Vol. 111, No. 3 Summer 2019 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL LIBRARY LAW LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL Vol. 111, No. 3 Summer 2019 Pages 277–456 111, No. 3 Summer 2019 Pages Vol. ARTICLES Beyond The Annals of Murder: The Life and Works of Thomas M. McDade [2019-13] Jennifer L. Behrens 281 The Case for County Law Library Consortia [2019-14] Meredith Weston Kostek 307 Legal Education and Technology III: An Annotated Bibliography [2019-15] Pearl Goldman 325 0023-9283(201922)111:3;1-E Vol. 111, No. 3 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL Summer 2019 American Association of Law Libraries Editorial Staff Editor: Tom Gaylord Publications Manager: Heather Haemker Production: ALA Production Services 2019–2020 Association Officers Michelle Cosby, President; Emily Florio, Vice President/President-Elect; Luis Acosta, Secretary; Cornell H. Winston, Treasurer; Femi Cadmus, Immediate Past President; Elizabeth G. Adelman, Emily M. Janoski-Haehlen, June Hsiao Liebert, Jean P. O’Grady, Karen Selden, Jason R. Sowards, Board Members; Vani Ungapen, Executive Director. 2019–2020 Law Library Journal Editorial Board Tom Gaylord, Chair; Helane E. Davis, Edward T. Hart, Benjamin J. Keele, Kelley Louis, Lacy Rakestraw, I-Wei Wang, Members; Heather Haemker, Staff Liaison. Law Library Journal ® (ISSN 0023-9283) is published quarterly in the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall by the American Association of Law Libraries, 105 W. Adams Street, Suite 3300, Chicago, IL 60603. Telephone: 312.939.4764; fax: 312.431.1097; email:
[email protected]. Member subscriptions are $35 per year; nonmember subscriptions are $125 per year; individual issues are $31.25. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices.