International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope (IRJMS), 2021; 2(1): 41-45

2020 Iquz Galaxy Publisher, India.

ORIGINAL ARTICLE | ISSN (O): 2582 – 631X DOI: 10.47857/irjms.2021.v02i01.040

Role of Forestry Police in Animal Protection in Alas Purwo

National Park Area

Eko Setiawan*, Keppi Sukesi, Kliwon Hidayat and Yayuk Yuliati

Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, .

ABSTRACT This research illustrates and explains the role of forestry police in maintaining the sustainability of forest areas so that they are maintained. The method used in this research is a sociological approach with case study design. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the role of forestry police in guarding the Alas Purwo National Park area, especially endemic animal theft has been followed up. As with the fact that poaching and utilization of wildlife is endemic, for business and pleasure purposes (hobbies and collections) has resulted in thousands of wild animals of various types endangered. This form of violation has been followed up by the forestry police and sanctioned to the perpetrators. To minimize animal theft, cooperation and community participation are needed both technical and non-technical. Keywords: Animal Protection, Alas Purwo National Park, Forestry Police.

INTRODUCTION Indonesia is one of the countries with a large Alas Purwo National Park is one of the tropical forest, and ranked third in the world natural resources that must be preserved after Brazil (1). This condition certainly makes because it is intended as a balance of nature and Indonesia's forests as oxygen as well as have a the lungs of the earth. In forest ecosystems there source of germplasm that must be maintained are various biodiversity and non-biological, both sustainability. As stated in Law No. 41 of 1999 flora and fauna. From a variety of biological on forestry, mentioning protected forests is a natural resources there are a variety of animals. forest area that has a basic function as a Various kinds of animals are found among them protection of life buffer system to regulate water are endemic animals of Indonesia, being unique system, prevent flooding, control erosion, and because it has distinctive characteristics. maintain soil fertility. In the explanation of Therefore, there needs to be a protection against article 50 paragraph 2, Forestry Law No. 41 of the diversity of these animals. It is human duty 1999, it is stated that forest destruction results to always maintain the sustainability of the in physical changes in forests or bio-forests that forest, in order to make a positive contribution cause forests to be disturbed or unable to play a to life. role in their function. Therefore, it is the duty of The diversity of animals and their human beings to always think about preserving ecosystems is one of the most important parts of the forest, in order to provide a positive natural resources, has a function as an element kontrbusi for life (2). of environmental formation whose presence can not be replaced. ______*Address of Correspondence: Eko Setiawan, Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. E-mail- [email protected] (Received 23 November 2020; Revised 29 December 2020; Accepted 27 January 2021)

Setiawan et al. Original article

But hunting activities against certain animals showing its practitioners what to do without the cause these animals to become rare and even need for long existential or epitemological endangered. Animal hunting has actually started considerations (5). The method used in this since humans existed on the face of the earth, study is a sociological approach with a case but animal hunting at that time was only for study design. Qualitative research emphasizes consumption purposes. In this day and age, processes and meanings that are not rigorously hunting animals is not only for consumption tested or measured in terms of quantity or purposes, some are taken parts of their bodies frequency (6). Informants are defined with to be used as handicrafts and for treatment. purposive techniques. Data collection using The threat of poaching to wildlife is often observations and interviews. This research greater than the threat from habitat loss (3). focuses on extracting data related to the Wildlife hunting in Alas Purwo National Park, interaction of local communities around the Alas especially the hunting of protected and rare Purwo National Park area, as well as the animals, especially birds, is still ongoing today. excavation of information on the causes of One of them is green cucak (Chloropsis declining diversity of wildlife species due to sonnerati), has a characteristic with a larger uncontrolled wildlife hunting activities. Thus, posture and has an unquestionable quality of the harmonization of communication and chirping. This advantage is especially evident in interaction can be achieved to the maximum (7). his brave mentality, fighting style and gacor Data analysis using interactive models, including voice. The existence of birds is a sign of components, data collection, data reduction, environmental change or not, one form of bird data feed, draw conclusions. utilization as bio-monitoring that has been developed in several developed countries, RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS among others, to identify the level of BIRD WILDLIFE POACHING environmental pollution and pesticides (4). This Birds are easy to find, even some species of is of course a very serious threat of extinction to birds live around us. Birds are a group of various rare species in Indonesia. The animals capable of living in a variety of sustainability of wildlife requires the environmental conditions. From polar ice poles participation of communities around forest to deserts, from oceans to mountain peaks, even areas to maintain their habitats and populations from wilderness to urban birds are able to live. so as not to be endangered by irresponsible In general, birds have characteristics, namely: people, who have hunted one by one the having feathers as a cover of their body, a beak- protected animals. The success of conservation shaped mouth, front limbs in the form of wings, area conservation with this concept depends having air pundi-pundi, the end of the digestive very much on the success in dealing with the system fused with parts of the body for socioeconomic problems of the surrounding reproduction in the form of cloaca. On the body communities. Disruption to conservation areas parts of birds have a unique shape, such as color will be reduced if the welfare of the patterns on feathers that vary and differ by each communities around the forest can be met from breed. The shape of the beak and the shape of efforts outside the use of forests. Therefore, the legs, are parts of the body that often have a solutions are needed to reduce public access to unique shape. forest areas, because people have lived around Alas Purwo National Park as a the Alas Purwo National Park area long before conservation area for nature conservation has a this area was made into a National Park and its large number of bird species. The wealth of bird status is still Marga Satwa. species in Alas Purwo National Park, reported as RESEARCH METHODOLOGY many as 227 species (8). Peacocks, white starlings, part chickens, are typical bird species

