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WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1 978 SECTION2,PAGE3 Streak's end disappoints Rose Sports ATLANTA (AP) — "I was disap- guy in that situation. He was just try- fort of Garber and rookie left-hander New York Yankees had asked DiMag- pointed because I felt I could have ing to in-and-out, up-and-down me." - Larry McWilliams, who made a mira- gio to take a $5,000 cut after his streak digest gone on," Pete Rose said Wednesday, cle catch of a vicious liner by Rose in in 1941 because of World War II. The Cincinnati captain said, "If reflecting on the end of the strongest the second inning. "I hope World War III doesn't challenge ever made toward Joe Di- Phil Niekro had been pitching and I "I hit a ball that was halfway into start," said Rose, adding that he did Bryant's challenge made easier Maggio's record of hitting in 56 got five pitches, I guarantee you three center field and the guy caught it," not want to talk about contract nego- would have been fastballs. I wouldn't straight games. Rose said of the shot, which the lanky, tiations. have seen the knuckleball, his best KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — As "Now I'll concentrate on leading 6-foot-5 Williams speared behind his He said he felt no sadness at the pitch. I'd just as soon not talk about back, holding on as he fell to the streak ending, but believed he would far as the NCAA is concerned, the league in hitting," said Rose, who Bear Bryant needs 41 victories — Garber.
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