17 .. Professional Sports Networks CPC Test Calendar Lockbourne, OH; Mel Miller, Lancaster, PA; J. Albert Starr, Arlington, VA; S'ephen Powell, Clemson, SC; Jim Ippolito, Lewes, DE; Lance Tho- mas, Airdry, Alberta (rejoins); Joe Esposito, York PA; Daniel Gillet, Varennes, Quebec; Garrett Wollman, Framingham, MA; Tom Gallagher, Irv- KTNS-1060 - 40356 Oak Park Way - Oakhurst, ing,TX; Blake Lawrence, Washington, DX (rejoins); CA 93644 will conduct a DX test Friday, Novem- Charles Kaeff, Covington, KY; Bryan D. Price, In- ber 8 from 12:00 am-1:00 am EST. The test will con- dianapolis, IN; James Salvaggio, State College, PA; sist of "Music of your Life" and Morse code ID'S. Bob Audell, Buellton, CA; Joseph Roccino, Cuddy, The test will be run at KTNS's full daytime power PA; Ronald Elersich, Lancaster, CA; Anne Johnson, of 5000 watts, and a non-directional antenna pat- Holladay, UT; Craig Lush, Springfield, VA; Conrad tern will be used. Reception reports may be sent C. Taylor, New Rochelle, NY; Gregory Renner, to Mr. Larry W. Gamble, General Manager White Bear Lake, MN; Richard Utter, Scottsville, <<
[email protected]>>.Arranged by Lynn NY;Don Calbick, Moses Lake, WA; Ricky Oerman, Hollerman for the IRCA CPC. Coffeyville, KS; Kevin D'Amico, Fairmont, WV; From the Publisher .. More good news: I sur- Peter Dernbach, Manchester, MO; Michael McKee, vived a complete "meltdown" of the computer on Surnner, WA; Sol rundbaken, Savannah, GA; Dave which I keep the mailing/membership database, Freeman, Rego Park, NY; John Kosinski, Stamford, and if you're reading this DXN on time, all went CT; Eric Conchie, Tweed, Ontario (rejoins); James well with the complete fdisk/format of the hard Bolit, Temecula, CA; Bill Marvin, Waseca, MN (re- drive and re-installation of all necessary software, joins); Kevin Burnett, Palo Alto, CA; Andrew thanks to some help from my trusty Mac.