Copyrighted Material
Index Page numbers in bold refer to pages having answers to the questions abdominal thrusts, 84 age-related conditions, 72, 73, 75, 77, see also abfraction, 145 elderly patients abrasion, 58, 60, 145 osteoporosis, 72, 76 cavities, classification, 174 AIDS (acquired immune deficiency toothbrushing, 157, 174 syndrome), 20, 73, 77 accessory salivary glands, 99 airflow, decontamination rooms, 33, 37 Access to Health Records Act, 60 airway obstruction see choking accidents, COSHH regulations, 46 ALARP (ALARA) principles, 104, 105, 108, 109 acid etchants, 168, 178 quality assurance, 134 acids aldehyde, 12, 30, 37 dental materials, 167, 177 alginate salts, 59 effect on teeth, 56, 60, 74, 77, impressions, 177 154, 159 handling, 169, 179 pH, 173 storage, 180 saliva on, 91, 98 alkalis, pH, 173 vomit, 77, 159 alloy powder, amalgam, 167, 176 acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 20, alveolar crest fibres, periodontal ligament, 97 73, 77 amalgam, 167, 176 acquired immunity, 29 restorations acrylic disposal of extracted teeth, 44, 48, 169, 178 orthodontic appliances, 69 instruments, 163, 173 temporary crowns, 188 matrix systems, 176, 188 Actinomyces, 19, 21, 140, 147 preparation, 183, 188 acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, waste disposal, 48, 169, 178, 179 21, 158 amalgam pluggers, 173 Adams cribs, 68, 69, 189 amalgam traps, separators, 179 Adams pliers, 68, 69, 168, 177 ameloblasts, 148 adhesive bridges, 190 amelodentinal junction, 89, 96 adhesive cements, 171, 181 amylase, 98 adhesive pastes, denture retention, 175 anaerobic bacteria, 142, 147 adrenaline mouthwash ingredients and, 152, 158 anaphylaxis,COPYRIGHTED 83, 85 MATERIALtoxins, 149 local anaesthesia, 168, 173, 174, 177 anaphylaxis AED (automatic external defibrillators), drugs for, 80, 83, 85 80, 83 signs, 82, 86 aerosol contamination, 4, 9, 11, 12, 21 anatomy, 87–100 airway protection, 42, 47 angina, 82, 86 aesthetics, after root filling, 190 Angle’s classification, 63, 64, 67 Questions and Answers for Diploma in Dental Nursing, Level 3, First Edition.
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