּס ְבּ ָג ָ֔דיו ְו ָר ַ ֥חץ iniquities and transgressions of the ֶאת־ ְבּ ָשׂ֖רוֹ ַבּ ָ ֑מּ ִים ְו ַא ֲח ֵרי־ ֵ֖כן ָי ֥בוֹא Israelites, whatever their sins, putting them on the head of the goat; and it shall be sent (כז) ֶאל ַֽ־ה ַמּ ֲח ֶֽנה׃ ְו ֵא ֩ת ַ֨פּר ַֽה ַח ָ֜טּאת ְו ֵ֣את ׀ off to the wilderness through a designated ְשׂ ִ ֣ﬠיר ַֽה ַח ָ֗טּאת ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר הוּ ָ ֤בא ֶאת־ ָדּ ָמ ֙ם ְל ַכ ֵ֣פּר man. (22) Thus the goat shall carry on it all ַבּ ֹ֔קּ ֶדשׁ יוֹ ִ ֖ציא ֶאל־ ִמ ֣חוּץ ַֽל ַמּ ֲח ֶ ֑נה ְו ָשׂ ְר ֣פוּ ;their iniquities to an inaccessible region ָב ֵ֔אשׁ ֶאת ֹ־ע ֹר ָ ֥תם ְו ֶאת־ ְבּ ָשׂ ָ ֖רם ְו ֶאת־ ִפּ ְר ָֽשׁם׃ and the goat shall be set free in the wilderness. (23) And Aaron shall go into (כח) ְו ַה ֹשּׂ ֵ֣רף ֹא ָ֔תם ְי ַכ ֵ֣בּס ְבּ ָג ָ֔דיו ְו ָר ַ ֥חץ the Tent of Meeting, take off the linen ֶאת־ ְבּ ָשׂ֖רוֹ ַבּ ָ ֑מּ ִים ְו ַא ֲח ֵרי־ ֵ֖כן ָי ֥בוֹא vestments that he put on when he entered ֶאל ַֽ־ה ַמּ ֲח ֶֽנה׃ (כט) ְו ָה ְי ָ ֥תה ָל ֶ ֖כם ְל ֻח ַ ֣קּת עוֹ ָ ֑לם the Shrine, and leave them there. (24) He ַבּ ֹ֣ח ֶדשׁ ֠ ַה ְשּׁ ִב ִיﬠי ֶֽבּ ָﬠ ֨שׂוֹר ַל ֹ֜ח ֶדשׁ ְתּ ַﬠ ֣נּוּ shall bathe his body in water in the holy precinct and put on his vestments; then he ֶאת־ ַנ ְפ ֽ ֹשׁ ֵתי ֶ֗כם ְו ָכל־ ְמ ָלא ָכ ֙ה ֣לֹא ַת ֲﬠ ֔שׂוּ shall come out and offer his burnt offering ָֽה ֶא ְז ָ֔רח ְו ַה ֵ֖גּר ַה ָ ֥גּר ְבּתוֹ ְכ ֶֽכם׃ (ל) ִֽכּי־ ַב ֥יּוֹם ,and the burnt offering of the people ַה ֶ ֛זּה ְי ַכ ֵ֥פּר ֲﬠ ֵלי ֶ ֖כם ְל ַט ֵ֣הר ֶא ְת ֶ ֑כם ִמ ֹכּ ֙ל making expiation for himself and for the people. (25) The fat of the sin offering he ַח ֣טֹּא ֵתי ֶ֔כם ִל ְפ ֵ֥ני ה' ִתּ ְט ָֽהרוּ׃ (לא) ַשׁ ַ֨בּת shall turn into smoke on the altar. (26) He ַשׁ ָבּ ֥תוֹן ִהי ֙א ָל ֶ֔כם ְו ִﬠ ִנּי ֶ ֖תם ֶאת־ ַנ ְפ ֹשׁ ֵתי ֶ ֑כם who set the Azazel-goat free shall wash ֻח ַ ֖קּת עוֹ ָֽלם׃ (לב) ְו ִכ ֶ֨פּר ַה ֹכּ ֵ֜הן ֲא ֶשׁר־ ִי ְמ ַ ֣שׁח ;his clothes and bathe his body in water ֹא ֗תוֹ ַו ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ְי ַמ ֵלּ ֙א ֶאת־ ָי ֔דוֹ ְל ַכ ֵ֖הן ַ ֣תּ ַחת ָא ִ ֑ביו (after that he may reenter the camp. (27 The bull of sin offering and the goat of sin ְו ָל ַ ֛בשׁ ֶאת־ ִבּ ְג ֵ֥די ַה ָ ֖בּד ִבּ ְג ֵ֥די ַה ֽ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ׃ (לג) offering whose blood was brought in to ְו ִכ ֶפּ ֙ר ֶאת־ ִמ ְק ַ ֣דּשׁ ַה ֹ֔קּ ֶדשׁ ְו ֶאת־ ֧ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֛וֹﬠד purge the Shrine shall be taken outside the ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ִמּ ְז ֵ֖בּ ַח ְי ַכ ֵ֑פּר ְו ַ ֧ﬠל ַה ֹכּ ֲהִ ֛נים camp; and their hides, flesh, and dung ְו ַﬠל־ ָכּל ַ ֥־ﬠם ַה ָקּ ָ ֖הל ְי ַכ ֵֽפּר׃ (לד) ְו ָֽה ְי ָתה־ ֨זֹּאת shall be consumed in fire. (28) He who burned them shall wash his clothes and ָל ֶ֜כם ְל ֻח ַ ֣קּת עוֹ ֗ ָלם ְל ַכ ֵ֞פּר ַﬠל־ ְבּ ֵ֤ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵא ֙ל bathe his body in water; after that he may ִמ ָכּל־ ַחטֹּא ָ֔תם ַא ַ ֖חת ַבּ ָשּׁ ָ ֑נה ַוַ֕יּ ַﬠשׂ ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֛שׁר ִצָ ֥וּה re-enter the camp. (29) And this shall be to ה' ֶאת־ ֹמ ֶֽשׁה׃ (פ) (א) ַו ְי ַד ֵ֥בּר ה' ֶאל־ ֹמ ֶ ֥שׁה you a law for all time: In the seventh ֵלּא ֹֽמר׃ (ב) ַדּ ֵ֨בּר ֶֽאל־ ַא ֲה ֹ֜רן ְו ֶאל־ ָבּ ָ֗ניו ְו ֶא ֙ל month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall practice self-denial; and you shall do ָכּל־ ְבּ ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ְו ָא ַמ ְר ָ ֖תּ ֲא ֵל ֶ ֑יהם ֶז֣ה ַה ָדּ ָ֔בר no manner of work, neither the citizen nor ֲא ֶשׁר־ ִצָ ֥וּה ה' ֵלא ֹֽמר׃ (ג) ִ ֥אישׁ ִא ֙ישׁ ִמ ֵ֣בּית the alien who resides among you. (30) For ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ִי ְשׁ ַ֜חט ֥שׁוֹר אוֹ־ ֶ ֛כ ֶשׂב אוֹ ֵ֖־ﬠז on this day atonement shall be made for ַֽבּ ַמּ ֲח ֶ ֑נה ֚אוֹ ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ִי ְשׁ ַ֔חט ִמ ֖חוּץ ַֽל ַמּ ֲח ֶֽנה׃ (ד) you to cleanse you of all your sins; you shall be clean before the LORD. (31) It ְו ֶאל־ ֶ֜פּ ַתח ֣ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵוֹﬠ ֮ד ֣לֹא ֱה ִביא ֒וֹ ְל ַה ְקִ ֤ריב ,shall be a sabbath of complete rest for you ָק ְר ָבּ֙ן ַֽלה' ִל ְפ ֵ֖ני ִמ ְשׁ ַ ֣כּן ה' ָ ֣דּם ֵי ָח ֞ ֵשׁב ָל ִ ֤אישׁ and you shall practice self-denial; it is a ַההוּ ֙א ָ ֣דּם ָשׁ ָ֔פ ְו ִנ ְכ ַ ֛רת ָה ִ ֥אישׁ ַה ֖הוּא ִמ ֶ ֥קּ ֶרב law for all time. (32) The priest who has been anointed and ordained to serve as ַﬠ ֽמּוֹ׃ (ה) ְל ַמ ַﬠ ֩ן ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ָי ִ֜ביאוּ ְבּ ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל priest in place of his father shall make ֶֽאת־ ִז ְב ֵח ֶיה ֮ם ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ֵ֣הם ֹז ְב ִחי ֮ם ַﬠל־ ְפּ ֵ֣ני expiation. He shall put on the linen ַה ָשּׂ ֶד ֒ה ֶֽו ֱה ִבי ֻ֣אם ַֽלה' ֶאל־ ֶ ֛פּ ַתח ֥ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֖וֹﬠד vestments, the sacral vestments. (33) He ֶאל ַ־ה ֹכּ ֵ֑הן ְו ָ֨ז ְב ֜חוּ ִז ְב ֵ֧חי ְשׁ ָל ִ ֛מים ַֽלה' אוֹ ָֽתם׃ shall purge the innermost Shrine; he shall purge the Tent of Meeting and the altar; (ו) ְו ָז ַ֨רק ַה ֹכּ ֵ֤הן ֶאת ַ־ה ָדּ ֙ם ַﬠל־ ִמ ְז ַ ֣בּח ה' ֶ ֖פּ ַתח and he shall make expiation for the priests ֣ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֑וֹﬠד ְו ִה ְק ִ ֣טיר ַה ֵ֔ח ֶלב ְל ֵ֥רי ַח ִני ֹ֖ח ַח ַלה'׃ .and for all the people of the congregation

