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AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 1

True US History Aug 25, 2013 - AMERICA'S NAVY — A Global Force for Good (Version 1) AMERICA'S NAVY — A Global Force for Good (Version 1) This 1 minute BARF making video was published by UnitedStatesNavy on Sep 23. 2009: Publisher's spiel: Whether protecting the ideals of our nation [Ron: ie the enslavement of humanity] or soothing the suffering of another, there is no place on earth we can't be found. For we are an undeniable force. To be counted upon. To be reckoned with. But most of all, never ever to be underestimated. Ron's: Comment: Arguably humanity will know no peace until this pernicious war mongering institution and its supporters and controllers cease to exist on this planet.

True US History Aug 25, 2013 - 15 Signs That Obama Has Already Made The Decision To Go To War With Syria Ron: Doesn't it strike you as odd that the the gobal news media freely discusses the options being considered by the US, UK, France and others to attack the people of Syria? No? Why not?

True US History Aug 25, 2013 - Obama a Bush clone in drive for Syrian invasion - Pushkov On Friday Mr. Lukashevich stated that the chemical weapons attack was pre-planned and that there is mounting evidence that it was organized as a provocation. “We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature. In particular, there are reports that the materials used in the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre- planned action”. - John Robles

Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny... the Hungarian government has assumed sovereignty over its own currency and now issues money debt free, as it is needed. The results have been nothing short of remarkable. The nation’s economy, formerly staggering under deep indebtedness, has recovered rapidly and by means not seen since National Socialist Germany... [Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor] Orbán declared: “Hungary enjoys the trust of investors,” by which is not meant the IMF, the Fed or any other tentacle of the Rothschild financial empire. Rather, he was referring to investors who produce something in Hungary for Hungarians and cause true economic growth. This is not the “paper prosperity” of plutocratic pirates, but the sort of production that actually employs people and improves their lives... the state attorney general, echoing Iceland’s efforts, has brought charges against the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 2 last three previous prime ministers because of the criminal amount of debt into which they plunged the nation.The only step remaining, which would completely destroy the power of the banksters in Hungary, is for that country to implement a barter system for foreign exchange, as existed in Germany under the National Socialists and exists today in the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or BRICS, international economic coalition. - Ronald L. Ray Ronald L. Ray Ronald L. Ray

Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - Syrian rebels manufactured chemical weapons outside Damascus True US History Aug 25, 2013 - Syria: Cameron and Obama agree to military strike over chemical weapons Ron: The absolute arrogance and ignorance of Anglo-Usraeli leaders is only matched by the total prostitution of the yellow media that spews their propaganda around the world. Do they really not understand what will happen if they overtly attack Syria?

Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - Distribution Of US, French And UK Forces Near Syria Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - Putin Responds To Syria Escalation: May "Reinforce Naval Grouping In Mediterranean" Following US Buildup True US History Aug 25, 2013 - USDA Shuts Down 4-Year-Old's Garden Ron: Sometimes words fail me... If you're wondering why it's illegal to feed the homeless, provide food in your own damn yard, serve your community with a food club, and city workers can and often uproot community gardens and residential yards - there's a reason for the nonsensical madness. It's not just bureaucrats acting ignorantly or being jerk-heads. As global elitist rulers anticipate the deliberate toppling of the food supply and urbanization, we can expect top-level on down bullying from two strong arms of the UN: Codex Alimentarius and Agenda 21. - Heather Callaghan

Environment/Science Aug 25, 2013 - The Amazing Mating Dance of the Peacock Spider Peacock Spider 4 (1' 31" video published by Peacockspiderman onMay 29, 2012: Publisher's comments: An unnamed species of Peacock Spider from the Stirling Ranges in Western Australia. Slowing down the moves and cutting out moments where the spiders remain stationary brings out the tremendous elegance of their moves. I will put together a more comprehensive version showing other other aspects of the courtship display, but for now enjoy this one. Filmed with Canon 60D digital SLR and Canon 100 mm macro objective For still images of this species visit my sets on ipernity or flickr AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 3 Images of related species

Environment/Science Aug 25, 2013 - The Fourth Phase of Water – What You Don’t Know About Water, and Really Should Environment/Science Aug 25, 2013 - NEW Barrie Trower WiFi Report - Humanity At The Brink Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - Ex-pope Benedict says God told him to resign during 'mystical experience' True US History Aug 25, 2013 - US implicates itself in anti-Syria chemical plot Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - Evidence Indicates that Syrian Government Did Not Launch a Chemical Weapon Attack Against Its People Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - Iran warns US against overstepping red line on Syria Iranian Armed Forces’ Deputy Chief of Staff Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri has warned the United States of the “severe consequences” of crossing the red line on Syria. “The US knows where the red line of the Syria front is laid; and crossing Syria’s red line in any form will have severe consequences for the White House,” Brigadier General Jazayeri said on Sunday. The Iranian commander said that the ongoing terrorist war in Syria is masterminded by the US and the reactionary forces in the region against the resistance front, adding that despite the enemy plots, the Syrian government and nation have gained considerable victories thanks to their resistance against this massive aggression... Iran’s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani also on Sunday described as shameful the United States’ warmongering gestures and propaganda against Syria.Larijani said that the false accusation by the militants that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons in Syria is meant to set the stage for Washington and the Israeli regime to take advantage of the situation to advance their warmongering policies.

Chairman of Iran's Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy Alaeddin Boroujerdi on August 23 also warned against a foreign military attack on Syria.

“In case of a potential attack, Syria will defend itself with greater unity and power; and Syria’s regional allies will not stand idly by in the face of such a potential attack,” Boroujerdi pointed out. - PRESS TV

Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - THE MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT A CRASH COURSE FOR BEGINNERS AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 4

Political Information Aug 25, 2013 - THE BAD WAR! True US History Aug 24, 2013 - The Commander in Jinn Political Information Aug 24, 2013 - Syrian hospitals treated thousands for poison gas symptoms, says charity The medical charity said the hospitals received approximately 3,600 patients displaying neurotoxic symptoms in less than three hours on Wednesday morning, of which 355 reportedly died. -

True US History Aug 24, 2013 - Busted! U.S. Backs False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria! This 1' 52" video was published by Dahboo Seven· on Aug 21, 2013: Publisher's comments: They scrubbed it ...But we got the cached Copy !!! 4 now! This as close as it gets to having proof they have a plan for this ! Get the cached copy before its gone !

True US History Aug 24, 2013 - Court Allows Groundbreaking Case Against Anti-Gay Religious Leader to Proceed Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 24, 2013 - Sa-Ra 7: Wahrnehmung Sa-Ra durch Shelley-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Spanish Aug 24, 2013 - Sa-Ra 7: Percepción Sa-Ra a través de Shellee Kim

Political Information Aug 24, 2013 - Vladimir Terziski - Secret Nazi Technology & Secret Societies Ron: I really enjoyed this video. It is very long but provides some new (for me) and fascinating information about Germany and German technological achievements. I especially liked the information about German saucer technology and space craft. The fact that Germans were flying FOO Fighters and produced inter stellar space craft during WWII makes absolute nonsense of the bullchit about the non-existance of UFOs and zero point (free) energy that our governments and media feed us every day.

Environment/Science Aug 24, 2013 - Drugs, steel, and MKULTRA: engineering the super-soldier Ron: Secret government scientific experiments to produce genetic replicas, human robots and to develop transhumanistsoldiers has been going on for a verry long time.For instance in Calvin Burgin's Fire From The Sky, Hatonn says: 'Genetic replicas? Human robots? You can't AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 5 be serious! you will say. Call them look-alike stand-ins if that will make it easier for you to believe, but they were in fact GENETIC COPIES. You need to study what is going on in such places as Dulce, New Mexico! The Bible says that at the end time it will be like it was at the time of Noah, and records show that at the time of Noah, genetic manipulation was going on!' (See: Query: Why is this information beginning to be officially revealed now?

Political Information Aug 24, 2013 - ‘Turkey will never rule Arab World’ – Egypt’s FM Fahmy has slammed Egypt’s foreign policy under Morsi, saying it was too ideological and lacked sense of direction, “hopping between the Eastern and pro-Western course.” The minister said that it’s going to change under him. He has ordered a revision of Egypt’s relations with all the states on the world map “without exception,” including the US, which had significant influence on the country’s previous government. “Our decisions will be based on evaluation of how our relations get in line with our [Egypt’s] interests,” he explained... Nabil Fahmy was sworn in as Egypt’s foreign minister in the interim government led by PM Hazem Al Beblawi, on July 16. The 62-year-old is a career diplomat, who from 1999 to 2008 was his country’s ambassador to the US.- Russia Today

True US History Aug 24, 2013 - Has HSBC Just Started the Countdown to the Next Crash? Ron: IF action is NOT TAKEN to resolve current global banking machinations before the end of the Year of Aton, humanity will be up shit creek in a barbed wire canoe and without a paddle.

True US History Aug 24, 2013 - The Confidential Memo at the Heart of the Global Financial Crisis Ron: The collapsing global financial and banking systems is no accident. 'Why in the world would any nation agree to let its banking system be boarded and seized by financial pirates like JP Morgan? The answer, in the case of Ecuador, was bananas. Ecuador was truly a banana republic. The yellow fruit was that nation’s life-and-death source of hard currency. If it refused to sign the new FSA, Ecuador could feed its bananas to the monkeys and go back into bankruptcy. Ecuador signed. And so on – with every single nation bullied into signing.Every nation but one, I should say. Brazil’s new President, Inacio Lula da Silva, refused. In retaliation, Brazil was threatened with a virtual embargo of its products by the European Union's Trade Commissioner, one Peter Mandelson, according to another confidential memo I got my hands on. But Lula’s refusenik stance paid off for Brazil which, alone among Western nations, survived and thrived during the 2007-9 bank crisis. China signed – but got its pound of flesh in return. It opened its banking sector a crack in return for access and control of the US auto parts and other markets. (Swiftly, two million US jobs shifted to China.). The new FSA pulled the lid off the Pandora’s box of worldwide derivatives trade. Among the notorious transactions legalised: Goldman Sachs (where Treasury Secretary Rubin had been AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 6 co-chairman) worked a secret euro-derivatives swap with Greece which, ultimately, destroyed that nation. Ecuador, its own banking sector de-regulated and demolished, exploded into riots. Argentina had to sell off its oil companies (to the Spanish) and water systems (to Enron) while its teachers hunted for food in garbage cans. Then, Bankers Gone Wild in the Eurozone dove head-first into derivatives pools without knowing how to swim – and the continent is now being sold off in tiny, cheap pieces to Germany.' - Greg Palast

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 24, 2013 - Racism: the ultimate illusion Ben Aug 23, 2013 - CRITICAL MASS PANCAKE

You who are behind the "chemical attack" deaths in Syria will more than rue the day…. Christ Michael of Nebadon

(See Monjoronson piece inside-target was added to it above)

Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - Rat Fink Nation; King of the Garbage Heap in the Great Unwashed World. Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 23, 2013 - Pfannkuchen der kritischen Masse Von Monjoronson durch Ben, Übersetzung Harald Kühn Zielgerichtete Botschaft von Christus Michael: Ihr, die ihr hinter den Todesfällen durch die "chemischen Angriffe" in Syrien steckt, werdet diesen Tag mehr als verfluchen...

Christus Michael von Nebadon

Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - Holocaust Monument for Gays in Israel Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - Disgraced Cardinal Keith O'Brien blocked independent inquiry into historic sex abuse Ron: Why are Catholic prelates not not held responsible for failing to report criminal activities, perverting the cause of justice and, where appropriate, aiding and abetting the commission of sexual crimes by their subordinates?

True US History Aug 23, 2013 - US will not attack Syria without UN mandate: Obama Ron: Only fools believe what any US President says these days. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 7

Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident – Russia Materials implicating the forces of Syrian president Bashar Assad in chemical weapons use near Damascus were prepared prior to the alleged incident on August 21, the Russian foreign ministry said... “We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature,” he stressed. “In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action.” Below are the three videos posted on Youtube said to be showing the child victims affected by chemical weapons near Damascus. Despite the date of the alleged attack – August 21 – being mentioned in their titles, they were posted on YouTube one the previous day, August 20.

Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - Report: War Looms - Hundreds of American Troops and CIA Operatives Have Entered Syria Environment/Science Aug 23, 2013 - The US government is bankrolling the engineering of humans “…the successful development of technologies for rapid introduction of large DNA vectors into human cell lines will enable the ability to engineer much more complex functionalities into human cell lines than are currently possible.” DARPA plans to insert a 47th chromosome into human cell lines. That chromosome will serve as a kind of platform that will make subsequent delivery of new genetic information much easier. New genetic information means alterations in the body, at the level of DNA. Engineering humans.- Jon Rappoport

Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - 10 Reasons why Hitler was one of the Good Guys If Hitler wanted to kill Jews, why oh why throughout all his speeches and manuscripts and his book Mein Kampf did he not mention this? Did he just forget? No, he didn’t say or write it BECAUSE HE HAD NO INTENTION OF KILLING THE JEWS... the Nazi camps were not death camps, nor were they places to carry out human experiments. They were simply containment camps. Something had to be done with these destructive anti- social Jews who were strangling Germany. Thanks to the Jews, Germany had lost it’s moral code and had become debased and de-cultured ….does that ring a bell? - Digger

Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - Reuters Published the news of Massacre in Syria one day before the Massacre Happened Political Information Aug 23, 2013 - The Media Deception About the Terrorist Attacks in Lebanon The Western media have double standards when it comes to ‘terrorism.’ Within hours after two bombs were detonated at the Boston Marathon last April, many in the media had christened it a ‘terrorist attack.’ Meanwhile, the August 15 bombing in Rouweiss that killed AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 8 at least two dozen is a ‘blast’ that occurred in a ‘Hezbollah stronghold.’» As Al-Akhbar observes, the word «Hezbollah stronghold» plays a prominent role in giving the impression that the civilian neighbourhours bombed in Beirut were armed barracks... Mixed with the other narratives that the same media outlets are painting, the terrorist attacks are being tacitly portrayed as some type of legitimate retaliation. Readers are basically led to think that the terrorist attacks in Dahiyeh were a military act against some type of Hezbollah base. - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - News World news Angela Merkel Angela Merkel visits Dachau concentration camp Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - The Gay Agenda And The War Against God So, if you are "gay", [Ron: The correct term is "homosexual"] do yourself a favour. Stop trying to define reality to serve your own purposes (and damage society at large). Historically, homosexuality was defined as a developmental disorder...... like all others. No blame is necessarily attached.....but please...... the truth..... for once.

Astraea21 August 2013 12:03 Just wish you would not use the word "gay" for homosexuality. George Orwell warned us that they would take our freedom away by first corrupting the language. All euphemisms are misleading - but this is the most pernicious of all. It is nauseating and, to me, utterly disgusting, because it is so underhand and so deadly.

True US History Aug 22, 2013 - California: Embrace Gay Agenda or Lose Tax Exempt Status Ron: Let me know when YOU no longer feel the need to have "Welfare" governments TAKE the fruits of your labour and use it to pay politicians, bureaucrats, judiciaries, police forces and sundry others AND to IMPOSE conditions such as acceptance of sodomy upon YOUR childrens' organisations BEFORE they will return SOME of your tax contributions to those organisations that provide services to you and your children. IF you cannot bring yourself to such state of mind, it may be wise to prepare to change planets after stasis.

Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Child abuser claims he and teen victim had ‘Jewish wedding’ and therefore should not be charged with molestation Ron: a YID Defense Attormey might say: “But, but what about the holocau$t?!? Where is God?" Where indeed? Of course had the male victim been under nine years of age the Talmud says its OK anyway.

Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Why Western media frames civilian areas as “Hezbollah strongholds” “When you write “Hezbollah stronghold” instead of South Beirut it gives the impression military barracks were bombed and no innocents died... Similar language – War on Terror, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 9 terrorism, militants, extremists, Al Qaeda – is also frequently employed to excuse western carnage in countries from Iraq to Afghanistan to Mali to Yemen to Pakistan. Droning and bombing targets are rarely characterized as “civilian,” even though data suggests that most victims of US attacks are not militants. The goal? To eradicate second thoughts about violence against innocent civilians – often bolstered by a complicit media that characterizes these deaths as “collateral damage.” - Sharmine Narwani

Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Syria chemical mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag? Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Russians launch dedicated center to fight ‘atheist extremism’

Ron: Can you imagine the fricken furore that the mainstream media would create if these sluts were to take a chainsaw to Jewish icons or prance around in a synagogue (any synagogue) during a "service" or any other time?! Why are Christian Russians not allowed to seek to prevent such activities in their principal Christian Cathedral?

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 22, 2013 - Evolving Planetary Consciousness to Escape Self-Destruction Environment/Science Aug 22, 2013 - 8/21/13 Slough in This 3' 11" video was published by assumptionla on Aug 21, 2013: Ron: A coppice of 80 foot high trees is swallowed up by a Lousiana sinkhole in a few seconds.

True US History Aug 22, 2013 - WAS MICHAEL JACKSON DESTROYED DUE TO HIS FASCINATION WITH ADOLF HITLER? Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Syria gas attack story has whiff of Saudi war propaganda Finally, the region reported to be the site of the poison gas attack by Assad forces, Eastern Ghouta, was re-secured from the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra jihadist terrorists,

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 10 by Government troops in May as part of a major series of rollback victories against the insurgent forces and is not currently a scene of any major resistance to Assad forces. Pending confirmation by genuinely independent judges of the latest allegations of Al Arabiya, we are well-advised to leave the reports in the category of war propaganda, in league with others such as the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964. That incident, we might recall, was faked by the Pentagon to railroad Congress into giving President Lyndon B. Johnson authority to “assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by communist aggression." The resolution became Johnson's legal justification for deploying US forces and the onset of open war against North Vietnam.- William Engdahl

Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Reports of massive chemical attack near Damascus as UN observers arrive in Syria Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - 'RIP privacy': New Zealand govt passes NSA-style snooping bill Environment/Science Aug 22, 2013 - Left-Brained and Right-Brained Personality Theory Is False: Researchers Debunk Dominant Hemisphere Myth With Brain Imaging (PHOTO) Ron: Dunno what this means or indeed if its valid and meaningful anyway, since modern science is sooo skewed towards materialism that its "off the planet" as the saying goes.

Shellee-Kim Aug 22, 2013 - Sa-Ra 7: Perception True US History Aug 22, 2013 - How school privatization hawks Teach For America promote Israel Ron: there's no such thing as a free lunch cobbers. A FREE trip to Israel is NOT free, it involves indoctrination in the Talmudic, Jewish way of life, MEME. Teach For America (TFA) is yet another insidious Jewish prigram to dumb down and subvert Amerikkan children. As if the Rockefeller Cartel's destruction of the Amerikkan public education system in the last hundred years was not enough, now the Jews are privatising it under direct Judaic control.

Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Being Honest About The Dominant Zionist Narrative “The racist Theodor Herzl wrote ‘Der Judenstaat’ (‘The Jewish State,’ not ‘The State of All Its Citizens’). Lord Balfour recommended the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people. David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Arlosoroff, Moshe Sharett and other racists established the Jewish Agency, and the racist UN decided to establish a Jewish state — in other words, a state for Jews. The racist Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel, and during the War of Independence even made sure to bring in hundreds of thousands of Jews and drive out hundreds of thousands of Arabs who had been living here — all to enable it to be founded with the desired racist character.” “Since then,” the mayor concludes, “racially pure kibbutzim without a single Arab member and an army that protects a certain racial strain have been established, as have political parties that proudly bear racist names such as ‘Habayit Hayehudi’ — ‘the Jewish home.’ Even our racist national anthem ignores the existence of the Arab minority — in other words, the people Ben-Gurion did not manage to expel in the 1948 war. If not for all that ‘racism,’ it’s AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 11 doubtful we could live here, and doubtful that we could live at all.” - Israeli mayor of Upper Nazareth, Shimon Gaspo

Political Information Aug 22, 2013 - Anne Frank house recreated in Argentina

Rosie Aug 21, 2013 - Seraphin Message 146: THE GREAT DEPROGRAMMING OF YOURSELVES May you all become aware of this massive attempt to manipulate you. May the scales fall from your eyes. May you perceive clearly that THIS IS THE PROGRAMMING WHICH HAS MADE FOOLS OUT OF GODS. REMOVE ALL ADVERSE PROGRAMMING. BARE YOURSELVES TO THE VERY CORE AND SEE THAT WHAT REMAINS IS SACRED.

Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - Anti-Putin mania rots the West Here is the clinch, if you do not like this, do not come here. No one is putting a gun to your heads. But that you call this a tyranny, when you yourselves are goose stepping all over the vast majorities in your own nations, who oppose you, now that is tyranny. Fortunately, at least in nations like Ukraine and Georgia, where their quesling governments bent over and dropped their britches for the Rainbow Queer Brigades, the people rose up in anger and rage, as they also did in France, but how they will never do amongst the toothless Anglos and Anglo Americans, who whimper like beaten dogs every time the Homosexuals come for their children. - Stanislav Mishin AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 12

Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - Boxheads “As an experiment in social engineering – if the government (International Jewry) decided to gradually implement a new law (statute guised as a law) that we all had to wear boxes on our heads – for public safety, all for our benefit. About 85% of the stupified, subservient sheople would automatically unquestionably comply. And then if ‘the government’ also introduced a snob appeal; providing bronze, silver, gold and platinum-rated boxes, with limited editions; the non-thinking conditioned repeaters would rush to get their head boxes with delight... what could the masses NOT be conditioned to accept(?)” - Digger

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 21, 2013 - Cognitive Dissonance? Or Mass Dissassociative Disorder Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - TV Fakery in Egypt: Al Jazeera crisis actor caught out on camera pretending to be wounded Ron: Presumably this is a major reason why ther TV news never gives more than a 15 second clip of any incident. ANY genuine journalist in Egypt must KNOW that much of the alleged claims of brutal military treatment of Muslem Brotherhood protesters is FAKE and that where there IS violence the Muslim Brotherhood has created it. General Abdel Fattah al- Sisi is beginning to look more and more like President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Presumably General Sisi doesn't want Egypt to be destroyed by USrael despite the fact that he was trained by the Pentagon and London...

Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - One-sided Propaganda Takes The Stage Amid Egypt Violence a report by Al-Monitor, where a wounded Brotherhood protester is quoted as saying “Like the Syrian army . . . [General Abdel Fattah] al-Sisi is a murderer.” Interestingly enough, the Syrian metaphor may be an accurate description of the Egyptian situation, with the fact that the alleged “protesters and rebels” both share a fundamentalist ideology, penchant for violence, and act as a destabilizing force within the secular nation state while Bashar al-Assad and Gen. Sisi ( at least at this time) are acting as an anti-death squad/anti religious fundamentalist force in their respective nations. The fact that the Muslim Brotherhood protesters are almost entirely made up of fundamentalists and religious fanatics is no secret ... the fact that residents would form neighborhood defense brigades against these religious fanatics shows that, at the very least, the Muslim Brotherhood does not represent the views of the majority of the Egyptian population. With this in mind, it would be wise for the more informed observers to stop relying on mainstream accounts of the Egyptian crisis before tacit American popular support is used for yet another full-blown destabilization tactic as has been attempted in Syria or even some more dangerous operation as of yet unknown to analysts. - Brandon Turbeville

True US History Aug 21, 2013 - West’s 1953 coup against Iran goes on AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 13

Ron: Vale Kennett Love. He was the last of the "Mohicans", after Helen Thomas concluded her contract in this vale of tears. Jim W. Dean says: 'He was the last non-Jewish New York Time Middle East correspondent. Media jobs like that became a “for Jews only” club, similar to those like Federal Reserve chairman and many others in our government. Our State Department is heavily penetrated by deep cover Israeli agents... In a 2007 Bill Moyers TV show segment on the [1953 coup against Iranian President Mossadegh], Kennett Love said: “Dr. Mossadegh's defenders put up a stubborn battle during which Sherman tanks mounting 75-mm. Cannon dueled and closed quarters for nearly two hours ... In the assault on the Mossadegh home, the attackers captured Col. Exatollah Mumtaz, who had betrayed the Royalists to Dr. Mossadegh Saturday night. They literally tore him to pieces... “George Carroll (CIA Agent) He was the one that paid money to the street gangs. He was the one that invented the idea, that make everyone identify himself as a shah’s partisan, so therefore the opposition would not be able to group in the streets ... anyone in a car not displaying the shah's picture would be dragged out and beaten up, even killed. Nearly everybody in Iran of any importance has had a brother, mother, father, sister or a son jailed, tortured ... deprived of their property without due process ... I mean and absolutely buccaneering dictatorship in our name that we supported. SAVAK was created by the CIA.”

Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - Why is CommBank still hiding its derivatives bets? Collectively Australia’s banks have become even more addicted to derivatives gambling since the GFC, increasing their total exposure from $13 trillion in 2008, to $21.5 trillion as of the latest measurement by the Reserve Bank. This amount completely dwarfs the nation’s entire annual income, measured in gross domestic product, of $1.4 trillion... The CEC has exposed that international banking authorities are working with Australia’s Reserve Bank, Treasury and banking regulator APRA on hush-hush, Cyprus-style legislation to “bail in” a failing Australian bank by seizing its depositors’ funds. CBA’s insistence on hiding its multi-trillion-dollar exposure to toxic derivatives points to why they might be in such a hurry. (Click here for a visual presentation of the evidence of bail-in.)... The banks that hold the people’s deposits must be kept separated from banks that engage in risky speculation, so that when the gamblers lose their shirts, the depositors don’t lose their money. - Craig Isherwood

Spirituelle Schätze Aug 21, 2013 - Geschichten vom Einhorn: Der Narr Kibodabi, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

True US History Aug 21, 2013 - Not Too Big to Jail: Eliot Spitzer Is Wall Street’s Worst Nightmare Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - State of Israel Charged for “Crime of Genocide and War Crimes”, Kuala Lumpur Tribunal “WHY is it that the murder of one man is considered a criminal act whereas the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people committed in wars, is not considered so? -Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 14

True US History Aug 21, 2013 - Aussies Blow Lid Off BP Gulf Oil-Corexit Deaths, ‘Health Catastrophe’ Cover-Up Other Channels Aug 21, 2013 - Réunion du Groupe: 20/07/2013 Kibo, traduit par Marie-Louise.

Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - Cutting Loose: Hungary pays off IMF debt, may eye EU exit Bravo Hungary! Like russia, Hungary is starting to break away form the Rothschilds' international banksters' globalist organized crime syndicate. This 3' 11" video was published by Russia Today:

Political Information Aug 21, 2013 - ADL orders YouTube to disable Press TV account: Emadi Environment/Science Aug 21, 2013 - Is Free Energy Slowly Being Unveiled? Ron: These developements appear to be tinkering around the edges. REAL zero point energy devices are in the offing (eg Keshe technology, Andrea Rossi's Energy Catalyzer and other cold fusion devices). I suspect that real, truly effective zero point energy devices won't be released generally until after stasis because humanity isn't ready for them.

Environment/Science Aug 21, 2013 - Transhumanism: Genetic Engineering of Man – the New Eugenics Ron: Something evil this way comes. Query whether our world is starting to be run by computers? Life is spirit. Manipulating the material hardware required for incarnation on this plane cannot alter that. Given that for over 30 years Russia and the US have not only beem producing clones, but also synthetic humanoid robotoid life forms with totally programmable biological computer brains. See eg: And: Accordingly, work on, and publicity about, human looking metal robots seems to be done to mislead public opinion in much the same way that the Apollo Moon Project did. Transhumanist experimentation and scientific development has been a fact for a long time Pilgrims.

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 21, 2013 - There Are No Victims In This World - Why It's Time To Accept Humanity's Power of Creation and The Soul's Journey Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 20, 2013 - The Emotional Lives of Animals -Andrew Dilks Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - What would Britain be like if it was at peace? Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - a crackin job: Making Goys Feel Guilty

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Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - Lord Mountbatten: a rogue’s history The controversial figure was assassinated in a bombing by Northern Irish dissident group Irish Republican Army in the village of Mullaghmore in County Sligo on August 27, 1979 near his family holiday home at Classiebawn Castle...“What the IRA did to him is what Mountbatten had been doing all his life to other people; and with his war record I don't think he could have objected to dying in what was clearly a war situation,” the then Sinn Fein vice- president Gerry Adams said at the time.- PRESS TV

Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - 25 Egyptian Policemen Executed in Sinai - Fingers Point at Israel Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - Irish Mercenaries Training Syrian Death Squads Christophe Ayad, a regular embedded journalist with NATO’s mercenary forces in Syria, reports on the mixture of despair and chaos that reigns in rebel controlled territory. One of the rebels tells the French reporter that “three former soldiers of the Irish military elite” provided training to Syrian rebels. It is claimed the Irish soldiers were acting as “independent mercenaries”. These “former soldiers of the Irish military elite” are acting in violation of international law. - Gearóid Ó Colmáin

Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - Australian Government charged with Treason High ranking members of the Australian Government including Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are facing charges of treason in the Australian Federal Court. The prosecution was brought against Rudd and Abbott as well as the Australian Electoral Commission by Brian Shaw after the Oath of Allegiance and reference to the British Crown were removed from Australian laws... He also alleges that all birth certificates in Australia are turned into Bonds which are traded on the global stock market, a form of Human Trafficing according to the affidavit. -

Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - Chamberlain DID NOT "appease' Adolf Hitler! German Aug 20, 2013 - Hat die US-Regierung Ägypten zur Destabilisierung und letztendlichen Zerstörung vorgesehen? Dr. Kevin Barrett, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History Aug 20, 2013 - Death, Lies and Mutations, What the Military Kept from the Public on Microwave Radiation Part 1

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 16

Ron: This is a very interesting article and this video is an important watch: O9jbe Let's hope that stasis intervenes "soon" before the effects of micro waves etc start to do real damage.

Human/Animal Rights Aug 20, 2013 - Five Month-Old Baby Dies Just Days After 8 Vaccinations  Parents Are Charged With Her Murder Ron: Gosh I'm fed up with seeing reports of death and damage to babies and children as a result of Vaccines and medical negligence and worse. DITTO re the increasing string of reports of physical and sexual abuse of children and the cover up of same. There are sooo many I no longer record them here. Somehow saying its all our fault doesn't "do it" for me anymore.

Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - Syrian-Kurds Exodus = Assad's Victory? French Aug 20, 2013 - PJ 102: SAGESSE SACRÉE, PDF. GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, traduit par Marie-Louise.

Political Information Aug 20, 2013 - Christians under siege in Egypt and Syria Attacks on churches and Coptic Christians occur regularly from Upper Egypt, through the Nile Delta, and into the Sinai region. On August 14 alone, 40 churches were attacked throughout Egypt. Even the Muslim Brotherhood-Syrian rebel mouthpiece, Al Jazeera acknowledged the unprecedented frequency and intensity of attacks against Christians in Egypt. Reports of Anti-Christian acts by Syrian rebels are widely known but not covered to any extent by U.S. media... If the fate of Christians in Syria and Egypt is anything like that of their brethren in Iraq, their future is grim. Muslim extremist rebels have targeted Christians for death, notably the terrorist umbrella organization, the Islamic State of Iraq. Half of Iraq’s Christian population left the country. Over 300,000 fled to Syria where the Assad government protects religious minorities. In the cruelest of ironies, those Christians and their Syrian counterparts are now in the crosshairs of another Al Qaeda affiliate associated with Anti-Christian acts, Jabhat al-Nusra. - Michael Collins

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - Hi, I'm Your New Axis Of Evil Perception is everything. Informed opinion all across the Middle East immediately identifies Ford as a creepy death squad facilitator. His CV prior to Syria -- where he legitimized the "rebels" -- is matchless; sidekick to sinister John Negroponte promoting the "Salvador Option" in Iraq in 2004. The "Salvador Option" is code for US-sponsored death squads, a tactic first applied in El Salvador (by Negroponte) in the 1980s (causing at least 75,000 deaths) but with deep origins in Latin America in the late 1960s throughout the 1970s.- Pepe Escobar AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 17

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - Israel’s foul-mouthed PR genius “I am sick of the Japanese, ‘Human Rights’ and ‘Peace’ groups the world over holding their annual self-righteous commemorations for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims... Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the consequence of Japanese aggression. You reap what you sow…” - Daniel Seaman (Head of the national Israeli student association). [Ron: NO! They were NOT! See eg: Japan in WWII: A Casualty of Usury? Was WWII Fought to make the World Safe for the Bankers? See: Usury-Was-WWII-Fought-to-make-the-World-Safe-for-the-Bankers.shtml FDR, Pearl Harbor and the U.N. See: N.shtml Was the US bombing of Nagasaki necessary to end WWII? See: Nagasaki-necessary-to-end-WWII.shtml The Ultimatum that Gave Us Pearl Harbor. see: Pearl-Harbor.shtml Was the Atomic Bombing of Japan Necessary? See: Japan-Necessary.shtml The Tokyo Fire Raids, 1945: The Japanese View. See: The-Japanese-View.shtml The Bombing of Nagasaki August 9, 1945: The Untold Story. See: August-9-1945-The-Untold-Story.shtml Why did Japan surrender? See: The Bombing of Nagasaki August 9, 1945: The Untold Story. See: August-9-1945-The-Untold-Story.shtml HARRY S. TRUMAN War Criminal. See: Criminal.shtml THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE ATOMIC BOMB WHY HIROSHIMA WAS DESTROYED. See: E_ATOMIC_BOMB_WHY_HIROSHIM_3558.shtml Why Hiroshima Was Destroyed The Detailed History Of An Infamous Er. See: The-Detailed-History-Of-An-Infamous-Era.shtml

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 18

Truman Lied, Hundreds of Thousands Died. See: Thousands-Died.shtml The Great Hiroshima Cover-up. See: up.shtml Bombs on Japan to April 1945. See: 1945.shtml Compare this official Jewish opinion about the totally gratituous and criminal atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the Jews' incessant whinging about the alleged hardships they experience not to mention their incredible Holocaust Blood Libel LIE which is rammed down humanity's throat DAY AND NIGHT by Jew controlled governments, law courts and global media outlets. Can you imagine the howling for blood by Jews that would occur if anyone said something similar about the HoloHoax?!

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - BBC: ‘Israel is not an apartheid state!’ Ron: WHY is a Jewess given CONTROL of the BBC? Don't Britons NOTICE the total Jew bias that this so-called public media organ has? Arguably, given the placement of Jews in government, the judiciary, the BBC and every other aspect of British public life, the British population is OCCUPIED by Jews just as much as the US and Palestine. What real say do non- Jewish citizens of the UK have in their governance? The top one percent of the population acquiesce in the City of London Jews and their appointees running the country and the rest of the people are shut out of all real power. How can any thinking person NOT NOTICE this situation?

True US History Aug 19, 2013 - Massacres by the JCN Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 19, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters " Pdf books, Shellee-Kim, part 1. The Masters thru Shellee-Kim, Pdf made by Christ.

True US History Aug 19, 2013 - Al Bielek During his Montauk work, he would work his normal day job in California, and take a highly classified , high speed, deep tunneled underground magnetic levitation subway train from to Montauk, Long Island in about 2 hours to carry out his duties at Montauk and take the same 2 hour subway ride back to Los Angeles by early morning. After the time tunnel was perfected at Montauk, he would simply be teleported to the Fort Hero, Long Island underground base and returned back to his apartment in California using Montauk's time tunnel machine... Al recounts how he and his brother Duncan were transported by a Time Tunnel machine located at Montauk, Long Island into the interior of an underground facility on Mars in the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 19 late 70's. The United States, possibly Russia, and certain aliens already had bases established on the surface of Mars in 1969 in keeping with the provisions of an agreement between the aliens and the US called Alternative 3. - Ken Adachi

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - Latin America Condemns US Espionage at United Nations Security Council “Decision rejecting the acts of espionage conducted by the United States in the countries of the region.” “The President of the Argentine Republic, the President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, having met in Montevideo, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, on 12 July, 2013, within the framework of the presidential summit of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), Condemning the acts of espionage carried out by intelligence agencies of the United States of America , which affect all countries in the region, Strongly rejecting the interception of telecommunications and the acts of espionage carried out in our countries, which constitute a violation of the human rights, the right to privacy and the right to information of our citizens, and which also constitute unacceptable behavior that violates our sovereignty and is detrimental to the normal conduct of relations among nations, Considering the advisability of promoting a coordinated approach to this issue at the regional level, Decide to: Work together to guarantee the cybersecurity of the States members to MERCOSUR, which is essential to defending the sovereignty of our countries, Demand that those responsible immediately cease these activities and provide an explanation of the motives for and consequences of such activities, Stress that the prevention of crime and the suppression of transnational crimes, including terrorism, must be carried out in line with the and in strict observance of international law. Promote the adoption by the relevant multilateral institutions of standards for the regulation of the Internet which place a particular emphasis on cybersecurity issues, with a view to fostering the adoption of standards that guarantee the adequate protection of communications, in particular to safeguard the sovereignty of States and the privacy of individuals, Express our full solidarity with all countries, within and outside our region that have been victims of such actions, Promote the joint efforts of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs to inform the Secretary- General of the United Nations of these incidents and request prevention and sanction mechanisms on the issue at the multilateral level Instruct the delegations of the Member States participating in the upcoming session of the United Nations General Assembly to jointly present a formal proposal to that end, Request the Argentine Republic to submit this matter to the Security Council for consideration, Agree to establish a working group to coordinate efforts, together with the South American Defence Council and the South American Infrastructure and Planning Council, aimed at AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 20 carrying out activities that will render our telecommunications more secure and reduce our dependence on foreign technology.” The August 6 Security Council meeting under the Presidency of Argentina re-enforced the credibility of the United Nations. The Government of Argentina and her courageous sister nations of Latin America have thrown down the gauntlet on behalf of the majority of the citizens of this planet. - Carla Stea

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - Inconceivable Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 19, 2013 - Stealth Oneness – Crap! I’m Confused What’s the enemy of the divine right of specialness? Oneness. ‘We are one’ can’t co-exist in the same world as chosen people, divine bloodlines, elite families, privileged races or even secrets, for that matter. Oneness rubs out separation. It’s the light of love and truth... all is energy and we are one. -

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - The Big Squeeze in De De De De Denouement City. The Central Banks must come down. The Zionist [Ron: ie Jewish] 'influence' must be brought to an abrupt and complete halt without hope of continuance. Hegemony and usury must be made capital crimes. Those who march to their destruction will, as a matter of course, arrive at destruction.What else could one possibly expect?- Les Visible

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - The Banker’s War There was however an opportunity for peace in 1916. The German U boats were cutting edge technology and had swept the allied ships away, this left the allied troops with only 2 weeks supplies. The Germans offered the allies a way out, they came to London with a peace deal and no reparations. Basically they were saying this is madness lets just stop the war and go back to how we were. That sent the banksters in to panic they hadn’t made nearly enough profit from this war yet. So a group of Zionists from America met up with European Zionists and they went to London and told the prime minister that they could get America into this war, but if they do this they want something in return, and that something was Palestine. The Zionists wanted it in writing to show that they could lay claim to Palestine. The Balfour Declaration was drawn up, written by Sir Arthur Balfour and addressed to Lord Rothschild. After the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 which some say was a false flag, the tide started to turn against Germany in America this made it easier to manipulate them into war. Now you can see why world war one is so relevant today because Israel was set up on the blood of the sons of Europe. - Legoman

True US History Aug 19, 2013 - When Satan Rules, edited by Lasha Darkmoon Ron: Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) was NOT a Judean, did NOT support the Pharisees' or their Talmudic and Torahite ideology (which was a political doctrine not a religious one), and he did NOT support the claim that the Pharisees let alone the Khazars and today's Jewish neo-Pharisees, were God's "Chosen" people. Hatonn has said: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 21

'This again is their mythical explanation of the origin of their sacred creed. It is, of course, not based on any fact. Like the rest of their self-concocted history, it is pure myth. It is very doubtful whether characters such as Moses or Joshua even existed.' Talmudists have no "Yewishness" in them. Hatonn also said: "Yewishness" simply means: "a child of God's creation within the rightful 'laws' and 'protection by God under those laws'. In other words, you and I are the children of God whose "rights" are guaranteed protection under God's Constitution! Yes, I AM A JEW and YOU ARE A JEW and I, for one, am no longer going to tolerate the thieves of my heritage to prevail through their lies and stolen property given from God unto His children. You can be a Buddhist Jew, Christian Jew, Human Jew, Chinese Jew, Mountainman Jew, Seaman Jew, Black Jew---any kind you wish to choose. It is only a term which means: Creator's child. See: CREATOR GOD ATON/HATONN: THE TORAH vs. THE TALMUD - HATONN-THE-TORAH-vs-THE-TALMUD.shtml See also: ESU IMMANUEL, THE CHRIST, WAS NOT A JEW. ST_WAS_NOT_A_JEW_4237.shtml And: THE OLD TESTAMENT ‘BIBLE’ AN X RATED HORROR STORY WITH WAR CRIMINAL CAST OF WORLD’S WORST JEWS - AN-X-RATED-HORROR-STORY-WITH-WAR-CRIMINAL-CAST-OF-WORLD-S-WORST- JEWS.shtml].

True US History Aug 19, 2013 - Stampeding toward anarchy Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - Church vicar in Al Minya: the baltigya [thugs] burnt the churches Saturday, 17 August 2013 14:28 

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - Ending the Muslim Brotherhood's Occupy Egypt (The Unreported Story) Ron: If this commentator can be believed the City of London controlled Muslim Brotherhood is organising a terrorist led "civil war" in Egypt that is similar to the USraeli cum NATO organised so-called civil wars in Libya and Syria.

Political Information Aug 19, 2013 - Who dares threaten united Islamic world? French Aug 19, 2013 - PJ 102, Sagesse Sacrée, chapitres 14. Hatonn/CM, traduction Marie-Louise.

Environment/Science Aug 18, 2013 - NORIO HAYAKAWA :45 years of UFO RESEARCH of DULCE UNDERGROUND BASES and Area-51

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Ron: Based on this video interview it is my my humble opinion that Norio Hayakawa is a waste of time. Either he is a very slow learner or he is a shill. In this video he tells us nothing of importance or even of interest. Almost anyone with general research ability in these matters could concoct what he says. For me, listening to Norio is a pain in the arse. For instance Norio wants us to believe that cattle mutilations in the 1970s near Dulce were merely part of a government cover up to monitor and conceal the effects of radiation from a nuclear test one and a half miles underground, some 23 miles south east of Dulce in 1967. Dr Peter Beter told us AT THE TIME that cattle mutilations were integral to the Rothschilds' efforts to create genetic replicas that could compete with (ie be used to replace) synthetic organic robotoids (artificial life forms - see: created by the Russians and deployed in the US. In Calvin Burgin's Fire From The Sky (See: Hatonn says: 'Genetic replicas? Human robots? You can't be serious! you will say. Call them look-alike stand-ins if that will make it easier for you to believe, but they were in fact GENETIC COPIES. You need to study what is going on in such places as Dulce, New Mexico! The Bible says that at the end time it will be like it was at the time of Noah, and records show that at the time of Noah, genetic manipulation was going on! I don't recommend anyone waste their time listening to this video.

Environment/Science Aug 18, 2013 - THE INVISIBLE MACHINE - ELECTROMAGNETIC WARFARE This 45' 28" video was Uploaded by CH3MTRAILS on May 19, 2011:

Environment/Science Aug 18, 2013 - The Single Most Important Element for Your Health Political Information Aug 18, 2013 - ISRAELI'S KILLING MUSLIMS True US History Aug 18, 2013 - Gun Grabbers Make Home Visits This 4' 11" video was published by Br Nathanael on Aug 17, 2013: Published on Aug 17, 2013------Support the Brother Nathanael Foundation!------Donate Here @

True US History Aug 18, 2013 - Texas Police Hit Organic Farm With Massive SWAT Raid Ron: Amerikka, Land of the Free? All US governments and their agencies are corporations and they all have, and exercise, an unlawful monopoly on force and violence. Are YOU OK with that?

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 23

Aug 18, 2013 - Haiti “Reconstruction”: Luxury Hotels, Sweat Shops and Deregulation for the Foreign Corporate Elite The NGOs carry out US imperial policies in Haiti in exchange for “charity funding” – which means, they money launder US tax payer and donor dollars and put it in their pockets. US imperial policies is about destroying Haiti manufacturing and local economy, expropriating Haiti natural resources and making a larger Haiti market for their subsidized Wall Street monopolies. The economic elites made billions upon billions before the $9-billion the US “big-hearted humanitarians” would add to their coffers from laundering earthquake relief dollars largely back to US groups. But the NGOs and their Hollywood, media and academic cohorts play firemen to the US government’s arsonist role in Haiti and the global south. The professional posers – the white industrial charitable complex – play an underhanded game. For instance “The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) analyzed the $1.15 billion pledged after the January 2010 quake to Haiti and found that the “vast majority” of the money it could follow went straight to U.S. companies or organizations, more than half in the Washington area alone.” (Ezili Dantò, op. cit.). “Haitians earn less today than they did under the Duvalier dictatorship” - Julie Lévesque

True US History Aug 18, 2013 - Smart Meters Exposed as part of NSA ‘PRISM’ Spying Scam True US History Aug 18, 2013 - Pro-Israel efforts on US campuses have failed, Jewish Agency fundraiser says [Hillel's Ellen] Goldstein said that she is not concerned about potential objections to pro- Israel programming on campuses in the United States being funded directly by the Israeli government. - Philip Weiss

Political Information Aug 18, 2013 - Fracking protesters like MMR scaremongers, says Church of England Political Information Aug 18, 2013 - 60 Years Ago: US, British Spies Orchestrated Coup Against Iran’s Elected Govt Political Information Aug 18, 2013 - ‘Bloodbath that is not a bloodbath': Why Egypt is doomed Political Information Aug 18, 2013 - THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD = AL QAEDA Video out of Syria shows Obama-backed militants executing two teenage boys whom they accused of supporting the Assad regime

Environment/Science Aug 18, 2013 - Monsanto’s GMO Feed Creates Horrific Physical Ailments in Animals Political Information Aug 18, 2013 - The “Israel Lobby” threatens freedom of speech in Germany

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It is high time for the Germans to recognize that the commitment for freedom in Palestine has become a fight for our own freedom of speech. Let aside the totalitarian control of all the peoples of the world by the U. S. Empire. - Dr. Ludwig Watzal

Environment/Science Aug 18, 2013 - Al Bielek & Vladimir Terziski - THE UNDERGROUND INTERVIEWS - 1&2 Ron: We live, breathe and have our physical incarnation IN A SEA OF LIES. If you want to know why our world needs Celestial assistance to survive this video will give you some idea. Apparently TPTW have had matter manipulation, time travel, teleportation and covert mind control abilities for some time. This video appears to have been produced over 20 years ago and these abilities were widespread before that.

