Agenda & Packet
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CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA DATE: Tuesday December 5, 2017 TIME: 9:00 a.m. PLACE: CCRPC Office, 110 West Canal St. Winooski DELIBERATIVE AGENDA: 1. Action on Consent agenda – 9:00 – 9:05 See TIP amendment memo attached. 2. Minutes of November 7, 2017 – (Action Item) 9:05 - 9:10 See attached. 3. Public Comment Period (Information item) 9:10 - 9:15 Members of the public are invited to raise issues of interest or concern to the TAC on items not on the agenda. 4. MTP Update (Information Item) 9:15 – 10:15 Staff has completed a first draft of the MTP. While the TAC has seen various pieces of this over the past several months, this is the first time all of the content has been assembled together. Staff will present the additional content and seek TAC comment. At the upcoming January meeting, we would like a TAC recommendation that the Board warn a public hearing on the document. 5. Stormwater Programs Update (Information Item) 10:15 – 10:30 A review of the most recent and current rounds of grant funding for stormwater as it relates to Act 64 and the MRGP. 6. Status of Projects and Subcommittee Reports (Information Item) 10:30 – 10:40 See bulleted list on the reverse for current CCRPC projects. TAC members are encouraged to ask staff for more information on the status of any of these on-going or recently completed projects. 7. CCRPC November Board Meeting Report (Information Item) 10:40 – 10:45 The Board met on November 15th getting an update on the MTP scenario and GMT’s NextGEN Transit Plan.. 8. Chairman’s/Members’ Items (Information Item) 10:45 – 10:50 Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 In accordance with provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the CCRPC will ensure public meeting sites are accessible to all people. Requests for free interpretive or translation services, assistive devices, or other requested accommodations, should be made to Emma Vaughn, CCRPC Title VI Coordinator, at 802-846-4490 ext. *21 or [email protected], no later than 3 business days prior to the meeting for which services are requested. Project list: Title VI program participation and Public Participation Plan implementation Participation in the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance Participation in the State’s Rail Council Regional Transportation Model Update Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Update Coordination with United Way on the Neighbor Rides Program Exit 14 Areas Signal System Assessment Study (Burlington/South Burlington) VT Route 15 Signal System Assessment Study Advanced Traffic Monitoring System through FHWA AID grant – Pilot Corridor Implementation Countywide NHS Review and Update LPM services for Underhill sidewalk construction on VT 15 – Construction postponed LPM services for Shelburne sidewalk construction on US 7 – Final Complete, punch list items pending LPM services for South Burlington sidewalk construction on VT 116 – Construction Completed pending minor backfill and pavement markings LPM services for Hinesburg – Village South Area Sidewalk on VT 116 – Conceptual Design Winooski Avenue Corridor Study (Burlington) Amtrak Train Overnight Storage Study (Greater Burlington Area) Coordination with GMT on ADA, NextGEN and Elders & Disabled advisory committees Railyard Enterprise Supplemental Scoping of Alternative 1B (Burlington) Winooski River Bridge Scoping Study (Burlington/Winooski) South Burlington Bike Ped Gaps scoping Intervale Ave. Scoping (Burlington) Colchester Ave/Riverside Ave/Barrett St Intersection Scoping (Burlington) US 7 Southern Gateway Scoping (Shelburne) North Williston Road Scoping Study (Williston) Traffic calming studies for Blair Park Road, Brennon Woods/Chamberlain Lane (Williston) So. Burlington Williston Road Area Transportation and Land Use Network Analysis So. Burlington VT116-Kimball-Tilley Land Use and Transportation Plan Williston Exit 12 Transportation Improvement District (TID) Pilot Project Jericho Riverside Future Street Network Study I-89 Exit 14 Bike/Pedestrian Crossing Study (South Burlington) Essex Path/Sidewalk Impact Policies Shelburne Phase 2 of Form Based Zoning to Improve Walkability Overhaul of South Burlington’s Traffic Overlay District Update to South Burlington’s Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance ADA Evaluation of Pedestrian Facilities (Essex/Essex Junction) Malletts Bay Stormwater and Transportation Management Plan (Colchester) - Completed Regional Transportation Energy Planning Transportation Hazard Mitigation Planning Municipal Road General Permit (MRGP) Work Grants-In-Aid Coordination with Municipalities. VT15 Sidewalk/Path Scoping Study – Athens Drive to VT 289 VT15 Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements Scoping Study – Ethan Allen