Arts and Festivals in and the Western Mediterranean

Arts and culture have always been an integral part of the Antalya region and there is no doubt that they draw their strength and dynamism from their thousands of years of history. Surrounded by Kaş in the west, Gazipaşa in the east, Elmalı, and in the north, Antalya is flanked by the and the and has been witness to a remarkable past.

Antalya was founded in the 2nd century BC on the orders of the king of Pergamon, Attalos II, who was seeking an earthly paradise. The city was established as “Attaleia” where Pamphylia, Pisidia and Lycia intersect—the location of the most fertile area of Anatolia.

This area has witnessed several civilisations and has been a centre of culture, art, mythology and architecture throughout history. This distinction has continued until the present day.

Juniper, cedar, pine forests as well as hundreds of endemic species that exist only in this region of the world, are found in Antalya.

These fertile lands, richly endowed with a generous array of nature and a pleasant climate, have served as an important source of inspiration for artists. A mosaic found in the ancient city of Seleukia in the Manavgat district east of Antalya portrays the Thracian poet Orpheus, who, according to some sources, was the son of Apollo. This mosaic is housed in the Antalya Archaeological Museum and depicts a scene where the melodies emanating from his flute stop the flow of raging waters, and spellbind wild animals.

Güldestan Çavuşçu Dam Antiocheia


Lake Işıklı

Beyond Antalya Adıgüzel Barajı Ertokuş Han Gelendost The Gulf of Antalya, located in southwest Anatolia, was known Uluborlu Mount Gelincik Senirkent Nature Park D330 Şarkikaraağaç in ancient days as the Gulf of Pamphylia. The mountain ranges Dinar encircling the Gulf run parallel to each other along the coast, but Barla Lake later intersect each other at the Lakes Region to the north. Eğirdir

th Travelogues, especially those written in the 19 century by Gönen Atabey Western archaeologists, historians, artists, architects, sailors and Keçiborlu D695 geographers, refer to the nature around Antalya as “extraordinary.” D330 The depiction of Antalya’s natural environment by the 19th century Konya Eğirdir traveller Karl Lanckoronski is especially noteworthy: D330 Acıgöl D650 Aksu “Anyone who wants to witness the beauty of the mountainsDenizli should Lake Isparta Beyşehir come here. Mountains overlap each other as if in a hurry to reach Gölcük Davraz Ski Lake Nature Park Center D695 the sea. The harmony of every shade of green and blue dazzles Burdur Yenişarbademli Lake Gölcük the spectator and constantly changes with the daily path of the Burdur Akdağ Beyşehir Akgöl Sagalassos D715 sun. Waterfalls, rivers, date trees, minarets... In short, the imaginary D650 Lake Ağlasun Kovada Dedegöl depictions of magnificent landscapes by European authors can be D695 Kovada D695 National Park found here for real.” Hacılar D685

Lake Lake The famed Ottoman navigator Piri Reis outlines the ports he Yarışlı E87 Salda Lake Salda Pisidia Adada Salda Nature Park explored around the Gulf according to the geographic location of Çeltikçi Yeşilova D330 Kremna the rivers and mountains rising behind them, just as he did in other Sütçüler Karacaören areas of the Mediterranean. İncirhan Dam Yazılı Canyon Nature Park Niyazlar Bucak D715 Village Seydişehir In ancient times, the most familiar places located around the bay, D650 such as Pamphylia, Lycia, Pisidia and Isauria, enabled visitors to Lake Karamanlı Karataş Susuzhan enjoy the pristine environment and experience traditional ways of Ürkütlü life. In light of the accounts of explorers throughout the centuries, Köprüçay Tefenni D685 River those sightseeing trips provided plenty of opportunities for those E87 interested in nature and history to make their own observations. D330 Hasanpaşa Cevizli Bademağacı Village Köprülü Canyon National Park

Kibyra Gölhisar D695 Çavdır D650

D685 İbradı E87 Korkuteli Karain Lake Dipsiz Akseki E87 E87 Lake Pamphylia Çimi Village Altınbeşik Kırkgöz Kurşunlu Waterfall Döşemealtı National Park Altınyayla Termessos Termessos Nature Park National Park Sillyum Perge Aspendos Güver Canyon D400 Nature Park Aksu D350 Oymapınar Lake Eğri Dam Geyikbayırı Antalya D695 Kundu D635 Saklıkent Gündoğdu Çolaklı Belek Manavgat Boğazkent Evrenseki Alara Düden Dam Gündoğmuş Waterfall (Çündüre) Ilıca Waterfall Manavgat D400 Side Semahöyük D400

Kızılağaç Alara Beldibi Stream D350 Elmalı

D400 Kızlar Sivrisi İncekum Fethiye Lake Yeşil Göynük Tekke Okurcalar Nature Park D400 Village Lake Avlan İncekum Yeşilbarak Village Avsallar Payallar Beydağları Kemer Turkler Korakesion D400 Akçay National Park Konaklı Akdağ Çığlıkara Oba Nature Park Lycia Dim Çamyuva Gömbe D635 Oba Stream Stream Arykanda Mount Çayboğazı Phaselis Kestel Pond Tahtalı Tekirova Pinara Mahmutlar D400 Saklıkent Sütleğen Gökbük National Park Village Village Syedra D635

Tlos Olympos Event Calendar of Antalya and the Western Mediterranean (Page 38) Rhodiapolis Limyra D400 Xanthos Relevant Contacts (Page 40) Letoon D400 Gulf of Antalya D400 Mavikent Adrasan Beymelek Ision Nature Park Kiddle Karaöz Patara Bezirgan Myra Gazipaşa Village D400 Kaş D400 Andriake Theimiussa D400 Kekova Cape Gelidonya

Page 4 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Aspendos

Dazzling Ancient Theatres Ancient theatres are found almost every 25 kilometers throughout the region. Aspendos has been standing since the 5th century BC and has a dazzling history of 2500 years. The ancient theatre, with its superior acoustic quality, is host to a festival that has been held every year since 1994 and today has become a world-renowned event. The Aspendos International Opera and Ballet Festival is a visual feast that brings together artists and spectators from all over the world. Recognised among the world’s most foremost cultural festivals, this prestigious event features 10 spectacular shows which are spread from June until the middle of September.

The founder of the Republic of , Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, greatly admired by the Turkish people, came to the Aspendos theatre on his first visit to Antalya in 1930. Impressed by what he saw he gave the advice not to lock the gates of the theatre but to use it for shows, concerts and wrestling competitions.

The citizens of Antalya heeded the advice of Atatürk and beginning in 1950, theatre productions and concerts were held in the Aspendos Ancient Theatre every spring. The people of Antalya brought delicious food prepared at home hours before the start of the events turning the place almost into a picnic area. Thus the first foundations of the country’s most prestigious film festival, the Golden Orange was laid - a festival which has continued nearly half a century.

