Print 1964-10-16 IPFC Sec III.Tif
SLRVEY OF FRESH FISH WING AND DlSTRIBUfIQN IN THE PHILlPPIFES S .V . Bersamin , Acting Chief, F.R. Gonzales, Sr. Fishery Technologist and R.B. Banania, Fishery Demonstrator Fish an2 Sea Products Ut ilizatioti Division, Philippine Fishsries Cumidon, Intratnuros, Hadla, Philippines ABSTRKT Surveys the cwrent fresh fish production, handling a3d listribution industry in the Philippines, Asid Gulf, Babuyan Channel, Eatangas Coast, bhol Strait, The Philippines has a total Eurias Pass, Camotes Sea, Cqiz coastline of ;?,h60 kilwters in Coast, Carigara Bay, Corwn Bay, length fringing many navigable Cuyo Pass, Dumaran Channel, Gin- bays and gulfs. Marine waters goog 3ay, Green Island Bay, have an estimated 1-213 mflllon Guimaras Strait, Iligan Bay, square kIloraeters of surface area IUana Eay , Lloilo Strait, Ilocos which is abut 6 times the land Coasts, lmurwn Eay , Lamn Bay, in area, The seat of c~rmercial Leyte Gulf, Llngayen Gulf, &lam- fisheries are narrow and steep, gays Sound, Hanila Bay, Maqueda and at several places in Easterm Bay, Mindanao Sea, Hindom Strait, Lumn and Eastern Mindanao , the Horn Gulf, Panay Gulf, Fagay Gulf, shelf drops off into sheer depths Samar Sea, San Higuel Bay, Sibuyan right close to the water line. Sea, SiSuguey Bay, Sulu Sea, Sulu The slopes, however, are gentler Sea along Palawan Coast, Tanom around =any small islands and in Strait, TayW Bay, Taytay Bay, a number of partially land-locked Tlcw Bay, Vede Island Passage , bays. Visayan Sea. Areas frsquented by comtilep Appendix I for the "Fis3 cia1 fishing vessels are as fol- 3esomes of the Pkilippines" lows : indicating selected fishing Pmc.
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