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(ז) ְולֹא־ ִי ְז ְבּ ֥חוּ עוֹ ֙ד ֶאת־ ִז ְב ֵח ֶ֔יהם ַל ְשּׂ ִﬠ ִ֕ירם :This shall be to you a law for all time (34) ֲא ֶ ֛שׁר ֵ֥הם ֹזִ ֖נים ַא ֲח ֵר ֶ ֑יהם ֻח ַ ֥קּת עוֹ ָ ֛לם to make atonement for the Israelites for all their sins once a year. And Moses did as ִֽתּ ְה ֶיה־ ֥זֹּאת ָל ֶ ֖הם ְל ֹד ֹר ָֽתם׃ (ח) ַו ֲא ֵל ֶ ֣הם the LORD had commanded him. (1) The תֹּא ַ֔מר ִ ֥אישׁ ִא ֙ישׁ ִמ ֵ֣בּית ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל וּ ִמן ַ־ה ֵ֖גּר LORD spoke to Moses, saying: (2) Speak ֲא ֶשׁר־ ָי ֣גוּר ְבּתוֹ ָ ֑כם ֲא ֶשׁר־ ַי ֲﬠ ֶ ֥לה ֹע ָ ֖לה to Aaron and his sons and to all the אוֹ־ ָֽז ַבח׃ (ט) ְו ֶאל־ ֶ֜פּ ַתח ֤ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵוֹﬠ ֙ד ֣לֹא Israelite people and say to them: This is what the LORD has commanded: (3) if ְי ִבי ֶ֔אנּוּ ַל ֲﬠ ֥שׂוֹת ֹא ֖תוֹ ַלה' ְו ִנ ְכ ַ ֛רת ָה ִ ֥אישׁ anyone of the house of Israel slaughters an ַה ֖הוּא ֵמ ַﬠ ָֽמּיו׃ (י) ְו ִ֨אישׁ ִ֜אישׁ ִמ ֵ֣בּית ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל ox or or goat in the camp, or does so וּ ִמן ַ־ה ֵגּ ֙ר ַה ָ ֣גּר ְבּתוֹ ָ֔כם ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר יֹא ַ ֖כל ָכּל־ ָ ֑דּם outside the camp, (4) and does not bring it ְו ָנ ַת ִ ֣תּי ָפ ַ֗ני ַבּ ֶ֙נּ ֶפ ֙שׁ ָה ֹא ֶ ֣כ ֶלת ֶאת ַ־ה ָ֔דּם ְו ִה ְכ ַר ִ ֥תּי to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting to present it as an offering to the LORD, ֹא ָ ֖תהּ ִמ ֶ ֥קּ ֶרב ַﬠ ָֽמּהּ׃ (יא) ִ ֣כּי ֶ ֣נ ֶפשׁ ַה ָבּ ָשׂ ֮ר ַבּ ָ ֣דּם before the LORD’s , bloodguilt ִהו ֒א ַו ֲא ִ֞ני ְנ ַת ִ ֤תּיו ָל ֶכ ֙ם ַﬠל ַ־ה ִמּ ְז ֵ֔בּ ַח ְל ַכ ֵ֖פּר shall be imputed to that man: he has shed ַﬠל־ ַנ ְפ ֹשׁ ֵתי ֶ ֑כם ִֽכּי ַ־ה ָ ֥דּם ֖הוּא ַבּ ֶ ֥נּ ֶפשׁ ְי ַכ ֵֽפּר׃ blood; that man shall be cut off from among his people. (5) This is in order that (יב) ַﬠל־ ֵ֤כּן ָא ַ֙מ ְר ִתּ֙י ִל ְב ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ָכּל־ ֶ ֥נ ֶפשׁ the Israelites may bring the sacrifices ִמ ֶ ֖כּם לֹא־ ֣תֹא ַכל ָ ֑דּם ְו ַה ֵ֛גּר ַה ָ ֥גּר ְבּתוֹ ְכ ֶ ֖כם which they have been making in the open לֹא־ ֥יֹא ַכל ָֽדּם׃ (ס) (יג) ְו ִ֨אישׁ ִ֜אישׁ ִמ ְבּ ֵ֣ני that they may bring them before the— ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל וּ ִמן ַ־ה ֵגּ ֙ר ַה ָ ֣גּר ְבּתוֹ ָ֔כם ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ָי ֜צוּד LORD, to the priest, at the entrance of the ֵ֥ציד ַח ָיּ֛ה אוֹ ֖־ﬠוֹף ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ֵי ָא ֵ֑כל ְו ָשׁ ַפ ֙ ֶאת־ ָדּ ֔מוֹ Tent of Meeting, and offer them as sacrifices of well-being to the LORD; (6) ְו ִכ ָ ֖סּהוּ ֶבּ ָﬠ ָֽפר׃ (יד) ִֽכּי־ ֶ ֣נ ֶפשׁ ָכּל־ ָבּ ֗ ָשׂר ָדּ ֣מוֹ that the priest may dash the blood against ְב ַנ ְפשׁ ֮וֹ הוּ ֒א ָֽו ֹא ַמ ֙ר ִל ְב ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ַ ֥דּם the altar of the LORD at the entrance of ָכּל־ ָבּ ָ ֖שׂר ֣לֹא תֹא ֵ֑כלוּ ִ ֣כּי ֶ ֤נ ֶפשׁ ָכּל־ ָבּ ָשׂ ֙ר ָדּ ֣מוֹ the Tent of Meeting, and turn the fat into smoke as a pleasing odor to the LORD; (7) (טו) ִ֔הוא ָכּל־ ֹא ְכ ָ ֖ליו ִי ָכּ ֵֽרת׃ ְו ָכל־ ֶ֗נ ֶפשׁ ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר and that they may offer their sacrifices no תֹּא ַ ֤כל ְנ ֵב ָל ֙ה וּ ְט ֵר ָ֔פה ָבּ ֶא ְז ָ ֖רח וּ ַב ֵ֑גּר ְו ִכ ֶ֨בּס more to the goat-demons after whom they ְבּ ָג ָ֜דיו ְו ָר ַ ֥חץ ַבּ ַ ֛מּ ִים ְו ָט ֵ֥מא ַﬠד ָ־ה ֶ ֖ﬠ ֶרב ְו ָט ֵֽהר׃ stray. This shall be to them a law for all (טז) ְו ִא ֙ם ֣לֹא ְי ַכ ֵ֔בּס וּ ְב ָשׂ֖רוֹ ֣לֹא ִי ְר ָ ֑חץ ְו ָנ ָ ֖שׂא time, throughout the ages. (8) Say to them further: If anyone of the house of Israel or ֲﬠ ֹו ֽנוֹ׃ (פ) (א) ַו ְי ַד ֵ֥בּר ה' ֶאל־ ֹמ ֶ ֥שׁה ֵלּא ֹֽמר׃ of the strangers who reside among them (ב) ַדּ ֵבּ ֙ר ֶאל־ ְבּ ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ְו ָא ַמ ְר ָ ֖תּ ֲא ֵל ֶ ֑הם ֲאִ ֖ני (offers a burnt offering or a sacrifice, (9 ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ (ג) ְכּ ַמ ֲﬠ ֵ֧שׂה ֶֽא ֶרץ־ ִמ ְצ ַ ֛ר ִים ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר and does not bring it to the entrance of the ְי ַשׁ ְב ֶתּם־ ָ ֖בּהּ ֣לֹא ַת ֲﬠ ֑שׂוּ וּ ְכ ַמ ֲﬠ ֵ֣שׂה ֶֽא ֶרץ־ ְכּ ַ֡נ ַﬠן ,Tent of Meeting to offer it to the LORD that person shall be cut off from his ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ֲא ִנ ֩י ֵמ ִ֨ביא ֶא ְת ֶ ֥כם ָ֙שׁ ָמּ ֙ה ֣לֹא ַת ֲﬠ ֔שׂוּ people. (10) And if anyone of the house of וּ ְב ֻח ֹקּ ֵת ֶ ֖יהם ֥לֹא ֵת ֵֽלכוּ׃ (ד) ֶאת־ ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ַ ֧טי Israel or of the strangers who reside ַתּ ֲﬠ ֛שׂוּ ְו ֶאת־ ֻח ֹקּ ַ ֥תי ִתּ ְשׁ ְמ֖רוּ ָל ֶ ֣ל ֶכת ָבּ ֶ ֑הם ֲאִ ֖ני among them partakes of any blood, I will set My face against the person who ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ (ה) ְוּשׁ ַמ ְר ֶ ֤תּם ֶאת־ ֻח ֹקּ ַת֙י partakes of the blood, and I will cut him ְו ֶאת־ ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ַ֔טי ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ַי ֲﬠ ֶ ֥שׂה ֹא ָ ֛תם ָה ָא ָ ֖דם ָו ַ ֣חי off from among his kin. (11) For the life of ָבּ ֶ ֑הם ֲאִ ֖ני ה'׃ (ס) (ו) ִ ֥אישׁ ִא ֙ישׁ the flesh is in the blood, and I have ֶאל־ ָכּל ְ־שׁ ֵ֣אר ְבּ ָשׂ ֔רוֹ ֥לֹא ִת ְק ְר ֖בוּ ְל ַג ֣לּוֹת assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar; it is the blood, as ֶﬠ ְרָ ֑וה ֲאִ ֖ני ה'׃ (ס) (ז) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ָא ִ ֛בי ְו ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות life, that effects expiation. (12) Therefore I ִא ְמּ ֖ ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה ִא ְמּ ֣ ִ֔הוא ֥לֹא ְת ַג ֶ ֖לּה ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָֽתהּ׃ say to the Israelite people: No person

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(ס) (ח) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ֵֽא ֶשׁת־ ָא ִ ֖בי ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות among you shall partake of blood, nor ָא ִ ֖בי ִֽהוא׃ (ס) (ט) ֶﬠ ְר ַ֨ות ֲא ֽחוֹ ְת ֤ ַבת־ ָא ִ֙בי ֙ shall the stranger who resides among you partake of blood. (13) And if any Israelite ֣אוֹ ַבת־ ִא ֶ֔מּ מוֹ ֶ ֣ל ֶדת ַ֔בּ ִית ֖אוֹ מוֹ ֶ ֣ל ֶדת ֑חוּץ ֥לֹא or any stranger who resides among them ְת ַג ֶ ֖לּה ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָֽתן׃ (ס) (י) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֤ות ַבּת־ ִבּ ְנ ֙ ֣אוֹ hunts down an animal or a bird that may ַֽבת־ ִבּ ְתּ ֔ ֥לֹא ְת ַג ֶ ֖לּה ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָ ֑תן ִ ֥כּי ֶﬠ ְר ָו ְת ֖ ֵֽה ָנּה׃ be eaten, he shall pour out its blood and (ס) (יא) ֶﬠ ְר ַ֨ות ַבּת־ ֵ֤א ֶשׁת ָא ִ֙בי ֙ מוֹ ֶ ֣ל ֶדת cover it with earth. (14) For the life of all flesh—its blood is its life. Therefore I say ָא ִ֔בי ֲאחוֹ ְת ֖ ִ ֑הוא ֥לֹא ְת ַג ֶ ֖לּה ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָֽתהּ׃ (ס) to the Israelite people: You shall not (יב) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ֲאחוֹת־ ָא ִ ֖בי ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה ְשׁ ֵ֥אר partake of the blood of any flesh, for the ָא ִ ֖בי ִֽהוא׃ (ס) (יג) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ֲא ֽחוֹת־ ִא ְמּ ֖ ֣לֹא life of all flesh is its blood. Anyone who ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה ִֽכּי ְ־שׁ ֵ֥אר ִא ְמּ ֖ ִֽהוא׃ (ס) (יד) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות partakes of it shall be cut off. (15) Any person, whether citizen or stranger, who ֲא ִֽחי־ ָא ִ ֖בי ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה ֶאל־ ִא ְשׁתּ ֙וֹ ֣לֹא ִת ְק ָ֔רב eats what has died or has been torn by ֹדּ ָֽד ְת ֖ ִֽהוא׃ (ס) (טו) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ַכּ ָֽלּ ְת ֖ ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה beasts shall wash his clothes, bathe in ֵ֤א ֶשׁת ִבּ ְנ ֙ ִ֔הוא ֥לֹא ְת ַג ֶ ֖לּה ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָֽתהּ׃ (ס) (טז) ;water, and remain unclean until evening ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ֵֽא ֶשׁת־ ָא ִ ֖חי ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ָא ִ ֖חי then he shall be clean. (16) But if he does not wash [his clothes] and bathe his body, ִֽהוא׃ (ס) (יז) ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ִא ָ ֛שּׁה וּ ִב ָ ֖תּהּ ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה he shall bear his guilt. (1) The LORD ֶֽאת־ ַבּת־ ְבּ ָ֞נהּ ְו ֶאת־ ַבּת־ ִבּ ָ֗תּהּ ֤לֹא ִת ַקּ ֙ח ְל ַג ֣לּוֹת spoke to Moses, saying: (2) Speak to the ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָ֔תהּ ַשׁ ֲא ָ ֥רה ֵ֖ה ָנּה ִז ָ ֥מּה ִֽהוא (יח) ְו ִא ָ ֥שּׁה Israelite people and say to them: I the ֶאל־ ֲא ֹח ָ ֖תהּ ֣לֹא ִת ָ ֑קּח ִל ְצ ֹ֗רר ְל ַג ֧לּוֹת ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָ ֛תהּ LORD am your God. (3) You shall not copy the practices of the land of ָﬠ ֶ ֖ל ָיה ְבּ ַח ֶֽיּ ָיה׃ (יט) ְו ֶאל־ ִא ָ ֖שּׁה ְבּ ִנ ַ ֣דּת ֻט ְמ ָא ָ ֑תהּ where you dwelt, or of the land of Canaan ֣לֹא ִת ְק ַ֔רב ְל ַג ֖לּוֹת ֶﬠ ְר ָו ָֽתהּ׃ (כ) ְו ֶאל־ ֵ֙א ֶשׁ ֙ת to which I am taking you; nor shall you ֲﬠ ִֽמי ְת ֔ לֹא־ ִת ֵ֥תּן ְשׁ ָכ ְב ְתּ ֖ ְל ָז֑ ַ רע follow their laws. (4) My rules alone shall you observe, and faithfully follow My ְל ָט ְמ ָאה־ ָֽבהּ׃ (כא) וּ ִֽמ ַזּ ְר ֲﬠ ֥ לֹא־ ִת ֵ֖תּן laws: I the LORD am your God. (5) You ְל ַה ֲﬠ ִ ֣ביר ַל ֹ֑מּ ֶל ְו ֧לֹא ְת ַח ֵ֛לּל ֶאת ֵ֥־שׁם ֱא ֶ ֖קי shall keep My laws and My rules, by the ֲאִ ֥ני ה'׃ (כב) ְו ֶ֨את־ ָז ָ֔כר ֥לֹא ִת ְשׁ ַ ֖כּב ִמ ְשׁ ְכּ ֵ֣בי pursuit of which man shall live: I am the ִא ָ ֑שּׁה תּ ֵוֹﬠ ָ ֖בה ִֽהוא׃ (כג) וּ ְב ָכל־ ְבּ ֵה ָ ֛מה LORD. (6) None of you shall come near anyone of his own flesh to uncover לֹא־ ִת ֵ֥תּן ְשׁ ָכ ְב ְתּ ֖ ְל ָט ְמ ָאה־ ָ ֑בהּ ְו ִא ֗ ָשּׁה nakedness: I am the LORD. (7) Your ֽלֹא־ ַת ֲﬠ ֹ֞מד ִל ְפ ֵ֧ני ְב ֵה ָ ֛מה ְל ִר ְב ָ ֖ﬠהּ ֶ ֥תּ ֶבל ֽהוּא׃ father’s nakedness, that is, the nakedness (כד) ַאל־ ִֽתּ ַטּ ְמּ ֖אוּ ְבּ ָכל־ ֵ֑א ֶלּה ִ ֤כּי ְב ָכל־ ֵ֙א ֶלּ ֙ה of your , you shall not uncover; she ִנ ְט ְמ ֣אוּ ַהגּוִֹ֔ים ֲא ֶשׁר־ ֲאִ ֥ני ְמ ַשׁ ֵ֖לּ ַח ִמ ְפּ ֵני ֶֽכם׃ is your mother—you shall not uncover her nakedness. (8) Do not uncover the (כה) ַו ִתּ ְט ָ ֣מא ָה ָ֔א ֶרץ ָו ֶא ְפ ֥ ֹקד ֲﬠ ֹו ָ ֖נהּ ָﬠ ֶ ֑ל ָיה nakedness of your father’s wife; it is the ַו ָתּ ִ ֥קא ָה ָ ֖א ֶרץ ֶאת־ ֹי ְשׁ ֶֽב ָיה׃ (כו) ְוּשׁ ַמ ְר ֶ ֣תּם nakedness of your father. (9) The ַא ֶ֗תּם ֶאת־ ֻח ֹקּ ַת֙י ְו ֶאת־ ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ַ֔טי ְו ֣לֹא ַת ֲﬠ ֔שׂוּ nakedness of your sister—your father’s ִמ ֹ֥כּל ַהתּ ֵוֹﬠ ֹ֖בת ָה ֵ֑א ֶלּה ָֽה ֶא ְז ָ֔רח ְו ַה ֵ֖גּר ַה ָ ֥גּר daughter or your mother’s, whether born into the household or outside—do not ְבּתוֹ ְכ ֶֽכם׃ (כז) ִ֚כּי ֶאת־ ָכּל ַ־התּ ֵוֹﬠ ֹ֣בת ָה ֵ֔אל uncover their nakedness. (10) The ָﬠ ֥שׂוּ ַא ְנ ֵֽשׁי ָ־ה ָ ֖א ֶרץ ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ִל ְפ ֵני ֶ ֑כם ַו ִתּ ְט ָ ֖מא nakedness of your son’s daughter, or of ָה ָֽא ֶרץ׃ (כח) ְו ֽלֹא־ ָת ִ ֤קיא ָה ָ֙א ֶר ֙ץ ֶא ְת ֶ֔כם your daughter’s daughter—do not uncover ְבּ ַֽט ַמּ ֲא ֶ ֖כם ֹא ָ ֑תהּ ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ָק ָ ֛אה ֶאת ַ־ה ֖גּוֹי ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר their nakedness; for their nakedness is yours. (11) The nakedness of your father’s ִל ְפ ֵני ֶֽכם׃ (כט) ִ֚כּי ָכּל־ ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ַי ֲﬠ ֔ ֶשׂה ִמ ֹ֥כּל wife’s daughter, who has born into your

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ַהתּ ֵוֹﬠ ֖בוֹת ָה ֵ֑א ֶלּה ְו ִנ ְכ ְר ֛תוּ ַה ְנּ ָפ ֥שׁוֹת ָה ֹע ֖ ֹשׂת father’s household—she is your sister; do ִמ ֶ ֥קּ ֶרב ַﬠ ָֽמּם׃ (ל) ְוּשׁ ַמ ְר ֶ ֣תּם ֶאת־ ִמ ְשׁ ַמ ְר ִ֗תּי not uncover her nakedness. (12) Do not uncover the nakedness of your father’s ְל ִב ְל ִ֨תּי ֲﬠ ֜שׂוֹת ֵמ ֻח ֤קּוֹת ַה ֽתּ ֵוֹﬠ ֹב ֙ת ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ַנ ֲﬠ ֣שׂוּ sister; she is your father’s flesh. (13) Do ִל ְפ ֵני ֶ֔כם ְו ֥לֹא ִֽת ַטּ ְמּ ֖אוּ ָבּ ֶ ֑הם ֲאִ ֖ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ not uncover the nakedness of your (פ) (א) ַו ְי ַד ֵ֥בּר ה' ֶאל־ ֹמ ֶ ֥שׁה ֵלּא ֹֽמר (ב) ַדּ ֵ֞בּר mother’s sister; for she is your mother’s ֶאל־ ָכּל ֲ־ﬠ ַ ֧דת ְבּ ֵני־ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֛אל ְו ָא ַמ ְר ָ ֥תּ ֲא ֵל ֶ ֖הם flesh. (14) Do not uncover the nakedness of your father’s brother: do not approach his (ג) ְק ֹד ִ ֣שׁים ִתּ ְה ֑יוּ ִ ֣כּי ָק ֔דוֹשׁ ֲאִ ֖ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ wife; she is your aunt. (15) Do not uncover ִ ֣אישׁ ִא ֤מּוֹ ְו ָא ִבי ֙ו ִתּ ָ֔יראוּ ְו ֶאת ַ־שׁ ְבּ ֹת ַ ֖תי the nakedness of your daughter-in-law: she ִתּ ְשׁ ֹ֑מרוּ ֲאִ ֖ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ (ד) ַאל־ ִתּ ְפנ ֙וּ is your son’s wife; you shall not uncover ֶאל ָ ֣־ה ֱא ִלי ִ֔לים ֵֽוא ֵק֙י ַמ ֵסּ ָ֔כה ֥לֹא ַת ֲﬠ ֖שׂוּ ָל ֶ ֑כם her nakedness. (16) Do not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife; it is the ֲאִ ֖ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ (ה) ְו ִ ֧כי ִת ְז ְבּ ֛חוּ ֶז֥ ַבח nakedness of your brother. (17) Do not ְשׁ ָל ִ ֖מים ַלה' ִֽל ְר ֹצ ְנ ֶ ֖כם ִתּ ְז ָבּ ֻֽחהוּ׃ (ו) ְבּ ֧יוֹם uncover the nakedness of a woman and her ִז ְב ֲח ֶ ֛כם ֵי ָא ֵ֖כל וּ ִֽמ ָמּ ֳח ָ ֑רת ְו ַהנּוֹ ָת ֙ר ַﬠד־ ֣יוֹם daughter; nor shall you marry her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter and ַה ְשּׁ ִל ִ֔ישׁי ָבּ ֵ֖אשׁ ִי ָשּׂ ֵֽרף׃ (ז) ְו ִ ֛אם ֵה ָא ֹ֥כל ֵי ָא ֵ֖כל uncover her nakedness: they are kindred; it ַבּ ֣יּוֹם ַה ְשּׁ ִל ִ ֑ישׁי ִפּ ֥גּוּל ֖הוּא ֥לֹא ֵי ָר ֶֽצה׃ (ח) is depravity. (18) Do not marry a woman as ְו ֽ ֹא ְכ ָלי ֙ו ֲﬠ ֹו ֣נוֹ ִי ֔ ָשּׂא ִֽכּי־ ֶאת ֥ ֹ־ק ֶדשׁ ה' ִח ֵ֑לּל a rival to her sister and uncover her ְו ִנ ְכ ְר ָ ֛תה ַה ֶ ֥נּ ֶפשׁ ַה ִ ֖הוא ֵמ ַﬠ ֶֽמּ ָיה׃ (ט) nakedness in the other’s lifetime. (19) Do ֽוּ ְב ֻק ְצ ְר ֶכ ֙ם ֶאת ְ־ק ִ ֣ציר ַא ְר ְצ ֶ֔כם ֧לֹא ְת ַכ ֶ ֛לּה not come near a woman during her period of uncleanness to uncover her nakedness. ְפּ ַ ֥את ָשׂ ְד ֖ ִל ְק ֑ ֹצר ְו ֶ ֥ל ֶקט ְק ִֽצ ְיר ֖ ֥לֹא ְת ַל ֵֽקּט׃ Do not have carnal relations with your (20) (י) ְו ַכ ְר ְמ ֙ ֣לֹא ְתעוֹ ֔ ֵלל וּ ֶ ֥פ ֶרט ַכּ ְר ְמ ֖ ֣לֹא neighbor’s wife and defile yourself with ְת ַל ֵ֑קּט ֶֽל ָﬠִ ֤ני ְו ַל ֵגּ ֙ר ַתּ ֲﬠ ֹ֣זב ֹא ָ֔תם ֲאִ ֖ני ה' her. (21) Do not allow any of your offspring to be offered up to Molech, and (יא) ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ ֖לֹא ִתּ ְג ֹ֑נבוּ ְולֹא־ ְת ַכ ֲח ֥שׁוּ do not profane the name of your God: I am ְו ֽלֹא־ ְת ַשׁ ְקּ֖רוּ ִ ֥אישׁ ַבּ ֲﬠ ִמי ֽתוֹ׃ (יב) the LORD. (22) Do not lie with a male as ְו ֽלֹא־ ִת ָשּׁ ְב ֥ﬠוּ ִב ְשׁ ִ ֖מי ַל ָ ֑שּׁ ֶקר ְו ִח ַלּ ְל ָ ֛תּ ֶאת ֵ֥־שׁם .one lies with a woman; it is an abhorrence ֱא ֶ ֖קי ֲאִ ֥ני ה'׃ (יג) ֽלֹא־ ַת ֲﬠ ֥ ֹשׁק ֶאת ֵֽ־ר ֲﬠ ֖ Do not have carnal relations with any (23) beast and defile yourself thereby; and let ְו ֣לֹא ִת ְג ֹ֑זל ֽלֹא־ ָת ִ֞לין ְפּ ֻﬠ ַ ֥לּת ָשׂ ִ ֛כיר ִא ְתּ ֖ no woman lend herself to a beast to mate ַﬠד־ ֹֽבּ ֶקר׃ (יד) לֹא־ ְת ַק ֵ֣לּל ֵח ֵ֔רשׁ ְו ִל ְפ ֵ֣ני ִﬠ ֵ֔וּר with it; it is perversion. (24) Do not defile ֥לֹא ִת ֵ֖תּן ִמ ְכ ֑ ֹשׁל ְו ָי ֵ֥רא ָת ֵמּ ֱא ֶ ֖קי ֲאִ ֥ני ה'׃ (טו) yourselves in any of those ways, for it is לֹא־ ַת ֲﬠ ֥שׂוּ ָ֙ﬠ ֶו ֙ל ַבּ ִמּ ְשׁ ָ֔פּט לֹא־ ִת ָ ֣שּׂא ְפ ֵני־ ָ֔דל by such that the nations that I am casting out before you defiled themselves. (25) ְו ֥לֹא ֶת ְה ַ ֖דּר ְפּ ֵ֣ני ָג ֑דוֹל ְבּ ֶ ֖צ ֶדק ִתּ ְשׁ ֹ֥פּט ֲﬠ ִמי ֶֽת׃ Thus the land became defiled; and I called (טז) לֹא־ ֵת ֵ֤ל ָר ִכי ֙ל ְבּ ַﬠ ֶ֔מּי ֥לֹא ַת ֲﬠ ֹ֖מד it to account for its iniquity, and the land ַﬠל־ ַ ֣דּם ֵר ֶ ֑ﬠ ֲאִ ֖ני ה'׃ (יז) ֽלֹא־ ִת ְשׂ ָ ֥נא spewed out its inhabitants. (26) But you ֶאת־ ָא ִ ֖חי ִבּ ְל ָב ֶ ֑ב הוֹ ֵ֤כ ַח תּוֹ ִ֙כי ַ֙ח ֶאת ֲ־ﬠ ִמי ֶ֔ת must keep My laws and My rules, and you must not do any of those abhorrent things, ְולֹא־ ִת ָ ֥שּׂא ָﬠ ָ ֖ליו ֵֽח ְטא׃ (יח) ֽלֹא־ ִת ֤ ֹקּם neither the citizen nor the stranger who ְו ֽלֹא־ ִת ֹטּ ֙ר ֶאת־ ְבּ ֵ֣ני ַﬠ ֶ֔מּ ְו ָֽא ַה ְב ָ ֥תּ ְל ֵר ֲﬠ ֖ ָכּ ֑מוֹ resides among you; (27) for all those ֲאִ ֖ני ה'׃ (יט) ֶֽאת־ ֻח ֹקּ ַת֮י ִתּ ְשׁ ֹמר ֒וּ ְבּ ֶה ְמ ְתּ ֙ abhorrent things were done by the people לֹא־ ַת ְר ִ ֣בּ ַיﬠ ִכּ ְל ַ֔א ִים ָשׂ ְד ֖ לֹא־ ִת ְז ַ ֣רע ִכּ ְל ָ ֑א ִים who were in the land before you, and the land became defiled. (28) So let not the וּ ֶ ֤ב ֶגד ִכּ ְל ַ֙א ִי ֙ם ַֽשׁ ַﬠ ְט ֵ֔נז ֥לֹא ַי ֲﬠ ֶ ֖לה ָﬠ ֶֽלי׃ (פ) land spew you out for defiling it, as it

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(כ) ְ֠ו ִאישׁ ִֽכּי־ ִי ְשׁ ַ֨כּב ֶאת־ ִא ֜ ָשּׁה ִשׁ ְכ ַבת־ ֶ֗ז ַרע spewed out the nation that came before ְו ִ ֤הוא ִשׁ ְפ ָח ֙ה ֶנ ֱח ֶ ֣ר ֶפת ְל ִ֔אישׁ ְו ָה ְפ ֵדּ ֙ה ֣לֹא you. (29) All who do any of those abhorrent things—such persons shall be ִנ ְפ ָ֔דּ ָתה ֥אוֹ ֻח ְפ ָ ֖שׁה ֣לֹא ִנ ַתּן־ ָ ֑להּ ִבּ ֧ ֹקּ ֶרת ִתּ ְה ֶי֛ה cut off from their people. (30) You shall ֥לֹא יוּ ְמ ֖תוּ ִכּי־ ֥לֹא ֻח ָֽפּ ָשׁה׃ (כא) ְו ֵה ִ ֤ביא keep My charge not to engage in any of ֶאת־ ֲא ָשׁמ ֙וֹ ַֽלה' ֶאל־ ֶ ֖פּ ַתח ֣ ֹא ֶהל מ ֵ֑וֹﬠד ֵ֖איל the abhorrent practices that were carried ָא ָֽשׁם׃ (כב) ְו ִכ ֶפּ ֩ר ָﬠ ֨ ָליו ַה ֹכּ ֵ֜הן ְבּ ֵ֤איל ָֽה ָא ָשׁ ֙ם on before you, and you shall not defile yourselves through them: I the LORD am ִל ְפ ֵ֣ני ה' ַﬠל־ ַח ָטּא ֖תוֹ ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ָח ָ ֑טא ְו ִנ ְס ַ ֣לח ֔לוֹ ,your God. (1) The LORD spoke to Moses ֵמ ַח ָטּא ֖תוֹ ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ָח ָֽטא׃ (פ) (כג) ְו ִכי־ ָת ֹ֣באוּ saying: (2) Speak to the whole Israelite ֶאל ָ־ה ָ֗א ֶרץ וּ ְנ ַט ְﬠ ֶתּ ֙ם ָכּל ֵ֣־ﬠץ ַמ ֲא ָ֔כל ַו ֲﬠ ַר ְל ֶ ֥תּם community and say to them: You shall be ָﬠ ְר ָל ֖תוֹ ֶאת־ ִפּ ְר ֑יוֹ ָשׁ ֣שׁ ָשׁ ִ֗נים ִי ְה ֶי֥ה ָל ֶ ֛כם .holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy (3) You shall each revere his mother and ֲﬠ ֵר ִ ֖לים ֥לֹא ֵי ָא ֵֽכל׃ (כד) וּ ַב ָשּׁ ָנ ֙ה ָה ְר ִב ִ֔יﬠת his father, and keep My sabbaths: I the ִי ְה ֶי֖ה ָכּל־ ִפּ ְר ֑יוֹ ֥ ֹק ֶדשׁ ִהלּוּ ִ ֖לים ַלה'׃ (כה) LORD am your God. (4) Do not turn to וּ ַב ָשּׁ ָ ֣נה ַה ֲח ִמ ִ֗ישׁת ֽתֹּא ְכל ֙וּ ֶאת־ ִפּ ְר֔יוֹ ְלהוֹ ִ ֥סיף :idols or make molten gods for yourselves I the LORD am your God. (5) When you ָל ֶ ֖כם ְתּבוּ ָא ֑תוֹ ֲאִ ֖ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ (כו) ֥לֹא sacrifice an offering of well-being to the תֹא ְכ ֖לוּ ַﬠל ַ־ה ָ ֑דּם ֥לֹא ְת ַנ ֲח ֖שׁוּ ְו ֥לֹא ְתעוֹ ֵֽננוּ׃ LORD, sacrifice it so that it may be (כז) ֣לֹא ַת ִ֔קּפוּ ְפּ ַ ֖את רֹ ְאשׁ ֶ ֑כם ְו ֣לֹא ַת ְשׁ ִ֔חית accepted on your behalf. (6) It shall be ֵ֖את ְפּ ַ ֥את ְז ָק ֶֽנ ׃ (כח) ְו ֶ ֣שׂ ֶרט ָל ֶ֗נ ֶפשׁ ֤לֹא ִת ְתּנ ֙וּ eaten on the day you sacrifice it, or on the ִבּ ְב ַשׂ ְר ֶ֔כם וּ ְכ ֣ ֹת ֶבת ַֽק ֲﬠ ַ֔קע ֥לֹא ִת ְתּ ֖נוּ ָבּ ֶ ֑כם ֲאִ ֖ני day following; but what is left by the third day must be consumed in fire. (7) If it ה'׃ (כט) ַאל־ ְתּ ַח ֵ֥לּל ֶֽאת־ ִבּ ְתּ ֖ ְל ַה ְזנוֹ ָ ֑תהּ should be eaten on the third day, it is an ְולֹא־ ִת ְז ֶ ֣נה ָה ָ֔א ֶרץ וּ ָמ ְל ָ ֥אה ָה ָ ֖א ֶרץ ִז ָֽמּה׃ (ל) .offensive thing, it will not be acceptable ֶאת ַ־שׁ ְבּ ֹת ַ ֣תי ִתּ ְשׁ ֹ֔מרוּ וּ ִמ ְק ָדּ ִ ֖שׁי ִתּ ָ ֑יראוּ ֲאִ ֖ני And he who eats of it shall bear his (8) guilt, for he has profaned what is sacred to (לא) ה'׃ ַאל־ ִתּ ְפ ֤נוּ ֶאל ָ־ה ֹא ֹב ֙ת ְו ֶאל ַ־ה ִיּ ְדּ ֹע ִ֔נים the LORD; that person shall be cut off ַאל־ ְתּ ַב ְק ֖שׁוּ ְל ָט ְמ ָ ֣אה ָב ֶ ֑הם ֲאִ ֖ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ from his kin. (9) When you reap the (לב) ִמ ְפּ ֵ֤ני ֵשׂי ָב ֙ה ָתּ ֔קוּם ְו ָה ַד ְר ָ ֖תּ ְפּ ֵ֣ני ָז ֵ֑קן harvest of your land, you shall not reap all ְו ָי ֵ֥רא ָת ֵמּ ֱא ֶ ֖קי ֲאִ ֥ני ה'׃ (פ) (לג) ְו ִֽכי־ ָי ֧גוּר the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. (10) ִא ְתּ ֛ ֵ֖גּר ְבּ ַא ְר ְצ ֶ ֑כם ֥לֹא תוֹ ֖נוּ ֹא ֽתוֹ׃ (לד) You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or ְכּ ֶא ְז ָ ֣רח ִמ ֶכּ ֩ם ִי ְהֶ֨יה ָל ֶ֜כם ַה ֵ֣גּר ׀ ַה ָ ֣גּר ִא ְתּ ֶ֗כם ;gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard ְו ָא ַה ְב ָ ֥תּ ל ֙וֹ ָכּ ֔מוֹ ִֽכּי־ ֵגִ ֥רים ֱה ִיי ֶ ֖תם ְבּ ֶ ֣א ֶרץ you shall leave them for the poor and the ִמ ְצ ָ ֑ר ִים ֲאִ ֖ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ (לה) לֹא־ ַת ֲﬠ ֥שׂוּ (stranger: I the LORD am your God. (11 You shall not steal; you shall not deal ָ ֖ﬠ ֶול ַבּ ִמּ ְשׁ ָ ֑פּט ַבּ ִמּ ָ֕דּה ַבּ ִמּ ְשׁ ָ ֖קל וּ ַב ְמּשׂ ָֽוּרה׃ (לו) (deceitfully or falsely with one another. (12 ֧מֹא ְז ֵני ֶ ֣צ ֶדק ַא ְב ֵני־ ֶ֗צ ֶדק ֵ֥אי ַפת ֶ ֛צ ֶדק ְו ִ ֥הין ֶ ֖צ ֶדק ,You shall not swear falsely by My name ִי ְה ֶי֣ה ָל ֶ ֑כם ֲא ִנ֙י ה' ֱא ֽ ֵקי ֶ֔כם ֲא ֶשׁר־הוֹ ֵ֥צא ִתי profaning the name of your God: I am the LORD. (13) You shall not defraud your ֶא ְת ֶ ֖כם ֵמ ֶ ֥א ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ָֽר ִים׃ (לז) ְוּשׁ ַמ ְר ֶ ֤תּם fellow. You shall not commit robbery. The ֶאת־ ָכּל־ ֻח ֹקּ ַת֙י ְו ֶאת־ ָכּל־ ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ַ֔טי ַו ֲﬠ ִשׂי ֶ ֖תם wages of a laborer shall not remain with ֹא ָ ֑תם ֲאִ ֖ני ה'׃ (פ) (א) ַו ְי ַד ֵ֥בּר ה' ֶאל־ ֹמ ֶ ֥שׁה you until morning. (14) You shall not insult ֵלּא ֹֽמר׃ (ב) ְו ֶאל־ ְבּ ֵ֣ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֘אל תֹּא ַמ ֒ר ִ ֣אישׁ the deaf, or place a stumbling block before ִא ֩ישׁ ִמ ְבּ ֵ֨ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֜אל וּ ִמן ַ־ה ֵ֣גּר ׀ ַה ָ ֣גּר ְבּ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל the blind. You shall fear your God: I am the LORD. (15) You shall not render an ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ִי ֵ֧תּן ִמ ַזּ ְר ֛ﬠוֹ ַל ֹ֖מּ ֶל ֣מוֹת יוּ ָ ֑מת ַ ֥ﬠם unfair decision: do not favor the poor or

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ָה ָ ֖א ֶרץ ִי ְר ְגּ ֻ֥מהוּ ָב ָֽא ֶבן׃ (ג) ַו ֲא ִ֞ני ֶא ֵ֤תּן ֶאת־ ָפּ ַנ֙י show deference to the rich; judge your ָבּ ִ ֣אישׁ ַה ֔הוּא ְו ִה ְכ ַר ִ ֥תּי ֹא ֖תוֹ ִמ ֶ ֣קּ ֶרב ַﬠ ֑מּוֹ ִ ֤כּי kinsman fairly. (16) Do not deal basely with your countrymen. Do not profit by ִמ ַזּ ְרע ֙וֹ ָנ ַ ֣תן ַל ֹ֔מּ ֶל ְל ַ֗מ ַﬠן ַט ֵמּ ֙א ֶאת־ ִמ ְק ָדּ ִ֔שׁי .the blood of your fellow: I am the LORD וּ ְל ַח ֵ֖לּל ֶאת ֵ֥־שׁם ָק ְד ִֽשׁי׃ (ד) ְו ִ֡אם ַה ְﬠ ֵ֣לם You shall not hate your kinsfolk in (17) ַי ְﬠ ִלי ֽמ ֩וּ ַ֨ﬠם ָה ָ֜א ֶרץ ֶאת ֵֽ־ﬠי ֵנ ֶיה ֙ם ִמן ָ־ה ִ ֣אישׁ your heart. Reprove your kinsman but ַה ֔הוּא ְבּ ִת ֥תּוֹ ִמ ַזּ ְר ֖ﬠוֹ ַל ֹ֑מּ ֶל ְל ִב ְל ִ ֖תּי ָה ִ ֥מית incur no guilt because of him. (18) You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge ֹא ֽתוֹ׃ (ה) ְו ַשׂ ְמ ִ֨תּי ֲאִ ֧ני ֶאת־ ָפּ ַ ֛ני ָבּ ִ ֥אישׁ ַה ֖הוּא against your countrymen. Love your וּ ְב ִמ ְשׁ ַפּ ְח ֑תּוֹ ְו ִה ְכ ַר ִ֨תּי ֹא ֜תוֹ ְו ֵ֣את ׀ ָכּל ַ־ה ֹזִּ ֣נים (fellow as yourself: I am the LORD. (19 ַא ֲח ָ֗ריו ִל ְז ֛נוֹת ַא ֲח ֵ֥רי ַה ֹ֖מּ ֶל ִמ ֶ ֥קּ ֶרב ַﬠ ָֽמּם׃ (ו) You shall observe My laws. You shall not ְו ַה ֶ֗נּ ֶפשׁ ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ִתּ ְפ ֶ ֤נה ֶאל ָֽ־ה ֹא ֹב ֙ת ;let your cattle mate with a different kind you shall not sow your field with two ְו ֶאל ַ־ה ִיּ ְדּ ֹע ִ֔נים ִל ְז ֖נוֹת ַא ֲח ֵר ֶ ֑יהם ְו ָנ ַת ִ ֤תּי kinds of seed; you shall not put on cloth ֶאת־ ָפּ ַנ֙י ַבּ ֶ ֣נּ ֶפשׁ ַה ִ֔הוא ְו ִה ְכ ַר ִ ֥תּי ֹא ֖תוֹ ִמ ֶ ֥קּ ֶרב .from a mixture of two kinds of material ַﬠ ֽמּוֹ׃ (ז) ְו ִ֨ה ְת ַק ִדּ ְשׁ ֶ֔תּם ִו ְה ִיי ֶ ֖תם ְק ֹד ִ ֑שׁים ִ ֛כּי If a man has carnal relations with a (20) woman who is a slave and has been ֲאִ ֥ני ה' ֱא ֵקי ֶֽכם׃ (ח) ְוּשׁ ַמ ְר ֶתּ ֙ם ֶאת־ ֻח ֹקּ ַ֔תי designated for another man, but has not ַו ֲﬠ ִשׂי ֶ ֖תם ֹא ָ ֑תם ֲאִ ֥ני ה' ְמ ַק ִדּ ְשׁ ֶֽכם׃ (ט) been redeemed or given her freedom, there ִֽכּי־ ִ ֣אישׁ ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ְי ַק ֵ֧לּל ֶאת־ ָא ִ ֛ביו ,shall be an indemnity; they shall not ְו ֶאת־ ִא ֖מּוֹ ֣מוֹת יוּ ָ ֑מת ָא ִ ֧ביו ְו ִא ֛מּוֹ ִק ֵ֖לּל ָדּ ָ ֥מיו however, be put to death, since she has not been freed. (21) But he must bring to the ֽבּוֹ׃ (י) ְו ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ִי ְנ ַא ֙ף ֶאת־ ֵ֣א ֶשׁת ִ֔אישׁ entrance of the Tent of Meeting, as his ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִי ְנ ַ ֖אף ֶאת־ ֵ֣א ֶשׁת ֵר ֵ֑ﬠהוּ ֽמוֹת־יוּ ַ ֥מת guilt offering to the LORD, a ram of guilt ַה ֹנּ ֵ֖אף ְו ַה ֹנּ ָֽא ֶפת׃ (יא) ְו ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ִי ְשׁ ַכּ ֙ב offering. (22) With the ram of guilt offering ֶאת־ ֵ֣א ֶשׁת ָא ִ֔ביו ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ָא ִ ֖ביו ִגּ ָ ֑לּה ֽמוֹת־יוּ ְמ ֥תוּ the priest shall make expiation for him before the LORD for the sin that he (יב) ְשׁ ֵנ ֶ ֖יהם ְדּ ֵמ ֶ ֥יהם ָֽבּם׃ ְו ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ִי ְשׁ ַכּ ֙ב committed; and the sin that he committed ֶאת־ ַכּ ָלּ ֔תוֹ ֥מוֹת יוּ ְמ ֖תוּ ְשׁ ֵנ ֶ ֑יהם ֶ ֥תּ ֶבל ָﬠ ֖שׂוּ will be forgiven him. (23) When you enter ְדּ ֵמ ֶ ֥יהם ָֽבּם׃ (יג) ְו ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ִי ְשׁ ַ ֤כּב ֶאת־ ָז ָכ ֙ר the land and plant any tree for food, you ִמ ְשׁ ְכּ ֵ֣בי ִא ֔ ָשּׁה תּ ֵוֹﬠ ָ ֥בה ָﬠ ֖שׂוּ ְשׁ ֵנ ֶ ֑יהם ֥מוֹת shall regard its fruit as forbidden. Three years it shall be forbidden for you, not to (יד) יוּ ָ ֖מתוּ ְדּ ֵמ ֶ ֥יהם ָֽבּם׃ ְו ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ִי ַ ֧קּח be eaten. (24) In the fourth year all its fruit ֶאת־ ִא ָ ֛שּׁה ְו ֶאת־ ִא ָ ֖מּהּ ִז ָ ֣מּה ִ ֑הוא ָבּ ֵ֞אשׁ ִי ְשׂ ְר ֤פוּ shall be set aside for jubilation before the ֹאת ֙וֹ ְו ֶא ְת ֶ֔הן ְולֹא־ ִת ְה ֶי֥ה ִז ָ ֖מּה ְבּתוֹ ְכ ֶֽכם׃ (טו) LORD; (25) and only in the fifth year may ְו ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ִי ֵ֧תּן ְשׁ ָכ ְב ֛תּוֹ ִבּ ְב ֵה ָ ֖מה ֣מוֹת יוּ ָ ֑מת you use its fruit—that its yield to you may be increased: I the LORD am your God. ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ְבּ ֵה ָ ֖מה ַתּ ֲהֽ ֹרגוּ׃ (טז) ְו ִא ֗ ָשּׁה ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר You shall not eat anything with its (26) ִתּ ְק ַ ֤רב ֶאל־ ָכּל־ ְבּ ֵה ָמ ֙ה ְל ִר ְב ָ ֣ﬠה ֹא ָ֔תהּ ְו ָה ַר ְג ָ ֥תּ blood. You shall not practice divination or ֶאת ָ־ה ִא ָ ֖שּׁה ְו ֶאת ַ־ה ְבּ ֵה ָ ֑מה ֥מוֹת יוּ ָ ֖מתוּ ְדּ ֵמ ֶ ֥יהם soothsaying. (27) You shall not round off the side-growth on your head, or destroy ָֽבּם׃ (יז) ְו ִ ֣אישׁ ֲא ֶשׁר־ ִי ַ ֣קּח ֶאת־ ֲא ֹח ֡תוֹ the side-growth of your . (28) You ַבּת־ ָא ִ ֣ביו ֣אוֹ ַבת־֠ ִאמּוֹ ְו ָר ָ֨אה ֶאת ֶ־ﬠ ְר ָו ָ֜תהּ shall not make gashes in your flesh for the ְו ִֽהיא־ ִת ְר ֶ ֤אה ֶאת ֶ־ﬠ ְר ָות ֙וֹ ֶ ֣ח ֶסד ֔הוּא ְו ִ֨נ ְכ ְר ֔תוּ dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I ְל ֵﬠי ֵ֖ני ְבּ ֵ֣ני ַﬠ ָ ֑מּם ֶﬠ ְרַ ֧ות ֲא ֹח ֛תוֹ ִגּ ָ ֖לּה ֲﬠ ֹו ֥נוֹ ִי ָֽשּׂא׃ am the LORD. (29) Do not degrade your daughter and make her a harlot, lest the (יח) ְ֠ו ִאישׁ ֲא ֶשׁר־ ִי ְשׁ ַ֨כּב ֶאת־ ִא ֜ ָשּׁה ָדּ ָ֗וה ְו ִג ָ ֤לּה land fall into harlotry and the land be filled ֶאת ֶ־ﬠ ְר ָו ָת ֙הּ ֶאת־ ְמ ֹק ָ ֣רהּ ֶֽה ֱﬠ ָ֔רה ְו ִ֕היא ִגּ ְלּ ָ ֖תה with depravity. (30) You shall keep My

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ֶאת־ ְמ ֣קוֹר ָדּ ֶ ֑מ ָיה ְו ִנ ְכ ְר ֥תוּ ְשׁ ֵנ ֶ ֖יהם ִמ ֶ ֥קּ ֶרב sabbaths and venerate My sanctuary: I am ַﬠ ָֽמּם׃ (יט) ְו ֶﬠ ְר ַ֨ות ֲא ֧חוֹת ִא ְמּ ֛ ַו ֲא ֥חוֹת ָא ִ ֖בי the LORD. (31) Do not turn to ghosts and do not inquire of familiar spirits, to be ֣לֹא ְת ַג ֵ֑לּה ִ ֧כּי ֶאת ְ־שׁ ֵא֛רוֹ ֶה ֱﬠ ָ ֖רה ֲﬠ ֹו ָ ֥נם ִי ָֽשּׂאוּ׃ defiled by them: I the LORD am your (כ) ְו ִ֗אישׁ ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ִי ְשׁ ַכּ ֙ב ֶאת־ ֣ ֹדּ ָד ֔תוֹ ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות ֹדּ ֖דוֹ God. (32) You shall rise before the aged ִגּ ָ ֑לּה ֶח ְט ָ ֥אם ִי ָ ֖שּׂאוּ ֲﬠ ִר ִ ֥ירים ָי ֻֽמתוּ׃ (כא) ְו ִ֗אישׁ and show deference to the old; you shall ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִי ַ ֛קּח ֶאת־ ֵ֥א ֶשׁת ָא ִ ֖חיו ִנ ָ ֣דּה ִ ֑הוא ֶﬠ ְרַ ֥ות fear your God: I am the LORD. (33) When a stranger resides with you in your land, (כב) ָא ִ ֛חיו ִגּ ָ ֖לּה ֲﬠ ִר ִ ֥ירים ִי ְה ֽיוּ׃ ְוּשׁ ַמ ְר ֶ ֤תּם you shall not wrong him. (34) The stranger ֶאת־ ָכּל־ ֻח ֹקּ ַת֙י ְו ֶאת־ ָכּל־ ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ַ֔טי ַו ֲﬠ ִשׂי ֶ ֖תם who resides with you shall be to you as ֹא ָ ֑תם ְולֹא־ ָת ִ ֤קיא ֶא ְת ֶכ ֙ם ָה ָ֔א ֶרץ ֲא ֨ ֶשׁר ֲא ִ֜ני one of your citizens; you shall love him as ֵמ ִ ֥ביא ֶא ְת ֶ ֛כם ָ ֖שׁ ָמּה ָל ֶ ֥שׁ ֶבת ָֽבּהּ׃ (כג) ְו ֤לֹא yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I the LORD am your God. (35) ֵֽת ְלכ ֙וּ ְבּ ֻח ֣ ֹקּת ַה ֔גּוֹי ֲא ֶשׁר־ ֲאִ ֥ני ְמ ַשׁ ֵ֖לּ ַח ִמ ְפּ ֵני ֶ ֑כם ,You shall not falsify measures of length ִ ֤כּי ֶאת־ ָכּל־ ֵ֙א ֶלּ ֙ה ָﬠ ֔שׂוּ ָו ָא ֻ֖קץ ָֽבּם׃ (כד) ָו ֹא ַ ֣מר weight, or capacity. (36) You shall have an ָל ֶ֗כם ַא ֶתּ ֮ם ִֽתּ ְיר ֣שׁוּ ֶאת־ ַא ְד ָמ ָת ֒ם ַו ֲא ִ֞ני ֶא ְתּ ֶ ֤נ ָנּה honest balance, honest weights, an honest ָל ֶכ ֙ם ָל ֶ ֣ר ֶשׁת ֹא ָ֔תהּ ֶ ֛א ֶרץ ָז ַ ֥בת ָח ָ ֖לב וּ ְד ָ ֑בשׁ ֲא ִנ֙י ephah, and an honest hin. I the LORD am your God who freed you from the land of ה' ֱא ֽ ֵקי ֶ֔כם ֲא ֶשׁר ִ־ה ְב ַ ֥דּ ְל ִתּי ֶא ְת ֶ ֖כם Egypt. (37) You shall faithfully observe all ִמן ָֽ־ה ַﬠ ִֽמּים׃ (כה) ְו ִה ְב ַדּ ְל ֶ֞תּם ֵֽבּין ַ־ה ְבּ ֵה ָ ֤מה My laws and all My rules: I am the ַה ְטּ ֹה ָר ֙ה ַל ְטּ ֵמ ָ֔אה וּ ֵבין ָ־ה ֥ﬠוֹף ַה ָטּ ֵ֖מא ַל ָטּ ֹ֑הר LORD. (1) And the LORD spoke to ְו ֽלֹא־ ְת ַשׁ ְקּ ֨צוּ ֶאת־ ַנ ְפ ֽ ֹשׁ ֵתי ֶ֜כם ַבּ ְבּ ֵה ָ ֣מה וּ ָב ֗עוֹף Moses: (2) Say further to the Israelite people: Anyone among the Israelites, or וּ ְב ֹכ ֙ל ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ִתּ ְר ֹ֣משׂ ָֽה ֲא ָד ָ֔מה ֲא ֶשׁר ִ־ה ְב ַ ֥דּ ְל ִתּי among the strangers residing in Israel, who ָל ֶ ֖כם ְל ַט ֵֽמּא׃ (כו) ִו ְהִ ֤יי ֶתם ִל֙י ְק ֹד ִ֔שׁים ִ ֥כּי gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall ָק ֖דוֹשׁ ֲאִ ֣ני ה' ָו ַא ְבִ ֥דּל ֶא ְת ֶ ֛כם ִמן ָֽ־ה ַﬠ ִ ֖מּים be put to death; the people of the land shall pelt him with stones. (3) And I will set My (כז) ִל ְה ֥יוֹת ִֽלי׃ ְו ִ ֣אישׁ ֽאוֹ־ ִא ֗ ָשּׁה ִֽכּי־ ִי ְהֶ֨יה face against that man and will cut him off ָב ֶ ֥הם ֛אוֹב ֥אוֹ ִי ְדּ ֹעִ ֖ני ֣מוֹת יוּ ָ ֑מתוּ ָבּ ֶ ֛א ֶבן ִי ְר ְגּ ֥מוּ from among his people, because he gave ֹא ָ ֖תם ְדּ ֵמ ֶ ֥יהם ָֽבּם׃ (פ) of his offspring to Molech and so defiled My sanctuary and profaned My holy name. (4) And if the people of the land should shut their eyes to that man when he gives of his offspring to Molech, and should not put him to death, (5) I Myself will set My face against that man and his kin, and will cut off from among their people both him and all who follow him in going astray after Molech. (6) And if any person turns to ghosts and familiar spirits and goes astray after them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from among his people. (7) You shall sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I the LORD am your God. (8) You shall faithfully observe My laws: I the LORD make you holy. (9) If anyone insults his father or his mother, he shall be put to