Page 6 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Aspendos Page 9 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean

As a result of this, in the first week of October the streets of Antalya are filled with the excitement of cinema besides the aroma of the city’s flora. The festival attracts more than two thousand local and international filmmakers, making a festive occasion for the citizens of Antalya and visitors during the entire week.

The Golden Orange begins with a parade featuring famous film artists, and enraptures the city with the magic of cinema throughout its duration. The traditional location of the festival is the Atatürk Cultural Park Complex. The galas of Turkish and international films competing in the festival are held in the Aspendos Hall of the Atatürk Cultural Centre (AKM). Alongside the films in competition, films of world cinema status are shown, particularly those that have received awards in other festivals. Here you may be able to see a premiere of a film, and witness the hustle and bustle of moviegoers as they go from one session to another. Filmmakers from Turkish and international cinema participate in panel discussions, meetings and workshops that highlight the reputation of the festival.

The Antalya Culture and Arts Foundation (AKSAV), which organises this cherished festival, also gives out the annual Turkish Television Awards every April. These awards are judged by an esteemed jury.

The Orange Symbolising the City and Cinema The seeds of the Golden Orange Film Festival were first sown in the romantic atmosphere of the Aspendos Ancient Theatre. This festival is organised by the Antalya Culture and Arts Foundation (AKSAV) with the support of the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality. The Golden Orange Film Festival which gained international status in 2007, has been vital in the support of the arts in our country and has proudly carried on this mission for more than half a century.

This gilded festival, which adopted the orange as its symbol, has encouraged many young filmmakers and has also provided independent filmmakers with financial grants. It has become one of the foremost driving forces of the country’s film industry.

Page 10 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean

Concerts in the Charming Atmosphere of Ancient Theatres

Another festival is held at Side, another ancient Many famous ensembles and soloists have theatre some 70 kilometers east of Antalya. participated in these series of concerts, notably the Antalya State Symphony Orchestra and Antalya This ancient theatre was built at the narrowest State Opera and Ballet. The Side International point of the ancient city of Side, situated next to Culture and Art Festival was accepted into the Manavgat district. It almost embraces its guests European Festivals Association in 2010. To date, by meeting them at the entrance of the town. the festival has welcomed the Berlin Symphony The ancient theatre has a captivating glory, and Chamber Orchestra, the Beijing Symphony findings reveal that it has always been used for Orchestra, the Marphe String Quartet and the ‘Ten the same purpose as it is today. We know that of the Best Trumpets’ ensemble, as well as many it was built during the middle of the 2nd century. others. This valuable structure now hosts the Side International Culture and Art Festival, welcoming The Side Festival launched a rarely seen project orchestras from all over the world. The festival is last year. A special symphony orchestra was organised by Side Municipality where more than established during the festival which featured ten concerts are held free of charge for attendees 82 musicians (42 international and 40 Turkish every year. Alongside the ancient theatre, the musicians). This orchestra was led by the Polish Temple of Apollo, situated east of the harbour at conductor Krzysztof Penderecki, who is among the tip of the peninsula, rises into the sky in all its the foremost composers of the second half of the glory. This site also hosts various events. 20th century and the recipient of many prestigious Side awards. The ancient city of Phaselis in the Kemer district east of Antalya is host to another event. ThePhaselis Another Festival Festival is held in the theatre of the ancient city which was founded in the 7th century BC At the beginning of September each year, professional musicians offer a series of concerts from different music genres which emphasises Friendship! and cultures. The festival is organised by the Kemer Promotion Foundation and will be repeated for the The town of Kaş, where the Aegean meets the Mediterranean, was seventh time in September 2013. A concert by the world famous Turkish pianist İdil Biret and Eskişehir established on the Lycian town of Antiphellos. Known for its vibrant Metropolitan Municipality Symphony Orchestra under the direction of İbrahim Yazıcı was recently held. bougainvillea, it has hosted the Lycian Culture and Arts Festival since The festival also displays performances of Sufi music and Sema ceremonies. 1995. The performers of the Antalya State Opera and Ballet hold dance performances and other acts in the month of June each year in the magical atmosphere of the ancient theatre, delivering its international and local audience an unforgettable experience. The ancient theatre of Antiphellos, which was built in the 1st century BC and looks toward the sea, is used as the staging location of the festival.

The festival, which honours the name of Lycia, also includes the participation of the inhabitants of the Greek island of Megisti just across from Kaş. This makes the event much more special and meaningful in the name of good neighbourliness and friendship between the two nations. Kaş


While the Sounds of Classical Music Alanya are echoed in Side and Phaselis, Alanya summons Jazz Enthusiasts

The Alanya Jazz Days were first held in 2003 in the district well- known for its historical and natural features. The most famous Turkish and international jazz musicians offer unforgettable nights filled with music to their audience.

The International Alanya Jazz Festival is one of the most important and prestigious events in the region. It is organised by Alanya Municipality and sponsored by the Alanya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ALTSO), Alanya Touristic Hoteliers Associations (ALTİD), and Alanya Tourism Promotion Foundation (ALTAV).

The festival is noteworthy for gathering famous Turkish jazz musicians such as Ayhan Sicimoğlu, Kerem Görsev Trio, Nilüfer Verdi Quartet, Kürşat Başar and İlhan Erşahin. During the month of September, jazz lovers meet in the magical atmosphere of the Red Tower.

Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Kaş Page 14 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean

Opera, Ballet, Concerts and Theatre

Three of Turkey’s most important cultural institutions, all under the umbrella of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, are represented in Antalya. The Antalya State Symphony Orchestra, Antalya State Opera and Ballet, and Antalya State Theatre provide an invaluable contribution to the cultural scene of the city and the region, and takes on an important role in the arts scene.

The Haşim İşcan Cultural Centre has a distinguished place in the cultural life of Antalya and accommodates the Antalya State Theatre and the Antalya State Opera and Ballet. It is possible to watch opera and ballet performances or matinée and soirée plays between the months of October and May.

The Antalya International Theatre Festival will be held for the fourth time in May 2013 and will host numerous international theatre plays of the highest quality for a duration of one week. Last year the plays “Uncle Vanya” by the Russian Vakhtangov Theatre, “Moeders” of the Dutch Ro Theatre and another nine plays were received with great acclaim by the Antalya audience.

The ABT Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Theatre Group, established in 1983, stages plays in their own theatre, located at the entrance of the Karaalioğlu Park. The same group also organises a theatre festival open to high school theatre groups every May and June.

Another theatre group is the Kepez Municipality Theatre (KBT) which takes stage at the Erdem Bayazıt Cultural Centre and offers many Prince Igor, Alexander Borodin enjoyable moments to Antalya’s theatregoers.

The Atatürk Cultural Park Complex also includes the iconic Glass The Antalya State Opera and Ballet was founded in 1999 and has Pyramid, and is used as a meeting and exhibition area. Visitors can a substantial place in the cultural and artistic scene of the city. The spend some delightful time there before the start of a concert. Before Antalya State Opera and Ballet first lifted its curtains with a performance or after an event concert-goers can also take a stroll in the park that of the Csárdás Princess by Emmerich Kalman. The performances are lies immediately behind Konyaaltı Beach and extends to the west. The held in the Haşim İşcan Cultural Centre. This institution has one of the sight of the majestic Beydağları Mountains across the bay never fail largest and most dedicated troupes in the city and consists of 180 to impress. soloists, chorists, an orchestra and ballet dancers.

