Bryanexplains Views on Railroad Ownership
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TIMK ISMONEY AnyKRTisrcn s Vnn will have mor# <lm« tat Who rnnnnt Mffnttt to n«» <tlapl*.T• o«li<T IhlniriIf you rn(ru.l more n<tv«rM«tne nhnnlrt huff \u25a0 •»«»< of your InnUn to lltrnM n<H. Los Angeles Herald. nrt la The llrrxlfl. II will p*y. i) XXXIII, n l VOL. NO. 340. PRICE: | "&r*s,<£ff"{'6s CENTS WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1906. PRICE: SINGLE COPY 6, CENTS BRYAN EXPLAINS VIEWS ON RAILROAD OWNERSHIP BRYAN EXPLAINS VIEWS ON RAILROAD OWNERSHIP BURGLAR TRAP KILLS WOMAN SCORE HURT IN NEW YORK FOR NEW FLOATING PALACES OWL CAR Seattle Landlady Opens Lodger's Ferry Car Strikes Van and Passengers BOSSES Hamburg.American Steamship Conic Trunk and Receives Fatal Bui- CARMEN Are Jumbled To- pany Adds Five Millions to CHICAGO let, Dying Instantly i aether Its Capital By Associated Press. By Associated Press. By Awoelated Press. PLEASES SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 4.—Mrs. GO BACK NEW YORK, Sept. 4.—Six men were IN HAMBURG, Sept. 4.— The Hamburg- Daly, proprietress of Induing bndly In the ABE Steamship company toduy Emma a so hurt an accident on American Avenue, Thirty-ninth street of plan GEEETS house at 582H First In thl9 ferry line the announced a to lseue $5,000,000 now city, was shot and Instantly killed this Brooklyn Ilapld Transit .that they were capital, making a total of $30,000,000. afternoon by a burglar trap arranged taken to the Coney Island reception The official statement explains that WORKERS In his trunk by one of her lodgers, Gene TOWORK hospital. Several may die from thetr CONTROL the Increase Is necessary to build new Basterene. injuries. steamers and siiyn the America and the Mrs. Duly remarked to her companion A score of others, some of them Kalcerln Augusts Victoria have hither- .BEYAS "wonder Ifona ofmy keys willopen the women, were hurt by flying splinters to been unable to take more than half trunk." Suit Ing the action to the word when a.cnr crashed Into a heavy van the passengers asking for accommoda- Toilers of the Night the woman Inserted a key, turned tho Vote to Submit Their between Ulmer Park find Coney Island. Parker Forecasts the tions. Hence, the company Intends to lock and lifted the trunk lid. Motorman Hansen did not see the build others of the same type and es- Westerner Continues There was a report and crying, "I'm truck, but many of those on the run- tablish a regular weekly service to New Grateful for the shot," Mrs. Daly fell dead. Demands to Board ning board did. Most of them Jumped. Nomination of York of that class of vessels. The officers have not as yet located The car struck the van withterrific Additional tonnage Is aIBO required Journey to Home Basterene. force and men were swept from the for other lines. of Arbitration running board. i Gillett • Amid Ovations /\u25a0 \u0084 New Service Especially StrikeBreakers and Mob Humiliation of Buef Is FATAL WRECK ON SHIP OF WAR MAY States Should Own Their Benefits the Night in San Francisco ARIZONA RANGERS Planned by Those Local, Not Trunk Telegraphers UNION PACIFIC Exchange Shots in Power RAID PLOTTERS BRING STENSLAND Lines of Travel InSix Coaches General Satisfaction Expressed InAll Thlrty.five Passengers Traction President Calhoun Has No. Los Angeles Delegation Arrives at If Navy Cannot Co-operate State's — Revolutionists' Junta In Douglas Ex. Declares, Quarters Where Men Have Shaken Up The Locomotive titled State and Attorney Will Send Repre. Amid Cheers, Democracy City Authorities pected Orders From Toronto Santa Cruz and Plans to Hold . Long Felt Need of Plunges Over Embank. .. — sentatlve From His Of. Is Making Great on . of Abilityto Run Cars If* ' > Morning Slates Gains Is. \u25a0 to Take Up Arms and Caucus This With Engineer ' Chicago sues Squarely Put Before , Later Electrics ment \u25a0 In .' Given Protection . Enter Mexico . Are Now Completed To the tollers of the night late cars By Associated Press.' By Associated Press. By Associated Press. Sept. By Associated Press. Special to The Herald,, appeal special force, CHEYENNE, Wyo., 4.—The SAX FRANCISCO, CHICAGO, Sept. 4—A telegram to with and hun- on Sept. 4 Tli«- Ariz., The SANTA CRUZ, Sept. 4.—"1 still ad- fty Ac«oelatftd Press. westbound Los Angeles limited the DOUGLAS, Sept. 4.— cam- Deneen from jthe state de- dreds of men whose work keeps them Union Pacific railroad was wrecked at atrlke of the car men on tbe United paign against the. Mexican revolution- here to my assertion made yesterday to Governor. CHICAGO, Sept. 4.