P1 bus time schedule & line map

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The P1 bus line (Frodsham - Priestley College) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Frodsham: 4:15 PM (2) Wilderspool: 7:46 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest P1 bus station near you and nd out when is the next P1 bus arriving.

Direction: Frodsham P1 bus Time Schedule 42 stops Frodsham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:15 PM Greenalls Distillery, Wilderspool Tuesday 4:15 PM Loushers Lane, Wilderspool Wilderspool Causeway, Wednesday 3:30 PM

Morrisons, Wilderspool Thursday 4:15 PM Friday 4:15 PM St Thomas' Church, Stockton Heath Saturday Not Operational Mullberry Tree Pub, Stockton Heath

Methodist Church, Stockton Heath The Village Terrace, Warrington P1 bus Info Belvoir Road, Walton Direction: Frodsham Stops: 42 Walton Arms, Higher Walton Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Greenalls Distillery, Wilderspool, Hobb Lane, Moore Loushers Lane, Wilderspool, Morrisons, Wilderspool, St Thomas' Church, Stockton Heath, Mullberry Tree Pub, Stockton Heath, Methodist Church, Stockton Ring O Bells, Heath, Belvoir Road, Walton, Walton Arms, Higher Walton, Hobb Lane, Moore, Ring O Bells, Daresbury, D D Park Hotel, Daresbury Delph Park Hotel, Daresbury Delph, Road, , Post Oce, , Chester Road, Chester Road, Preston on the Hill Preston Brook, Travel Inn, Preston Brook, Chester Road, Murdishaw, Post Oce, , Aston Post Oce, Preston Brook Lane, Sutton Weaver, Aston Lane, Sutton Weaver, The Holiday Inn, Beechwood, Wood Lane, Chester Road, Preston Brook Beechwood, Cherry Blossom, Beechwood, Hillview Unit 2 Monks Way, Preston Brook School, Beechwood, Martindale, Beechwood, Beechwood, Coniston Close, Beechwood, Mormon Travel Inn, Preston Brook Church, Heath, Malpas Road, Runcorn Heath, Heath School, Runcorn Heath, Golf Course, Chester Road, Murdishaw Runcorn Heath, Heath Road, Runcorn, Whitley Close, A56, Runcorn, Weston Road, Runcorn, Minster Court, Weston Point, Nelson Drive, Weston, The Cross, Post Oce, Sutton Weaver Weston, Clifton Top, Clifton, Works Cottages, Clifton, 78 Chester Road, Sutton Civil Parish Quay Side, Newtown, Texaco Garage, Frodsham, St Hilda's Drive, Frodsham, Morrisons, Frodsham Aston Lane, Sutton Weaver 36 Chester Road, Sutton Civil Parish

Aston Lane, Sutton Weaver 19 Chester Road, Sutton Civil Parish

The Holiday Inn, Beechwood

Wood Lane, Beechwood Wood Lane, Runcorn

Cherry Blossom, Beechwood 16 Whimbrel Close, Runcorn

Hillview School, Beechwood 58 Arndale, Runcorn

Martindale, Beechwood 28 Wisenholme Close, England

Beechwood 14 Baycliffe Close, Runcorn

Coniston Close, Beechwood 6 Solway Grove, England

Mormon Church, Runcorn Heath Clifton Road, England

Malpas Road, Runcorn Heath 102 Clifton Road, England

Heath School, Runcorn Heath Clifton Road, Runcorn

Golf Course, Runcorn Heath 11 Clifton Road, Runcorn

Heath Road, Runcorn 60 Moughland Lane, Runcorn

Whitley Close, Runcorn 2 Moughland Lane, Runcorn

Weston Road, Runcorn 16 Weston Road, Runcorn

Minster Court, Weston Point Weston Road, Runcorn

Nelson Drive, Weston 129 Weston Road, Runcorn

The Cross, Weston 229 Heath Road South, Runcorn

Clifton Top, Clifton

Works Cottages, Clifton 1 Clifton Road, England

Quay Side, Newtown 110 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Civil Parish

Texaco Garage, Frodsham 27 Francis Road, Frodsham Civil Parish

St Hilda's Drive, Frodsham 68 High Street, Frodsham

Morrisons, Frodsham 17 High Street, Frodsham Direction: Wilderspool P1 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Wilderspool Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:46 AM Morrisons, Frodsham 17 High Street, Frodsham Tuesday 7:46 AM

