# w STATE P0 L I c E * <: i\i ttfcfciHK****** RESEARCH REPORT RESEARCH DEPARTMENT KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL S T A T E POLICE ANALYSIS OF EXISTING LAWS AND OF THE EXPERIENCE OF (.TIER STATES WITH SPECIAL APPLICATION TO KANSAS RESEARCH REPORT Prepared as a Basis of Discussion of Proposals Pending Before The Kansas Legislative Council November Meeting, 1934 RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL STATE OF KANSAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Lieut. Gov. Charles W. Thompson, Chairman Speaker 7/. H. Vernon, Vice Chairman Franklin Corrick, Secretary J. W. Blood, Representative S. C. BlosS, Representative II. S. Buzick, Jr., Representative C. V. Cochran, Representative Clyde W. Coffman, Senator Claude 0. Conkey, Senator R. A. Cox, Representative Jess C. Dcnious, Senator C. B. Dodge, Senator -. A. Doerschlag, Representative V'. G. Fink, Representative Matt Guilfoyle, Representative Claud Hanson, Senator Edmund 0. Kirchner, Representative Dallas V. Knapp, Senator Oscar ?. May, Representative John 0. Worse, Representative Joseph S. McDonald, Senator . Clarence G. N..vins, Representative Charier H. Palmer, Representative John H. Riddle, Representative Ralph G. Rust, Senator Thale P. Skovgard, Senator Ray Smith, Represc-ntativo Harry Tarrcn, Senator Research Department F. H. Guild, Director Cand.n Strain, Asst. Director This report has been compiled ps a bnsis for consideration of Proposal 11, now pending before the Legislative Council. For information concerning th? actual operation of state police systems the chief source has been the offi cial reports of the departments concerned, supplemented by considerable correspondence. The offices of the Attorney General of Kansas, Adjutant General, and Legal Department of the Highway Gomnission have contributed information of importance. Much material has been taken from the standard authorities, particularly v.horc facts were not available and it 7 ns necessary to rtly upon tha opinions of competent observers.
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