National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
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Calendar No. 414 111TH CONGRESS " ! REPORT 2d Session SENATE 111–201 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 R E P O R T [TO ACCOMPANY S. 3454] ON AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 FOR MILI- TARY ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND FOR MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, TO PRESCRIBE MILITARY PER- SONNEL STRENGTHS FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL VIEWS COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE JUNE 4, 2010.—Ordered to be printed Filed, under authority of the order of the Senate of May 28 (legislative day, May 26), 2010 VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Jun 08, 2010 Jkt 056612 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6012 Sfmt 6012 E:\HR\OC\SR201.XXX SR201 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with HEARING congress.#13 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Jun 08, 2010 Jkt 056612 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6019 Sfmt 6019 E:\HR\OC\SR201.XXX SR201 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with HEARING with DSKD9S0YB1PROD on rfrederick Calendar No. 414 111TH CONGRESS " ! REPORT 2d Session SENATE 111–201 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 R E P O R T [TO ACCOMPANY S. 3454] ON AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 FOR MILI- TARY ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND FOR MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, TO PRESCRIBE MILITARY PER- SONNEL STRENGTHS FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL VIEWS COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE JUNE 4, 2010.—Ordered to be printed Filed, under authority of the order of the Senate of May 28 (legislative day, May 26), 2010 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 56–612 WASHINGTON : 2010 VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Jun 08, 2010 Jkt 056612 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4012 Sfmt 4012 E:\HR\OC\SR201.XXX SR201 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with HEARING congress.#13 COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES (111th Congress, 2d Session) CARL LEVIN, Michigan, Chairman ROBERT C. BYRD, West Virginia JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona JOSEPH I. LIEBERMAN, Connecticut JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma JACK REED, Rhode Island JEFF SESSIONS, Alabama DANIEL K. AKAKA, Hawaii SAXBY CHAMBLISS, Georgia BILL NELSON, Florida LINDSEY GRAHAM, South Carolina E. BENJAMIN NELSON, Nebraska JOHN THUNE, South Dakota EVAN BAYH, Indiana ROGER F. WICKER, Mississippi JIM WEBB, Virginia GEORGE S. LEMIEUX, Florida CLAIRE MCCASKILL, Missouri SCOTT P. BROWN, Massachusetts MARK UDALL, Colorado RICHARD BURR, North Carolina KAY R. HAGAN, North Carolina DAVID VITTER, Louisiana MARK BEGICH, Alaska SUSAN M. COLLINS, Maine ROLAND W. BURRIS, Illinois JEFF BINGAMAN, New Mexico EDWARD E. KAUFMAN, Delaware RICHARD D. DEBOBES, Staff Director JOSEPH W. BOWAB, Republican Staff Director (II) VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Jun 08, 2010 Jkt 056612 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 E:\HR\OC\SR201.XXX SR201 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with HEARING C O N T E N T S Page Purpose of the Bill ................................................................................................... 1 Committee overview ................................................................................................ 2 Explanation of funding summary .................................................................... 3 Summary table of authorizations ............................................................. 5 Budget authority implication table .......................................................... 10 Division A—Department of Defense Authorizations ............................................ 11 Title I—Procurement ............................................................................................... 11 Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations ................................................. 11 Subtitle B—Army Programs ............................................................................ 11 Airborne common sensor and enhanced medium altitude reconnais- sance and surveillance system (sec. 111) ............................................. 11 Subtitle C—Navy Programs ............................................................................ 11 Multiyear funding for detail design and construction of LHA replace- ment ship designated LHA–7 (sec. 121) .............................................. 11 Requirement to maintain Navy airborne signals intelligence capabili- ties (sec. 122) .......................................................................................... 11 Reports on service life extension of F/A–18 aircraft by the Depart- ment of the Navy (sec. 123) .................................................................. 12 Inclusion of basic and functional design in assessments required prior to start of construction of first ship of a shipbuilding program (sec. 124) ................................................................................................. 13 Multiyear procurement authority for F/A–18E, F/A–18F, and EA– 18G fighter aircraft (sec. 125) ............................................................... 13 Subtitle D—Joint and Multiservice Matters .................................................. 14 System management plan and matrix for the F–35 Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft Program (sec. 141) ..................................................... 14 Contracts for commercial imaging satellite capacities (sec. 142) .......... 16 Quarterly reports on the use of Combat Mission Requirements funds (sec. 143) ................................................................................................. 17 Integration of solid state laser systems into certain aircraft (sec. 144) ......................................................................................................... 18 Budget Items ..................................................................................................... 18 Army ........................................................................................................... 18 AH–64 fuselage manufacturing ........................................................ 18 Guardrail common sensor .................................................................. 19 Air warrior survival vest ensemble reset program .......................... 19 Non-line of sight launch system ....................................................... 19 Patriot upgrades ................................................................................. 19 Paladin Integrated Management program ....................................... 19 M2A1 quick change barrel kits ......................................................... 20 120mm mortars, Advanced Precision Mortar Initiative reduction 20 Efficiency and safety modifications to Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer ....................................................................... 20 Navstar Global Positioning System .................................................. 20 Tactical Local Area Network ............................................................. 20 Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar ................................................. 21 Brigade Combat Team unattended ground sensor .......................... 21 Forward Entry Devices ...................................................................... 21 Line of Communication Bridge ......................................................... 22 Fido explosives detection system ...................................................... 22 Ground soldier system ....................................................................... 22 Operator driving simulator ............................................................... 22 Immersive group simulation virtual training system ..................... 23 Combat skills marksmanship trainer ............................................... 23 Mine resistant ambush protected vehicle virtual trainers ............. 23 (III) VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:30 Jun 08, 2010 Jkt 056612 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 0486 E:\HR\OC\SR201.XXX SR201 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with HEARING IV Page Title I—Procurement—Continued Budget Items—Continued Army—Continued Combined arms collective training facility ....................................... 23 Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund .................................... 23 Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund ............................. 23 Navy ........................................................................................................... 23 F–18 multiyear procurement savings ............................................... 23 F/A–18E/F ........................................................................................... 24 MH–60R/S mission avionics .............................................................. 25 AN/AAR–47 missile warning system computer processor up- grade ................................................................................................ 26 Readiness support for Navy unfunded aviation spares and repair parts maintenance priorities ......................................................... 26 Weapons industrial facilities ............................................................. 27 Gun mount mods ................................................................................ 27 Virginia-class tube test equipment ................................................... 27 Remote monitoring and troubleshooting project .............................. 27 Helicopter hangar door upgrades ...................................................... 28 Range support vehicle ........................................................................ 28 Man overboard indicators .................................................................