SHOCKER: The Covid-19 vaccine itself is creating more VIRULENT variants that may decimate the vaccinated sheeple

June 2, 2021

(Natural News) The Chinese Communist Party that now runs Washington DC decisions has announced that July 4th, 2021, is the target date to have conned and coerced as many Americans as possible into getting the prion-creating, China Flu/HIV jabs. That means that on July 5th, or shortly thereafter, a mass staged event will take place that will begin the massive genocide that is somehow coordinated with the vaccine technology (containing mRNA, spike proteins, HIV, malaria, and more deadly Covid variants).

What will happen to the hundreds of millions of people around the globe being injected with elements of HIV in the Covid vaccines? The new, more virulent variants of Covid, working in tandem with blood clot disorder, will execute a few billion people worldwide, soon.

All hospital administrators, doctors and surgeons will be instructed privately NOT to blame the blood clots for the death, but only Covid-21 and Covid-22. You could call it a scientific error and medical error that all of these victims were injected with inoculations that CAUSE blood clots and immune function failure, but it’s no accident or error at all when it is all planned and plotted by Chinese Communist (CCP) scientists and dictators working with the Marxist Biden Regime (MBR).

1/3 The Marxist Biden Regime has conspired with the Chinese Communist Party to eliminate a few billion people using the Gates/Fauci prion-creating inoculations The Covid vaccines are creating the dangerous variants that will wipe out the vaccinated sheeple. That’s the irony of it all, that the brainwashed pro-vax, pro-chemical medicine allopathic world of idiocy are all doing this to themselves almost ‘overnight.’ At least half of all Americans believe that if they are sick or worried about becoming sick, that the only medicine or treatments they should use must be made in a laboratory with chemicals, or else it doesn’t work. That’s the line of thinking. That’s the holy grail of Allopathy, established way back, almost a century ago by the absolutely corrupt American Medical Association (AMA).

What you must understand is that the Covid vaccines are CAUSING the new variants, not creating immunity to them. Covid-19 is over. Everybody has been exposed already, as it was one of the most aggressively spread viruses to date, even though it wasn’t any more deadly than the common cold or flu. Want to hear it from one of the world’s leading experts on vaccines? You got it. Here you go.

Nobel Laureate and leading French virologist Luc Montagnier predicts genocidal wave of deaths from vaccines and blood clots Nobel Laureate and leading French virologist Luc Montagnier, the scientist who discovered HIV, says the tens of thousands of documented injuries already, including over 4,000 deaths, are caused directly by the Covid vaccines. The wave of genocide is around the corner, and after studying at length the ingredients contained in the injections and what they do, Montagnier came to the conclusion that every single person who gets the shot will eventually die from ‘ADE’ – antibody-dependent enhancement.

Montagnier, the world’s leading virologist, is credited with being the first to discover HIV, proving he is well versed in studying the immune system, and what strengthens it versus what decimates it. He has witnessed that the curve of vaccinations for Covid has been followed by a wave of deaths, and he says it’s the same curve in countries and nations around the world.

Montagnier is witnessing, in his own studies of humans at his institute, that vaccinated people are coming down with Covid. He also fervently declared that you don’t vaccinate the masses DURING a pandemic. It’s absurd. It’s a huge mistake (but again, it’s planned this way).

The scariest part of this whole ordeal is that the Covid-19 virus came from a laboratory and its artificially spliced DNA can be found in the vaccines too. Montagnier has now, post-Covid- release, confirmed that the “presence of elements of HIV and germs of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not have arisen naturally.”

2/3 Now, governments around the world have catalogued and databased swab-test DNA using AI (artificial intelligence) so the globalists can decide who dies (of blood clots blamed on Covid variants) and when.

Tune your internet frequency to for updates on how to prepare and take care of your body and mind with superfoods, supplements and whole organic food right now and during the upcoming communist apocalypse.

Sources for this article include:

3/3 Horrifying study reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire body: Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes and more body-brain-heart-liver-ovaries-testes-and-more

June 2, 2021 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) Not surprisingly, everything the establishment tells us about covid vaccines has been a calculated lie. One of the biggest and most treacherous lies is that “mRNA vaccine shots stay in the arm and don’t circulate nanoparticles around the body.” Now we know that is a complete lie, as new research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs.

The study paper, originally written in Japanese and auto-translated into English, can be found at this link on Natural News servers (PDF).

Labeled, “Pfizer confidential,” the study is known as a bio-distribution study that uses luciferase enzymes and radioisotope markers to accurately track the distribution of Pfizer’s mRNA LNPs across the body. The first section is labeled:

SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) 2.6.4 Summary of pharmacokinetic study

The study reveals how mRNA LNPs are distributed across the body, even affecting ovaries and testes, raising huge questions about fertility in those receiving mRNA vaccine shots. The following chart shows the mass of NLPs (in micrograms) found in each organ following mRNA vaccination. Notice how it attacks the adrenals?


2/4 Pro-vaccine doctor raises the alarm bells: “We made a big mistake.” A pro-vaccine doctor named Dr. Byram W. Bridle, PhD. was interviewed by Alex Pierson of the “On Point” podcast. That interview is also mirrored on and shown here. It is approximately 9 minutes in duration:

In the interview. Dr. Bridle says the following stunning things. Remember as you read this that Dr. Bridle is 100% pro-vaccine and has no criticism about other vaccines: (emphasis ours)

3/4 …the spike protein, on its own, is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system. If it gets into circulation, indeed, if you inject the purified spike protein into the blood of research animals, they get all kinds of damage to the cardiovascular system, and it can cross the blood-brain barrier, and cause damage to the brain.

They found the spike protein in circulation, so in the blood of 11 of those 13 healthcare workers that had received the vaccine. What this means is, so we have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation. Now, we have clear cut evidence that the vaccines that make our bodies or the muscles or the cells in our deltoid muscles, manufacture this protein, not the vaccine itself, plus the protein gets into blood circulation. When in circulation, the spike protein can bind to the receptors that are on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels. When that happens, it can do one of two things. It can either cause platelets to clump and that can lead to clotting. That’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding. And of course, the heart’s involved, it’s a key part of the cardiovascular system. That’s why we’re seeing heart problems. The protein, it can also cross the blood brain barrier and cause neurological damage. That’s why also in the fatal cases of blood clots, many times it’s seen in the brain.

In short, the conclusion is we made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now. We saw the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew the spike protein, itself, was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin, and in some people this gets into circulation. And when that happens in some people, it can cause damage, especially with the cardiovascular system. I don’t have time, but many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety there for this vaccine. For example, with accumulating in the ovaries, one of my questions is, “will we be rendering young people infertile, some of them infertile?” So, I’ll stop there.

Dr. Bridle is now saying exactly what I have been saying, of course. The spike protein is the toxin, and it is what’s causing blood clots and deaths.

4/4 Vaccines Are for Sheep?


Posted May 27, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT #1: Hello Marty,

I hope you are well.

1/5 We are living in a “crazy” world. Some states are desperately trying to bribe people to get their poisonous shots. Here in Ohio, there is a program called, Ohio vax a million, where Ohio residents can have a “chance” to win a million dollars or full ride scholarship to the OSU once you get the vaccination! This program is led by the Ohio Department of Health!

Stay healthy.


COMMENT #2: While NYC is bribing people with a 5 Million dollar lottery in Toronto, Ontario they are bribing children with free ice cream. At 3:00 minutes an emotional standoff between mothers and the police at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto.


COMMENT #3: Marty, It’s amazing how the capitalist system has become so distorted, used by business and government alike, to manipulate people like lab rats. The failure of the vaccine campaign now is evident for all to see. The “carrot or the stick” approach.

States are rolling out lotteries to get people to get the jab, to boost vaccines, supposedly allowing the government to relax restrictions on business and schools, to get back to normal. In businesses, some are threatening loss of jobs; others are providing time off, other incentives, to encourage their workforce to get vaccinated. The threat of job loss is illegal, but it doesn’t prevent them from using this to induce action.

Airlines like United are offering free flights to those vaccinated. Now city governments like that in Chicago are segregating those going to restaurants, those who can dine who are vaxxed, free to dine and move around, and those unvaxxed, segregated.

You can’t make this stuff up! At some point, all those who wanted to get the jab, and those motivated by financial incentives, will have gotten it. Leaving more than half the population unvaccinated. Then what? Any bet Biden and state governments mandate more policy actions aimed at intimidating non vaxxers, using those already vaxxed as their hammer? Yes, “you didn’t do what we told you, now you all will have to pay the price…” Doesn’t this open the door for one segment of society to attack the other, with the government acting as agent encouraging them to do so?

I’m beginning to think the loss of confidence you describe will come when government actions, like promoting violence, and threatening later to force people to get vaccinated, will be the last straw. They used the capitalist system to induce action; now, they will use their raw power and weapons produced by the same system to destroy it.


2/5 REPLY: It seems that all the Northern Democratic states are adopting the same attitude. New York has also created a lottery for $5 million, but that has not been successful. You really have to wonder what is so important about this vaccine for a virus with a 99% survival rate? Are they simply using the vaccine to launch this Great Rest, and it failed, so they now must get authoritarian and erase all our rights? Something just does not add up.

3/5 In 1968, politicians were bribed back then as well to force everyone to get vaccinated. Poland refused to join, and the press said they would die by the tens of thousands. In the end, Poland’s death toll was 145.

Are the vaccines just to make money for the drug companies that pour unlimited amounts of bribes into Washington?

It is time to end lobbying. All elections should be paid for by the taxpayer. A candidate must raise enough signature support to qualify, and then they all get the same amount for a campaign. Then and only then will we end lobbying. ANY politician that takes ANY gift for them or their family belongs in prison. There should also be term limits, whereby one time you are in and then out. Max should be 2 years for a term in the House or Senate. End career politicians. This entire vaccination nonsense is untrustworthy because we have no idea what the drug companies are handing anyone on the side, and our lives depend on it. All the claimed fact-checkers are biased and just push more .

Categories: Disease Tags: Big Pharma, lobbying, Term limits, vaccines

4/5 Pandemic Phase Two

Posted May 24, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

Watch Video At:

Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are most likely preparing for the second punch following the manufactured COVID Pandemic. The second punch is his profound warning with simulations once again of a cyber attack that will take down the world economy. I find it curious how this man who thinks he can direct, control, and accelerate what he calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution and turn it GREEN, has also created his center for cybersecurity.

1/3 The World Economic Forum has already conducted a simulation of a cyberattack that brings the global financial system to its knees. Of course, just months before this manufactured pandemic, there too simulations were conducted on how to carry that one out. They appear to have timed their manufactured pandemic with the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. Our models have clearly shown that the crash of March 2020 was unprecedented and never before in history did such an event move that far in such a short period of time. It appears to have been a deliberate manipulation.

2/3 After years of trying to get me on board, perhaps this time they are simply realizing that they should time their events with the model to get the biggest bang for the bucks. Will they wait until next March of 2022? Or will they use our shorter-term array and target August- October? It was last November of 2020 when Schwab’s World Economic Forum teamed with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to put out phase II of this plan to force the world to accept his Great Reset. They co-produced a report which warned that the global financial system was now vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

It is very curious that an organization has popped up Ransomware which now claims it is disbanding after getting paid $5 million in the gas pipeline closure. This gang even threatened the release of D.C. police department records. Colonial Pipeline Paid Roughly $5 Million in Ransom to Hackers. Honestly, that was cheap. This has set the stage for precisely Schwab’s Part II. They now can claim that malware is profitable and the entire world can be held hostage. That is just now likely but this threat seems to be in the best interest of pushing the Great Reset. If COVID was clearly exaggerated and the fake models were used to shut down the world economy, these same people have a lot to gain by exaggerating this cyber threat. The question is when will they pull it off? This year of next?

Categories: Technology, WEF « Schwab Forced to Cancel WEF in Singapore for August

3/3 FDA says natural immunity against covid doesn’t exist, discounts the entire existence of antibodies antibodies

May 27, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) As increasingly more Americans ask why an antibody test cannot be used in lieu of vaccination to prove immunity against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now claiming that naturally immunity does not exist and has to come from a pharmaceutical injection.

Aligning its position with that of the World Health Organization (WHO), which back in December changed the definition of “herd immunity” to only include people who have been vaccinated, the FDA has declared that only Chinese Virus injections can bring about “immunity,” hence the need for a “vaccine passport” to prove that one is “safe” to rejoin society.

While the FDA says it is still “studying” whether or not natural antibodies exist, the agency insists that only a chemical injection of either mRNA (messenger RNA) or viral vector chemicals is “safe and effective” at preventing infection and spread of the Wuhan Flu.

Antibody tests, the FDA admits, “can play an important role in identifying individuals who may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and may have developed an adaptive immune response.”

“However, antibody tests should not be used at this time to determine immunity or protection against COVID-19 at any time, and especially after a person has received a COVID-19 vaccination.”

FDA says Big Pharma is superior to God when it comes to protecting the human body against disease Even though the human body has been fully equipped by God with an immune system capable of warding off disease – yes, even disease that was manufactured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with cash provided by Anthony Fauci – the FDA says that Big Pharma chemicals are superior when it comes to building immunity.

1/3 This contradicts statements made by Yale University epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch, who says that an Israeli study found that people who contract the Chinese Virus naturally develop long-lasting immunity that does not require any type of vaccination.

“People become immune by surviving infection,” Risch says.

Serum antibodies and T-cell antibodies, the latter being white blood cells that attack infections, both have an extensive history of creating permanent immunity to the diseases they encounter.

“These natural antibodies are proof of past infection,” Risch contends. “Past infection is extremely strong evidence of immunity.”

Further, Risch says that injecting children with chemicals for Chinese Germs is a dangerous fool’s game that is extremely “irrational.” Children have a near-zero chance of contracting and spreading the Chinese Virus, so why should they be experimented on with life-altering chemicals that can never be removed from their bodies?

Meanwhile, young children who are getting injected are ending up in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) with horrific side effects, including death.

“Children have no reason to die from vaccination that isn’t going to help them or the society, either,” Risch maintains.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a professor of medicine at Baylor University, agrees. He warns that none of the so-called vaccines currently being administered were ever tested on people who had already tested positive for the Chinese Virus, so there is no safety data to back their use is this population.

“There’s no evidence of benefit and only evidence of harm,” he warns.

Then we have Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, who flat-out stated in a recent interview that everyone who is getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will die within the next two years.

“You see it in each country, it’s the same,” he is quoted as saying. “In every country, death follows vaccination.”

More related news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at

Sources for this article include:

2/3 Brazen Data Manipulation from the CDC

May 26, 2021

By Chris Black

Motto: “Breakthrough Infections” is a great band name.

According to a newly released report, it becomes obvious that the CDC is intentionally obscuring post covid-19 vaccine “breakthrough cases”.

Allow me to elaborate: a new report was published recently by the CDC, and if you read it carefully, it’s clear that the CDC is tinkering with data in order to conceal the number of breakthrough infections in vaccinated people.

1/4 As you may have already guessed, a breakthrough infection is defined as a fully vaccinated person who is tested positive for covid-19, aka Sars-Cov-2 infection.

As per CDC’s newly released report:

“likely a substantial undercount.”

Or, to be more precise:

The national surveillance system relies on passive and voluntary reporting, and data might not be complete or representative. Many persons with vaccine breakthrough infections, especially those who are asymptomatic or who experience mild illness, might not seek testing.

This is kind of true, as in vaccinated persons who have no covid symptoms are not likely to get tested for covid 19. So, this is partially accurate, but it’s a lie by omission, because the CDC updated their advice on testing policy back in March 17th, to, let me quote: specifically exclude such people from testing protocols:

Screencap of CDC’s testing guidelines

See how they are playing us? Basically, the system is designed to hide breakthrough cases from public view, because this would undermine the population’s trust in the mystery gene altering substances posing as vaccines.

Also, this report only goes as far as the end of April, but the undercount of breakthrough cases is even worse since, due to CDC changing the rules yet again, thus making it difficult to keep an accurate count.

From their website:

As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance. Previous case counts, which were last updated on April 26, 2021, are available for reference only and will not be updated moving forward.

2/4 So, if you’ve been vaccinated against covid-19, having minor symptoms or being asymptomatic altogether will no longer count as a covid case. And from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people.

Keep in mind that the CDC have lowered the cycles to 28 when testing the vaxed, reducing positive results to zero, but will maintain the cycles at 40 for the unvaxed ensuring more positive results.

For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC for sequencing. (Sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values.)

So, since the CDC will no longer be counting asymptomatic or mild cases as breakthrough infections, they will concentrate on deaths and hospitalizations. If you read the CDC report, 27 percent of breakthrough infections were asymptomatic, 67 percent were mildly ill, 10 percent were hospitalized and just 2 percent have died:

Based on preliminary data, 2,725 (27%) vaccine breakthrough infections were asymptomatic, 995 (10%) patients were known to be hospitalized, and 160 (2%) patients died.

Basically, the official figures coming from the CDC are totally inaccurate, as they’ve taken their “substantial undercount”, and then slashed it by 90 percent. However, the CDC claims that these changes are aimed at helping maximize the quality of the data collected on cases, which is obviously a lie.

Studies have shown that 86 percent of covid so-called cases are asymptomatic, i.e. the vast majority of people infected with the deadly virus never experience any symptoms. So, excluding the vast majority of cases from your vaccine effectiveness studies is extremely poor science at best, and at worst, fake and gay.

The truth is though that PCR testing was used and abused from the beginning of the so-called pandemic to create the big lie of “asymptomatic covid cases” via testing hundreds of thousands of healthy people every day; the huge number of false positives were deemed “covid cases” and this is how they manufactured a global pandemic with smoke and mirrors, not to forget the huge propaganda apparatus, also known as legacy media.

And this campaign of deception was used to bring sweeping changes in our society; even today, asymptomatic cases are the backbone of the covid-19 narrative, and now the CDC is trying to remove them from the equation by instructing hospitals and labs around the country to stop looking for them, but only in fully vaccinated people.

This is how they are spinning the narrative, i.e. they want to convince people that mass vaccination worked, and these untested and experimental mRNA mystery substances are effective in containing the “pandemic”.

3/4 Since large numbers of breakthrough infections would prove that vaccines are ineffective and/or tests are unreliable, they must hide them from public view.

In short: before the vaccine they needed “asymptomatic infections” to create a “problem”, after the vaccine they are actively hiding “asymptomatic infections”, because their existence undermines their “solution”.


4/4 China Blasts Lab Leak Hypothesis as a “

All posts May 27, 202112:57 pm

China has predictably blasted the COVID lab leak hypothesis as a “conspiracy theory,” with state media outlets demanding an investigation into U.S. bio-labs around the world.

The response came after the Biden administration was forced to task the U.S. intelligence community into investigating the issue having previously put a halt to a similar investigation started under Trump.

“Lately, some people have played the old trick of political hype on the origin tracing of [Covid-19] in the world,” said a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in DC. “Smear campaign and blame shifting are making a comeback, and the conspiracy theory of ‘lab leak’ is resurfacing,” he added.

The spokesman also said that focusing on the Wuhan Institute of Virology would make it “hard to find the origin of the virus” and would “seriously hamper international cooperation on the pandemic.”

The editor in chief of the Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece, responded to the issue by demanding an investigation into U.S. bio-weapons facilities such as Fort Detrick.

1/2 Well, since Wuhan lab has been probed, it is now turn for the US Fort Detrick biolab. Also, the US anti-pandemic fight guided by Mr. Fauci is unimpressive, hopefully he can play a due role in persuading the Biden govt to cooperate with international investigation.

— Hu Xijin 胡锡进 (@HuXijin_GT) May 24, 2021

Despite complaining about the “politicization” of discovering the origin of the virus, China previously suggested that the U.S. had deliberately released the virus during the October 2019 Wuhan military games, a claim that was never retracted.

