17 .. Professional Sports Networks DX Tie Machine
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17 .. Professional Sports Networks CPC Test Calendar Lockbourne, OH; Mel Miller, Lancaster, PA; J. Albert Starr, Arlington, VA; S'ephen Powell, Clemson, SC; Jim Ippolito, Lewes, DE; Lance Tho- mas, Airdry, Alberta (rejoins); Joe Esposito, York PA; Daniel Gillet, Varennes, Quebec; Garrett Wollman, Framingham, MA; Tom Gallagher, Irv- KTNS-1060 - 40356 Oak Park Way - Oakhurst, ing,TX; Blake Lawrence, Washington, DX (rejoins); CA 93644 will conduct a DX test Friday, Novem- Charles Kaeff, Covington, KY; Bryan D. Price, In- ber 8 from 12:00 am-1:00 am EST. The test will con- dianapolis, IN; James Salvaggio, State College, PA; sist of "Music of your Life" and Morse code ID'S. Bob Audell, Buellton, CA; Joseph Roccino, Cuddy, The test will be run at KTNS's full daytime power PA; Ronald Elersich, Lancaster, CA; Anne Johnson, of 5000 watts, and a non-directional antenna pat- Holladay, UT; Craig Lush, Springfield, VA; Conrad tern will be used. Reception reports may be sent C. Taylor, New Rochelle, NY; Gregory Renner, to Mr. Larry W. Gamble, General Manager White Bear Lake, MN; Richard Utter, Scottsville, <<[email protected]>>.Arranged by Lynn NY;Don Calbick, Moses Lake, WA; Ricky Oerman, Hollerman for the IRCA CPC. Coffeyville, KS; Kevin D'Amico, Fairmont, WV; From the Publisher .. More good news: I sur- Peter Dernbach, Manchester, MO; Michael McKee, vived a complete "meltdown" of the computer on Surnner, WA; Sol rundbaken, Savannah, GA; Dave which I keep the mailing/membership database, Freeman, Rego Park, NY; John Kosinski, Stamford, and if you're reading this DXN on time, all went CT; Eric Conchie, Tweed, Ontario (rejoins); James well with the complete fdisk/format of the hard Bolit, Temecula, CA; Bill Marvin, Waseca, MN (re- drive and re-installation of all necessary software, joins); Kevin Burnett, Palo Alto, CA; Andrew thanks to some help from my trusty Mac. Did I Wagner,Sacramento,CA;Eric Breon, Middletown, ever mention that I hate Windows? I'A; Michael Westfall, Los Alamos, NM; Jack Jerry Starr forwards news that Canadianpostal Greenlee, Rockford, MI; James Niven, Moody, TX authorities have announced that the provincial (rejoins from Australia); Paul Jellison, Cincinnati, postal code for Newfoundland and Labrador will OH. Welcome, all! change from NF to NL effective October 21,2002. DX Tie Machine The Canadian Post Office will continue to recog- From the pages of DX News: nize NF for six months following the change. 50 years ago .. fmm the October 18, 1952 Dm: Now, if they'd just send our northernneighbors Everett Johnson, IL reported receiving 11 these copies of DXN as fast as our postal authori- ve"es during hepast week,including one KVMC- ties in the UK do to our members there, we'd ALL 1320 for their D~ program on 9.1-52. Prater, be happy campers and stamp-lickers! Grimsley, TN reported having Tenessee verified 100%. Lower Deck GTG ... and Arlene Arruda's 25 years ago ... from the October 24, 1977 Dm: annual nanksgiving GTG will take place on Sat- kny~~~ll,~ view of the sonyICF.5900W was that it urday, November 23, 2002 from noon until ? in wasdrift.prone~~tuse~ac~eapcrysta~io~eca~i~rator~ "The Lower Deck" at47 Burt Street, Acushnet, MA. it was temperature.sensitive;and it used nylon All DXers, hams, and anyone with a general inter- gears that ~nbacklash. est in radio are welcome. They have limited space 10 years ago ... from the october, 1992 ~m: available for overnight accomoda tions. This is their KQNG.57Ws tower in ~ih~~,HI -c.,,mbled me a paper 25th consecutive year for the event! dip" during Hurricane Inika, but the station was back Welcome to these new NRC members .. Loyal on &e air in a couple ofdays via a 400.foot wirestrung Richmond, Louisville, KY; Richard Ptomey, between two mes. 2 Jerry Starr a8jv@!lyahoo.tolu Domestic DX Digest DDXD-E ' Switch C/OWHOT Radio (Dlblslon line rs - 4040 Simon Road West: Bill Hale phantom 24eaze.net k,m,and $Dk;w -- fa- Youngstown. OH 44512-1320 6124 Romg Spmga Dnve - 'lorth Lchland H~llsTX 76180.5552 Central trme zones) - -A rs r.