Avenue to West Street Extension Winooski Main Street Revitalization Project – Streetscape Scoping 1 2 CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION 3 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MINUTES 4 5 DATE: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 6 TIME: 9:00 a.m. 7 PLACE: CCRPC Offices, 110 West Canal St. Winooski, VT 8 9 Members Present Staff Present 10 Dean Pierce, Shelburne Regina Mahony, Planning Program Manager 11 Joss Besse, Bolton Melanie Needle, Senior Planner 12 Bob Henneberger, Seniors Eleni Churchill, Transportation Project Manager 13 Bryan Osborne, Colchester, TAC Chair Sai Sarepalli, Transportation Planning Engineer 14 Bruce Hoar, Williston Bryan Davis, Senior Transportation Planner 15 Luke Valentine, St. George Peter Keating, Senior Transportation Planner 16 Dave Armstrong, GMT Charlie Baker, Executive Director 17 Dick Hosking, VTrans Marshall Distel, Transportation Planner 18 Brian Bigelow, Underhill Jason Charest, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer 19 Mary Anne Michaels, Rail 20 Ryan Lambert, Winooski 21 Justin Rabidoux, South Burlington 22 Amy Bell, VTrans 23 Barbara Elliot, Huntington 24 Brendan Atwood, CATMA 25 26 Bryan Osborne called the meeting to order at 9:00AM and asked for a round of introductions. 27 28 1. Consent Agenda 29 TIP amendments as described in meeting memo were unanimously approved. 30 31 2. Approval of Minutes 32 The October 3rd minutes were approved without changes. 33 34 3. Public Comments 35 There were none. 36 37 4. MTP Update 38 Jason Charest shared a PowerPoint presentation of the highlights from the MTP scenario modeling 39 analysis. He began with a scenario summary noting the inclusion of TDM measures due to their health 40 benefits and mobility support for underserved populations, and roadway improvements that mainly 41 address localized congestion and safety issues. He reported on the demographics behind the scenario: 42 Growth in population, jobs and homes, then provided this outline of the scenario elements: 43 • Includes all TIP Projects 44 • Third Lane on I-89 between Exits 14 and 15 45 • Exit 12B placeholder 46 – Future I-89 Interchange Scoping Study to better determine where 47 • ITS Investments 48 • Transit enhancements 49 – 20 minute headways, and New Colchester loop 50 • Increases in walking/biking in growth areas 51 • Land-use concentration 52 – 90% of HH growth in areas planned for growth 53 He then displayed a map of the areas planned for growth to identify where the 90% of new growth is 54 planned for. He followed with a chart that summarized the MTP financial plan identifying funding levels November 7, 2017 2 1 for different project types. Looking at five different performance measures, Jason compared the MTP 2 scenario with the 2015 and 2050 base scenarios. The MTP scenario showed improved performance, 3 compared to the 2050 base under the following measures: Daily VMT, VMT per Capita, total trips, delay 4 per capita, and mode share for transit/walking/biking. Using maps, he showed the differences between 5 scenarios related to road capacity, delay and the percentage change in delay. 6 7 During and following Jason’s presentation the following issues/questions arose: 8 Allocating 90% of new growth to the planning areas designated for growth 9 The decision-making process that produced the MTP scenario from the modeling process 10 The basis for the allocation to the environmental/stormwater category 11 Are we pushing interstate problems further out by addressing only the worst segments? 12 Will induced demand result from widening the Interstate? 13 What’s the balance between investment in local problem areas vs. Interstate congestion? 14 This plan is looking out 35 years yet will be revisited within next 5 15 16 At the conclusion there was general consensus that the MTP scenario seemed reasonable as the basis for 17 long range planning. Jason concluded by going over the project schedule: 18 • Long Range Planning Committee this Thursday 19 • November CCRPC Board next week 20 • VTrans Coordination meetings 21 • December/January TAC 22 – Draft MTP 23 • January CCRPC Board 24 – Warn Draft ECOS Plan/MTP Public Hearing 25 26 5. GMT’s NextGEN Transit Plan 27 Dave Armstrong of GMT reminded the TAC he had been here a couple of months previous to give some 28 background and status information. He wanted now to go over some of the draft recommendations for 29 GMT’s urbanized (Chittenden County) services. He went over the project’s goals and addressed how such 30 a project, under fiscal constraints, entails a number of trade-offs. GMT, with their consultant Nelson 31 Nygard, went through a process to develop three new service scenarios. That process included 32 stakeholder interviews, a market analysis, an evaluation of existing services, scenario development and 33 analysis, and