A previous investigation of the Wuhan lab carried out by the World Health Organization was so limited in its scope that representatives visited for just three hours, asked researchers a limited number of questions, left and then announced the investigation absolved China of blame.

As we highlighted earlier, Facebook became the first major social network to reverse a policy that banned information pertaining to the lab leak theory having asserted it had been “debunked” just months before.

Via theory/

2/2 ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccines Pose Multiple Risks to Society — Including the End of Informed Consent

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In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security co-sponsored the “pandemic exercise,” Event 201.

A little more than a year later, when the Event 201 scenario morphed from “hypothetical” to concrete, it became clear that sponsors of the event intended to see the majority of the world vaccinated against COVID-19.

Accomplishing this goal is a “monumental challenge,” however. In the U.S., more than one- third (38% to 45%) of adults continue to decline the unlicensed, Emergency Use Authorization injections, despite a marketing blitz that has included both carrots (ranging from the chance to win cash payments to a free order of fries) and sticks (such as nasty calls to “get personal” and “shun” the unvaccinated).

U.S. gov funded vaccine research to the tune of $9 billion+, spent $22 billion to support vaccine distribution, shelled out another $10 billion to expand access + $3 billion to spend on ad campaign to combat . #TheDefender

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) May 25, 2021

1/6 Although some of the uninjected tell pollsters they plan to eventually get the vaccine, a solid minority remains committed to never doing so. The same pattern appears to hold true globally: Roughly one-third of adults worldwide said they will not take a COVID shot.

While social and behavioral science researchers apply “soft science” techniques in an attempt to maneuver vaccine confidence into more acquiescent territory, bench scientists have a different option potentially waiting in the wings — genetically engineered vaccines that “move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases,” spreading on their own “from host to host.”

Not mainstream (yet)

In theory, self-spreading vaccines (also referred to as self-disseminating or autonomous) can be designed to be either transferable (“restricted to a single round of transmission”) or transmissible (“capable of indefinite transmission).”

Vaccine scientists concede transmissible vaccines “are still not mainstream, but the revolution in genome engineering poises them to become so.”

The makers of self-disseminating vaccines use recombinant vector technology to build genetic material from a target pathogen onto the “chassis” of a viral vector deemed “benign,” “innocuous” or “avirulent.” This is similar to the viral vector approach used to produce the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID vaccines.

CHD Calls on FDA to Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market - Submit a Comment For Johns Hopkins, the appeal of vaccines that are intentionally engineered to be self- disseminating seems obvious. The university’s Center for Health Security made its case explicit in a 2018 report, “Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks.” The report stated, “These vaccines could dramatically increase vaccine coverage in human … populations without requiring each individual to be inoculated.”

Further spelling out the utilitarian implications of self-disseminating vaccines, the report’s authors stated, “only a small number of vaccinated individuals would be required to confer protection to a larger susceptible population, thus eliminating the need for mass vaccination operations.”

From a programmatic standpoint, this strategy would have the advantage of being “cheaper than vaccinating everyone by hand.” Perhaps even more significantly, however, it would override one of the “thorny ethical questions” that mass vaccination programs routinely wrestle with: informed consent.

As the university’s Center for Health Security briefly acknowledged in its report, self- disseminating vaccines would essentially make it impossible for “those to whom the vaccine subsequently spreads” to provide informed consent at all.

2/6 Blame the animals

Writing in 2020 in Nature Ecology & Evolution, researchers observed that viral zoonoses (diseases theorized to jump from animals to humans) have become an entrenched part of the “global mindset” and a central element of the pandemic-obsessed global health zeitgeist.

Despite SARS-CoV-2’s unproven zoonotic origins (cast into doubt by figures such as Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the past year’s coronavirus hype has helped reinforce the popular perception that wildlife populations represent a menacing cauldron of latent viral threats — requiring only the right set of circumstances to spring into humanity-endangering action.

Parlaying the COVID moment into a convenient scientific opportunity, researchers suggest that the purported “failure to contain the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic” furnishes a rationale for accelerating the rollout of self-disseminating vaccines. As some journalists have phrased the question du jour, “Wouldn’t it be great if wild animals could be inoculated against the various diseases they host so that those microbes never get a chance to spread to humans?”

Transmissible-vaccine research also has ascended the list of funding priorities for government agencies like the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and, reportedly, donors such as the Gates Foundation.

At least officially, the primary focus of self-spreading vaccine research has thus far been on wildlife populations. Although the practice of direct wildlife vaccination (for example, against rabies) has been around since the 1960s, it is the longstanding efforts to develop sterilizing vaccines in wildlife (euphemistically called “immunocontraception”), as well as recent advances in genetic engineering, that “have provided a foundation for transmissible-vaccine research.”

Researchers explain how the targeting of wildlife reservoirs is intended to work:

“The idea, essentially, is to vaccinate a small proportion of a [wildlife] population through direct inoculation. These so-called founders will then passively spread the vaccine to other animals they encounter either by touch, sex, nursing, or breathing the same air. Gradually, these interactions could build up population-level immunity.”

When put to the test by Spanish researchers in a limited field trial in rabbits, about 50% of the unvaccinated rabbits developed antibodies after being housed with vaccinated rabbits who had received a transmissible vaccine either via injection or orally. When the researchers assessed second-generation transmission (that is, development of antibodies in another batch of rabbits moved in with the first batch of unvaccinated rabbits), the transmission rate was much lower (two of 24 rabbits).

What could possibly go wrong?

3/6 As the Johns Hopkins report made clear in 2018, there is no technical reason why the self- spreading approach could not be applied to humans. The authors admitted to “several big challenges,” however, including the fact that autonomous vaccines (as mentioned above) would render informed consent a moot point and would make it impossible to screen individuals for contraindications such as allergies.

According to Johns Hopkins and others, another major challenge is the “not insignificant risk of the vaccine virus reverting to wild-type virulence,” creating an opportunity for the vaccines to propagate disease rather than prevent it.

In fact, the world is already familiar with this phenomenon in the form of oral polio vaccines. Though not “intentionally designed that way,” oral polio vaccines are considered “a little bit transmissible” and are acknowledged to cause polio.

Hopkins’ researchers pointedly characterized the reversion challenge as “both a medical risk and a public perception risk.” Another Catch-22 articulated in the university’s report is that while reversion risks could perhaps be lessened by engineering the vaccines to be more “weakly transmissible,” this could defeat the purpose of getting vaccines to “go” on their own.

On the other hand, the two scientists who are most strongly promoting transmissible vaccines argue that “even … where reversion is frequent, [their] performance will often substantially exceed that of conventional, directly administered vaccines.”

These same authors have also developed models suggesting that starting the transmissible ball rolling with direct vaccination of newborns could be particularly impactful.

In September 2020, two researchers writing in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists agreed that self-spreading vaccines may have significant downsides and could “entail serious risks,” particularly given that scientists lose control of their creation once released. They noted, “While it may turn out to be technically feasible to fight emerging infectious diseases … with self-spreading viruses, and while the benefits may be significant, how does one weigh those benefits against what may be even greater risks?” They outlined several additional questions:

Who makes the decisions about the “where and when” of the vaccines’ release? What happens when there are “unexpected outcomes” and “unintended consequences” such as mutation, species-jumping or border-crossing? About unintended consequences, the two authors added, “There always are.” What about bioweapons and “dual use” risks — that is, using the technology to “deliberately cause harm” rather than prevent disease? Advances in pharmacogenomics, drug development and personalized medicine, the two noted, could enable “ultra-targeted biological warfare.”

On the latter point, the Bulletin authors drew readers’ attention to immunocontraception efforts in animals as well as an infamous example of “weaponized biology” against humans in apartheid-era South Africa, called Project Coast, which sought — reportedly unsuccessfully —

4/6 to develop an “infertility ‘vaccine’ to be used on black women without their knowledge.”

Other scientists have made an even more direct case against transmissible vaccines, arguing the risks of autonomously spreading vaccines do, in fact, “far outweigh potential benefits.” Risks, in their view, include “the unpredictability of mutations of the virus, the inability to safely test at a large scale and the grave potential threat to biosecurity.”

Vaccine science: many unknowns

When measles, rather than COVID, was dominating the headlines a couple years ago, the unvaccinated were heavily scapegoated for apparent outbreaks. This non-evidence-based finger-pointing (used to usher in draconian new vaccine mandates), ignored the well- documented “phenomenon of measles infection spread by MMR (live measles-mumps- rubella vaccine), which has been known about for decades” and has resulted in “detectable measles infection in the vast majority of those who receive it.”

The experimental Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines use new messenger RNA (mRNA) technology rather than the traditional live-virus technology featured in vaccines like the MMR, and thus, we are told, they cannot produce the same type of “shedding.”

However, many unvaccinated individuals are reporting unusual symptoms or illness after spending time in proximity to COVID-vaccinated individuals. Pointing to Pfizer’s protocol acknowledging the possibility of exposure via inhalation or skin contact with vaccinated individuals, concerned health professionals have raised the question of whether some novel form of shedding is occurring.

Some of the people raising these questions have pointed to the September 2020 article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, subtitled, “What could possibly go wrong?” By May 2021, the Bulletin’s editors, apparently uncomfortable with the attention the September article had attracted, were trying to distance themselves by stating the Bulletin’s content was being misused to further conspiracy theories about “highly effective and safe COVID-19 vaccines.”

Whether the COVID injections are “self-spreading” in any sense of the word is a question that cannot currently be answered. However, there is at least one plausible molecular mechanism that could explain the observed vaccinated-to-unvaccinated “shedding” effects.

GreenMedInfo’s Sayer Ji explains that “horizontal information transfer within biological systems [is] mediated by extracellular vesicles, which include a virus-like phenomenon known as microvesicle shedding and/or exosome-mediated transfer of nucleic acids.” Citing a 2017 peer-reviewed study on the “biology and biogenesis of shed microvesicles,” Ji states:

“[I]t is possible that [mRNA vaccines] do, in fact, contribute to microvesicle shedding, which represents an even greater, more persistent threat than live-cell vaccine shedding when it comes to the persistent biological impact the vaccinated can have on the unvaccinated.”

5/6 What is even more certain is that scientists themselves do not have all the answers. Some may wish to believe in the possibility of simply genetically engineering a vaccine “in ways that thwart its ability to evolve into something nasty.” But others note “the inevitability of evolutionary change resulting from [transmissible vaccines’] ability to self-replicate and generate extended chains of transmission.”

Techno-thriller author Michael Crichton predicted in 2002 that with the advent of nanotechnology and other technological innovations, the pace of evolutionary change was likely to be “extremely rapid.” Crichton cautioned, “human beings have a poor record of addressing the hazards of new technologies as they arrive.”

6/6 As Trust In The Government Erodes, Many Americans Are Discovering That It Is TOO LATE To Fully Implement Their Backup Plans fully-implement-their-backup-plans

June 3, 2021 by Michael Snyder

Never put anything in an email that you do not want the entire world to see. Unfortunately, Dr. Tony Fauci is learning that lesson the hard way. Throughout the course of this pandemic, the mainstream media has been heralding Fauci as a voice of reason that we should trust without hesitation. He came to be regarded as the ultimate authority on all questions related to COVID, and social media companies banned countless users that dared to suggest that he might be wrong about certain things. Well, now everything is going to change. Thanks to thousands of Fauci emails that have been obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request, we have discovered that Fauci was lying to all of us over and over again. During his opening monologue on Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson actually used the phrase “utter fraudulence” to describe Fauci and his lies…

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson ripped “the utter fraudulence of Tony Fauci” Wednesday night, after BuzzFeed and the Washington Post obtained thousands of pages of emails through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, revealing that the nation’s top virologist was telling the public one thing, while furiously working on damage control and narrative- shaping as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded.

1/4 At the height of the pandemic, the mainstream media had dubbed Fauci America’s “most trusted voice”, and the big news networks treated him as the pinnacle of scientific knowledge and integrity.

But it turns out that he was flat out lying from the very start. His emails show that he knew exactly what was going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that is because he was funding the research…

Fauci’s emails collectively show that “from the beginning, Tony Fauci was worried that the public might conclude COVID had originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

“Why would he be concerned that Americans would conclude that?” Tucker asked. “Possibly because Tony Fauci knew that he had funded gain-of-function experiments at that very same laboratory.“

And when people started putting the pieces together very early in the pandemic, Fauci was instrumental in covering up the truth.

Watch Video At:

This is the latest bombshell in a long string of incidents which have caused an increasing number of Americans to lose faith in our system. READ 3.7 million Americans set to lose unemployment benefits early... as 25 states exit federal programs Everywhere you turn these days, prominent voices are lying. Virtually everyone has an agenda to push, virtually everyone has ulterior motives, and virtually everyone will do whatever it takes to cover their rear ends at all costs.

2/4 “CYA” has become a way of life for most of our government officials, and Tony Fauci has been exposed as just another rear-covering government bureaucrat.

We live at a time when our society is starting to come apart at the seams all around us, and when things really hit the fan the government is not going to be there to save you.

Instead, there will be hordes of faceless bureaucrats that will be working very hard to cover their own rears and that will be looking out for their own interests.

For years, I have been encouraging people to get prepared in advance for what is coming, because it is extremely unlikely that someone else is doing that for you.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, millions of Americans have been relocating. We have seen a mass exodus from the major cities, and this is something that I have applauded, because I have been an advocate for moving away from large population centers for a very long time.

Unfortunately, we have now gotten to a point where prices for housing in many desirable rural and suburban locations have been pushed to absurd levels.

In one particularly desirable rural location, landlords are now asking for as much as $3,500 a month to rent a unit that has one bedroom and one bath. And for those looking to buy, inventory is extremely limited, and anything that is listed for less than half a million dollars is likely to be a complete dump.

For many Americans that bring home average incomes, it is already too late to relocate to some of the most desirable rural and suburban areas of the country because they have already been priced out of the market.

Meanwhile, many people that had put off stocking up for the hard times that are approaching are discovering that there are widespread shortages of many of the products that they want to stock up on.

READ The Economy has Already Collapsed But the Government is Able to Prevent the Biggest Effects At this point, even the Federal Reserve is starting to panic about how widespread the shortages have become…

3/4 With the economy overheating, it will hardly come as a surprise that the latest Fed Beige Book – which found that the economy expanded at what the Fed absurdly called a “moderate pace” from early April to late May, at least clarifying that this was a “somewhat faster” rate than the prior reporting period – one of the top concerns was soaring costs, but nothing spooked the various Fed districts quite as much as what appears to be a shortage of everything, with district after district complaining about broken supply chains, a lack of workers, and critical commodities that just can’t be procured, all resulting in sharply higher prices, slower delivery times and all around chaos.

For certain items, it is now too late to do much stockpiling because availability is so limited.

But the good news is that there is still plenty of food in the stores and there are still sufficient supplies of many basic essentials.

So use this window of opportunity to grab what you can before prices start really going through the roof.

Those that were promising you that everything would turn out just fine if you followed their instructions (such as Dr. Fauci) were not being straight with you.

Everything is not going to be okay. The truth is that we are headed into the biggest meltdown in American history, and it is going to be exceedingly painful.

Just look at what is happening in the western third of the nation. My readers knew in advance that Dust Bowl conditions would eventually return, but the vast majority of the population is still absolutely clueless about what is happening.

This is the season of “the perfect storm”. This is the time when it will seem like everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

And as events spiral out of control, Dr. Fauci and our other leaders in Washington will just keep telling lie after lie as they carefully cover their own rear ends.


4/4 Joel R. Kallman Obituary (Vaccine and Covid)

We have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Oracle has lost an incredible leader, and the world has lost an amazing human being.

Joel's warmth and enthusiasm was infectious and he inspired countless others across the globe to be the best versions of themselves. He was the fire that sparked Oracle APEX and his tireless contributions since day zero make it what it is today. He leaves behind a community that only he could have built, and a spirit that will always be at the heart of APEX.

Joel has truly left the world a better place than it was when he arrived. We miss him dearly.

“Dr Gas and the other vax pushers will tell us what he really died of”

1/2 ...and the vax deniers will; everytime someone dies of something.

Too bad there is no date on when he got the “vaccine”.

Except for those for whom it is not.

2/2 “I Don’t Know Of A Bigger Story In The World” Right Now Than Ivermectin: NYTimes Best-Selling Author author

All posts May 27, 202112:24 pm

So why are journalists not covering it? Michael Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author , has just published an article titled “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. The 15-page article chronicles the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline doctors on all continents to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19 treatment, as well as the tireless efforts by reporters, media outlets and social media companies to thwart them.

Because of ivermectin, Capuzzo says, there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.” Yet media outlets have done all they can to “debunk” the notion that ivermectin may serve as an effective, easily accessible and affordable treatment for Covid-19. They have parroted the arguments laid out by health regulators around the world that there just isn’t enough evidence to justify its use.

For his part, Capuzzo, as a reporter, “saw with [his] own eyes the other side [of the story]” that has gone unreported, of the many patients in the US whose lives have been saved by ivermectin and of five of the doctors that have led the battle to save lives around the world, Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri, José Iglesias,

1/7 Pierre Kory and Joe Varon. These are all highly decorated doctors. Through their leadership of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, they have already enhanced our treatment of Covid-19 by discovering and promoting the use of Corticoid steroids against the virus. But their calls for ivermectin to also be used have met with a wall of resistance from healthcare regulators and a wall of silence from media outlets.

“I really wish the world could see both sides,” Capuzzo laments.

But unfortunately most reporters are not interested in telling the other side of the story. Even if they were, their publishers would probably refuse to publish it.

That may explain why Capuzzo, a six-time Pulitzer-nominated journalist best known for his New York Times-bestselling nonfiction books Close to Shore and Murder Room, ended up publishing his article on ivermectin in Mountain Home, a monthly local magazine for the of the Pennsylvania mountains and New York Finger Lakes region, of which Capuzzo’s wife is the editor.

It’s also the reason why I decided to dedicate today’s post to Capuzzo’s article. Put simply, as many people as possible –particularly journalists — need to read his story.

As Capuzzo himself says, “I don’t know of a bigger story in the world.”

Total News Blackout On December 8 2020, FLCCC member Dr Pierre Kory gave nine minutes of impassioned testimony to the US Homeland Security Committee Meeting on the potent anti-viral, anti-inflammatory benefits of ivermectin.

A total of 9 million people (myself included) saw the video on YouTube before it was taken down by YouTube’s owner, Google. As Capuzzo exhaustively lays out, both traditional and social media have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep people in the dark about ivermectin. So effective has this been that even in some of the countries that have benefited most from its use (such as Mexico and Argentina) many people are completely unaware of its existence. And this is no surprise given how little information is actually seeping out into the public arena.

A news blackout by the world’s leading media came down on Ivermectin like an iron curtain. Reporters who trumpeted the COVID-19 terror in India and Brazil didn’t report that Ivermectin was crushing the P-1 variant in the Brazilian rain forest and killing COVID-19 and all variants in India. That Ivermectin was saving tens of thousands of lives in South America wasn’t news, but mocking the

2/7 continent’s peasants for taking horse paste was. Journalists denied the world knowledge of the most effective life-saving therapies in the pandemic, Kory said, especially among the elderly, people of color, and the poor, while wringing their hands at the tragedy of their disparate rates of death.

Three days after Kory’s testimony, an “fact-check reporter” interviewed Kory “for twenty minutes in which I recounted all of the existing trials evidence (over fifteen randomized and multiple observational trials) all showing dramatic benefits of Ivermectin,” he said. Then she wrote: “AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. There’s no evidence Ivermectin has been proven a safe or effective treatment against COVID-19.” Like many critics, she didn’t explore the Ivermectin data or evidence in any detail, but merely dismissed its “insufficient evidence,” quoting instead the lack of a recommendation by the NIH or WHO. To describe the real evidence in any detail would put the AP and public health agencies in the difficult position of explaining how the lives of thousands of poor people in developing countries don’t count in these matters.

