What is Function? From organelles to organisms, Function seeks papers that contribute to defining the mechanistic basis of living systems in health and disease. Function aims to be a highly selective journal, publishing major advances that extend physiological understanding of biological function and the changes associated with disease states. Why Function? Why Now? The American Physiological Society (APS) developed Function to provide a new home for authors—members and nonmembers—who welcome a fresh, multidisciplinary option for publishing their most important physiology research. What Makes Function Unique? Function will be unique as an open access, high-profile physiology journal that is society-owned and edited by working scientists. New features have been added to expediate the publication of the most important physiology research. New Features FUNCTION FOCUS PERSPECTIVE ARTICLES This new type of short focus article reports For full original research articles, Function on a new and important observation. These will include a perspective, opinion, or “quick release” articles allow for solid research commentary article from a top expert in the to be reported without all the ramifications field providing an elevated point of view on expected in a full research paper. the scientific impact of the article. NEW STYLE EVIDENCE REVIEWS FINAL DECISION AFTER INITIAL REVIEW These articles will evaluate the factual Submitting authors will receive a firm new style evidence in a field and therefore only cite decision about acceptance or rejection after original articles and not other reviews. the initial review, even if revisions are needed. Learn more and submit at journals.physiology.org/function. Questions? Contact
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