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 17, 2013 - Daisy - the Little Pup Who Believed Ron: A metaphor for us and our world by the end of the Year of Aton? This 5' 02" video was published by H R on Apr 18, 2013:

Environment/Science Aug 17, 2013 - The miracle of DNA translation to proteins - How did it evolve? Or did it? Environment/Science Aug 17, 2013 - DNA waves don't wash Environment/Science Aug 17, 2013 - Can Our DNA Electromagnetically 'Teleport' Itself? Environment/Science Aug 17, 2013 - Is DNA the next internet: Are humans really beings of light?

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 25

Are humans really beings of light?

Spanish Aug 17, 2013 - Nebadonia: Las Aguas Se Han Roto Nebadonia a través de Shellee Kim

True US History Aug 17, 2013 - Go tell the Spartans - Today it should be 'Go tell the Palestinians' Jew psychoquacks (jews DOMINATE this false medical profession incidentally) use their lies and deceit ( BTW -the OFFICIAL motto of the jew military is ” BY DECEIT WE WAGE WAR”. That of course is not limited to their wars against the Palestinians but their war against America and Americans as well. Those of you who have lost their business and life savings to jew bankers and lost your once innocent sons and daughters to jew drugs porn sex violence and satanic cultures and had your children or wives humiliated and traumatized by jew TSA thugs at airports are but a few examples – but I’m sure you know what I mean... Truly we are today the largest institutionalized terrorist organization on earth followed by the murderous cowardly civilian murdering IDF of the demonic jews in IsraHELL – Satan’s official Earthly headquarters... We were so stupid under the FDR administration that we actually allied ourselves with the evil empire – the USSR AGAINST Christian Germany. Did you people learn ANY History in school? ... We have become the most hated despised and feared Godless war-mongering nation since the Jew communist created USSR. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 26

- joe cortina Ron: I understand that Joe is wrong about the Fukushima Tsunami and his language sounds unloving and is a bit excessive; but it's hard to communicate one's depth of revulsion at the evil that Jews perpetrate upon Humaity and the planet... supported by people who abhor bad language more than genocide. And pleaseee don't tell me that Jews are not the problem ... it's just a few bad apples...

Political Information Aug 17, 2013 - THE EINSTEIN MONSTER EINSTEIN THE MASS MURDERER With World War II coming to a close, vindictive Jews worldwide openly called for the genocide of the German people. Indeed, this policy was partially implemented. Among the demonic voices demanding more blood was the "pacifist" Einstein. . He wrote: "The Germans can be killed or constrained after the war, but they cannot be re- educated to a democratic way of thinking and acting.”...... it is hoped that by war's end, they will largely have been killed off." -

Political Information Aug 17, 2013 - Saudi Arabia sponsoring terrorists who kill Muslims Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 17, 2013 - Transformation – Our Deepest Purpose Political Information Aug 17, 2013 - News from the Jews 10 august 2013 Political Information Aug 17, 2013 - The Toughest job in Washington: Explaining U.S. policy toward Israel

I thought that race and ethnicity were social constructs. At least that’s what our leftist elites keep telling us in the U.S. But of course an aggressive racialism has been characteristic of Zionism from the beginning. Indeed, a major motive for early Zionists was to create a state where Jews would marry Jews. Netanyahu’s directive is entirely within this tradition. U.S. Jews happily support Israel as a racialist, apartheid ethnostate while AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 27 conceptualizing the U.S. and other Western societies as nothing more than proposition nations dedicated to democracy and human rights, with no privileging of their White, Christian foundations. - Kevin MacDonald

True US History Aug 17, 2013 - Jews: A Religious Community, a People, or a Race? Ron: Jews are Talmudists which means they are NOT a race but rather a pseudo religious ideological association of individuals of diverse genetic backgrounds (although some 38% to 90% are variously said to be Khazars) who have coalesced into a tight knit ethnic group for mutual benefit. Jewish identity is created and maintained by vigorous Talmudic societal mind control techniques, typified by their strong separatist preference for living apart from others in shtetls and ghetto environments. Jews tend to be raised and live from cradle to grave in an ethnic environment that emphasises exceptionalist, supremicist doctrines that teach inherent ethnic superiority. The Jewish identity is constantly reinforced by stringent social mind control techniques and covert physical coercion to ensure socio-political conformity by members of the "cult'. In the last century the "cult' has achieved spectacular political, economic and cultural success because of its propaganda achievements using the incredible wealth of Jew banksters and corporatists who have created the myth that Jews are not only a "people" but "god's chosen people". Many benefits arising from the success of the "Jewish" meme foisted upon humanity by the Jewish leadership have accrued to millions of people from Germany, Poland, Russia, Eastern Europe and elsewher who have claimed and proclaimed Jewish ethnicity. In effect, the enormous propaganda successes of the Jew banksters, politicians and media moguls in relation to the false "Chosenite" and "Holocaust" memes in particular, have cemented those false memes and hence the "Jewish" meme into the minds of Jews and gentiles alike resulting in substantial. financial, economic, political, cultural, vocational and other benefits accruing to so-called Jews. However, successful propagnada does not alter physical reality. Jews are NOT a race. See eg: 'Jews a Race' Genetic Theory Comes Under Fierce Attack by DNA Expert - Comes-Under-Fierce-Attack-by-DNA-Expert.shtml Genome Evolution of Jewish Population John Hopkins. See: Population-John-Hopkins.shtml Zionists design myth of Jewish genome to usurp Palestine. See: Jewish-genome-to-usurp-Palestine.shtml

Political Information Aug 17, 2013 - Arab leaders tacitly support crackdown in Egypt: Analysts Political Information Aug 17, 2013 - US ‘aid’ destroys Egypt’s economy, democracy The neocons have a good reason to hate Morsi: The Egyptian President has repeatedly scoffed at the official myth of 9/11 and called for a new investigation. Such an investigation would quickly destroy , and cause such top neocon leaders as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby, Dov Zakheim, Douglas Feith, Marc Grossman, Michael Ledeen,

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 28 and many others to be hanged for treason. Officially establishing the truth about 9/11 would also put an end to Israel as an apartheid Zionist state.- Dr. Kevin Barrett

German Aug 17, 2013 - Wie wir arm gemacht, luxussaniert und zum Scheigen gebracht werden - und was wir dagegen tun können John Pilger, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information Aug 16, 2013 - Jewish Editor: Christianity is good for Israel Ron: Esu was NOT a "Jew" in the sense this author tries to imply, namely a Pharisee or a Talmudist! Esu abhorred and was totally opposed to the Pharisees and their ideology. The Pharisees were in fact godless Talmudists whose ideology stemmed from their Canaanite background. When the Levites began writing the Torah almost a thousand years AFTER the events they misdescribed and largely concocted, they STOLE positive Sumarian religious ideas and teachings which they salted into their fictive narrative to give it seeming authenticity.Hatonn says: 'This again is their mythical explanation of the origin of their sacred creed. It is, of course, not based on any fact. Like the rest of their self-concocted history, it is pure myth. It is very doubtful whether characters such as Moses or Joshua even existed.' Talmudists have no "Yewishness" in them. Hatonn points out that "Yewishness" simply means: "a child of God's creation within the rightful 'laws' and 'protection by God under those laws'. In other words, you and I are the children of God whose "rights" are guaranteed protection under God's Constitution! Yes, I AM A JEW and YOU ARE A JEW and I, for one, am no longer going to tolerate the thieves of my heritage to prevail through their lies and stolen property given from God unto His children. You can be a Buddhist Jew, Christian Jew, Human Jew, Chinese Jew, Mountainman Jew, Seaman Jew, Black Jew---any kind you wish to choose. It is only a term which means: Creator's child. See: CREATOR GOD ATON/HATONN: THE TORAH vs. THE TALMUD - HATONN-THE-TORAH-vs-THE-TALMUD.shtml See also: ESU IMMANUEL, THE CHRIST, WAS NOT A JEW. See: WAS_NOT_A_JEW_4237.shtml And: THE OLD TESTAMENT ‘BIBLE’ AN X RATED HORROR STORY WITH WAR CRIMINAL CAST OF WORLD’S WORST JEWS - AN-X-RATED-HORROR-STORY-WITH-WAR-CRIMINAL-CAST-OF-WORLD-S-WORST- JEWS.shtml

Health and Nutrition Aug 16, 2013 - You Want To Vaccinate My Child? No Problem, Just Sign This Form Ron: Please read the list of ingredients in vaccines mentioned in this Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety form. Obviously no doctor would incriminate self by signing it. It's merit lies in the fact that it impliedly explains in a nutshell why those seeking to inject vaccine poisons into children and others are morally and intellectually bankrupt.

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Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 16, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters by Others" Pdf books, part 5. The Masters thru Others, Pdf made by Christ.

Political Information Aug 16, 2013 - Lessons of the Mengele Affair Ron: Given that the HoloHoax Blood Libel is a total LIE it is hardly surprising that Josef Mengele has been falsely demonisation by the Jews. Mengele is routinely accused of sending 400,000 Jews to their deaths in gas chambers while serving as the chief physician at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1943 and 1944 despite the fact that the meticulously kept German records reveal that the total number of Jewish prisoners EVER sent to the Auschwitz camp system between 1942 and 1945 was 173,000. And of those, 58,240 died of typhus, 2,064 dies of natural causes, 117 were executed, 100,743 were transferred to other camps and the total number of Jewish prisoners remaining in camp after the German evacuation on January 15, 1945 was 11,839. The LIE that Mengele sent 400,000 Jews to their deaths in gas chambers (which were not even built at Auschwitz by the Soviets until 1946 or later) is palpable. See: Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944 - _Prisoners_in_Auschwi_2737.shtml Mark Weber: It appears that as long as historical revisionists continue their work, there will be no let up in the media-conscious hunt for elusive "Nazi fugitives." Serge Klarsfeld candidly admitted to the The New York Times (March 3, 1985) that part of the motive for the intense focus on Mengele and other "Nazi criminals" in recent years has been to offset the challenge by revisionist historians to Holocaust orthodoxy.

Human/Animal Rights Aug 16, 2013 - La surconsommation Ron: We must stop eating meat. La surconsommation: 6' 02" video: from Lasurconsommation 7 months ago not yet rated La surconsommation désigne un niveau de consommation situé au-dessus de celui des besoins normaux ou d'une consommation moyenne. Image provenant du film Samsara : Samsara est un mot tibétain qui signifie la roue de la vie, un concept à la fois intime et vaste, qui définit l'âme de chacun.

Education Aug 16, 2013 - The Ross Sisters Brian: Don't try this without a chiropractor present ...... 3' 44" video: A flexibilidade das irmãs Ross Raparigas fantásticas, famosas na época. Um vídeo de 1944, foi recuperado, digitalizado e colorido. Nesta clássica coreografia do filme “Broadway Rhythm”, as assim chamadas The Ross Sisters, Aggie, Maggie e Elmira, cantam e

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 30 movimentam-se de uma forma que não parece ser humanamente possível. Nos primeiros 45 segundos elas cantam. Mas o que vem a seguir é impressionante.

True US History Aug 16, 2013 - The Axis of Evil: USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia The USA has been up to this sort of thing for decades. It’s not just at war every year; it’s in continual partnership with terrorists. War and terrorists, one way or another, the West has murdered, at a minimum, twenty five million people since World War Two. Well done, the Axis of Evil! Prof. Rodney Shakespeare

Political Information Aug 16, 2013 - Israeli Zionist rabbi bans male handshaking The head of the Gur Education Department, Abraham Benjamin Silberberg, said at a meeting with educational officials that handshakes between men is banned because it can cause “sinful thoughts.” “This new prohibition will ensure the holiness of our next generation,” Silberberg said.- PRESS TV

True US History Aug 16, 2013 - Abu Ghraib torture victims sued by 'torturers' Ron: Amerikka, land of the hypocrite, home of the Jew.

Targeted Messages Aug 15, 2013 - You cannot Win against Creator This is enough in Syria and Egypt. We are there on the ground and you ones KNOW THIS. When shall you LEARN? you cannot win against Creator......

True US History Aug 15, 2013 - Yemen; US's new frontline Political Information Aug 15, 2013 - Netanyahu’s Office recruiting students to wage online hasbara battles

“In light of the success in the battle for awareness during the Pillar of Defense Operation [the Israeli military operation against the Gaza Strip in November of last year] and the experience gained in activating a large number of situation rooms on university campuses and work with students in general, it was decided to establish a permanent structure of activity on the Internet through the students at academic institutions in the country,” Seaman wrote. “The students are an organized population that is familiar with, and active on, the Internet on an ongoing basis, trained in use of the field, [who] live and speak the language of the [medium].”

True US History Aug 15, 2013 - Stark Reality Behind Obama’s Russian ‘Statesmanship’ Political Information Aug 15, 2013 - The Big Windup and the Eventual Follow Thru AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 31

What we are talking about here are psychopaths. They won't stop until they are stopped . There are any number of ways that can happen but happen it will. It has always happened and it is especially going to happen this time because we are in The Big Windup. Everybody showed up for it, which explains the mass of the population. Most everyone forgot the point of showing up, which explains the state of the culture worldwide... but still it goes on and on and on and that is probably the point of today’s posting. Something's got to give at some point. - Les Visible

French Aug 15, 2013 - PJ #34 " APPELLE CHEZ TOI, EXTRA-TERRESTRE ", Chapitre 4 - 6. Esu, Aton & Germain, traduction G. M. AKUÉ.

Education Aug 15, 2013 - 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World German Aug 15, 2013 - Ihr könnt gegen den Schöpfer nicht gewinnen Gezielte Nachrichten Es ist genug in Syrien und Ägypten. Wir sind dort auf dem Boden, und ihr WISST ES. Wann werdet ihr es LERNEN? Ihr könnt gegen den Schöpfer nicht gewinnen…

Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 15, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters by Others" Pdf books, part 4. The Masters thru Others, Pdf made by Christ.

Environment/Science Aug 15, 2013 - Heat Flow from Earth's Mantle Contributes to Greenland Ice Melting The Greenland ice sheet is melting from below, caused by a high heat flow from the mantle into the lithosphere. This influence is very variable spatially and has its origin in an exceptionally thin lithosphere. Consequently, there is an increased heat flow from the mantle and a complex interplay between this geothermal heating and the Greenland ice sheet.-

Political Information Aug 15, 2013 - Business of Evangelism Religion

Just maybe, the critical question at the pearly gates has nothing to do with money.

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Political Information Aug 15, 2013 - US “death squad envoy” arrives in Egypt – and the slaughter begins Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - CHILD ABUSE IN CHINA German Aug 14, 2013 - Gespräch mit einer Zionistin über den Mord an James Forrestal David Martin, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History Aug 14, 2013 - Two Births: A Gilded Arrival and a Poisoned Legacy Ron: Is it any wonder that the average ensouled human doesn't want to know about these matters? What are they supposed to do? Grin and bear it? Especially if it happens to them or those they are close too? Those who control our world are insane and rapidly sending humanity crazy too. Dr Busby claims that: “It is clear that the military has a secret uranium weapon of some sort. It causes widespread and terrifying genetic defects, causing cancer and birth anomalies and poisoning the gene pool of whole populations. This is a war crime and must be properly investigated. “This material ... is slowly contaminating the whole planet. It is poisoning the human gene pool, leading to increases in cancer, congenital anomalies, miscarriages and infertility ... It has probably been employed in Libya, so we must wait and see what levels of cancer and congenital disease appears there.” - Felicity Arbuthnot

Environment/Science Aug 14, 2013 - Scientists Discover That Plants Communicate via Symbiotic Root Fungi

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Also, remember to refrain from tilling and manipulating the soil. This isn’t necessary and is actually counterproductive, as it disrupts helpful organisms and crushes their tunnels.9 Just topdress your garden with a blend of good compost and topsoil each year, and leave the bed alone, which will allow those beneficial organisms to grow and flourish, undisturbed. When you practice ecofriendly gardening, you greatly lessen your need for fertilizers and herbicides, reduce your need for watering, and reduce runoff and erosion, while giving your garden plants the best nutrition and resistance to disease. And best of all, a healthy veggie garden means more nutrients passed along to you! - Dr Mercola

Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - Why Is Israel looking for Imam Mahdi? "President Ahmadinejad corrected her by stating: “What is being said about an apocalyptic war and – global war…… This is what the Zionists are claiming. Imam will come with logic, with culture, with science. He will come so that there is no more war. No more enmity, hatred. No more conflict…..he will return with Jesus Christ. The two will come back together. And working together, they would fill this world with love”.The last thing Israel would want is that Christian groups should wake up and realise that the real enemy is not Islam but rather Zionism." - Shabana Syed

Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - Antisemitic Arab TV Series "Khaybar": Deception Is The Creed Of The Jews, Conspiracy Their Religion Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - 2,200 killed in security forces' crackdown on Cairo sit-ins: Muslim Brotherhood Ron: Surprise, surprise! There are reports of "mystery snipers on rooftops shooting at crowds. Reports of killed and injured vary wildly.

Announcements Aug 14, 2013 - the Moon is near the Capricorn tonight Esu is based on the Capricorn. I have been there many times. The Capricorn masquerades as Antares, for those new to this story. Helena the captain will probably put on a show since the moon will point the direction....

Wednesday, August 14 Look for orange Antares lower left of the Moon after dusk, with the other stars of upper Scorpius around it. Near the zenith shines the Summer Star, Vega.

Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - Former Muslim Brotherhood MP: The Holocaust – The Greatest Lie Of The Modern Age Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - Cyprus: President Anastasiades announces ‘Guaranteed Minimum Income’ for all citizens

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What can we learn from Cyprus..?

Problem, reaction, solution…

Problem: Public debt crisis, followed by bank holiday, followed by a bail-in – all engineered by the banking cartel, IMF and European elite. Reaction: Economic collapse, degrading the standard of living, massive closures of small to medium size businesses. Solution: ”Social policy reform” with a minimum income for all citizens, aka . - 21st Century Wire

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 14, 2013 - Die Blase ist geplatzt Nebadonia durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 14, 2013 - Imagination: May the Force Be With You! “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.” ~ William Blake

Environment/Science Aug 14, 2013 - One Woman's Fight To Protect A River Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - Survival of the ... Nicest? Check Out the Other Theory of Evolution Ron: the speculation about human evolution seems a bit wide of the mark but the fact that in his 1871 book The Descent of Man argued that the human species had succeeded because of traits like sharing and compassion is interresting. Apparently Darwin wrote, “those communities which included the greatest number of the most sympathetic members would flourish best, and rear the greatest number of offspring.” Eric Michael Johnson says, rightly in my view, that wealth-sharing and cooperation have always looked more consistent with his observations about human survival than the elitism and hierarchy that dominates contemporary corporate life.

Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - Zionism Happened True US History Aug 14, 2013 - NEW YORK PEDOPHILE RING LINKED TO CIA? Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - Jewish groups ramping up response to sex trafficking

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Political Information Aug 14, 2013 - A Forced Fate And Curse To Humanitarianism -The Prostitutes Of A God Ron: Life on Urantia is drowning in a sea of lies in which billions struggle to survive. Thousands starve to death every day and virtually everyone is enslaved, even the thugs whose violence maintains the power of the global matrix controllers and their puppets and minions. The story of india's devadasi sex slaves is just a small facet of India's vicious, dehumanising caste system held in place by enforced scarcity and poverty imposed on humdreds of millions of Indians by Talmudic local and global rulers. Gandi didn't free Indians, he merely facilitated a change in the identity of local rulers who continued to work for the Talmudists. How the Talmudic English Black Nobility must laugh all the way to the bank as they pretend that they have been forced to lose their grip on the throats of Indians and Pakistanis. Nothing will change in the Sub-Continent or globally until divine messianic energies dissolve duality and all its works.

Political Information Aug 13, 2013 - Al Khalifa regime prepares bloodbath Shellee-Kim Aug 13, 2013 - Nebadonia: The Waters Have Broken "Be ready to catch the baby, nurture it (and the mother) in the warm swaddle of a blanket and ensure that it has immediate sustenance and it's passage ways cleansed so that it might gulp deeply of the breath of new Life." AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 36


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Environment/Science Aug 13, 2013 - Tsunami in Japan 2011 - Shocking video This 25' 49" video was published by LEAKEDCHANNEL on Jun 3, 2013: Publisher's comments:Tsunami in Japan 2011 - Shocking video

Political Information Aug 13, 2013 - Iran, Australia eager to boost parliamentary cooperation Environment/Science Aug 13, 2013 - TV: Your Mind. Controlled Political Information Aug 13, 2013 - Revealed: What the West has given Syria's rebels Health and Nutrition Aug 13, 2013 - The WHO Must Release Report on Iraqi Birth Defects Now Ron: This excellent article has a list of very relevant additional articles attached to it.

True US History Aug 13, 2013 - US government targeting Egypt for destabilization, eventual destruction? Why does the US feel the need to destroy Middle Eastern countries?... It’s about Israel’s “Oded Yinon plan” to annihilate Israel’s neighbors and seize all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates for Greater Israel. That is why… Israel took over the US via the 9/11 coup d’état – with a plan to destroy “seven countries in five years” in service to Netanyahu’s “Clean Break” document… All Middle Eastern people, regardless of religion or nationality, must unite and resist the Zionist-sponsored destruction of their lands.” - Dr Kevin Barrett

Political Information Aug 13, 2013 - Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Ethics: Gaming the System Ron: Pleaseee stop telling me that Jews are innocent, nice people; and that "religious" Jews are especially so. Jews, as a collective, are lying parasites who justify their amorality by embracing moral particularism and ethnostatism buttressed by ethnic networking. As Kevin McDonald says: it’s not surprising that we can see a lot of the same tendencies in muted, less obvious form in the mainstream Jewish community. Indeed, although freed from the traditional hierarchical social structure, mainstream American Jews still exemplify the ingroup-outgroup psychology of traditional Jewish groups. Here we have emphasized ethnic networking and other sequelae of ethnocentrism (e.g., loyalty to their ethnostate, moral particularism and other cognitive biasing mechanisms (all on display in Anthony Julius’s history of Anti- Semitism in England; see Andrew Joyce’s review), and hostility toward the historical culture of the West—the theme of Jews as a hostile elite).

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Political Information Aug 13, 2013 - Embassy Bombings, Terror in Africa – Islaamic or Zionist?

Health and Nutrition Aug 13, 2013 - When Vaccine Patients Act Like Consumers What if vaccines were sold like cars? Instead of having them pushed on you, what if you had a real choice, with real information and competition? Now that a greater & greater number of people are acting like consumers & asking questions, the WHO & UNICEF are taking steps to counter it, and some plans are downright scary. - Jagannath Chatterjee

Political Information Aug 13, 2013 - UK Protests Require A Gay Presence It Seems - Morris This is Jewish liberalism at work. All children now get educated that homosexuality is normal. - Morris 108 UK Protests Require A Gay Presence It Seems - Morris. This 6' 19" video was published by 108morris108 on Aug 11, 2013: Publisher's comments: There is clearly an orchestration going on - that in all protests a visual statement of homosexuality must be prominently advertised.

French Aug 13, 2013 - PJ #34 " APPELLE CHEZ TOI, EXTRA-TERRESTRE ", Chapitre 1 - 3. Esu, Aton & Germain, traduction G. M. AKUÉ.

True US History Aug 13, 2013 - DID THE NEW YORK TIMES ACTUALLY USE A STAGED PHOTO TO ATTACK RUSSIA? Ron: Russia is not "persecuting homosexuals". Russians simply refuse to tolerate flashy gay parades, adoption by gay couples, and gay propaganda presented to children. Those excesses are all that the Russian "anti gay laws" seek to curtail. The age of consent in Russia is 16 years , regardless of sexual orientation; transsexuals and transgender persons are allowed to change their legal gender, homosexuality is not regarded as a mental illness and it is not a criminal offence under Russian law; single persons can adopt children whatever their sexual orientation, while homosexuals can serve in the armed forces without any type of restriction. Russian law bans the propagation of non-traditional sexual activities among minors; ie Russian law prohibits the distribution or dissemination of homosexual information or activities, among children. Russian society today stands solidly behind traditional , and generally Russian society today does not condone Canaanite practices or same-sex marriage or unions. It is not for the US or the Jews who control Amerikka, to complain about it, any more than it is up to the average Russian citizen to launch a campaign against London because it is still illegal today to run or sing in the Burlingdon Arcade between Piccadilly and Cork Street. The LGBT community are not discriminated against under Russian federal law, which merely reflects the stance of Russian AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 38 society in not recognizing same-sex unions and strives to protect minors from exposure to unnecessary images at a tender age. - Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey.

Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 13, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters by Others" Pdf books, part 3. The Masters thru Others, Pdf made by Christ.

True US History Aug 12, 2013 - The Kennedys vs Israel’s Lobby: How Israel gained Control of American Foreign Policy Ron: Rightly understood, the US has been completely "occupied" by the Jews since the assassination of JFK. At best, almost all politicians and top bureaucrats and corporatists et al, are afraid of the Jews to the point of fearing for their lives and the lives of their families. When combined with the Jewish domination of finance, banking, the media, Hollywood, education, religion, the Arts and everything else, it is hardly surprising that the US is fucked and its population quiescent. It is virtually impossible to communicate the truth to any substantial portion of the population, even if they might listen. And even those who briefly obtain a substantial audience are killed or otherwise emasculated. In the absence of honest and factual real time 24/7 global news dissemination and commentary, it is impossible to effectively awaken a critical mass of humanity unless increasing divine energies infuse human DNA with increased awareness such that greater consciousness can be achieved other than through typical 3/4d processes. Even having global economic depression and starvation engulf humanity will not magically infuse survivors with greater consciousness. Or so I think...

Political Information Aug 12, 2013 - Snordster – Doing Imagine Imagine - The Snordster (3' 17" video): Ron: Great Lyrics. Better thn the original which has anti-divine, Globalist overtones: Imagine all the People living in the WAY.

Environment/Science Aug 12, 2013 - “Nuclear Guinea Pigs”: Deadly Experiments and Contaminated Reality Political Information Aug 12, 2013 - Merkel: Germany will never be neutral on Israel

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Ron: WHEN, O LORD, will the German nation and humanity be free of these Talmudic LIARS and their puppets, minions and henchmen?

Political Information Aug 12, 2013 - Compensation claim upheld as Holocaust story believed Ron: Overlooking the fact that Jews are inveterate LIARS and that under the KOL NIDRE ritual their "religion" sanctifies LYING, if we believe this Talmudist what have we got? His story is that he was a child mascot for an SS unit in war-torn Europe for 18 months. An "ombudsman" was satisfied Mr Kurzem was Jewish; was separated from his parents during the war; lived under a false identity for at least 18 months, and that his life had been in danger. THIS entitles him to be called a "HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR" and to continue to draw compensation payments therefor, from the German government some 68 years after the end of WWII. Clearly the KEY requirement is that he is JEWISH. After all, many, many millions of people survived WWII and had their lives endangered during it.

Environment/Science Aug 12, 2013 - Male Holocaust survivors have a longer life-expectancy Ron: First, there was NO Holocaust. Second if one WAS holocausted one would NOT be a "survivor" thereof. Third, this proves that life in German work camps during WWII was better than life in Palestine at the time. Fourth, while millions of Germans were being burned alive in their cities by Allied fire bombing raids, people in German concentration camps lived a pretty good life until the end of the war when disease and lack of food was affecting everyone in German held territory and beyond. But prior to that people in Auschwitz and other camps had swimming pools, cultural activities, football matches and other things many Germans and Europeans could only dream of at the time. Fifth, in 2000 AD, 55 years after WWII, there were still almost one million so-called "Holocaust survivors" listed with the Israeli government seeking MORE German "compensation" for having survived "the Holocaust", sooo huge numbers of Jews must have benefited from being in German concentration work camps during WWII.

Political Information Aug 12, 2013 - Bollywood Jews: Mossad Terror in Mumbai

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Ron: Is there EVER a terrorist event in our world in which USraelis are not involved? “This blood-sucking crew (Rothschild) has been the cause of untold mischief and misery during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have quarrelled. Whenever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumours of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that Rothschild is near the region of the disturbance.” - ‘The Labour Leader’, 1891.

True US History Aug 12, 2013 - Revolution R.I.P. True US History Aug 12, 2013 - The CIA's role in Hollywood': True US History Aug 12, 2013 - Deconstructing Edward Bernays' 'Propaganda' (Part 1) (Episode 60) Ron: This is how the Jews do it. Edward Bernays, Walter Lippmann and Sigmund Freud were Jews. This video and this series on "Propaganda" explains how the Jews think about humanity generally. IF you understand what Bernays et al thought and did you will understand WHY our world is ratshit and going to hell in a handbasket. IF you do not know these things and can't be bothered finding out, you deserve your fate.

Political Information Aug 12, 2013 - NOT A GENOCIDE BUT A GENO-BOOST Whereas genocide means the doing away with a whole nation and people and the destruction of their societies and traditions and the eradication of their culture, what we have witnessed concerning the Jews of Europe is the opposite of all this... Because the Native Nations were almost totally eradicated, culturally and physically, no one knows them or mentions them except maybe some scholars or historians .What we know about them comes from western movies that picture them like uncivilized hoard of savages who scream and attack and kill . Their languages disappeared, their traditions have fell into oblivion, no one speaks about their religion . They are almost completely forgotten, , no one knows who they were, no one knows that they were 400 Nations and languages and were around 120 millions spread all over the continent and that they are the inheritors of the Mayas and other people They are not found in the UN nor in any place for the reason that they were simply subject to genocide, a real genocide … - Daniel Mabsout

True US History Aug 11, 2013 - Bush Killed JFKjr. Ron: This article has much truth about George Bush Snr and Jnr., and the murders of JFK and his son BUT it's absolutely ratshit when it discusses Hitler, WWII and the non-existant "death camps.

Political Information Aug 11, 2013 - Amnesty International, War Propaganda, and Human Rights Terrorism

French Aug 11, 2013 - PJ 102, Sagesse Sacrée, chapitres 13. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 41

Hatonn/CM, traduction Marie-Louise.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 11, 2013 - Sa-Ra 6: Kommt bei euch selbst an Sa-Ra durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

True US History Aug 11, 2013 - Revolutionary Metaphysics We aren’t going to fight until the rug is pulled out from under us and we lose everything, when our villages are burned to the ground then we will find resolve. Damn it! Now they went to far, they burned down my 5500 ft2 bungalow... The situation will get worse and worse, the outrages worse and worse, the injustice worse and worse, the unjustified murders, drugging, and incarcerations worse and worse until a certain point where you have to act. They are pushing you and testing you. That is why it gets worse and worse – the Universe is egging you to act. Think I’m kidding? How ludicrous they are, they are like little children testing the patience of their parents. The lack of intellectual maturity in America is outstanding, everyone lies and think that’s ok. America is a nation of false flagging liars. The usual suspects are the obvious enemy, Zionist [Ron: ie Jew] traitors, Neocons, dual citizens loyal to foreign states, AIPAC lobbyists, etc. The not so obvious enemy is why we lost our nation. Zionists [Ron: ie Jews] are only the tip of a much larger cancer, much of the nation has been subverted to collectivist notion of state worship, the state and its power has become “god” and that grates against the human spirit which is autonomous. Humans, by their nature, are against being slaves. A huge number of people worship power and statism over freedom and liberty. Many of these people go to church and believe in a malevolent foreign- alien mind as god. - Yukon Jack

Health and Nutrition Aug 11, 2013 - Fast Food = Ecocide: Not All Worker Strikes Are Radical Political Information Aug 11, 2013 - UK AID MONEY GOES TO AL QAEDA You might wonder why the UK government has increased spending on foreign aid while reducing spending in other areas... Oxfam, one of the most powerful and secretive British intelligence organizations acting under non-governmental organization cover... - aangirfan

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 11, 2013 - Dies ist gerade hereingekommen... 6. August 2013 Von Aton und Kibo, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

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Spanish Aug 11, 2013 - SA-RA 6: Vengan a Casa a Ustedes mismos Sa-Ra a través de Shellee Kim

Shellee-Kim Aug 11, 2013 - Sa-Ra 6: Come Home To Yourselves "It is merely a question of altering your perspective about yourselves... ever so desire this so that the blinkers might fall away." Sa-Ra

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True US History Aug 11, 2013 - A Closer Look at the New Owners of the Boston Globe and Washington Post If there's a moral to this sad story, it's this: Ten years ago, the Washington Post was worth $2 billion. On Monday, it sold for $250 million, an 87 percent loss. Could having a conservative presence in the newspaper have resulted in an outcome any worse than that? - Randy Hall

True US History Aug 11, 2013 - CIA Gun-running, Qatar-Libya-Syria. True US History Aug 11, 2013 - Why Is America Waging a Secret War On Brazil? Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Aug 11, 2013 - Nederlands: Juist binnen 6 AUGUSTUS 2013. CM Aton en Kibo, vertaling Lilian A.

True US History Aug 11, 2013 - Who’s Terrorizing Who? In Yemen, America Is The Terrorist In the last two weeks alone, the U.S. has unleashed five seven eight drone strikes on Yemen, three of which occurred in one day. As usual, the mainstream press is echoing government claims about the identities of the dead despite the administration flawed method for counting casualties. As the New York Times revealed last year, the Obama administration “counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants…unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent. - Rania Khalek

True US History Aug 11, 2013 - Obama Tantrum and US Global Terror Alert Belie Washington’s Inner Panic over Russia and Snowden Political Information Aug 11, 2013 - Sport, the gay question and cultural imperialism Suppose the campaigners stopped the hysteria, dropped the hype and took a stand against NATO's illegal wars, its support for terrorists in Libya and Syria, its intrusion into the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 43 internal affairs of sovereign states, its wanton acts of mass murder, strafing civilians with military hardware, targeting civilian structures with the same? Suppose they started criticizing the arming of rogue elements on NATO's own lists of proscribed terrorist groups, the transportation of al-Qaeda murderers to Syria, its detention of persons without due legal process in its torture and concentration camps, its practice of urinating in food, setting dogs on people, forcing Moslems to eat pork, ridiculing their sexual organs, and sodomising them.- Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

True US History Aug 11, 2013 - Schulman: ‘Gay Rights movement is Jewish’ Political Information Aug 11, 2013 - Happy Eid? Political Information Aug 11, 2013 - GLOBAL LOOTING: The new EU bailin law was passed 8 days ago….did you notice? “Man kann sich nicht darauf verlassen, dass das, was vor den Wahlen gesagt wird, auch wirklich nach den Wahlen gilt!“ - Angela Merkel, CDU und Bundeskanzlerin” Which translates neatly as: “You cannot reckon on that which was clearly stated before the election also being really valid after the election.” See also: “… because we truly have no legal right to democracy and a social market economy for all eternity …” And: “It is the task of politicians to reinforce the sense of threat in the population” - Angela Merkel, CDU and German Chancellor”

Political Information Aug 11, 2013 - A Quadrillion Yen And Counting – The Japanese Debt Bomb Could Set Off Global Panic At Any Moment Political Information Aug 10, 2013 - Dr. Jim Willie: Out of Control Chaos Coming with Shortages of Gold, Silver, Food, Gasoline and More Greg Hunter: How can they keep it going? What is the "Out of Control" look like? The QE is a break down symptom... Basel III wants to collapse the system... Swaps have gigantic leverage... What is Amerikka gonna look like? The USdollar's going away. The Petrodollar's gonna fade away. The BRICS Bank will be the recognised Central Bank for alternate trade settlement. You don'y wanta settle on the dollar? Use our bank. We can sell you gold trade notes, from letters of credit, backed by gold. We're getting back tyo the goold standard. It's gonna happen through trade. and how it by passes the US and the West and the British - the Anglo-bankers - is that ther gold trade settlement is not gonna be based in banks; its not gonna be based in FOREX. No currecncy. No SWIFT Code. It's gonna be based in gold trafe settlement... a gold trade Central Bank, with gold trade notes as Letters of Credit.- Jim Willie

Kibo Aug 10, 2013 - This Just In August 6, 2013 Kibo and Aton On July 29th a special celestial event/alignment/synchronization occurred called a Star of David alignment. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 44

Political Information Aug 10, 2013 - Mr King Had 300 Tons Of Gold. After Selling 1,350 Tons, He Still Had 300 Tons Of Gold.

Political Information Aug 10, 2013 - Ben Gurion: “We Must Expel the Arabs and Take Their Place” Ron: Nice people the Jews. Have you read the Talmud and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? No? Why Not? When they have finished elsewhere they are coming for YOU. If you are too lazy to read the Talmud or even the Protocols, at least have a read of Deuteronomy - "The Second Law". That shouldn't tax your time and attention too much. It would also help if you are aware of the fact that, unlike the rest of humanity, Jews make a religious virtue of lying and deceiving. In Volume VIII of the Jewish Encyclopedia on page 539 found in the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library and libraries of all leading cities, will be found the official translation into English of the prayer known as the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer follows: It is the PROLOGUE of the Day of Atonement services in the synagogues. It is recited three times by the standing congregation in concert with chanting rabbis at the altar. After the recital of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer, the Day of Atonement religious ceremonies follow immediately. The Day of Atonement religious observances are the highest holy days of so-called or self-styled "Jews" and are celebrated as such throughout the world. The official translation in English of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer follows: "ALL VOWS, OBLIGATIONS, OATHS. ANATHEMAS, whether called 'konam', 'konas', or by any other name, WHICH WE MAY VOW, OR SWEAR, OR PLEDGE. OR WHEREBY WE MAY BE BOUND, FROM THIS DAY OF ATONEMENT UNTO THE NEXT (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void and made of no effect: THEY SHALL NOT BIND US NOR HAVE POWER OVER US. THE VOWS SHALL NOT BE RECKONED VOWS; THE OBLI- GATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBLIGATORY; NOR THE OATHS BE OATHS." (emphasis supplied) Quoted from PJ #107 " RING AROUND THE ROSIE...! " chapter 6. The clever trick, as Michael Hoffman has said, is that the lies that are retailed about Kol Nidrei are absolved by Kol Nidrei itself. It's a kind of invincible circuit that reinforces its own deceit. You have to pity people ensnared in this sordid charade of cajoling God into helping them cheat.

Political Information Aug 10, 2013 - Saudi rulers pour money into arming militants in region Spanish Aug 10, 2013 - Cristo Miguel Aton Comenta sobre la Realidad y la Creación CM a través de Jess

Environment/Science Aug 10, 2013 - Watch the Earth breathing: Mesmerising animation shows our planet's 'heartbeat' as the seasons change over a year Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 45

Aug 10, 2013 - Why Mahler? Norman Lebrecht and the Construction of Jewish Genius

The clear tendency among Jewish intellectuals has been for Jewish achievement to be overstated and particularized and made a locus for ethnic pride. Meanwhile, European achievement is downplayed, or where undeniable, universalized and thereby neutralized as a potential basis for White pride and group cohesion. Accordingly, the racial origins of Shakespeare are de-emphasized (scarcely an Englishman or European) and he is instead held up as an exemplar of a ‘universal human genius’ whose astonishing abilities are supposedly latent in all branches of human family (see, for example, Harold Bloom’s Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human). The alternative approach has been to claim that Shakespeare’s works were actually written by a Jewish woman named Amelia Bassano Lanier. Contrastingly, Mahler’s achievement is held to be specifically and inseparably Jewish, and a reflection of Jewish intellectual brilliance.... The construction of Mahler as Jewish genius is a fascinating case study of the social identity processes at work among a subset of the Jewish intellectuals. From a group strategic perspective it is the psychological complement to exaggerating anti-Semitism as a way of promoting Jewish group cohesion. It consists of three related approaches, all of which are starkly evident in Lebrecht’s latest book, and all of which are entirely predictable in accordance with social identity theory. Firstly, inflate the significance of a Jewish figure’s intellectual or artistic achievement to the point where it is held to be of ‘world changing’ magnitude. Secondly, accentuate the Jewish origins and affiliations of the figure so that that his ‘world-changing’ achievement is held to be the natural expression of his Jewish origins and identity. Lastly, portray this brilliant Jewish world-changing figure as subject to the unjust persecution of a hostile, and deeply immoral, non-Jewish outgroup (in this case the society of fin de siecle Vienna). While crude, this is a highly effective strategy and a compelling example of a type of intellectual activity which, in essence, constitutes a form of ethnic warfare. - Brenton Sanderson Any people who have been persecuted for thousands of years have to be doing something wrong…

Political Information Aug 10, 2013 - World Court: Vatican is a Criminal Entity I bet ITCCS will never dare to convict hundreds of Jewish rabbis and other officials who have been caught in act of sexual child abuse. -

Political Information Aug 10, 2013 - Stephanie Banister, Australian Politician, Thinks ‘Islam Is A Country’ And ‘Jews Follow Jesus’ True US History Aug 10, 2013 - US Government War On Hackers Backfires: Now Top Hackers Won't Work With US Government Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 10, 2013 - Dolphins granted personhood by government of India Dolphins have been granted "non-human personhood" status by the government of India, making India the first nation in the world to recognize the unique intelligence and self- awareness of the cetacean order (a class of aquatic mammals). AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 46

The decision was announced by India's Minister of the Environment and Forests which also outlawed captive dolphin shows. The ministry added that dolphins "should have their own specific rights." (SOURCE) - Mike Adams

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 10, 2013 - Be Your Own Light True US History Aug 10, 2013 - Tsarnaevs 9/11 truthers, not terrorists Political Information Aug 10, 2013 - Al Saud morally, politically bankrupt True US History Aug 10, 2013 - NY Times: Russia’s Stimulus Plan: Open the Gulag Gates: REBUTTAL BY The Anti-New York Times If The New York Slimes wants to write about "depressed economies", how about having a look at the tent cities and overflowing homeless shelters in America - a land where 40% of all wage earners now earn less than a minimum wage earner of 1968 (adjusting for inflation), a land where college "educated" young adults live with their parents well into their late 20's, a land where 49 million people now receive food stamp assistance, a land where it is only the ceaseless money printing of the Federal Reserve that keeps the fake bubble economy afloat....for now. -

Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 10, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters by Others" Pdf books, part 2. The Masters thru Others, Pdf made by Christ.

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 9, 2013 - Spontaneous Evolution Has Arrived! There is a gentleman who goes by the initials, HRM, who has existed solely on sunlight and water since 1996. That’s right, he has not eaten solid food in 12 years. He has been studied by various researchers, such as the Thomas Jefferson University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Not only have they found his claims to be true, but medical evidence suggests this man is healthier than a normal person of his age. He is approaching 80 years old... Scientific evidence has concluded that since 2006, we have entered into a new energy field which can literally change our DNA. This may explain why there are so many chemtrails in our sky, as to deflect these incoming energies. As more and more of these new energies enter our solar system and our atmosphere, we will continue to see changes within our DNA. - Gregg Prescott, M.S., HRM practices sungazing daily. Doctors stated that his neurons were active, and not dying. His pineal gland is actually growing, not shrinking, which is very unusual in someone over the age of fifty. The greatest average in someone over fifty, is a pineal size of 6×6 mm, HRM’s is 8×11 mm.

Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - The Hegelian Dialectic and its use in Controlling Modern Society Articles Aug 9, 2013 - French: Décoder le logo olympique « », Pdf. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 47

Bob Schlenker, traduit par Marie-Louise. Pdf: Décoder le logo olympique « », Pdf.

Canal Jess Aug 9, 2013 - French: Christ Michael fait des commentaires sur la réalité et la création. CMA par Jess Anthony, traduit par Marie-Louise.

Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 9, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters by Others" Pdf books, part 1. The Masters thru Others, Pdf made by Christ.

Jess Anthony Aug 9, 2013 - Christ Michael Aton Comments on Reality and Creation .

Spanish Aug 9, 2013 - ESCRITOS DE LA FUENTE 3ª Parte La Fuente a través de Kibo

Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess Aug 9, 2013 - Nederlands: Christ Michael Aton reageert op Realiteit en Creatie Jess Anthony, vertaling Lilian A.

Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - That Backdrop "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." Propaganda, Edward Bernays, 1928

Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - Walk Away, Palestinians! Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - New Death Squad Massacre Reported in Syria Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - Zimbabwe: A New Economic Model For Africa

Ron: Dunno how much corrupting there is in Mugabe's government or how effectively Zimbabweans are using their newly acquired rights to use their own land, but I get the impression that Mugabe is on the right track.The very fact that he is criticised by the mass media and Western governments tells you he's doing something right. He also supported Muammar Gaddifi and the Libyan democratic Jamahiriya government. As far as I know, no other African nation overtly did that. IMHO, Zimbabwe's problems are the same as all governments and especially the governments of so-called under developed countries, namely, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 48 it is beseiged by City of London Jews and their brethren, puppets and henchmen in Wall Street, Washington DC and wherever the Jewish virus has taken hold.

Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - New Study Reveals Alarming Gang Connection to Sex Trafficking Cases

Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - How Black becomes White, and Wrong Becomes Right - Recent Lessons from the Insane Asylum called Church and State. Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - Saudi Arabia offers Russia economic incentives to end Syria support Political Information Aug 9, 2013 - Armageddon watch over Syria

Ron: Gordon Duff has stated publicly that 40% of what he writes is deliberately false. Frankly I think he's grossly exceeded his quota on this occasion. It seems unlikely that more than a smidgeon of what he's saying on this occasion is true. And if Isrealis believe they are immune to retaliation they are insane. There comes a time when the meek must stop turning the other cheek and that time is NOW!

True US History Aug 9, 2013 - Cop Brutally Murders Sunday School Teacher In Front Of Church

Ron: Tell me again why you think you need your life controlled by governments whose servants and agents are licenced to use force and violence against you henever they feel like it.

Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - THE GAY FATHER OF NAZISM AND ZIONISM

Ron: The article featured by aangirfan on this occasion is a typically ignorant and biased view of relevant history. I assume the original article is subtle Jew propaganda dressed up as historical research but I'm disappointed that aangirfan posts it without substantial commentary. Sooo I've provded some. When trying to understand this pastiche, it probably helps to know that Disraeli was a marrano, a Sephardic Jew whose grandparents on both sides hailed from Venice, the home of the "Black Nobility", and medieval slave and bulion trading with the East. The article entitled: THE GAY FATHER OF NAZISM AND ZIONISM, goes to considerable lengths to avoid noting the seminal, not to say, dominant part played in British politics in Disraeli's time and ever since, by the Rothschilds and the Jews of the City of London.

Political Information

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 49

Aug 8, 2013 - EDWARD & HITLER The UNTOLD Story Behind the British King's 1936 Abdication

1933: More than 6 years prior to the actual outbreak of World War II, International Jewry declares war upo n Hitler's Germany.

New York: 1933: Madison Square Garden demo!

Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess) Aug 8, 2013 - Christus Michael Aton nimmt zur Realität und zur Schöpfung Stellung

Christus Michael Aton durch Jess Anthony, Übersetzung Bernd

Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - UK played a key role in US decision to nuke Japan during World War II

Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - Charity boss 'earning more than £100,000' a year says six-figure salaries 'aren't an issue for donors'

Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - UK charities hit back at salary criticism after revelation that 30 bosses paid more than £100,000 a year True US History Aug 8, 2013 - Cost of 1984 Martin Indyk / AIPAC secret theft from American industry reaches $100 billion Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - THE PAEDOFILE: In which three ways is money connected to child sex abuse? True US History Aug 8, 2013 - Civil Disobedience: The Right of Revolution

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 50

“It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right” ... “It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right” (Thoreau, 1849). Our government enacts laws that intend to subjugate and enslave. We are hit from all sides with programs that invade our privacy, take away our rights as free citizens, and make chattel of us. Our government is out of control, and its laws do not stand for what is right. Therefore, it is our duty as citizens to question its authority. It is our duty as citizens to revolt. Thoreau states: “All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist the government when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.” This revolution is not one to eliminate the government, but to make it better. “I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government” (Thoreau, 1849)

Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - The same page Category: John Kaminski Created on 05 August 2013 Written by John Kaminski Hits: 1135

- See more at: page#sthash.TKmfWh8A.dpuf

If we don't have a Jew free society we will have no society at all, only a worldwide Jewish FEMA camp, where the food and the medicine are poison and no one gets released, except in a plastic box. - John Kaminski

Category: John Kaminski AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 51

Created on 05 August 2013 Written by John Kaminski Hits: 1135

- See more at: page#sthash.TKmfWh8A.dpuf

Created on 05 August 2013 Written by John Kaminski - See more at: page#sthash.TKmfWh8A.dpuf

Spirituelle Schätze Aug 8, 2013 - WIRKLICH? DA DRÜBEN? SEUFZ.....OKAY......

Kibo Dabi, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - Weimar Conditions

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 52

Category: Braveheart Created on 06 August 2013 Written by Braveheart Hits: 166

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 53

Most Americans who hiss at the name Adolf Hitler have no idea or experience of the conditions that brought him to power – although that may shortly change. They simply assume that the Germans turned to a raving madman for no reason. Conditions in Germany following the Great War and the great inflation were catastrophic. Prostitution, homelessness and near starvation were everywhere. Unemployment was catastrophically high. Upon Hitler’s ascension to power there were 270,000 suicides a year in Germany. The country was in chaos and Communist revolution was impending.

Millions of Germans had been torn from the home country by the vindictive and punitive Treaty of Versailles. The Germans had been unfairly saddled with the sole guilt for the war. Impossible to pay reparations were assessed and huge tracts of Germany and the former Habsburg Austrian Empire and Hungary were torn off by the treaties of Saint Germain and Trianon and turned over to vengeful Poles and Slavs. The Czechs, in particular, had a centuries old animus toward Germany dating back at least to the Hussite rebellions of the fifteenth century and the battle of White Mountain triggering the Thirty Years War of 1618-1648. The Czech leaders, Masaryk and Benes, presented forged maps to the Paris Peace AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 54

Conference. The Czechs achieved total political power in a state in which they formed only 50% of the population. German factories and schools were shut down and Germans were attacked in the streets. In Poland, huge numbers of Germans living in the east east since the partitions of the eighteenth century were similarly brutalized. Against the advice of even David Lloyd George, who correctly predicted that it would lead to a new war, Danzig and the Corridor were separated from Germany, as was Memel in Lithuania. The Rhineland was given to France to satisfy Clemenceau and Austria was denied its professed wish of reunification with Germany.

It was in this atmosphere of misery, degradation and national despair that Hitler came to power. His first task was to restore the economy and put huge numbers of unemployed Germans back to work. He succeeded spectacularly. Huge autobahns were built and public works projects kept the unemployed busy. Although the methods were undoubtedly socialist the results brought about a vast improvement. Paid vacations were introduced for the first time and all sorts of social improvements were brought about from cancellable loans to those starting families to the creation of the “people’s car”, the Volkswagen. In foreign policy, by guile or by force, the territories amputated from the Reich by the infamous treaty were reincorporated. First came the Rhineland, then Austria, then the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia and finally the eruption of the war over Danzig.

This is the background around which the rise of Adolf Hitler must be judged. None of this touches that holy of holies, Hitler’s mistreatment of the Jews. It is not true that the Nazis were reflexively anti-Jewish, as they made numerous exceptions for Jews who had fought for Germany during the First World War, as well as for part-Jews in the Wehrmacht. Nevertheless, it is clear that the Nazis were anti-Jewish Communist. The Communist revolution in Germany, as everywhere else, had been heavily Jewish dominated. When ordinary middle class Germans had been wiped out by the great inflation, cash rich foreign Jews moved in and bought up German real estate for a fraction of its real value. The German nationalist reaction was severe. Hitler was, of course, seeking more than just restored German territory. He wanted empire, principally at the expense of the Soviet Union and the peoples of Eastern Europe. Whether it was wise to defeat him at all costs or whether it would have been wiser to use him as a foil against Joseph Stalin is still a much debated question.

And there is the real background to Adolf Hitler. Love him, hate him or judge him as the product of his times, as you will.

- See more at: conditions#sthash.BPyMQ7Kw.dpuf

Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - Exile and the Prophetic: Introduction to Jews and Empire 101

Ron: Here's some typically convoluted rabbinical bullshit. Only of interest if you want to study Talmudic self hypnosis and double talk.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 55

True US History Aug 8, 2013 - Graphic: I had no idea there were so many goys in top media positions! Looks like over 16%! True US History Aug 8, 2013 - Jewish porn star: The Jews are better than everyone else Political Information Aug 8, 2013 - Fortress Australia , For Some True US History Aug 7, 2013 - Hiroshima - Another Illuminati Psy Op [Ron: Nah! It's the Jews Stupid!]

Ron: NOTICE that Henry Makow, a Jew, NEVER mentions the Jews as being the GLUE - the spiders at the centre of the conspiracy web - that create ALL wars, revolutions and major human strife of every kind in our world. He constantly refers to the Illuminati and Masons and would have you believe that such nebulous, conglomerations of individuals somehow come together and work tirelessly over many centuries creating a gigntic conspiracy to dominate and enslave humanity and control the entire planet, WITHOUT having any cohesive, unifying ideology and/or ethnic base. BLOODY unlikely don'tcha think?


Ron: Those who think that by bending the knee to the Jews we can all live comfortably ever after need to understand what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and why. And Amerikkans who still cling to Amerikkan supremicist exceptionalism need to reapprise their paradigms NOW as there's very little time left before God does it for them.

Rosie Aug 7, 2013 - ROSIE'S Meditations, Pdf - part 2, update.

ROSIE'S Meditations, Pdf made by Christ.

Spanish Aug 7, 2013 - Nebadonia, Mensaje 18: EL MUNDO DE LA HOJA MARCHITA

Nebadonia a través de Rosie

Spanish Aug 7, 2013 - Complacencia por Monjoronson

Monjoronson a través de Shellee Kim AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 56

Environment/Science Aug 7, 2013 - Build a $300 underground greenhouse for year-round gardening (Video)

Ron: This is a very cheap below ground greenhouse provided that you have sufficient land and a tractor or similar machine to excavate the ground. It's the obvious way to go for year round food growing in really cold climates. Drainage could be a problem, especially in wet climates.

Rosie Aug 7, 2013 - Meditation VIsion 160: THIS IS WHAT YOU HAD TO LEARN

"The islanders now realised why the boats of refugees had approached their island to ask for the fruit: it was not greed, but an antidote to sickness in health and mind, and they hung their heads in the knowledge that they had roughly forced them away, refusing them healing. And they recognised that their whole culture of walled castles was built on the fear of a people who were incapable of attacking them. All this, they understood, and they declared that that love and sharing would be their criteria for the future. And the wise men in white nodded their heads and smiled saying YES, THIS IS WHAT YOU HAD TO LEARN"

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 7, 2013 - Seraphin Botschaft 140: ERKENNT DIE HÖLLE: ERSCHAFFT DEN HIMMEL NEU Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 7, 2013 - Seraphin Botschaft 139: SCHNEIDET UNNÖTIGE ÄSTE ZURÜCK - EIN AUFRUF AN DIE ARBEITER DES LICHTS True US History Aug 7, 2013 - Requiem For The Children of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan

Ron: Lord have mercy on us all... in the coming days.

Political Information Aug 7, 2013 - Philip Weiss on Jewish Success

We’ve been probing these questions at TOO: articles on Jewish ethnic networking in the literary world [Zionism is front and center in promoting the "pro-Israel literary culture], in the intellectual world [e.g., Spinoza, Daniel Bell, and all the major players in The Culture of Critique), the art world, classical music, Supreme Court justices and academic appointments, reviewing books on Jewish history, political power in the 19th-century British Empire, financial chicanery [see also here], admissions to elite universities), and, yes, NPR [which Weiss highlights] and the media generally.) Not to mention the Israel Lobby with its tentacles in the media and throughout the government. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 57

I think I spot a trend here. The standard Jewish story is that the bad old WASPs were a corrupt elite that favored their own; they obtained their positions not as a result of talent and hard work, but because of their connections. Jews of course are portrayed as the opposite of all that—but it’s completely false. It’s a corrupt as well as hostile elite—at least as corrupt as the WASPs, and far less representative of the population they rule over. A powerful elite whose power is beyond discussion.- Kevin MacDonald

Political Information Aug 7, 2013 - Zimbabwe, US Supported Opposition Defeated. ZANU-PF Wins in Landslide Victory

Zimbabwe held national harmonized elections on July 31 returning President Robert Mugabe to office for his seventh term since independence in 1980. The Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party won over two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly giving it the capacity to form its own government. ZANU-PF had worked in a coalition government with two factions of the western-backed opposition party the Movement for Democratic Change, MDC-T and MDC-M. The coalition government came out of the crisis surrounding the 2008 elections where a dispute developed over the results of poll...The elections on July 31 represented the culmination of a four-year political process that drafted and approved a new constitution. All relevant parties in the country participated in the debates and negotiations surrounding the adoption of the constitution which was approved through a national referendum as well as resolutions within the both Houses of the National Assembly. - Abayomi Azikiwe

Political Information Aug 7, 2013 - Persian Gulf Power Play: S. Arabia, Qatar and Muslim Brotherhood Environment/Science Aug 7, 2013 - Corpus Delicti | Geo-engineering Whistleblower Speaks Out

Ron: Discernment required. This article seems genuine but who knows?

Political Information Aug 7, 2013 - TOP RABBI: GENTILE CHILDREN HAVE SEX WITH DOGS

The Talmud is the immoral “smoking gun” that no Jewish person including even Jewish advocates for children dares mention. To do so would be to be concede that Jesus was right: Modern Talmudic Judaism, the invention of the ancient Pharisees whom Jesus excoriated, is indeed “full of all uncleanness” (Matt. 23:27). In Australia, Jewish sex abuse, especially in Chabad Yeshiva colleges and high schools in both Sydney and Melbourne, has received wide publicity. As a result, efforts are being made by Jewish leaders and organizations to distance themselves from the ever-widening scandal.

In reality, as long as the Talmud exists, the plague of rampant pedophilia among those most familiar with the Talmud will continue. Jewish writer Herman Wouk said in his book This is AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 58

My God that the Talmud is “the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion.” The Talmud is the lifeblood of Judaism; it is also the life blood of Jewish pedophilia. - Rev. Ted Pike

Human/Animal Rights Aug 7, 2013 - Costa Rica announces plans to close its zoos and release animals from captivity n a remarkable push to restore natural order for all its animal inhabitants, the Costa Rican government has announced plans to close its zoos, freeing creatures from their long captivity. “We are getting rid of the cages and reinforcing the idea of interacting with biodiversity in botanical parks in a natural way,” said Environment Minister René Castro. “We don't want animals in captivity or enclosed in any way unless it is to rescue or save them.”

“We are getting rid of the cages and reinforcing the idea of interacting with biodiversity in botanical parks in a natural way,” said Environment Minister René Castro. “We don't want animals in captivity or enclosed in any way unless it is to rescue or save them.”

The closures will take effect in March 2014, when the government's contract with the organization that operates its two zoos is set to expire -- a move that Castro says reflects "a change of environmental conscience among Costa Ricans." The facilities which now house captive animals, Simon Bolivar Zoo and the Santa Ana Conservation Center, will be then transformed into urban parks or gardens where wildlife can visit and live freely if they so choose. - Stephen Messenger

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 7, 2013 - Clarifying the Meaning of Universal Oneness Political Information Aug 7, 2013 - Are We Disallowed to Draw Conclusions? True US History Aug 7, 2013 - Rise of America’s Praetorian Guard German Aug 7, 2013 - ECHELON heute: Evolution eines schwarzen NSA-Programms

Tom Burghardt, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 7, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters " Pdf books, KiboDabi: part 4.

The Masters thru Kibo, Pdf made by Christ.

Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 7, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters " Pdf books, KiboDabi: part 3- update.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 59

The Masters thru Kibo, Pdf made by Christ.

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Ahmadinejad: I’m back!

“I found President Ahmadinejad to be humble man with firm handshake and intense, intelligent eyes. Despite his courteous and dignified appearance, he has been regularly berated, and routinely misrepresented, by a controlled western media. Is their demonization justified?, or he has been targeted as the lone political figure standing against Zionist powers? This is my attempt to represent truths, such that the world might have a better understanding of Iran, its people, and its leadership.” - Merlin L. Miller

True US History Aug 6, 2013 - US; the real global terror alert Sixty-eight years ago this week, the United States wiped out more than 200,000 people when it dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Tens of thousands more victims were to die over the ensuing years due to slow, painful deaths from cancers and birth defects. Yet the US - the only state to have ever used atomic weapons - has never apologized or made any atonement for this singularly horrific crime. Officially, the US justifies it as a legitimate attack during war even though many historical sources show that there was absolutely no military necessity for the bombings.- Finian Cunningham

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - 120 Children Slaughtered in Syria's Tal Abyad TEHRAN (FNA)- Terrorists affiliated to the al-Nusra Front massacred 120 children and 330 men and women in Syria's Northern district of Tal Abyad, media reports said on Monday. According to al-Alam, terrorists attacked villages in Tal Abyad, near al-Hasakah governorate, killing civilians including women and children. The Kurdish dominated region of Tal Abyad located in North of Al-Raqqa governorate, was already volatile after terrorist groups from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and al-Nusra Front attacked the region weeks ago to take it under control.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 6, 2013 - Selbstzufriedenheit von Monjoronson, durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Environment/Science Aug 6, 2013 - No more free sun: Arizona's biggest power utility wants to tax solar

Brian: Just the thin edge of the wedge…. We must’nt deprive the utility companies of their “rightful” income...

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 60

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Spain Privatizes The Sun: Multi Millon Dollar Penalties For Collecting Sunlight

Brian: This is what is happening in Spain...... Obviously a translation but you get the drift

True US History Aug 6, 2013 - The Detroit Bail-In Template: Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks

The Detroit bankruptcy is looking suspiciously like the bail-in template originated by the G20’s Financial Stability Board in 2011, which exploded on the scene in Cyprus in 2013 and is now becoming the model globally. In Cyprus, the depositors were “bailed in” (stripped of a major portion of their deposits) to re-capitalize the banks. In Detroit, it is the municipal workers who are being bailed in, stripped of a major portion of their pensions to save the banks. Bank of America Corp. and UBS AG have been given priority over other bankruptcy claimants, meaning chiefly the pensioners, for payments due on interest rate swaps they entered into with the city. - Ellen Brown

Environment/Science Aug 6, 2013 - How DNA Is Reprogrammed By Words and Frequencies Shellee-Kim Aug 6, 2013 - Complacency by Monjoronson

'You all have it within you as to exactly what it is each of you need to do to complete your cycle in preparedness to ensure that you are sufficiently confident in who you are and all you are to bring forth as servants of the One.'


[ Visit Website ]

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - On Her Majesty's Secret Service: Kevin 007?

In the event, Rudd didn't end up in London, but instead made what might seem, on the surface of it, to be a radical career shift: in 1988, at the age of only 31, he became Chief of Staff to Queensland Premier Wayne Goss, the first Labor premier there in 21 years. But was it a shift? As the all-powerful mandarin under Goss, he rammed through National Competition Policy "reforms" in Queensland from 1989-95, reforms which the New Citizen has documented as emanating directly from the Mont Pelerin Society (MPS), the London-based AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 61 headquarters of British imperial economic warfare, as implemented in Australia by the Australian subsidiary of London's Hill Samuel Bank, later known as Macquarie Bank. Through deregulation, privatisation and outsourcing, these MPS-designed "reforms" devastated Australia's domestic industries, infrastructure and services. Both their effects, and the savage way in which Rudd rammed them through, earned him the nickname, "Dr. Death". - Robert Barwick

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Jewish Directed Iran Sanctions Backfire

This 4' 54" video was published by Brother Nathanael:

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Collusion for Illusion: Australia’s “Big 4″ Banks are All Owned by the Same Financial Interest

Ron: Humanity lives in a Jew constructed artificial global matrix completely divorced from reality. Our world is ostensibly owned and controlled by corporations ie by lifeless fictional legal entities that corporate governments and judiciaries have granted more rights and privileges than real, flesh and blood, ensouled sovereign humans. That means that in fact the covert Jewish owners of those corporation OWN the ensouled humans in countries like Australia, the US, Canada and New Zealand et al. For instance the Australia Government is a corporation (with hidden owners) and is listed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Moreover, that corporation OWNS Australia's Central Bank namely, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). How the Jews who OWN those corporations must laugh when Australian politicians make a virtue of saying that the RBA is independant of any political influences! In this context it is not surprising that the SAME group of foreign owned Banks and financial institutions OWN controlling shares in ALL of Australia's major banks and home lending companies. Next time you hear politicians and corporatists trumpeting the virtues of capitalism and of bank competition in the home loan or any other sector of the Australian economy, have a good laugh. Alternatively have a good cry. BUT whatever you do, talk about these facts to your friends, families and colleagues. If nothing else, such foreknowledge will soften the SHOCK they will feel when these truths become generally known once the existing global economic system collapses - which may happen any day now.

Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 6, 2013 - Two Choices

Ron: An Oldie but a Goodie.

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Turkey overhauls ranks of military by appointing new commanders AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 62

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Stiff sentences for writers, military and political leaders in Turkish coup plot trial Human/Animal Rights Aug 6, 2013 - The Coming Push to Give HPV Vaccines to Infants Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - UK Queen in depleted uranium trade? True US History Aug 6, 2013 - Stat of the Day: US Has Enough Empty Houses to Hold All of Britain

According to the latest data, the number of vacant U.S. homes touched 18.7-million in the second quarter. That is a daunting figure, of course, but it is more fun to put it in context. Assuming four people per household, the U.S. currently has enough surplus housing to put the entire population of the U.K., with room left over for Israel. - Lloyd Alter

Human/Animal Rights Aug 6, 2013 - Experts want smokers to get licence to light up True US History Aug 6, 2013 - Die for your country! Or they’ll do it for you!

95-year-old veteran John Wrana fought for America in World War 2, but he didn’t get a chance to die for his country. Instead, his country killed him with a beanbag shotgun blast to the stomach after a thorough tasering... employees of the home reporting that they asked officers not to harm him and requested to intervene. Police decided instead to taser the war hero and follow it up with a beanbag to the guts. Officers reported that a knife had been pulled, but no knife was found on the scene. The police used a riot shield, shotgun and taser on a 95-year-old man in a walker who arguably presented no threat to anyone but himself.-

Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Google and the secret corporate war Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Booking a reservation for the movie called Reality Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Edgar Cayce – ‘Russia – The Hope Of The World’ – by Jeff Rense, 7- 14-08 Political Information Aug 6, 2013 - Decoding the Olympic Logo - Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - This is a major reason why corporate governments HAVE TO GO

Ron: IF most people built their own home from local, largely natural materials, and with volunteer help from their communities, the current usurious banking system would collapse and with it the capitalist economic system would collapse also.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 63

Hundertwasser the famous architect, designer and artist wrote, "The individual's desire to build something should not be deterred! Everyone should be able and have to build and thus be truly responsible for the four walls in which he lives".

Jon Jandai, Director of Pun Pun Organic Farm speaking at a TED presentation in Thailand said:

"I want to be equal to animals. The bird makes a nest in one or two days; the rat digs a hole in one night, but clever humans like us spend 30 years to have a house... that's wrong."

Spanish Aug 5, 2013 - Sa-Ra 5: Tocando los Corazones de los Desconocidos

Sa-Ra a través de Shellee Kim

Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration

Ron: This article truthfully talks about the Zionist Jews' partnership with the German government before and during WWII in which they collaborated in helping at least 60,000 Jews emigrate to Palestine with their wealth. BUT it is also full of references to lying Jew Holocaust propaganda generated before and during WWII presented as truth. It isn't. there was NO Holocaust of Jews by Germany during WWII. None! See the listing at the end of this article of a sample of AH articles that refute the Jews' Holocaust Blood Libel of the Germany nation.

Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - Australian Immigration – the Snowden Link? Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - Genetically modified babies? - New science lets parents select child's genetic sequence, rearrange DNA Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - Scottish Bishop Hugh Gilbert apologises for child abuse at Fort Augustus True US History Aug 5, 2013 - Absurd US ‘terror alert’ hints at coming false-flag Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - Reversing The Edward Bernays Effect Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - Israel advises Sri Lanka on slow-motion genocide True US History Aug 5, 2013 - Christian Zionism: The New Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 64

Political Information Aug 5, 2013 - 'More Israeli strikes likely' || Syria moved missiles before alleged Israeli strike, report says True US History Aug 5, 2013 - t’s Official: US Funding Al Qaeda and Taliban Targeted Messages Aug 4, 2013 - You of the Dogs of Heaven

Target to those who need a response:

Make no mistake We are fully cognizant of the reality of present circumstances And while we appreciate the gesture We understand that In your mind You have thrown us a bone Are we dogs? So you have said You Who fear the dogs of hell and unleash the dogs of war Know nothing of the dogs of heaven Nor the winged wolves Of the bestiary of Paradise And there is that Which you have no comprehension of But we shall save that for another time For now Shall we unleash OUR dogs? That you may see? Oh see Hear these words! Perceive them as you read them! WE are not required to give warning You are Yet we have limited ourselves To match your requirements But your attitude now requires That we do this no more Ye shall be informed of circumstances As they happen And as they have happened already For you have lost the ability To think before you act Your dogs are mere pups AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 65

And our dogs await their coming.

Your warning to one Has been received and has been And is Being answered Without restraint

Learn from this And know A single step Will lose you ten.

It is too late To prepare any further It is done And so are you. So try to have a good day WE CERTAINLY ARE.


Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - Medvedev: Russia's top priority in S.Ossetia war was to defend our citizens, interests (RT EXCLUSIVE)

Ron: This interview with Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia at the time of the Georgian attack on South Ossetia in August 2008, evidences radical differences in the attitudes of USrael and NATO compared to Russia in relation to the national sovereignty of the citizens of other nations, and waging war. For instance Dmitry Medvedev says: We believe it’s wrong to change a county’s political structure, and to put people of your own choice in power, in violation of the UN Charter. We believe that in the 21st century people should act differently, and that governments should act according to different principles, the principles of international law. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 66

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 4, 2013 - Ihr wisst NICHTS über die Himmelhunde

Von Christus Michael Aton

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 4, 2013 - Wie der Narr zu Gott wurde

Der Narr sagte: „ICH BIN AUS MEINEM ZUHAUSE HERAUSGEWORFEN WORDEN“, und die Göttin sagte: „Das Zuhause ist der Raum um dich herum und in dir selbst, wo du dich ruhig und zufrieden fühlst. Das kann überall sein, doch der Raum um dich fühlt sich vertraut an. Du zögerst bevor du Fremden oder neuen Dingen erlaubst, in diesen Raum einzutreten, doch was ist die Quelle dieses Zögerns? Wenn du es überwindest und Alles sofort und spontan willkommen heißt, kann Alles hinein und dein Zuhause erweitert sich, indem es Alles umfasst. SO IST DEIN ZUHAUSE ÜBERALL.“

Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - Japanese Finance Minister forced to apologise for suggesting government reforms should 'follow the example of the Nazis' Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - Japan: The World's Really Lucky Country Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - War Articles Swiss banks’ Holocaust fund paid out $1.24 billion to victims, heirs Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - The Lobby Never Sleeps Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - Israel’s own mistakes will lead to its downfall the world is waking up to the inescapable fact that Israel is a racist state embarked upon a creeping genocide of the Palestinians and that the most it has to offer is a Bantustanisation i.e., neighbourhoods whose income, economy, social, foreign and military affairs are so controlled by Israel that they will be best described as ghettos.

But the world turned on white-controlled South Africa and there are splendid signs that this may soon become the situation with Zionist Israel. To date, the USA and Europe have given Israel a blank cheque to commit atrocities, war crimes and creeping genocide. Yet, that is unlikely to go on because we can remember that nearly every country in the world voted to admit Palestine to the United Nations (and the vote gave the USA and Israel the hypo- screaming-jeebers….).- Prof. Rodney Shakespeare

Environment/Science AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 67

Aug 4, 2013 - List of Foods We Will Lose if We Don’t Save the Bees Environment/Science Aug 4, 2013 - Smart Skin Is Here – Transhumanism Made Easy Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - The Paradigms They Are A-Shiftin’ Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - Israeli Colonists Burn Abu Haikel Olive Grove For Eighth Time Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - The Deadliest Israel Lobby Conspiracy Theories

For decades propagating Israel lobby conspiracy theories has relied heavily on establishment media acquiescence, but been costly to credibility. According to a recent Gallup poll, the number of Americans who have “not very much/none at all” confidence in mass media skyrocketed from 50% in 2006 to 60% in 2012.- Grant F Smith

Environment/Science Aug 4, 2013 - What the devil is it doing there? Mystery of enormous pentagram in Kazakhstan visible on Google earth

Ron: Dunno why this is getting a run in the Jew media.

True US History Aug 4, 2013 - America Plans Unprovoked Nuclear Attack on China, edited and abridged from various sources by Lasha Darkmoon

“Why cant we just call them [Jews] what they are? They trash everything they touch and we still can’t call them Jews.” Note that you must NEVER call a Jew a “Jew”. That is regarded as an insult. You must use the circumlocution “Jewish person”. Some years ago John Updike used the phrase “rich Jew” in a New York Times book review and got savagely attacked for “anti- Semitic” hate speech! Firstly, the word “Jew” was verboten. Secondly, the word “rich” was abusive and derogatory when linked with the word “Jew”, because it suggested that all Jews were obsessed with money. - Xanadu

Political Information Aug 4, 2013 - Tony Blair: Libya, Lockerbie, Arms and Betrayals. Environment/Science Aug 4, 2013 - Shredded Messiah - To Save the Work of Eric Dollard

Ron: Apart from the last few minutes from about the 56 minute mark this video is not worth listening too. It shows Eric Dollard as he really is. It apparently evidences that Eric Dollard is unstable and unreliable. It also seems to show that a Dark agent assisted Eric Dollard to "lose it" and to destroy the project set up to help Dollard to achieve something tangable with his Tesla tech type knowledge. Eric Dollard has not been able to use his knowledge and abilities to help humanity. Fortunately Mehran Keshe has produced technologies that go well

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 68 beyond Tesla, and hence Dollard can live as he chooses without any loss by humanity. What is clear from this video is that discernment is king in our world.

Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - Zionist atrocity painful for Jews: Rabbi Dovid Feldman

You can believe this rabbi because he's a Jew and Jews always tell the truth don'tcha know? And of course rabbis and religious Jews are especially truthful and always "religiously" participate in Judaism's most sacred rites like the KOL NIDRE don't they? Yes sireee Bob! Query though: IF sooo many Jews feel the pain of the Palestinians and truly want Jews to stop killing and dispossessing them, WHY are they sooo ineffective in stopping the slow motion ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians that has been going on for at least 65 years and counting? Could it be that Rabbi Dovid Feldman and his ilk are really just the Jews' USUAL Rothschilds' appointed opposition agents set up to channel and control US and global goyim opposition to what the Jews are doing (in this case in Palestine)? Is this interview not window dressing with panache designed to subtle exhonerate Jews and redirect the debate? No? Why not? Given that the Jews, using their bankster wealth, always control both (all) sides of every significant controversy, WHY would they not be controlling THIS debate?

Environment/Science Aug 3, 2013 - The Hidden Cost of “Free Energy”

Ron: Food for thought. Dunno whether this author actually suggests we eschew the use of zero point energy devices but if he does I think that notion is premature.

Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - Why Alex Jones Bashes the Nazis

“First of all, Adolf Hitler was a patriotic German nationalist who endeavored to create a Germany for Germans alone; quite the opposite of a “globalist NWO” type. Secondly, Hitler and his National Socialist movement were staunchly anti-Marxist/Communist/Bolshevik and therefore anti-Internationalist and anti-Globalist. The sinister agenda of Communism, not National Socialism, was internationalism — the overthrow and vanquishment of all existing nation states in order to establish a despotic global communist super-state. The pathological criminal madness known as Communism was, from its inception, an international Jewish conspiracy for the destruction and subjugation of the Gentile world whereupon a tyrannical global Jewish imperium would be established. Communism was nothing more than an expression and manifestation of the hateful, supremacist doctrines of the Jewish Talmud, which states: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” (Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10) Alex is deceptively projecting the evil and destructive legacy of Jewish Bolshevism onto Hitler and Nazi Germany. ” - Yukon Jack

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 69

Aug 3, 2013 - Britain: No Hiding Place for War Criminals – Except Theirs? Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - Gay rights in Russia: Facts and Myths Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - The contradictions of the European Union regarding Hezbollah, by Thierry Meyssan Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - Child Sacrifice and Royalty

"Toos Nijenhuis, a fifty four year old physiotherapist and mother of five from Holland, was tortured, raped and used experimentally from the age of four years old by wealthy and powerful men around the world, including top officials of churches and governments. "And, Nijenhuis claims, these crimes are continuing today, including the ritual sacrifice of children in rural Holland... "Among the perpetrators who are named in these crimes and who allegedly assaulted Toos Nijenhuis are Prince Bernhard of Holland, who was the grandfather of the newly-crowned Dutch King Alexander, and a founder of the Bilderberger Group; Catholic Cardinal Bernard Alfrink of Utrecht, and members of the British Royal Family. "These assaults occurred in Holland, Scotland, and a military experimental base in Melbourne, Australia, where Toos was subjected to what appears to be pain threshold and behaviour modification experiments."She also witnessed the torture and murder of other children. - aangirfan aangirfan aangirfan

Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - Arabs, Beware the “Small States” Option Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - After molestation accusations, Dutch Jewish school adopts unusual response Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - The Zionist Destruction of Germany

'...on the night of October 20, as Nemmersdorf and other communities nearest the front slept in imagined security, the unthinkable occurred. After punching a hole through the German line, the Red Army suddenly burst into the Reich. “They tortured civilians in many villages,” reported one German officer, “nailed some on barn doors and shot many others.” Added another horrified witness:

In the farmyard down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in a cruciform position… Beyond stood a barn and to each of its two doors a naked woman was nailed through the hands, in a crucified posture. In the dwellings we found a total of seventy-two women, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead… all murdered in a bestial manner, except only a few who had holes in their necks. Some babies had their AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 70 heads bashed in. In one room we found a woman, 84 years old, sitting on a sofa… half of whose head had been sheared off with an ax or a spade.

“Every female, including girls as young as eight, had been raped,” noted another viewer.

Old men who had feebly tried to protect their wives, daughters and granddaughters, were themselves knocked down, sawed in half or chopped to bits. A group of over fifty French POWs and Polish workers who had instinctively stepped in to protect the people were likewise castrated and killed. Lt. Amberger continues:

Neither in Nemmersdorf nor in the other places did I find a single living German civilian.

Staggered by the enormity of the crime, German authorities requested that neutral investigations and medical personnel from Spain, Sweden and Switzerland view the sickening carnage close up. When the visitors filed their reports, however, and when word finally reached the outside world, there was only silence.

Most Germans actually knew little of thoughts such as the above. Most Germans were yet living under the illusion that the war still had rules. Few could bring themselves to believe that the horror at Nemmersdorf was anything other than an aberration; that the butchery was only a bloody mistake destined never to be repeated. Unbeknownst to those in Prussian and other German regions facing east, the nightmare of Nemmersdorf would soon prove only the faintest foretaste of what was ahead. - Thomas Goodrich (Hellstorm: the Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947).

Ron: When I think about what the Jews did to Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians and others down the ages; and what they have organised to be done in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and myriad other places since WWII (not to mention 911, 7/7, the Bali and Madrid bombings and the Port Arthur Massacre etc) I find it difficult to wait patiently for humanity's divine deliverance which is on the way. As a collective, Jews are absolutely RATSHIT, Pilgrims. Believe it NOW because you'll have to believe it "soon". And don't pretend that you didn't know because the truth is as plain as dogs balls! AND, next time you hear Jews whining about the HoloHoax and their need for yet more "compensation" ask them about the atrocities by Bolshevik Jews, Eisenhower et al in Germany; and tell them to PISS OFF!. That will be doing them a favour because they need to know these truths IF they are to stay with this planet after stasis.

Health and Nutrition Aug 3, 2013 - UN Targets 15 Million For Preventative Treatment For HIV/AIDS Environment/Science Aug 3, 2013 - Free energy breakthrough? Holy grail of water splitting technology now achieved with sunlight, mirrors and seawater

Ron: Technologies like this are not really the answer but until the Keshe technologies are ALLOWED to be used matrix controlled scientists will no doubt continue to titilate humanity with them. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 71

Telepathic Messages PDF books Aug 3, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters " Pdf books, Adam: part 1 - update.

The Masters thru Adam, Pdf made by Christ.

True US History Aug 3, 2013 - US vs Israeli Espionage – the Final Battle Political Information Aug 3, 2013 - Israel, an “unsustainable and apartheid” entity

Military analysts failed to note something very important about Russian weapons deliveries to Syria. One key point was the S300 system, 250 missiles delivered by April 1, 2013, confirmed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. More missiles with mobile launchers and command modules have been delivered since, estimated at nearly 400 by mid-July. Israel has fewer than 400 first line combat aircraft in its entire air force. The number of air defense interceptor missiles allocated to Syria, missiles that represent an addition to their current embedded inventory, is highly asymmetrical... With a Russian naval force off Syria’s coast, continued missile attacks, cited by Jane’s as using Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from Israel’s remaining German donated Dolphin nuclear-armed submarines, put Israel at risk of military confrontation with Russia. - Gordon Duff

Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - The Jews Now Rule Egypt

Ron: The self chosen name "Jew" is a deception just as is everything else that neo-Pharisees do and say. The anti-God Canaanites have cosistently changed their name over many millenia. Common among those names are the generic terms, "Phonecians", Gog and Magog, "Venetians", the Black Nobility and more recently, Bolsheviks and Communists. Eustace Mullins says: 'The Canaanite political parties were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essains, Assissins, Herodians, and Scribes. A later group, the Edomites, descended from Esau and later intermarried with the Turks, producing a Turco- Edomite mixture which later became known as the Chazars, the present occupants of Israel, according to the great Jewish scholar, Arthur Koestler.' In effect the Pharisees morphed into the Khazar neo- Pharisees in the 8th Century and subsequently choose the name "Jews" in the 18th Century. Thereafter ALL adherents to Talmudism ie neo-Phariseeism, adopted the name "Jew". Accordingly the name "Jew" is applicable to anyone who chooses to follow the neo-Pharisiac ideology. It is NOT a genetic characteristic but rather a negative spiritual one. Similarly, it is NOT a religion but a CHOSEN political ideology camoflaged as a racial religion although in essence it is neither. The LIE that being a Jew is a genetic blood tie is fostered by Talmudic leaders as part of the mind control mechanism used to keep members of the "self chosen" ethnic collective within the fold and amenable to leadership directives. Jews have nothing to lose but their psychic chains... and of course the profits flowing from Judaic parasitism.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 72

Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - Western-backed genocide continues in Syria

Given this potentially damning picture that was forming around Khan al-Assal, it is not implausible that Western-backed death squads were dispatched on the town last weekend in a desperate attempt to exterminate any remaining witnesses to the first massacre with chemical weapons. For the Western sponsors of genocide in Syria, the stakes could not have been higher on that particular truth coming out. That is why the truth had to be massacred. - Finian Cunningham

True US History Aug 2, 2013 - Armed agents kill harmless baby deer in raid

Ron: Amerikka, Home of the Brave, Land of the FREE? Do YOU really want let alone need to be forced to PAY for laws and their ENFORCEMENT as exampled here? After stasis this sort of Police State activity will cease and like it or not, YOU and everyone, will need to be responsible for self and all personal actions. There will be no scope for hiding the use of force and violence behind so-called "laws" enacted by fuckwits on behalf of Talmudist banksters and their ilk. Getcha head around it Pilgrims, the change is coming "soon".

True US History Aug 2, 2013 - THE DRONE RANGER

Spanish Aug 2, 2013 - La Divinidad Femenina y el Cambio

Varios a través de Shellee Kim

Spanish Aug 2, 2013 - La Destrucción de los Reinos de la Naturaleza

Nebadonia a través de Shellee Kim

True US History Aug 2, 2013 - Green Light for City-owned San Francisco Bank

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 73

The question today is whether cities and counties can afford not to set up their own municipal banks, both to protect their money from confiscation and to take advantage of the very low interest rates and other perks available exclusively to the banking club. A government that owns its own bank can keep the interest and reinvest it locally, resulting in government savings of an estimated 35 percent to 40 percent just in interest. Costs can be reduced, and taxes can be cut or services can be increased. Banking and credit can become public utilities, sustaining the local economy rather than mining it for private gain; and banks can again become safe places to store our money. - Ellen Brown

True US History Aug 2, 2013 - Edward Snowden's Not the Story. The Fate of the Internet Is Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - The Greatest Deception: How the zionist-cabal Masquerades Itself in the Muslim and Christian World Environment/Science Aug 2, 2013 - Brain-to-Brain Control Established Between Humans and Animals at Harvard True US History Aug 2, 2013 - Were children smarter a century ago? Test for eighth graders in Kentucky dated 1912 ignites debate over kids' intelligence today Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - 3 Reasons Why Darwinism Fails to Define Human Nature

We are not relegated to the singular set of genes our parents gives us. There is research in multiple countries which proves we can reprogram ourselves, and that 90% of our DNA is not ‘junk DNA’ at all. A pioneer of this work is Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev who explored the DNA under vibrational frequency changes. He has basically proven what yogis and adepts, shaman and wise men from Indian tribes have known for millennia – that “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means they can be programmed – at any point in their life cycle. Simply using things like affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis, and positive sound energy can transmute gene sequences. - Christina Sarich

Environment/Science Aug 2, 2013 - New Invention Makes Ocean Water Drinkable

“To achieve desalination, the researchers apply a small voltage (3.0 volts) to a plastic chip filled with seawater. The chip contains a microchannel with two branches. At the junction of the channel an embedded electrode neutralizes some of the chloride ions in seawater to create an ‘ion depletion zone’ that increases the local electric field compared with the rest of the channel. This change in the electric field is sufficient to redirect salts into one branch, allowing desalinated water to pass through the other branch.” The Ion depletion zone prevents salt from passing through which creates fresh water out of salt water. - Richard Cooks (chemistry professor at the University of Austin)

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 74

Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - The Spock Effect – Seeding Reptilian Transhumanism

The move into transhumanism has been accelerating until we’re now virtually already living in a Skynet scenario as portrayed in the Terminator movie. One only has to look at drone technology and its rapid deployment, or DARPA’s robot soldier plans to know this is true, never mind the Orwellian surveillance grid. The use of chip implants is already in progress. All that awaits is to make it all mandatory under a total police state umbrella. But that too is happening in increments. - Zen Gardner

Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - Israel Warns its Syrian Mercenaries Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - Saudi Arabia responsible for Syria bloodshed: Political Analyst responsible for Syria bloodshed: Political Analyst Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - Australia Is Sending Refugees to Abusive Detention Camps in Papua New Guinea Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - Why you SHOULD give away your last chocolate: Selfish people 'will eventually die out' because evolution favours cooperation

Ron: For what it's worth - which isn't a lot.

Political Information Aug 2, 2013 - Ahmed Ibrahim: Silence of the Lambs

Ron: The mills of God may grind exceedingly fine, but they're bloody slow.

True US History Aug 2, 2013 - The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a criminal act on an epic scale. It was premeditated mass murder that unleashed a weapon of intrinsic criminality. For this reason its apologists have sought refuge in the mythology of the ultimate “good war”, whose “ethical bath”, as Richard Drayton called it, has allowed the west not only to expiate its bloody imperial past but to promote 60 years of rapacious war, always beneath the shadow of The Bomb. - John Pilger

True US History Aug 1, 2013 - The Hiroshima Myth. Unaccountable War Crimes and the Lies of US Military History AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 75

Ron: "war-weary Americans"? Really? WHY are Amerikkans sooo full of shit?! The Germans, Russians, Japanaese and many other European survivors of WWII might legitimately SAY they were war weary but Amerikkans? Don't make me laught! WWII lifted the US out of the Great Depression (which its bankster controlled political leaders refused to do) and left in on top of the socio-economic and political world. Amerkkan wasn't bombed to buggary, but Germany, Russia and Japan were, with HUGE numbers of their populations FRIED (courtesy of the US in the case of Germany and Japan), blown to bits or starved, courtesy of the Jew dominated US, UK and Soviet Union. Until earnest commentators like this author - let alone Jewish shills - stop pumping out bullshit and Jew propaganda, NOTHING WILL CHANGE in our world.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Aug 1, 2013 - Sa-Ra 5: Die Herzen von Unbekannten berühren

Sa-Ra durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Shellee-Kim Aug 1, 2013 - Sa-Ra 5: Touching The Hearts Of Strangers

"You also become an example to others, potentially beginning a chain reaction. And perhaps the next time one who witnessed your outspokenness on the bus will him/herself witness another scenario of conflict or a person requiring help elsewhere, he/she will instantly be reminded of your own courageousness and spontaneity in stepping forth to assist. In turn, this gives that one the courage to stand up and speak out."


[ Visit Website ]

True US History Aug 1, 2013 - The Battle for Oil in Central Africa: Fighting Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army or Confronting China? Political Information Aug 1, 2013 - The Secret Behind Communism

Ron: David Duke is irritating in that he keeps talking about the Holocaust as if it MAY have happened although it didn't and he knows it didn't. He also says only 38+% of the Soviet Bolshevik leadership in 1934 were Jews. BUT he fails to note that the percentage of Jews running the Soviet Union was MUCH higher in 1917 and throughout the 1920s, and during the Holodomor ordered by arch Jews Stalin and Kaganovich in the early 1930s. What was happening was that a Christian Russian sect was gradually replacing the Jews throughout the period until Stalin's death in 1953. Christian Russians finally gained complete control of the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 76

Soviet Union in 1977. Thereafter it ceased to be an atheistic Jewish empire although Jewish oligarchs made a comeback under the crypto Jew Yeltsin in the early 1990s until Putin ousted their government influence in 2000. Suffice it to say, the Jews holocausted 100 million Christians in and around the Soviet Union and they have foisted the HoloHoax Blood Libel of Germany on humanity in order to conceal their crimes in Russia, Germany and surrounding countries. This video does make clear that the so-called Communist "Red" Revolution in Russia was in fact an ethnic Jewish coup resulting in a Jewish police state occupation, NOT a Russian people's revolution. This video is also excellent in relation to documenting Bolshevik hatred of Germans. Please watch it.

Political Information Aug 1, 2013 - Israeli Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism

Ron: David Duke grossly underestimates the number of Russians and Ukrainians murdered by the Bolshevik Jews. But he's correct is saying that Jews were the greatest murderers in known history and that Jews genocided enormous numbers of Russian and Ukrainian Christians. He also mentions that Alexandr Solzhenitsyn told him: 'You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians! They hated Russians. They hated Christians.' In fact Alexandr Solzhenitsyn says that the Bolsheviks Jews killed 66 million Russians and Hatonn says they killed 100 million Christians in all - presumably including Ukrainians, Germans, Poles, Hungarians and others. One of the purposes of the HoloHoax is to conceal such truths.

True US History Aug 1, 2013 - The Secret History of the Vietnam War

Ron: Don'tcha think its time to STOP bullshitting about the mythical Jewish Holocaust and start talking about the tens of millions of NON-Jewish civilians ACTUALLY murdered, raped, tortured and incinerated by the Anglo-Amerikkan military and CIA and their mercenaries, in the last 70 years? The Jew controlled UK and US military incinerated and murdered MANY millions of Germans and Japanese civilians during and after WWII and they have continued to incinerate and murder tens of millions of civilians in foreign lands ever since. One of the purposes of the HoloHoax is to CONCEAL that fact from public scrutiny. Sooo, why not give the Hitler hating and German bashing a rest and concentrate on REAL atrocities by the military killers that YOU (the Anglo-US public) spend sooo much time eulogising and supporting? As the Apocalypse reaches its climax YOU are gonna have to face the truth why not do it today. The process will be less painful if YOU choose to confront it NOW before it confronts YOU.