Swan Lake, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Three Selfish at the Bus Stop, Özer Tunca The Meeting Places of the City Two important arts centres of Antalya’s Kepez district are the Erdem Bayazıt Cultural Centre and Yenimahalle Community Centre. These venues host many concerts, plays, dance performances, panels and meetings over the whole year. The exhibition areas in the entrance hall provide a remarkable contribution to the region’s artistic life.

The Arif Nihat Asya Open Air Theatre at the entrance of the Kepez Urban Forest was built and completed last year. It was modelled after ancient theatres and is another important location for concerts and other events.

The excellent climate of Antalya allows visitors to spend time at the beaches and parks. The Karaalioğlu Park in the city centre faces the Gulf of Antalya and the imposing Taurus Mountains. The park has three observation platforms and is worth a visit not least for the bird species and plant variety.

The Antalya City Museum was established in order to preserve the historical memory of Antalya. This museum also organises many open air exhibitions in the park. As a result of very extensive research, a photographic exhibition of the birds of Karaalioğlu Park was put up in the park in January last year. Currently the creative staff of the City Museum are working on another theme to be displayed in May 2013. This exhibition will have flowers as its main theme and the preparations for it are continuing at a steady pace. The Atatürk House and Museum located at the entrance of the Karaalioğlu Park is also worth seeing.

The observation platforms of Karaalioğlu Park host many events during the summer months. The square beside the Muratpaşa Municipality, the The Antalya State Symphony Orchestra, which also serves as and conductors from Turkey and abroad and organises concerts Konyaaltı Town Square that faces the Mediterranean and the Republic the accompanying orchestra for the Antalya Piano Festival, offers a in the city squares for the enthusiastic masses during spring and Square just beneath the Yivli Minaret are also important centres of open varied programme for their audience every Friday at 20:00 between summer. The concert held at the city square of Muratpaşa last air activities in the summer months. The fountain display in the Republic the months of October and May. The concerts are held at the Antalya summer is fondly remembered in Antalya. Square that takes place each Saturday evening and is choreographed Gürer Aykal Cultural Centre during the season. The orchestra hosts many soloists to various pieces of world music is always a highlight.

The Open Air Theatre that is situated in the Beach Park at Konyaaltı Beach has a capacity of more than 4000 people and is an important centre for activities during the long summer nights.

Page 16 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Konyaaltı Kaleiçi Museum

Old City

The Suna & İnan Kıraç Kaleiçi Museum in the Old City of Getting Lost in the Old City Antalya is housed in three different buildings that are registered The Old City of Antalya, also known as Kaleiçi, is an essential place to cultural heritage sites. The prominent Tekelioğlu Konak in the visit for those who would like to get a better understanding of Antalya’s Old City was taken as the model for the museum building. It was recent history and wish to get lost in its tangled streets. It is almost like restored by incorporating ceilings with wood-strip embellishments an open air museum. The characteristic features of its buildings not and ornamental paintings on the walls and encapsulating an only give an idea of Antalya’s architectural heritage, but also reflect the atmosphere that represents the second half of the nineteenth lifestyles and traditions of the region. century. This valuable building is arranged as an ethnographical museum that displays hints of life in the Old City from days Whilst strolling the narrow alleyways of the old town, visitors will come gone by. The museum has a rich ceramic collection and many across many art galleries and painters. It’s a treat to buy a painting that oil paintings that depict an accurate portrayal of Antalya’s past. might feature any given moment in the Old City. Another prominent part of the museum is the photographic exhibition that features the old street vendors of Antalya.

Old City Page 19 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Kaleiçi Museum World’s Biggest Tunnel Aquarium, Antalya Aquarium The museums of Antalya, Side, Alanya, Elmalı, Isparta and Burdur showcase how intertwined the tribes and cultures were with the arts throughout the centuries. Visitors should definitely take their time in these museums which are all arranged according to the latest trends in museum planning and elegantly display the region’s past. The Antalya Archaeological Museum received the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award in 1988.

The newly opened Antalya Aquarium on Aspendos Boulevard in Konyaaltı is must see location for the the world’s biggest tunnel aquarium (131 meters length and 3 meters width) and thousands of species of underwater creatures it houses. Immediately behind the Aquarium is Mini minicity City. This is ideal for those would like to become Gulliver just for a day and see famous buildings in their miniature form.

Weary Hercules Alanya

A visit to the Red Tower and Old Shipyard in Alanya district, which houses artefacts from the Ottoman period, is highly recommended. Here visitors can see an unfinished Ottoman ship in one of the chambers of the dockyard and a hoist and ship’s burton dating to ancient times. The objects and prehistoric anchors in the Red Tower and at the entrance of the dockyard have to be seen.

Yet another meeting place of Alanya’s art lovers is the Alanya Cultural Centre, noted for its striking and elegant building. The Centre also has an exhibition venue that brings together thousands of people every year.

At the same time, to the west of Antalya, the Kalkan Culture and Art House building with its 140 year history opens its doors to other artistic events.

Page 22 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Alanya Alanya Fazıl Say

Making Sand Sculptures! This festival, supported by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has become an annual event and is among the largest sand sculpture festivals in the world. Around 30 sculptors from more than 10 countries form their gigantic sand sculptures over an area larger than 7000 squarem2 and use more than 10 tonnes of sand. Each year has a different theme and the sculptures are displayed from the official opening date in June until the end of October. Visitors can also observe the sculptors during the month of May when competitors are busy sculpting their masterpieces.

Alanya anticipates another exciting sculpture organisation at the beginning of November. The ninth International Alanya Sculpture Symposium was held this year. Every year ten artists are selected from among sculptors who apply from all over the world to take part in this symposium. The selected artists immediately start working in the pier square in order to transform their sketches into reality within 30 days. The completed sculptures are later displayed in the squares, parks and gardens of Alanya.


The Sound of Piano Tunes, Guitar and Vladimir Spivakov Literature echo in the Streets of the City Another source of pride of the region is the International Antalya Piano Festival that is held during November and December each year. The artistic director of this festival is the Turkish composer and pianist Fazıl Say. Many world-famous performers participate in the festival every year, which consists of ten concerts and takes place in the Aspendos Hall of the Antalya Cultural Centre (AKM). Over the years it has hosted many piano virtuosos of international repute. The well-known jazz pianist and composer Chick Corea and other respected musicians such as Buika and the Brad Mehldau Trio, who fuse flamenco, jazz, soul and funk music, are just a few who have participated in this festival.

Antalya Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean World Children’s Day and the Republic

According to statistics Antalya has over 300 sunny days per year. With the coming of April, which heralds the summer, events previously held indoors start to be organised in the streets, ancient cities and the countryside. The first harbingers of outdoor activities are children.

