Annual Report 2Oo5–2Oo6 President’S Letter
annual report 2oo5–2oo6 president’s letter The Norman Rockwell Museum tional curriculum; and emphasize is a wonderfully fascinating place, Norman Rockwell’s preeminence made so, as I’ve often said over the in the field of American illustration years, because it is at the same time by judiciously collecting important so simple and yet so complex … works of illustrators who influenced, somewhat like Norman Rockwell’s or were influenced by, Norman art. His messages may be simple Rockwell … an exciting new direc- and accessible, but his vision and tion just voted by the Board in June. his artistry in executing his vision were anything but simple. As I end my tenure as President of the Board, I must acknowledge my earnest Our incredibly talented staff makes admiration for Laurie Norton Moffatt, what we do at the Museum look our esteemed Director and CEO, for simple, and how they manage to do her extraordinary, enthusiastic leader- so much with so little never ceases to ship … and my deep gratitude to our amaze. Again this year, they mounted National Council, our Illustrators a huge number of exhibits character- Advisory, and our very dedicated ized by elegance in artistic presentation Trustees for their time, talent, and and, importantly for us, in scholarship. generosity. You would be hard pressed They make it look simple because to find a more devoted group of advo- they are so good at what they do. cates. Congratulations and best wishes as well to Dan Cain, who will succeed Both the Board of Trustees and staff me as Board President.
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