The Occurrence of Wild-Living American Mink Neovison Vison in Transylvania, Romania

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The Occurrence of Wild-Living American Mink Neovison Vison in Transylvania, Romania The occurrence of wild-living American Mink Neovison vison in Transylvania, Romania Zsolt HEGYELI* and Attila KECSKÉS Abstract American Mink Neovison vison is a common wild-living alien species across most of northern Europe, but few data are available about wild presence in Eastern Europe. Field observations and collected specimens from the last 25 years indicate wild-living which existed in the area. Earlier observations suggested only the presence of escapees; more recent records might imply the existenceAmerican ofMink wild along populations. the River Part Mureș of the in studyTransylvania, area held Romania. European These Mink are Mustela likely lutreolato have untiloriginated at least from the fur1990s. farms, This three highly of threatened species might still occur there. The presence of the alien species might reduce its chances of survival. Keywords: alien species, European Mink, fur farms, Mustela lutreola Vadon élő amerikai nyércek Neovison vison előfordulása, mustelids, Erdélyben River Mureș (Románia) Kivonat Az amerikai nyérc Neovison vison - gyakori idegenhonos faj Európa északi felének nagy részén, viszont vadon élő állományainak kelet-európai előfordulásáról csekély számú adat áll rendelkezésre. Az elmúlt 25 évben a Maros folyó mentéről (Erdély, Romá nia) származó terepi megfigyelések valamint begyűjtött példányok arra utalnak, hogy a térségben előfordulnak a faj vadon élő egyedei. Ezen példányok minden bizonnyal szőrmefarmokról származtak, amelyekből a vizsgált területen korábbanMustela három lutreola is működött. Míg a korábbi megfigyelések csupán farmi szökevények előfordulását sugallták, az újabb adatok valószínűsítik egy vadon élő állomány itteni jelenlétét. A vizsgált terület egy része a fokozottan veszélyeztetett európai nyércnek is otthont adott legalább az 1990-es évekig, és az sem kizárt, hogy az őshonos menyétféle napjainkig is fennmaradt itt, utóbbi esetben viszont az idegenhonos amerikai nyérc itteni jelenléte komolyan veszélyeztetheti e faj túlélését. Introduction Very little information is available about the presence of American Mink in Romania. The species is generally omitted American Mink Neovison vison is a medium-sized semi-aquatic from works such as national species lists (Murariu 1984, 2010). generalist and opportunist predator, native to most of North The Romanian fauna volume (Murariu & Munteanu 2005) - merely mentions the intrusion of the species in northern Roma- mercial purposes, as a fur animal (Kauhala 1996b, Bonesi & nia from Ukraine, without any exact data. Although there were PalazonAmerica. 2007). It was Accidental first brought escapes to Europe or deliberate in the 1920s releases for comfrom no published records of wild-living American Mink in Romania, fur farms led to the establishment of feral populations in many the species was listed in the hunting law from 1996 (Law n° regions of Europe by the second part of the 20th century. 103; 23 September 1996) as a game species. It was removed Rapid colonisation was documented in several cases (e.g. Bev- from later versions of the law, for unknown reasons. It was list- anger & Henriksen 1995, Kauhala 1996a). In Norway the de- ed in a nature protection legal act (Law n° 462; 18 July 2001; velopment of mink farming correlated well with the dispersal Annex 5) as a species for which harvesting requires manage- of feral populations (Bevanger & Henriksen 1995). American ment measures. Cuzic et al. Mink is now believed to have self-sustaining populations in at record of wild-living American Mink in Romania: a single indi- least 20 European countries, with a continuous distribution vidual found dead near Somova, (2002) at theprovided periphery the first of the published Danube in much of northern and western Europe (Mitchell-Jones et al. Delta. Two records based on museum specimens are provided 1999, Bonesi & Palazon 2007, Reid & Helgen 2008). American by Kranz et al. (2004), the same authors also reporting a feral Mink poses serious threats to indigenous fauna by predation, American Mink population east of Izmail, in the Ukrainian part especially to waterfowl (Ferreras & Macdonald 1999, Bar- of the delta. Recent introductions of American Mink in the Dan- tosziewicz & Zalewski 2003) and to vulnerable Water Vole ube Delta were mentioned by de Jongh et al. (2007), without Arvicola amphibius populations (mainly in Great Britain; specifying the information source or region of the delta. Most Rushton et al. 2000), but also to invertebrates such as crus- recently, Marinov et al. (2012) mentioned an American Mink oc- taceans (Fischer et al. 2009). Genovesi et al. (2012) identi- currence in the Romanian part of the Danube Delta. Istrate (2005) hinted