FRIDAY 22.11.2013 19:00h- 22:45h. GEM club

18:30h -19:00h Coffe

19:00h-19:15h. INTRODUCTION: Filip Jovanovski and Ivana Vaseva

19:15h - 21:30h. SESSION 1: FAILED CITY Presentation of local and regional activist practices

Nikola Naumoski/citizen initiative Parkobrani, The fight for the parks by hotel Bristol Nikola Naumoski, MA in political communication sciences and an activist of the city of Skopje who was member and took part in many different organizations and initiatives on the human rights front, the public property expenditure and public spaces. In this moment he is the president of the association for activism art and theory "Ploshtad Sloboda" - Skopje, known for the protests against the implementation of the project "Skopje 2014" since the very beginning until now.

Teodor Celakoski/ initiative Right to the City, Zagreb Deformation of Public Space, Right to the City and Tactical Networking Teodor Celakoski is project coordinator at Multimedia Institute, Zagreb. In last ten years he initiated several projects and platforms focused on advocating change in the Croatian culture policy field like Clubture, Zagreb Culture of Europe 3000, Alliance Operation City. Recently he is engaged with The Right to the City campaign fighting against devastation of public spaces in Zagreb and Croatia.

Tadej Kurepa/ Cultural Center REX , platform Who builds the city? The possibility of equality in a society marked by inequality Tadej Kurepa is a graduated journalist-bachelor in political science from Belgrade. In the first half of 2013 he was a cooperator to the panel Smarter building, in the project Who builds the city. Since SSeptember 2013 he's been at the position program organizer in the Cultural Center REX. Besides that, he has been active in the field of communication, publishing, and cinematography. He is a member of Anarcho syndicalists initiative.

Maksim Naumovski and Oliver Ilievski/ initiative I love GTC, Skopje I love GTC Oliver Ilievski and Maksim Naumovski are assistants at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at UACS (University American College Skopje). They are the organizers of the Skopje Week of Architecture within the experimental project "Skopje City of fragments, City of Situations", which encourages examination of the forms of behavior in people. The accent falls on the physical space in some urban fragments of the city and of the initiative "I love GTC" (Go sakam GTC) Vasko Lazarevski/ citizen initiative AMAN, Skopje Public space or Lebensraum? Vasko Lazarevski is part of the nonformal coalition "70 years of Antifaschism" which also organizes the celebration of Macedonian National Uprising Day and is one of the founders of the leftist movement "Solidarity" (2012). In August 2012 he actively participates in the protests against the increasment of the prices and in the citizen initiative "AMAN". After December 24, 2012 he participated in the "Resistance" campaign. In 2013 he takes part in the initiatives "Parkobrani", "The battle continues" and is one of the organizers "Macedonia loves everyone".

20:00h - 21:30h DISCUSSION Moderator: Ivana Dragsic/ NGO Square Freedom Ivana Dragsic graduated at the Faculty of Sociology at "Ss Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje and also spent some time at the Bard College in New York. Despite being an artist she is also an activist and part of the organization "Ploshtad Sloboda". She had exhibited in the Cultural center "Tochka", Skopje, the Culture center "CK"; Museum of the City of Skopje;Stedefreund Gallery, Berlin; Multimedia center "Mala Stanica" etc.

22:00h – 00:00h (Beer house Kapan an) Dinner only for the participants in the conference

------SATURDAY 23.11.2013 11:00h – 22:00h. Bar Menada (downstairs)

11:00h coffee

11:00h - 11:15h INTRODUCTION: Filip Jovanovski and Ivana Vaseva

11:15h - 12:00h СЕСИЈА 2: IS THE ORNAMENT A CRIME? Presentation of local and regional art practices

Initiative KOOPERACIJA/ self-financed group of artists, Skopje “Kooperacija – temporary zone”, prezentation Slobodanka Stevcevska KOOPERACIJA is an initiative whose purpose is artistic activity outside the inert institutional frameworks, thus suggesting an exceptional approach to the creation and experience of contemporary art. KOOPERACIJA stands for shifting and redefining the borders between public and personal space. Its objective is to unlock questions concerning the dynamic role of art in the context of centralized cultural politics and social discourse. KOOPERACIJA strives to encourage the interaction between the artist and audience. KOOPERACIJA’s basic strategy is the occupation of temporarily free space dispersed throughout the urban landscape and exhibiting via a chain of blitzkrieg events. The desired effect is a constructive dialogue regarding the re-questioning of the critical positions in art and producing a favorable environment for a free exchange of ideas, experience and freedom of expression.

