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nth Ha§ iummer Season's Sunny, Warm Sunny and warm today, to- morrow and again on Thursday. Partly cloudy, mild licii Hunk, tonight. 1 Um$ Brandt EDITION 4-0 Moniiioiitli 4'9IIIII.V*K Outstanding Homo Newspaper VOL.94 NO.50 * RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1971 Gets Top Priority WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress returns this Although congressional dissent has been wide- should the Finance Committecdelete the wel- week after a month's vacation to find its agenda spread, leaders of both parties have-pledged fare section of the bill, advocates of welfare re- rewritten by President Nixon - his "new Ameri- prompt consideration of the tax package, The form say they have a good chance of. restoring it- can revolution" replaced by his new economic po- House Ways and Means Committee has scheduled on the Senate floor. licy. -.::.. ••,. - -- : - -•••-:• hearings tomorrow, the day Congress returns. Uhaer his "new American revolution," Nixon When the congressional recess began Aug. 6, Indications are that a package will be ap- also had asked for federal government reorganiza- Nixon was pushing welfare reform and revenue proved, possibly as early as October. But there tion. However, this has drawn strong opposition sharing as the centerpieces of the program he out- probably will be changes in the Nixon proposals. both from key Democrats and Republicans and lined Lit his State of the Union message last Ja- Democratic critics maintain.they are weigh- Congress has shown no disposition to deal with it nuary. ted too heavily in favor of big business at the ex- this session. But the President, faced with a steadily wor- pense of individual taxpayers. Nixon also recommended healtb-care, sening economy, shifted gears.Aug. 15. He called Of the programs proposed by Nixon to imple- changes, but action on this touchy subject has for passage of a tax package, froze wages, prices ment the "new American revolution" he called for been deferred until 1972. and! rents for 90 days and .took action to stabilize in his State of the Union message, welfare reform the dollar. appears to have the best chance of enactment this'" Before the August recess, congressional lead- And he asked Congress to delay the effective session. ers were talking of a possible Oct. 15 adjournment dates of his welfare reform and revenue-sharing , It has passed the House and Sen. Russell for the session. clans to hold down federal spending and allow Long, D-La,, chairman of the Senate Finance That Idea went out the' window with Nixon's prompt consideration of his economic program. Committee, said he will resume hearings on it lat- economic announcement. Now leaders say the ses- Nixon called for repeal of the 7 per cent ex- er this month. sion will last at least until the wage-price freeze cise tax tin new automobiles.a speedup in the The legislation contains broad increases in So- ends Nov. 13 and probably much longer. scheduled ?50 increase in individual income-tax ex-' cial Sepurity benefits as well as the welfare revi- Monday It will begin what is expected to be a emptions and a 10 per cent tax credit for business sions and. Long said, there will be strong pressure long debate on the compromise two-year draft-ex- investment. for action on the Social Security portion. tension measure already passed by the House. Monmouth Quiet Over Weekend RED BANK - A com- tie-ups or problems." were re- into a traffic control unit at vestigated the accident, re- State Police barracks at Ten- Ocean Ave., when she was paratively quiet Labor Day ported early last night. the intersection of Rts. 9 and ported that Mr, SchoUenber- nent to control the traffic jam struck by a careening vehicle, weekend was reported However, a car accident in 520. • ger was not injured, However, which lasted until U p.m. which later turned over. throughout the Monmouth Marlboro at 10 p.m. tied up Wire Is Shorted he said that portions of the Not only the Robertsville Few other accidents were County area. traffic for more than an hour They said that a guy wire, side and underbelly of the car section of Marlboro township reported by area police, none Sea shore resorts as well as in the northbound lane of Rt leading to the control unit wer<£ strewn about the inter- experienced power troubles. of them of a serious nature. Register Staff Photo by Lorry ftritt from a nearby phone pole was section of the two major West* As a result of the crash, resi- END OF SUMMER - Jay Smith of ftumsbn, State parks in the area report- 9, and residents in the Bob- Clubs Crowded seems to typify the "end of summer" feeling as ed no more than average ertsvUle section of Marlboro' broken, curling