The April 23 Children’s Day was gifted to the children of the world by Atatürk. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm in our region as it is in the whole country. Children from all over the world come to Antalya as guests and stay in the homes of their newly made Turkish friends where they can also enjoy traditional Turkish hospitality. Through multicultural shows, the streets are almost transformed into a fairground. The April 23 festivities are indeed a children’s festival that is widely celebrated over an entire week in the streets and open spaces.

The 302nd day of the year is of great importance for the Turkish people. The Republic was proclaimed to the world on October 29, 1923 and this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the whole country. Antalya’s city squares turn festive with evening concerts and fireworks displays organised by the municipalities. This special date, when the sultanate finally came to an end and the dawn of democracy appeared on the horizon, has another profound meaning in In April 2013 the fifth International Choir Festival will be held and there the Kaş district. The Greek island of Megisti lies across the is no doubt that this will create a new sensation among the activities organised in the region. Numerous Turkish and international choirs shore from Kaş and the islands’ inhabitants join their Turkish participate in the Antalya International Choir Festival which takes neighbours on this day. This day where the people from place in the Aspendos Hall of the Antalya Cultural Centre and is the two shores come together, is celebrated with joy and organised by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality and Active friendship in the narrow streets of Kaş. Philosophy Association.

In the middle of February, the 5-day long International Guitar Festival is also held in the Antalya Cultural Centre where many Turkish and international musicians congregate.

The Golden Orange Poetry Awards are held each year in March. This event is arranged so that it coincides with World Poetry Day on 21st March. This is a unique event in Turkey where the awards are determined by a jury who select the recipients by evaluating published poetry books from the preceding year. The recipient of the Golden Orange Poetry Award has a symposium convened in his or her honour the following year, where his or her poems are assessed by poets who in turn present papers about them. The papers presented in the symposium are published in the same year and serve as a record of the Golden Orange Poetry Awards and Symposium.

Another poetry event has become an annual tradition every March, and is held in the art gallery of the Antalya Artists’ Association (ANSAN). This 3-day event carries on in a festive atmosphere where story days, Mediterranean poetry, the commemoration of deceased poets, and interviews, panels and conferences with the participation of Turkey’s most famous authors and poets take place.

A group of artists from ANSAN started to arrange poetry evenings in 1996, always on a full moon. These poetry evenings were held in different and interesting parts of the city. They are now held under the name of the Full Moon Platform and poetry lovers meet at the Konyaaltı Beach around a bonfire where poems are recited to the accompaniment of the saz, ud or guitar. On rainy or cold winter days these meetings are held indoors, with participants bringing along hot beverages and spending an unforgettable evening together.

Page 26 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Kaş The Pomegranate Festival held each year in October in the Witnessing the Tradition of the Centuries! Döşemealtı district turns into a great celebration along with the oil The melting snow of the Taurus Mountains and the snowdrops that wrestling competition. The chain of festivals which follow each other pierce through the snow cover make up the theme of a festival that is set off by another festival in Gazipaşa east of Antalya and centres occurs during the first weekend of April and which has become a on the pomegranate. The people of Gazipaşa organise a festival to tradition in İbradı. The İbradı Snowdrop Festival is celebrated every support and promote seedless pomegranates that they grow. The year in the Sülek Plateau. It greets many nature lovers who come to festival also commemorates the anniversary when this charming enjoy the snowdrops and other flowers of the region. town was renamed with Atatürk’s title “Gazi Paşa”. The festival, which lasts three days, includes concerts and dance performances. With the rise in temperature during the summer some festivals are held in the highlands. Oil wrestling competitions are periodically held during the summer months in the region. In August 2013, the 661st Elmalı Oil Wrestling Competition will take place - a competition which is among the oldest events in the region.



Another festival that attracts a great number of guests is the Abdal Musa Festivities held in the Elmalı Plateau. This festivity brings together Alevi citizens of Turkey and takes place in June each year. In this gathering, panel discussions, conferences and seminars about Alevi culture are prepared and include several exhibitions. A different festival is organised in the Akçaeniş village of Elmalı district, lasting for three days during the first week of August. This event takes place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of that week and welcomes all the Alevi citizens of the Antalya region who are known as “Tahtacı” because they are employed in forestry and woodwork occupations. This is a very good Yalvaç opportunity for those who want to get to know the local culture more intimately. The three-day long event involves performances by Alevi minstrels and the semah ritual dance. These are probably The Antalya Region is among the few places in the world where among the most interesting and popular events of the festival. deep blue waters meet lush green forests and towering mountains all at once. It has seen many cultures and civilisations come and go The Konyaaltı Carnival and Summer Festivities are organised throughout the centuries. Some of the first Turkmen tribes that came by Konyaaltı Municipality in the first week of August. This event is to Anatolia nearly a thousand years ago settled in the Western Taurus always held in the Feslikan Plateau in Konyaaltı and is situated at Mountains and called it home. They originated from the magical an altitude of 1000 meters. steppes of Central Asia and traversed thousands of kilometers, met The Ayran Festival is annual event organised by the Cevizli numerous civilisations along the way and witnessed countless wars, Municipality in the first week of August. However, at the same exile and struggles on this long journey. Nowadays these tribes are time the Akseki Summer Festival offers a welcome refuge for the guardians of a unique history and culture in the mountains of those who want to escape the scorching summer heat of the city Antalya. These nomadic communities were isolated from the flow in August. There, visitors can enjoy a unique and fun atmosphere of everyday life and the states and politics for many centuries. They as they listen to the performances of local artists. thus managed to preserve their own cultural traditions in their purest form, continuing to live a simple lifestyle among herds of goats and At the same time in the second week of August, Üzümlü village sheep and carrying on their annual migration between highlands and hosts the Grape and Fish Festival, while in the Günyaka village lowlands. the Plum Festival is greatly anticipated.

Antalya is the meeting place of large scale international events that The traditional Şehzade Korkut Summer Festival and Mushroom attract many participants from other countries. But on the other hand Festival is celebrated in the Korkuteli district to the northwest of it also hosts many small scale events that are local in character and Antalya at the end of each August. Its name comes from the son offer a wide variety. The Yörük Turkmen Festival, organised by of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid, Şehzade Korkut or Prince Korkut the Antalya Yörük Association and Yörük Industrialist Businessmen who was the provincial ruler of the district. Since 1988 the Golden Association, is an annual event that stands out because of its high Cherry Oil Wrestling Competition has also been organised as turnout. Each year over one hundred thousand people attended this part of the summer festival. festival which is held in the Düzlerçamı picnic area north of Antalya in the first week of May. Page 29 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Tekke Village Barak Kilim Antalya Ignites Youth Fever With the arrival of the school year, the Youth Festival starting in the first week of May will be hosting the best rock groups of Turkey. These concerts are held in the open air venues of Atatürk Park where for a week a concert by a different group takes place every evening. This burst of youthful energy then re-emerges in the middle of the month with the University Youth Festival that is held on the campus of Akdeniz University. The campus hosts many famous Turkish artists and groups during this weeklong event.

With the advent of spring, the season of festivals arrives and encompasses the whole region. Each year in May, Side is host to the Side Air Show, where planes give stunning aerial displays over the skies of the ancient peninsula. The 13th International Alanya Tourism and Arts Festival will begin in the last week of May 2013 and offers a different atmosphere centring on the theme of friendship. Each year, a sister city of Alanya is welcomed as a guest of honour. The culture of the guest country is showcased along with Turkish culture in many events, which turn the festival into a colourful folklore celebration.

Yüksek Sadakat

Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Side

Erkan Oğur

Russian Culture Days are organised by the Russian citizens of Antalya who call this city home and who would like to preserve and showcase their heritage. This festive event that brings many colourful scenes is quickly followed by the 5-day long Antalya International Jazz Festival.

Simultaneously Konaklı located in the district of Alanya is host to a tourism festival that lasts three days while Oba Municipality holds its Tourism Culture, Arts and Orange Festival.

The excavations made over the years have revealed the ancient city of Rhodiapolis, located just 4 kilometers from the town of Kumluca in the west of Antalya. Although not conclusive, the ancient theatre is thought to be built by settlers from Rhodes. While excavations in this Rhodiapolis venue are still being carried out, symphony orchestras have regularly given performances there since 2006. Sarp Maden Quartett

In June 2013 the Manavgat Peace Water Culture, Arts, Youth and Tourism Festival will be held for the 13th time. In the same period the 4th Manavgat Motorcycle Festival will also be held with the participation of more than 2000 motorcyclists. Motorcyclists from all over the country will bring excitement to the local population and tourists in the cool environment of the .

The Golden Pomegranate Festival takes place in the middle of June and has been held annually since 2003. This festival is celebrated in a fun environment with guests coming to Kemer from all over the world.

In the days that connect the months of June and July a festival occurs in Finike, located east of Antalya. Celebrated since 1989, the Finike Festival becomes almost a harvest day for the inhabitants who are mainly engaged in agriculture.

Page 32 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean Manavgat Oktoberfest, Antalya

The Perfect Time for Mingling with the Crowds Antalya has a privileged location in terms of history and wonderful nature and it is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world. Besides offering a rich calendar of events, the region is steeped in arts and is full of surprises.

The festivals and artistic events which are spread all over the region, give Antalya another enticing aspect beyond the traditional sea, sun and sand tourism. All the branches of the arts are well represented in the region, which is host to many lively events.

It is a privilege to watch a ballet or an opera at the Aspendos Ancient Theatre that has witnessed hundreds of years of history. Any visitor will no doubt come away with a feeling of immense satisfaction as they have experiencing such an occasion.

Elmalı Since Antalya is a region of festivals twelve months of the year it is always possible for visitors to attend an event. Simply arrange the time and then select one or more of The Region’s Rich Aroma the festivals that interest you! and a Breath of Fresh Air! The warm-hearted people of the region invite you to be their guest and share in the experience of these events. The fertile region of Elmalı hosts a different festival in the month of September that has become a ritual. Whereas thousands of years Enjoy! ago the Elmalı region was known by the Hittites and Lycians as a wine region, today it is home to the Likya vineyards.

The delicious grapes of the region are labelled with the brand name Likya Wines. The smells of the cedar, pine, juniper trees and endemic plants fill the vineyards and starting from September the grape harvest turns into a joyous occasion.

Antalya also hosts a different kind of harvest festival in the middle of September. The famous Oktoberfest, originally held in Munich, Germany, and celebrated every year as one of the most well- known festivals of the world, is also celebrated in Antalya and has a fairground feel.

Page 35 • Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean International Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival

Arts and Festivals in Antalya and the Western Mediterranean February March March April April April July July July July August August

International Golden Orange Mediterranean Traditional Deliktaş, Sarıkaya Marble Niyazi Baba Konyaaltı Guitar Poetry Awards Storytelling Turkish Music April 23 National Culture and Highland and Pınar Culture and Carnival Summer Festival Symposium and Poetry Days Days Children’s Day TV Awards Art Festival Walnut Festival Market Fair Art Festival Summer Fest Festival Antalya Antalya Antalya Antalya Antalya Yeşilbaşköy, Burdur Karamanlı, Burdur Eğirdir, Isparta Burdur Antalya Akseki, Antalya

April April May May May May August August August August August August International Dedegöl International Akçaeniş Seedless Şehzade Korkut Choir Snowdrop Air Show Mountaineering Antalya Sand Antalya Youth Ayran Culture and Pomegranate Ramadan August 30 Summer and Festival Festival Side Festival Sculpture Fest. Festival Festival Art Festival Festival Feast Victory Day Mushroom Fest. Antalya İbradı, Antalya Side, Antalya Eğirdir, Isparta Antalya Antalya Cevizli, Antalya Elmalı, Antalya Gazipaşa, Antalya Korkuteli, Antalya

May May May May May May August August August August August August

Akdeniz Antalya International Golden Elmalı İncesu Seyyit Veli Baba Bucak Kibyra University International Yörük Türkmen Alanya Tourism Pomegranate Motocamp Bicycle Oil Wrestling Culture and Minstrels’ Night Fig, Culture and Ancient City and Youth Festival Theatre Festival Festival and Art Festival Oil Wrestling Festival Festival Tournament Art Festival and Rice Festival Art Festival Highland Festival Antalya Antalya Antalya Alanya, Antalya Kemer, Antalya Eğirdir, Isparta Antalya Elmalı, Antalya Keçiborlu, Isparta Senirkent, Isparta Kocaaliler, Burdur Gölhisar, Burdur

May May May June June June August August September September September September

Eğirdir Mahmutlar Lake Salda International University Oluklacı May 19 Youth Abdal Musa Finike Culture and Amateur Golden Cherry Phaselis Culture and Spring Festival Festival and Sports Day Festival Festival Art Festival Song Contest Oil Wrestling Oktoberfest Festival Art Festival Oil Wrestling Isparta Eğirdir, Isparta Elmalı, Antalya Finike, Antalya Alanya, Antalya Yeşilova, Burdur Korkuteli , Antalya Antalya Kemer, Antalya Side, Antalya Manavgat, Antalya

June June June June June June September September September September September September

Manavgat Likya & Kaş Konaklı Oba Tourism, International Culture, Art International İnsuyu Hunting Festival Tefenni Böğet Peace Water Culture and Art Russian Tourism Culture, Art and Manavgat and Grape Alanya Culture, Art and Single Shot Prize Sheep Herding Festival Festival Culture Days Festival Orange Festival Motorbike Fest Water Festival Festival Jazz Festival Sports Events Competition Festival Manavgat, Antalya Kaş, Antalya Antalya Alanya, Antalya Alanya, Antalya Manavgat, Antalya Eğirdir, Isparta Senirkent, Isparta Alanya, Antalya Burdur Bayır, Burdur Hasanpaşa, Burdur

June June June June July July October October October October October October Aspendos Culture & Art Isparta Golden Kozağacı Festivalya International International Pomegranate International Festival Rose, Carpet and Pomegranate Highland Street Opera and Ballet Sacrifice Golden Orange 29 October Festival and International Swimming Oil Wrestling Tourism Festival Festival Festival Festivities Festival Feast Film Festival Republic Day Oil Wrestling Triathlon Marathon Uluborlu, Isparta Isparta Kemer, Antalya Kozağacı, Burdur Antalya Belkıs, Antalya Antalya Döşemealtı, Antalya Alanya, Antalya Alanya, Antalya

July July July July July July October October October October November December

Kestel Pınargözü Pisidian Antiocheia Altınsipsi Aziziye Village Public Run Sea to Sky Traditional International International Oil Wrestling and Traditional Culture, Tourism Culture and Oil Wrestling, Culture, Art and and Street Basketball Extreme Göce (Tarhana) Piano Labor Film Tourism Festival Culture Festival and Art Festival Art Festival Culture & Art Fest Highland Festival Half Marathon Tournament Enduro Race Festival Festival Festival Alanya, Antalya Yenişarbademli, Isparta Yalvaç, Isparta Sütçüler, Isparta Altınyayla, Burdur Aziziye, Burdur Alanya, Antalya Alanya, Antalya Kemer, Antalya Kozağacı, Burdur Antalya Antalya Relevant Contacts