-- i East: Ginnie Lupi [email protected] - - PO Box 4014, Clifton Park, New York 12065 / CALL LETTER CHANGES Old call Nczu cdl DX Catches in the U. S. and Canada with 24-hx ELT $ha, rrat 1490 WHAV MA Haverhill WCCM i #A APPLICATIONS 1 GRANTS FOR NEW STATlON DDXD-West MEDIUM WAVE RAMBLINGS None 3 4 falr turnout thls week for thls early in the season Let s keep ~tup and get those reports 111 pronto CUN7 APPLICATIONS FROM EXISTING FACILITIES 630 1I'BMQ GA Savannah: 4800/47 U1 REPORTERS 740 II'GSM NY Huntington: 20000/50 U1 DKK-CA Don Kaskey San Francisco Drake R8A + KIWA Alrloop <kaskeyfam~lv@yahoocorn> 890 KLFF CA Arroyo Grande: 5000/1000 U2 DN-CA Darrell Neft Costa Mesa DX-398 barefoot <neftsBsurfslde net> 890 KSDG CA Julian: 1500/700 U4 JJR-WI John J. R~egerSouth Milwaukee GE Superadlo 111, Terk AM1000 loop or Icom IC-R75 980 KNTR AZ Lake Havasu City: IOOII/4'JUI Kiwa loop MFJ-959B tuner-preamp <johnlr~egerBwebt\net> 1240 KSOX TX Ravmonrlvill~.8511/~.50 UI JTR-OK John Reed Shawnee Sklian~aR1414/URR + SE-3 mod~f~edKIWA MW loop <]reed@alum~mt edu> KR-AZ Kevin Redd~ng Mesa homebrewed 1 tube [IT41 radio ~~tha 60 antenna <amfmt\dxQqwest net> DS-TN* Doug Sm~th Pleasant V~ew Ken~oodTS-440 hcim rlg & 400 Belerage-on-ground <r\9w1Qw9w1corn> 'ind~cates DX automatlcall\ rc~ordedon computer 9311 WSLI MS Jackson: 3800/3100 U2 DS-TNI Doug Sm~thNashville 1998 Ford car rad~o 111311 WONQ FL Oviedo: 45000/700 U2 JW-CO John Wllklns Wheat Ridge Drakc li X 4-foot box loop <peakbagger?@pno con?> 1390 WHPB SC Belton: 1000/17 U1 Ed.-TX Editor North Richland Hllls 1570 WNSH MA Beverlv: s00/Rs Us WHAP Sl'Al'lON NEWS & NOTES OTHERNESS WMIN WI Hudson - Changes to CatholicIEWTN. (Upper Midwest Broadcasting) 550 WKNJ NJ Lakeside: CP CANCELED, caIl DELETED (move to Harr~man,NY also JIC,~ KJJQ SD Volga - Has dropped oldies for newsltalk and ESPN sports. with this cancellation) (100000watts.com) 1090 WBZB NC Selma: CP tor SIIIID1 is on KNNZ UT Cedar City - Has changed format to CNN News. Ex: C&W. 1260 WISO PR Ponce: CP for 2500/2501I U1 1s on (100000watts.com) 1290 KBMO hlN Benson: CP for 330/24 UI is on KGUY OR Milwaukie - Has returned to the air after being otf for a couple of weeks. 1340 WNZS ME Veazie: new station is ON THE 41R I (100000watts.com) 1430 KLO UT Ogden: CP for 10000/5000 U4 is on CO Aurora - 1018 0030 -Noted off the air, sometimes w~thOC. Came back on 1440 WFNY NY Gloversville: new station has been testing on the air ! next day about 1000 ET. (JW-CO) i KNUZ TX Bellville - 1s now// KEZB 105.3Hempstead, Texas and KLTR 107.3Caldwell/ THANKS: Bill Hale, Ed Krejny, & Les Johnson Bryan/College Station Texas with soft AC. So listen for those CLs on 1090. (100000watts.com) 73 and Good DX, Jerry Starr & Buffalo K.Foonman WMRH W1 Waupun - Has applied for new call letters, WFDL, and will switch to a talk format. (Wide World of Wisconsin Radio) KFMO MO Flat River - Format is now talk. Ex: C&W. (DX-midAMerica.com) IjThe NRC AM Radio Log, 23rd Edition 7 WTDA WI Madison -Contrary to reports seen here last issue, WTDA will NOT leave 1 the air. Minds have changed, and this station \v11I become kladi>c~n'sfirst includingcross-referenced listings from 530-1708 Spanish-language station on 10114. New calls will be WLMV. and their new khz., is compiled from both listenersyreports and slogan will be Ln Movldn. (Bill Dvorak on the L\'e!eh) official sources, making it the most accurate KGBC TX Galveston - Has returned to its longtlmc oldies format after trying Spanish listing of U. S. and Canadian AM stations avail- religion for a couple of months. (100000watts.com) able. Unbound, three-hole punched for standard WSNE KY Georgetown -Had switched to sports, vln Fox Sports R'idlo and 1s Xtm Spi~rts binders. $19.95 to U. S. members; $25.95 to U. 1580, droppmg standards. (100000watts.com) S. non-NRC members; to Canadian members, $23.00 ($29.00 to non-NRC members). Airmail TI5 & @'THEI<STUFF to members in western Europe (except Italy) 800 UNID ?? - 1017 - Suddenl~appeared at 0007 with 3 beeps followed h\ hl volce and Australia, New Zealand, and Japan: $29.00. announcement. Th~sthree-beep/voicesequencecont~~iued at the rateot about All others contact us for exact prices. Order three per minute - lnd~vtdualsegments actually varied from 1h to 12 ieconds. from: NRC Publications - Box 164 - Mannsville, Was only able to catch a few phrases, e.g. Tliis is Trni~l~ic.r>Iiifi~rrriiiti,~ii , Tlris 3661 (NY residents, please add sales tax). 15 KOBI(?I . Kiii~.\ni, . foreii~>tfor. tllr 7' om,and 1711 OII,I/ o~itl~oiit!~.No / 5 more beeps after 0021. Loops roughly ESE. (JW-CO) (TIS in Colby? -PIS.) KKNT AZ Phoenix - 1014 2038 - With a talk show, but host unknown. (KR-AZ) KlXW CA Apple Valley -9130 0859 -Alone on frequency, although splatter from KKFN REGULAR DX LOGGlNGS (times in ELT) 950,with legal ID: KlXW AM Applc, Vnlle!l-Victori~illr.This is Const to Con! KFYI AZ Phoenix 1014 2004 With CBS News with story of Greyhound asking for - - AM on Talk 960. CNN News at 0900.