Not just in media but in social media, Ivermectin has inspired a strange new form of Western and pharmaceutical imperialism. On January 12, 2021, the Brazilian Ministry of Health tweeted to its 1.2 million followers not to wait with COVID-19 until it’s too late but “go to a Health Unit and request early treatment,” only to have Twitter take down the official public health pronouncement of the sovereign fifth largest nation in the world for “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information.” (Early treatment is code for Ivermectin.) On January 31, the Slovak Ministry of Health announced its decision on Facebook to allow use of Ivermectin, causing Facebook to take down that post and removed the entire page it was on, the Ivermectin for MDs Team, with 10,200 members from more than 100 countries.

In Argentina, Professor and doctor Hector Carvallo, whose prophylactic studies are renowned by other researchers, says all his scientific documentation for Ivermectin is quickly scrubbed from the Internet. “I am afraid,” he wrote to Marik and his colleagues, “we have affected the most sensitive organ on humans: the wallet…” As Kory’s testimony was climbing toward nine million views, YouTube, owned by Google, erased his official Senate testimony, saying it endangered the community. Kory’s biggest voice was silenced.

“The Most Powerful Entity on Earth” Malcom X once called the media “the most powerful entity on the earth.” They have, he said, “the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of masses”. Today, that power is now infused with the power of the world’s biggest tech and social

3/7 media companies. Together social and traditional media have the power to make a medicine that has saved possibly millions of lives during the current pandemic disappear from the conversation. When it is covered, it’s almost always in a negative light. Some media organizations, including the NY Times, have even prefaced mention of the word “ivermectin” — a medicine that has done so much good over its 40-year lifespan that its creators were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015 — with the word “controversial.”

Undeterred, many front-line doctors have tried to persuade their respective health regulators of the unparalleled efficacy and safety of ivermectin as a covid treatment. They include Dr. Tess Lawrie, a prominent independent medical researcher who, as Capuzzo reports, evaluates the safety and efficacy of drugs for the WHO and the National Health Service to set international clinical practice guidelines:

“[She] read all twenty-seven of the Ivermectin studies Kory cited. The resulting evidence is consistent and unequivocal,” she announced, and sent a rapid meta- analysis, an epidemiolocal statistical multi-study review considered the highest form of medical evidence, to the director of the NHS, members of parliament, and a video to Prime Minister Boris Johnson with “the good news… that we now have solid evidence of an effective treatment for COVID-19…” and Ivermectin should immediately “be adopted globally and systematically for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.”

Ignored by British leaders and media, Lawrie convened the day-long streaming BIRD conference—British Ivermectin Recommendation Development—with more than sixty researchers and doctors from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, England, Ireland, Belgium, Argentina, South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria, Australia, and Japan. They evaluated the drug using the full “evidence-to- decision framework” that is “the gold standard tool for developing clinical practice guidelines” used by the WHO, and reached the conclusion that Ivermectin should blanket the world.

“Most of all you can trust me because I am also a medical doctor, first and foremost,” Lawrie told the prime minster, “with a moral duty to help people, to do no harm, and to save lives. Please may we start saving lives now.” She heard nothing back.

Ivermectin’s benefits were also corroborated by Dr. Andrew Hill, a renowned University of Liverpool pharmacologist and independent medical researcher, and the senior World Health Organization/UNITAID investigator of potential treatments for COVID-19. Hill’s team of twenty-three researchers in twenty- three countries had reported that, after nine months of looking for a COVID-19 treatment and finding nothing but failures like Remdesivir— “we kissed a lot of

4/7 frogs”— Ivermectin was the only thing that worked against COVID-19, and its safety and efficacy were astonishing—“blindingly positive,” Hill said, and “transformative.” Ivermectin, the WHO researcher concluded, reduced COVID- 19 mortality by 81 percent.

Why All the Foot Dragging? Yet most health regulators and governments continue to drag their feet. More evidence is needed, they say. All the while, doctors in most countries around the world have no early outpatient medicines to draw upon in their struggle against the worst pandemic in century. Drawing on his own experience, Capuzzo describes the absence of treatments for COVID-19 as a global crisis:

When my daughter Grace, a vice president at a New York advertising agency, came down with COVID-19 recently, she was quarantined in a “COVID hotel” in Times Square with homeless people and quarantining travelers. The locks on her room door were removed. Nurses prowled the halls to keep her in her room and wake her up every night to check her vitals—not to treat her, because there is no approved treatment for COVID-19; only, if her oxygen plummeted, to move her to the hospital, where there is only a single eective approved treatment for COVID-19, steroids that may keep the lungs from failing.

There are three possible explanations for health regulators’ refusal to allow the use of a highly promising, well-tolerated off-label medicine such as ivermectin:

As a generic, ivermectin is cheap and widely available, which means there would be a lot less money to be made by Big Pharma if it became the go-to early-stage treatment against covid. Other pharmaceutical companies are developing their own novel treatments for Covid-19 which would have to compete directly with ivermectin. They include ivermectin’s original manufacturer, Merck, which has an antiviral compound, molnupiravir, in Phase 3 clinical trials for COVID-19. That might explain the company’s recent statement claiming that there is “no scientific basis whatsoever for a potential therapeutic effect of ivermectin against COVID-19. If approved as a covid-19 treatment, ivermectin could even threaten the emergency use authorisation granted to covid-19 vaccines. One of the basic conditions for the emergency use authorisation granted to the vaccines currently being used against covid is that there are no alternative treatments available for the disease. As such, if ivermectin or some other promising medicine such as fluvoxamine were approved as an effective early treatment for Covid-19, the vaccines could be stripped of authorisation.

5/7 This may explain why affordable, readily available and minimally toxic drugs are not repurposed for use against Covid despite the growing mountains of evidence supporting their efficacy.

Ivermectin has already been approved as a covid-19 treatment in more than 20 countries. They include Mexico where the mayor of Mexico City, Claudia Scheinbaum, recently said that the medicine had reduced hospitalisations by as much as 76%. As of last week, 135,000 of the city’s residents had been treated with the medicine. The government of India — the world’s second most populous country and one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of medicines — has also recommended the use of ivermectin as an early outpatient treatment against covid-19, in direct contravention of WHO’s own advice.

Dr Vikas P. Sukhatme, the dean of Emory School of Medicine, recently wrote in a column for the Times of India that deploying drugs such as ivermectin and fluvoxamine in India is likely to “rapidly reduce the number of COVID-19 patients, reduce the number requiring hospitalization, supplemental oxygen and intensive care and improve outcomes in hospitalized patients.”

Four weeks after the government included ivermectin and budesonide among its early treatment guidelines, the country has recorded its lowest case count in 40 days.

In many of India’s regions the case numbers are plunging in almost vertical fashion. In the capital Delhi, as in Mexico City, hospitalisations have plummeted. In the space of 10 days ICU occupancy fell from 99% to 70%. Deaths are also falling. The test positivity ratio slumped from 35% to 5% in just one month.

One of the outliers of this trend is the state of Tamil Nadu, where cases are still rising steeply. This may have something to do with the fact that the state’s newly elected governor, MK Stalin, decided to exclude ivermectin from the region’s treatment protocol in favor of Remdesivir. The result? Soaring cases. Late last week, Stalin reversed course once again and readopted ivermectin.

For the moment deaths in India remain extremely high. And there are concerns that the numbers are being under-reported. Yet they may also begin to fall in the coming days. In all of the countries that have used ivermectin widely, fatalities are the last thing to fall, after case numbers and hospitalizations. Of course, there’s no way of definitively proving that these rapid falloffs are due to the use of ivermectin. Correlation, even as consistent as this, is not causation. Other factors such as strict lockdowns and travel restrictions no doubt also play a part.

6/7 But a clear pattern across nations and territories has formed that strongly supports ivermectin’s purported efficacy. And that efficacy has been amply demonstrated in three meta-analyses.

India’s decision to adopt ivermectin, including as a prophylaxis in some states, is already a potential game-changer. As I wrote three weeks ago, if case numbers, hospitalizations and fatalities fall in India as precipitously as they have in other countries that have adopted ivermectin, it could even become a watershed moment. But for that to happen, the news must reach enough eyes and ears. And for that to happen, reporters must, as Capuzzo says, begin to do their job and report both sides of this vital story.

Authored by Nick Corbishley via

7/7 Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming

May 27, 2021

By Gérard Delépine

This article by Dr Gérard Delépine was first published in French on our French language website

The English text below is an AI Translation with some minor edits by Global Research.

This article demonstrates unequivocally that mortality and morbidity has increased dramatically as a result of the vaccine. The incidence of Covid positive cases has also increased.

“And everywhere they have been followed by a dramatic rise in new infections and mortality for several weeks or months”

Dr Delépine carefully analyses the pre and post vaccine trends for 14 countries in major regions of the World.

The latest official figures for the European Union which are rarely acknowledged by the mainstream media indicate the following:

From late December 2020 to May 22, 2021:

1. 12,184 deaths and 1,196,190 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots (Moderna, Pfizer-BionTech; AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen). Serious injuries are of the order of 604,744 (i.e more than 50% of total injuries) 2. The Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA gene-edited vaccine has resulted in the largest number of fatalities: Total reactions for its mRNA vaccine Tozinameran: 5,961 deaths and 452,779 injuries to 22/05/2021

1/15 While Pfizer has the largest numbers of deaths and injuries, the EU Commission has largely placed the blame on AstraZeneka.

Ironically, not only does Pfizer have a criminal record with the US Department of Justice for “fraudulent marketing”, the EU Commission has chosen Pfizer BioNTech as its “Reliable Partner” for the production of 1.8 billion doses over the next 3-4 years, in a contract which is currently under negotiation.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, May 27, 2021


Two months ago, we tried to alert people to the paradoxical results of the covid19 vaccines by publishing the pre- and post-vaccination mortality curves for Israel and Great Britain [1] which already showed that these vaccinations were followed by ‘a considerable increase in contamination and mortality lasting 6 to 8 weeks after the start of vaccination. [2]

Since this period, vaccination campaigns have spread worldwide even to countries where covid was not present. And everywhere they have been followed by a dramatic rise in new infections and mortality for several weeks or months. [3]

How many deaths and severe accidents will it take for executives, WHO, health agencies FDA, EMA among others, to look at the proven results of this experimental pseudo- vaccination in the real world and derive the results from it? consequences ?

Reminder of the proven facts published by the WHO

We present below the epidemic curves of the most vaccinated countries as published by the WHO (with our comments in red).


In Nepal, a country of 28 million inhabitants

The vaccination campaign, using the Chinese vaccine and the Indian Astra Zeneca, began at the end of January 2021. So far, after ten months of the epidemic, the country had 270,092 confirmed cases and 2017 deaths and the daily average of new cases s ‘amounted to 350.

Four months after vaccination began, the epidemic has exploded with a current average of 8,000 new cases daily. As of May 22, Nepal had 497,052 (+ 90%) confirmed cases and 6,024 deaths (+ 200%.)

2/15 In Thailand, a country of 70 million inhabitants

The vaccination campaign using the Chinese vaccine began in the first week of March. So far, since the start of the epidemic, the country has only recorded 25,000 infected and 83 deaths attributed to Covid19.

3/15 Since the start of vaccination, in 2 months, the number of infected has multiplied by 5 (123,066 on 22/5) and that of deaths by 9 (735 on 22/5).

In Cambodia, a country of 27 million inhabitants

In Mongolia, a country of 3.3 million inhabitants

4/15 South America

In Colombia , a country of 50 million inhabitants country severely affected by the disease, the epidemic began to decline sharply until the start of the vaccination campaign on February 18, 2021.

Since then, the number of daily infections has quadrupled and daily mortality has multiplied by 3

Chile, country of 18 million inhabitants

Vaccination began on December 24 and a total of nearly 17.1 million doses of the vaccine have been administered to less than 20 million people. But despite the highest vaccination coverage rate in South America and harsh confinements, the number of daily infections and the number of deaths remain close to triple what they were before the start of the vaccination campaign …

5/15 In Brazil, a country of 217 million inhabitants

Vaccination began on January 18 as weekly mortality stabilized around 7,000

Middle East

In the United Arab Emirates, a country of 10.5 million inhabitants

6/15 In Kuwait, a country of 4.2 million inhabitants


In Hungary, a country of 9.8 million inhabitants

7/15 The vaccination campaign, which began at the end of February, was followed by a sharp increase in weekly contaminations, which rose from 25,576 on February 25 to 62,265 a month later, before gradually falling back to the pre-vaccination level.

In two and a half months, Hungary has doubled its figures of infected (400,000 to 800,000) and deaths (from 14,000 to 29,000) reached after 11 months of epidemic

In Romania, a country of 20 million inhabitants

The vaccination campaign began at the end of December at a time when the epidemic was waning, and according to official data from May 4, 21 Bucharest has the highest vaccination rate in the country with 31.2% of its eligible population vaccinated. . But shortly after the start of vaccination, the number of daily infections and mortality increased.

Before vaccination after ten months of the epidemic, Romania had 618,000 infected and 15,000 dead. After five months of vaccination, she counts twice as much.

8/15 Monaco, country of 38,000 inhabitants had only 3 deaths before vaccination and 32 since vaccination

Gibraltar, 34,000 inhabitants

9/15 : vaccination of the entire population was followed by an 800% increase in mortality from 10 to 94)

What can be deduced from these official data. Hypotheses

The Israeli and British Pyrrhic victories [4]

Vaccination advocates claim vaccinations in Israel and Britain have been successful, as current, daily contaminations and mortality are low.

But these apparent successes correspond in fact to the disappearance of a large part of the people at risk (the “harvesting ”) achieved by vaccination and to the spontaneous regression of the disease observed also in countries with little vaccination.

Vaccine “harvesting” In these two countries, the mortality attributed to Covid increased sharply for 4 to 6 weeks, equaling all the deaths in 2020. The covid per vaccination mortality curve in Israel is demonstrative.

10/15 The “harvest” of 1,404 people in January and 949 others in February, the equivalent of a full year of Covid mortality without a vaccine (the year 2020) sharply reduced the number of Israelis at risk, resulting in de facto probably a decrease in the apparent risk of mortality in the coming year, in this age group.

But along with this decrease in its original target, the virus has mutated to attack other segments of society and especially younger age groups.

In November 2020, data from the Israeli Ministry of Health revealed that Israel had detected 400 cases of the coronavirus in children under the age of two. In February 2021, that number increased to 5,800.

The same “harvesting ” has been observed in Great Britain. As the Covid19 threatens only a small part of the population (the elderly with comorbidity), the peri-vaccination disappearance of a large part of this population (as much as the deaths of the year 2020) at risk, mathematically reduces mortality observed, at least transiently.

11/15 Since the British vaccination campaign, the average mortality per million inhabitants in Great Britain (934 / M) is more than double that of the Netherlands (411 / M).

The natural regression of the epidemic Also explains the drop in mortality as shown in the comparison between the highly vaccinated Great Britain and the very poorly vaccinated Netherlands

12/15 The mortality curves per million inhabitants follow the same temporality in these two neighboring countries. That of the United Kingdom suffers from a much higher peri- vaccination peak, the current mortality in the Netherlands is slightly higher reflecting the absence of the English “harvest”.

The current vaccination, accelerator of the epidemic and mortality?

The review of the main countries which have adopted broad vaccination shows that in real populations, generalized vaccination behaves more as an accelerator of the epidemic and of mortality than as a prevention thereof. [5]

In all highly vaccinated countries, the mortality recorded during the two months after vaccination is equal to or exceeds that of the whole of 2020.


The tests of these vaccines were insufficient, without hindsight, because they are in progress. The first results are promised for early 2023.

None of them pointed out the possibility of a possible increase in contamination and mortality, which fortunately appear to be transitory. They are not very informative on the more or less serious side effects, such as the frequency of early vascular accidents in the days following vaccination, or the multiplication of miscarriages and menstrual disorders in women for example and of course the possible more complications. late in the medium and long term.

The race for accelerated vaccination at all costs could ultimately be ineffective for popular confidence in all vaccinations. There’s no point in running, you have to start on time, La Fontaine would have said. But new billionaires like the CEO of Moderna probably don’t think like the turtle in the Fable who has already amassed a fortune.

THE FUTURE IS EARLY TREATMENTS MASTERED BY FIELD PHYSICIANS Transparent studies are essential to understand the mechanism of these transient worsening of the epidemic after vaccination and to deduce possible preventive measures, if a new outbreak occurs.

Especially since the future, after this vaccine hecatomb, remains very uncertain. The leaders who have violated the bases of medicine and democracy by imposing express vaccination without respecting the usual procedures for the safety and effectiveness of drugs placed on the market, all find themselves promising their populations early treatment for future waves, thus proving, like Boris Johnson, that they no longer believe in the vaccination they have imposed. [6]


13/15 Health policy should no longer be imposed or guided by often inaccurate simulations (and their displays sometimes influenced by policies as English scientists admit), but should be based on respect for democracy and clinical experience. field physicians possibly guided by simple non-binding recommendations.

All data must be transparent like the figures of the Sentinels Network which reflects the number of real patients, consulting doctors for clinical signs. Much more reliable than the perennial contamination figures based on unreliable PCR tests.


Surtout les médecins doivent être autorisés à traiter librement leurs patients avec tous les moyens à leur disposition sans diktat bureaucratique, et ce dès le début de la maladie, comme dans toute autre pathologie. Dès le début de l’épidémie, les traitements précoces basés sur les antibiotiques, macrolides, l’hydroxychloroquine, l’Artemisia, les vitamines D et C et le zinc, puis l’ivermectine étaient connus et diabolisés par les médecins de plateau au service de nouvelles drogues hors de prix comme le remdésivir, et surtout des futurs vaccins.

The political choice to prohibit the free choice of treatment by the authorities has led in several countries of the world, including France, to numerous deaths, at least part of which was preventable. The ongoing trials will give voice to the families of the victims without repairing the irreparable loss of a loved one.

ESSENTIAL MORATORIUM Totalitarianism, systematic censorship and persecution of opponents and the suppression of fundamental freedoms in science, medicine and economics only lead to more or less long- term catastrophes, including for those responsible for them.

It is high time to go back to the proven facts and to their critical examination without a priori. In all countries, experimental vaccinations were followed by an increase in contamination and mortality attributed to Covid19 and the appearance of mutants. As long as the phenomenon has not been elucidated, a moratorium on anticovid vaccinations is essential and urgent.

Dr Gérard Delépine


[1] Great Britain: actual results of the anti-Covid-19 vaccination as of March 29 – ( [ ]

[2] Analysis of the results of the anti-Covid19 vaccination in Israel as of February 23, 2021 – Nouveau Monde ( [ ]

[3] [ ]

14/15 [4] A Pyrrhic victory is a tactical victory, achieved at the cost of losses so heavy to the winner that they compromise his chances of final victory. [ ]

[5] F Gobert Since we were vaccinated (anticovid), the average daily mortality has increased in 13 countries out of 14 Agoravox qu-on-vaccine- anticovid-la-233252 [ ]

[6] contre-la-covid-dici-lautomne [ ]

The original source of this article is and Copyright © Dr Gérard Delépine , , 2021 The original source of this article is Copyright © Gérard Delépine,, 2021

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15/15 Pennsylvania is keeping its mask mandate until 70% of adults are vaccinated, governor says

All posts May 27, 20211:09 pm

Pennsylvania will keep a mask mandate in place until 70% of the state’s population of residents 18 years old and older are vaccinated against COVID- 19, Governor Tom Wolf said in a statement on the state’s website.

The state is, however, planning to lift most of its other COVID-19 restrictions on May 31, Wolf said. The statement did not detail exactly which restrictions would be lifted.

Pennsylvania has seen more than 1.1 million COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began, and more than 26,000 people in the state have died from the virus, according to Johns Hopkins.