Antalya Isparta Museum Antalya Photography and İbradı Municipality Side Municipality AKM - Antalya Culture Center ATSO Conference Hall Kalkan Culture House Administration Cinema Amateurs Association 07680 İbradı/Antalya Adnan Menderes Blv. Sakıp Sabancı Bulvarı Atatürk Göksu Mah. Gazi Bulvarı No:531 Atatürk Cad. No: 11 07960 Antalya Directorate of Culture T +90(246) 218 34 37 (ANFAD) T +90(242) 691 20 04 Side 07330 Manavgat/Antalya Culture Park 07030 07030 Kepez/Antalya Kalkan/Antalya and Tourism Tahılpazarı Mah. 467. Sok. F +90(242) 691 21 66 T +90(242) 753 10 13 Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(242) 314 37 37 [email protected] Deniz Mah. Anafartalar Caddesi Yalvaç Museum Süleyman Melli İşhanı Kat: 4 [email protected] F +90(242) 753 33 60 T +90(242) 238 54 44 [email protected] No: 31 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya Administration No: 25 07040 Muratpaşa/Antalya [email protected] T +90(242) 247 76 60 T +90(246) 441 50 59 T +90(242) 243 63 06 AKMED Conference Hall Kaş Culture House F +90(242) 248 78 70 [email protected] Kaş Municipality Barbaros Mah. Kocatepe Sokak Aydın Kanza Culture Center Hastane Cad. No: 14 [email protected] Uluborlu Museum Atatürk Cad. No. 18 Tekke Village Abdal Musa No: 25 07100 Güllük Cad. No: 75 Aydın Kanza 07580 Kaş/Antalya Administration 07580 Kaş/Antalya Culture, Research and Muratpaşa/Antalya Park 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(242) 836 10 20 T +90(246) 531 24 99 Antalya Photography Club T +90(242) 836 10 20 Promotion Association T +90(242) 243 42 74 T +90(242) 320 22 22 – 1388, Tourism Information and Call (ANFOK) F +90(242) 836 10 30 Tekke Village 07700 F +90(242) 243 80 13 1389, 1394 Center (Tourism Line: 179) Eğirdir Tourism Information Cumhuriyet Meydanı Orduevi [email protected] Elmalı/Antalya [email protected] Kemer Municipality Culture Hall Deniz Mah. Anafartalar Caddesi Center Yanı Düriye Bileydi İşhanı 2. Kat T +90(242) 613 70 77 Kemer Municipality Yalı Cad. No: 31 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(246) 311 43 88 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya F +90(242) 613 70 77 Chamber of Architects’ No: 1 07980 Kemer/Antalya [email protected] T +90(530) 824 65 63 Kemer Municipality Alanya Culture Center Exhibition Gallery T +90(242) 814 15 03 [email protected] Yalı Caddesi No: 1 Touristic Enterprises and Saray Mah. İsmet Hilmi Balcı Meltem Mah. 3808 Sok. No: 16 Antalya Tourism Information 07980 Kemer/Antalya Hoteliers Association of Cad. No: 4 07400 07030 Muratpaşa/Antalya Kozaklı Café Culture House Center Major Institutions T +90(242) 814 15 03 Side - Manavgat(MASTOB) Alanya/Antalya T +90(242) 237 86 92 – 93 – 94 “Muratpaşa Municipality” T +90(242) 241 17 47 Organising Events Antalya Poets, Troubadours, F +90(242) 814 11 07 Yalı Mah. Kazım Karabekir Cad. T +90(242) 513 21 33 F +90(242) 237 86 92 Sinanoğlu Mah. 19 Mayıs Cad. Painters and Composers [email protected] No: 10 07330 Manavgat/Antalya [email protected] No: 17 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya Alanya Tourism Information Antalya Cultural Association T +90(242) 753 30 00 Ansan Artists’ Association T +90(242) 322 22 22 – 1388, 1389 Center (ANŞOYAD) F +90(242) 753 50 04 Kale Kapı Saat Kulesi Arkası T +90(242) 513 12 40 Alanya Municipality Varlık Mah. Bahçelievler Kemer Promotion Foundation [email protected] 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya Desti Art Gallery Directorate Eski Kapalı Sabit Halk Pazarı İçi, (KETAV) T +90(242) 248 00 08 Yeşil Bahçe Mah. Eski Lara Yolu Martı Art Gallery Kaş Tourism Information Center Güllerpınarı Mah. İzzet Azakoğlu No: 2 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya Club Phaselis Holiday Village No: 21/2 07160 Muratpaşa/Antalya Şekerhane Mah. Şevket Tokuş T +90(242) 836 12 38 Cad. No: 58 07400 T +90(242) 243 05 11 Göynük 07994 Kemer/Antalya T +90(242) 311 40 82 Cad. Hacı Hasanoğlu Pasajı Alanya/Antalya T +90(242) 815 16 31 Burdur Antalya 2000 Plaza Art Gallery No: 43 07400 Alanya/Antalya Kemer Tourism Information T+90(242) 511 12 98 Demre Municipality F +90(242) 815 17 99 Recep Peker Cad. 1257 Sok. T +90(242) 512 81 10 Center F +90(242) 510 21 11 Gökyazı Mah. Yeni Cami Cad. Burdur Municipality No: 1 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya Dutlu Bahçe Culture and Art T +90(242) 814 11 12 [email protected] No: 1 07570 Demre/Antalya Burç Mah. Gazi Cad. T +90(242) 312 48 69 Centre Muratpaşa Municipality T +90(242) 871 51 28 Kepez Municipality Culture 15200 Merkez/Burdur Dutlubahçe Mah. 750 Sok. No: 8 Fuaye Sergi Alanı Muratpaşa Manavgat Tourism Information F +90(242) 871 36 61 Directorate T +90(248) 233 58 58 Antalya Archaeology Museum 07010 Muratpaşa/Antalya Municipality Center Alanya Tourism and [email protected] Teomanpaşa Mah. Yeşilırmak F +90(248) 233 53 94 Exhibition Hall T +90(242) 320 22 22 Fener Mah. Tekelioğlu Cad. No: T +90(242) 753 12 65 Promotion Foundation Cad. 07260 Kepez/Antalya [email protected] Konyaaltı Cad. No: 88 63 07160 Muratpaşa/Antalya (ALTAV) T +90(242) 310 58 58 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya Erdem Bayazıt Culture Center T +90(242) 320 22 22 – 1388, Atatürk Cad. Şen Apt. 51/6 Elmalı Municipality F +90(242) 339 33 90 T +90(242) 238 56 88 – 89 Erdem Bayazıt Culture Center 1389, 1394 Burdur 07400 Alanya/Antalya 07700 Elmalı/Antalya [email protected] F +90(242) 238 56 87 Sakarya Bulvarı T +90(242) 511 76 21 T +90(242) 618 67 02-03 Isparta [email protected] 07060 Kepez/Antalya Burdur Directorate of Culture F +90(242) 513 98 90 F +90(242) 618 12 78 T +90(242) 325 60 60 Olbia Culture Center and Tourism [email protected] [email protected] Konyaaltı Municipality Culture Isparta Municipality Culture and Akdeniz University Burç Mah. Atatürk Cad. No: 13/1 Office Social Affairs Directorate Antalya Metropolitan Gelişim Art Centre Dumlupınar Bulvarı 15200 Merkez/Burdur Kuşkavağı Mah. Belediye Cad. Mimar Sinan Cad. No: 1 Municipality Culture Hall Haşim İşcan Mah. 1304 Sok. 07058 Konyaaltı/Antalya T +90(248) 232 22 10–233 10 78 Ansan Artists’ Association Finike Municipality No:77 07070 Konyaaltı/Antalya 32100 Merkez/Isparta Karaalioğlu Park, Antalya No: 34 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya [email protected] F +90(248) 234 00 14 Kale Kapı Saat Kulesi Arkası 07740 Finike/Antalya T +90(242) 245 55 00 T +90(246) 211 61 43 Metropolitan Municipality T +90(242) 247 66 58 T +90(242) 310 17 35 – 310 17 [email protected] 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(242) 855 11 02 F +90(242) 245 55 49 [email protected] Building 07100 36 – 310 17 38 T +90(242) 248 00 08 F +90(242) 855 32 25 [email protected] Muratpaşa/Antalya Glass Pyramid Dolunay Platformu [email protected] T +90(242) 249 53 20 Sakıp Sabancı Bulvarı Atatürk Ozan & Orkun Art Gallery T +90(505) 456 21 12 Kültür Parkı İçi 07030 Orkun Ozan Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş. Isparta Muratpaşa Municipality Antalya Nazım Culture House Muratpaşa/Antalya Milli Egemenlik Cad. 40 Sok. Golden Orange Culture and Art Education, Culture and Social Major Event Venues Selçuk Mah. Aralık Sok. No: 4 T +90(242) 238 54 44 No: 38 07040 Muratpaşa/Antalya Isparta Directorate of Culture Antalya Metropolitan Foundation (AKSAV) Affairs Directorate 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya T+ 90 (242) 248 38 52 and Tourism Municipality Culture and Sakıp Sabancı Bulvarı Atatürk Fener Mah. Tekelioğlu Cad. Antalya T +90(554) 343 73 13 Haşim İşcan Culture Center Kepeci Mah. 106 Cad. 1217 Sok. Social Affairs Department Culture Park 07030 No: 63 07160 Muratpaşa / Haşim İşcan Culture Center Salih Yön Art House Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Culture No: 31 Kat: 4-5 32300 Karaalioğlu Park 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya Antalya Atatürk House and Museum Muratpaşa Mah. Evliya Çelebi (Gallery & Atelier) Center Merkez/Isparta Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(242) 238 54 44 T +90(242) 320 22 22 Exhibition Hall Cad. Eski Hal Kavşağı Sinan Mah. 1269 Sok. No: 46/B Karşıyaka Mah. Cumhuriyet Cad. T +90(246) 232 57 71- 223 27 98 T +90(242) 325 91 31 F +90(242) 238 52 73 F +90(242) 323 70 17 Işıklar Cad. Karaalioğlu Park 07010 Muratpaşa/Antalya (54/B) 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya No: 4 07060 Kepez/Antalya F +90(246) 232 61 42 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(242) 247 87 27 T +90(242) 313 19 13 T +90(242) 417 28 38 [email protected] T +90(242) 241 15 27 Side Culture and Art House Barida Visual and Auditory Muratpaşa City Square KBT - Kepez Municipality Demre St. Nicholas Museum Learning Centre Arts Training Centre Muratpaşa Municipality Theatre St. Nicholas Church Turgut Reis Sok. Antik Side Gazi Kemal Mah. 1306 Sok. Fener Mah. Tekelioğlu Cad. Erdem Bayazıt Culture Center 07570 Demre/Antalya Important 07330 Manavgat/Antalya No: 17 32040 Merkez/Isparta No: 63 07160 Muratpaşa/Antalya Sakarya Bulvarı T +90(242) 871 68 20 Telephone T +90(242) 753 16 72 – 73 T +90(246) 232 30 40 T +90(242) 320 22 22 – 1388, 07060 Kepez/Antalya F +90(242) 238 56 87 F +90(242) 753 16 70 [email protected] 1389, 1394 T +90(242) 325 60 60 [email protected] Numbers [email protected] Kırmızı Kalem Theatre Side Museum • Tourism Line 179 Süleyman Demirel University Bahçelievler Mah. Pamir Cad. 07330 Manavgat/Antalya • Emergency 112 State Gallery of Fine Arts Faculty of Fine Arts Kardeşler Apt. 22-A T+90(242) 753 10 06 Cumhuriyet Cad. No: 55 Ertokuş Bey Derslikleri, East Theatre, Opera, 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya F +90(242) 753 27 49 • Complaints 184 (Next to Yivli Minaret) 07100 Campus 32200 Çünür/Isparta Ballet , Orchestra T +90(242) 248 41 80 Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(246) 211 35 59 [email protected] T +90(242) 248 70 76 F +90(246) 211 35 51 Antalya Suna İnan Kıraç [email protected] Kaleiçi Museum (AKMED) Suna - İnan Kıraç Kaleiçi ABT – Antalya Metropolitan Barbaros Mah. Kocatepe Sok. Museum Exhibition Hall Isparta Community Education Municipality Theatre No: 25 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya Barbaros Mah. Kocatepe Sokak and Night School Metropolitan Municipality, Museums T +90(242) 243 42 74 No: 25 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya Pirimehmet Mah. Hacılar Karaalioğlu Park 07100 Antalya F +90(242) 243 80 13 T +90(242) 243 42 74 Çeşmesi No: 66 32100 Muratpaşa/Antalya [email protected] F+90(242) 243 80 13 Merkez/Isparta Gişe T +90(242) 249 53 26 Alanya Atatürk House and [email protected] T +90(246) 218 16 54 Müdürlük T +90(242) 249 53 Museum F +90(246) 223 62 25 20-25 Şekerhane Mah. Burdur F +90(242) 249 53 25 07400 Alanya/Antalya Yeni Mahalle Culture Center [email protected] T +90(242) 513 32 54 2428 Sok. Karatay Lisesi Yanı Burdur Museum F +90(242) 513 71 16 No: 39 07060 Kepez/Antalya Major Open Air Özgür Mah. Halk Pazarı Cad. [email protected] T +90(242) 325 91 31 Venues Antalya Oda Theatre No: 3 15200 Merkez/Burdur T +90(248) 233 10 42 Yeşilbahçe Mah. Metin Alanya Kızılkule Ethnography Yurdakul Painting Gallery Antalya F +90(248) 233 87 63 Kasapoğlu Cad. Metropol Çarşısı Museum Göl Mah. Çevre Yolu AS Büro Yanı [email protected] 07160 Muratpaşa/Antalya Çarşı Mah. 07400 Alanya/Antalya 07460 Oba Alanya/Antalya Arif Nihat Asya Open Air T +90(242) 322 20 05 T +90(242) 513 32 55 T+90(242) 514 40 80 Theatre F +90(242) 513 71 16 F+90(242) 519 16 06 City Forest, Meşe Kapısı Taş Oda Ethnography Museum Antalya State Opera and Ballet [email protected] 07192 Kepez/Antalya Haşim İşçan Culture Center Pazar Mah. Veyis Sok. T +90(242) 310 58 58 15200 Merkez/Burdur Evliya Çelebi Cad. Alanya Museum Zeugma Mozaik Arts and T +90(248) 233 10 42 07010 Muratpaşa/Antalya Saray Mah, Hilmi Balcı Sok. Design House Cumhuriyet Square Open Air F +90(248) 233 10 42 Press & Public Relations Department 07400 Alanya/Antalya Saray Mah. Atatürk Cad. Exhibition Space T +90(242) 241 47 17 T +90(242) 513 12 28 Akmanlar Sok. No: 7/F Antalya Metropolitan Municipality [email protected] F +90(242) 513 71 16 07400 Alanya/Antalya Culture and Social Affairs Isparta [email protected] T +90(242) 511 77 36 Department 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya Isparta Museum Antalya State Symphony Antalya Archaeology Museum T +90(242) 325 91 31 İstiklal Mah. Millet Cad. No: 4 Orchestra Konyaaltı Cad. No: 88 32300 Merkez/Isparta Yüzüncü Yıl Bulvarı, Atatürk 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya Burdur Konyaaltı Open Air Theatre T +90(246) 218 34 37 Culture Park, Antalya Culture T +90(242) 238 56 88 – 89 Konyaaltı Woods – BeachPark F +90(246) 223 94 03 Center 07030 Muratpaşa/Antalya F +90(242) 238 56 87 State Gallery of Fine Arts 07030 Konyaaltı/Antalya T +90(242) 238 52 33 [email protected] Değirmenler Mah. Mehmet Akif T +90(554) 797 55 09 Uluborlu Museum F +90(242) 238 52 32 Ersoy Cad. No: 119 (Çelikbaşlar [email protected] Güreşyeri Mah. Alaaeedin Konağı) 15200 Merkez/Burdur Konyaaltı City Square Keykubat Public Library Building Antalya Atatürk House and T +90(248) 232 22 10 Akdeniz Bulvarı 32650 Uluborlu/Isparta Museum 07070 Konyaaltı/Antalya T +90(246) 531 24 99 Antalya State Theatre Işıklar Caddesi 07100 T +90(242) 245 55 00 Haşim İşcan Culture Center Muratpaşa/Antalya Isparta Yalvaç Museum Muratpaşa Mah. Evliya Çelebi T +90(242) 241 15 27 Marina Amphitheatre Hükümet Cad. No: 4 Cad. Eski Hal Kavşağı Akdeniz Art House Yacht Marina – Kaleiçi 07010 Muratpaşa/Antalya 32400 Yalvaç/Isparta İstiklal Mah. 1110. Sok No: 7 Antalya Metropolitan Municipality T+90(246) 441 50 59 Müdürlük T +90(242) 248 97 94 Antalya Toy Museum 32300 Merkez/Isparta Culture and Social Affairs Gişe Tel: +90(242) 247 87 27 İskele Caddesi Kaleiçi Yacht T +90(246) 218 99 20 Department 07100 [email protected] Marina 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya [email protected] Muratpaşa/Antalya T +90(242) 248 49 33 T +90(242) 325 91 31 All rights of images and texts used in this catalogue are reserved. 2012 © Antalya Promotion and Tourism Development Inc., BAKA West Mediterranean Development Agency

