First Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs in North and Central

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First Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs in North and Central MAY 2010 • Vol. 75 • No. 1257 • e-mail: [email protected] $1.00 Archbishop Meets 40th Clergy–Laity with Ecumenical Congress Features New Format Patriarch, Greek ATLANTA – Delegates to the 40th Cler- gy-Laity Congress will notice major changes Prime Minister in the format and program over past years when it convenes on July 4. ISTANBUL – Archbishop Demetrios It will be one day shorter, which will re- traveled to Istanbul on April 23 to par- sult in the saving of thousands of dollars for ticipate in a joint meeting with Ecumenical the delegates. It will end with the banquet Patriarch Bartholomew and Patriarch of on Wednesday evening, July 7. Location will Jerusalem Theophilos II on the resolution be the Marriott Atlanta Marquis hotel at the of pending issues regarding the Palestinian– Peachtree Center near Downtown. Jordanian communities in the United States. Co-chaired by Atlanta attorneys Nicho- The Archbishop’s five–day trip in- las Moraitakis and William B. Marianes, cluded a stop in Athens, where he met the Congress will begin with the official with Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and opening on Monday, July 5. Archbishop All Greece, and also with Prime Minister Demetrios will deliver the keynote address George Papandreou and other government University of Notre Dame photo focusing on the expanded theme: “Gather officials. Receives honorary doctorate My People to My Home – Come and See.” Archbishop Demetrios attended the SOUTH BEND, Ind. The University of Notre Dame honored Archbishop Demetrios at its May 16 Com- Afterward, as was the procedure initi- welcoming ceremony on April 24 for the mencement with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at the ceremony attended by more than 15,000. ated at the 2008 congress in Washington, Patriarch of Jerusalem and his delegation of With His Eminence are Richard Notedaert, chairman of the board of trustees, and university President Fr. delegates will break into eight groups hierarchs and clergy who arrived from the John Jenkins (right). Story on page 2 presided over by one of the Metropolitans Holy Land for the re–opening of the Jeru- who will discuss the theme as it applies salem Patriarchal Metochion of St. George to the Church and answer questions. The in Neochori. sessions will be interactive and analyze the After the formal reception for His Be- First Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs main thoughts of the theme. atitude, the Archbishop participated in the In his address, the Archbishop will successful meeting with the two Patriarchs elaborate on the theme and identify where and other hierarchs. in North and Central America Convenes the Church is making progress. The keynote On Sunday, April 25, the Patriarch of speech also will introduce the concept of Jerusalem and his synodal hierarchs cel- NEW YORK – More than 50 hierarchs Helmsley Park Lane hotel in Manhattan, “Global Orthodoxy,” focus on Orthodox ebrated the Divine Liturgy in the St. George will take part in the first Assembly of where accommodations and arrange- unity in the United States and discuss the metochion with the Ecumenical Patriarch Canonical Orthodox Bishops in North ments have been coordinated by the pan Orthodox movement and the impor- and His Eminence in attendance. and Central America, to be convened by staff of the Archbishop. The Archdiocese, tance of the new Episcopal Assembly held That afternoon, Ecumenical Patriarch Archbishop Demetrios May 26-28. through the Leadership 100 grant to the in May. His Eminence’s speech also will Bartholomew, in a special meeting with the The three-day series of meetings is Office of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and serve to introduce the Hierarchal and Fo- Archbishop, reviewed the arrangements the result of the decision of the Fourth Interfaith Relations, is underwriting much rum sessions. for the forthcoming Episcopal Assembly of Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference, of the expense, with other funds coming Hierarchal sessions North and Central America scheduled for which met in Chambésy, Switzerland in from a variety of Pan-Orthodox sources. Following His Eminence’s presenta- May 26–28 in New York. June 2009, after the extraordinary Synaxis In discussing the Assembly at the May tion, the Metropolitans of the Holy Epar- Archbishop Demetrios traveled to Ath- of all the Heads of the Autocephalous 7 meeting of the Archdiocesan Council in chial Synod will lead discussions of the ens on April 26. Churches previously convened by Ecu- Atlanta, Archbishop Demetrios explained keynote address and offer delegates the His meeting with the prime minister menical Patriarch Bartholomew. that the nature of the assembly is as “a opportunity to reflect on the speech. also included Alternate Minister of Foreign