Pennsylvania officials said on Tuesday that 50.6% of the population had received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

“I encourage Pennsylvanians to take the critical steps needed to put this pandemic behind us by getting vaccinated, follow through with both doses if you receive the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines, and continue to take steps like masking, frequent hand washing and sanitizing and social distancing,” Department of Health Acting Secretary Alison Beam said in the statement.

1/2 Edge of the Wedge News.....Citizen Journalist takes unusual step to discover...THERE'S BEEN NO PANDEMIC IN CANADA!!! PLUS: Proof of the Perp Fall Agenda AND - New Rap Song "Just Say No!"

Criminal CDC Caught Manipulating Data Again – Canadian Woman Calls Funeral Homes who Admit 2020 Funerals Were “About the Same” as Previous Years (

Good morning readers. It's a very rainy "inside day" here in the Pacific North West. Luckily, I have a lot of inside chores to keep my occupied...packing to move to our new home over on Vancouver Island. We have the whole summer to complete the move in stages.

This morning I feel the CovID noose getting ever tighter around the neck of humanity. The massive indoctrination program regarding the Experimental mRNA Gene Therapy Injections has been a resounding success. Led by the WHO Judas Goats in every the Bullshitter here in BC, the Sheeple have marched gullibly and uniformly up the slaughter-house ramp. Only a few isolated resisters, like little moi, my sentient readers...and the woman in the photo above...have hung doubt to be mopped up in the coming Fall crackdown.

Watch and listen to the video in the link above to see how this Canadian resister gets the idea, all on her own, to phone up numerous Funeral Homes to see if their "numbers" have gone up at all during the past year and a half of the Plandemic. Uniformly, the response is "No" the numbers of dead brought to their funeral parlours has remained stable. Do you think this will put a chink in the armour of the fucking liars? Not on your life. Their mantra has always been [and we've seen that it is successful] "If we don't say it on the boob tube or on the MZM...It didn't happen!"

Oh! there are a few other resisters. Here's a story about a US State Governor outlawing the coming "Vaccine Passports" in his state. What they'll do here is isolate him, slander, villify him and defeat him in the next (s)election...or get him kicked out of office for some "sexual"

1/4 malfeasance...if they can pull that one's their favourite.

US State of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Georgia governor bans state COVID vaccine passports -- Society's Child --

They HAVE to get rid of him. If they don't...anti-vaxxer Americans from other states could flee to Georgia to escape the diktat to have a Luciferase biometric marker [nanochip] installed in their body? What to dooooooooo??? Yes, it's a corralling process...a herding process. The outliers MUST be cut from the herd being relentlessly funneled up towards the ramp.

Since the CovID bullshit began in January, 2020, I have been following what's been going on in . I know that Putin considers the Globalist Plandemic HOAX, amongst other things, an existential war on all sovereign nations that do not want to be subsumed under the UN/WHO [Bankster] Technocracy. In other is yet another war on Russia. But it also includes all Russian allies including China and India.

Putin: Mandatory vaccination INAPPROPRIATE & can’t be introduced in Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Russian President has played the Globalist CovIDian subterfuge like the expert chess player that he is. The attackers have used stealth--Putin has responded with stealth. He has seemingly gone along with the CovID scam...agreeing that there's "a pandemic" and even wearing a mask and haZmat gear in public. He got his microbiologists to invent a Russian vaccine, V which he offered to Russians and Russian as to build a protective barrier---a biological fortress protecting Russia and its allies...from the Globalist "soft kill" biometric, mRNA gene therapy vaccines.

He has been massively successful. Countries such as Venezuela, India, Syria, Iran, Belarus and others have protected their people from the dangers of sterility, Zombification [Prion/MadCow Disease] and all the other "adverse effects" that have been built into the Western so-called "vaccines". Ironically, even though Putin protected his Russian citizens by mandating a placebo injection, still...only 4% of them have been "vaccinated" so far...a testament to the innate intelligence of the Russian people!

Pushing the CovIDian Envelope in Australia Again

Meanwhile, back in the captured and occupied West...the agenda proceeds. Sentients in North America are not fooled by the current "benevolent dictator" diktats temporary and miserly opening-up of our economy and social interactions for one last summer. No.

2/4 Sentients are not stupid like the Sheeple. We can see what's going on at the end of the chain gang...Australia. Australia is now entering into the seasons we know as Fall and Winter. It is four months ahead of us in the CovIDian scam. What's going on there now foretells what will be going on here in September, 2021. Read the following links:

Australia puts 7mn people under strict lockdown after 26 Covid cases in Victoria, allowing travel for food, work & vaccinations — RT World News

Melbourne lockdown: Fears over outbreak sparks restrictions - BBC News

Yes, Australia and New Zealand are entering into the next phase. Watch both countries closely over the next weeks and months folks. Watch for military round-ups of resisters and forced vaccinations. That is what is scheduled to take place here in September. That is why Lil' Turd Jr. has been pooping and peeing his pants trying to whip [threaten, slander and forced resignations] the Canadian Military into "shape"--for the future Medical Martial Law home invasions and dragging off of Canadian resisters to remote gulags. He has to weed out ALL the sentients/ethical/patriotic soldiers from the Military lickety split!

Meanwhile, we have that boondoggle called the Olympic Games. This is a dinosaur relic holdover from the days of pseudo liberty of humanity. The perpZ are doing a "soft kill" on it:

Tokyo Games could create ‘Olympic’ Covid strain, Japanese Doctors Union warns — RT World News

The idea originally was, as alternative journalist James Corbett warned us, the 2021 Olympics would be a roll-out of the global vaccine passport. Only those who have been thoroughly vaccinated into their pre-death status would be allowed to attend. It would seem, however, that the universal vaccinations have not gone quickly enough for this agenda to proceed. The United States, as an example, is far behind on the Vaccine Passport grid...and in fact, as we saw in the link from Georgia above, certain States have dug their heels in and will need to be targeted with all sorts of terror activities to bring them into line.

So I believe the Olympics will be again cancelled, this time saying there has been a virulent "variant". If they do proceed...they will be used [like the World Military Games held in Wuhan, China were used back in 2019]--as a launching pad for biological terror-- spreading out from Tokyo across all the participating countries.

No, it's definitely NOT rocket science, folks.

Stay tuned.

3/4 Watch Video At:

YouTube Video - "Just Say No" Watch it before it "disappears" Great New Rap Song Based on Chris Sky's Campaign to "JUST SAY NO!"

Greencrow comments: The PerpZ must be terrified of Chris Sky. When I tried to take a photo of the video with my IPhone the screen went all blurry. That's the first time that has ever happened. Finally I got a photo from a distance but then Blogger refuses to upload it. Chris is Dyn-O-Mite!!!

Chris Sky: "Just Say No!" ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

Yes, This Rap Song is like Garlic to a Vampire!!! Watch it!

There is hope for rap.

H/T John Kaminski

4/4 Experts warn: Smartphone apps, not social media, pose biggest mind control threat

May 27, 2021 by: Franz Walker

(Natural News) That smartphone apps that people use daily can be used to change personalities and perform “mind control,” according to experts.

In a report by the Daily Star, therapists have warned that “harmless” looking apps can be used to “subtly” shape people’s world views. As such, these pose a bigger threat than fake news on social media.

Talking to the publication, Brighton and Hove Psychotherapy co-founder Mark Vehrymeyer warned that the risk of apps shaping the way people think is “huge.” This is due to the fact that people are becoming more increasingly dependent on their phones, which many already see as an extension of themselves.

“Getting better sleep or more exercise may seem harmless if that is what an app is doing for us,” he said. “But it may be that we increasingly hand over control of what we do and what we actually want to apps, making us feel more disconnected from ourselves and more and more dependent on this robotic parent.”

Vehrymeyer warned that, unlike a “real parent,” these apps and the companies behind them “do not intrinsically have our best interests at heart.”

“This is where the risk of conflicting interests comes into the picture and possibly the risk of some degree of mind control,” he adds.

Smartphone apps can change personality traits Vehrymeyer’s comments come after a three-month study on 1,523 adults found that smartphones can change people’s “personality traits.” To explain the results of the study, he used the example of a hypothetical app designed to help users develop better sleeping habits.

READ The TRUE Reason Why Debt Is Out of Control! Are We Entering 1970’s Inflation? He stated that such an app could suggest that they not watch the news before going to bed. In addition, it could also track what a user watched on their phones and use the data to suggest “newsworthy” items for them at certain times.

1/3 “So, with all this in mind, it does not seem to me to be a great leap to imagine a situation where a large corporation would use an app to create dependency on the part of the app users – sleep habits, exercise routine, behavior traits – and then to exploit this for further financial gains,” he said.

He then continued to explain that this is how many marketing models work. Should an app have the backing of certain political movements or even foreign governments, these can have enormous power to subtly influence the behavior of the app’s users. If the user-base is large enough, he stated that this can have a detrimental effect on society.

“Suddenly, our world view is being shaped and also fed by said app,” he explained. “If you think this is unlikely you simply need to consider how some of the mainstream social media platforms operate by reinforcing what they see us consume in content and providing us with more and more of the same.”

Another expert, Kirstan Murphy Adams of Psychotherapy Richmond, agreed, stating: “Apps which are used to control other people’s minds are on the rise and they do manage to change a person’s perception on something or change a characteristic in their personality especially if this is done on a daily basis.”

Apps more dangerous than social media Vehrymeyer pointed out that these apps are more dangerous than social media platforms. This is because these apps can become intrinsically embedded in people’s lives.

In recent times, social media and the companies behind them have come under scrutiny for censoring certain viewpoints and even spreading fake news. This has resulted in a large number of adults losing their trust in these services. (Related: Republican senators co- sponsor bill against social media censorship.)

In the U.S. alone, a Pew Research Center survey has found out that 59 percent of adults do not trust the news they read on social media.

Other smartphone apps, on the other hand, are not subject to the same scrutiny. At the same time, many of these apps, which tell people things such as how many steps they need to take, how many hours they should sleep and even when they should avoid the news, can become much more “intrinsically embedded” in people’s lives, according to Vehrymeyer.

“Apps and the way we are increasingly using them are more dangerous as they can often be intrinsically embedded in our lives and thus become an extension of ourselves – a sort of executive function outsourced,” he stated. “And if that outsourcing is done to a malignant force then the risks could be huge.”

Learn more about how smartphone apps and social media are being used to control people’s behavior at

2/3 US Testing Using “Inhalable Nanobodies” to “Fight the Coronavirus”

May 28, 2021

By Chris Black

We’re getting in Dystopia fast. Remember, we are talking about a so-called new virus with a 99.9+ % survivability rate for healthy/fit people.


In search of ways to complement jabs or to treat patients who can’t be vaccinated, scientists have tested inhalable anti-Covid nanobodies on hamsters, saying they’re effective in fighting the virus by targeting its spike protein.

The promising new findings came courtesy of researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, marking the first time nanobodies have been tested for inhalation treatment of the coronavirus disease.

1/5 In a new paper published in @ScienceAdvances, researchers from @PittTweet showed that inhalable nanobodies targeting the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can prevent and treat severe #COVID19 in hamsters.

— UPMC (@UPMCnews) May 27, 2021

An innovative future path for help in preventing and treating covid illness: inhaled nanobodies Just out @ScienceAdvances by @10queues @PittCVR @nambulli @xiang_yufei and colleagues; marked efficacy in the well-regarded hamster model

— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) May 26, 2021

What in the Hell is that?

Before you panic, these are not actually nanobots, as in nano-technology, but rather genetically engineered antibodies from an alpaca. Seriously, you can’t make this shit up.

Watch Video At:

So they are basically live-testing mutant antibodies from an alpaca. What can go wrong, except everything?

Here’s a question for you: why do we have a government in the first place? The answer is pretty simple: you have a government to defend your rights.

2/5 Following this line of thought, I cannot see the practical/moral difference between a government committing a crime against you and a government approving of crimes being committed against you by private actors.

At this point, they have already made it clear that “consent” is no longer an issue when it comes to the alleged coronavirus. No, they haven’t force-vaccinated anyone yet, but they are effectively force-vaccinating people by shutting them out of society using “private companies.”

It is clear now that there is some kind of bizarre human genetic engineering agenda at work here. It’s not clear what the purpose is. But the vaxx is not supposed to kill people (at least not immediately). It is killing a lot of people because whatever it is that they are doing to people is very dangerous.

Speaking of vaccines killing people, you probably heard about fatal blood clotting in Astra Zeneca/Pfizer jab recipients. People are dropping like flies after vaccination, but the powers that be are working hard at hiding the real numbers.

Why is this happening?

Well, there are all sorts of fancy theories about that, but here’s the deal:

The mechanism for rewriting DNA must happen in the cell nucleus. This isn’t advanced science, this is middle school science. Eukaryotic cells, the ones we have, store DNA in the cell nucleus. The spike protein instructions from the mRNA sequence must be delivered into the nucleus, or there is no chance the cell can be reprogrammed.

The mRNA vaccines are basically viruses, i.e. they are mRNA instructions coated in a protein shell, that attach themselves to healthy cells, and then proceed to deliver a new RNA instruction set that recodes the DNA of that cell to perform a new task that is different from its base biological function.

If the spike proteins generated by the genetic reprogramming are the problem, i.e. they provoke blood clots according to “science”, THEN ALL THE CURRENT VACCINES HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM.

What is really causing the blood clots is people whose immune system is fighting the foreign vaccine and the spike proteins being generated. You get too many dead cells in a tiny little tube, so you’re going to get clots. Macrophages, the cells tasked with killing foreign organisms, are huge. Those spike proteins need to be eliminated, and your immune system will be sending a ton of them out.

Symptoms of an infection are not from the pathogen, but the body’s response to it. Inflammation is the result of blood cells flooding an injured area to repair it.

3/5 Too much inflammation can be bad. If the body is too injured, or infected with runaway production of spike proteins, that inflammation can be deadly.

This is basic biology and every doctor should know it. Sadly between saving a patient and making lots of money, making money wins out most of the time.

Any real immunologist will tell you that we barely know anything about the inner workings of the body’s defense system. Calling modern medicine advanced is foolish. Some of our great advancements have later been found to either not work at all, or actually cause more harm than good. If you give someone with mental instability the wrong drug, and you can really screw them up. Even cause them to commit suicide.

I’ve always asked people who think doctors are infallible, why do they always tell you to get a second opinion?

The infection being called Covid can be easily treated with a combination of readily available drugs. Ivermectin, steroids, and antibiotics have shown to eliminate any infection in dozens of peer reviewed trials.

The CDC admitted that 95% of recorded Covid deaths were listed with comorbidities. 47% of them were pneumonia and or influenza. 18% were sepsis, and 9% dementia. The CDC also noted that the other 5% that listed only Covid as a cause of death, may have had comorbidities that weren’t listed.

So every Covid death may have been caused by other things.

READ ROARING 20S: Bitcoin traders using up to 100-to‑1 leverage! READ Government Scientific Advisors Admit Using "Totalitarian" Tactics To Control People During Pandemic The United States has been under a declared state of emergency for over 400 days. A state of emergency declaration is supposed to end after 30 days, and can be extended to 60 days. It isn’t supposed to be permanent.

If the state of emergency ends, you can’t run a PCR test for Covid.

They were never FDA approved for that purpose. You can’t jab anyone with a Covid vaccine, because they aren’t approved. You can’t force anyone to do anything, because there would be no emergency powers.

Big Pharma would lose at least $20 billion in vaccine revenue.

The CDC states that an emergency cannot be declared for a disease that has readily available treatments. Ivermectin means there can be no emergency, no pandemic. That means no emergency powers, no vaccines, no tests, and no restrictions.

That is why the media will not report on it.

4/5 A lot of doctors would rather kill their patients than give them ivermectin. The hospital administrators want the Fedbux for Covid. Giving them $3 worth of ivermectin to cure them means no $45k guaranteed payment from the government.

No doctor wants to be the person who cost their hospital $45k per patient. That 65 year old guy that can still breathe on his own is going on a ventilator.

If you think a hospital cares about you, you are dead wrong. The only thing you are when you walk through the door is a dollar sign.

5/5 Canadian doctor removed from hospital duty after speaking out about COVID vaccine side effects effects

Coronavirus vaccination site Shutterstock

LYTTON, British Columbia, May 26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A Canadian family doctor says he has been punished by his local health authority because he raised concerns about side effects he observed in some of those who had received the Moderna COVID-19 jab within his community.

“I am no longer allowed to work in the ER,” British Columbia Dr. Charles Hoffe said, according to a True North News report.

Hoffe added that his suspension from the ER came at the end of April, after his local health authority “suspended” his clinical privileges “for the crime of causing ‘vaccine hesitancy,’ for speaking out about my vaccine injured patients.”

In an April 5 letter, Hoffe had written to British Columbia Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry that he was “quite alarmed at the high rate of serious side effects from this novel treatment,” in reference to Moderna COVID-19 injections given to 900 mostly Indigenous people in Lytton, British Columbia.

1/3 Hoffe said he had observed one patient death, “numerous” allergic reactions, along with three individuals who had “disabling” neurological deficits completed with chronic pain, which persisted “for more than 10 weeks after their first vaccine.”

“So in short, in our small community of Lytton, BC, we have one person dead, and three people who look as though they will be permanently disabled, following their first dose of the Moderna vaccine. The age of those affected ranges from 38 to 82 years of age,” wrote Hoffe.

Following his letter, Hoffe said, he is no longer allowed to work in the ER department of St. Bartholomew’s Health Centre due to his views on the COVID injection. He still can work in his private practice.

“I am still permitted to see patients in my private practice, which is not under the jurisdiction of the Interior Health authority,” Hoffe said. Losing the ability to work in the ER has resulted in his income being slashed by half, which he explained is “the price of advocating for the safety of my patients.”

A community note which was posted on the Lytton Medical clinic door states that Hoffe’s “suspension” by the local health authority will “likely” mean that the “emergency room in Lytton will be closed for at least two weeks out of every month.”

In a recent statement, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC) and the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) said they were aware of “public statements from physicians that contradict public health orders and guidance [being] confusing and potentially harmful to patients.”

CPSBC registrar and CEO Dr. Heidi Oetter threatened to take action against doctors who speak out against the government narrative, saying in the statement that those who “put the public at risk with misinformation may face an investigation by the College, and if warranted, regulatory action.”

Keep me updated via email on this petition and related issues.

Just recently, Hoffe was one of ten doctors who spoke in a video calling for an end to “ethically unjustifiable” COVID-19 lockdowns. The video was published by Professionals Against Lockdowns, which was created by Liberty Coalition Canada.

The physicians in the video said parents need to “demand” change from those in charge so that kids can live their lives again without masks or “social distancing.”

In the video, Hoffe stated that “children are not the main spreaders of this disease,” and urged people to not “risk ruining their life with this experimental vaccine in order to protect them from a disease that really poses no risk to them at all.”

2/3 “So if anyone tells you that your child needs to be vaccinated against COVID to protect you or their teacher or their grandparents or anyone else, it makes absolutely no sense at all,” said Hoffe.

He also mentioned other side effects his patients sufferend following vaccination with the COVID jab, including “constant pain, headaches, muscle weakness, and dizziness.”

“These were three previously healthy people whose lives have now been ruined by this experiment,” Hoffe emphasized.

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3/3 WATCH: Check out Darren Beattie's latest interviews

June 2, 2021

Guest Post by Michael Thau, Ph.D.

“What is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal.”

That’s what Tucker Carlson claimed, at any rate, prompting outraged denials from the old- guard media and those self-appointed “fact-checkers” who sprung up out of nowhere a few years back, claiming to be the final arbiters of truth.

Carlson was referring to the unusually large number of reports of people who’ve died after getting vaccinated for COVID-19 piling up in the CDC’s official database, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

And, if nothing else, we learned that those who control which facts and figures become objects of national obsession — those who most of us will never hear a word about — are hell- bent on keeping the VAERS data firmly in the latter camp.

