Marriage and Religion in Europe Les Effets Civils Du Mariage Religieux En Euro Pe

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Marriage and Religion in Europe Les Effets Civils Du Mariage Religieux En Euro Pe ... ~.Jl M.-~. UNIVERSIT A DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO FACOL:rÁDI GlliRlSPRUDENZA PUBBUCAZIONI DI DIRIITO ECCLESIASTICO (atA DELL'!SJTJUJO DI DJRITIO ECCLESIASTico) ~-·----- 8 EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM FOR CHURCH-STATE RESEARCH CONSORTIUM EUROPEEN POUR L'ETUDE DES RELATIONS EGLISES-ETAT MARRIAGE AND RELIGION IN EUROPE LES EFFETS CIVILS DU MARIAGE RELIGIEUX EN EURO PE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING Augsburg, November 28,29, 1991 ACTES DU COLLOQUE Augsburg, 28-29 Novembre 1991 Il Convegno e stato organízzato1 ed il volume e stato stampato, con il con tributo del Stifterverband /ür die Deutsche Wissenschaft MILANO - DOTT. A. GIUFFRE EDITORE - 1993 ISBN 88-14-04064-8 INDEX FRANCIS LYALL, Marriage in Scotland ........................................................... .. RAFAEL NAVARRO-V ALLS, L 'efficacité civile du mariage relígieux dans le droit espa- gnol ............................................................................................·... 25 MIGUEL TEIXERA DE SousA, Le mariage relígieux et son efjicacité civile. Le case portugais . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 J.P. VERHEUL, The religious marriage and ils civil effects in tlze Netherlands ............ 67 ANNE BAMBERG, Le mariage religieux et son efficacité civile au Gran-Duché de Lu- xembourg .................................................................................. :..... 75 ENRICO VITALI, Le mariage religieux et son efficacité civile dans le systeme juridique italien ............................................................................................. 85 JAMES CASEY, Relígious marríage and íts civil effectiveness in Irelaml ....... ..... ... ...... 111 TUTJ'E LE COPIE DEVONO RECARE IL CONTRASSEGNO DELLA S.l.A.E. JEAN DELIYANNIS, Le mariage religieux et son efficacité civile en droit hellénique ...... 121 NICOLE GmMEZANES, Le mariage religíeux el son efficacité civile en France . .. .. .. .. ... 153 DAVID McCLEAN, Marriage in England 187 INGER DüBECK, Marriage in Denmark, .. ............ ............ ... ..... ......................... 199 GERHARD ROBBERS, Civil effects ofrelígious marriage in Germany ........................ 209 RIK ToRFS, Le mariage religieux et son effícacité civile en Belgique .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 221 © Copyright 1993 Dott. A. Giuffre Editore, S.p.A. Milano La traduzione, l'adattamento totale o parziale, la riproduzione con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm, i film, le fotocopie), nonché la memorizzazione elettronica, sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Tipografia «MOR! & C. S.p.A.>> - 21100 VARESE - Vía F. Guicciardini 66 FRANCIS L Y ALL MARRIAGE IN SCOTLAND SUMMARY: lntroduction. - l. History: general. - 11. The Present Law. - l. Irregular Marriage. - 2. Regular Marriage. - Preliminaries. - Religious Marriage. - Civil Marriage. - Irregularities in Regular Marriage. - 3. Second marriages. - 111. The Religious Factor in the Celebra/ion of Marriage. - Monogamy. - Prohibited Degrees of Relationship. - The Remarriage of Divorced Persons. - Same-sex 'Marriages'. - IV. Registra/ion of Marriage: Effects. - V. The Effect of Decisions of Church Courts. -VI. Other Problems of Marriage Law. - Polygamous Marriage. - Con­ sular Marriages. - Other Foreign Marriages. - Consent and Sham Marriage. - Royal Marriages. -Civil Developments in Cohabitation.- VII. Termina/ion of Marriage. - Divorce. -Judicial Separation. - Nullity. - Recognition of Foreign Decrees. INTRODUCTION Within the United Kingdorn Scotland has a separate legal sys­ tern, the continuation of that position being part of the Treaty of Union of 1707 between Scotland and England. (1) The Treaty of Union did provide for the harrnonisation of sorne areas of law, but excluded others. One of the areas within which Scots Law rernains quite distinct frorn that of England is the law of rnarriage. In sorne other related areas, for exarnple in the way in which the state views cohabitation for the purposes of social security payrnents, the two systerns apply the sarne legislation. The Church of Scotland, the established church within Scot­ land, was protected in the Union with England, its position like that (1) F. LYALL, Of Presbyters and Kings: Church and State in the Law of Scotland (Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP, 1984). 