69 Adjacency Matrix
Index A-optimality, 439 angle between matrices, 168 absolute error, 484, 494, 526 angle between vectors, 37, 229, 357 ACM Transactions on Mathematical ANSI (standards), 475, 562, 563 Software, 552, 617 Applied Statistics algorithms, 617 adj(·), 69 approximation and estimation, 431 adjacency matrix, 331–334, 390 approximation of a matrix, 174, 257, Exercise 8.20:, 396 339, 437, 533 augmented, 390 approximation of a vector, 41–43 adjoint (see also conjugate transpose), arithmetic mean, 35, 37 59 Arnoldi method, 318 adjoint, classical (see also adjugate), 69 artificial ill-conditioning, 269 adjugate, 69, 598 ASCII code, 460 adjugate and inverse, 118 association matrix, 328–338, 357, 365, affine group, 115, 179 366, 369–371 affine space, 43 adjacency matrix, 331–332, 390 affine transformation, 228 connectivity matrix, 331–332, 390 Aitken’s integral, 217 dissimilarity matrix, 369 AL(·) (affine group), 115 distance matrix, 369 algebraic multiplicity, 144 incidence matrix, 331–332, 390 similarity matrix, 369 algorithm, 264, 499–513 ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear batch, 512 Algebra Software), 555 definition, 509 augmented adjacency matrix, 390 direct, 264 augmented connectivity matrix, 390 divide and conquer, 506 Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra greedy, 506 Software (ATLAS), 555 iterative, 264, 508–511, 564 autoregressive process, 447–450 reverse communication, 564 axpy, 12, 50, 83, 554, 555 online, 512 axpy elementary operator matrix, 83 out-of-core, 512 real-time, 512 back substitution, 274, 406 algorithmically singular, 121 backward error analysis,
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