This Assembly, one of 12 that will be temporary, not a permanent institution. Two forums Affairs Dimitris Droutsas, and Foreign Affairs convened around the world in regions It is simply preparatory to facilitate the With the exception of the Administra- Chief of Protocol Ambassador Aikaterini where there is no single Orthodox pres- process of an ecumenical council (in the tion, and the Finance and Stewardship Boura (formerly the Consul General in New ence, will consist of the active canonical future) that will decide the final form of committees, no other committee meetings York). Their discussions concerned Greece bishops who reside in the region designat- the existence of the Church in a particular will take place. Instead, two forums will be and the Greek American community in the ed as North and Central America. In every country.” His Eminence further explained held, Orthodoxy: Yesterday and today, and U.S. On the same day His Eminence had two Assembly, the chairman will be the senior that the assembly is to meet annually and Orthodox Reality in America. meetings with the advance teams preparing bishop of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Ionian Village for the summer sessions. The Assembly will convene at the page 3 page 5 Archbishop Demetrios Attends White House Easter Prayer Breakfast hosted by President Obama, filled with the WASHINGTON –Archbishop Deme- rusalem; object of scorn and derision and – by faith in Jesus Christ. And the possibil- joy of the Resurrection of the Lord and with trios attended the Easter Prayer Breakfast abuse and torture by an empire. The agony ity of redemption can make straight the multiple expressions of faith in Him. Partic- at the White House for 70 Christian leaders of crucifixion amid the cries of thieves. The crookedness of a character; make whole ularly impressive were the opening remarks on April 6. where he had a seat of honor at discovery, just three days later, that would the incompleteness of a soul.” by the President which constitute a strong President Obama’s table. forever alter our world – that the Son of The president also said that of all the declaration of this faith in the Resurrection After welcoming the religious lead- Man was not to be found in His tomb and Gospel stories, Jesus’ last words on the of Christ and in its healing consequences ers as “brothers and sisters in Christ” the that Jesus Christ had risen.” cross – “Father, into your hands I commit for the world of today.” President said he wanted to join them and “We are awed by the grace He showed my spirit” --especially resonate with him In reflecting on the event a few days “continue the Easter celebration of our even to those who would have killed Him. during the Easter season. “These words later with members of the Archdiocese staff, risen Savior, and to reflect on the work to We are thankful for the sacrifice He gave were spoken by our Lord and savior, but His Eminence noted that, unlike prayer which His promise calls all of us.” for the sins of humanity. And we glory in they can just as truly be spoken by every breakfast in past years, the composition of He further noted: “For even after the the promise of redemption in the resur- one of us here today,” Obama said. the attendees was “strictly Christian” and passage of 2,000 years, we can still picture rection.” Archbishop Demetrios, immediately that the President’s comments were “a the moment in our mind’s eye. The young He continued, “As Christians, we following the breakfast, said: “We had the purely religious speech.” man from Nazareth marched through Je- believe that redemption can be delivered honor of being in a two-hour gathering 2 ARCHDIOCESE NEWS MAY 2010 Detroit Metropolis, National Philoptochos Help Nashville Flood Victims Archbishop Receives In the wake of disastrous flooding particularly Michigan, the faithful re- hands of the Church.” Many families Honorary Degree of the Cumberland River brought about cently were able to send $100,000 for have been devastated by the loss of by torrential rains in early May that earthquake relief to Haiti and would homes. from Notre Dame devastated much of central Tennessee, do what they could to help the flood Philoptochos chapters are also SOUTH BEND, Ind – The University of especially Nashville, the Metropolis of victims. “But we need your help as encouraged to continue to send emer- Notre Dame bestowed an honorary Doctor- Detroit has been working with Holy well,” he said. gency kits to IOCC to support the Nash- ate of Laws degree upon Archbishop Deme- Trinity parish in doing what it can to He also noted the efforts of Holy ville Flood Relief since emergency kits trios on May 16, during the university’s 165th help the general population of the city. Trinity Church’s pastor Fr. Gregory are needed at the many shelters. Commencement Ceremony attended by Much needed assistance has also Hohnholt in assisting the local com- At least 19 people in Tennessee more than 15,000.
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