Bridge Stores, Frodsham Wednesday 7:46 AM 26 Church Street, Frodsham Thursday 7:46 AM Churcheld Road, Frodsham Friday 7:46 AM 7 Church Street, Frodsham Saturday Not Operational Community Centre, Frodsham 103 The Willows, Frodsham

Fluin Lane, Frodsham Frodsham RB 85, Frodsham P1 bus Info Direction: Wilderspool Texaco Garage, Frodsham Stops: 49 17 Francis Road, Frodsham Civil Parish Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Morrisons, Frodsham, Bridge Stores, Quay Side, Newtown Frodsham, Churcheld Road, Frodsham, Community 106 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Civil Parish Centre, Frodsham, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Texaco Garage, Frodsham, Quay Side, Newtown, Works Works Cottages, Clifton Cottages, Clifton, Clifton Top, Clifton, Cavendish 1 Clifton Road, England Road, Weston, The Cross, Weston, Nelson Drive, Weston, The Prospect, Weston Point, Hale View, Clifton Top, Clifton Weston Point, Minster Court, Weston Point, Weston Road, Runcorn, Whitley Close, Runcorn, Campbell Cavendish Road, Weston Avenue, Runcorn, Heath Road, Runcorn, Golf Course, Runcorn Heath, Heath School, Runcorn Heath, The Cross, Weston Malpas Road, Runcorn Heath, Mormon Church, 229 Heath Road South, Runcorn Runcorn Heath, Coniston Close, Beechwood, Beechwood, Martindale, Beechwood, Hillview School, Nelson Drive, Weston Beechwood, Cherry Blossom, Beechwood, Wood 129 Weston Road, Runcorn Lane, Beechwood, The Holiday Inn, Beechwood, Wood Lane, Sutton Weaver, Aston Lane, Sutton The Prospect, Weston Point Weaver, Southern Expressway, Sutton Weaver, Travel 62 Weston Road, Runcorn Inn, Preston Brook, Chester Road, Preston Brook, Post Oce, Preston Brook, Chester Road, Preston on Hale View, Weston Point the Hill, D Park Hotel, Daresbury Delph, D Park 55 Weston Road, Runcorn School, Daresbury, Ring O Bells, Daresbury, Hobb Lane, Moore, Hollyhedge Farm, Higher Walton, The Minster Court, Weston Point Vicarage, Higher Walton, Stag Inn, Walton, Stag Inn, 32 Weston Road, Runcorn Walton, Methodist Church, Stockton Heath, Post Oce, Stockton Heath, Morrisons, Wilderspool, Weston Road, Runcorn Greenalls Distillery, Wilderspool 10 Weston Road, Runcorn

Whitley Close, Runcorn 4 Moughland Lane, Runcorn

Campbell Avenue, Runcorn 79 Moughland Lane, Runcorn

Heath Road, Runcorn 107 Moughland Lane, Runcorn Golf Course, Runcorn Heath

Heath School, Runcorn Heath 2 Malpas Road, Runcorn

Malpas Road, Runcorn Heath 106 Clifton Road, England

Mormon Church, Runcorn Heath Clifton Road, England

Coniston Close, Beechwood 2 Coniston Close, England

Beechwood 5 Sedbergh Grove, Runcorn

Martindale, Beechwood 28 Wisenholme Close, England

Hillview School, Beechwood 19 Brambling Close, Runcorn

Cherry Blossom, Beechwood 16 Whimbrel Close, Runcorn

Wood Lane, Beechwood Wood Lane, Runcorn

The Holiday Inn, Beechwood

Wood Lane, Sutton Weaver

Aston Lane, Sutton Weaver 51 Chester Road, Sutton Civil Parish

Southern Expressway, Sutton Weaver

Travel Inn, Preston Brook

Chester Road, Preston Brook Unit 2 Monks Way, Preston Brook Civil Parish

Post Oce, Preston Brook 2 Gorseywell Lane, Preston Brook Civil Parish

Chester Road, Preston on the Hill

D Park Hotel, Daresbury Delph 6600 Cinnabar Court, Daresbury Civil Parish

D Park School, Daresbury

Ring O Bells, Daresbury

Hobb Lane, Moore

Hollyhedge Farm, Higher Walton

The Vicarage, Higher Walton Stag Inn, Walton Chester Road, Warrington

Stag Inn, Walton

Methodist Church, Stockton Heath 6-8 Walton Road, Warrington

Post Oce, Stockton Heath

Morrisons, Wilderspool

Greenalls Distillery, Wilderspool P1 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved