April - May 2021 Vol. VIII No. 3 A Publication from the Office of the Vice - C h a n c e l l o r Unimaid Receives Presidential Visitation Panel © University of Maiduguri, Nigeria - www.unimaid.edu.ng MISSION STATEMENT The University of Maiduguri shall be an institution dedicated to scholarship and learning in the arts, sciences, humanities and technology, and the development of moral and civic character of all persons who pass through her portals. The University shall facilitate and advance scholarship and learning, especially in the light of her location in the Sahelian environment in the North-Eastern Nigeria, and at the cross-roads of Afri- ca and Middle-Eastern culture. VISION STATEMENT The University of Maiduguri apart from achieving competence in the basic arts and sciences, aims at excel- lence in agriculture, pastoralism, engineering, human and veterinary medicine and information technology as well as in arid zone, trans-Saharan and inter-African peace and strategic studies. The University also aims to promote the development of private and public morality, discipline, accountability and probity, and also international cooperation through participation, research and dissemination of information. All correspondence should be addressed to: Published by: The Office of the Vice-Chancellor, The Deputy Director, Information Unit, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria Senate Building, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. email:
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[email protected] April-May 2021 Vol. VIII No. 3 It has been a very speedy couple of months full of activities in the University and the Bulletin has been attempting to catch up. Bumpy indeed has been the ride but, better late than never, as the English saying goes.