This research uses the paradigm of found in Alas Purwo National Park (9). The constructivism as a philosophical foundation for types of birds in Alas Purwo National Park that understanding the realities of society. The 42 are often caught and used as chirping birds, paradigm of constructivism is normative,

among others: green cucak (Chloropsis Page International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope (IRJMS), Volume 2, Issue 1: 2021

Setiawan et al. Original article sonnerati)(10). Habitats of bird species the level of insecurity of an area against hunting including green cucak (Chloropsis sonnerati) are activities against animals. Categories of in great demand by bird enthusiasts and have a poaching by purpose include: relatively high price (11). The factor of excessive utilization is worried that it can threaten 1. Hunting for pleasure, which is hunting ecological conditions, both to the fauna of birds done by people who feel physical freshness after and their habitat. The presence of birds in an hunting activities and consider hunting animals area has important meanings, one of which is as is a form of pleasure. an indicator of the biology of a region (12). Entering the summer in the Alas Purwo 2. Hunting with non-commercial National Park area is believed to start rampant purposes, namely hunting carried out to meet poaching because many species of birds are daily food needs. In general, poaching of these getting exploitation, both hunting and trading. animals is carried out using traditional tools. Because in the summer, the birds gather at one 3. Hunting with economic purposes, point only at the water source. From there namely hunting carried out with the aim of poachers install nets or traps to catch birds or being traded or traded to certain parties who lure wild birds using the sound of birds from need it and doing animal hunting as a livelihood. cassette tapes. It is different when the rainy season comes because the birds will spread Based on the identification process, throughout the forest area along with abundant prevention efforts can be made against poaching water supplies. Various types of birds have a and animal trafficking activities, even with fairly high economic value, based on sanctions that will be given in the event of morphological potential, sound, behavior. This violations. Arrangements regarding hunting of economic potential leads to high bird hunting so protected animals in Indonesia have been that it can decrease the population. In addition, formulated in Law No. 5 of 1990 on the bird habitats are also decreasing in quality and Conservation of Biological Natural Resources quantity, due to overexploitation of forests. The and Their Ecosystems. The existence of a problem causes disruption of the sustainability prohibition governing the hunting and of bird animals which ultimately leads to trafficking of protected animals becomes the scarcity. basis for law enforcement against the According to information from polhut implementation of its duties in handling illegal informant Samto Hidayat, last summer managed trafficking cases. But law enforcement cannot to catch the person involved in the poaching, work alone because law enforcement needs help namely a couple. The wife is tasked with selling from conservation agencies to treat hunting birds, while the husband is tasked with government-seized animals in illegal trafficking finding birds in the middle of the forest. Bird cases. hunts will usually be sold to fences or markets. To trick the officer, the wife pretends to be a THE ROLE OF FOREST POLICE vegetable seller. The bird of evil was put into a pipe made of bamboo, then transported using a ON THE SUSTAINABILITY OF basket on which placed a pile of various ALAS PURWO NATIONAL PARK vegetables. The guise of crime can be uncovered Forest police officers are functionalist officials of because officers have already pocketed the Ministry of Environment and Forestry information related to the action. (KLHK) given duties and responsibilities and In order to control the activities of rights in full by the central authority to carry out poaching animals required a mapping of the forest protection. In the implementation of its hunting system which is a system identification duties, special police skills and skills are needed activity through investigation of the components to overcome the perpetrators of crimes and contained in a hunt. Through identification can forestry crimes. The protection and supervision also be known the intensity of poaching that of Alas Purwo National Park is an effort to 43

