The Covid-19 Vaccine Itself Is Creating More VIRULENT Variants That May Decimate the Vaccinated Sheeple
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SHOCKER: The Covid-19 vaccine itself is creating more VIRULENT variants that may decimate the vaccinated sheeple June 2, 2021 (Natural News) The Chinese Communist Party that now runs Washington DC decisions has announced that July 4th, 2021, is the target date to have conned and coerced as many Americans as possible into getting the prion-creating, China Flu/HIV jabs. That means that on July 5th, or shortly thereafter, a mass staged event will take place that will begin the massive genocide that is somehow coordinated with the vaccine technology (containing mRNA, spike proteins, HIV, malaria, and more deadly Covid variants). What will happen to the hundreds of millions of people around the globe being injected with elements of HIV in the Covid vaccines? The new, more virulent variants of Covid, working in tandem with blood clot disorder, will execute a few billion people worldwide, soon. All hospital administrators, doctors and surgeons will be instructed privately NOT to blame the blood clots for the death, but only Covid-21 and Covid-22. You could call it a scientific error and medical error that all of these victims were injected with inoculations that CAUSE blood clots and immune function failure, but it’s no accident or error at all when it is all planned and plotted by Chinese Communist (CCP) scientists and dictators working with the Marxist Biden Regime (MBR). 1/3 The Marxist Biden Regime has conspired with the Chinese Communist Party to eliminate a few billion people using the Gates/Fauci prion-creating inoculations The Covid vaccines are creating the dangerous variants that will wipe out the vaccinated sheeple. That’s the irony of it all, that the brainwashed pro-vax, pro-chemical medicine allopathic world of idiocy are all doing this to themselves almost ‘overnight.’ At least half of all Americans believe that if they are sick or worried about becoming sick, that the only medicine or treatments they should use must be made in a laboratory with chemicals, or else it doesn’t work. That’s the line of thinking. That’s the holy grail of Allopathy, established way back, almost a century ago by the absolutely corrupt American Medical Association (AMA). What you must understand is that the Covid vaccines are CAUSING the new variants, not creating immunity to them. Covid-19 is over. Everybody has been exposed already, as it was one of the most aggressively spread viruses to date, even though it wasn’t any more deadly than the common cold or flu. Want to hear it from one of the world’s leading experts on vaccines? You got it. Here you go. Nobel Laureate and leading French virologist Luc Montagnier predicts genocidal wave of deaths from vaccines and blood clots Nobel Laureate and leading French virologist Luc Montagnier, the scientist who discovered HIV, says the tens of thousands of documented injuries already, including over 4,000 deaths, are caused directly by the Covid vaccines. The wave of genocide is around the corner, and after studying at length the ingredients contained in the injections and what they do, Montagnier came to the conclusion that every single person who gets the shot will eventually die from ‘ADE’ – antibody-dependent enhancement. Montagnier, the world’s leading virologist, is credited with being the first to discover HIV, proving he is well versed in studying the immune system, and what strengthens it versus what decimates it. He has witnessed that the curve of vaccinations for Covid has been followed by a wave of deaths, and he says it’s the same curve in countries and nations around the world. Montagnier is witnessing, in his own studies of humans at his institute, that vaccinated people are coming down with Covid. He also fervently declared that you don’t vaccinate the masses DURING a pandemic. It’s absurd. It’s a huge mistake (but again, it’s planned this way). The scariest part of this whole ordeal is that the Covid-19 virus came from a laboratory and its artificially spliced DNA can be found in the vaccines too. Montagnier has now, post-Covid- release, confirmed that the “presence of elements of HIV and germs of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not have arisen naturally.” 2/3 Now, governments around the world have catalogued and databased swab-test DNA using AI (artificial intelligence) so the globalists can decide who dies (of blood clots blamed on Covid variants) and when. Tune your internet frequency to for updates on how to prepare and take care of your body and mind with superfoods, supplements and whole organic food right now and during the upcoming communist apocalypse. Sources for this article include: 3/3 Horrifying study reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire body: Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes and more body-brain-heart-liver-ovaries-testes-and-more June 2, 2021 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Not surprisingly, everything the establishment tells us about covid vaccines has been a calculated lie. One of the biggest and most treacherous lies is that “mRNA vaccine shots stay in the arm and don’t circulate nanoparticles around the body.” Now we know that is a complete lie, as new research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs. The study paper, originally written in Japanese and auto-translated into English, can be found at this link on Natural News servers (PDF). Labeled, “Pfizer confidential,” the study is known as a bio-distribution study that uses luciferase enzymes and radioisotope markers to accurately track the distribution of Pfizer’s mRNA LNPs across the body. The first section is labeled: SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) 2.6.4 Summary of pharmacokinetic study The study reveals how mRNA LNPs are distributed across the body, even affecting ovaries and testes, raising huge questions about fertility in those receiving mRNA vaccine shots. The following chart shows the mass of NLPs (in micrograms) found in each organ following mRNA vaccination. Notice how it attacks the adrenals? 1/4 2/4 Pro-vaccine doctor raises the alarm bells: “We made a big mistake.” A pro-vaccine doctor named Dr. Byram W. Bridle, PhD. was interviewed by Alex Pierson of the “On Point” podcast. That interview is also mirrored on and shown here. It is approximately 9 minutes in duration: In the interview. Dr. Bridle says the following stunning things. Remember as you read this that Dr. Bridle is 100% pro-vaccine and has no criticism about other vaccines: (emphasis ours) 3/4 …the spike protein, on its own, is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system. If it gets into circulation, indeed, if you inject the purified spike protein into the blood of research animals, they get all kinds of damage to the cardiovascular system, and it can cross the blood-brain barrier, and cause damage to the brain. They found the spike protein in circulation, so in the blood of 11 of those 13 healthcare workers that had received the vaccine. What this means is, so we have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation. Now, we have clear cut evidence that the vaccines that make our bodies or the muscles or the cells in our deltoid muscles, manufacture this protein, not the vaccine itself, plus the protein gets into blood circulation. When in circulation, the spike protein can bind to the receptors that are on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels. When that happens, it can do one of two things. It can either cause platelets to clump and that can lead to clotting. That’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding. And of course, the heart’s involved, it’s a key part of the cardiovascular system. That’s why we’re seeing heart problems. The protein, it can also cross the blood brain barrier and cause neurological damage. That’s why also in the fatal cases of blood clots, many times it’s seen in the brain. In short, the conclusion is we made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now. We saw the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew the spike protein, itself, was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin, and in some people this gets into circulation. And when that happens in some people, it can cause damage, especially with the cardiovascular system. I don’t have time, but many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety there for this vaccine. For example, with accumulating in the ovaries, one of my questions is, “will we be rendering young people infertile, some of them infertile?” So, I’ll stop there. Dr. Bridle is now saying exactly what I have been saying, of course. The spike protein is the toxin, and it is what’s causing blood clots and deaths. 4/4 Vaccines Are for Sheep? Blog/Disease Posted May 27, 2021 by Martin Armstrong COMMENT #1: Hello Marty, I hope you are well.