As of May 28, VAERS contains 4,561 reports of post-Covid jab fatalities.

That’s liable to not sound like very much if, like virtually everyone, you’ve never heard of VAERS.

After all, though most folks have been mesmerized into pretending otherwise about COVID- 19 itself, we all know dying with isn’t really the same thing as dying from.

1/7 Nor is dying after.

So, given that around 8,000 Americans ordinarily perish in a single day, what’s so odd about finding 4,500 post-vaccination fatalities in five months during which time half the country got jabbed?

The attempts to portray Carlson as a malignant demagogue fomenting unjustified panic about a perfectly harmless but absolutely essential drug all leaned heavily on that point.

The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake was typical:

The fact is that lots of people have received the vaccine — so many that plenty were going to die of something in the months that followed. [Washington Post]

But the pack of media scoundrels desperately yelling, “Nothing to see here!” are the ones playing fast and loose with the facts.

Indeed, they’ve resorted to so much deception to ensure that Carlson’s report gives birth to no wider discussion that their evident zeal to hide this year’s extraordinary increase in adverse event reports — for which the Covid vaccines are entirely responsible — raises even more disturbing questions than the data itself, as troubling as it is.

Massive Undercounting of Potential Side Effects

VAERS is what’s called a passive surveillance system, meaning that instead of actively searching for potential side-effects, it relies entirely on voluntary reporting.

And, though neither Blake nor any of the others determined to stifle discussion mention it, Carlson explicitly noted that it’s been established for over a decade that VAERS’ detection rate is abysmal.

A report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2010 concluded that, quote, “Fewer than one percent of vaccine adverse events are reported by the VAER System.”

The report mentioned was the product of a million-dollar grant the Department of Health and Human Services gave some Harvard Medical School researchers to develop a computerized “active” system that would perform better than VAERS and then run randomized trials evaluating both.

The researchers don’t say how they arrived at that dismal 1% detection rate. But the data they do present paints an equally bleak picture.

From June 2006 through October 2009, they exhaustively searched for potential side effects among the 715,000 patients of Atrius Health, “a large multi-specialty group practice with over 35 facilities.”

2/7 Every patient receiving a vaccine was automatically identified, and for the next 30 days, their health care diagnostic codes, laboratory tests, and medication prescriptions were evaluated for values suggestive of an adverse vaccine event. [AHRQ.Gov]

Around half wound up getting some type of vaccine, and 35,570 potential adverse side effects were identified. Yet for the same period, VAERS recorded only around 73,000 within 30 days of vaccination in the entire country.

In other words, in a population 420 times as large, VAERS only managed to capture fewer than twice as many potential vaccine adverse events.

Feature or Bug?

No one should be surprised by the Harvard team’s findings. A system of voluntary reporting about which hardly anyone even knows is, after all, bound to miss virtually everything.

Nor is VAERS obscurity restricted to the general public. A 2013 study by researchers from the CDC itself found that almost 30% of health care professionals had never heard of it. Among those who’d come across a potential vaccine side effect and had, a jarring 83% still failed to file any report.

Yet, according to the CDC, VAERS is supposed to be “the nation’s frontline system for monitoring vaccine safety,” raising the obvious question:

Why on earth is the CDC still using a passive surveillance system proven completely worthless over a decade ago that anyone could see was bound to massively undercount potential side effects, as nothing has been done to ensure public awareness of such a reporting system in the first place?

And, unfortunately, the only answer seems to be that, for whatever dark reason, that’s exactly what the CDC wants.

And not just because they’ve made no effort to publicize VAERS and increase the dismal reporting rate among medical professionals nor replaced it with something better.

Not only was the Harvard team’s automated system never adopted. They weren’t even able to run the clinical trials comparing its effectiveness to VAERS’ because — after spending three years and a million taxpayer dollars — they found themselves ghosted by the CDC:

Unfortunately, there was never an opportunity to perform system performance assessments because the necessary CDC contacts were no longer available and the CDC consultants responsible for receiving data were no longer responsive to our multiple requests to proceed with testing and evaluation. [AHRQ.Gov]

Truncated Safety Trials Sans Legal Liability

3/7 Because only six months of safety data is required for FDA approval, a “frontline system” for detecting potential side effects after vaccines go on the market that actually works is important.

But with regard to the COVID-19 vaccines, none of which even has FDA approval, the need is orders of magnitude greater.

If you’re surprised to hear about that lack of FDA approval, don’t blame yourself. The fact that the vaccine has only received what’s called an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) — like so much else about COVID-19 — is being systematically suppressed.

Anthony Fauci even lied on camera (yet again) when asked, “Which of the COVID-19 vaccines have been officially approved by the FDA?”

“Three of them,” replied Fauci, naming the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines that, in reality, only have EUAs. Something the odious little man was later forced to admit when the podcast host — who’d actually done his homework — called him out.

Watch Video At:

But you can understand why Fauci thought he could get away with lying given how rarely the media mentions any COVID-19 vaccine regulatory deficiencies.

Neither the flagship New York Times nor the Washington Post even bothered doing so in their stories announcing that the first Covid vaccine was going on the market. And though CNN was a rare exception, they made the difference between an EUA and FDA approval sound like some trifling bureaucratic formality:

4/7 Pfizer would have to file a separate application for its vaccine to be fully licensed by the FDA. [CNN]

What they’re not mentioning is all the neglected safety testing which that separate application would need to include.

A biologics license application required for FDA approval requires six months of data. But for COVID-19, the EUA requirement was cut down to only two months.

Another crucial piece of information being withheld raising the stakes even further. CNBC headlined one of the rare media stories mentioning that you can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either.

Nor will you be able to sue Johnson & Johnson or anyone else lucky enough to wind up in the very lucrative Covid vaccine business. The manufacturers and federal government have so much confidence in that truncated two months of safety testing that the former were granted the same immunity from liability the FDA already has.

And, of course, once again, not a finger has been lifted to make sure the American people know that, should anything go wrong, they’ve no one but themselves to legally blame — making the notion of informed consent the cruelest of jokes.

Making matters worse, when a vaccine goes on the market with only an EUA, the FDA is required to ensure that anyone taking it knows it’s only been authorized for emergency use, and apprise them of any known risks, as well as to the extent to which risks are unknown.

And it’s a bit tough to see how that duty could have possibly been discharged when hardly anyone even knows that the Covid vaccines were only granted an EUA.

Or that the reason was the long-term safety testing required for FDA approval wasn’t done.

Or that the manufacturers are immune from liability should that or any other deficiency prove tragic.

Or, for that matter — as another person the media has tried to silence, Alex Berenson, noted — that in the five months since the first vaccine hit the market, there have already been almost as many reports of post-Covid vaccine deaths than for every other vaccine combined in the database’s entire 30-year history.

5/7 VAERS now up to 3,486 post-Covid vaccine deaths – almost as many as have been reported for every other vaccine combined in the database’s 30-year history.


Phew. I was starting to get worried.

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 20, 2021

You see, all those big media outlets and “fact-checkers” claiming it’s irresponsible to bring a mere 4,000 deaths to the public’s attention aren’t just ignoring VAERS’ abysmal detection rate.

They’re also lying through misdirection about what those they seek to silence think it’s important that you know.

It’s the jaw-dropping increase in COVID-vaccine reports, not the absolute number, that Tucker Carlson, Alex Berenson, and others are getting hammered for trying to alert you about.

Here’s a picture that ought to be worth a thousand very disconcerting words.

That’s what , Washington Post, CNN, PolitiFact, and a host of less influential outlets are trying to tell you isn’t worth noticing.

Or rather, that’s what they’re trying to hide from you when they focus solely on the absolute number of post-Covid vaccine death reports without mentioning that there have already been more submitted in just five months than in the previous 27 years for all other vaccines

6/7 combined.

And it’s not because more Covid vaccines were administered than other vaccines. More were jabbed for the flu in just the last season alone. And that’s not even considering all the other 55 available vaccines.

It’s unquestionable that Tucker Carlson was right. Something extraordinary is occurring. Anyone denying it would look like an idiot. So they lie about what the issue is instead, then lie some more to tear down the strawman they’ve built. Another tactic they use is to vilify anyone trying to make the real cause of concern public with terms like “far-right extremist.”

It’s of course possible that this extraordinary data has some harmless explanation. But it’s also possible it represents a profoundly serious problem. Especially since VAERS’ apparently intentional lousy detection rate means we’ve no clue what the real number of adverse events even is.

We won’t have answers until someone takes the time to find them.

And the fact that no one in charge seems to give a damn and, indeed, that they sit back in silence as the world’s most influential news outlets flagrantly lie in a desperate effort to stop the public from even learning there’s anything that needs explaining is, as we’ll see, merely the first of many signs that a rushed-to-market deadly vaccine, as bad as that would be, is the least of our worries.

Stay tuned for part two of this three part series.

Michael Thau is a columnist at RedState. He has a PhD in philosophy from Princeton and has been writing extensively on COVID-19 since this nightmare began.

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7/7 WATCH: Check out Darren Beattie's latest interviews

June 3, 2021

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Reader’s Note: This is Part Two of a three part series. If you haven’t done so, please read Part One here.

Guest Post by Michael Thau, Ph.D.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a database managed by the CDC that collects reports of health problems experienced after taking a vaccine.

It aims to identify potential side effects that premarket safety testing may have missed. According to the CDC, VAERS is supposed to be “the nation’s frontline system for monitoring vaccine safety.” This is especially critical for the COVID-19 shots, since they were the first to go on the market without the long-term safety testing required for FDA approval. See Part 1 of this series.

You would hope that if a new vaccine wound up getting more death reports in five months than all the others combined over the entire previous 28 years, that might warrant some attention.

Think again.

1/10 An army of journalists and self-proclaimed fact-checkers stand ready to besiege anyone who dares to report on this astonishing data. Not only is there nothing to see, suggesting otherwise makes you a conspiracy theorist or a far-right extremist, according to our betters in the fake news media.

But empty vilification hasn’t been the only scurrilous technique employed by the powers- that-be.

Real Number of Deaths Unknown

VAERS relies entirely on voluntary reporting, but hardly anyone knows it exists, so it is bound to capture a mere fraction of actual side effects.

When Tucker Carlson drew attention to the reports piling up in VAERS, the Washington Post, Forbes, and most other disparagers failed to mention his explicit reference to a group of Harvard researchers who conclusively demonstrated that the VAERS detection rate is abysmal. Again, see Part 1 of this series.

Carlson’s conclusion that nobody actually knows the true number of people who’ve died after Covid vaccination was flippantly assailed by the odious propagandists at Media Matters. They made an irrelevant rebuttal which involved a blatant lie:

But, that data does exist. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention oversees VAERS, it also runs the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). [Media Matters]

But of course the data exists somewhere. Carlson’s point was that no one has collected and analyzed it to determine the true number of post-COVID-vaccine deaths.

Moreover, it doesn’t exist at VSD, which contains information from only nine healthcare facilities scattered across the US — not the entire country. And its purpose is to “conduct studies based on questions or concerns already raised by the medical literature and reports to VAERS,” not to be a frontline detection system in its own right.

So, someone would have to actively sift through the VSD data to know the number of post- vaccination deaths experienced at just those nine facilities. And there’s zero indication anyone has done even that.

Not only does nobody know the real number of Americans who’ve died after taking a Covid vaccine, no one in charge seems to even care.

The media outlets providing our vaccine overlords cover have also kept despicably silent about how few reports were coming in prior to the COVID-19 vaccines. The media excoriated people for mentioning a “mere” 4,000 death reports in five months, without mentioning that before the Covid vaccines came along, VAERS had only exceeded 200 death reports in an entire year once in its three-decade history.

2/10 Again, the VAERS tally shows 1,000 more deaths than the number of people who perished on 9/11.

But the point is that, from beginning to end, Carlson made it clear his main point wasn’t even about VAERS.

His subject was the bullying and censorship that’s getting heaped on “anyone who dares to question vaccines,” and he spent more time chronicling disturbing cases than he did on VAERS.

Nothing could have proven Carlson’s point better than the despicably dishonest responses twisting both his words and the facts.

As Carlson noted, the data piling up in VAERS doesn’t necessarily tell us anything about the Covid vaccines. Maybe, the relentless publicity has massively increased the likelihood that potential side effects will get reported.

But without looking into the matter, it’s just as likely that reporting has been suppressed by the vilification of anyone who so much as raises the possibility that getting jabbed is anything less than perfectly harmless.

Who knows? The fact is we won’t until someone looks.

Whatever the case may be, the volume of death reports flooding VAERS is extraordinary. The effort to destroy anyone saying otherwise makes a full investigation much less likely and could portend something very dark indeed.

We’ve barely plumbed the depths of the VAERS cover-up.

Preposterous lies

The narrative gatekeepers are also hiding a significant source of undercounting that’s likely occurring precisely because of the unprecedented volume of reports coming in.

Moreover, they’ve frequently done so by saying something both false and preposterous.

Jack Brewster of Forbes, for example, both revealed and justified the utter contempt he has for his readers’ intelligence with this risible nonsense:

VAERS is designed to allow anyone to report an event, meaning the data is unverified… [Forbes]

But, in case you’re as dopey as the people who read Forbes evidently are, the fact that anyone can submit a report obviously doesn’t mean that they’re being entered into the database without any verification.

3/10 The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake showed a little less disdain for his audience by at least taking the trouble to provide a bogus source for his claim that the “data in the VAERS system is unverified.” He linked to another attempt to squash discussion from his fellow charlatans at PolitiFact which, though it does indeed assert that VAERS reports “are not verified before they’re entered into the database,” gives no indication where they’re getting the idea from.

The regime’s vast army of internet trolls would be having a field day if PolitiFact’s unverified claim were true. The CDC’s “frontline system for monitoring vaccine safety” — apart from massively undercounting potential side effects due to a lack of awareness of VAERS among medical personnel (See part 1) — would also be stuffed with reports of people dying of unrelated causes.

You know, like the COVID-19 fatality count.

Reporter asks Orange Co Fla health official if the two COVID deaths listed as in their 20s had any underlying conditions. Reply:

“The first one didn’t have any. He died in a motorcycle accident.”

— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) July 17, 2020

We’ve known from the beginning that the virus’s official death toll deliberately conflates dying with Covid and dying from Covid. In fact, a number of factors guarantee an unknown but enormous number of bogus entries in the official death toll. The media is suggesting without evidence that the same holds for the post-Covid vaccine fatality reports flooding VAERS, thus proving the old adage that “there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

An AP effort to nip any public discussion in the bud contained this flagrantly deceptive remark by Dr. Sean O’Leary, “vice-chair of the committee on infectious diseases for the American Academy of Pediatrics and professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado”:

For example, if you get a vaccine and then you get struck by lightning, you can report that to VAERS. [AP]

Indeed, you can. But Dr. O’Leary’s implied suggestion that not only are such reports routinely entered, but that the reports of post-COVID-jab fatalities include so many they can safely be ignored, is such a low-down piece of deception that he ought to be stripped of his medical license.

The regime media use this damning claim not to discredit the CDC, whose word they nonetheless insist we take as gospel, but to malign and bully those who assume that a publicly accessible database isn’t going to be full of garbage data.

4/10 If the CDC really isn’t lifting a finger to weed out pranksters and saboteurs, then they’ve got to be deliberately fomenting the supposed irrational “anti-vaccine” sentiment we’re supposed to think is so dangerous.

But, on at least this occasion, the agency appears to be innocent of anything sleazy since they explicitly advise anyone submitting a report that:

You will be contacted by VAERS if follow-up information (i.e., medical records or other medical documentation) is needed. [Dept. of Health and Human Services]

That sentence would clearly seem to indicate that there’s some kind of verification.

But it’s also the 11th response on a page listing 17 questions, each of which has to be clicked to view its answer. And the question itself doesn’t mention verification.

Moreover, after spending a couple hours trying to find out about verification, that one not- easy-to-find nor terribly informative sentence is the only thing that turned up.

So it appears that those in charge at the CDC must be so irredeemably corrupt as to actually want a reporting system in place that barely counts a fraction of potential vaccine side effects. It also looks like they’re not too keen on anyone knowing what happens to VAERS reports between submission and publication. Nor does the CDC appear to provide any information on the related question of lag time, leading most people to assume that what they’re seeing at any given time represents all there currently is.

But you know what they say about assuming.

How many additional reports haven’t been logged in?

There are a lot of reasons to think that side effects are at least so far wildly underreported.

For example, there are as many reports of life-threatening illnesses as there are deaths.

5/10 In fact, the COVID-19 vaccines have caused an unprecedented number of reports of any kind.

And, as Alex Berenson noted, it’s likely that any system that’s suddenly showing more reports in a single week than it used to record in an entire year is being overwhelmed enough to have a sizeable backlog.

6/10 VAERS (the federal vaccine side effects database) has updated for the week.

Holy moly.

It’s now at 118,000+ #covid vaccine reports. That’s up 32,000 in a week – a 35% rise. Before Covid, VAERS got that many reports in a year.

Just how bad is the backlog?

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 30, 2021

Berenson also reported on one woman who submitted a VAERS report in January but only received a request for more information in late April. In the interim, a jaw-dropping quarter million reports were added, suggesting that the backlog might be enormous.

A clue to how bad the VAERS backlog has gotten: This person submitted a report in late January, a quarter-million reports ago. She received an automated reply asking for more information TODAY.

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 30, 2021

But there are also other reasons to think that the CDC must be in possession of an extraordinarily large volume of reports that they’re not telling us about.

Here’s a screenshot from May 12 of the number of COVID-vaccine reports recorded in VAERS, sorted by month of vaccination.

Here’s the same data request on May 28.

7/10 As you can see, over 16 days in May, the reports continued to climb for people vaccinated in every month since December. Here’s that May-increase for each vaccination month.

As of May 28, 88% of adverse symptoms reported after Covid vaccination occurred within 15 days and 91% within 30. So, unless a lot of people are waiting several months to file a report, the CDC must have a significant backlog of reports that are getting entered months after they were received.

But also notice that on May 12, the most adverse events were reported for people who’d been vaccinated in January. Adverse event reports then steadily declined for those jabbed in February through April.

And though the May 28 data also shows the most reports for January vaccinations, the reports that were added make the decline less significant and interrupt it, creating second peak for those vaccinated in March.

That makes perfect sense if there’s a backlog getting retroactively filled in since, as you can see below, the total number of doses administered peaked in April and the number of first doses in March.

8/10 Absent a backlog, that would mean adverse events were dropping off considerably even as the number of people getting jabbed kept increasing.

Again, not impossible. But a substantial backlog perfectly explains both the early peak in adverse event reports relative to doses administered in the May 12 VAERS data, and why that peak became less pronounced when more adverse events were entered into the system, making the May 28 data better align with the dosage charts.

The upshot of all of this is that, though the CDC is allowing everyone to think that the VAERS data is up-to-date without actually saying so, there’s a lot of interconnecting evidence that a lot more reports must have come in than those we’re currently being allowed to see.

All of this would be bad enough by itself. But when placed in the larger context of the other deliberate deceptions about COVID-19, it becomes orders of magnitude worse.

When you step back to look at the whole picture, the obfuscation and contempt for evidence surrounding VAERS fits into the same pattern of deliberate deception that has been the norm since Covid first emerged a year and a half ago.

Stay tuned for the third and concluding installment of this series.

Michael Thau is a columnist at RedState. He has a PhD in philosophy from Princeton and has been writing extensively on COVID-19 since this nightmare began.

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9/10 Researchers develop vaccine technology in ‘wafer’ form, identical to Catholic host used at Mass

A polymer wafer that resembles the host at Catholic Mass could one day be used to deliver vaccines.

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.

