80 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday. May 17.1988 ^ ------------------ .'I.fi'iy iiiii .III Rtal Estate Merchandise Automotive . B i i c k t o g .Ih iiiin ilii ' % : MANCHESTER. "Ex­ pV SpecioUi panded dormered A > FMSHLE Cope", a rooms featur­ FURNITURE SALE ing 3 bedrooms, den- 1 .R is e -in All rMri M tott odv«rtlM<l In study, family room, QUEENSIZE Waterbed DODGE Caravan 1985. Itw Mowchwttf Htrald li formal dining room, g | S 8 8 ! S g B ( complete. Dork pine, 4 Automatic, power Clogs the VS i ^' w h lfa Bq s Ox , Miblact to H«d Fair Houtino large basement and m GHUCME |8EHVIGc8 drawer base, matching steering, very good fo r Act of 1*M, which nwkts It work room, covered nightstand and chest of condition. $8000. 649- lllooal to odvortlM any prof- patio, 1 cor garage and RElfllltEMisNT Ll ving. drawers. $500 or best 9958 after 5pm._______ oroneo, limitation or dltcrlm- d a y c a r e kitchen IM T H >I&R M O n N Q offer. Coll after 4pm. nice, quiet child safe M ei6if— a e fuA AsieBeiiiiiei MNNUfkak«HM» 9lEElHeoeiH8il oI hH Everything provided 1979 Chrysler LeBaron. Inotlon boMd on ract, color, 568-1903. ___________ rollplon, «ox or notional streetl Only $ ^9 0 0 . nSifiOMS RWHi * meeesriMAns. for your comfort even Red. Automatic, air, orloln. or on Intention to Century-21 Lindsey pvwkepnMsk - l4MeM4 Hahm nursing service. Rotes COLONIAL High backed AM/FM, tope. No ruit. v/«pMlaei lir U BMi. 6 up. Cra From the smelleet repair to i m Osnlor OMssn Olseeuni. reosonable. Coll 649- moko any such prtferonct, — 522Li!!2!Lj$5^522£ ■Iw «H«II w « iw kWora/tlMr AN Work Querentssd. couch, floral design. $1800. 647-9104. limitation or ditcrimlnatlon. MAfiCHESTER. Moder- the largest renovation, we 2358. Excellent condition. MkMi. OMdWi M M PbtiM. wlirdo a complete |ob. Start PONTIAC Sunbird 1985. Tho Horold will not know­ nlzed Ranch. Extra eseeaseeeeeeeeee $300.645-e857after6pm. Low mlleoge, 5 speed. ingly occopt any odvortlso- to finish. Free estimates. large private lot on 568-2589 STEARNS ft Foster Mat­ Top condition, like mont which It In violation of dead-end street. Piz­ HANDYMAN Htrttage KHcImr A Hsflis Imsrsvsmsnf • Pabmns > tress and box spring. In new. $5500. 649-8447. SSUTHERN how Eng- zazz throughout this 3 - Bossmswti HnlsltsS - Tlllns • good condition. Very 1977 Olds Cutlass-good bedroom Ranch. Fea­ land cloMlflold adi Bttti CM itr Ns Jsk Tss ais sr Tss tmsa UsM Csrssnlrv - OOP JOSS- clean. $85. 649-8566 In running condition and roach noarly aoo.OOO tures Include screened- ILAW9CAIIE Coma visit our shostroom at; IS » Sssisr CMssp nsetsM INSUMO the evening. tires. $850,649-6428 after In porch, family room, hornet In Connecticut 182 W. Middle Tpke, BARRY SCANLON SOFABED. bueen size. 6 pm. and Rhode Island. The office, walk to school Manchester and much more. 646-2411 rrssstnmatss Black and white plaid. 