2 AUGSBURG FRANCIS LYALL 3 of the Church of England, being excluded from negotiation during followed by sexual intercourse on the faith of the promise (promise the discussions between the Commissioners from the two kingdoms. subsequente copula), and by cohabitation with habit and repute, The separate protected positions of the Church of Scotland and of where a court presumed that a marriage had occurred where the the Church of England were narrated in the Union with England parties had cohabited for a period and there was general belief in Act of the Scottish Parliament and the Union with Scotland Act of the community that they were married. (3) the English Parliament which brought the Treaty of Union into force. These modes of marriage operated in Scotland down to the Re­ The Church of Scotland is Presbyterian in its government and formation, ( 4) and, 1 believe were recognised elsewhere as well. Ir­ has been so throughout most of its existence since the Scottish Re­ regular marriage was generally abolished for the most of Europe by formation. Its establishment differs from significantly from that of the Council of Trent in 1563. (5) However, the Scottish Reforma­ the episcopalian Church of England. The Church of Scotland is in­ tion which occurred in 1560, had abolished the jurisdiction of the dependen! of Parliament and of the Crown. This position was last Pope. The jurisdiction of Church courts in matters of family law in­ recognised by the state in the Church of Scotland Act 1921, Acts of cluding marriage was transferred to the civil Commissary Courts in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland are law within the 1563. This transfer was initially not as clear-cut as that statement Church and their passing is not subject to another authority either may seem, for the new courts were largely staffed by the old func­ directly or indirectly. (2) There is argument as to whether the civil tionaries who continued to apply the old rules. Jurisdiction in mar­ courts could intervene in ecclesiastical questions having civil effects, riage was transferred to the Court of Session ( the highest civil court although recently the civil court was asked to intervene on a ques­ in Scotland) by the Court of Session Act 1830. (6) A final appeal tion of natural justice (the matter was resolved before the court had lies to the House of Lords in Westminster. to act). Clearly civil matters remain subject to civil court review. In what follows the history of sorne elements has been placed with discussion of the topic in its modern application. Otherwise the 11. THE PRESENT LA W (7) arrangement conforms to the outline suggested for the national re­ ports. The ordinary requirements for marriage in Scotland are that the (3) For history see: P. FRASER, Husband and Wife according to the Law of Scot­ land, 2d ed. (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1876), vol. l. 295-414; F.P. WALTON, Husband and HISTORY: GENERAL l. Wife 3rd ed. by W.E.R. HENDRY and A.M. JOHNSTON (Edinburgh: W. Green, 1951), 22- 37; E. CuvE, infra, n. 7, 50-76. As elsewhere in Europe, in former centuries in Scotland mar­ (4) J.D. ScANLON, 'Husband and Wife: Pre-reformation Canon Law of Marriage in riage and marriage law were the province of the Roman Catholic the Offícials' Courts,' in lntroductíon to Scottish Legal History (Edínburgh: Stair Society. 1958), 69-81. See also William Hay's Lectures on Marriage, trans and ed. J. BARRY (Edin­ Church. Two forms of marriage were recognised, regular marriage burgh: Stair Socíety, 1967). Hay taught at King's College, Aberdeen and was its thírd involving a church ceremony, and irregular marriage which was a Principal in the early sixteenth century. matter between the parties themselves. Irregular marriage could be (5) Council of Trent, 1563, Sess. XXIV; Decr. de sacramento matrimonii. Cap. 1, constituted in one of three ways, by the exchange of consent to mar­ Decr. Tametsi. DENZINGER, Enchiridion Symbolorum, 23rd ed, A. ScHONMETZER, paras. 1813-6, pp.417-8. riage before witnesses (per verba de praesenti), by promise to marry (6) Declarators of marriage still can be given only be the Court of Session but oth­ er status related actíons such as a[filiation and aliment, custody and dívorce can now be dealt with either in the Sheriff Court or the Court of Session. (2) Although the Church of England has been given a measure of freedom, its (7) The standard text is E.M. CuvE, The Law of Husband and Wife in Scotland, legislative and governmental processes are authorised by civil statute, and Parlíament still 2nd ed. (Edinburgh: W. Green, 1982) (A third edition is pending). See also J.M. THOM­ can refuse to sanction matters on which the Church has acted. soN, Family Law in Scotland, 2nd ed. (London: Butterworths, 1991). 4 AUGSBURG I'RANCIS LYALL 5 parties shall be sixteen years or over and that they shall be free to quirements as to procedure are imposed. Third parties, for example marry (ie. there is no prior subsisting marriage, and that they are pension managers or executors, may accept the existence of the not within the 'forbidden degrees'). (8) marriage without further procedure. However, sometí mes official The present law still provides for marriage to be either regular documentation is required. This is available through a Declarator of or irregular. We deal with the latter first. Marriage obtained after due process
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