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death; he has insulted his father and his mother—his bloodguilt is upon him. (10) If a man commits adultery with a married woman, committing adultery with another man’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death. (11) If a man lies with his father’s wife, it is the nakedness of his father that he has uncovered; the two shall be put to death— their bloodguilt is upon them. (12) If a man lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall be put to death; they have committed incest—their bloodguilt is upon them. (13) If a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, the two of them have done an abhorrent thing; they shall be put to death —their bloodguilt is upon them. (14) If a man marries a woman and her mother, it is depravity; both he and they shall be put to the fire, that there be no depravity among you. (15) If a man has carnal relations with a beast, he shall be put to death; and you shall kill the beast. (16) If a woman approaches any beast to mate with it, you shall kill the woman and the beast; they shall be put to death—their bloodguilt is upon them. (17) If a man marries his sister, the daughter of either his father or his mother, so that he sees her nakedness and she sees his nakedness, it is a disgrace; they shall be excommunicated in the sight of their kinsfolk. He has uncovered the nakedness of his sister, he shall bear his guilt. (18) If a man lies with a woman in her infirmity and uncovers her nakedness, he has laid bare her flow and she has exposed her blood flow; both of them shall be cut off from among their people. (19) You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister or of your father’s sister, for that is laying bare one’s own flesh; they shall bear their guilt. (20) If a man lies with his uncle’s wife, it is his uncle’s nakedness that he has uncovered. They shall bear their guilt: they shall die childless. (21) If a man marries the wife of his brother, it is indecency. It is the nakedness of his brother that he has

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uncovered; they shall remain childless. (22) You shall faithfully observe all My laws and all My regulations, lest the land to which I bring you to settle in spew you out. (23) You shall not follow the practices of the nation that I am driving out before you. For it is because they did all these things that I abhorred them (24) and said to you: You shall possess their land, for I will give it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey. I the LORD am your God who has set you apart from other peoples. (25) So you shall set apart the clean beast from the unclean, the unclean bird from the clean. You shall not draw abomination upon yourselves through beast or bird or anything with which the ground is alive, which I have set apart for you to treat as unclean. (26) You shall be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy, and I have set you apart from other peoples to be Mine. (27) A man or a woman who has a ghost or a familiar spirit shall be put to death; they shall be pelted with stones— their bloodguilt shall be upon them.

עמוס ט׳:ז׳-ט״ו 9:7-15 (ז) ֲה ֣לוֹא ִכ ְב ֵנ ֩י ֻכ ִשִׁ֨יּים ַא ֶ ֥תּם ִ ֛לי ְבּ ֵ֥ני ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֖אל To Me, O Israelites, you are Just like (7) ְנ ֻאם־ה' ֲה ֣לוֹא ֶאת־ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל ֶה ֱﬠ ֨ ֵלי ִת֙י ֵמ ֶ ֣א ֶרץ .the Ethiopians —declares the LORD True, I brought Israel up From the land of ִמ ְצ ַ֔ר ִים וּ ְפ ִל ְשׁ ִתִּ ֥יּים ִמ ַכּ ְפ ֖תּוֹר ַו ֲא ָ ֥רם ִמ ִֽקּיר׃ Egypt, But also the Philistines from (ח) ִה ֵ֞נּה ֵﬠי ֵ֣ני ׀ אדושם ה' ַבּ ַמּ ְמ ָל ָכ ֙ה ַֽה ַח ָטּ ָ֔אה (Caphtor And the Arameans from Kir. (8 ְו ִה ְשׁ ַמ ְד ִ ֣תּי ֹא ָ֔תהּ ֵמ ַ ֖ﬠל ְפּ ֵ֣ני ָה ֲא ָד ָ ֑מה ֶ֗א ֶפס ֠ ִכּי Behold, the Lord GOD has His eye Upon the sinful kingdom: I will wipe it off The ֣לֹא ַה ְשׁ ֵ֥מיד ַא ְשׁ ִ ֛מיד ֶאת־ ֵ֥בּית ַי ֲﬠ ֖ ֹקב ְנ ֻאם־ה'׃ face of the earth! But, I will not wholly (ט) ִֽכּי ִ־ה ֵ֤נּה ָֽא ֹנ ִכ֙י ְמ ַצ ֶ֔וּה ַו ֲה ִנ ֥ﬠוֹ ִתי wipe out The House of —declares ְב ָֽכל ַ־הגּוִֹ ֖ים ֶאת־ ֵ֣בּית ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵ֑אל ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ִי ֙נּ ַ֙וֹﬠ the LORD. (9) For I will give the order ַבּ ְכּ ָב ָ֔רה ְו ֽלֹא־ ִי ֥פּוֹל ְצ֖רוֹר ָֽא ֶרץ׃ (י) ַבּ ֶ ֣ח ֶרב And shake the House of Israel— Through all the nations— As one shakes [sand] in ָי ֔מוּתוּ ֹ֖כּל ַח ָטּ ֵ֣אי ַﬠ ִ ֑מּי ָה ֹא ְמ ִ֗רים ֽלֹא־ ַתִ ֧גּישׁ a sieve, And not a pebble falls to the ְו ַת ְקִ ֛דּים ַבּ ֲﬠ ֵ֖דינוּ ָה ָר ָֽﬠה׃ (יא) ַבּ ֣יּוֹם ַה ֔הוּא ground. (10) All the sinners of My people ָא ִ ֛קים ֶאת־ ֻס ַ ֥כּת ָדִּ ֖ויד ַה ֹנּ ֶ ֑פ ֶלת ְו ָג ַד ְר ִ ֣תּי ,Shall perish by the sword, Who boast ֶאת־ ִפּ ְר ֵצ ֶ֗יהן ַו ֲהִֽר ֹס ָתי ֙ו ָא ִ֔קים וּ ְב ִני ִ ֖ת ָיה ִכּי ֵ֥מי Never shall the evil Overtake us or come“ near us.” (11) In that day, I will set up עוֹ ָֽלם׃ (יב) ְל ַ֨מ ַﬠן ִֽי ְיר ֜שׁוּ ֶאת ְ־שׁ ֵאִ ֤רית ֱאדוֹ ֙ם again the fallen booth of : I will ְו ָכל ַ־הגּוִֹ֔ים ֲא ֶשׁר־ ִנ ְק ָ ֥רא ְשׁ ִ ֖מי ֲﬠ ֵל ֶ ֑יהם mend its breaches and set up its ruins anew. I will build it firm as in the days of

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ְנ ֻאם־ה' ֹ֥ﬠ ֶשׂה ֽזֹּאת׃ (פ) (יג) ִה ֵ֨נּה ָי ִ ֤מים old, (12) So that they shall possess the rest ָבּ ִאי ֙ם ְנ ֻאם־ה' ְו ִנ ַ ֤גּשׁ ח ֵוֹר ֙שׁ ַבּ ֹקּ ֵ֔צר ְו ֹד ֵ֥ר of Edom And all the nations once attached to My name —declares the ֲﬠ ָנ ִ ֖בים ְבּ ֹמ ֵ֣שׁ ַה ָ ֑זּ ַ רע ְו ִה ִ ֤טּיפוּ ֶֽה ָה ִרי ֙ם ָﬠ ִ֔סיס LORD who will bring this to pass. (13) A ְו ָכל ַ־ה ְגּ ָב ֖ﬠוֹת ִתּ ְתמוֹ ַֽג ְג ָנה׃ (יד) ְו ַשׁ ְב ִתּ֮י —time is coming —declares the LORD ֶאת ְ־שׁ ֣בוּת ַﬠ ִ ֣מּי ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֒ וּ ָב ֞נוּ ָﬠִ ֤רים ְנ ַשׁמּוֹ ֙ת ,When the plowman shall meet the reaper ְו ָי ֔ ָשׁבוּ ְו ָנ ְט ֣ﬠוּ ְכ ָר ִ֔מים ְו ָשׁ ֖תוּ ֶאת־ ֵיי ָ ֑נם ְו ָﬠ ֣שׂוּ And the treader of grapes Him who holds the [bag of] seed; When the mountains ַג ֔נּוֹת ְו ָא ְכ ֖לוּ ֶאת־ ְפּ ִר ֶֽיהם׃ (טו) וּ ְנ ַט ְﬠ ִ ֖תּים shall drip wine And all the hills shall ַﬠל־ ַא ְד ָמ ָ ֑תם ְו ֨לֹא ִי ָנּ ְת ֜שׁוּ ֗עוֹד ֵמ ַ ֤ﬠל ַא ְד ָמ ָת ֙ם wave [with grain]. (14) I will restore My ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ָנ ַ ֣ת ִתּי ָל ֶ֔הם ָא ַ ֖מר ה' ֱא ֶֽקי׃ people Israel. They shall rebuild ruined cities and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and drink their wine; They shall till gardens and eat their fruits. (15) And I will plant them upon their soil, Nevermore to be uprooted From the soil I have given them —said the LORD your God.