May 28, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A team of researchers from the Universities of Minnesota and Texas have developed a polymer “wafer,” which bears a striking resemblance to the host used at a Catholic Mass, that they predict could become the vaccine of the future and harks back to the warnings of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who pointed to COVID adherence as a new religion.

The six-man development team is composed of three scientists from the University of Minnesota, two from the University of Texas, and one from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. The study, published in the peer reviewed medical journal, Journal of Controlled Release, explained that the membrane on the underside of the tongue leant itself to absorbing drugs very effectively.

1/3 While the membrane could easily absorb smaller molecules, the larger molecules used in vaccines and experimental injections, such as Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection, are too large to enter in this manner and hence are delivered via needles in the arm.

However, the research team believes that the wafer will offer a solution to that, having already proved that the wafer works with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proteins, and has been designed with a potential future HIV vaccine in mind.

The team noted, though, that the wafers could be used in the future to deliver COVID-19 vaccines.

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The wafer itself is predominately composed of alginate and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). According to reports, the alginate ensures that the proteins do not disintegrate and the CMC works to keep the wafer connected to the membrane in order for the proteins to be imparted.

In a press release from the University of Minnesota, Chun Wang, one of the study’s authors and associate professor in the university’s College of Science and Engineering, expressed hope that the technology could revolutionise the future of vaccines.

“This is just a small step in this long journey,” Wang said. “If we continue this line of work, it can bring us to a point where we will have vaccines — they could be based on DNA, RNA, proteins — that can be stored without refrigeration and easily delivered under the tongue at the sublingual site.”

“They will be quickly disseminated throughout the world because they don’t rely on certain equipment and preservation and all of that stuff. This will be particularly good for low- resource regions of the world, even in America — rural areas that are lacking certain essential facilities and infrastructure.”

Catholics commenting on the wafer have noted the obvious and striking similarity to the host used at every Catholic Mass, which after the words of Consecration becomes the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. In fact, the wafer developed by the team of researchers appears physically to be almost identical to those used at Mass.

Should it come to be used as a means to deliver COVID-19 vaccines, comparisons would certainly be drawn between what has been described as the “church” of COVID and the Catholic Church’s own sacramental rites.

Indeed, in January, Archbishop Viganò, former Papal Nuncio to the United States, described the global adherence to the authoritarian COVID measures as being akin to a religious observance. In light of Pope Francis’s reception of the abortion-tainted

2/3 injections and subsequent dictate that everyone must take the injection, Archbishop Viganò wrote:

“The bleak Paul VI Audience Hall has been emblematically chosen as the temple in which to celebrate this new sanitary rite, officiated by ministers of the Covid religion in order to assure, certainly not the salvation of souls, but rather the illusory promise of health for the body.”

Indeed, some weeks before, Archbishop Viganò described the COVID-19 measures as being part of a “pseudo-health regime” governed by people both inside and outside of the Church who were “people corrupt in the soul and sold out to Satan.”

“They have thundered at us, using arcane words like 'social distancing' and 'gatherings,' in an endless series of grotesque contradictions, absurd alarms, apocalyptic threats, social precepts and health ceremonies that have replaced religious rites,” he wrote, when summarizing the year 2020.

The archbishop was supported by Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, Vatican whistleblower and the former head of the Vatican bank. Gotti Tedeschi spoke of the manner in which society turned to the COVID vaccines as though to a new form of religion:

“The apparent result seems to be a new form of scientism, reincarnated to solve the COVID problem with vaccines to be accepted fideistically (with blind faith), and perhaps nominating itself as the new moral authority of this age, one that demands an act of faith towards the modern religion, the scientific one.”

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3/3 Facebook Gives American Journalists Permission to Write About COVID Originating From Wuhan Lab originating-from-wuhan-lab

May 27, 2021

Comrade Citizens, the magnanimous leader of Facebook has decided to allow the previously censored discussion to take place. Big Technocracy has given permission to the U.S. media to write investigative articles about COVID-19 originating from the Wuhan bioweapons lab.

WASHINGTON – Facebook will no longer take down posts claiming that Covid-19 was man-made or manufactured, a company spokesperson told POLITICO on Wednesday, a move that acknowledges the renewed debate about the virus’ origins.

A narrative in flux: Facebook’s policy tweak arrives as support surges in Washington for a fuller investigation into the origins of Covid-19 after the Wall Street Journal reported that three scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalized in late 2019 with symptoms consistent with the virus.

The findings have reinvigorated the debate about the so-called Wuhan lab-leak theory, once dismissed as a fringe conspiracy theory. (read more)

1/2 Please remember to thank Dear Leader Mark Zuckerberg for his decision to allow conversational debate on Facebook. However, also remember your responsibilities as good citizens to remain compliant to the topics that are permitted, and do not stray into conversations that are not approved by the technocratic command and control authority.

Posted in 1st Amendment, Big Stupid Government, Big Tech, CDC, China, Coronavirus, Cultural Marxism, media bias, Notorious Liars, Professional Idiots, propaganda, Uncategorized


2/2 Opposition grows against UK vaccine passports

April 2, 20213:26 AM EDT

1/4 1/2

2/4 Bartenders pour drinks in a pub in London Bridge amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in London, Britain, September 24, 2020. REUTERS/Hannah McKay/File Photo

More than 70 British lawmakers have signalled their opposition to the introduction of so- called vaccine passports that the government is considering bringing in to help to open the economy as it starts lifting COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

The government is reviewing the idea of asking people to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination to access crowded spaces such as pubs or sports events, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson having already said that a certificate is likely to be needed for international travel.

The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported on Saturday that trials of COVID passports would begin within weeks during pilots at major sports events and possibly a music awards ceremony in the next two months to assess their impact.

On Friday Johnson said that a combination of immunity factors - if people have had the disease, a vaccination or had a COVID-19 test - would give businesses confidence.

"So those three things working together will, I think, be useful for us as we as we go forward," Johnson said.

But there has been mounting concern from some in his own Conservative Party, as well as opposition lawmakers and civil rights groups, about the prospect of vaccine certificates.

"We oppose the divisive and discriminatory use of COVID status certification to deny individuals access to general services, businesses or jobs," said a statement signed by a group of more than 70 lawmakers from across the political spectrum.

Under the government's planned "roadmap" out of the pandemic, pubs will be allowed to serve people outdoors later this month, with a further easing of restrictions in mid-May before all measures are lifted near the end of June.

Johnson suggested last month that some pubs might require customers to produce vaccine certificates. Culture minister Oliver Dowden, meanwhile, has said that such certificates could help get more people into theatres.

No decision has yet been made and Johnson has instructed senior minister Michael Gove to review the possible role of certificates, saying there are deep and complex ethical issues to explore. Gove is due to report back shortly.

More than 31 million Britons have already received their first vaccine dose in the fastest inoculation programme in Europe.

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

3/4 The Real Manitoba COVID-19 Report For Wednesday, May 26th 2021: 310 New FALSE POSITIVE Cases, And 1 New Death NOT From This Contagion - Now Trying To Blame "Unvaccinated" For This Bullshit "Crisis"

As I stated in my previous article, apparently these criminals running this fraud scam-demic here in Manitoba are now hell bent on trying to get everyone to get their deadly KILL SHOTS into them by all means at their disposal... And these scoundrels' latest tactic is to lay ALL of the blame for this fraud 'crisis' in Manitoba on those of us not stupid enough to have those lethal injections put into our bodies.... My guess is that this is just one tactic they will indeed try for the time being, and if this 'blame game' fails, they will fall back on coercion and suckering idiots out there to take the KILL SHOTS by offering them ludicrous 'prizes'!

Yes, these fuckers are a bit 'late' today in getting their disgusting and bullshit 'official report' out for today, but I have had the patience to wait for these consummate liars and criminals, and I finally got that information a short time ago...

I have looked at today's 'numbers' from their ludicrous 'report' and once again they are generating a lot of new FALSE POSITIVE 'cases' by ABUSING the PCR amplification tool, and there is ONLY '1' new death that they are claiming from this phantom 'deadly virus' that happens to be a 90+ year old female patient in a nursing home who OBVIOUSLY died from other complications due to her advanced age... Third wave? Not a chance...

OK, Onto the ludicrous 'numbers' from today's 'daily report' and once again I have them broken down right here in alphabetic order for everyone to analyze for themselves:

(a) Now they are claiming '310' new FALSE POSITIVE 'cases' of this phantom 'deadly virus' for all of Manitoba over the last 24 hours... This raises their phantom overall 'cases count' for the nearly 62 full weeks of this sheer stupidity to a grand total of '49356'... But of course they got ALL of these 'cases' by their continuing abuse of the PCR amplification tool that is NOT a valid 'test' for diseases, period.

(b) Now they are claiming '253' active hospital cases of this phantom 'deadly virus' for all of Manitoba as of today.. This is the same number of 'active' hospital cases since yesterday's report..... And they are now claiming '57' of those '253' active hospital cases are presently in the ICU wards across Manitoba, which is a decline of '2' ICU cases from yesterday's report of '59'... BUT again, ALL of these hospital cases come courtesy of the same abused PCR amplification tool, as the 'cases' in category (a)...

1/4 (c) Now they are claiming '1' new 'death' that they are trying to attribute to this phantom 'deadly virus' for all of Manitoba over the last 24 hours... This raises their overall 'death toll' to a grand total of '1036' for the entire nearly 62 weeks time frame... But as shown above, this latest 'death' is so ludicrous, as the patient was well into her 90's and therefore she definitely had severe underlying health issues already that caused her demise.

(d) Now they are claiming '43529' recovered cases of this phantom 'deadly virus' for the nearly 62 full weeks for all of Manitoba... This is an increase of '463' recovered cases from yesterday's total of '43066' which once more is pretty accurate for the last 24 hours only... There is still the '1500' recovered cases unaccounted for in this category that are still being falsely labeled as 'active cases' instead.

(e) Now they are claiming '4792' active cases of this phantom 'deadly virus' for all of Manitoba as of today, which is a decline of '153' active cases from yesterday's total of '4945'... But besides the gross error here as pointed out in (d), ALL of these 'active cases' came ONLY through the PCR amplification tool that is not a valid 'test' for ANY contagion, and therefore ALL of these ' active cases' must be labeled as 'suspect' only.

(f) After yesterday's fiasco where they failed to show the fraud 'new variant' numbers in their official reports, they are reporting '9418' bullshit and purely phantom 'variants of concern' since the beginning of January... And they are claiming at least '4' bullshit 'variants' here in Manitoba, and some '2606' active bullshit 'variant' cases presently in this province as well.....Nothing but falsified data here, 100%....

OK, Once again they are simply 'juggling' their numbers around just to try to keep certain numbers as high as they can to keep the illusion of this 'third wave' going... But it really does not matter for the fact that the 'cases' are all 100% FRAUDS, and for the key fact that NOBODY is or has ever actually died from this dreaded 'deadly virus' at all! But of course the lying whore media is still at it with their sick game of running the propaganda of 'overwhelmed' hospitals now, and the suckers living here in Manitoba continue to swallow that horse shit without any thoughts at all..

Well, time to get on with it, and I will do my usual of taking a close look at each of their 'numbers' and rip them all to smithereens..... And in the same alphabetic order as shown above, right here:

(a) We can throw this entire 'cases' number out immediately.. .The 'test' is 100% inaccurate and absolutely invalid... Therefore what we have here is the continuing circus act by these criminals of just pulling these 'cases' out of thin

2/4 air and throwing them out in these reports hoping the stupid will believe it.... Thus their '310' daily number and their '49356' nearly 62 weeks in full number, are pure garbage and pure phantoms.

(b) Just like in (a) every one of these 'hospital cases' numbers can be thrown out as they too have been derived from the 'test' that is not even a valid 'test'.... And seriously? '253' total active hospital cases in what is supposed to be a 'horrific' crisis as the lying whore media tries to portray? The fact remains that I have continued to observe the local hospital where I live and there is STILL nearly ZERO activity of any kind at all... Therefore I definitely want to challenge these liars to PROVE that the hospitals are somehow 'overwhelmed' when the evidence is positively NOT AT ALL !

(c) Yes, take a 90+ year old woman that obviously is in poor health and obviously had a lot of other problems, and when she died in the last 24 hours, mark her death certificate falsely as ' death by COVID-19' like they have so many times before.... .And in fact I still have found ZERO evidence in the nearly 62 weeks that ANY of these '1036' total deaths died directly from this supposedly 'deadly virus' when the facts are that in ALL cases, they all had other real ailments, or illnesses that were the real cause of ALL of their demise.... But wait, everyone, for the deaths from those who have taken the KILL SHOTS are coming, and these pricks will definitely try to add those to this 'death toll' and claim that those deaths were from this 'virus'....

(d) The shortfall in this 'recovered cases' number remains at approximately '1500'.... Obviously, these lying sacks of shit need that '1500' to remain classified as 'active cases' just to prop up that number and continue this entire illusion of this 'third wave' bullshit.... Eventually, this lie will catch up with these pricks, definitely..

(e) The REAL 'active cases' number is there actually was this 'deadly virus' out there is now at about '3275' and falling... But we also must remember that ALL of these 'active cases' are invalid as they came from the abused PCR amplification tool that is absolutely NOT a valid test at all for contagions... Thus none of these 'active cases' have this 'deadly virus' at all, and those that are 'sick' actually have one of a wide range of REAL illnesses that are out there... Does anyone here in Manitoba right now have this 'COVID-19' crap at all? Not a chance in hell...

(f) Absolutely 100% invalid, as these 'new variants' are as much phantoms as the 'deadly virus', AND these cases also come courtesy of the PCR amplification tool that is NOT a valid 'test' at all... But this makes sense, as the 'deadly virus' STILL has never been proven to exist in ANY laboratory around the world to this day, and therefore the 'new variants' are 100% bullshit and non-existent as well.

3/4 Yes, obviously from today's data, these pricks are now struggling to keep the entire fraud going... But honestly, this entire scam-demic here in Manitoba should have collapsed early last year, as it is purely driven by falsified data through a 100% invalid 'test'.... There never was a 'first wave' or even a' second wave' let alone a 'third wave' at all!

But the name of the game is now to further scare the people of this province into such a state of anguish and despair that most will gladly go out and get the KILL SHOTS into them just thinking that if they did this will be 'all over'... Yes, it will be all over for the recipients of those lethal injections all right, as most will be DEAD within the upcoming year...

And honestly, I have NO pity at all for these pricks running this entire fraud, for they deserve none.. They have destroyed this province, shattered its economy, and ruined everyones' lives and their livelihoods... If the people ever do wake the fuck up, I want to see NO MERCY for these scoundrels as they deserve none for the horrific damage that they have done to the good people of Manitoba..

But the real issue in all this remains the fact that this is a genocidal operation for the culling of humanity.. Therefore, I do not want to see ANY of these bastards, all the way from the Pallister government, Manitoba Health, and especially the LYING WHORE MEDIA escape the justice that they all deserve for being part in this massive cold blooded crime against humanity.... They all deserve the death penalty for this crime, and I for one will not rest until I see that sentence for ALL of them..

More to come


4/4 Virologists Say Genetic "Fingerprints" Prove COVID-19 Man-Made, 'No Credible Natural Ancestor'

Two notable virologists claim to have found "unique fingerprints" on COVID-19 samples that only could have arisen from laboratory manipulation, according to an explosive 22-page paper obtained by the Daily Mail.

The paper's authors, Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen (left) and British Professor Angus Dalgleish (right) via the Daily Mail

British professor Angus Dalgleish - best known for creating the world's first 'HIV vaccine', and Norwegian virologist Dr. Birger Sørensen - chair of pharmaceutical company, Immunor, who has published 31 peer-reviewed papers and holds several patents, wrote that while analyzing virus samples last year, the pair discovered "unique fingerprints" in the form of "six inserts" created through gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

They also conclude that "SARS-Coronavirus-2 has "no credible natural ancestor" and that it is "beyond reasonable doubt" that the virus was created via "laboratory manipulation."

1/9 exclusively obtained the 22-page paper which is set to be published in the scientific journal Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery. In it, researchers describe their months-long 'forensic analysis' into experiments done at the Wuhan lab between 2002 and 2019 (Daily Mail)

2/9 A 'GenBank' table included in the paper lists various coronavirus strains, with the dates they were collected and then when they were submitted to the gene bank, showing a delay of several years for some (Daily Mail)

Last year, Sørensen told Norwegian broadcaster NRK that COVID-19 has properties which have 'never been detected in nature,' and that the United States has 'collaborated for many years on coronavirus research through "gain of function" studies with China.

3/9 One diagram of the coronavirus shows six 'fingerprints' identified by the two scientists, which they say show the virus must have been made in a lab (Daily Mail)

4/9 A second diagram showed how a row of four amino acids found on the SARS- Cov-2 spike have a positive charge that clings to human cells like a magnet, making the virus extremely infectious (Daily Mail)

The paper detailing their months-long "forensic analysis," which looked back at experiments done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology between 2002 and 2019, is set to be published in the scientific journal Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery.

More via the Mail:

5/9 Digging through archives of journals and databases, Dalgleish and Sørensen pieced together how Chinese scientists, some working in concert with American universities, allegedly built the tools to create the coronavirus.

Much of the work was centered around controversial 'Gain of Function' research – temporarily outlawed in the US under the Obama administration.

Gain of Function involves tweaking naturally occurring viruses to make them more infectious, so that they can replicate in human cells in a lab, allowing the virus's potential effect on humans to be studied and better understood.

Dalgleish and Sørensen claim that scientists working on Gain of Function projects took a natural coronavirus 'backbone' found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new 'spike', turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible SARS-Cov-2.

One tell-tale sign of alleged manipulation the two men highlighted was a row of four amino acids they found on the SARS-Cov-2 spike.

In an exclusive interview with, Sørensen said the amino acids all have a positive charge, which cause the virus to tightly cling to the negatively charged parts of human cells like a magnet, and so become more infectious.

But because, like magnets, the positively charged amino acids repel each other, it is rare to find even three in a row in naturally occurring organisms, while four in a row is 'extremely unlikely,' the scientist said.

'The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row. The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it,' Dalgleish told

Their new paper says these features of SARS-Cov-2 are 'unique fingerprints' which are 'indicative of purposive manipulation', and that 'the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small.'

'A natural virus pandemic would be expected to mutate gradually and become more infectious but less pathogenic which is what many expected with the COVID-19 pandemic but which does not appear to have happened,' the scientists wrote.

'The implication of our historical reconstruction, we posit now beyond reasonable doubt, of the purposively manipulated chimeric virus SARS-CoV-2 makes it imperative to reconsider what types of Gain of Function experiments it is morally acceptable to undertake.

6/9 The study concluded 'SARS-Coronavirus-2 has no credible natural ancestor' and that it is 'beyond reasonable doubt' that the virus was created through 'laboratory manipulation' (Daily Mail)

When Sørensen and Dalgleish floated their findings last year, it was 'debunked' with the thinnest of logic - however former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove pointed to the pair's findings as an "important" development which could prove that the pandemic may have originated at the WIV.

Sørensen and Dalgleish aren't the first scientists to find unusual features within COVID- 19. Last June, reported that there are two unique features to COVID-19:

First, the virus binds more strongly to human ACE2 enzymes than any other species, including bats.

Second, SARS-CoV-2 has a "furin cleavage site" missing in its closes bat-coronavirus relative, RaTG-13, which makes it significantly more infectious - a finding we reported in late February.

7/9 According to Israeli geneticist, Dr. Ronen Shemesh, the Furin site is the most unusual finding.

"I believe that the most important issue about the differences between ALL coronavirus types is the insertion of a Furin protease cleavage site at the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2," he said. "Such an insertion is very rare in evolution, the addition of such 4 Amino acids alone in the course of only 20 years is very unlikely."

"There are many reasons to believe that the COVID-19 generating SARS-CoV-2 was generated in a lab. Most probably by methods of genetic engineering," he said, adding "I believe that this is the only way an insertion like the FURIN protease cleavage site could have been introduced directly at the right place and become effective."

