Metal Zine Vol. 8 MESHUGGAH YOB FROM ASHES RISE TERROR WOLD WITCH MOUNTAIN STAFF Scion Project Manager: Jeri Yoshizu, Sciontist Editor: Eric Ducker Creative Direction: Scion Art Direction: BON Contributing Editor: J. Bennett Graphic Designer: Jamie Story CONTRIBUTORS Writer: Fred Pessaro Photographers: Bliss, Gregory Bojorquez, Katie Egger, Nolan Wiley CONTACT For additional information on Scion, email, write or call. Scion Customer Experience 19001 S. Western Avenue Mail Stop WC12 Torrance, CA 90501 Phone: 866.70.SCION Fax: 310.381.5932 Email: Email us through the Contact page located on Hours: M-F, 6am-5pm PST Online Chat: M-F, 6am-6pm PST Scion Metal Zine is published by BON. For more information about BON, contact:
[email protected] Company references, advertisements and/ or websites listed in this publication are not affiliated with Scion, unless otherwise noted through disclosure. Scion does not warrant these companies and is not liable for their performances or the content on their advertisements and/or websites. © 2012 Scion, a marque of Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Scion and the Scion logo are trademarks of Toyota Motor Corporation. 00430-ZIN08-MT Cover: From Ashes Rise photographed by Gregory Bojorquez Background: Psychic TV at Scion Rock Fest photographed by Bliss SCION A/V SCHEDULE AUGUST August 18 Scion Label Showcase: Bridge 9, featuring H2O, Verse, Soul Control, and Expire at the Glasshouse, Pomona, California August 28 Scion A/V Presents: Pallbearer (10-inch and digital release) SEPTEMBER