Boris Bakal/ non-profit international artistic and production platform Shadow casters, Zagreb Presentation of the outcomes of the workshop AUTOMAKEDONIJA – safe place? In Skopje, and of the project Vitic dances in Zagreb Boris Bakal - theatre/film director and actor, intermedia artist, activist and macrobiotic cook born in Zagreb, SFRJ (now Rep. of Croatia). Throughout more then thirty years of his career, he authored theatre and film projects, performances, installations and multimedia artworks which have been presented at festivals and exhibitions in over 20 countries worldwide (including Bologna Cultural Capital of Europe 2000, Steirischer Herbst, Bollwerk Beluard International, Eurokaz, Urbanfestival, Thealter, Bitef, Interferences, MESS and others). His work is marked, among other, by pronounced exploration of the site/time-specific and the interactive elements of arts. Boris Bakal was also visiting lecturer at: New York University, Stony Brook University, SACI Studio Art Centers International (Florence) and Columbia University. He is co-founder of several artistic and activist platforms/associations, e.g. Shadow Casters, Flying University, Orchestra Stolpnik and Croatian Antiwar Campaign. Boris is currently working on various film, intermedia and theatre projects: “Ex-position” (film/postproduction), “Concrete love” (film/production), “Urban Hum” (theatre/production) and “On the Verge of Reason“ (video-web-serial/postproduction).

Nemanja Cvijanovic/ artist, Rijeka The sweetest dream Applause! The Monument to the Memory of the Idea of Internationale W IL POTERE POPOLARE In his artwork Nemanja Cvijanović uses almost all the media and techniques of visual and performing arts. His work is based on conceptual / post-conceptual / setting and is developed through the practice of collective performance, the performance of interactive installations and facilities, video production and multimedia projects, painting, photography, and sound works. His focus of interest is questioning and uncovering the mechanisms of production, manipulation and consumption of meaning in post-modern culture that is based on a critical attitude towards the ideological and aesthetic values of modernist culture and society. His criticism is manifested in the works of art based on the structural and semantic order of pre-existing works, historical events or phenomena, by means of mimesis and / or simulation as well as the use of visual meta-language. Cvijanović lucidly links past and present, parallel realities of different social systems and different artistic strategies.

12:00h – 13:30h DISCUSSION Moderator: Elena Veljanovska, art historian and curator Elena Veljanovska is a freelance curator based between Skopje and Berlin. In 2006, graduates at the Art History and archaeology Faculty in Skopje, currently signed an MA course in the filed of Cultural studies at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje. Since 2003 is working actively in initiating cultural projects and exhibitions. She is using the curatorial practice as a tool for critical approach and creating an environment for problematizing issues that are in her wider interest and are in a close or distant relation with arts: public space, technology, politics, politics of memory. In 2006 she is forming Line I+M, platform for new media art and technology, and in 2009 she works as a guest-curator in Stedefreund gallery in Berlin, and as a co-curator of the Macedonian Pavillion at the 53 International Art exhibition in Venice. 2009-2010, she is holding lectures as part of the “Visions of art - Contemporary Art E-learning program” (Germany-Mexico); and realises several international projects. In 2010-11 works as a curator and editor of the publication for the SEAFAIR – Electronic arts festival ’10 and ‘11th edition. Since 2012 she is actively involved in the creation of the Association of the Independent cultural scene as a program coordinator and part of the decision making board of the Association, and also working as an executive director of the cultural organization Kontrapunkt, Skopje.

13:30h – 13:45h break

13:45h - 16:00h SESSION 3: THE CITY, CENTRAL MARGINE Presentation of local and regional activist practices

Nikola Gelevski/ web portal OKNO, Skopje Skopje 2014 as Disneyland Nikola Gelevski is the director of the publishing house "Templum" since the very beginning 1989 he is the Editor in chief of the magazine "Margina"(1994), Editor in chief of the comic book "Lift" (1995-2000) and the founder of the web portal "Okno" since 2009. Regarding the activist movements, he has been a member of the Foundation Institute Open Society and the association(2002-2006) "Kontrapunkt"(1999), co-founder of the cultural center "Tocka"(2003-2009), "Ploshtad Sloboda"(2009) and of the association GEM (2008). he was a column writer at "Forum", "Utrinski Vesnik" and "Globus" and winner of the prize "Borjan Tanevski".

Katerina Kolozova/ Institute of social sciences and humanities - Skopje The uprising of urban places: new model of revolution? Katerina Kolozova is a professor in the field of gender studies and philosophy in several universities in Macedonia and abroad. She is the author of literary works in the field of political theory and feminism, among them Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy, edition Columbia University Press (NY: 2013).