Dr Shemesh, who has a PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and over 21 years of experience in the field of drug discovery and development, said it is even “more unlikely” that this insertion happened in exactly the right place of the cleavage site of the spike protein - which is where it would need to occur to make the virus more infectious. -Daily Telegraph

"What makes it even more suspicious is that fact that this insertion not only occurred on the right place and in the right time, but also turned the cleavage site from an Serine protease cleavage site to a FURIN cleavage site," he added.

In January 2020, a team of Indian scientists wrote in a now-retracted paper that the coronavirus may have been genetically engineered to incorporate parts of the HIV genome, writing "This uncanny similarity of novel inserts in the 2019- nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature," meaning - it was unlikely to have occurred naturally.

The next month, a team of researchers in Nankai University noted that COVID-19 has an 'HIV-like mutation' that allows it to quickly enter the human body by binding with a receptor called ACE2 on a cell membrane.

Other highly contagious viruses, including HIV and Ebola, target an enzyme called furin, which works as a protein activator in the human body. Many proteins are inactive or dormant when they are produced and have to be “cut” at specific points to activate their various functions.

When looking at the genome sequence of the new coronavirus, Professor Ruan Jishou and his team at Nankai University in Tianjin found a section of mutated genes that did not exist in Sars, but were similar to those found in HIV and Ebola. -SCMP

According to the Nankai University study, the furin binding method is "100 to 1,000 times as efficient' as SARS at entering cells.

8/9 "This protein cleaving protein is highly promiscuous, it’s found in many human tissues and cell types and is involved in many OTHER virus types activation and infection mechanisms (it is involved in HIV, Herpes, Ebola and Dengue virus mechanisms)," said Dr. Shemesh. "If I was trying to engineer a virus strain with a higher affinity and infective potential to humans, I would do exactly that: I would add a Furin Cleavage site directly at the original less effective and more cell specific cleavage site."

Meanwhile, Flinders University Professor Nikolai Petrovsky found last year either "a remarkable coincidence or a sign of human intervention" within COVID-19 telling the Telegraph that COVID-19 is "exquisitely adapted to humans."

Professor Nikolai Petrovsky


9/9 HUGE! NEW EMAIL Shows Dr. Fauci Was Told in Jan. 2020 the Coronavirus “Looked Engineered” #FauciEmails fauciemails

June 2, 2021

For over a year now The Gateway Pundit has been reporting evidence that the COVID-19 Virus originated in a Wuhan, China laboratory.

Our first report was back on April 9, 2020 when we confirmed Dr. Shi Zhengli ran the coronavirus program at the Wuhan lab AFTER her program was shut down in the US due to a prior leak that killed a researcher!

As early as 2018 US State Department officials warned about safety risks at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab on scientists conducting risky tests with the bat coronavirus.

US officials made several trips to the Wuhan laboratory.

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Despite the warnings, the US National Institute of Health (NIH) under Dr. Anthony Fauci awarded a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan lab studying the bat virus. This was after State Department warned about the risky tests going on in the lab.

1/3 This is unbelievable! The deadly China coronavirus that started in China sometime in late 2019 has now circled the globe. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus didn’t come naturally. We still don’t know whether the deadly virus was leaked intentionally or if it was an accident.

** And yet as recently as February 9, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) has denied the coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan!

But a video has surfaced from December 2019 of WHO official Peter Daszak admitting to coronavirus manipulation at the Wuhan Lab before the pandemic was announced.

The video interview was originally filmed on December 9, 2019. A copy was posted in May 2020.

As Dr. Lawrence Sellin reported at The Gateway Pundit back in July 2020 — Dr. Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance and a long-time collaborator with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, presumably was referring to the Ralph Baric- Zheng-Li Shi experiments, stated “you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily” inserting a spike protein “into a backbone of another virus.”

And yet for over a year Dr. Anthony Fauci has vehemently denied the Wuhan coronavirus was man-made until last month when Dr. Fauci admitted it may have possibly been naturally occurring.

On Tuesday emails from April 2020 were released via FOIA.

In one email from April 18, 2020, Dr. Peter Daszak thanked Dr. Fauci for insisting the COVID-19 virus was naturally occurring — when both men knew this was a lie.

And now a second email surfaced from the Fauci email dump that shows Dr. Fauci was told inlate January 2020 that some of the features of the coronavirus “look engineered.” Dr. Fauci knew the truth.

And he lied about it for over year — maybe because he was funding the projects — something else he lied about.

2/3 This is damning information for this serial liar and very dangerous man.

3/3 Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’

Professor Bryam Bridle University of Guelph / YouTube

‘Terrifying’ new research finds vaccine spike protein unexpectedly in bloodstream. The protein is linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility.

Editor’s Note: This article has been amended to note that 11 of 13 vaccinated subjects in a recent Ogata study had detectable protein from SARS coronavirus in their bloodstream including three people who had measurable spike protein. Whereas the article referenced a statement from Professor Bridle's group stating that spike protein was present for 29 days in one person, the study in question states that spike protein was found in the person on Day 29, one day after a second vaccine injection with and was undetectable two days later.

May 31, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week.

1/6 “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.”

“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” Bridle said on the show, which is not easily found in a Google search but went viral on the internet this weekend.

Bridle, a vaccine researcher who was awarded a $230,000 government grant last year for research on COVID vaccine development, said that he and a group of international scientists filed a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency to get access to what’s called the “biodistribution study.”

“It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination,” said Bridle. “Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting.”

Vaccine researchers had assumed that novel mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like “traditional” vaccines and the vaccine spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the vaccination site at the shoulder muscle. Instead, the Japanese data showed that the infamous spike protein of the coronavirus gets into the blood where it circulates for several days post-vaccination and then accumulated in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands, and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.

“We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation,” Bridle said.

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what allows it to infect human cells. Vaccine manufacturers chose to target the unique protein, making cells in the vaccinated person manufacture the protein which would then, in theory, evoke an immune response to the protein, preventing it from infecting cells.

A large number of studies has shown that the most severe effects of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, such as blood clotting and bleeding, are due to the effects of the spike protein of the virus itself

“What has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation,” Bridle told listeners.

Lab animals injected with purified spike protein into their bloodstream developed cardiovascular problems, and the spike protein was also demonstrated to cross the blood brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.

2/6 A grave mistake, according to Bridle, was the belief that the spike protein would not escape into the blood circulation. “Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein — that the vaccine itself, plus the protein — gets into blood circulation,” he said.

Bridle cited the recent study which detected SARS-CoV-2 protein in the blood plasma of 11 of 13 young healthcare workers that had received Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, including three with detectable levels of spike protein. A 'subunit' protein called S1, part of the spike protein, was also detected. Spike protein was detected an average of 15 days after the first injection. One patient had spike protein detectable on day 29, one day after an injection, which disappeared two days later.

Effects on heart and brain Once in circulation, the spike protein can attach to specific ACE2 receptors that are on blood platelets and the cells that line blood vessels. “When that happens it can do one of two things: it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting. That’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding.” Bridle also said the spike protein in circulation would explain recently reported heart problems in youths who had received the shots.

“The results of this leaked Pfizer study tracing the biodistribution of the vaccine mRNA are not surprising, but the implications are terrifying,” Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told LifeSiteNews. “It is now clear” that vaccine content is being delivered to the spleen and the glands, including the ovaries and the adrenal glands. “The released spike protein is being shed into the medium and then eventually reaches the bloodstream causing systemic damage. ACE2 receptors are common in the heart and brain, and this is how the spike protein causes cardiovascular and cognitive problems,” Seneff said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced it was studying reports of “mild” heart conditions following COVID-19 vaccination, and last week 18 teenagers in the state of Connecticut alone were hospitalized for heart problems that developed shortly after they took COVID-19 vaccines.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine was halted in a number of countries and is no longer recommended for younger people because of its link to life-threatening and fatal blood clots, but mRNA COVID vaccines have been linked to hundreds of reports of blood clotting events as well.

FDA warned of spike protein danger Pediatric rheumatologist J. Patrick Whelan had warned a vaccine advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration of the potential for the spike protein in COVID vaccines to cause microvascular damage causing damage to the liver, heart, and brain in “ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.”

3/6 While Whelan did not dispute the value of a coronavirus vaccine that worked to stop transmission of the disease (which no COVID vaccine in circulation has been demonstrated to do), he said, “it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein- based vaccines on other organs.”

Vaccine-associated spike protein in blood circulation could explain myriad reported adverse events from COVID vaccines, including the 4,000 deaths to date, and nearly 15,000 hospitalizations, reported to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of May 21, 2021. Because it is a passive reporting system, these reports are likely only the tip of an iceberg of adverse events since a Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study found that less than one percent of side-effects that physicians should report in patients following vaccination are in fact reported to VAERS.

Bridle said the discovery of vaccine-induced spike protein in blood circulation would have implications for blood donation programs. “We don’t want transfer of these pathogenic spike proteins to fragile patients who are being transfused with that blood,” he said.

The vaccine scientist also said the findings suggested that nursing babies whose mothers had been vaccinated were at risk of getting COVID spike proteins from her breast milk.

Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAERS.

Although Bridle did not cite it, one VAERS report describes a five-month-old breastfed infant whose mother received a second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine in March. The following day, the baby developed a rash and became “inconsolable,” refused to nurse, and developed a fever. The report says the baby was hospitalized with a diagnosis of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a rare blood disorder in which blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body. The baby died.

The new research also has “serious implications for people for whom SARS Coronavirus 2 is not a high risk pathogen, and that includes all of our children.”

Effect on fertility and pregnancy? The high concentration of spike protein found in testes and ovaries in the secret Pfizer data released by the Japanese agency raises questions, too. “Will we be rendering young people infertile?” Bridle asked.

There have been thousands of reports of menstrual disorders by women who had taken a COVID-19 shot, and hundreds of reports of miscarriage in vaccinated pregnant women, as well as of disorders of reproductive organs in men.

4/6 Vicious smear campaign In response to a request, Bridle emailed a statement to LifeSiteNews on Monday morning, stating that since the radio interview he had received hundreds of positive emails. He added, too, that “a vicious smear campaign has been initiated against me. This included the creation of a libelous website using my domain name.”

“Such are the times that an academic public servant can no longer answer people’s legitimate questions with honesty and based on science without fear of being harassed and intimidated,” Brindle wrote. “However, it is not in my nature to allow scientific facts to be hidden from the public.”

He attached a brief report outlining the key scientific evidence supporting what he said in the interview. It was written with his colleagues in the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) — a group of independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and professionals whose declared aim is “to provide top quality, evidence-based information about COVID-19, intent on reducing hospitalizations and saving more lives.”

A focus of the statement was the risk to children and teens who are the target of the latest vaccine marketing strategies, including in Canada.

As of May 28, 2021, there have been 259,308 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Canadians 19 years and under. Of these, 0.048% were hospitalized, but only 0.004% died, according to the CCCA statement. “Seasonal influenza is associated with more severe illness than COVID-19.”

Given the small number of young research subjects in Pfizer’s vaccine trials and the limited duration of clinical trials, the CCCA said questions about the spike protein and another vaccine protein must be answered before children and teens are vaccinated, including whether the vaccine spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, whether the vaccine spike protein interferes with semen production or ovulation, and whether the vaccine spike protein crosses the placenta and impacts a developing baby or is in breast milk.

LifeSiteNews sent the Public Health Agency of Canada the statement of CCCA and asked for a response to Bridle’s concerns. The agency responded that it was working on the questions but did not send answers before publication time.

Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson did not respond to questions about Bridle’s concerns. Pfizer did not respond to questions about how long the company was aware of its research data that the Japanese agency had released, showing spike protein in organs and tissue of vaccinated individuals.

Updated on June 1, 12:15 p.m. to include an additional comment by Stephanie Seneff.

5/6 WATCH: Senator Rand Paul provides a CHILLING warning about what might be going inside Wuhan lab RIGHT NOW

May 31, 2021

James Anthony The Post Millennial

May 31, 2021 2:56 PM 2 mins reading

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) went on air to be interviewed by Jeanine Pirro, and had a disturbing but important message for Americans and the world regarding the Wuhan lab, and regarding gain-of-function research in general.

Pirro starts by bringing up the subject of gain-of-function research, and Paul responded:

"Gain-of-function is basically when you have an animal virus that normally just infects animals, and you somehow mutate it or force it to evolve so it can affect humans. So it's making it more transmissible to humans, and oftentimes making it more dangerous or deadly to humans."

"I'll give you an example. In 2004, there was a virus, a coronavirus called SARS. It killed a bunch of people; it had a 15 percent mortality."

"In the Wuhan lab, they were studying this SARS virus, and they were putting more proteins on it to make it more infectious to humans."

1/3 "That's gain-of-function. That's dangerous. And that may be how this (COVID-19) virus started. And so, I'm very worried that this stuff's still going on, and that the US government is funding it."

Pirro then asked Rand why he thinks the Biden administration would "stop the investigation into the origins of the Wuhan virus", considering that China is "not fully open" to letting investigations take place and "initially lied" about the possibility of the virus originating in the Wuhan lab. Rand mentioned:

"I think there's been a sea-change in the last two or three weeks on this. A year ago, anybody who mentioned the possibility that this virus came out of the Wuhan lab were dismissed as crazy right-wing cooks, conspiracy theorists, etc."

"But now you have even MSNBC coming around. You have the left starting to wonder about it. When I introduced my amendment to say we should quit funding this research in China, I ended up getting every Democrat on board."

"So I think [those in the Biden administration] either know information, or they suspect that this information is gonna get stronger and stronger, that this came from the lab .... we've got a lot of evidence now."

Asking about gain-of-function itself, Pirro asked Rand point-blank, "Why would we do that?"

"They say they're doing it so that they can study viruses that jump from animals to humans. The problem is that they are creating something novel; they are creating something that doesn't exist in nature."

"....We're creating Frankenstein super-viruses that, if they leak out of the lab, accidentally or on purpose, could devastate the world. The SARS virus is fifteen times more deadly. If that one gets out, and we enhance its ability to be transmitted, That could kill 50, 100 million people."


2/3 Watch Video At:

3/3 BREAKING: Amazon, Barnes and Noble scrub Fauci's book amid backlash

June 2, 2021

American News Jun 2, 2021 4:48 PM EST

Dr. Anthony Fauci's upcoming book has been scrubbed from Amazon and other online booksellers. The book, called Expect the Unexpected, was intended for a November release date.

Libby Emmons Brooklyn, NY

June 2, 2021 4:48 PM 1 mins reading

Dr. Anthony Fauci's upcoming book has been scrubbed from Amazon and other online booksellers. The book, called Expect the Unexpected, was intended for a November release date.

BREAKING: Fauci’s book scrubbed from Amazon

— (@JackPosobiec) June 2, 2021

The description of the book reads that it comes from hours of interviews the COVID czar promises to "share the lessons that have shaped his life philosophy, offering an intimate view of one of the world’s greatest medical minds as well as universal advice to live by."

1/2 The scrubbing comes after a trove of thousands of pages of emails were released on Tuesday morning. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from Washington Post and Buzzfeed have resulted in a massive cache of emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci. The emails, from the early months of 2020, reveal that Fauci was inundated with requests, suggestions, and offers of assistance from the medical community.

Fauci said early on in these emails that face masks are not helpful, received information that there was reason to believe the virus was engineered, and advocated early for school closures despite evidence showing that kids were not at high risk of contracting or spreading the illness.

Fauci is Biden's chief medical officer and is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, where he's been since 1984.

Watch Video At:

2/2 Full update: Vaccine tourists flock to America to receive vaccine DEATH shots, while the CDC bribes dating apps to attach vaccination badges and “super likes” to dating profiles

May 26, 2021

(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update returns to our traditional format, which is a single “full” podcast covering a wide range of topics. We tested the multi-part format for two days, and after listening to reader feedback, the solution is now obvious: A single podcast with a description that includes time stamps for where each topic appears in the podcast. (Thank you to the fans who suggested this.)

So starting from tomorrow, the daily podcast will feature timestamps in the description, allowing you to jump to the section you want to hear… or you can just play the entire podcast all the way through.

Today’s podcast covers “vaccine tourism” where people from Mexico and even Taiwan — which is its own country, not a territory of China — are flocking to the United States to get free death shots that are misleadingly labeled “vaccines.” Many people in Taiwan, Mexico and other countries have been brainwashed into thinking America’s vaccines are somehow better, not realizing that even in America, the vaccines are engineered as depopulation weapons to exterminate the human race through infertility and spike protein deaths.

1/2 Thus, the very people who think they’re picking up “freebies” from America are about to find out they’re dead wrong. Literally.

At the same time, the CDC is bribing nine dating apps, using part of its $1 billion propaganda slush fund to push vaccine brainwashing onto the public. So now, dating apps are allowing vaccinated individuals to show special vaccine badges, as if someone being old, fat and saggy will suddenly be more attractive if they’re shedding spike protein. (“Oooh, baby, that vaccine badge is so hot! Wanna bump and grind some spike protein?”)

Japan is targeting the elderly with covid vaccines because they need to exterminate a few million of them in order to keep their own government solvent and end social benefits to the elderly. So they’re pushing hard to get covid bioweapons injected into everyone 65 and older.

Brain-dead Biden and war criminal Fauci have teamed up with a cringe-worthy transsexual “glam” model to push yet more covid vaccines, as if videos featuring creepy LGBT morons are somehow going to instantly make people love the idea of being injected with experimental vaccines. Then again, anyone dumb enough to think men can get pregnant and women have a penis is probably also dumb enough to take the vaccine death shot, too. So it’s only fitting. (Would a “lipstick on a pig” comment be out of line here?)

And in Canada, creepy vaccine predators are now ensnaring young children into getting vaccinated by offering them free ice cream. This is apparently allowed under Canadian law, which says parents have no role in parenting, and children are the property of the state. If you thought the ice cream trucks cruising down child-filled neighborhood streets were creepy, the government of Canada just upped the ante on child predators. Soon, Canadian government child predators will be chasing young kids down the street with a syringe in one hand and an ice cream scoop in the other, screaming, “It’s yummy! Don’t you want some ice cream, little boy?”

There’s much more in today’s full Situation Update podcast, found at

Catch each day’s new episode at:

2/2 German judge declares masks harmful, warns that mask mandates are illegal

June 2, 2021

(Natural News) A Weimar District Court in Germany has ruled that enforcing mask mandates, social distancing requirements and rapid Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) testing on students is harmful, and thus illegal.

Distance learning must also stop, the court decided, because it, along with the other measures, is causing physical, psychological and pedagogical harm to children, as well as infringing the rights of children and their parents.

The decision, made by judge Christian Dettmar, only applies to schools in the Weimar District, though it could eventually extend to other parts of the country with enough outcry from other parents.

According to Dettmar, forcing children to wear a mask and stay away from each other is a direct violation of Articles 2 and 6 of the German Constitution, which guarantee the rights to freedom of individual development, education and parental assistance.

Further, such measures were not proportional to the threat posed, which is really no threat at all considering that children are basically immune to the Chinese Virus.

1/3 In his decision, Dettmar referred to an October 2020 bulletin from the World Health Organization (WHO) that featured a study by world-renowned medical science expert John Ioannidis, who found that the death rate for the Wuhan Flu is a mere 0.23 percent, the equivalent of an average influenza season.

Wearing a mask and staying away from others, Dettmar thus ruled, holds no medical, scientific or biological weight. There is also absolutely no reason to do any of these things if a person is asymptomatic, as so-called “asymptomatic spread” is completely fake.

Wearing a mask and social distancing causes mental, physical and spiritual damage The case represents the first time that such evidence has been presented to a German court, suggesting that it could set a precedent for the rest of the country to follow.