the occurrence of American Mink impact on native species in Europe. Competition of American in Transylvania: he erroneously mentioned the presence of Minkfied American with the CriticallyMink as Endangeredthe alien mammal European with Mink the Mustelahighest lutreola is a serious threat to the remaining populations of observed individuals escaped from fur farms along the River the latter (Maran & Henttonen 1995, Sidorovich 2001, Maran European Mink along the River Târnava Mică, stating that the et al. 2011). - Târnava Mare, then expanded from the confluence of the two rivers upstream on the Târnava Mică. In Romania, former tax 23 Small Carnivore Conservation, Vol. 51: 23–28, December 2014 Hegyeli & Kecskés specimens’ circumstances of collection, weight and colour M. lutreola. This confounds information on morph, as well as his records of other species. theonomy two treated species the in twoRomania. mink speciesAs examples, as conspecific, in the Fur under Animal the scientific name Results and discussion inscription “Mustela lutreola”, while some American Mink spec- imensResearch are Stationlabelled from “Mustela Tîrgu-Mureș, lutreola”, such old cage as two boards mounts held in the The total of 21 occurrence records date from 1986 to 2009 (Fig. 1, Table 1). Museum specimens (14) are from 1986– Zoology from Cluj-Napoca, originating from a nearby fur farm 1991, whereas other records (including four sight records, all mammal collection of the Babeş-Bolyai Universityin litt. 2014). Museum of by day) come from the 1990s and 2000s (Table 1). This differ- The few American Mink records from some countries neighbouring(inventory number Romania 1379/2; refer Gergely to single Osváth individuals, with no furbearers during the past two decades, caused by the gradual proof of the existence of populations. As such, a single Ser- ence in timing might reflect diminishing hunters’ interest in- bian record is available, just near the Romanian border: in Ba- natska Palanka (Vojvodina) an American Mink was trapped reduction of the fur market. The concentration of field obser- on the River Danube on 15 September 1972 (Miric 1992, in mervations locality, near versusTîrgu-Mureș their general and their lack lack in nearthe latter. Reghin Apart could from be Kryštufek et al. 1994, Mitchell-Jones et al. 1999). There is no threecaused museum by the presence specimens, of numerous habitat types field are biologists only available in the for for further information on American Mink occurrence in Serbia the more recent seven records (Table 1). (Boris Kryštufek in litt. 2011). Scattered observations in Hun- gary attested to at least occasional presence of American Mink; Escaped or established in the wild? no feral populations have ever been known (Bihari et al. 2007). Three fur farms (all with American Mink) are known from In Ukraine however, the species is believed to be widespread in the study area. One closed in 2013 after the others during the forest and the forest-steppe zone, but less so in the steppe the 1980s–1990s. One was founded as an institute in 1981, zone and in the mountains (Andriy-Taras Bashta in litt. 2013). It but the fur farm itself existed prior to this (Fig. 1). Consid- was reported to be common in plain areas of Transcarpathia, a ering the distance of individual records from the fur farms region bordering Romania and Hungary (Bashta & Potish 2007). (Table 1), these farms are the potential sources of the wild- The present paper summarises all known records of Transylvania, Romania. of wild-living American Mink from the River Mureș valley Study area - - The study area is the middle stretch of the River Mureș down characterisedstream of the byMureș a mosaic Gorge, of broad-leavedin the hilly region (mostly of theoak TransylQuercus –vanian hornbeam Plateau, Carpinus in Mureș) forests, County, grasslands Romania. and The arable landscape land, atis important water bodies are two tributaries, the Gurghiu and the300–600 Niraj onm theasl. leftApart bank from (as theproceeding River Mureș, downstream), the area’s as most well duringas the Glodeni-Păingeni the past decades, fishpondswetlands areand generally the Fărăgău few. lake They on com the- priseMureș’s mostly right oxbows, bank. Followingcanals, gravel river pits and and stream temporary regulations ponds. Methods American Mink records were collected opportunistically over 2007–2012, during surveys of museum collections as well as biologists. Most records comprise museum specimens or ani- malsdiscussions hunted with or found hunters, dead. anglers, Sight-records fur-farm were workers included and fromfield - tively to rule out similar species (Western Polecat M. putorius observers (field biologists and fur farm workers) able posi- cation. Two-thirds of the data come from the collection of the and European Mink), as attested by discussion about identifi
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