Photographical Archives Antalya Culture and Tourism Provincial Directorate, AKMED Kaleiçi Museum, AKSAV Antalya Culture and Art Foundation, Alanya Cultural Centre, Alanya Archaeological Museum, Alanya Municipality, ALTAV Alanya Promotion Foundation, Antalya Aquarium, Antalya Archaeological Museum, Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, Antalya Municipal Theatre, Antalya State Opera and Ballet, Antalya State Symphony Orchestra, Antalya State Theatre, ATSO Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Best Ajans, Burdur Culture and Tourism Provincial Directorate, Isparta Culture and Tourism Provincial Directorate, Kaş Municipality, Kemer Municipality, KETAV Kemer Promotion Foundation, Kepez Municipality, Konyaaltı Municipality, Likya Wine, Manavgat Municipality, Muratpaşa Municipality, Side Municipality, Turset Project Management, Yalvaç Municipality.

Photographs Serdar Aydın (Cover, 3, 4, 6, 7, 16, 17, 21, 36, 37) • Fatih Pınar (12, 18, 22, 28, 29, 33) • Ali Aral (23) • ShutterStock Archive (41)

Text Tamer Utku Editing Cenk Gündoğdu Translation İlker Nedimoğlu Translation Editing Anya McKee Design Fikribir Visual Communication Solutions • Print Kutlu Avcı •


Flowers and Children AKTOB Mediterranean Hotels Association

ALTSO Alanya Chamber of Commerce and Industry

ANTALYA Transport Company BAKA Yayın No. 2012/64 • ISBN 978-605-86397-4-4

ATAV Antalya Promotion Foundation

ATB Antalya Commodity Exchange

ATSO Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry

BETUYAB Belek Tourism Investors Association

IMEAK Chamber of Sea Commerce

MATSO Manavgat Chamber of Commerce and Industry