A Mathematical Bibliography of Signed and Gain Graphs and Allied Areas Compiled by Thomas Zaslavsky Manuscript prepared with Marge Pratt Department of Mathematical Sciences Binghamton University Binghamton, New York, U.S.A. 13902-6000 E-mail:
[email protected] Submitted: March 19, 1998; Accepted: July 20, 1998. Sixth Edition, Revision a 20 July 1998 Mathematical Subject Classifications (1991): Primary 05-02, 05C99; Secondary 05B20, 05B25, 05B35, 05C10, 05C15, 05C20, 05C25, 05C30, 05C35, 05C38, 05C45, 05C50, 05C60, 05C65, 05C70, 05C75, 05C80, 05C85, 05C90, 05E25, 05E30, 06A07, 06A09, 05C10, 15A06, 15A15, 15A39, 15A99, 20B25, 20F55, 34C11, 51D20, 51E20, 52B12, 52B30, 52B40, 52C07, 68Q15, 68Q25, 68Q35, 68R10, 82B20, 82D30, 90A08, 90B10, 90C08, 90C27, 90C35, 90C60, 92D40, 92E10, 92H30, 92J10, 92K10, 94B25. Colleagues: HELP! If you have any suggestions whatever for items to include in this bibliography, or for other changes, please let me hear from you. Thank you. Index A 1 H 48 O 83 V 110 B 8 I 59 P 84 W 111 C 20 J 60 Q 90 X 118 D 28 K 63 R 90 Y 118 E 32 L 71 S 94 Z 115 F 36 M 76 T 104 G 39 N 82 U 109 Preface A signed graph is a graph whose edges are labeled by signs. This is a bibliography of signed graphs and related mathematics. I regard as fundamental the notion of balance of a circuit (sign product equals +, the sign group identity) and the vertex-edge incidence matrix (whose column for a negative edge has two +1's or two −1's, for a positive edge one +1 and one −1, the rest being zero).