ויקרא כ״א:א׳-ט״ו Leviticus 21:1-15 (א) ַו ֤יֹּא ֶמר ה' ֶאל־ ֹמ ֔ ֶשׁה ֱא ֹ֥מר ֶאל ַ־ה ֹכּ ֲהִ ֖נים The LORD said to Moses: Speak to the (1) ְבּ ֵ֣ני ַא ֲה֑ ֹרן ְו ָא ַמ ְר ָ ֣תּ ֲא ֵל ֶ֔הם ְל ֶ ֥נ ֶפשׁ ֽלֹא־ ִי ַטּ ָ ֖מּא priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: None shall defile himself for any ְבּ ַﬠ ָֽמּיו׃ (ב) ִ֚כּי ִאם־ ִל ְשׁ ֵא ֔רוֹ ַה ָקּ֖ ֹרב ֵא ָ ֑ליו dead] person among his kin, (2) except for] ְל ִא ֣מּוֹ וּ ְל ָא ִ֔ביו ְו ִל ְב ֥נוֹ וּ ְל ִב ֖תּוֹ וּ ְל ָא ִֽחיו׃ (ג) the relatives that are closest to him: his ְו ַל ֲא ֹח ֤תוֹ ַה ְבּתוּ ָל ֙ה ַה ְקּרוֹ ָ ֣בה ֵא ֔ ָליו ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ,mother, his father, his son, his daughter and his brother; (3) also for a virgin sister, (ד) ֽלֹא ָ־ה ְי ָ ֖תה ְל ִ ֑אישׁ ָ ֖להּ ִי ַטּ ָֽמּא׃ ֥לֹא ִי ַטּ ָ ֖מּא ,close to him because she has not married ַ ֣בּ ַﬠל ְבּ ַﬠ ָ ֑מּיו ְל ֵ֖ה ַח ֽלּוֹ׃ (ה) ֽלֹא־יקרחה for her he may defile himself. (4) But he [ ִי ְק ְר ֤חוּ] ָק ְר ָח ֙ה ְבּרֹ ֔ ָאשׁם וּ ְפ ַ ֥את ְז ָק ָ ֖נם ֣לֹא shall not defile himself as a kinsman by ְי ַג ֵ֑לּחוּ וּ ִ֨ב ְב ָשׂ ָ֔רם ֥לֹא ִי ְשׂ ְר ֖טוּ ָשׂ ָֽר ֶטת׃ (ו) , and so profane himself. (5) They shall not shave smooth any part of their ְק ֹד ִ ֤שׁים ִי ְהי ֙וּ ֵלא ֣ ֵה ֶ֔יהם ְו ֣לֹא ְי ַח ְלּ ֔לוּ ֵ֖שׁם heads, or cut the side-growth of their ֱא ֵה ֶ ֑יהם ִכּ ֩י ֶאת־ ִא ֨ ֵשּׁי ה' ֶ ֧ל ֶחם ֱא ֵה ֶ ֛יהם ֵ֥הם (, or make gashes in their flesh. (6 ַמ ְק ִרי ִ ֖בם ְו ָ ֥היוּ ֽ ֹק ֶדשׁ׃ (ז) ִא ֨ ָשּׁה ֹז ָ ֤נה ַו ֲח ָל ָל ֙ה They shall be holy to their God and not ֣לֹא ִי ָ֔קּחוּ ְו ִא ָ ֛שּׁה ְגּר ָ ֥וּשׁה ֵמ ִא ָ ֖ישׁהּ ֣לֹא ִי ָ ֑קּחוּ profane the name of their God; for they offer the LORD’s offerings by fire, the ִֽכּי ָ־ק ֥ ֹדשׁ ֖הוּא ֵלא ָֽקיו׃ (ח) ְו ִק ַדּ ְשׁ ֔תּוֹ (food of their God, and so must be holy. (7 ִֽכּי־ ֶאת־ ֶ ֥ל ֶחם ֱא ֶ ֖קי ֣הוּא ַמ ְקִ ֑ריב ָק ֹד ֙שׁ They shall not marry a woman defiled by ִֽי ְה ֶיה־ ֔ ָלּ ִ ֣כּי ָק ֔דוֹשׁ ֲאִ ֥ני ה' ְמ ַק ִדּ ְשׁ ֶֽכם׃ (ט) harlotry, nor shall they marry one divorced וּ ַב ֙ת ִ ֣אישׁ ֹכּ ֵ֔הן ִ ֥כּי ֵת ֵ֖חל ִל ְז ֑נוֹת ֶאת־ ָא ִ֙ב ָ֙יה ִ ֣היא from her husband. For they are holy to their God (8) and you must treat them as ְמ ַח ֔ ֶלּ ֶלת ָבּ ֵ֖אשׁ ִתּ ָשּׂ ֵֽרף׃ (ס) (י) ְו ַה ֹכּ ֵה ֩ן ַה ָגּ ֨דוֹל holy, since they offer the food of your ֵמ ֶא ָ֜חיו א ֶשׁר־יוּ ַ ֥צק ַﬠל־רֹ ֣אשׁוֹ ׀ ֶ ֤שׁ ֶמן God; they shall be holy to you, for I the ַה ִמּ ְשׁ ָח ֙ה וּ ִמ ֵ֣לּא ֶאת־ ָי ֔דוֹ ִל ְל ֹ֖בּשׁ ֶאת ַ־ה ְבּ ָגִ ֑דים (LORD who sanctify you am holy. (9 When the daughter of a priest defiles ֶאת־רֹאשׁ ֙וֹ ֣לֹא ִי ְפ ָ֔רע וּ ְב ָג ָ ֖דיו ֥לֹא ִי ְפֽ ֹרם׃ (יא) herself through harlotry, it is her father

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ְו ַ ֛ﬠל ָכּל־ ַנ ְפ ֥ ֹשׁת ֵ֖מת ֣לֹא ָי ֑בֹא ְל ָא ִ ֥ביו וּ ְל ִא ֖מּוֹ whom she defiles; she shall be put to the ֥לֹא ִי ַטּ ָֽמּא׃ (יב) וּ ִמן ַ־ה ִמּ ְק ָדּ ֙שׁ ֣לֹא ֵי ֵ֔צא ְו ֣לֹא fire. (10) The priest who is exalted above his fellows, on whose head the anointing ְי ַח ֔ ֵלּל ֵ֖את ִמ ְק ַ ֣דּשׁ ֱא ָ ֑קיו ִ֡כּי ֠ ֵנ ֶזר ֶ ֣שׁ ֶמן ִמ ְשׁ ַ ֧חת oil has been poured and who has been ֱא ָ ֛קיו ָﬠ ָ ֖ליו ֲאִ ֥ני ה'׃ (יג) ְו ֕הוּא ִא ָ ֥שּׁה ordained to wear the vestments, shall not ִב ְבתוּ ֶ ֖ל ָיה ִי ָֽקּח׃ (יד) ַא ְל ָמ ָ ֤נה וּ ְגר ָוּשׁ ֙ה ַו ֲח ָל ָ ֣לה (bare his head or rend his vestments. (11 ֹז ָ֔נה ֶאת־ ֵ֖א ֶלּה ֣לֹא ִי ָ ֑קּח ִ ֛כּי ִאם־ ְבּתוּ ָ ֥לה ֵמ ַﬠ ָ ֖מּיו He shall not go in where there is any dead body; he shall not defile himself even for (טו) ִי ַ ֥קּח ִא ָֽשּׁה׃ ְו ֽלֹא־ ְי ַח ֵ֥לּל ַז ְר ֖ﬠוֹ ְבּ ַﬠ ָ ֑מּיו ִ ֛כּי his father or mother. (12) He shall not go ֲאִ ֥ני ה' ְמ ַק ְדּ ֽשׁוֹ׃ (פ) outside the sanctuary and profane the sanctuary of his God, for upon him is the distinction of the anointing oil of his God, Mine the LORD’s. (13) He may marry only a woman who is a virgin. (14) A widow, or a divorced woman, or one who is degraded by harlotry—such he may not marry. Only a virgin of his own kin may he take to wife — (15) that he may not profane his offspring among his kin, for I the LORD have sanctified him.

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