— • "15IDE RLDG. F 46K ^ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY S^ctfoa (ybi ( — OCTAVO ANTHEMS. Per copy. 16. Wait Upon the Lord, by . E. O. Excell, $0 05 FROM Solo—Soprano or Tenor, Chorus. 25. Rock of Ages, by . E. O. Excell, o 05 Quartet or Chorus. VOL 36. Fear Thou Not, by . E. O. Excell, 05 Solo— Bass, Duet—Tenor and Bass, Chorus. 42. He Shall Feed His Flock, by . E. 0. Excell, 05 1 Duet—Tenor and Alto, Chorus. 120. Praise Waiteth for Thee, by . E. O. Excell, o 08 Trio— Alto, Tenor and Bass, Solo— Bass, Chorus. 1S5. Consider the Lilies, by . E. O. Excell, 08 FROM Duet— Alto and Tenor, Solo — Bass, Solo—Tenor, Chorus. 210. Wake the Song of Jubilee, by . E. O. Excell, o 05 Baritone Obligate Chorus. VOL. 222. I Was Glad, by . J. M. Dungan, o 05 Quartet or Chorus. 255. He Giveth His Beloved Sleep, by . H. P. Banks, o 05 2. Solo—Soprano or Tenor, Quarft. 320. T Will Extol Thee, by . E. O. Excel!, o 08 Solo— Soprano, Solo—Tenor, Duet— Tenor and Alto, Chorus. 3. Come, Thou Fount, by . E. O. Excell, o 05 Solo— Alto, Duet—Soprano and Alto, Solo—Tenor, Duet Soprano and Tenor, Solo— Bass, Chorus FROM 14. Lovely Zion, by . Charles H. Gabriel, o 05 Duet—Tenor and Bass, Soprano and Alto, Obligato VOL. Soprano, Chorus. iS. The Lord is My Shepherd, by . E. H. Packard, o 05 Trio— Alto, Tenor and Bass, Solos— Alto and Soprano, Chorus.
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