A Marine and Estuarine Habitat Classification System For
A marine and Estuarine HObi ta t classification system for Washington State Acknowledgments The core of the classification scheme was created and improved through discussion with regional agency personnel, especially Tom Mumford, Linda Kunze, and Mark Sheehan of the Department of Natural Re- sources. Northwest scientists generously provided detailed information on the habitat descriptions; espe- cially helpful were R. Anderson, P. Eilers, B. Harman, I. Hutchinson, P. Gabrielson, E. Kozloff, D. Mitch- ell, R. Shimek, C. Simenstad, C. Staude, R. Thom, B. Webber, F. Weinmann, and H. Wilson. D. Duggins provided feedback, and the Friday Harbor Laboratories provided facilities during most of the writing process. I am very grateful to all. AUTHOR: Megan N. Dethier, Ph.D., Friday Harbor Laboratories, 620 University Rd., Friday Harbor, WA 98250 CONTRIBUTOR: Linda M. Kunze prepared the marsh habitat descriptions. WASHINGTON NATURAL HERTI'AGE PROGRAM Department of Natural Resources Forest Resources Division PO Box 47016 Olympia, WA 98504-7016 BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION: Dethier, M.N. 1990. A Marine and Estuarine Habitat Classification Sys- tem for Washington State. Washington Natural Heritage Program. Dept. Natural Resources. 56 pp. Olympia, Wash. Reprinted in March 1997. Acronyms Used in Text ELWS extreme low water of spring tides m meter($ mm millimeter(s) MHWS mean high water of spring tides MLLW mean lower low water PPt parts per thousand Table of Contents Acknowledgements inside front cover Abstract 5 Preface 6 Introduction Outline of the System Definitions Description of Habitats Marine Systems Estuarine Systems Bibliography 47 Appendix A - Translation Table A-1 Abstract A classification system for marine and estuarine habitat types in Washington State is described.
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