There is simply no scientific basis underlying the unnatural, anti-social mandates being imposed by governments and private businesses with regard to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), which is long gone and no longer even a threat.

Continuing to force people, and especially children, to avoid living because a handful of mentally deranged people want to wear a mask and stay distanced forever is lunacy, and Dettmar knows it.

“The children are not only endangered in their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being by the obligation to wear face masks during school hours and to keep their distance from each other and from other persons, but, in addition, they are already being harmed,” he wrote in his decision.

“At the same time, this violates numerous rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution, and international conventions.”

Dettmar went on to explain that children have a God-given right to develop freely without interference from germophobic psychopaths who insist they cover their faces and live forever in isolation because of some alleged scary virus.

“This applies in particular to the right to free development of the personality and to physical integrity from Article 2 of the (German Constitution) as well as to the right from Article 6 of the (Constitution) to upbringing and care by the parents (also with regard to measures for preventive health care and ‘objects’ to be carried by children),” he added.

All credible experts and medical professionals agree that wearing a mask is medically useless and harmful to the wearer. PCR tests are also invalid and have never been scientifically shown to be a credible method of detecting the presence of a virus.

2/3 “One hundred thousand elementary school students would have to put up with all the side effects of wearing masks for a week in order to prevent just one infection per week,” Dettmar warns.

“To call this result merely disproportionate would be a wholly inadequate description. Rather, it shows that the state legislature regulating this area has fallen into a factual disconnect that has reached historic proportions.”

More of the latest news about the Chinese Virus can be found at

Sources for this article include:

3/3 Health Ranger: It’s time to arrest, prosecute and EXECUTE researchers who use human children for covid vaccine medical experiments children-for-covid-vaccine-medical-experiments.html

May 27, 2021

(Natural News) The horrifying crimes against humanity once pursued by the Third Reich are now being repeated in America, but this time under the label of “covid vaccines.”

Healthy human children are being injected with deadly biological weapons — spike proteins that even the Jonas Salk Institute conclusively identifies as the culprit behind vascular disease and blood clots. These children are being recruited into mRNA medical experiments that transform their own bodies into bioweapons factories, churning out spike protein particles that may kill them, all while researchers watch and document the horrifying consequences.

This is all openly admitted by the FDA, which endorses the use of human children for potentially deadly covid vaccine medical experiments. The FDA has published horrifying reports of adverse reactions experienced by children in a Pfizer covid vaccine “fact sheet” labeled 144413. See the original FDA document here (PDF).

In case the FDA removes this sheet, we have archived it at Natural News servers here (PDF).

Hear my full Situation Update podcast (at the end of this article) for the complete discussion of what all this means.

FDA admits mRNA vaccines cause adverse reactions in 86% of children, but calls it “safe” anyway This Pfizer page at the FDA provides links to all the fact sheets and press releases where the FDA celebrates expanding its emergency use authorization to children aged 12 to 15.

That fact sheet contains the following table that details the shocking rate of side effects and damage experienced by 12 – 15 year olds (i.e. children) who were given the mRNA injections:

Table 5: Study 2 – Frequency and Percentages of Adolescents With Solicited Local Reactions, by Maximum Severity, Within 7 Days After Each Dose – Adolescents 12 Through 15 Years of Age

1/5 As you can see from the table, 1127 children were given the first dose of the vaccine, and 1097 children received the second dose. What happened to the 30 children who didn’t show up for the second dose? Did they die?

Among those children injected with the mRNA vaccine medical experiment:

A shocking 86% experienced side effects. Nearly 44% suffered “moderate” side effects defined as “interfering with activity.” 66% of the children experienced fever. 65% suffered headaches. Other side effects experienced by these children as part of these medical experiments include chills, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, muscle pain and even joint pain. Even after 86% of children experienced such side effects after being injected with the first dose, researchers continued to harm the children with a second dose. This is a plain violation of US law, international law and the Nuremberg Code.

The FDA claims this is all about “protecting” children while pushing more vaccine sales to generate billions of dollars in profits for Pfizer Amazingly, the FDA claims in its celebratory press release that expanding Pfizer’s experimental vaccine to 12 to 15-year-olds is a kind of breakthrough, not a crime against children:

2/5 “The FDA’s expansion of the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID- 19 Vaccine to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age is a significant step in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “Today’s action allows for a younger population to be protected from COVID-19, bringing us closer to returning to a sense of normalcy and to ending the pandemic. Parents and guardians can rest assured that the agency undertook a rigorous and thorough review of all available data, as we have with all of our COVID-19 vaccine emergency use authorizations.”

In other words, the FDA is admitting they are fully aware of the 86% side effect rate when it comes to injecting children with experimental mRNA “vaccines.”

They know this harms kids. That’s the whole point.

That makes the FDA complicit in carrying out heinous crimes against humanity by subjecting children to these mad science medical experiments that smack of Josef Mengele and the Nazi Holocaust.

Never forget that Pfizer has previously run deadly medical experiments on children in Nigeria. The government of Nigeria even issued arrest warrants for Pfizer executives over the deaths of 11 Nigerian children during medical experiments. From the story, Nigeria Issues Arrest Warrants for Top Pfizer Officials After Drug Experiments Conducted on Children:

Judge Shehu Atiku, sitting in the city of Kano, said that Nigerian Pfizer head Ngozi Edozien and senior company officials Lare Baale and Segun Donguro failed to appear in court in compliance with a Nov. 6 court order.

The state of Kano is seeking $2.6 billion from Pfizer, charging that the company illegally tested an experimental antibiotic, Trovan, on children in Kano during a meningitis outbreak in 1996. According to the government, the drug trials were carried out without the informed consent of the children’s parents or the Nigerian government, and led to the deaths of 11 children. Dozens of other children were allegedly harmed by the drug.

Whether in Nigeria or America, Pfizer is harming children in the name of Big Pharma profits When it comes to mRNA vaccine trials in the USA, when serious reactions such as facial paralysis are identified in the vaccinated group, the FDA (and presumably, the researchers) dismiss it as coincidence. From the FDA’s own document:

Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) was reported by four participants in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine group. Onset of facial paralysis was Day 37 after Dose 1 (participant did not receive Dose 2) and Days 3, 9, and 48 after Dose 2. No cases of Bell’s palsy were

3/5 reported in the placebo group. Currently available information is insufficient to determine a causal relationship with the vaccine.

Thus, no matter what horrific side effects are caused by the vaccine experiment, they are dismissed and ignored. After all, there are billions of dollars to be earned from authorizing more medical experiments on children, and they can’t let side effects get in the way of their agenda.

This FDA document even admits the vaccine is not approved and may cause serious injury or even death:

FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, which is not an FDA-approved vaccine.

Adverse Reactions in Clinical Trials

Adverse reactions following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that have been reported in clinical trials include injection site pain, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, malaise, and lymphadenopathy (see Full EUA Prescribing Information).

Adverse Reactions in Post Authorization Experience

Severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, and other hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., rash, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema), diarrhea, vomiting, and pain in extremity (arm) have been reported following administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine outside of clinical trials. Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

The FDA even admits that life-threatening anaphylactic shock may occur following the vaccine, or that vaccine recipients may lose consciousness:

Appropriate medical treatment used to manage immediate allergic reactions must be immediately available in the event an acute anaphylactic reaction occurs following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

Syncope (fainting) may occur in association with administration of injectable vaccines, in particular in adolescents. Procedures should be in place to avoid injury from fainting.

The “benefits” are Big Pharma profits, not health benefits to children who have near-zero risk of dying from covid in the first place Despite all these injuries and risks, the FDA pushes forward with the vaccine in order to drive profits to its Big Pharma clients (a significant portion of the FDA’s budget is paid to them directly by pharmaceutical giants). From the FDA press release:

4/5 The FDA has determined that Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has met the statutory criteria to amend the EUA, and that the known and potential benefits of this vaccine in individuals 12 years of age and older outweigh the known and potential risks, supporting the vaccine’s use in this population.

That statement is truly insane, given that the risk of death from covid-19 in adolescents is nearly zero. There is virtually no benefit whatsoever for children to take this vaccine. The only benefit is accrued to the drug makers that earn profits by using children as human guinea pigs.

Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, is one of the many conspirators pushing these criminal medical experiments on children. Here’s how he justifies the mass harming and killing of children, saying: “With science guiding our evaluation and decision-making process, the FDA can assure the public and medical community that the available data meet our rigorous standards to support the emergency use of this vaccine in the adolescent population 12 years of age and older.”

In other words, no matter how many children are injured or killed, the vaccine will always be said to have met “rigorous” requirements for safety.

Next, Pfizer is moving to authorize this same vaccine on children as young as two.

And Big Pharma is pushing for mRNA vaccines to become “annual shots” for covid, so that every man, woman and child is subjected to an annual injection of either spike protein bioweapons or the mRNA instructions to turn their own bodies into bioweapons factories.

There is no end to these crimes against humanity unless the people stand up and halt this biological warfare that targets our own children.

Listen to my full podcast for full details:

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5/5 Soon NO JOBS available for the unvaccinated except for carrying the dead bodies of the previously vaccinated

June 2, 2021

(Natural News) When you get cancer really bad and the cells are taking over your vital organs or brain, and once you’ve been given several rounds of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, and nothing’s changing, the doctors send you home to die. That’s because the mechanism in your cells that controls the reproduction is broken in cancer cells, so they can reproduce uncontrollably, and that’s hard for your body to beat back, especially when you’ve been “carpet bombed” with chemo and radiation “treatments.” Well, come to find out, the SARS- CoV-19 mRNA vaccines make your cells function in a very similar warped and dangerous way.

The spike proteins that the CDC and every MD are spewing advice about are the same spike proteins that scientists recently discovered find their way into the bloodstream and multiply uncontrollably, causing blood clots, heart damage, brain damage, and can kill human babies before or after birth. So what happens to America’s work force when everybody that’s inoculated starts dropping like flies? It won’t be the unvaccinated that can’t get a job, because that may be the only living folks left.

The Covid vaccines are like cancer-causing vaccines, because the spike proteins reproduce out of control, just like cancer cells

1/3 The Covid vaccines are like cancer, because they instruct the body’s DNA to produce proteins uncontrollably by destroying the mechanism that controls production, and replacing it with one that your human body does NOT control. That’s what mRNA really means, and this is pro-science, real scientific research being made available by a viral immunologist, mRNA vaccine researcher, and associate professor named Byram Bridle, who works at the University of Guelph, Ontario.

Folks, this is the ultimate Paul Revere call, but this time it ain’t the British that are coming for your guns and your freedoms; it’s the vaccine manufacturers and the Marxists planning a genocide-style wipeout of 150-million-plus Americans. The rest of us “non-vaxxers” will be employed, no doubt, to help carry all the vaccinated bodies to the FEMA-funded crematoriums located in every Metropolitan city.

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” says Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist who’s now admitting that the spike proteins the mRNA vaccines force the human DNA to produce aren’t preventing disease and disorder but creating disease and disorder. He calls these spike proteins a dangerous toxin for the body, brain and central nervous system. It was a “big mistake” says Bridle. The protein is now linked directly to blood clots.

Will the booster shots for Covid boost the uncontrollable production of spike proteins in the blood, the same way flu shots boost cancer? Just how many people are going to die from this, because it’s not a matter of “if” anymore — it’s when and how many. Will Amazon and Craigslist join forces with FEMA and DHS and recruit a bunch of workers (the unvaccinated) for assisting companies responsible for the mass burials (probably at sea) and mass cremations?

“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” the virus researcher added. He said it’s not so easy to find in Google, but there’s many more avenues for finding out the real science behind all this madness of rushing to vaccinate the world against a virus that’s only killing .4 of one percent of humans (and that’s mostly people fighting cancer, diabetes and heart disease already).

Now, before all you crazy naysayers try to discredit this virologist, he just so happens to be so good at what he does that he was awarded a $230,000 government grant LAST YEAR to develop the Covid vaccine.

Virologists had made hypothesis about mRNA working like traditional vaccines, but the spike protein gets into the bloodstream and circulates for days following injection, then accumulates in the liver, spleen and adrenal glands, and in very high concentrations in the ovaries. Talk about population control. This “all-in-one” inoculation kills those alive while preventing new births from ever coming to be.

2/3 And that folks, is why the CDC, the CCP, and the Biden Regime are pushing SO HARD for that 70 percent vaccinated threshold (genocidal tipping point for installing communism literally overnight in the USA). This is not just too much mercury in a flu shot, this is a series of vaccines that instruct your cells to clog your blood.

What’s next for the vaccine Nazis? So, what’s next for the vaccine Nazis? Before they come door-to-door and force vaccinate everyone at gunpoint, there are several more “stops” to pull out for the insane Marxists to reach their genocide goal of vaccinating at least 70 percent of the US populace, marking them for the big extinction event. Here’s how it will most likely all play out:

Soon, all corporations, chain stores and large scale companies will demand full vaccination with proof of CDC vaccine cards, bracelets or passports for all employees to keep their job.

Soon, all small-to-medium-sized businesses, including all of those self-run, will be bankrupted by the upcoming “Plandemic II” long-term lock down.

Soon, nobody will be allowed to travel international or even state to state without a vaccine passport.

Soon, evil retail giant Amazon and all major grocery retailers will end all sales to customers and food deliveries to homes when customers cannot prove vaccination records.

Soon, no hospitals or doctors will be allowed to see patients who are not vaccinated, not even for emergencies at the hospital (unless you agree to the death jabs when you arrive).

Tune your internet frequency to for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation. Plus, learn how to best prepare for the upcoming VACCINE PANDEMIC and communist apocalypse. Now hear the whistleblower of the century talk about the REAL SCIENCE behind mRNA:

Sources for this article include:

3/3 Top Chinese mouthpiece suggests country prepare for nuclear war with US as Wuhan lab leak theory gains momentum

June 2, 2021

(Natural News) Hu Xijin, a top Chinese propagandist, declared recently that China should prepare for a nuclear showdown with the United States after President Joe Biden affirmed continued investigations into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

(Article by Chris Enloe republished from

What did Biden say?

Once decried as a conspiracy theory — despite a lack of evidence disproving the possibility — the Wuhan lab leak theory as the origin of the pandemic has gained significant footing in recent weeks, with high-profile scientists saying the possibility demands increased investigation.

Biden responded to growing confidence in the theory last week by calling on American intelligence officials to conduct more investigation into the pandemic’s origin, including the possibility that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

1/3 “The United States will also keep working with like-minded partners around the world to press China to participate in a full, transparent, evidence-based international investigation and to provide access to all relevant data and evidence,” Biden said in a statement.

What did Hu say?

The Chinese propagandist, who edits the Beijing-controlled Global Times newspaper, responded to Biden’s statement by saying China must prepare for a “high-intensity showdown” after citing China’s nuclear armament.

According to Australia’s Daily Telegraph, Hu’s message was published to [Sina Weibo], China’s Twitter-like social media platform.

The message, translated by Chinese human rights activist Jennifer Zeng, read, in part:

Given the intensifying US strategic containment of China, I would like to remind once again that we have many urgent tasks, but one of the most important is to keep rapidly increasing the number of nuclear warheads and strategic missiles like the Dongfeng 41 with extremely long- range and high survival capabilities. This is the cornerstone of China’s strategic resilience against the United States.

We must be prepared for a high-intensity showdown between the US and China, at which point a large number of DF-41 and JL-2 and JL-3 will be the backbone of our strategic will. Our nuclear missiles must be so numerous that the US elite will tremble at the thought of military confrontation with China at that time.

The comments are particularly eyebrow-raising because Hu claims to speak for government officials who cannot speak publicly.

In fact, Hu explained in 2016 that he pals around with Chinese government officials and admitted, “They can’t speak willfully, but I can,” a suggestion that he broadcasts the sentiments of communist officials.

Hu similarly told CNN in 2019 that his newspaper and opinions reflect the views of the Chinese people.

“We say things out loud,” Hu said. “You could call us radical or nationalistic, but we reflect true sentiments of Chinese society. You could learn the truth better through us.”

Anything else? China has vehemently denied that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan bio lab.

Beijing has claimed the pandemic originated in a wet market in Wuhan where the virus jumped from an infected animal to humans.

2/3 The communist government has also suggested the pandemic originated in America, their direct response to former President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo having claimed publicly that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan lab. Beijing has interpreted all suggestions that COVID-19 did not emerge naturally as acts of aggression.

Read more at: and

3/3 Coming Soon to America??? Danes present digital coronavirus passport for travel abroad

By Wes Rhinier May 28, 2021

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — The Danish government on Friday presented its digital coronavirus passport enabling people to travel abroad or, in Denmark, go to the hairdresser, a tattoo parlor, dine inside a restaurant or wherever else it is needed.

“The corona passport we present today can be used from July 1 when you can travel within the EU,” said Finance Minister Nicolai Vammen.

Some 20% of Denmark’s population of 6 million have been fully vaccinated, according to the latest figures, he said.

1/2 During a press conference outside the Copenhagen airport, Health Minister Magnus Heunicke held up his phone to show the app, which only features a QR code and a green bar if the person has been vaccinated twice or recently tested negative for COVID-19.

“What we get now is an app that makes it easier and simpler to use,” Heunicke said. “There is no doubt that we will have to use it over the summer, but it is of course something that needs to be phased out.”

People will either have the code scanned or will flash it before entering an airport, a harbor, a train station, a hairdresser or an eatery.

Read the Whole Article Here…

2/2 Fully vaccinated people who catch Covid variants may pass virus on, study finds

By Anne Gulland,

Fully vaccinated people infected with Covid variants may be likely to pass the virus on, researchers have said.

No vaccine is 100 per cent effective, and while the number of people who contract Covid after vaccination – known as post-vaccine breakthrough cases – is tiny, a growing number of studies show that these cases are more likely to be infected with variants that have emerged in recent months.

Researchers at the University of Washington in the United States sequenced samples from 20 health workers who went on to contract Covid after receiving both doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

The study showed that all 20 were infected with variants of concern that have been driving second waves of Covid in many parts of the world – eight had the UK variant, one the South African variant, 10 had one of the two California variants and one had the Brazilian variant.

1/3 The researchers then compared the samples collected from this group with samples collected from 5,174 non-vaccinated individuals who had Covid.

While everyone in the vaccinated group had a variant of concern, only 67 per cent of non- vaccinated individuals did. The study also showed that the vaccinated individuals infected with Covid had high viral loads.

Dr Pavitra Roychoudhury, the lead author of the study, said the "prevailing understanding" was that while vaccine breakthrough cases would occur, they would be mild.

"But in contrast to that, what we saw among our 20 samples was that a number of them actually had quite robust viral loads. That was concerning in the sense that there was definitely enough virus to sequence, and potentially there might be enough virus to transmit," she said.

None of the 20 patients studied were hospitalised and it is not known whether they passed the disease to others, said Dr Roychoudhury.

A recent study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also showed that vaccinated individuals who contracted the disease were also likely to be infected with variants.

Data released earlier this week showed that, as of April 30, there were 10,262 cases of post- vaccination infection among the 101 million people that had been fully vaccinated.

Some 555 of these 10,000 samples were sequenced and researchers found that 356 were identified as variants of concern. Of these, more than half were the UK variant, 33 per cent were one of the two California variants, eight per cent were the Brazilian variant and four per cent were the South African variant.

Dr Roychoudhury said the finding of high viral loads showed that it was important to monitor breakthrough cases and highlighted the importance of continuing self-isolation.

She added that monitoring breakthrough cases would help vaccine manufacturers who are currently looking at booster shots, saying: "It can help us identify a potential redesign of the booster shots and improve them."

However, Dr Roychoudhury said the findings of her study did not indicate that the current vaccines were not effective.

"A lot of the antibody responses are pretty broad. The vaccines are not designed to be super specific so they will be able to target the variants," she said. She added that, as more people are vaccinated, the number of vaccination breakthrough cases is likely to come down as infection levels reduce in the wider population.