True US History Aug 1, 2013 - Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 8/1/13

This 3' 15" video was published by Br Nathabael on Jul 31, 2013: ------AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 77

Support the Brother Nathanael Foundation!------Donate Here @

Political Information Aug 1, 2013 - SAVILE, MARINES, MASONS, MANDARINS, MISSING FILES, MIRTH... Political Information Aug 1, 2013 - Goy Figure: How Gentiles Just Don’t Get It — #1 True US History Aug 1, 2013 - Exploit or Be Exploited: Survival Sex Among Syria’s Refugee Women Political Information Aug 1, 2013 - CIA Agent "NEVER watch television"!!

This 3' 17" video was published by ScariestMovieEver111 on Jul 1, 2012:

Political Information Aug 1, 2013 - Living in a Zionist Bubble

"We lived in a bubble. We didn't know what exists outside the kibbutz." So commented one of the group of Melbourne Jews, recalling their kibbutz 'experience' back in the 70s, on the ABC's Compass program, Whatever Happened to... The Kibbutzim (28/7). It set the tone for the entire program. Not one of our former kibbutzniks - all long since returned to their comfortable Australian middle class existence - at any stage ventured any kind of comment or reflection that went beyond Zionism's ideological bubble. On the contrary, they were having the time of their lives, convinced they were 'creating a new society' and 'making the desert bloom' - until, that is, the Egyptian and Syrian armies rudely intervened in October 1973, " shattering our dreams."At one point, we heard the testimony of a South African Jew who said he'd become involved in anti-apartheid protests there but left for Israel because he couldn't bear to be part of a racist South Africa. Presumably, Israel's expulsion of the bulk of the Arab Palestinians in 1948 and the Zionist groupthink of the kibbutz combined to ensure that he was not disturbed by a sense of deja vu. Nor did Compass presenter, Geraldine Doogue's simple-minded narration help, with the kibbutz characterised simply as "a radical social experiment" with no mention of its discriminatory, Jews-only nature, or its central role in the Zionist colonisation and takeover of Palestine. - MERC

Political Information Aug 1, 2013 - Pope Francis to bless gay but not woman clergy

When asked about his views on gays and women being appointed priests, Francis explained, “you cannot marginalized these people. If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 78 has good will, whom am I to judge?,” he said. However, he insisted that ban of female priests will remain in tact, telling reporters the question was “definitively” answered by Pope John Paul II, who was given birth by a Polish Jewish convert to Christianity. In contrast, former Pope Benedict XVI, a Zionist double agent, had signed a document in 2005 that said men who had deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests.

True US History Aug 1, 2013 - Are American Troops Protecting Afghan Opium?

Ron: Obviously the "War on Drugs" is actually a war on drug suppliers who compete with the US military and CIA Drug Cartel et al.

True US History Aug 1, 2013 - Confirmed kills: A solemn secret for military snipers is becoming a pop- culture hit

Ron: Shooting fish in a barrel comes to mind. Makes ya proud don't it?

"First of all, if he shot someone and let’s say the person crawled away, that wouldn’t be a kill. They had certain criteria. They basically had to see the person fall and be clearly dead," DeFelice said. "Generally, because of where he was operating, it generally meant the body was recovered. Because they were in an urban environment where those kills took place ... where other (U.S.) troops were present. They would recover a body so they had that evidence." - Brandon Webb

Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - The Talmudic Tit Fruit Children of the Father of Lies.

I have yet to see any new information, in years, that goes 'provably' counter to what my research and ruminations have presented me with. I DID NOT set out already convinced of something and then arrange the facts following to confirm my projections (irony alert). I went where my inquiries and the facts led me. As I have stated in these blogs many, many times, there is no conceivable profit for me to hold the opinions that I do. They are career destroying and pariah making in the extreme but... what do I do? Do I tell the truth to go fuck itself because it didn't make things all wonderfully acceptable to the masses? Do I deny to myself what my Lying Eyes are telling me? I have to live with myself. I have to live with myself and... so do you do you. - Les Visible

Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - Sectarian strategy steps up while Peace Envoy Blair fuels the flames of hatred

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 79

Already we have seen Saudi trained Israel friendly mercenaries in Syria who have once again highlighted how they will topple Assad by tying a 5 years old Shia girl to a pole and made her watch while they battered her parents to death.- Shabana Syed

Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - The 'Vicar of Christ on Earth' asks, 'Who am I to judge a gay priest?'

If the pope's homosexual priests were of a neo-Nazi instead of a sodomite orientation, I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that this pontiff would judge them right into the Inferno's eternal barbecue pit. But when it comes to priests who simply yearn for anal sex, it is not something that falls under his judgment as mere Pontifex Maximus. The Renaissance Catholic Church's embrace of usury was accomplished under a host of weasel words and euphemisms which have bedazzled and befuddled true believers in the Church of Rome since 1515. The encyclical "Vix Pervenit" of the usury advocate Pope Benedict XIV is a case in point. It was 95% anti-usury and 5% double talk that created an escape clause permitting certain types of usury. It is defended to this day by certain mind-bombed "conservative Catholic scholars" as a bastion against usury. From instances such as this we should know that it is a major blunder to imagine that the double talk and fork-tongued lucubrations of the current Pope Francis are a product of a "Vatican II mentality of the 1960s."

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 80

The Renaissance Catholic Church's embrace of usury was accomplished under a host of weasel words and euphemisms which have bedazzled and befuddled true believers in the Church of Rome since 1515. The encyclical "Vix Pervenit" of the usury advocate Pope Benedict XIV is a case in point. It was 95% anti-usury and 5% double talk that created an escape clause permitting certain types of usury. It is defended to this day by certain mind-bombed "conservative Catholic scholars" as a bastion against usury.

From instances such as this we should know that it is a major blunder to imagine that the double talk and fork-tongued lucubrations of the current Pope Francis are a product of a "Vatican II mentality of the 1960s."

True US History Jul 31, 2013 - The Moral Verdict on Bradley Manning: A Conviction of Love in Action Rosie Jul 31, 2013 - Seraphin Botschaft 138: DAS LEBEN IM UNIVERSUM NAHT Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - Substance vs. Style: The difficulty of getting everybody on the same page

However (and this is a big however), when you look at Kapner's website it contains a veritable cornucopia of stories that is one of the best repositories of anti-Jewish material and insight on the entire web.This is not the output of a crazy man; it is the incredibly perceptive compilation of a man who knows the insane practices of the Jews from the inside, and wretches at their antihuman behavior, from the killing of children and harvesting of their organs to the sexual abuse of their own children and the forbidding of informing law enforcement about the ritualized crimes they are committing. This realization leads to the precipice of cognitive dissonance. Is Brother Nathanael being defamed to neutralize and delegitimize his legitimate criticism of Judaic insanity? Or is he the one who's insane, and all the Jews are really a bunch of good guys being defamed by a malcontent?Hundreds of videos and stories, from "How Lieberman Stole Our Freedoms" to "America is Run by Jews", attest to the authenticity of Kapner's perceptions. That his outlandish priestly garb and often manic mannerisms, in the minds of some, tend to undermine the validity of his message takes nothing away from the insightful realism of his reports. What he says the Jews are doing to the world is spot on. - John Kaminski

Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - WILL THE REAL CHRISTIAN PATRIARCH PLEASE STAND UP? Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - The Ex Jew Is A Myth - Morris

The Ex Jew Is A Myth - Morris (3' 31"video) :

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 81

Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - Mr. Apocalypse is Dancing in the Meringue of the Doomsday Cake. Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - Snowden deals blow to ‘global electronic prison camp’ – Russian Orthodox Church Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - The Brief, Tragic Reign Of Consumerism—And The Birth Of A Happy Alternative

“Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction and our ego satisfaction in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced and discarded at an ever-increasing rate.” - Victor Lebow

Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 31, 2013 - 9 Ways Generous People See the World Differently Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - Another World Is Possible... Except At Mealtime?

Angela Davis, someone who knows a little about challenging privilege, has declared that being a vegan is “part of a revolutionary perspective -- how we not only discover more compassionate relations with human beings but how we develop compassionate relations with the other creatures with whom we share this planet.”

In the narration of the essential film, Earthlings, we’re told:

“By analogy with racism and sexism, the term ‘speciesism’ is a prejudice or attitude of bias in favor of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species … Like us, (animals) are the psychological centers of a life that is uniquely their own. What these animals are due from us, how we morally ought to treat them, are questions whose answer begins with the recognition of our psychological kinship with them.”

If you claim to be working towards a non-hierarchical society, reject speciesism. - Mickey Z.

True US History Jul 31, 2013 - America’s famous pervert Mayors Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - WeinerGate: The latest of US sex scandals Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - Jill Dando murdered by the State to keep lid on elite paedophile Ring Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - "Hasbara" courses at Israeli universities exposed in new report AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 82

(Repost) Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jul 31, 2013 - Das Göttlich-Weibliche spricht über Veränderung

Das Göttlich-Weibliche durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Political Information Jul 31, 2013 - West war crimes in Syria exposed

This is not mere hyperbole. To disseminate false information and lies about conflict - under the guise of independent news - is to be complicit in covering up war crimes. You can hardly get more serious misconduct than to tell lies about crimes against humanity. These toxic lies and propaganda are now being exposed as the Western-backed plot to subvert the sovereign state of Syria unravels; this unraveling is accentuated by the West’s death squads becoming even more unhinged as they stare at looming defeat at the hands of the Syrian army. The latest massacre occurred in the town of Khan al-Assal in the northern province of Aleppo. Some 150 people, mostly civilians, were reportedly slaughtered in cold blood. Many of the victims were shot in the head execution-style. The groups claiming responsibility are the al- Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and Ansar al Khalifa. Reliable sources say that the killers tried to cover up their barbaric crimes by mutilating the corpses and burning the remains. Only days before this orgy of murder, the same groups are believed to have massacred at least seven civilians in the town of Maqbara in the province of Hasakah

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jul 31, 2013 - Die Zerstörung der Naturreiche

Nebadonia durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 31, 2013 - The great open sky of imagination: for those who understand Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 31, 2013 - Love and the Art of Forgiveness Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jul 30, 2013 - Nederlands: DE VERNIETIGING VAN DE KONINKRIJKEN VAN DE NATUUR

Nebadonia via Shellee-Kim, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jul 30, 2013 - Nederlands: HET VROUWELIJKE GODDELIJKE EN VERANDERING

Shellee-Kim, vertaling Lilian A.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 83

Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - Was Spanish train crash an assassination?

High speed train crash in Spain NOT POSSIBLEWith modern computerized controls installed on trains nowadays, it has long been impossible to go 115 mph around a 50 mile an hour turn. That is exactly what happened in Spain, so we are definitely looking at a control system attack or virus attack as the cause of the crash. It was an extremely luxurious train of the type that would be carrying important political people and high executives from various companies, and a large number of very important people from the upper levels of the Catholic Church were aboard. The train was only one year old and had the latest computerized controls, which would never have permitted the train to be driven in a way that would cause this crash. This was a case of "boston brakes" with this train. -

Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - Proof of Zionist cover-up – Explosion occurred “before” train crash Spanish Jul 30, 2013 - Reunión del Grupo Parte 2 - 21072013

Varios con Kibo

Telepathic Messages PDF books Jul 30, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters " Pdf books, (Rosie) Rosie Jackson: part 4

The Masters thru Rosie, Pdf made by Christ.

Rosie Jul 30, 2013 - Nebadonia Message 18: THE WORLD OF THE SHRIVELLED LEAF

"A new cycle starts, Beloveds, and the peak of pain is reaching culmination, paving the way for the swift downhill ride to the opposite and composite side of the picture – the view of eternal abundance as opposed to the supposed finality of death, the completion of a circle as opposed to the abrupt cessation of linear progression"

True US History Jul 30, 2013 - “Overwhelming” Evidence of Plot to Assassinate Venezuela’s Maduro Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - Russia and China Prepare for Global War

Ron: Sooo, how far will USrael be allowed to go? Will humanity learn anything if biological warfare suddenly wipes out hundreds of millions of Muslims, Chinese and Russians? The US is AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 84 said to have unleashed the "Spanish Flu" back in 1918 which killed 50 t0 100 million people - a very substantial percentage of the then global population. Did humanity learn anything from that? I doubt it. To learn, the global population has to become aware of what is being done and how it is being done. As the Jews control the global media and most governments that is not going to happen.

Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - Russia moves to criminalize Holocaust denial

The Russian lower house has received a new bill suggesting up to five years in prison for publicly denying the Holocaust or portraying Nazis as heroes. - Russia Today [Ron: Given that Stalin commenced this myth to conceal Bolshevik Jewish crimes and futher Talmudic aims, and used the Soviet Union to build the Auschwitz chimney etc after WWII (David Irving says the work was done in 1948) any move by Putin and Russia NOW to reinforce the Jews' Holocaust Blood Libel of Germany would be reprehensible. It would also assist the Jews in their drive to establish the New World Order which is intended to enslave humanity, including Russians. I therefore find this initiative incomprehensible unless it is a Jewish ploy which is not endorsed by Putin and the Christians he represents.

Human/Animal Rights Jul 30, 2013 - Refugees are Humans. Growing Refugee Numbers, Escalating Worldwide Social Crisis True US History Jul 30, 2013 - FBI child-pimp raid ignores pedophile elite

Ron: When will enough be enough?

Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - The new Jerusalem Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - Now the Bankers Will Steal 47.5% from Cyprus Savers

Authorities initially converted 37.5 percent of deposits exceeding 100,000 euros into equity, and held an additional 22.5 percent as a buffer in the event of further needs.

"There was an agreement concluding at a final figure of 47.5 percent this morning," a source close to consultations told Reuters. -

Environment/Science Jul 30, 2013 - 34 Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer here is a list of 34 studies showing that marijuana cures cancer, categorized by the type of cancers being cured in each study. As you sort through the articles, note that the consistent theme between them is that cannabis shrinks tumors and selectively targets cancer cells.As AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 85 bills and voter initiatives to legalize medical marijuana spread from state to state, remember that we’re not just talking about mitigating the side effects of chemo (though this is another viable use), we’re talking about curing the cancer itself as well as preventing its spread. I’ve taken the liberty of only including articles from credible scientific journals, removing any biased or otherwise improperly cited studies. - Michael Taillard

Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - UK Internet Filter to Also Block Conspiracy Theories Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - The Silence Of The American Lambs Political Information Jul 30, 2013 - Report: Israel Bombs Another Syrian Weapons Convoy

Ron: Since this report comes from Israeli news it is propaganda and could well be total bullshit. IF it accurately reports a bombing of Syria by Israel it seems odd that Syria and Iran appear not to have responded to yet another act of war by Israel.

Environment/Science Jul 30, 2013 - An economy is sustainable only when it respects the principles of ecology

The annual global expenditure on armaments and military equipment is approaching $900 billion, while only $9 billion (so 1% of the sum that the major powers spend to kill innocent people) would be enough to bring water and sanitation for all the world's population... Excluding the deaths, every day 220,000 new people are born in the world - that is, 80 million per year. Over the past 112 years, the population has grown more than 350%, from 1.5 billion in the year 1900 to the current 7 billion. Therefore, from 1980 until now, the global consumption of resources has increased 50% - each year 60 billion tons of resources are extracted... Programmed obsolescence (mechanism to shorten the life of the products thus forcing new sales) occupies considerable space in this dynamic. Just to illustrate: only in 2012, the Brazilian population discarded (threw in the trash) 200 million mobile phones. Together with the insidious advertising industry (the second largest world budget, second only to military spending) the capitalist dynamics "surfs" that consumerist wave more and more. The one who suffers from it is the planet whose surface is scratched by the claws of this voracious consumption, albeit restricted to just a few hands. - Marcus Eduardo de Oliveira

True US History Jul 30, 2013 - USA blatantly violates domestic and international laws blaming Putin True US History Jul 30, 2013 - Globalization And Jewish Nationalism

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 86

This 3' 39" video was published by Br Nathanael on Jul 28, 2013:

Health and Nutrition Jul 29, 2013 - Red Cross Proof: MMS cures malaria, despite Red Cross cover-up

Ron: Dunno whether this is total proof and/or whether side effects could be a serious problem.

Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - News from the Jews - 28 July 2013

For 25 years, Roy Naim, an undocumented immigrant, led a secretive life. Having no identification papers, he could not drive, rent an apartment or be legally employed. Worst of all, he constantly feared being deported from his home and family. All he did was try to lie low, and somehow get by. Naim is still undocumented. But in the past year he has been doing anything but lying low. Since June 2012, the young man, who spent his entire adult life in the shadow of society, has appeared on the cover of Time magazine, was featured in a documentary and was interviewed by the New York Daily News. He is constantly on and , promoting a new immigration bill that would secure his future as an American. Naim, 29, an Israeli-born Orthodox Jew, has become the Jewish face of activism for immigration reform. [Ron: Wait a minute... haven't the SELF CHOSEN been given UN approval to steal and ethnically cleanse Palestine so that Jews would have somewhere to live? WHY is this YID and his Talmudic brethren demanding to live in the US?].

Human/Animal Rights Jul 29, 2013 - MSNBC host says newborn infants don't count as 'alive' unless parents decide they do; infanticide is the new abortion

Today Natural News denounces Melissa Harris-Perry, the latest talking head "death worshipper" to publicly imply that she supports the murder of living, breathing newborn children. According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents feel like life begins. And together with some twisted new "ethics" arguments from the radical left, this can include months or years after a child is born. That's why I need to premise this article with a disclaimer: This article is not about abortion. It's about the murder of children after they are born. Because once a child is born alive, terminating that life is no longer a "choice" … it's murder by every legal and moral standard. Because while abortion friends and foes can argue about when life begins in the womb, no one disagrees that a child born alive is, well, ALIVE… do they? Indeed, they do. MSNBC talking head Melissa Harris-Perry insists that life only begins when the parents have a "feeling" that it begins. "When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents. A powerful feeling -- but not AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 87 science," Harris-Perry said to nationwide astonishment on her July 21 MSNBC show. - Mike Adams

True US History Jul 29, 2013 - Ready for World War III with China?

"The world economy is so broken due to plundering by International bankers and other Zionist elite that Depression II is inevitable. Just like WWII and Depression I, WWIII will be the only way to distract people from their impending economic misery, mask the effects of Depression II and get economies going again. Just like WWII and Depression I, international bankers and other Zionist elite will be the real beneficiaries by loaning and selling to all sides and once again scooping up small businesses, farms and residences for one- tenth their value." - Edgar Steele (Writen before his railroading and incarceration).

Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Russia downgrades relations with Qatar over attack on ambassador Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Pine Gap: Australia's most secretive location

Flat chat, Pine Gap, in every home a Big Mac, and no one goes Out Back.That's that: Midnight Oil - Power and the Passion

Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Australian government guide to survive a mass shooting

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 88

There is reason to think the Port Arthur massacre was planned as early 1987 when, after a specially called Premier's meeting in Hobart in December 1987, the New South Wales Labour Premier, Mr. Barry Unsworth stated, "there would be no effective gun control in Australia until there was a massacre in Tasmania". The awesome display of combat marksmanship was blamed on intellectually impaired Martin Bryant, who was held in illegal strict solitary confinement for more than 120 days, until he was "ready" to plead guilty. There was no trial. Within a matter of weeks legislation was passed to removed semi-automatic weapons from the Australian population and a gun buy-back proceeded. It is now illegal to own any semi-automatic gun in Australia...The media were totally oriented around sensationalising the distress and trauma, played the scenes over and over, always cutting to updates on any developments and in effect the public were bombarded continuously day in and day out for weeks over the issue. At the same time a long list of facts or discrepancies were overlooked. Any calls for a royal commission fell on deaf ears, the media were later instructed not to talk about the subject anymore and the files have been closed for 30 years. The Port Arthur massacre occurred on 28 April there was legislation prepared by mid May with plans for a national buyback of automatic and semi-automatic rifles.- Joe Vialls [Ron: Arguably the Port Arthur Massacre was Australia's 911. Martin Bryant didn't have the IQ, psychological, physical, technical or planning capability to perform ANY PART of the Port Macquarie Black Op. HE WAS THE PATSY. When the truth is revealed Martin Bryant must be immediately released and rehabilitated. See eg: ].

Telepathic Messages PDF books Jul 29, 2013 - " Messages with the Masters " Pdf books, (Rosie) Rosie Jackson: part 3 - update.

The Masters thru Rosie, Pdf made by Christ.

Shellee-Kim Jul 29, 2013 - The Destruction of the Nature Kingdoms.

"There will no more be the wave of unconsciousness and fear that has kept man imprisoned within and away from his ability to know, feel and express compassion and empathy for all."


[ Visit Website ]

Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Celebrity arrests could soar after horrified police discover Jimmy Savile's secret lair at record shop

Ron: Child abuse in Western society seems endless.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 89

True US History Jul 29, 2013 - CHILD SEX AND TOP AMERICANS

Ron: These activities will not stop until after the 3DD.

Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Natives and Israel: Manipulating genocide This month, Canada’s media solemnly related “the sad truth that the country engaged in a deliberate policy of attempted genocide against First Nations people”, referring to government-sponsored abuse of Native children a century ago, which Canada’s Chief Medical Officer Peter Bryce exposed in 1907, but which was hushed up.

Bryce was fired and the post of chief medical officer abolished in 1919.

This, of course, is a terrible crime, though the facts have long been known (the study referred to was published in 2006). A study published by Ian Mosby in May this year added fuel to the fire, revealing that from 1942-1952, the government conducted “nutritional experiments” on Native children in the infamous residential schools, where milk rations were halved for years, essential vitamins not issued, and dental services withheld as gum health was a measuring tool for scientists and any care would distort research.- Eric Walberg

True US History Jul 29, 2013 - Jewish Vindictiveness

May his name be obliterated” is the heaviest Jewish curse ” ומש חמי yimakh shemo usually uttered against those perceived to be enemies of the Jewish people. “Never again… shall thou block our path, not even in memory. Jewish vindictiveness goes beyond death, extending to eternity

Arutz Sheva published an editorial by Rabbi David Nesenoff (rabbi, film maker, author and the publisher of, who according to Arutz Sheva, “speaks worldwide on topics including anti-Semitism, Israel, media and the Middle East.” He is the rabbi who cornered Helen Thomas and asked her what the Israeli Jews should do…, hoping to get a rise out of her, which he did: In the op-ed below he gloatingly lists the slew of ignominies visited upon Thomas after that episode... she was thrown out of her job; the White House press corps banished her, the Nines Agency dropped their representation, her coauthor quit her and numerous speaking engagements were cancelled. Soon after, the White House removed the plaque bearing her name from her front row seat in the briefing room; her name was removed from the tolerance award at her alma mater Wayne State University and her name was erased from the Society of Professional Journalists’ award as well. President Obama, himself, on camera, said that her words were “indefensible.” - Ariadna Theokopoulos

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 90

True US History Jul 29, 2013 - Hacker dies days before he was to reveal how to remotely kill pacemaker patients Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - ‘Iran’s Ahmadinejad to set up university’ Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - How we are impoverished, gentrified and silenced - and what to do about it

Ron: Governments have a monopoly on force and violence and they use it. As half the population are soulless robots and most of the rest are mind controlled from cradle to grave by Jew dominated State institutions, multi-national corporations, religions and the media, from whence can salvation come? Presumably increasing divine cosmic energies are our only hope.

Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - A Land Where There Is No Justice

Ron: Western society is run by criminals for criminals. When all governments and judiciaries and their associated corporate departments and agencies are illigitimate as is the case in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US, among others, it is just not possible to eliminate corruption and abuse. Our world needs divine intervention, and "soon".

Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Watching the Jewish Community Watch and Its ‘Wall of Shame’ Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - True US History Jul 29, 2013 - PUTIN's SPECIAL GIFT TO AMERICA IS TREATED LIKE GARBAGE! Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Russia and the Beast Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - Israel, allies trying to hold onto Aleppo by arming militants: Redwan Rizk Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 29, 2013 - Once upon a time, there was something called The Individual Jul27 Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jul 29, 2013 - Seraphin Botschaft 144: AUS DEM TUNNEL DER VERFÜHRUNG UND DER REGELN AUSBRECHEN Political Information Jul 29, 2013 - HUMANITY'S ULTIMATE WEAPON

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 91

If Jesus were here today, he not only would chase the money changers from our temples, he would also chase the pastors, rabbis and priests from their pulpits for their abrogation of the word of God. There can be no doubt that the church has been totally subverted. Most churches are 501 3 c tax exempt foundations who are compromising their spiritual mission to the will of the IRS. This has resulted in a cowardly church which is afraid to challenge governmental authority even when it violates word of God in such practices as abortion and widespread war resulting in the death of millions of innocent people.

True US History Jul 29, 2013 - The Threat of Nuclear War, North Korea or the United States?

Ron: Next time the Jew media screams about North Korean war mongers threatening the national seciurity of the US and civilisation as we know it, REMEMBER THIS INFORMATION. And tell me: How FKN psychotic are the US military who are NOW, and have been for decades, tasked to NUKE North Korea in 13 minutes? AND pray tell, WHY are the Jews controlling the US military and the global media sooo obsessed with the possibility that North Korea may have recently acquired one or a few nuclear devices??? The US and Western public are sooo stupid one wonders how they manage to get out of bed every morning. Question: How long is the rest of the world supposed to put up with US military blackmail? Clearly the meek have NOT inherited the Earth and countries like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia and China, to name but a few, must be getting pretty bloody sick of putting up with Talmudic USraeli militaristic shit. Moreover, the fact that Star Fleet will prevent use of nukes is little comfort to countries targetted with endless USraeli terrorist attacks and threatened with annihiliation by US charged particle pulse energy, biological and electronic weapons!

True US History Jul 29, 2013 - America's False Flag Attacks | Brainwash Update

This 4' 59" video was published by breakingtheset: hz3TY1-o

Political Information Jul 28, 2013 - WHEN U BLACK, U BLACK Political Information Jul 28, 2013 - Call Me Senator - From David Zucker

Ron: This 2' 13" video was published by RightChange:

"I worked sooo hard for this..."

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 92

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jul 28, 2013 - Nederlands: INFORMATIE VAN DE HATHORS

DE HATHORS door Shellee-Kim, vertaling Lilian A.

True US History Jul 28, 2013 - America: Freedom to Fascism - Full.

Ron: PLEASEE watch this film, even if you have seen it before. You need to KNOW what this film tells you. IF you understand the matters canvassed in this film, what is about to happen to Amerikka and the world will not be a surprise. The arrogant Jews running the IRS and the US Goverrment keep saying (in Yiddish): "NOTHING WILL HELP YOU". The truth of the matter is that now, NOTHING WILL HELP THE JEWS because the owner has returned to repossess the planet.

Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 28, 2013 - Higher Consciousness, Supercomputers and Singularity

Ron: Food for thought. I can't vouch for this information because it's above my pay grade.

David K. Miller (Juliano): 'But this technology of thought projection and merging with the computer and engine of the spaceship is actually more effective than traveling through a wormhole. You are now very close to this type of technology on the Earth. You are duplicating rapidly advanced computer technology. Even the primitive computer technology that you use, for example, in biofeedback, is an aspect that has moved you closer to thought projection and to the merging of consciousness with a computer.'

Archangel Metatron:

'Now you have to understand that when Juliano was talking about this type of space travel, he was talking about a computer that is exactly programmed for the rhythm of your energy fields. So there has to be special calibration between the computer and the occupants of the spaceship. But this Tree of Life and these Codes of Ascension that I have given you are calibrating you for the right fifth-dimensional vibrational frequency. You are working to calibrate the Earth for the right vibrational frequency. Remember that in the electromagnetic world we are talking about resonance and resonant frequencies, so the computer has to be in resonance with your frequency. It has to know who you are and how you think and what you do. Remember that the Arcturian and Pleiadian computers are so advanced that they can read your energy field, and they can know everything about you, including your past, present and future. These are very advanced computers. You can merge your consciousness with such advanced computers. The Earth mind, the third-dimensional mind, needs assistance. Advanced supercomputers can assist humanity to go to a much deeper level.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 93

Political Information Jul 28, 2013 - Most Definitely a Shaw Thing Political Information Jul 28, 2013 - Britain released Lockerbie bomber after clinching Libya arms deal Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 28, 2013 - Living In A Hologram: Our Holographic Reality

In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space, like the images of the fish on the TV monitors, would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order. At its deeper level reality is a sort of super-hologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. The three-dimensional universe we live in is the hologram created out of a primary reality that is outside space and time so it is a copy of something “real” so it would make sense in such a case that our real self is in another reality. Our consciousness is the real us. Consciousness is everything and therefore it is nothing, since all that is, is consciousness. - Paul Lenda

True US History Jul 28, 2013 - Who Are We at War With? That’s Classified

At a hearing in May, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., asked the Defense Department to provide him with a current list of Al Qaeda affiliates. The Pentagon responded – but Levin’s office told ProPublica they aren’t allowed to share it. Kathleen Long, a spokeswoman for Levin, would say only that the department’s “answer included the information requested.”- Cora Currier

A Pentagon spokesman told ProPublica that revealing such a list could cause “serious damage to national security.”

Political Information Jul 28, 2013 - Egypt military looking to intensify crackdown True US History Jul 28, 2013 - FBI files reveal ADL’s long history spying on peace, pro-Palestinian and Arab diplomat groups True US History Jul 28, 2013 - Soon It Will Be Us, by JB Campbell

And let us keep in mind that Brandon’s famous civil rights attorney, John Whitehead, learned during those five days that an average of twenty thousand Brandon Raubs are arrested each year in Virginia and disappear into the psychiatric prison system. Some lucky ones get released in various mental conditions but most don’t. Many just disappear, never to be heard from again. We don’t know yet how many Brandon Raubs disappear in the other forty-nine states, but we didn’t know about Virginia, either. - J B Campbell AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 94

True US History Jul 28, 2013 - Top US General: ‘World hate US for backing Israel’ Kibo Jul 27, 2013 - Source Paper #3 July 21, 2013

Source of Sources Paper #3. For those that missed the explanation, basically Source of Sources was there "first" and created the Trinity, and Kibo made up the affectionate name of Grandpa. This paper was done right after the Group Meeting.

Kibo Jul 27, 2013 - Group Meeting part 2. 07212013

Part 2 of the Group meeting that started very late on 7/20 and finished early on 7/21 after a break. -C

Kibo Jul 27, 2013 - Group meeting: 07202013 Part 1

Part 1 one group meeting with the several above. Mama, Papa, Sonny, CM, Lord Siraya, Grandpa and seems like Esu and Nebadonia checked in too. I am placing it in two parts because of the length as the total length is 9 pages and there is a break in it, with a subject change. -C I am late getting it posted, it has been on Talk It Up for 5 days I think.

Shellee-Kim Jul 27, 2013 - The Feminine Divine and Change [ Visit Website ]

True US History Jul 27, 2013 - An overview of the early subversion of America

The territorial aristocracy of former ages was either bound by law, or thought itself bound by usage, to come to the relief of its serving-men and to relieve their distresses. But the manufacturing aristocracy of our day first impoverishes and debases the men who serve it and then abandons them to be supported by the charity of the public. - Alexis de Tocqueville

Congress can grant railroads money and land, but if it talks of relieving the poor and oppressed, the cry comes, 'We cannot reward idleness.' - Congressman Hendrick B. Wright

Environment/Science Jul 27, 2013 - Water Filters

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 95

Ron: There ara a number of existing technologies for producing clean water from the air. Here are some examples.

Environment/Science Jul 27, 2013 - Vegetation Solar Still Kit for Survival Water Collection

Ron: Here's an example of what is available in vegetation water filters.

Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - Egyptian health dept. reports 29 Muslim Brotherhood protesters killed, 650 injured, says MB inflated Saturday’s casualties

Instead of directing their ire at the overthrown Muslim Brotherhood, the pro-military demonstrators shouted “Bye Bye America!” as huge placards waved over their heads depicting as a threesome Gen. El-Sisi, Vladimir Putin and Gemal Abdel Nasser, who ruled Egypt in the 60s in close alliance with the Soviet Union. Their rivals in a separate part of Cairo chanted "Sisi out! Morsi is president! Down with the army!" -

Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - German supermarket chain Aldi bans Israeli goods in Netherlands Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - At least 150 people killed in Egypt clashes Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - Egypt’s military junta playing with fire Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - Letter to Another Dishonest “Peace” Broker True US History Jul 27, 2013 - U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - News from the Jews - July 20, 2013

The unhinged, irrational, and extremely dangerous reaction to George Zimmerman's acquittal on display in the mainstream Jewish owned mass media is truly astounding. The shooting death of Trayvon Martin was a clear cut case of self defense on the part of George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin was not a "frightened, innocent child" as the mainstream mass media has been telling you; he was a violent thug who was likely on drugs the night he brutally attacked and assaulted George Zimmerman, who was simply trying to fulfill his duties as neighborhood watch captain. George Zimmerman was not stalking or profiling Trayvon Martin; Zimmerman wasn't looking for a confrontation, and he certainly wasn't planning on shooting anyone that night. After being punched and having his head slammed on the cement sidewalk repeatedly, with Martin trying to possess the .9mm he was legally carrying, Zimmerman finally decided to defend himself by shooting Martin in the chest. There was nothing malicious or unjust about Zimmerman's actions, and any rational AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 96 individual should understand justice was certainly served by acquitting Zimmerman of 2nd degree murder and manslaughter charges (Zimmerman should never have been charged with a crime in the first place, because he didn't commit one!).- John Friend

German Jul 27, 2013 - In England gibt es pro 11 Einwohner 1 Überwachungskamera

PRESS TV, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - The Epic Fail of the Israeli State

There is a limit to everything, including the Holocaust extortion racket. Even if the Holocaust was true there would be a limit, but it isn’t true, it is another Hollywood production, a modern myth used to extort money from Germany and America. Israel was built on stolen through deception money, what happens when the bleeding to the point of comatose host catches on? It is only a matter of time time bankrupt America stops the checks to Tel Aviv. The Holocaust storyline doesn’t stand up to scrutiny, and this shouldn’t be surprising if you understand who is telling you the story. Billions of dollars siphoned off and wasted creating misery for Palestinians, who are currently being treated worse than the Jews under Hitler. The world see this and sympathy for Israel is drying up, the endless Holocaust whining is losing its effect, the suffering world doesn’t feel much empathy for the endless lies of the Jews.

The 70 year bailout of Israel is over, bankrupt western economies aren’t going to keep shoveling money into the Israeli bottomless pit of pain and misery. The world needs to force change on Israel by first taking out Rothschild banking dynasty, defanging Israel, create a new state in the region. Maybe its time for the Rothschild Zionists to admit their experiment failed and join humanity. Ah but they won’t so maybe its time for the cruise missiles to set sail for Rothschild private estate. Imagine world peace and prosperity, its starts by taking out the criminal Rothschild banking dynasty. The world doesn’t need them, their scheming wars, or their debt based currency scam. The immediate result of ridding the world of these scumbag banksters is full employment. Since Iceland arrested its bankers and charged them with treason, Iceland now has almost no unemployment, the lowest of any European nation, and all mortgage debt gone – they erased it because it was fraudulent. Think about it, any nation can have almost immediate full employment by deshackling itself from usury debt. Imagine an entire nation owning homes debt free.All humanity needs is the will in order to free itself from Rothschild usury. Once we decide that we have had enough then we simply push a button and the Rothschild problem is instantly vaporized. Maybe we can time it during one their baby sacrificing rituals, send them all back to hell. - Yukon Jack (Veterans Today)

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 97

Jul 27, 2013 - How Israel Lobby Trained a Diplomat Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - As The Arabs See The Jews Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - The Mysterious New Owner of Blackwater Worldwide Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - UK Spy Warns of Iraq War Disclosures Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - Russia Furious About NATO Drill Centered Around “Foreign Invasion” of Poland Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 27, 2013 - You Are Your Greatest Battle True US History Jul 27, 2013 - The Name Of Jesus Has Become A Dirty Word In Politically Correct America Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - David Irving The Holocaust Truth, The Whole Truth ~ And Nothing but The Truth

This 1 hour 42' 29" video was published by beautimerits on Oct 1, 2011:

Political Information Jul 27, 2013 - Here’s what happens when a central bank goes bust

So let’s apply the same yardstick to central banks and see how ‘safe’ they really are:

 US Federal Reserve: $54 billion in capital on $3.57 trillion in assets, roughly 1.53%. This is actually less than the 1.875% capital they had in December. So the trend is getting worse.  European Central Bank: 3.69%  Bank of Japan: 1.92%  Bank of England: 0.843%  Bank of Canada: 0.532%

Each of these major central banks in ‘rich’ Western countries is essentially at, or below, the level of capital that Lehman Brothers had when they went under. What does this mean?

Think about Lehman again. When Lehman’s equity was wiped out, it caused a huge crisis. The company’s liabilities instantly lost value, and almost everyone who was a counterparty to Lehman Brothers lost a lot of money because the company could no longer pay its debts. Accordingly, if the US Federal Reserve’s assets unexpectedly lose more than 1.5% of their value, the Fed’s equity would be wiped out. This means that any counterparty holding the Fed’s liabilities (i.e. Federal reserve notes) would lose. More specifically, that means everyone holding dollars.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 98

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Traveling Wilburys End Of The Line

Ron: 'Well its all right, even if the Sun don't shine.Well its all right,We're going to the end of the line'. And so it is and so it will be.


"In Russia live Russians.” Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind first, observing that the minorities are not Russians. - Vladmir Putin

German Jul 26, 2013 - Bald kein Hindernis mehr für ein neues Sykes-Picot

Thierry Meyssan, Übersetzung Horst Frohlich

Spanish Jul 26, 2013 - Contribución de los Hathors

Los Hathors a través de Shellee Kim

Spanish Jul 26, 2013 - Reunión del Grupo 20072013

Varios con Kibo

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Canadian Mining Company HudBay Minerals Sued for Shootings, Murder and Gang-Rape in Guatemala

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 99

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Turkey Jails 64 Journalists For Coverage of People's Protest Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Ten Top Global War Criminals: All non-Muslims! Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - As parents die, Vietnamese worry who’ll care for Agent Orange disabled

He was born a normal child, but he developed mental and physical problems by the time he was 12 years old. He’s now completely disabled, said his mother, 75-year-old Hoang Thi The. His limbs are atrophied from lack of use. His dark eyes are alert, but he can no longer speak. His mind is trapped inside the increasingly useless shell of his body. His sister, Tran Thi Na, 33, is beginning to exhibit many of the same symptoms. She knows the grim fate that awaits her. She sees it every day. The family gets no support from the government. The mother wonders who’ll take care of her children when she and her 70-year-old sister are gone. At her age, she knows that time isn’t so far away. She’s bitter and angry about what’s happened to her family.“If they had died in the war, this would have been normal, because it’s a war,” she said. “But why did the U.S. government have to spray this Agent Orange?” - Drew Brown

Rosie Jul 26, 2013 - Nebadonia Botschaft 15: Deine Macht

"Mögt ihr in ständigem Bewusstsein der Schönheit, die ihr im inneren tragt, eure Reise fortsetzen"

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - "We've been Had," Cairo Woman Speaks Out

What is the use of voting when we have gone to the polls over 5 times in the last two years, waiting for hours on end to have our say and in the end, the army comes in and says "game over" because 'democracy' brought a different result from what they wanted or expected? - "Nancy S" (

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Soon, no more obstacles to the new Sykes-Picot

The atlanticist press has discovered with horror that the armed opposition in Syria is composed of fanatics hated by the vast majority of Syrians, which is what we have been saying for two years. Meanwhile, on site, the Free Syrian Army and the Al-Nusra Front, instead of fighting against Damascus troops, are waging a merciless war against each other... Manuel Valls, the French interior minister, said on France 2 that the French fighting in Syria alongside their former Islamist allies would be arrested and prosecuted on their return to France... After forcing the emir of Qatar to resign and having abandoned the "rebels" in Syria, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 100

Washington is thus going to withdraw regional influence from its faithful ally, France, which has soiled its hands for two years for nothing. Such is the cynical law of imperialism. - Thierry Meyssan

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Ecocide Is Not Development; Love And Ecology Are The Answer Other Spiritual Pieces Jul 26, 2013 - Action (And Organizing) Is Better Than Hope True US History Jul 26, 2013 - AFTERBURNER w/ BILL WHITTLE: The Lynching

Ron: This video is a very good expose of the way the lying Jewish owned media in the US tried to frame Zimmerman for murder when clearly he shot Trayvon Martin in self defence.

True US History Jul 26, 2013 - It’s About To Blow

Exposing the lie being perpetrated on humanity is our number one calling. Information and knowledge give power to humanity. What separates us from the fullness of being that we inherently are is basically a magic show, a very dark intentioned magic show by forces that do not want an empowered humanity but rather a channeled and harnessed work force and energy source.We are being mined, farmed, milked and bled to death. The encasement of this illusory matrix-driven world system needs to be shot full of holes so everyone can see it for the ensnaring veil of lies that it is. - Zen Gardner

True US History Jul 26, 2013 - Planet earth as a US military base Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - “Progressive” Mainstream Media Supports the Destabilization and Balkanization of Syria Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jul 26, 2013 - SCHRIFTEN DER QUELLE # 3

Vom Ursprung der Ursprünge und Kibo, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Even the police said I didn't murder Jill Dando. So why DON'T they find her real killer? Barry George's fury that he won't get compensation after botched investigation Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jul 26, 2013 - Botschaft von den Hathoren

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 101

Die Hathoren durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jul 26, 2013 - Gruppentreffen von Mehreren mit Kibo Dabi, Übersetzung Harald Kühn


Ron: Is 1 September 2013 a significant date?

True US History Jul 26, 2013 - Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 7/26/13

This 3' 56" video was published by Br Nathanael on 26/7/13:

Political Information Jul 26, 2013 - Spain publishes map with over 2,000 Franco-era mass graves

British historian Paul Preston estimates 200,000 Spaniards were killed away from the front line in the war, which pitted Franco's right-wing forces against an elected left-wing government, as well as some 300,000 dead in battle.

Thousands more were killed in Franco's ensuing decades-long dictatorship, according the latest book on the war and its aftermath by the veteran professor of contemporary Spanish studies at the London School of Economics.-

True US History Jul 25, 2013 - The New York Times declares war...... on Bangladesh?!? Health and Nutrition Jul 25, 2013 - Its Close - Mandatory Vaccination in Australia Did you know that even very low levels of exposure to mercury and other toxins have been demonstrated to harm the nervous system? (Gilbert 2004, The Principles of Toxicology). Did you know that all through the nineties childhood vaccines contained trace amounts of mercury and when this is combined with the 'trace' amounts of aluminium from vaccine adjuvants the toxicity is many times increased - particularly in infants and children (Gilbert 2004). Yet the government is trying to convince the public that a 'trace' amount of Thiomersal (mercury compound) combined with a 'trace' amount of Aluminium hydroxide, Aluminium

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 102 phosphate, Borax, Egg Protein, Formaldehyde, Gelatin, Gentamicin (antibiotic), Kanamycin (antibiotic), Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Neomycin (Antibiotic), Phenol, Phenoxyethanol, Polymyxin (antibiotic) and Yeast - injected into the tissues of developing infants cannot cause autism. It is easy to be convinced that vaccines are not a cause of autism if you are not informed of the ingredients. Parents should be outraged that they are not openly informed about the ingredients of vaccines. - Judy Wilyman

Political Information Jul 25, 2013 - Putin urges international community to resist repressions against Christians Rosie Jul 25, 2013 - Seraphin Message 144: ESCAPING FROM THE TUNNEL OF TEMPTATION AND RULES

Seraphin says: "Let me explain. This is typified by your traffic systems and lights showing RED or GREEN. It is constant stop and go. It means constant frustration alternating with constant exhilaration. It is the opposite of gentle flow with attentive care to all. Thus, on a more expansive level, you are encouraged to supposedly ENJOY YOURSELVES AND LET IT ALL HANG LOOSE while simultaneously experiencing CLAMPING DOWN ON FREEDOM AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE. Is this the life you wish to lead?"

Shellee-Kim Jul 25, 2013 - Input From The Hathors

Input From The Hathors thru Shellee-Kim.

[ Visit Website ]

Political Information Jul 25, 2013 - Edward Snowden's Fear of Flying Is Justified

Ron: This author is an establishment figure and so discernment is required.

Political Information Jul 25, 2013 - THE ZIO STEAMROLLER: 26 WHO GOT CRUSHED! (Repost) "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."- Voltaire, French Philosopher . .

Political Information Jul 25, 2013 - Syrian rebels defect to government AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 103

True US History Jul 25, 2013 - Ag-Gag Lawsuit Challenges Corporate Attempts to Criminalize Free Speech and Journalism Political Information Jul 25, 2013 - Lobby offers $33,000 bounty for Nazi officials

"This was not lying, he actually believed .." . - Tom Segev repeatedly says this when referring to Simon Wiesenthal's multitude of lies. This video interview is especially BARF making but worth watching in order to see just how Jews RATIONALISE their lies and lying. Tom Segev is a smug man who typifies Talmudist ideology and its disingenuous rabbinical thinking. Fortunately this morass of tergiversatious Talmudic shit is about to come to a screeching halt. So be it.

Environment/Science Jul 25, 2013 - 6 Apocalyptic Technologies That Most People Have Not Even Heard About Yet Political Information Jul 25, 2013 - Monsanto gives up on GM crops in Europe, pursues patenting of conventional crops

Monsanto has been taking advantage of a little-known loophole in European patent law that allows the company to literally draw patents on natural crops like broccoli and green beans. "In the coming weeks, around a dozen new patents will be granted (to Monsanto), covering species such as broccoli, onions, melons, lettuce and cucumber," explains the food freedom watchdog coalition No Patents on Seeds! about Monsanto's new business approach. "Monsanto and Syngenta already own more than 50 percent of seed varieties of tomato, paprika and cauliflower registered in the EU." - Jonathan Benson

Environment/Science Jul 25, 2013 - Shrilk: Nature’s New Bioplastic True US History Jul 25, 2013 - U.S. Arctic Ambitions And The Militarization Of The High North True US History Jul 25, 2013 - "They Throw Kids on the Ground, Put Guns to Their Heads" -- The Horrors Unleashed by Police Militarization

Ron: WOT, me worry? It hasn't happened to me! You can lead Amerikkans to water but you can't make them drink.

Political Information Jul 24, 2013 - Ex-Gay Groups to Honor Ex-Gay Pride Month With Massive Sausage Hang

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 20-- Page 104