up into a Jer- ern Monmouth; County ar- dents in Monmoutli Heights, At Sea Bright, authorities sey Central Power & Light teries. in the center of Marlboro, also he walks home from a fishing expedition at the crowds, with no problems were without electricity for reported medium to "pretty close of Labor Day weekend. throughout. about the same amount of Co. high tension electrical!; Mr, SchoUenberger was is- bad dimmed lights for period- good" attendances at the pub- Area police reported heavy time. wire, which, in turn, shorted sued a careless driving sum- ic intervals through the eve- lic beach, although beach traffic concentrations in cer-' Police said that a car driv- out. mons. Assistance was re- ning- clubs in the borough were re- tain areas and at certain en by Claude Schollenberger, Marlboro Patrolman ceived from the Manalapan Police in Red Bank, Rum- ported "booming and. times, but, again; "no traffic o! North Plain!ield.: crashed Thomas McFaul,.who in- Police, Department and the son and Fair Haven said that crowded." Keansburg's Manager power was cut off in portions Traffic conditions in the re- of their municipalities for an sort town were reported no estimated five minute period worse than on a normal week- —a Special Report shortly after 10 p.m. None of end with no problems devel- •the police spokesmen could oping. / James T. O'.Veili. ' " . estimate how widespread the In thfi Bayshore area, / He's the new borough manager in Keansburg. blackouts were, however they Keinsburg's Bieachway Mr. O'Neill has been on the job since June in a temporary reported that several burglar crowds were also estimated at capacity and last week was given permanent standing. alarms were set off by the ' average strength for a sum- He came to Ms new position well prepared-having B&W v *••?*$ sudden loss of electricity. mer weekend. worked as an engineer and a former public works director in 2 Road Deaths. Long Branch. Sandy Hook State Parfypffi- How is he fanfig in the Keansburg position? What is it like Only two traffic deaths .cials reported the usual type were reported. to help run the boeough? What does he see as some of Keans- of crowd for a nomral week- burg's problems arid houaloes he plan to help solve them? Unwell State Police said end with no problems. Troyelus Schanck, 3rd., of.. To find out Ed Walsh, from our Middletown Bureau, Toms River was killed when The beaches at Long spent a a&y or. the job with Mr. O'Neill. And he returned with thrown out ol his car, when it Branch and Asbury Park, had a fascinating report, went out of control and hit the? same story to report- Incidentally, it was Mr. Walsh who had the exclusive sto- • two trees on Hurley's Pond moderate or average attend- ry on Mr. O'Neill's appointment. Now it is only fitting that he Road, Friday. " ances - with the board walks come up with this special progress report Long Branch police said at no more than average, nor- - ; It will appear, with photographs, in tomorrow's Daily Lisa Ann Paparazzo, 14, of mal weekend crowds. .,Register, Northern Monmouth County's largest newspaper and Jersey City, died Sunday on See Comity, Page 2 Monmouth County'b most interesting newspaper. East Keansburg Skipper Register Stuff Photo. Ends Sidewheeler Duty SCANT CROWDS — Thfs crowd on one of the area's beaches was typical of attendances all along.the' Monmouth Shore are,a. "Average" crowds were reported from the Bayshore area through Sandy Hook By MAKYBETH ALLEN East Keansburg is Dominick The boat, which is 338.feet covers 150 miles. The fare to ' State Park, Sea Bright, and south at Long Branch ant) Asbury Park, during the Labor Day weekend. Giblin, who is manager of din- long and 75 ieet wide, has a Poughkeepsie is $5.50, and NEW YORK - Like paint- ing facilities. • capacity of 3,2.10. A new ves- Stops are also made at Bfar ings on thewalls of the Alex- Gets Young Start sel, which Capt Grady &ay& Mountain and West Point. The ander Hamilton, days of tiie Capt. Grady, who has been will hold 3,500, is under con- sole purpose is sightseeing, steamer are fading away. on the boats for 25 years, re- struction and is to be eomims "There's so much up the riv- Murder Hearing Is Faced In Brielle, N.J., The Ferry calls that he started as a sioned for next season. er," Capt Grady comments. is a floating night spot. deckhand aboard the Jersey Much To Sec He notes that as many times In Boston, the Peter Central ferries when he was / Dunng the hme-hour round as ho has taken the ride, he Stuyvesant is its counterpart. 19. His father, who had also trip, the Alexander Hamilton And the City of Keansburg found a career on the seas, By Crippled War Veteran is slated to make the night life had served as captain of the scene at City Island.