occurs in an area so that it can be determined minimize forest encroachment, theft of Page International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope (IRJMS), Volume 2, Issue 1: 2021

Setiawan et al. Original article biological natural resources. This is a problem is through socialization conducted by the Forest that is commonly faced by almost all national Police to pendarung, spritual actors, by sitting park management areas. Forest police are the together and given material on how to maintain spearhead of the creation of protection and forest sustainability, responsible for maintaining preservation of national park areas. Forest forest sustainability for the common good, and police are one of the officers who have legal also not forgetting to be conveyed about the authority in regulating social life. Forest police rules, laws, rights if located in the Alas Purwo carry out special police duties and functions in National Park area. the field of forestry, so as to use its authority to Socialization as a form of anticipation of carry out preventive measures of forest security. everything that is considered important for The performance of forest police is strongly Forest Police officers, in maintaining forest influenced by individual factors, psychological conservation from all forms of potential damage factors and the environment in which they work caused by communities active in the area. In the (13). Forest protection is an effort to protect event of an unintended event, it will have an and protect forests from various disturbances impact on the forest ecosystem, thus harming all that can disturb and damage natural resources parties. In addition to socialization, patrols are (14). also carried out to areas prone to violations Forestry police is the name of a while recording data and recording along the functional position of Civil Servants in the way, including former violation lanes, the environment of employees of central and local excellent potential of both biodiversity and forest agencies. Forestry Police is a specific tourist attractions. Security activities in Alas official within the scope of central or regional Purwo National Park involving the community is forestry agencies in accordance with the nature a form of local wisdom. The practice of of its work carrying out forest protection efforts. community involvement in regional security Constitutionally granted special police authority activities has been carried out since long time in the field of forestry and conservation of ago. The nature of security also includes biological natural resources and their problems in the form of conservation. The ecosystems. As the name implies, this forestry community knows the potential threats and police has the main task of preparing, disruptions to the utilization of natural implementing, monitoring, and evaluating and resources, and is the spearhead in maintaining reporting forest protection and security the sustainability of natural resources therefore, activities as well as monitoring the distribution the participation of local communities needs to of forest products. Due to the nature of its work be raised and encouraged to be more active. in the efforts to safeguard and protect forests, certain officials are given special authority in the CONCLUSION field of forestry and conservation of biological Wildlife hunting in Alas Purwo National Park, natural resources and their ecosystems. especially the hunting of protected and rare Security disturbances in the Alas Purwo animals, especially birds, is still ongoing today. National Park area can be said to be relatively One of them is green cucak (Chloropsis safe when compared to other conservation sonnerati), has a greater posture and has an areas. The majority of security disturbances unquestionable chirping quality. Types of occurred in the Alas Purwo National Park area, wildlife hunting by purpose, consists of: dominated by timber theft, retrieval and poaching of animals. The challenges of managing 1. Hunting for pleasure, which is hunting Alas Purwo National Park in the future will done by people who feel physical freshness after certainly get tougher, because this national park hunting activities and consider hunting animals area directly borders the lands of communities is a pleasure. with low socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, 2. Hunting with non-commercial an active role is expected in maintaining the purposes, namely hunting carried out to meet security of Alas Purwo National Park from any 44 daily food needs. In general, poaching of these disturbances from the community. One of them

animals is carried out using traditional tools. Page International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope (IRJMS), Volume 2, Issue 1: 2021

Setiawan et al. Original article

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