1975 FORD Mercury. Ex- price for a basic 25 OHIIKT UWN Osu728-0781 Asvanis $50. Please call 742- cellent running condl- JfflanrhpHlpr Im lJi word ad Is only $55 and $165,900. Century 21 Ep- 649-S400 steln Realty, 647-ae95.a 0465; tlon. $800.646-0217. will appear In 43'news- LO VESEAT and 2 Colon- papers. For more In­ KID^, Bring your par- 1983 TO Y O TA Celica G T • Mmw • MMlwaMw OMMm m um REM0KLIN8 lol matching choirs. Coupe, 5-speed, olr, formation call Classi­ ents. Manchester. wvvafi BvaiPOTiEi qeoeb» fVviin^ IBSKWW $250. Call 649-3101. • AleMnMm a M U M M u AM -FM cassette, top fied, 643-2711 and ask Rambling 4 bedroom ronAuvowiiamM eMHiBs Mid mHIma Wednesday, May 18,1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm for defalls.o Ranch on a large and NMWipqi Mid baiddoMf m m Im QUAUTT OUAMm AT iOOWOtWC BEDROOM Set. Walnut, condition. $4400. 649- 30 Cents ON ELECTRICAL WORK RMCHRi W UHTHiATlA very good condition. M ANCHESTER. $167,500. beautifully landscaped •VilM M . CMt Dob PMiMid, Jr. Need a new Service with -JS S S .--------------------------------- lot. 1st floor family IRHEE of OEROrtOROOk fOlUIOROOO $500. 649-0$66._________ Take one look and E A i V i i l N ........... olroult breakera? anasUs.Osa room, 2 full baths. Call LAWNCARE Mssa ais dosml Ohaek ua out ki Auk for Mf. RpOMUOf you'll be soldi Impec- for details. $169,900. HELPING PEOPLE sa­ CLYDE coble Split offers 3 OHtflim t PM) Uim of' K;888S the Mifio9itiMr,yillow pRO^ tisfy their needs and CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. Drug war Century 21 Epstein Uhw> 6 Yaidfwyfeei V V •’ ^ ■ bedrooms, 1V6 baths, Realty, 647-8895.0 JOSm i DUMAS wants ... that's what want R O U T E 83, V E R N O N fireplaced llvlnp room PllW M M • ri* BMlM lOinNM BaMhig A •46-S283 ads ore oil about._______ •2495 ■7 plus family room, eor- DEUVEMNG 62 Chavults t dr. Eighth deal EAST Hartford. Price re­ RMMfMlNgSBI^ Rich, glean, atona-frea •6095 ope and oversized lot. duced I This 3 bedroom 84 CantUfy LTD 4dr. Iripped up’ M 7-9f10 KendeN Keyee NEATM8/ loam. 5 yarda.*a0PIU8Tax. ITV/STEREO/ 64 Otntury LTD4dr. •5095 ■ ‘■it:. ■ Sentry Real Estate. 643- Ranch Is located In an . ... Alao, aand, gravel, atone APPUANCES 66Cdlibrlty4dr. •6095 4060._________________ nice family neighbor­ PLUMIIN8 and hone manure. IM M A CU LA TE B room hood! Carpet through­ LAWN 88 Monia Cario •8995 EIG H TE E N Month old 88 Chavy C-10 nu •8995 by politics traditional Colonial In out. Ceramic tile kit­ chen flo o r. 12x22 MOWING nag. kis. nsf. 6 4 » M 7 3 R.A. DAVIDSON 643-9S(H Westlnghouse washing 880WaDalta4dr. •0995 area of fine homes. PlumSIne. Ml Nina. Purse asrNos mochine. $75. Please details going First floor family room family room with coal Dependable Bervkw. 88 Nova CL •5095 NSW InstsHsHons. Hspslis. telephone 643-1119. NEW LONDON (AP) - Presi­ with Atrium door to stove heat In base­ Call for Free Batlmatea. Drains Cissnsd, Bslhroom 6 87 Calala 4 dr. •0405 patio. Forthedlscrlml- ment. Storage shed In 87 CuHaaaadr. •10,905 dent Reagan declared today that PAMTim/ KHohsn nsmodsling TeR SeW Scree ee< Lggw MACHINERY natlno buyer. $220,000. back yard. Give us the 6 4 6 -6 8 6 8 . IrAPERM B SsrWos t$ Our Any amount doSyorsd. Also, IM. 87 Pont 6000 8M. 4 dr •14,905 "excessive drug politics" is get­ Sentry Real Estote,643- opportunity to show BusPhons742-SSS2 giavol, olono and bwk, muleh. AND TOOLS 87 Cavalldr i dr. •7905 ting in the way of the battle 4060. these and other fea­ NAM E your own price. BobooL bflofchoa 6 Igadsr rsnial. 