Goran Janev/ University St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje Skopje 2014 or The death of the public space and the birth of public sphere Goran Janev lectures social anthropology at the University in Skopje. Works as a researcher at the Institute of Social and Humanities Research, in the Center for ethnic relations at the same university. He finished his PhD in Social anthropology at the University of Oxford . He graduated at the Ethnology Department snd has an MA in sociology at "Ss Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. He had recently finished his post-doctorate at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Gothingen, Germany. He lectures Social anthropology, Globalization and communications and Culture in the new Millenia His field of interests is in the relations between urban studies, public sphere, public space, new social media and the democratic processes.

14:30h – 16:00h DISCUSSION: Moderator: Artan Sadiku/ Leftist Movement Sodiarnost Artan Sadiku is born in Tetovo, lived and studied in Germany and Holland, in the last four years he's been living and working in Skopje. Artan is an activist and has a PhD in philosophy, culture theory, feminism, radical and alternative cultural and political practices. He works at the "Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities"-Skopje as a researcher and lecturer in the department of gender studies and studies of culture. He participates actively in the Leftist movement "Solidarity" and the Culture Club "Sindikata". He studied International law and political science at the Universities in Munich, Baltimore, Oslo and Amsterdam he currently works on the thesis of introducing a new field in politics, alienation from the state and the formal politics. he writes articles for "Utrinski vesnik", "" and "Koha" in which he strives for culture development and resistance against the neo-liberal trends in economy, politics and culture through ethnical forms of political identity and mobilizing in Macedonia. He is one of the most distinguished criticist of nationalism in the Balkans. His latest work involves "Three contexts of balkanization", "Contracting new democracy in the Balkans and many others.

16:30h-17:30h (Menada) break for lunch only for the participants in the conference

17:30h coffee

17:30h – 19:45h SESSION 4: I OWN AN INSTITION, THEREFORE I EXIST? Presentation of different models of institutions of art and culture Zoran Petrovski/ Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje The white swan: The Museum of Contemporary Art between disaster and utopia Zoran Petrovski is a custos in the Museum of Contemporary Arts and a director of this institution (1993-2000). He is one of the founders of the magazine BIg Glass and a member of e AICA-Macedonia. he has realized many projects , among them the Macedonian participation in the Vennice Biennial (1993 и 2010) and the Sao Paolo Biennial (1996).

Slaven Tolj/ Museum of Modern and Contemporary art, Rijeka Place and role of a museum of contemporary art in local community Slaven Tolj is a multimedia artist and a curator. He is famous for his ready-mades, installations, photography and performances, which tackle social and political issues in a specific way. He participated in numerous exhibitions in Croatia and abroad, such as Documenta X (Kassel, (1997), “Body and the East”, Modern Gallery (Ljubljana, 1998), Museum of Contemporary Art (Zagreb, 1998), Apex Art (New York, 2000), “Interrupted Games”, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst (Leipzig, 2004), “Cosmopolis: Microcosmos X Macrocosmos”, State Museum of Contemporary Art – Costakis Collection (Thessaloniki, 2004). Tolj was Croatian selector and curator at the 51st Venice Biennale in 2005. He is active in the independent cultural scene, development of cultural policies and engaged in initiatives such as 'Forum za prostor' and 'Srdz je naš'. Currently he is a director of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka (Croatia).

Iskra Geshoska/ Cultural Centre Tochka We’ll meet one day – signs by the paving stone or the attempt of the shadow to find its body Iskra Geshoska is a culturologist, the president of „Kontrapunkt- association for development and promotion of new practices in the field of culture, arts, critical thinking and activism" and "Jadro-association for independent cultural scene". She writes essays and analysis of the socio-cultural phenomena and also critical essays in the field of performing arts.She is ready for fighting hard battles but also enjoys silence.

18:15h – 19:45h DISCUSSION Moderator: Nikola Pisarev/ The Contemporary Arts Center (CAC), Skopje Short presentation: Answer to the disfunctioning of the public cultural institutions Nikola Pisarev is a director at Contemporary Art center in Skopje. Amongst other projects he is founder and manager of Right to the village – Platform for social and cultural development of rural and small communities of western Balkans, main project manager of Rural Communities Culture - regional project in Western Balkans countries, funded by Swiss Cultural program and head of program for Rural Cultural Development of CAC Skopje.