—William J.'BryJ-.' midnight Railroads which, hove been completely partment stated that employed •until -long past are 2 o'clock this morning at Red'Butte, ary movement In this section, which The Herald that Glllett willreceive not late this afternoon an as a guest of the local Democracy looking beginning of forty miles west of Cheyenne. tied up alnce Aygtmt 26 wan practically waged for.several weeks, cul- no home coming warship was due by forward to the Including six coaches, ended tonight a moan has been less than 460 votes," said Walter Parker today delivered '"two addresses withinJ owl The entire train. when at meeting; minated this evening when a body of the wayof the Mediterranean for forty ' car service September 10. left engine and bag- rangers, by Captain tonight. "Glilett willbe nominated. on eight hours. \u25a0' ,' the track and the the enrmen voted to return to work find directed \u25a0 Yesterday night work- gage Arizona or fifty days. : The contents • ofj the , His " a number of car turned over. .Fireman W. J. submit the queatlon of ivngex and hours Tom Rynning, raided a house In an the second ballot. The first ballot will iirst spe?ch, which was made at' personally expressed badly scalded. A tramp message forwarded 'to Assistant ers their thankn Cook was to a committee of arbitration. isolated section near the International be for tHe benefit of favorite sons." \u25a0 was a luncheon given in his honor, by (name unknown) was killed and an- • meetings have held the' to The Herald for its. steadfast advo- It Is; proponed, that- till*action will line where • been The and An- State's Attorney Barbour tonight. members of thelroquols club,; i' other fatally Injured. of late. \u25a0 '• . .words actions of the Los dealt cacy of late cars and expressed their Yesterday Angeles, Include not only the arbitration. of dlC- geles Republican boss organ- This complication, according to Mr. entirely with political and; the Los limited and the . Revolvers, a quantity of dynamite and other the Issues appreciation of Mr. Huntlngton's cortV- eastbound was derailed near Evanston, ferencea between the enrmen some Incendiary were Barbour, will necessitate the sending of economic questions 'day. Wyo., the engine over, corapnny bnt nlno those of thellnenten, and literature ization men indicate either that Parker ' of^ the pliance with wishes thousands. and turned but discovered' in the house. a man from the state's attorney's office \u25a0 the of accident. ' knows for a certainty that the machine The second speech, which was made no one was badly hurt in that electricians, flremen and conntructlon About the same hour that the. search to the Pew realize the number of men whose today on program Is be carried out or that he bring back defaulting bank pres- at a banquet given in'hls honor by The accident occurred the workcru now on strike. was being made, officers stationed to • begins early evening and • became ident, \u25a0 Paul \u25a0 O.; jStensland, now under the^ work in the double track and the line : The resolution adopted by the union about town arrested twelve men who is. making a tremendous bluff. Those - Jefferson club.^ was devoted to National' at 1 2 In for other trains. Tangier. ' ends or o'clock the morn- blocked provides the' matter must first be are alleged to be members of. the revo- well acquainted with Parker say that arrest in Vy..' Commltteeman' Roger C.v Sullivan' "of,' ing. \u25a0' . Among the Injured were: lutionary party. These men, It Is de- Attorney Barbour . E. Barber, .Angeles; to strike committee of whenever he Is uncertain about any- Assistant State's Illinois, whose resignation !Mr. Bryan" \u25a0 waiters, Charles' ..Los submitted the. clared, prosecuted the embraces patrolmen, \u25a0\u25a0 will be under earlier made' a.demand on the United t > .The'llst strain and bruise of back. : of , , \u25a0 thing he Is -proverbial oyster, demanded bii ,who was bby.yy ' . Cal,; the seven affiliated unions the em- neutrality law. .•*...•»\u25a0\u25a0- % .'\u25a0 \u25a0.- like the States government for a 'warship \to i indorsed . clerks, newspaper men, tele- Mrs. K. Dodge, Long Beach, . < bank L. ployes United; 'Among'- tonight he gives figures recent I \u25a0\u25a0 ' eye. • • ,'. oh the Railroads forratl-, | the number "arrested and that only when he bring Stensland back.' the state convention which also operators, night watchmen, jan- bruised under left '\u25a0\u25a0•'. '\u0084.'.. Salcido,., jan agitator^ J graph Crosher, ' Angeles; fleatlon, but no opposition is expected was Abram. who can place his finger on*the necessary The request was sent by Mr. Barbour declJirud ?n favor of Mr: Bryan 'as' the^ itors,' firemen, railway . Isabelle' Los -neck led Morend years ago ' following -series clerks in of- injured. '• ;' of the the strike a few '.\u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 is, '..'. to Governor Deneen a next Democratic nominee president, ' i • and itIs believed tjiatthe strike and who, was later Imprisoned. \u25a0 votes.' communications between the state for fices, hotel employes and many others. thlrty-flve passengers were ' of. My. Bryan only \u25a0 About carmen as well as those of the other Consequently his assertion that Gll- and Acting Secretary of i not; scored Sullivan experience of many up and but none of them formally be to- Expect Toronto Orders executive State and .".'lt' has been the shaken fcruised Hans ' Bangs, unions will ' • 'declared oft wl(l be nominated Adee, Washington.