87 Pont Grand Am •9995 against narcotics trafficking and tures of this affordable 87 Spadrum 4 Dr. •6495 to directors PRISTINE Condition Is TAX Father Son Pointing PJ'a PhinMng A Heating W ANTED. Used Stencil urged that a congressional and home I $145,900. Realty ft DAmcoNtmueTioN Cutter. Coll 647-9137. 87 Monia Carlo •10,905 how you'll find this 7 and Papering. Remo­ World, Benoit, Boilers, pumps, hot executive branch task force be room, 1’/i bath Victo­ val. 872-8237. 672-1400/650-9655 Buyer meets seller In 87 Bulok Ragal 2 dr. •10,995 By Alex GIrelll rian Colonial. Home Frechette Associates, water tanka, new and formed to recommend solutions. agreement they have worked out 646-7709.O____________ BARBARA RAY lepleoements. Classified ... and It's Manchester Herald has been completely BOOKKEEPING happy meeting tor both. Speaking to the graduating will meet with the approval of 0 & B PMHTMQ FUSE ESTIMATES 872-9111 renovated and charm­ EXCEPTIONAL 3000 SERVICES 643-2711. class of the U.S. Coast Guard both sides. But neither will ingly decorated. 4 bed­ square foot Contem­ ■tskktstlaslH’ NBsn Ixlariar Haoee FaloUiv Academy, Reagan called drug Mayor Peter P. DiRosa Jr. will discuss those terms in detail and rooms and 1st floor porary. 3'/2 baths, 2 648-9649 / 228-9616 ksNsstsss, IstM Isa PsinsO DspendaMe and axparlanood. laAJSPORTINe LIPMAN #1 abuse "the foremost concern in A;" ask the town Board of Directors to both have said the many aspects laundry room moke fireplaces, 3 or 4 bed­ ss4 sssNsdy Issst. Low Prieaa and PuSy kwumd. hold an executive session Thurs­ of the accord have yet to be rooms, marble floor, Pfsa tsUmaMa MKCELLANE0U8 IBZIeooos our country,” and said there must this the perfect home I VOUSWAGEN day night to discuss a proposed settled. for your family. exquisite master suite. 649-8281 K n V N X e be a calming of political debate. $137,900. Sentry Real $W,900. Blanchard & NEIL - 6494136 wavs. addWIana S dacka. Jock MISTRAL Windsurfer, 87 VW Sdrocco. 18V, Loaded "If America's anti-drug effort agreement between the town and The agreement has been des­ Hammarina 6 sow cuNIns. •11,986 Estate, 643-4060.O Rossetto Realtors," ODD lobs# Trucking. $750. 6 foot sail with gets tripped up in partisanship, if the Eighth Utilities District over cribed as similar in many re­ We're Selling Houses" FRBB ESTIMATES. battens, 12 foot board 87 Buick Ragal, Immaoulata construction of a sanitary sewer f ERRI ^id Ranch In quiet Home repairs. You ISN DMcawu far tMUar ciltsm with adlustable mast- we permit politics to determine spects to one worked outby teams neighborhood. Priced 646-2482.0 noihe It, we do It. Free Loaded. '18,850 policy, it will mean a disaster for line and other disputed matters. Custom Inisrior 61 track, toot straps and 86 Subaru QL, 3 dr, Sllvar, 5 ap, of negotiators for the town and to sell.
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