19:45h – 20:00h break

20:00h-22:15h SESSION 5: THE CITY LOVES ALMOST EVERYONE Presentation of local and regional activist practices

Dina Jokanovic/ organization Domino, Zagreb Public spaces and LGBT identities Journalist and producer. She studies Philosophy and Croatian language and literature at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Her main focus as a journalist is a research of LGBT related topics and for the last three years she has worked as a junior editor for the portal and as a movie and book publishing coordinator in Domino.

Irena Cvetkovic/ Coalition Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities, Skopje Evacuation of differences: Whose is the public space? Irena Cvetkovik is MA in Gender studies. She currently works on her PhD in the field of Gender studies. As a researcher, she worked on many projects related to sociology, gender studies, and media. She is the author of the blog FemmeGuerilla and a columnist in the daily newspaper "". She is a human rights activist of the marginalized communities, and is a supporter of the LGBTCommunity, and an activist for the rights of drug users and sexual workers. She is also active in many formal and non-formal activist associations. At the moment she works as a coordinator in the Coalition "Sexual and Health rights for the marginalized communities" - Skopje

Velimir Zernovski/ artist, Skopje All beauty must die!Another world is possible Velimir Zernovski is postgraduate student at the Department of Cultural Studies at “Euro-Balkan” Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities Research in Skopje. From 2008 Zernovski is co-founder and president of FRIK Cultural Initiatives development Formation, organization which is working on motivation of socially engaged art production and society democratization, beyond prejudices and stereotypes. Through the media of drawings, videos, installations, object installations in public space, writing and publishing artist books he is exploring notions of identity, urbanity and popular culture as well as sexuality and gender identity.

20.45h - 22:15h DISCUSSION Moderator: Kocho Andonovski/ LGBTI Support Centre, Skopje Short presentation: Kidnapped public space Kocho Andonovski is a program director of the LGBTC Center of support, which is a special program of the Helsinki Committee for Human rights of the Republic of Macedonia (HCM), activist who monitor the implementation of the Recommendations of the European Council for fighting discrimination of the sexual orientation and gender identity as well as the documentation of the legal and health practices in gender changing. Andonovski is also a coordinator of the project "Improvement of participation of ethnic groups in the democracy processes", a lecturer in workshops with the local councils, administration and non- governmental organizations in all 84 counties in Macedonia. Kochovski was also on the list of 500 most influential gay people, published by "Mejt" magazine, in 2012.

22:00h – 00:00h (Beer house Kapan an) Dinner only for the participants in the conference ______

Filip Jovanovski is a visual artist and civil activist . He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture (2010 ) . Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts Department - painting in Skopje (2012 ) . He has participated in several group exhibitions : Biennale of Young Artists (2009/2011/2013); SEAfair ( Fair Electronic Arts ) - Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje (2010 ) ; Festival Perforacije Zagreb (2010 ) ; Festival Synhronized Cities (2010 ) and other video and theater festivals in the country and abroad ( Pristina , Zagreb , Belgrade , Ljubljana and Tokyo ) . Winner of Young visual artist award ДЕНЕС 2013th. He is the Macedonian representative of the Prague quadrennial for stage design and space (2011). In his work he explores the borders among different media and their interdisciplinary connection – theatre, video, film and spatial installations. His artworks are transformation of political and social categories in spatial pictures. Since 2007 , the artistic director of the festival for contemporary art AKTO in Bitola , also a member and one of the founders of : Cooperative Initiative (2012 - ) , an initiative for contemporary art, activist organization Freedom Square (2010 - ) , JADRO (2012 - ) association of the independent cultural scene , civil initiative I LOVE GTC (2013 ) Also works as a curator of interdisciplinary projects.

Ivana Vaseva is a curator based in Skopje, Macedonia. She graduated at the Faculty of art history at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje and has further education in curatorship and curatorial practices at de Appel art centre as part of the Curatorial Programme 2011/2012. Before her graduation she started working as a journalist for the daily newspaper Vreme writing texts, reviews and making interviews about current developments, projects and initiatives in the contemporary Macedonian art scene, where she stayed working until 2010. After that she started working in press to exit project space, a special program-based artist initiative for research and production in the field of visual arts and curatorial practices in Skopje as a program coordinator and now as a curator.The focus of her curatorial interest in the past years is mainly concerned with reexamining and re-investigating the role of art in the broader sociopolitical and economic system and its agency and potential towards stimulating changes (at least speculative and emotional) in different local contexts. In the past year she is partially exploring this topic working as part of the team of the non-profit organization press to exit project space (Skopje) focusing on the interconnection of contemporary research-based and multidisciplinary practice and education and as part of an informal collective (two curators and one artist) developing discursive and investigative art projects whilst referring to political, social and economic condition in Macedonia.